The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, June 18, 1896, Image 8

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    Short Lilt IlM Cord.
Puusger Inna O’Neill, Neb. et 10:0T
A. Immediately after arrlral of train
from Black Bill*, reaching Sioux City at
9:33 p. m., giving three hour* time.
5;; Lowest ratee. Purchase local tickets to
O'Neill and re-buy there.
After April 1,18M, the building now
occupied by the poetofflee will be for
rent cheap. Inquire of R. R. Dickson.
- A. C. Powell, of Stuart, attended the
: meeting of the Holt county republican
central committee in O’Neill last Satur
day. . _
. ; DeWitt’s Sarsaparilla cleanses the
blood, Increases the appetite and tones
up the system. It has benefltted many
people who have suffered from blood
• disorders. It will help you.
Morris & Co.
Young mothers dread the summer
months on account of the great mortal
ity among children, caused by bowel
troubles. Perfect safety may be assured
those who keep on hand DeWitt’s Colic
and Cholera cure, and administer it
promptly. For Cramps, bilious colic,
dysentery and diarrhoea, it affords
Instant relief. Morris & Co.
Hu Davit's Tower.
The Devil’s tower, a geological won*
der, which stands on the Belle Fouchre
river in the Black Hills region, and of
which a geologist of international
' reputation said: “It is a remarkable
freak of nature, and appears not to
have been repeated elsewhere on the
earth’s surface, but stands alone,
unique and mysterious,” is believed to
be tiie cone of a cooled down volcano.
At a distance it looks like a huge
cask or barrel made of glgantio tim
bers, the sides being roughly fur
rowed with crystals of trachyte. Its
height is 826 feet and the walls on all
sides are so nearly smooth and per
pendicular that no human being has
ever been able to olimb to the top.
. Its diameter at the base is 796 feet,
and at the summit (estimated) 860
feet.—St Louis Republic.
Origin of the Word Dojloy.
The word doyley, now a familiar
one with the ladies is derived from
the name of Robert D’Oyley, one of
the followers of William the Norman.
He received a grant of valuable lands
on tile condition of the yearly tender
of a table cloth of 8 shillings value
at the feast of St Michael. Agree
ably to the fashion of the time the
% ladles of the D’Oyley family were ac
customed to embroider and ornament
the quit rent table cloths; hence these
cloths, becoming curiosities and ac
■ cumulating in the oourse of years,
were at length brought into use as
napkins at the royal table and called
doyleys.—New York Recorder,
OjiUn Md Cera Bread,
A Belgian living in Virginia qom
SInins that his friends at home oennot
e induced to cook the oysters he
sends over because they have always
been aooustomed to eat oysters raw.
The Belgians exhibit a like conserva
tism touching Indian corn meal. In
this, however, they nave many imita
tors in the United States. Nothing
iy, surprises the Southerner more than
the distaste of Northerners for corn
• bread of all sorts. The Northern pal
ate demands that corn meal Bhall be
adulterated with wheat flour, a mix
hue that the real Southerner, brought
up on corn bread, despises.
Why II* Did*’*. ■
little Willie—I wanted so much to
peek through the keyhole last night
while you were in the parlor with Mr.
Castleton. Sister-—But, like a good
little boy, you didn’t, did youf Willie
—No; the servant girl got there first
—New York Herald.
Th* Lstnl Bat-Trap,
A little bit of cheese and an electris
wire form tho latest rat-trap. The
ibeese Is fixed to the wire and tho in
stant the rat touches the cheese ha is
•hocked to death.
. From the Florida Times Union: W.
A. Gilbert, the gunsmith, and a party
of friends have Just returned from a
hunting and fishing cruise In Nassau
Sound in the yaoht Fannie, and Mr. Gil
bert has good reasons to congratulate
nimaett tut a* U not sleeping In the
stomach of a monster 'gstor. The
’gator was found one morning dosing
4 #B the Plaeld bosom of the sound, only
his nose and a part of his head pro
troding. Mr. Gilbert drew a bead on
him. “CrackI” went the gun, and the
’gator half leaped out of the water.
Then he churned It Into bloody foam.
