| The Frontier. PUBLISHED EVERT THURSDAY BY THE FRONTIER PRINTING OOMPANT KING A CRONIN. Editors. , f NATIONAL TICKET. For President: WILLIAM M For Vloe-Prealdent: GARRETT- A. HOBABT. STATE TICKET. For Governor.JOHN H. MacOOLL. For Llent. Governor........ORLANDO TEFT. For Secretary of State.J. A. PIPKB. For Auditor.P. O. I1KOLUND. For Treasurer.0HA8. E. CASEY, For Superintendent.....H R. CORBETT.' For Attorney General.... A. 8. CHURCHILL. For Commissioner...H.C. BUSSELL. Supreme Judge, long term.M. RYAN. Supreme Judge, short trm,..M. P. UINKAID. Regent..W. G. WHITMORE. COUNTY REPUBLICAN TICKET. For Representatives: JOHN TROMMRR8HAUB8ER, of Ewing. J. A. RICE, of Stuart. For County Attorney: B. H. BENEDICT, of O’Neill. IMPORTANT EVENTS. Populist national convention, St. Louis, July 32. SENATORIAL CONVENTION. Tbs republican senatorial conven tion of the Thirteenth senatorial district will be held in the court-house in the dtp of O’Neill, Neb., on Saturday July 11, at 2 o’clock p. x., for the piu pose of placing in nomination a candi date for state senator from this district The basis of representation is one del egate from each county, and one addl tional delegate for each 100 votes or major fraction thereof cast at the last general election for T. L. Norval for supreme judge. The counties of the district will be entitled to delegates as follows: Boyd...tlWheeler.* Garfield.2 — Holt.#| Total.17 It is recommended that no proxies be allowed, but that delegates present cast the full vote of their delegation. D. 0. Harrison, Chairman. ‘ Pbahk Phillips, Secretary. . —. ► o»» Hurrah for Casey! This issue starts The Fbohtieb on its seventeenth year. Tbb Leigh World warns its read ers to beware of everything branded "free,” particularly free trade and free silver. The Fbohtieb would like to read an article from Senator Thurston in answer to the World-Herald’s edi torial of last Sunday. A few years ago the Son was shouting "Repeal the Sherman law and increase the circulating med ium.” Now it wants free silver. Ham Kadtzman advertises himself as “the six-horse editor.” We don’t know what that means unless it is that he can edit a paper as well as six horses. Wn does the Sun desire Judgi Kinkaid to resign? So thnf it grammatical editor, Mr. Golden, ms; be given an earlier opportunity t< try again? Editor Jenhxss says that las week he caught two pickerel, on< weighing 15 pounds and the othe 8 pounds. Isaak Walton never toll any such stories. Now vote for the constitutional | amendment creating two additional eupreme judges. It is just as cheap to hire two more judges as it is to keep two commissioners. Baooxs’ greatest strength in the convention was 102$. His campaign * reminds ns of the Irishman’s story of the devil shearing the pig: “There was more noise nor wool” To Omaha Bee trnthfnlly re marks: “Every time any one de serts a political party.by which he t has been favored and honored he always tramps np the old excuse ft that the party has deserted him.” |£;! To state ticket, while not as | > much to oar liking as it would have 4 bean had the matter been left en tirely tons, is a good one. No re publican can find an excuse to bolt l-t any of the nominees. £v ...•‘V *- a-. * ' • . .. ^ 1 t ' rt 'i * . '■ f •"» '' A. E. Cady, of St Paul, waa nom inated for congress last Friday by the republican convention at North Platte, forty-three ballots being taken. After Judge Kinkaid re tired from the race it waa generally conceded that Mr. Cady would be the nominee, but few thought the contest would be so close. Mr. O^dy is an able man and his election phght to be sure. the nomination 01 Judge nm kaid for contingent snpreme judge is an honor to him and our county and a credit to the party. The judge is especially qualified for this particular office. A very small per cent of the cases appealed from his court have been reversed, which shows more conclusively than any thing else could that he is “cut out,” as the saying is, for that particular branch of publio service. The police judge threatens to prosecute the city marshal for shooting dogs on the street with a revolver. He thinks it is cruel to shoot them four or five times in order to dispatch them, and besides it is dangerous to shoot promiscu •ouBly about the streets. His re marks may contain Borne truth, but we would advise the marshal, if he wants sympathy and defense, to go out and hang a republican. Wi can see but one point in this silvor question, and that is this: Would remonetization cause Bilver to appreciate so that the bullion value of our silver dollar would be equal to that of a gold dollar? The Bilver advocate says that this would be so, but he doesn’t know; he is only guessing at it. If this would not be the result then we would be on a single silver standard, because gold would never stay in evidence and circulate side by side with a coin that was worth less and not re deemable in gold. A gold dollar’s worth of silver is the amount neces sary to make a good silver dollar. In tub event of Judge Kinkaid get ting the nomination the Sun believes he should immediately resign as district -judge, so that the people of this district can choose his successor at the regular fall election. This is but Justice to the people of the district, and it is not an unreasonable demand. Should Judge Kinkaid be elected to the supreme bench before resigning, his successor would be appointed by the incoming governor in January, and an election would therefore be deferred for one year.