The Frontier. rmiLISUKI) KVKItY THURSDAY ItY THK FRONTIER PRINTING COMPANY KINO & CRONIN. Editors. N ATION ATLTICKET. For Prettldcnt: WUXI AM M’KINLEY. For Vloe-Prosldont: GARRETT A. HOBART. COUNTY REPUBLICAN TICKET. For Representatives: JOHN THOMMEKSHA1J88EK, of Ewing. ,1. A. KICK, of Stuart. For County Attorney: E. H. BENEDICT, of O Nolll. IMPORTANT ^EVENTS. Republican national convention, St. Louts, June 10. Democratic national convention, Chi cago, July 7. Populist national convention, St. Louis, July 22. Republican state convention, Lincoln, July 1. Congressional convention, North Platte, July 8. SENATORIAL CONVENTION. The republican senatorial conven tion of the Thirteenth senatorial district will be held in the court-house in the city of O'Neill, Neb., on Saturday, July 11, at 2 o’clock r. m., for the pur pose of placing in nomination a candi date for state senator from this district. The basis of representation is one del egate from each county, and one addi tional delegate for each 100 votes or major fraction thereof cast at the last general election for T. L. Norval for supreme judge. The counties of the district will be entitled to delegates as follows: Boyd.4|Whecler. 2 Uarfleld. 2 — Holt. Ill Total.17 It is recommended that no proxies be allowed, but that delegates present cast the full vote of their delegation. D. C. Harrison, Chairman. Frank Phillips, Secretary. Let us hope that William Mc Kinley is better looking than news paper pictures represent him to be. Many a man advocates a political policy that he would consider dis honest if employed in private busi ness. McKinley was nominated at 5:20 p. m. Thursday and O’Neill had the news in just 30 seconds. It is a swift age that we live in. Doc Mathews has been nominated for representative by the republicans of his district in Arkansas. W$ hope he may be able to pull through. The Frontier will not say that it likes the national republican plat form in all of its details, but its ex cellency as a whole will commend it to the thoughtful voter. Keep your eye on that man (Trommershaussor. and note the speed he is getting up on the legis lative track. He will be almost elected before' he has any competi tion. If the free silver people of all parties get together finally and nominate Teller it will make the presidential contest interesting, but not doubtful. MoKinley will be elected. An exchange heads an obituary notice, “Called From our Midst.” Her departure was probably acceler ated by the cathartio rays, of which a young lady recently made mention at a New York dinner party. The Atkinson Graphic advocates the nomination of Editor Wertz, oi Stuart, for supervisor from the Seventh district. Verily the whirli gig of time does cause some won derful things to come to pass. We hear the name of M. P. Kin kaid in connection with the supreme bench of this state. That is a posi tion which he is eminently qualified to fill, and it requires a man of his conservative ideas to fill it with credit.—Bur well Progress. Holt county never presented a prettier picture than she does today. A drive over our rose-scented prai ries among the oceans of waving grain is good for the blues; it cures that ringing in the ears, quickens a sluggish liver, eases that fulness after eating and builds up the sys tem generally. T; The Atkinson Plain Dealer ad vocates the nomination of M. C. Grimes, of Chambers, for represent ative on the populist ticket. It says he is strong physically and mentally. It doesn’t make so much difference about a pop’s mental machinery, but he should be muscular enough to ' defend his whiskers. _ . ’ - . - • . • . • ■ If the republicans of western Nebraska get any place on the state ticket it will only be by putting in some mighty hard work for George Eckles for auditor. The eastern part of the state has beou disposed to take all the offices in all the par ties, and it requires a strong and united pull from the west to secure anything. Here in Chadron the great majority of people without regard to party would be glad to see Eckles nominated.—Chadron (pop) Signal. Senator Thurston’s idea of the money question is a good one. He puts it this way: “It is not a ques tion of money; it is a question of work. It is no longer the question of free silver; it is the question of the free coinage of the American muscle. When every man’s muscle in the United States can be coined into a day’s wages, every working day in the year, the question of money is settled and at rest forever and prosperity comes back on the floodtide of its power. It is not a question of opening our mints to the products of the silver mines of the world, it is a question of open ing our factories to the workingmen of the United States of America.” Now that it is known that Kem will not attempt to hold his job any longer a number of pops have indi cated that they would like to play the statesman at 15,000 a year. H. G. Stewart has been traveling over the district exhibiting his whiskers and lung power with a view to get ting the nomination. But he is not the only pop in the northwest who has an eye on Kern’s seat and salary. Ed. L. Heath, of Bushville, has been sawing a little wood and may make a little 'aough place in Stew art’s path. It may furnish some amusement but the next representa tive from this district in congress will be a republican and his name will be M. P. Kinkaid.