Mr. Gilbert hurried up to the 'gator and
■ pumped eight more bullets Into him.
| Then the saurian lay sUll and Mr. Gil
bert concluded that he was dead. Not
4. «*ring to lose so line a trophy, he pulled
off his clothee and swam to the ‘gator
| to tie a rope to his tall. He had ad
lusted the rope nicely, when suddenly,
, to Mr. Gilbert’s surprise and horror the
'gator wheeled around, with hla mouth
$ wide open, and made for his would-be
riayer. Mr. Ollbert, with remarkable
presence of mind, dived. When he rose
to the surface the 'gator spied him
?i> again, and on he came at a dipping
y Paw- Mr. Gilbert dlred again. Three
times the same thing was repeated. At
loot Mr. Ollbert reached the shore. He
SL «as almost winded, and his hair, la
» ■Pits of the water, stood up straight on
H end Kke the quills of a porcupine.
A. L. Wooiter, a prominent citizen of
Oimo, Mich., after Buffering excruciat
ingly from pllee for twenty yeare, waa
cured in a abort time by ueing DeWitt'e
Witch Hazel salve, an abaolute cure for
all skin diseases. More of this prepara
tion is used than all others combined.
Morris ft Co.
Matter of application of Thomas Campbell for
liquor license.
To the mayor and city council of the city of
O’Neill, Holt county, Nebraska:
Notice Is hereby Riven that Tiros. Campbell
has filed his application with the city clerk of
O'Neill, Holt county, Nebraska, for license
to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors In
O'Neill, Urattan township, Holt county,
Nebraska, from the 10th day of June, 18011, to
the 4th day of May, 1807. If there be no
objections, remonstrance or protest filed
within two weeks prior to the 19th day of June
1808, the said license will be granted.
Thomas Campbell, Applicant.
The O'Neill Frontier newspaper will pub*
llsh the above notice for two weeks at the
expense of the applicant, the city of O'Neill
not to be charged therewith.
40-2 . M. Martin. City Clerk,
United States Land Oppice,
O'Neill, Neb. June 3. 1806.
Notice Is hereby given that Allen P.
White has filed notice of Intention to make
final proof before the Register and receiver
at their office In O’Neill, Neb., on Tuesday
the 14th day of July, 1886, on timber culture
application No. 8808, for WV4 SB* and K|4
HWS4 of section No. 4, in township No. 26,
range No. 14, west. He names as witnesses:
J. E. White, N. L. Strong, M. Brorherton and
Henry Bcafe, all of Amelia, Nebraska.
48-6 . ... - -
John a. Harmon, Register.
United Btatjcb Land Omci.
O'Neill, Nebraska, May 0,1806.
Notloe is hereby (riven that Frederick
Opooensky, of Niobrara, Neb., bas filed notice
of Intention to make final proof before the
register and receiver at their office In O'Neill,
Neb., on Saturday, the 20th day of Jnne, 1806,
on timber culture 'application No. 6261, for
the NWk of section No, 23, In township No.
32, north, range No. 0 west. He names as
witnesses: Mlko Hrbek and Frank Hrbek, of
Ptshelvllle, Neb., Frank Hrbek, of Verdegre,
Neb., and Vac Hvlxdalek, of Niobrara, Neb.
46-6 John A. Harmon, Register.
Land Orrioa at 0'Ncii.l, Nib., I
„ . May 13.1806. |
Notloe Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notloe of his Intention
to make final proof In support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before the
Register and Keoelver at O'Neill, Neb., on
June 22,1806. Vis:
for the 8Wlt section 10. township 30, north,
runge 0, west
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous resldenoe upon and culti
vation of, said land, viz: Joseph M. Hunter
and 8warn 8. Aim, of Star, Nebr.. Hiram U.
Henry and James Stanton, of O'Neill, Neb.
46-6 John A. Harmon, Register.
In the District Court of Holt County Neb.
R. R. Dickson, trustee, plaintiff,
Charles H. Adam, and wlfe. Ma^ L. Adam,
W. Brubaoher, first and full name un
known. James F. Toy, and wife, Mrs.
James F. Toy, first and full name unknown,
Henry M. Bradstreet, and wife, Mrs. Henry
M. Bradstreet. first and full name unknown,
The above named defendants will take
notice that on the 4th day of June, 1896, the
above named plaintiff began an aotlon in
the district court of Holt county, Nebraska,
against said defendants and each of them.
The object and prayer of said petition being
to foreclose a certain mortgage given by de
fondants Charles H. Adam and wife, May L.
Adam, to the plaintiff upon lot 13, una the
north twenty-eight feet of Tots 14,16 and 16.