—Bun. If idiocy can Approach sublimity this is simply sublime. Men are not in the habit of throwing up a canary in the hand to chase a will-o’ the-wisp in the jungle But why dwell upon suoh puerility? Tub democratic national conven tion, which convened on Tuesday, is in the hands of the free silver men. The gold bug delegates from Nebraska were seated by the com mittee but the convention threw them out and seated the Bryan wing. The Bame kind of a contest from Michigan was decided by Beat ing a part of each delegation, giv ing the silver fellows the better of it. Hill was made temporary chair man by the committee but the con vention turned him down and elected Daniels, of Virginia. It is hard to say who the nominee will be but it will probably be Bland or Boise. Rktobuoaxs should be cautious •boat starting oat on a hunt for the end of the free silver rainbow. We know that in some respects the song of the silver man is sweet as that of the siren, bat as the song of the siren lnred the sailors to death, so may the song of the silver man lore a country to financial rain. Four years from today will be plenty of time to express a conviction on the money question. After we get a protective tariff we may forget the money question. Thx Fbontixb is not prepared to say that there is nothing in the silver question, but it will say that what it doesn’t know •boat the matter it proposes to Wtn from experience. Joooixo from the amount of blas ter the World-Herald has been in dulging in on account of alleged re publicans refusing to support the St: Louis platform, we thought perhaps there was some dissatisfaction in the republican ranks, although none had come under our immediate observa tion, but now that the Herald gives us a case right here at home we are in a position to size up the situation intelligently. When a two-column letter from Clarence Selah is given prominent position on the editorial page and commented on in a half column nonpariel-slugged editorial we consider it fair to assume that the World-Herald is simply en gaged in the task of converting in significant mole hills into mountains. While Mr. Selah is no doubt sincere in his advocacy of free silver, the World-Herald misstates when it says he is a “republican wheel-horse.” Fact is the republicans o! Holt county have for years questioned his republicanism, and it was only last fall that he supported the populist nominee for county treasurer, and two years ago supported Governor Holcomb. There is no defection among Holt county republicans this year more than other years.' “The Foot ^ of a Fly” aays an eminent English doctor, "will carry enough poison to infect ■ house hold.” In summer-time, more espec ially, disease germs fill die air, multi tudes are infected, fidl ill, die; multi tudes escape. These messengers of mischief do not exist for millions. Why not? Because they are healthy and strong —protected as a crocodile is against gun shot. It is the weak, the wasted, the thin-blooded who fall; those who have no resistive power so that a sudden cough or cold develops into graver disease. We hear of catching disease! Why not catch health ? We can do it by always maintaining our healthy weight. of Cod-liver Oil, is condensed nourish ment; food for the building up of the system to resist the attacks of disease. It should be taken in reasonable doses all summer long by all those whose weight is below the standard of health. If you are losing ground, try a bottle now. Por sate by aU druggist* at jae. and |ms OZMANLIS oriental! SEXUAL PILLS But, Pruupii Fomitv Am fit ImpoUmeo, Lon of mam hood, Somlnat tmloolomo, Spormatorrhma, Ddmunu, StlfDlitruit, Ion of Momoru. Be. MU maht utu a BTtfOND, Vigor on mm. Prln $1.00, 0 Bono, $6 00. BgnjotOjriatloMMaHojl mHh oath Bo*. Addrooo ItiUii tar* LUlatrt C«., tai* iimiMi AT. LOUIS. • MO DONT STOP TOBACCO HOW TO CURB YOUR8BLF WHILE US ING IT. The tobaeco habit grows on a man un til his nervous system is seriously affect ed. impairing health, comfort and happi ness. To quit suddenly is too severe a shook to the system, as tobaooo, to an in veterate user, becomes a stimulant that his system continually craves. “Baco* Ouro” is a scientific cure for the tobacco habit, in all its forms, carefully com pounded after the formula of an eminent Berlin phyeloian who has used it in his private praotice since 1878, without a failure. It is purely vegetable and guar anteed perfectly harmless. You can use all the tobaooo you want while taking "BaoorCuro.” It will notify you when to Stop. We give a written guarantee to cure permanently any case with three boxes, or refund the money with 10 per oent. interest. “Baoo-C'uro” is not a substitute, but a scientific cure, that cures without the aid of will power and with no inoonvenienoe. It leaves the system as pure and free from nicotine as the day you took your first chew or snioke. . own n bago-cubo akd qaimid nun pouxm. From hundreds of testimonials, the originals of whion are on file and open to inspection, the folio vug is presented: Clayton, Nevada Co., Ark., Jan. 28,1895. Snreka Ohemioal A Mfg. Co., La Crosse Wis.