v‘», 'i-i .« - ■< - r*< i ~. -' 'C*'”' *' ■ ’ i v ,Y thc frontier PRINTING CO. I xvi. O’NEILL, HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, JUNE 25, 1896. NUMBER 51. j IS WHISKERS t Told At They Art | to Us. )W IT EAPPEKKD Portrayed I«r General ind Amoeement. Ewing, ie visiting In lupervisors adjourned iturned Tuesday night lz Perry are. running (O’Neill last Satur ation with a show. >r sale cheap. Iikb Enolkhaupt. Karmen and children ir their home at Stutt tt Sioux City seeds, it. For sate by Nell __ 35tf. thing? Well, before Ishing tackle of Neil w everything in the rtf_ la the best farm mar red. Every farmer I the best machinery; :. Harvesters, bind ere fpr sale at prices’ teas at 15,25, 85 and id. We have'tapb' >ngst them. '1. V sill Qbocbbt Co. teed: Chipped, dried tongue, beef, im lemon and vanilla rt flakes. Keep them aking up your bill of iill Grocery Co. Hon. T. V. Golden, een secured as orator r. Golden is a man of nd it is indeed forto. ttee has been able to studio and dental frqm July 18, to A. H. Corbett. nore reading matter i can get the Sibux ! Journal and Thh ; the subscription to continue ono year, i to the Journal until imething nobby a dress goods, shi: 8*yle gloves, fat raps, etc., call the best line in H J, P. Mark, our readers we i tion to the arlii in this issne, ct and birds, publisl cultural Society i lie exceedingly 1 is a valuable ad rary. e lot of fruit jars, advance. We can nice on them. Aim lers and quart stone wll Qbocbbt Co. 1»m moved her store * building formerly mor ft Gallagher. *be largest line of * in the city, also its and note. Fire ' ice cream parlor nection. When you *r restaurant and get “t Hne of toilet soaps, "tal drive on Bntter * Per box. See it. *1LL Qbqc«bt Co. ? of Produce at the ‘10“ lM‘ year was lere by Neil Brennan !® from Sioux City lfyou want the best * an