XITIMATI OF BXPIlfSM The city council upon motion made the following estimate of the probable amount of money necessary for all pur poses to be expended in the city during the fiscal year commencing on the first Tuesday in May, 1896: For salaries.61400.00 For fuel and lights. 1200.00 For repairing sidewalks etc. 300.00 Interest on railroad bonds. 1320.00 Interest on water bonds. 1050.00 Railroad sinking fund. 1100.00 Printing and supplies. 200,00 Repairs on waterworks. 200.00 66770.00 The entire revenue of the city for the previous fiscal year was, upon motion, duly considered by the council and found to be as follows: From tax levy....62600.00 From occupation tax. 600.00 From waterworks. 900.00 64100.00 Attest: H. £. Mukfhy, Mayor. N. Mamin, City Clerk. - 49-4 61115 Brand Trip. i National Encampment Grand Army of the Republic, at St. Paul Minn., Sep. 1 to 4, 1896. Tickets on sale August 30, and 31, good to return until September 15. For further Information apply to joint agent at St. Paul, Minn. Fare from O’Neill and return 611.15. W. J. Dobbs, Agt. A 6onnd liver Makes a Well Man. Are you bilious, constipated or troubled with jaundice, sick headache, bad taste in mouth, foul breath, coated tongue, dyspepsia, indigestion, hot dry skin, pain in back and betweqp the shoulders, chills and fever, etc. If you have anyof thebe symptoms, your liver Is out of order, and your blood is slow ly being poisoned, beeause your liver does not act promptly. Herbine will cure any disorder of the liver, stomach or bowels. It has no equal as a liver medicine, Price 75 cents. Free trial bottle at P. C Corrigan’s. - 46 Sons thing to Know. It may be worth something to know that the eery beat medicine for reatCring the tired and nervous ayatem to a healthy vigor ia Electric Bitters. Thia medicine ia purely vegetable, acta by giving tone to the nerve centrea lig the atomacb, gently atimulatee the liver and kidneya and nida the organa in throwing off im puritiea in the blood. Electric Bittera improve! the appetite, aide digeation and ia pronounced by tboae who have tried It aa the very beat blood purifier and nerve tonic. Try it. 8old for 50o or 91 per bottle at Corrigan's. the Discovery laved Hie Ufa. Mr. O. Oaillonette, druggtat, Beavera vllle, 111, aaya: "To Dr. Klng'a New Diaoovery I owe my life. Waa taken with lagrippe and tried all the physic iane for milea about, but waa of no avail and waa given up and told 1 could not live. Having Dr. King’a New Die eovery in my atore I aent for a bottle and began ita uae and from the firat doae bagan to get better, and alter ualng three bottlea waa up and about again. It ia worth ita weight in gold. We won’t keep atore or houae without it.” Get a free trial at Corrigan’a drug atore. What a Prominent Inanraaoe Man Baya. H. M. Bloaaom, aenior member of H, M. Bloaaom ft Co., 91? N. 8rd 8t. Louie, writee: I had been left with a very die treeaing cough, the reault of Influenza, which nothing aeemed to relieve, until I took Ballard’* Horehotfnd Syrup. One bottle completely cured me. I aent one bottle to my aiater who had a severe cough, and ahe experienced immediate relief. I alwaya recommended thia ayrup to my frienda. John Cranston 608 Hnmpahlre Street, Quiney, III., writes: I have found Ballard’a Horehound Syrup superior to any other cough medicine I have ever known. It never disappoints. Price 90 and 00 cents. Free sample bottlea at P. 0. Corrigan’s. CUteaa. Missouri. Mr. ft, L. Armstrong, an old druggist, and a prominent citizen of this enter* prising town, aaya: " I aell some forty different kinds of cough medicines, but have never in my experience aold eo . much of any one article as I haye of Ballard’s Horehound 8yrup. AH who use it say it ia the moat perfect remedy for cough, cold, consumption, and all diseases of the throat and lunga they have ever tried.” It Is a specific for : croup and whooping cough. It will re lieve a cough in one minute. Contains no opiates. Price 95 and 50 oenta. “Wake up, Jacob, day Is breaking!” ao aaid De Witt’a Little Early Riser* to the man ■who had taken them to arouse his sluggish liver. Morris ft