,;,e noticeable Inventions 'ns M is'-i^sippi inventors 1 t ui'i'li wo find a car jenr.v pattern granted \l: I->•>"•> °f 'TJvDea H-h granted to h a. }\„-rUw'. Kansas; a steam . 'i . i^u-d to C. H. Hille rs Iowa: a letter box ‘ V ‘| I lower of Trinidad, g JuipK'tire tightener issued phones allowed to K L. Ivtland. Oregon: a metallio to J. H. Coleman of while Or. Wm. I* Ross 'wi ra-ha. receives a patent etnbodving a smoke con :itliri. which is adapted to bo uulv residences. M ill',- curious inventions is a ’ ievelo frame which can be . r,'.„,(l fol.led op; a letter box "t,l( 'that The mail is automatic from the box to the mail lirvele alarm actuated by ,f‘the front wheel; a car r adapted to be hinged below n,l be out of Sight when not i, ,, v. ie attachment comprising j. . irarne having1 one wheel ;0 be attac hed to an ordinary i make a tandem; an engine [ring motive power by means at of the sun; while a Chicago received a patent comprising ss winch is strapped about a i anon which he rests in lying v nf any of the above patents mailed upon receipt of 10 ets by lu.siv t o.. I'nited States Patent rs Pee building, Omaha, Ne ( urliisltim of the Law. kicking gent—“What’s the mv good man?” stranger—“Pm going to have main arrested. She inveigled a „,t of me on false pretenses.” vou arrest a woman for that?” , sireel’’ I mv! Law is a curious thing. , regular fury of a woman in ns into marrying her by false pretended she was an angel the law not only won’t let me her. but makes me support her.” ler s Weekly. Ir I noth aeks are numerous on the nf I'nris. Hall’s Catarrh Cure ;n internally. Price, 75c. m u Ku,gland Conservatory of Music, on .Mass., has furnished instruction r t'Ki.iKH) pupils since 1853, and its ntv a* an institution of the highest n* e is constantly increasing. Its i!iim is not confined to music alone, atorr and Modern Languages have e-tui’iped departments and the best t tors money < an procure. Special ion n so is given to instruction in ortu tuning. The charges are low omr ared with those of other musical s. Prosj ectus mailed lree on appli II A. McCoy, 711 South 27th St., a. writes: “I am an old lady, 0M 1 have teen troubled for the ueutv years with constipation and and s’eepless nights, but since !,lr Kav’s Renovator can sleep like •«!• Now is the time u-vui lu;lter farming land-ex '!Tl4‘ Plater results can 1 *»>ed anywhere. °'s ami churches abound every u Wbv markets f.,1- all farm t'.e iiam°Ulr an‘i -Sorth Dakota ■'fraisin/r ‘ 1VerSlfled iarminP and . fclatr* of *he West. tlm's m Dakota except ijr is ;'aU “'temperance. A new W|„,h., ,lake-advantage of the adds to Dakota and to for I ’.lrnTw'' pnfHrma‘}°n address or rr»t:on A,,’ General Im tWo^ U0 °ld Colony Dnild ' e,f(iul).e the hit*. ;"id oats is t sows must do the mV, NAL CONVENTION WKr?,LEK ‘'ARTY 11,. v;*1' LoriB JULY 3.ND. ;,te taa I *en Vi*#. S1*1'jr,eRt and quickest Hril>U lorde» °|'ltd aR the line from Wt- A'i train tes aml their Iriends to *»* Lliair ,‘V‘re ..equipped with Re *'aeamst 11 tu*et office, No. n:t ,'Paxton Hotel Bleckh or V tV u O- N. Cl-ATTOS, V _U. A., Omaha, NeLr. York 't*ad f --- 0r“O“ *• buffalo July 8th The Xati *“* «»*>• 'll hol'd Vocational Aesocia u’Jffalo a . ■ oe-tt annual meeting !«* ^ l '?, -'[jchigan Central, i at*o! one f ,- l*°ute,” has made round trip ^De said, thoughtfully, "that a Chinaman never yawns. If that is so—” He paused and for a moment seemed burled in thought. “If that is so," he repeated, turning to his companion, "1 feel thut 1 tnny ussert with perfect safety that no Chinaman ever met you when you were in a story-telling mood.” Then he chuckled softly to himself and felt avenged for the hour thut he had put In listening to tales of preco cious infants.—Chicago Post. Kome Wasn't. Ilutlt In a l>»y Neither arc the obstinate maladies, to the removal of which the great eorruetlve, Hos tel ter's Stomach Hitters, Is adapted curable In an hour. To persist In the use of this standard remedy Is no imiru than just. Hit lousneas, eonstlputton, malaria, rheuma tism. kidney complaints ami nervousness are among the complaints which It erudl culcs. An honest man tan never he a friend to a thief. Smouldering fires of o’d disease Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. lurk in tlie blood of many n uiun, who fancies himself in good health. I.et a slight sickness sci/.e him, and the old enemy breaks out anew. The fault is the taking of medicines that suppress, in stead of curing disease. You can eradicate disease and purify your blood, if you use the standurd remedy of the world, [ Tobacco Dealers say, that ) “BATTLE AX” is a “scorcher” ^ because it sells so fast* Tobacco k Chewers say, it is a “scorcher” be ^ cause 5 cents' worth goes so far* Itfs *> as good as can be made regardless of * cost* The 5 cent piece is almost as ) large as the other fellows' \ 0 cent piece. FREE HOMES rmmtsara’ ' Nearly 2,000,000 Acres of Government Lands Now Open to c-*41-1* t ' IN NORTHERN ARKANSAS. They are fertile, well-watered, heavily-timbered. md produce jrralnn. g ium, finite and **ffefaM*4‘ In ■ bundat ce. Noitlt Arkansas apple* urc noted. The climate Is delightful. winter* mlid au i short. Tlieee art subject to homestead entry of ICO acn.n each. *OW lit THk TI«K TO UkT A IIOMK. For further Its* loiinatkit) a (id ices iv ».b i. stiver. E. V. M. POWELL, Immigration (.gent, Harrison, Ark. tJT hefers to Bank of Harrison end Boone County Bank, lluiiison. Ark. We have made a study of tires —pounded them year in and year out by thousands on our wheel-testing ma chine, tested them for elasticity, for speed, for durability—had reports from riders and agents everywhere. The wonder TESTING TIRES AND WHEELS. fully elastic and durable tires used on Columbia Bicy cles—Hartford Single-Tube Tires—are the result. Hartford Single-Tubes are the regular equipment of all Columbia and Hartford Bicycles. We know ho tires so good as Hartfords. 7X.nwkef* Hartford Single-Tubes also make Dunlop tires (double-tube), which we will substitute for Single-Tubes if preferred. Art Catalogue tells. Free if you call on the agent. By mail for two 2-ccnt stamps. POPE MFG. CO., » HARTFORD, CONN.