In block 28, or the olty of O'Neill, In Holt
county, Nebrask - . said mortgage being given
to secure their note of 1460, dated December
*6,1896, and due ninety days after date.
Plaintiff alleges in his petition that he la
the owner of said note as trustee, and that
the same Is past due and that there Is due
t hereon the sum of 1460 and Interest at ten
per cent from date thereof.
■ Plaintiff prays for a decree foreclosing said
mortgage, also that the Interest of the above
named defendants be decreed to be subjeot
to plaintiff’s mortgage, and for other equit
able relief.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the20th day of July 1888;
Dated June 8th, 1896.
49-4 R. B. Dickson, Trustee,Plaintiff.
Unitrd St atm Land Omci, 1
O'Neill, Neb., April 10. 1896. f
Notloe la hereby given that Mlohael Kngel
haupt, of Amelia, Neb., has filed notice ol
Intention to make final proof before the
register and receiver at their office In O’Neill
Norn, on Friday, the 22nd day of May, 1896, on
timber culture application No. 68Hh for the
NE‘4 of, secUon Rq. 38, in township No. 27 N.
-» “''vv.w.. iu wwiibuiu itU. <1 Lv i
range No, 13 w. He names us witnesses
George Hohl, of Amelia, Neb., Edward P
Boyle, of Amelia, Neb., Charles Brown ol
Chambers, Neb., Gotlleb Nelmand, of Cham
bers, Nob. 41-6 John A. Harmon, Register.
In the Distrlot Court of Holt county, Nel
Chittenden and Eastman, a partnership com
posed of H. W. Chittenden and E. P. Bast
man, and doing business as Chittenden an
Eastman, plaintiffs,
MSr9ftr?.tt £1“ Blglln and husband. Owe
F.Blglln, John Mollugh and wife, kaml
McHugh, the Stale Bank of O’Neill, N«
braska. a corporation, tbe Wisconsin Fui
nlture and Coffin Company, a oorporatlot
John McHugh, trustee, T. A.Thompsoi
John oMoCann, single, the County orHol
end Mary A. H ads, formerly Mary A
Coughlin, formerly Mary A. O’Neill an
widow of John p'Nelll, deceased, and hui
band J. H. Hads, first and full name un
known, John H. O'Neill and wife, Mrs Job
H, O tfelU, Mary Steele. formerly Mar.
O'Neill, and husband A. L. Steele, first an!
full name unknown. Kittle Dwyer.formerl
Kittle O'Neill, and Rlohard J Dwyei
her husband .wife, son and daughters am
wile heirs at law of John O'Neill, deoease<
aerr aaunt.
me suove naineu auraoun mm eaob of
them will take notice that on the 83rd day
of April. ism. the eNrve named plaintiffs
died their petition In' ja district oourTof
Holt count/, Nebraska? against the above
named defendant* and each of them, the
object and praysr of aald petition being to
foreclose a certain mor*-- - -
the dt‘
Owen 1
tiff's, upon _, __
town of O'Melll. count. 1 liolt, Nebraska
Said mortgage being given to secure tli*
Dsrnmtultht r certain promissory note,
dated January 11, INB, for the sum of |7tA r
due and payable one year from date thereof
That there Is now due upon said note and
mortgage the sum of Mt.H with Interest at
eight per cent, from Sate, together with the
further sum of Ml. 10 Insurance paid by
tilainllffs In lessassmen ssM asss_^_ —_I . .1 ■»
plaintiffs to Insure said property against #re',
tor which sums with Interest nklntlffs pray
for a decree that the defendant be required
to pay the same or that the premises may be
sold to satisfy the amount found due.