Go. Pass the good word along the line. Piles can be quickly cured without an operation by simply applying De Witt’s ; Witch Basel Salve. Morris ft Co, •I for * Ell Hill, Lumber City, Pa. writes: bave been suffering from piles twenty-five years and thought my case . Incurable. De Witt's Witch Basel Salve ‘. »ae recommended to me as a pile cure S* I bought a box and it performed a permanent cure.” This is only one of thousands of similar cases. Eczema, Corse and skin diseases yield quickly when It ie used. Morris ft Co. - Prom O’Neill on Friday, May 1, one dark brown gelding, five years old, weight about 850 or 000 pounds; hair off right hip; two cracked hind hoofs. * ,44-tf C. E. Hall. >•' •• -‘r I A. L. Wooster, a prominent citizen of Osseo, Mick., after suffering excruciat ingly from piles for twenty years, was cured in a short time by using DeWltt’s Witch Hazel aalTe, an absolute cure for all skin diseases. More of this prepara tion is used than all others combined, Morris St Co. Pure blood means good health. De Witt’s Sarsaparilla purifies the blood, cures eruptions, eczema, scrofula and all diseases arising from impure blood. Moiris & Co. Small in size, but great in results. De Witt’s Little Early Risers act gently but thoroughly, curing indigestion, dyspep sia and constipation. Small pill, safe pill, best pill. Morris St Co. Persons who have a coughing spell every night, on account of a tickling sensation in the throat, may overcome it' at once by a dose of One Minute Cough Cure. Morris St Co. We are anxious to do a little good in this world and can think of no pleasant er or better way to do It than by recom mending One Minute Cough Cure as a preventive of pneumonia, consumption and other serious lung troubles that fol low neglected colds. Morris & Co. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. APPLICATION FOR LIQUOR LICBNSE. Matter of application of Thomas Campbell for liquor license. To the mayor and city ooundl of the city of O'Neill. Holt county, Nebraska: Notloe Is hereby given that Thoa. Campbell has Sled his application with the city clerk of O'Neill, Holt county, Nebraska, for license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors In O'Neill, Orattan township, Holt county, Nebraska, from the 10th day of June, 180H, to the 4th day of May, 1807. If there be no objections, remonstrance or protest filed within two weeks prior to the 10th day of June 1806, the said license will be granted. Thomas Campbbli., Applicant. The O'Neill Fhohtucr newspaper will pub lish the above notloe for two weeks at the expense of the applicant, the city of O’Neill not to be eharged therewith. 40-2 N. Margin, City Clerk. TIMBER CULTURE FINALPKOOF. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Statu L'.n’i Ornoi. O'Neill. Neb. June 3.1896. Notice 1* hereby given that Allen P White hai Hied notice of Intention to make Anal proof before the Register and receiver at their office In O'Neill, Neb., on Tuesday the 14tb day of July, 18IM, on timber oulture application No. 8896, for WV4 HEM and KVi Sw>4 of section No. 4, In township No. 85, range No. 14, west. lie names as witnesses: J. E. White, N. L. Strong, M. Brorherton and llenry Scale, all of Amelia, Nebraska. 48-e John A. Haiimon, Register. TIMBER OULTURE, FINAL PROOF. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Unitbd Status Land Orrics. O'Neill, Nebraska, May 9,1866. Notice Is hereby given that Frederick Opooensky, of Niobrara, Neb., has Sled notice of Intention to make Anal proof before the register and receiver at their office In O’Neill, Neb., on Saturday, the 90th day of Jnne, 1808, on timber culture application No. 6851, for the Nw>4 of section No, 83, in township No. 38. north, range No. 0 west. He names as witnesses: JMIko Hrbek and FrankHrbek, of Pishelvllle, Neb., Frank Hrbek, of Verdegre, Neb., and Vac Hvlidalek. of Niobrara, Neb. 46-6 John A. Haiimon, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Orrica as O'Nbiix, Nbb., I May 13. 