—Sioux County Journal. From: a spirit of local patriotism and pride for the good name of Nebraska we deplore the fact that the republican press throughout the state are favoring a renomination of Attorney General Churchill right in the face of one of the most damnable and disgusting records that auy state officer ever left behind him. Churchill is one of the most ab surd and incompetent legal ignorant ouses that any state has ever been curs ed with and if nominated again this fall the populist candidate will be elected by 40,000 majority.—Atkinson Plain Dealer. While we cannot censure the Plain Dealer for having enough local pride and patriotism to desire the election of republicans, we would like for it to' cite us to a page in Attorney General Churchill’s of ficial record that is “damnable and disgusting.” Mr. Churchill is per haps not the most brilliant lawyer in the state, but he has done nothing to merit turning down at this time. The bankers and Wall street money grabbers did not dictate the platform at St. Louis; neither did the democrats who are just now threatening to vote the republican ticket if the democratic platform declares for free silver. The plat form, like nearly all republican dec larations, was made with an eye to the best interests of the United States, and favors sound money— money good the world over. It favors the use of silver also—just as muoh silver as we can keep at a par with gold; it favors the use of paper money also—just as much paper money as we need to do business, redeemable in money good the world over. Good money, sound money, paper money, silver money— all on the basis of money that rules the world. The platform does not favcr gold as the only money, but it favors it as the basis, for gold is the basis of credit and wealth wherever civilization exists. If the republican newspapers of Holt county were to treat the repub licans as they have been treated by the republicans, what a howl would go up from Rome. Some people have unique ideas concerning news papers, anyway. They think, or seem to think, that a paper’s only mission in life is to whooperup for the republican party and take in full payment therefor a limited number of rabbit tracks and a few cubio feet of wind. In this they err, previously. The republican news papers of this county do not cling to the faith for the money there is in it, if they did they would every last one turn populist, but they are entitled to reward both of j intrinsic value and in an honorary way. And it must be remembered that a man running a newspaper has ideas—that is, some of them have-— and he often feels like expressing them, and sometimes labors under the sweet delusion that he has a right to do so. There is no one man that labors as unceasingly for republicanism as a republican paper. It is at work in season and out of season; it works while the politician is asleep, and it is actuat ed as much by principle as any other worker in the vineyard. When you extend the boneless hand to your party paper don’t complain if some time later your party paper gives you the cold nose. THE COMING BATTLE. The leaders figured up that they could Burely rely upon 155 electoral votes coining from these states: Connection!.G Delaware.8 Maine.G Massachusetts.. ..15 New Hampshire..4 New Jersey.10 New York.36 Ohio.33 Pennsylvania ... .32 Rhode Island.4 Vermont.4 Wisconsin.12 Total.155 It requires 224 electoral votes to elect the president. It was thought that, under the Hanna management, these states could be captured: Michigan.14 Minnesota. 9 Illinois.24 Indiana.15 Iowa.13 Maryland.8 Total.83 These six states will be the battle ground. They have 83 electoral votes among them. These 83 votes, added to the 155 surely republican votes, make a total of 238. This would be 14 votes more than neces sary to elect. The state of Michi gan could be lost, and still the re publicans would be successful; or the states of Minnesota and Dela ware could go democratic, if the re publicans held Miohigan, and still McKinley could win.—Manhattan. Walk through an old dense forest and you see nothing but trees, and in spring a host of things will shoot from the ground. These did not ap pear before because every thing was not favorable for their growth. Scott's Emulsion of Cod liverOil, with Hypophos phites, prevents consumptioi because it keeps the syeten in such good condition tha things are not favorable fo the growth of the germs c that disease. Cod-liver oi makes rich blood; and th hypo phosphites strength® nerves. ..yPTX'5. EMULSION ha ban endomdt JES* "P J* 8® cent and Si.oo alzca. T* ■mall iiz6 may bo Bnoagh to cura vos pough or Help yior baby . * WEST a H ee o a H P 0 tfl EAST Purohut Tickets and Cenugit your Freight via the F.E.