Plaintiffs also prtur that the Interest of the
defendants la said property of whatsoever
h'1** ®f nature be decreed to be subject to
the lien of plaintiffs mortgage and for other
editable relief
jHted this Wth day of A^rtl^ lM'
Attorney for PtninUffs
t'W* M .Plsh non-resident defendant:
Nebraska, the object and prayer of which
lot secure a dlvuree from you upon the
ground* of -llfoll aboadoameat foe ib«
period of two year* last past, without Just
"Vou sre required to answer said petition
on or before the gab day iTlune. t«Cur the
srrJiExar -
Tn Dark) Adam* non-n.sidcnii
Vimi are hereby notified that O, 0. Hnyder,
receiver of Min llnlt ('minty bank In an
action pending tn Ilia district court of llnlt
I'nunty, Nebraska, wherein the state of No*
brnska Is plaintiff and the Holt County Hank
I* defendant, hue Hind hie petition In the
dletrli-t court of llnlt county, Nebraska,
asking Mint an order bn made In eeld court
cancelling the tee (Incd now held hy you end
of record upon the eon Minuet quarter of the
eoutliweit quarter eoctlon six, township
thirty-two, range ten, west 6th P. M.. In llolt
enunty, Nebraska, and quiet the title of eeld
premleee In John T. Prouty, the owner there*
of, und to pnjinlt tho laid John T, Prouty tn
redeem Raid land by payment of 117.00 a*
taxes and Interest thereon, and that said
money when so paid by said John T. Prouty
be charged to your account and turned In aa
part of the MBets of said Holt County Bank.
And you are further notified that by an order
of the court duly made In said premises you
are required to answer said petition on or
before the 22nd day of June, 1890, and show
cause, If any there be, why the prayer of said
petition should not be granted and the said
John T. Prouty permitted to redeem said
land and when so redeemed that your tax
deed be cancelled and the title of said
property he quieted In said John T. Prouty
ana the ntoney reoelved from said redemp
tion he credited to your account and turned
In as part of the assetts of the Holt County
Dated this 8th day of May, 1808.
tM O. O. Snyder,
Becelver Holt County Bank.
United States Land Oiticb, I
—... ' -6. |
„ O'Neill, Neb., April 23,1896.
Notice la hereby riven that Edmond _
Benedict, of O’Neill, Unit countv. Nebraska,
has filed notice of intention to make final
proof before the register and receiver at
their office In O’Neill, Nebraska, on Friday,
the 6th day of June. 1896, on timber culture
application No, 6200, for the NB quarter of
section No. 21, In township No. 32, range No.
9 west. He names aa witnesses:
James Blnkard, of Dorsey. Nebraska; E.
Conaughton, of Dorsey, Nebraaka; Thos.
Crow, of Dorsey, Nebraaka; Z. Mller, of
Dorsey, Nebraaka.
4»-6np John A. Harmon. Register.
In tbe District Court of Holt County, Hob.
C. O. Cujrlm^Benjamin Graham and James
James K. Jones, and wife. Sarah Jane Jones,
Ellet G. Drake, and wife. Nellie H. Drake,
Globe Investment Company, a corporation,
H. A. Wyman, as receiver of tbe Globe In
vestment Company, Dakota Mortgage Loan
Corporation and William Must, defendants.
Tbe above named defendants will take
notice that on the 2nd day of January. 1898,
the above named plaintiffs died their petition
In the district court of Holt county Ne
braska, against the above named defendants
and on the 4th day of May, their amended
petition. The objeot and prayer of said
amended petition being to foreclose a certain
mortgage deed, exeouted by the defendants,
James K. Jones, and wife, Sarah Jane Jones,
to the Dakota Mortgage Loan Corporation,
upon the following described real estate,
situated In Holt oounty, Nebraska, towlt:
The northeast quarter of section twenty
three, township thirty-one, range ten. west
of the 8tli p. v., said mortgage deed being
given to secure the payment of a certain
note or bond of 8700.00 dated February 18,
1888, due Maroh 1,1898. Plaintiffs allege that
they are the owners of said bond and mort
gage deed, and that there Is now due thereon
the sum of 81,000.00 for whloh sum, with in
terest from this date, plaintiffs pray for a
decree that the defendants be required to
pay the same or that said premises may be
sord to satisfy the amount found due.
Plaintiffs also pray that the Hen or interest
of the defendants. If any they have in said
Premises, be decreed to be subject to the
en of plaintiffs mortgage and for other
equitable relief.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 15th day of June, 189e.
Dated this 4th day of Ha^ 1898.
—. H. Dickson,
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
8.H. Reesman, Jennie Reesman, Robert
Hannah. Mrs. Robert Hannah, T. C. Cannon,
Eliza Cannon, non-resident defendants.
Notice Is hereby given that on the 13th day
of January, 1896, A. T. Merrill, the plaintiff
In this action, filed his petition In the office
of the clerk of the district oourtofHolt
county, Nebraska, the objeot and prayer of
which is to foreclose a certain mortgage ex
ecuted by 8. H. and Jennie Reesman upon
the northeast quarter section 4. township 89,
north range 10, west 6th p. u„ In Holt county.