1896. I Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notion of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Reoelver at O'Neill, Neb., on June 88,1896. Vis: AN&A TRULUNGBR, H. E. No. 14478, for the SW14 section 10. township 30, north, range 0, west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and culti vation of, said land, vis: Joseph M. Hunter and Swam 8. Aim, of Star, Nebr.. Hiram R. Henry and James Stanton, of O’Neill, Neb. 45-6 John A. Harmon, Register. In the District Court of Holt County Neb. R. R. Dlokson, trustee, plaintiff, vs. Charles H. Adam, and wife. May L. Adam. *- ‘ — ' ll - — W. Brubaoher, first and full name un known, James F. Toy, and wife, Mrs. .1 ames F. Toy, first ana full name unknown, Henry M. Bradstreet, and wife, Mrs. Henry M. Bradstreet, first and fall name unknown, defendants. NOTICE. The above named defendants will take notice that on the 4th day of June, 1896, the above named plaintiff began an action In the district court of Holt county. Nebraska, against said defendants and each of them. The objeot and prayer of said petition being to foreclose a oertaln mortgage given by de fendants Charles H. Adam and wife. May L. Adam, to the plaintiff upon lot 13, ana the north twenty-eight feet of lots 14,15 and 16. In block 88, of the city of O'Neill, In Holt oounty, Nebraska, said mortgage being given to secure their note of 6460, dated December 96,1895, and due ninety days after'date. Plaintiff alleges In his petition that be Is the owner of said note as trustee, and that the same la past due and that there Is due thereon the sum of 6430 and Interest at ten per cent from date thereof. Plaintiff prays for a decree foreclosing said mortgage, also that the Interest of the above named defendants be decreed to be subject to plaintiff’s mortgage, and for other equit able relief. You are required to answer said petition on or before the80th day of July 1866. Dated June 8th. 1806. 40-4 R. R. Dickson, Trustee,Plaintiff. LEGAL NOTICE. William Relgel, O. C. Peirce, and-Pierce wife of C. C. Pierce real name unknown, will take notice: That on the 1st day of July. 1866, the Fidelity Company, plaintiff, com menced an notion In the dlstrlot court of Holt oounty, Nebraska, against said de fendants, to foreclose a oertaln mortgage executed and delivered to the American Loan and Trust Company, by the defendant William Relgel. covering the following de scribed, real estate situate In Holt oounty, Nebraska, to-wlt: The northeast quarter of section 4, In township 87, north of range 15 west. Securing the payment of a promissory note of the said William Relgel, dated Dec. 80,1887, for the sum of 6400, payable on the 1st day of December, 1898, to the American Loan and Trust Company. There Is now due the plaintiff on said note the sum of U00, with 10 per cent, luterest from Dec. 1,1863, And plaintiff prays that said premises may be sold to satisfy said sum Interest and oost. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 10th day of August, 1808. „ Dated at O'Neill, NebJ July 1,1806? M-4 N. D. THE fcDEUTY ci>., Pin , Plaintiff. NOTICE TO HSOBEIi. To Mary A. Hoffman, J. J. and Wm. Orate and Cnion Trust Co.: You are hereby notified that on the 23d day of November, ISM, the real estate here in described, situated In Holt county. In the state of Nebraska, to-wlt: The northeast quarter northwest quarter and northwest quarter northeast quarter of section 23-28-18; The southwest quarter of section 13-30-18; The northeast quarter of section 4-28-1* Was sold at public tax sale by the treas urer of said county for the delinquent taxes due thereon for the year 1808, to James F. 2.**'' . kHO JW ICWOi MldAUieB r. Toy, of Sioux City, low*, wlio received a certificate of tax Bale for each of said t.MMta and mhn *1.. ■— *.__ - I tract*, and who 1s the present owner cud holder thereof. In the year 18M they were iMitiiitd as follows: The northeast-northwest and northwest northeast of 23-28-13 to Union Trust Co.; The soutewest quarter of 13-90.18 to Mary A. Hoffman; The northeast quarter of 4-38-13 to J. J. and Wm. Orate. The time of redemption from each of said sales will expire on the 28d day of November “??