&M.V.andS.C.&P RAILROADS. TRAINS DEPART: 001X0 BABT. Passenger east, Freight east. Freight east, 9:20 a. ic 10:30 a. K 2:10 p. M. OOINO WIST. Freight west, - 2:10 r. m Passenger west, • 9.27 p. m Freight. • • 2:10 p. m. „The Glkborn Line Is now running Reclining Chair Cars dally, between Omaha and Dead wood, jrce to holders of first-class transpor tatlon. Far any Information call on w- J . DOBBS, Aot. : .r • O’NEILL. NEB. v O’NEILL BUSINESS DIRECTORY J)R. J. P. GILLIGAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office !d Holt County bank building. All work cash in advance. Night work positively refused. O’NEILL, - NEB. jj R. DICKSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Beferenoe First National Bank O'NEILL, NEB. JJAKNSY STEWART, PRACTICAL AUCTIONEER. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address, Page, Neb. BENEDICT, LAWYER, Office In the Judge Roberta building, north of O. O. Snyder's lumber yard, 0 NEILL, NEB. omi m sotd com stage Stage leaves O'Neill at 8:30 a. m., arriving at Spencer at 4 P. x. s at Butte. 5:30 p. x. S. D. Gallkntiki, Prop. O’CONNOR & GALLAGHER DEALERS IN Of all kinds. A specialty made of FINE CIGARS. If you want a drink of good liquor do not fail to call on us. Checker® Barn, B. A. DaY ABM AN, .Manager. CHECKER Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. FineBt turnouts in the city. Good, careful drivers when wanted. ALo ran the O’Neill Omnibns line. Commercial trade a specialty. READ^^ THE TRIBUNE For Telegraph, Local, General, State and Foreign News. MARKET COMPLETE -THE SIOUX CITY DAILY TRIBUNE W Per Year. 50 Cents Per Month. QUICKEST AND BEST MAIL SERVICE Address: THE TRIBUNE. Sub. Dept. Sioux City, Iowa. OhlekaMcr'a Euxll.k Ulumoad Brand. NNYROYAL PILLS uri, alwaj* reliable, usiit uk k l>rufgUt for Chic hitter* Knglith Dta-M^X ^mond Brand ill Kfd ami Odd aaUllic\\jOr raboiH. imImI *ifK klim Uhl jih lw,»“ III tiro RDU It'MiL . rwtoiei. a^aled with hliio rihl on. Take J** ether, ftrfusc dang ere te tmbttttu- V j[ion* anA At Drwettta, or mo4 4e» ' iiarUonlaro, UwCawoiala u4 ta btter. by rekem fTtSflwtoko Xmmei *•« IT Uf IM bnttftauT SIS THE SAF SToJ There isn’t a store in the whole country ,h„ 0'SeiU, "The Nebraska” does. It is an exceptional store, i, h ** it is an absolutely safe store. The price today i, lhe' and the next day. and the price to one is the no favorites, we make nn .. . 0 no favorites, we make no discounts, and we never penny methods of marking some goods low in order re«ort to to »l| goods high. Our practice of instantly refunding mon ^ don’t suit is the best proof you can bav* th„. „ J ,kei mat our good, ^ are all rigid. For eleven years we have been building up , , iness on these principles and our business was never' "* prices never so low, as they are this spring. Send for our catalogue. It contains samples of g00d, ‘«R save you a geeat many dollars above what vou ha=-. J tO PIT (ft same qualities at home. It is a book that ought tobei, clothing buyer’s hand. l®*Get our prices on Bicycle Outfits. 95e6ra*(ca(S OMAHA Mention The Frontier when writing. elRHorn valley PLOW FACTORY*., O’NEILL, NEB. EMIL SNIGGS, Pmp. -Manufactures the Hamnell Open Mould-Board Stirrmg Plow. Also general blacksmithing and practical horseehocr. Wagon and Carriage woodwork carried on in connection. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. Also dealer in Farm Implements. Handles the Scandi implements ml the Plano Bakes, Mowers and Binders. Parties wisbinf anything in this line call and see me. G. W. WATTLES, President. ANDREW RUSSELL,v] JOHN McHUGH, Cashier. THE OF O’NEILL. CAPITAL $30,000, Prompt Attention Given to Collect* DO A GENERAL BANKING BUSINE Chicago Lumber Yard %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%^ Headquarters for . . . LUMBER COAL AND BUILDING MATERIAL Yard*' The Stock is dry, being cured By the largest dry-sheds in the world. O'Neill, Page, Allen. The Inter Ocean Is the Most Popular ^"■■blican of the West and Has tfle Largest Circa TERMS BY MAIL. DAILY (without Sunday):.flnooery"' The Weekly Inter Ocean s $1=5= PER YEAR. .'♦nf the tbnain^ AS'a Newspaper THE INTER OCEAN keepi abreast'nsecurin* -lBe respects. It spares neither pains nor expens i iTFRATW"' ALL THE NEWS AND THE BEST OF CURRENT u The Weekly Inter Ocean As . Family P.ser Is Not It has something of interest to each member YOUTH’S DEPARTMENT is the very best oi ARYFEATURES are unequaled. w _0fthe It is a TWELVE PAGE PAPER and containsthe f alJerstM1#'% POLITICALLY IT IS REPUBLICAN, and give® ‘‘sshed in the ablest discussions on all live political topics.^^ ^,iticsani if * mvirKLY HITE® and is in accord with the people of the West in ooiv se remember that the price of THE WE Please remember that the price ONLY ONE DOLLAR FEB YEAB. Address [ The Frontier and CAB. Address rhicaff0* THE INTER OCEAN,, — * ~ r' ,. m.7.> Inter Ocean onl) '■