Nebraska, which mortgage was executed and
delivered to the Globe Investment Company
and filed for record on the 12th day of
September, 1889, and recorded in book 48 of
mortgages at page 629: that there Is now due
upon said mortgage the sum of 8685.00.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 27th day of July, 18961 or the
same will be taken as true and judgment
entered accordingly.
60-4 A. T.
. M. Uttle;
for Plalni
Rose Stewart, defendant, will take notice
that on the 16th day of June, 1808, Jamei
Dolan, plaintiff herein, filed his petition In
the district court of Holt county, Nebraska,
against Rose Btewart, Impleaded with others,
defendants. The object and prayer of which
are: To foreclose a certain mortgage, ex
ecuted by the defendant, William N. Farlow,
to the plaintiff, upon tbe northeast quartet
of section twenty (20,) and tho northwest
quarter of section twenty-one (21.) all In
township thirty (30,) range sixteen (16.) Holt
llolt county, Nebraska, to secure the pay
ment of a certain promissory note, dated
March 7, 1818, for the sum of one thousand
(ll.OOIkdollers.’and due and payable*ln-fivi
n;that by reasoi
years from the date thereof; mai uy reasoi
of default of the defendants In the payment
of the interest due upon said note, and de
fault In the payment of taxes on sab
premises, the whole sum of principal am
I rt tuMlSt nnnw 4s« _1 _Z_^_*_ _
■ - - - „ V,, VMV w uvtv DUU1 U| ___
Interest jupon said note and mortgage,
j B ana pay
uuw nuu uiuri
approved therein, lias become due «uu uuy
able; that there Is now due upon said not
and mortgage the sum of one thousand (81,OOf
dollars, with Interest at the rate of seven pe
cent, per annum from March 7,1894. tot whlcl
sum with Interest, as above set forth, plain
tiff prays for a decree that the defendant
be required to pay the same, or that sat
premises may be sold to satisfy the amoun
found due.
You are required to answer said petltloi
on or before the 27th day of July, 1896.
Dated June 15.1896.
Haxlztt & Jack and H. M. Umir,
60-4 Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Ton WOH'T XU1A wwm
K you un the Pacific Short Lina when
you go eaat. .Buy your tickata to
O’Neill and rapurehaaa there. Shortest
time, loweet rate. Close connections
every day except Sunday.
Did you ever think how readily the
blood ie poisoned by constipation T
Bad blood means bad health and pre
mature old age. DeWitt's Little Barly
Risers, the famous little pills, overcome
obstinate constipation. Morris 4k Co.
One swallow does not make spring,
but one swallow of One Minute Cough
Cure brings relief. Morris 4k Co.
One minute Is the standard time, and
One Minute Cough Cure is the standard
preparation for every form of cough or
I cold. It is the only harmless remedy
that produces immediate results.
Morris 4k Co.
Beaema Is a frightful affliction, bat
llhe ail other shin diseases It can be
permanently cured by applications of
DeWitt’s Witch tiaael salve. U never
falls to cure piles. Morris 4k Co,
The beet display of produce al the
Woos City Kx position last year was
raised and sent there by Ifeil Brennan
and ht raise 1 them from Hloua City
garden seeds, tie If you want the beet
seed call at hie pi see and buy your sleds
for this season. iw
is the
and the
Its office is fitted with the
most most modern convenien
ces and machinery, always has
the latest faces of type, the
best workmen, and is thereby
enabled to turn out the most
satisfactory kind of job work.
Its management uses none but
the best paper, are scrupu
neat and prompt with their
work and guarantee satisfac
tion. Mail orders receive
careful attention, and if your
home paper is not prepared to
do all classes of work you
will find it to your financial
benefit to communicate with
The Frontier.
The Frontier
Carries a very complete line
of legal blanks and sells them
reasonably cheap. If we do
not have what you want we
will t it almost as you
As an Advertising fledium
It is the beat in the county,
especially at the county seat.
It circulates among the best
class of people; a class that
pays for what it gets and does
not patronize non-residents, as
does a certain portion of the
people in the west. Its rates
for advertising are very low,
and the business man who
does not advertise in it is loser
more than he dreams of.
it you want
To subscribe for The Frontier
and any other paper or maga*
sine published on earth we
will give you a rate and
save you money. We have
clubbing rates with the lead* *
ing publications ot the world.
Call on or mUrom