• „ _ JKmkb F. TOY. By B. He Land, Agent. - 42.3 NOTICE. To David Adams non-resident: You are hereby notified that O. O. Snyder, receiver of the Holt Connty bank In an action pending In the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, wherein the state of Ne braska is plaintiff and the Holt County Bank Is defendant, has died his petition in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, asking that an order be made in said court cancelling the tax deed now held by you and of record upon the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter section six, township thirty-two, range ten, west 6th r. M.t In Holt county, Nebraska, and quiet the title of said premises In John T. Prouty, the owner there* of, and to permit the said John T. Prouty to redeem said land bv payment oftlT.oOaa taxes and Interest thereon, and that said money when so paid by Bald John T. Prouty be charged to your account and turned in as part of the assets of said Holt County Bank. And you are further notified that by an order of the court duly made in Bald premises you are required to answer said petition on or before the 22nd day of June, 1898, and show cause. If any there be, why the prayer of said petition should not be granted and the said John T. Prouty permitted to redeem said land and when so redeemed that your tax deed be cancelled and the title of said property be quieted In said John T. Prouty and the money received from said redemp tion be credited to your account and turned In as part of the assetts of the Holt County Bank. Dated this 8th day of May, 1896. 45-t O. O. Buyout, Receiver Holt County Bank. TIMBER CULTURE, FINAL PROOF. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, i O'Neill, Neb., April 21,1896. f Notice Is hereby given that Edmond H. Benedlot. of O’Neill, Holt countv, Nebraska, has filed notice of Intention to make Anal proof before the register and receiver at their office in O’Neill, Nebraska, on Friday, the 6th day of June: 1896, on timber culture application No. (BOO, for the NE quarter of section No. 21, in township No. i!2, range No. • west. He names as witnesses: James Blnkard, of Dorsey. Nebraska: E. Conaughton, of Dorsey, Nebraska; Thos. Crow, of Dorsey, Nebraska; 55. Mller, of Dorsey, Nebraska. ttt-Onp John A. Harmon, Register. In the District Court of Holt County, Neb. C. O. Cuvier, Benjamin Graham and James Orr, plaintiffs, vs. James K. Jones, and wife. Sarah Jane Jones, Ellet G. Drake, and wife. Nellie M. Drake, Globe Investment Company, a corporation, H. A. Wyman, as receiver of the Globe In vestment Company, Dakota Mortgage Loan Corporation and William Rust, defendants. NOTICE. The above named defendants will take notice that on the 2nd day of January. 1896, the above named plaintiffs filed their petition in the district court of Holt county Ne braska, against the above numed defendants and on the 4th day of May, their amended petition. The objeot and prayer of said amended petition being to foreclose a certain mortgage deed, exeouted by the defendants, James K. Jones, and wife, Sarah Jane Jones, to the Dakota Mortgage Loan Corporation, upon the following described real estate, situated In Holt oounty, Nebraska, towlt: The northeast quarter of section twenty three, township thirty-one, range ten, west of the sth p. m., said mortgage deed being glyen to secure the payment of a certain note or bond of 8700.90 dated February 18, 1888, due March 1,189a Plaintiffs allege that they are the owners of said bond and mort gage deed, and that there is now due thereon the sum of 81,000.00 for whioh sum, with in terest from this date, plaintiffs pray for a decree that the defendants be required to pay the same or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. Plaintiffs also pray that the lien or interest of the defendants, if any they have in said {(remises, be decreed to be subject to the ten of plaintiffs mortgage and for other equitable relief. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 16th day of June, 189e. Dated this 4th day of Hay, 1896. 44-4 K. R. Dickson, Attorney for Plaintiffs. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENTS. S.H. Reesman, Jennte Reesman, Robert Hannah. Mrs. Robert Hannah, T. O. Cannon, Eltzu Cannon, non-reatdent defendants. Notloe Is hereby given that on the ISth day of January, 1SBB. A. T. Merrill, the plaintiff In this notion, filed his petition In the office of the clerk of the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, the object and prayer of whloh Is to foreclose a oertain mortgage ex ecuted by 8. II. and Jennie Reesman upon the northeast quarter section 4. township SO, north range 10, west 6th p. n„ In Holt county, Nebraska, whloh mortgage was executed and delivered to the Olobe Investment Company and filed for record on the 12th day of September, 1880, and recorded In book 48 of mortgages at page S29: that there is now due upon said mortgage the sum of 8686.00. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 27th day of July, 1886, or the same will be taken as true and Judgment entered accordingly. Rose Stewart, defendant, will take notloe that on the 16th day of June, 1806, James Dolan, plaintiff herein, filed his petition In the district court of Holt oeunty, Nebraska, against Rose Stewart, Impleaded with others, defendants. The object and prayer of which are: To foreclose a certain mortgage, ex ecuted by the defendant, William N. Farlow, to the plaintiff, upon the northeast qnarter of section twenty (20.) and the northwest quarter of section twenty-one (21.) all In township thirty <80,) range sixteen (16.) Holt Holt county, Nebraska, to secure the pay ment of a oertain promissory note, dated Maroh 7, 1888, for the sum of one thousand (11,000) dollars, and due and payable In five years from the date thereof; that, by reason of default of the defendants In the payment of the Interest due upon said note, and de fault In the payment of taxes on said premises, the whole sum of principal and Interest upon said note and mortgage, as approved therein, lias become due and pay able; that there Is now due upon said note and mortgage the sum of one thousand (81,000) dollars, with Interest at the rate of seven per cent, per annum from March 7, l8M,fof which sum with Interest, as above set forth, plain tiff prays for a decree that the defendants be required to pay the same, or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 27th day of July, 1886. Dated June 16.1806. Hazlktt & Jack akd H. M. Utti.kt, 604 Attorneys for BUrintlff. Baskin’* Arnica lairs.' Thk Best Salvb in the world (or cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guarranted to give perfect satis faction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by P. C. Corri 604 A. T. Merrill. By|H. M. Uttle; NOTICE. gan. Sl-tf HOTEL 7—£vans Enlarged Refurnished • Refitted Only First-class Hotel In the City. W. T. EVANS, Prop. THE FRONTIER is the OLDEST PAPIiR and the BEST PAPER In •' . r ' ' * HOLT COUNTY. Its office is fitted with the most most modern convenien ces and machinery, always has the latest faces of type, the best Workmen, and is thereby enabled to turn out the most satisfactory kind of job work. Its management uses none but the best paper, are scrupu neat and prompt with their work and guarantee satisfac tion. Mail orders/-'receive careful attention^ hud if your home paper iS not prepared to do all/classes of work you will find it to your financial " benefit to communicate with The Frontier. The Frontier Garries avery complete line of legal blanks and sells them reasonably cheap. If we do / not have what you want we will t it almost as you wait. As an Advertising fledium It is the be3t in the county, especially at the county seat. It circulates among the best > class of people; a class that " pays for what it gets and does not patronize non-residents, as does a certain portion of the people in the west. Its rates for advertising are very low, and the business man who does not advertise in it is loser more than he dreams of. If you want To subscribe for The Frontier and any other paper or maga- > zine published on earth we . will give you a rate and save you money. We have clubbing rates with the lead ing publications ot the world. Gall on or address “THE FHONTHKB." O’NEILL, NEB.