—Gentlemen: For forty years I used tobaeoo in all its forms. For 25 years of that time I was a great sufferer from general deoility and heart disease. For fifteen years I tried to quit, hot couldn’t. I took various remedies, among others “No-To-Bao,” “The Indian Tobacco Antidote,” “Double Chloride of Qold,” etc., eto., but none of them did me the least bit of good. Finally, however, I purohrsed a box of your “Baoo-Guro” and it has entirely cured me of the habit in all its forms, and I have increased 80 pounds in weight and am relieved from all the numerous aehes and pains of body and mind. I could write a quire of paper upon my changed feeling and con dition. Tours respectfully, P. H. Maxbust, Pastor 0. P. Church, Clayton,* Ark. Bold by all druggists at $1.00 per box; three boxes, (thirty day’s treatment), $2.60 with iron-clad, written guarantee, or sent direct upon receipt of prioe. Write for booklet and proofs. Eureka Chemical & Mfg. Go., La Crosse, Wis., and Boston, Mass. Oe 16Item. O’NEILL BUSINESS DIRECTORY J)B. J. P. GILLIGAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Holt County bank building. All work cash in advance. Night work positively refused. O’NEILL, - - NEB. jj B. DICKSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Reference First National Bank O'NEILL, NEB. gABNEY STEWABT, PRACTICAL AUCTIONEER. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address. Page, Neb. J^H. BXRimCl, LAWYER, Ofloe in the Judea Roberts building, north of O. O. Border's lumber yard, OHHILL, K1B. mu in Mm WIRT SUBS Stage leaves O’HelU at 8:86 a. m„ arriving at Spencer at 4 r. n.; at Butte. 6:80 r. M. S. D. Gaiakhtiiob, Prop. O'CON NOR & GALLAGHER WINES AND Of all kinds. A specialty made of FINE CIGARS. If you want a drink of good liquor do not fall to call on us. Checker® Barn, B. A. DiYARHAN,.Manager. CHECKER WWTFfffnf Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Finest turnouts in the city. Good, careful driven when wanted. Also run the O’Neill Omnibus line. Commercial trade a specialty. MIRIBUNE For Telegraph, Local, General, State and Foreign News. , Market Complete -THE SIOUX CITY DAILY TRIBUNE t8 Per Tear. 60 Cents Per Month. QUICKEST AND BEST NAIL SERVICE Address: THE TBIBUNE. Sub. Dept. Sioux 01 tv. lows. PCtlitWirt EaaUsh Dlamsd Bind. ENNYROYAL PILLS _ eitetnl Ml Bib tedM . A I ter diekiitar i WrtaUth Kmm*d Brand in IM tad y toil**- ▼ l,trMBd4«. ■Mlllt U4 V fcJ tedra jTHE SAFE STORE O’Neill, Ned. There isn’t a store in the whole country that sella clothing as “The Nebraska” does. It is an exceptional store, it is a reliable store, it is an absolutely safe store. The price today is the price tomorrow and the next day, and the price to one is the price to all We have no favorites, we make no discounts, and we never resort to catch penny methods of marking some goods low in order to sell you other goods high. Our practice of instantly refunding money when goods don’t suit is the best proof you can bavs that our goods and prices are all right. For eleven years we have been building up a vast bus iness on these principles and our business was never so forge, our prices never so low, as they are this spring. Send for our catalogue. It contains samples of goods and will save you a geeat many dollars above what you have to pay tor the same qualities at home. It is a book that ought to be in every clothing buyer’s hand. QT'Get our prices on Bicycle Outfits. ELKHORN valley PLOW FACTORY..... O’NEILL, NEB. EMIL SNIGQS, Prop. .... Manufactures the Hamnell Open Mould-Board Stirring Plow. Also general blacksmithing and practical horseshoer. Wagon and Carriage woodwork carried on in ennnnni-inp. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. Also dealer in Farm Implements. Handles the Scandi implements and the Plano Bakes, Mowers and Binders. Parties wishing anything in this line call and see me. G. W. WATTLES, President. ANDREW RUSSELL, V-Pres. JOHN McHUGH, Cashier. THE-STATE - OF O’NEILL CAPITAL $30,000, Prompt Attention Given to Collections DO A GENERAL. BANKING BUSINESS. Headquarters for . . . LUMBER —COAL and BUILDING MATERIAL The Stock is dry, being cured By the largest dry-sheds in the world. Yards (O’Neill. ■{ Page, 1 Alien. 0.0. SNYDER & GO. The Inter Ocean ja_the_Mogt_Popular Republican Newspaper of the Wot and Has the Largest ClreM««tlon» VBBKS BV ZtSA.II>. i*— DAILY (without Sunday)..$4.00 per year DAILY (with Sunday).. per year The Weekly Inter Ocean*-- Cl.00 FEB YEAR... W 1 ^"sgsr ^ssssssggsesarssfgssag1 *» ■» ALL THE NEWS AND THE BEST OF CURRENT LITERATURE. - v m m The Weekly Inter Ocean As a Family Paper Is Not Excelled by Any. aIt_ha,.,.,omathlBg of lnt8rMt *° «»oh member of the fhmllr. ita ssssssr"''~'“‘“ the shiest