GENT OFFICIAL DIRECTORY BTATB. Governor.Silas Holcomb Lieutenant Governor.“9°™ Secrctarv of State.... A. Piper State Treasurer...■■■J- “• Bartley State Auditor..Eugene Moore Attorney General.A. 8. Churchill Com. Lands and Buildings.0. H. Russell Supt. Public Instruction. H. K. Corbett REGENTS STATE UNIVERSITY. Ohas. H. Gere, Lincoln: Leavitt Burnham, Omaha; J. M. Hiatt, Alma: E. P. Holmes, Pierce; J. T. Mallaieu, Kearney; M. J. Hull, Edgar. CONGRESSIONAL. Senators—W. V. Allen, of Madison; John M. Thurston, of Omaha. Representatives—First Dlstrlot, J. B Strode Second, D H. Mercer; Third, Geo. D. Mlitel John; Fourth — Hainer; Fifth, W. E. And rews; Sixth; O. M. Kem. JUDICIARY. Chief Justice...A. M. Post Associates.. .T.O. Harrison and T. L. Nor vail FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Jndne .M. P. Klnkald, of O Neul toSStrt.................. J. J. King of O’Neill Judge.W. H. Westover, of Rushvllle Reporter.John Maher, of Rushvllle. LAND OFFICES. o’mnA. Rmrlxter .John A. Harmon. ReoeSvw.. ..Elmer Williams. COUNTY. judge.Geo McCutcheon Judge. • •••• ...•••••••••••••*•vc^ iuvvuw/uwii Clerk of the District Court.John Skirylng Deputy.Q* M. OolllM .J. P. Mullen Treasurer.* • “"“”3 oSrk.........BUI Bethea DeDuty...Mike McCarthy Iteputy:::.:"".Chas O'Neill Supt. of Sohoolil.W. R. Jackson Assistant.Mrs. W. EjijItKJkiwii Attorney. . . . . . . . . . . ..H. B. Murphy SUPERVISORS. FIRST DISTRICT. Cleveland. Sand Creek. Dustin, Saratoga, ock Falls and Pleasantview—J. 0. Blondln. SECOND DISTRICT. Shields, Paddock. Scott, Steel Creek, Wll lowdale and Iowa—J. H. Hopkins. THIRD DISTRICT. Grattan and O'Neill—E. J. Mack. FOURTH DISTRICT. Swing, Verdigris and Delolt—L. 0. Comhs. FIFTH DISTRICT, Chambers, Conlev, Lake, McClure and Inman—E. Stillwell. SIXTH DISTRICT. Swan, Wyoming, Fairvlew, Francis. Green Valley, Sheridan and Emmet—0. W. Moss. SEVENTH DISTRICT. Atkinson and Stuart—Frank Moore. GUY OF Of NEILL. Supervisor. E. J. Mack; Justloes, H. H. Benedict and 8. M. Wagers; Constables, Ed. McBride and Perkins Brooks. OOUNOIUMH—FIRST WARD. For two years.—D. H. Cronin. For one year—H. 0. McEvony. For SECOND WARD. For two years—Alexander Marlow, one year—Jake Pfund. THIRD WARD. For two years—Charles Davis. For one year—Elmer Merrlman.i CITY OFFICERS. Mayor, O. F. Blglin; Clerk, N. Martin; Treasurer, -John McHugh; City Engineer John Horrisky; Police Judge, H. Kautzman; Chief of Police, Charlie Hall; Attorney, Thos. Carton; Welghmaster, Joe MUler. GRATTAN TOWNSHIP. Supervisor, K. J. Hayes; Trearurer. Barney MoGreevy: Clerk, J. Sullivan; Assessor Ben Johrlng: Justices, M. Castello and phas. Wilcox; Constables, John Horrisky and Ed. McBride; Koad overseer dist. 28, Allen Brown diet. No. 4, John Enright. SOLDIERS’ RELIEF COMNISSION. Regular meeting first Monday In Febru ary of each year, and at such other times as Is deemed necessary. Kobt. Gallagher, Page, chairman; Wm. Bowen, O'Neill, secretary; H. H. Clark Atkinson. ST.PATRICK'8 CATHOLIC CHURCH. Services every Sabbath at 10:30 o’elook. Very Rev. Cassidy, Postor. Sabbath sehool immediately following services. HAETHODIST CHURCH. Sunday JML 'services—Preaching 10:30 A. M. and 8:00 Class No. 2 (Ep 3 (Chllu V. H. Class No. 1 9:30 A. M. worth League) 7:00 p. m. Class No. — rens) 3:00 p. m. Mind-week servloes—General prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 p. M. All will be made welcome, especially strangers. E. T. GEORGE, Pastor. r1 A. R. POST, NO. 86. The Gen. John 'UT, O’Neill Post, No. 86, Department of Ne braska G. A. It., will meet the first and third (Saturday evening of each month In Masonic hall O'Neill S. J. Smith, Com. ELKHORN VALUEV LODGE, I. O. O. P, Meets every Wednesday evening In •Odd Fellows' hall. Visiting brothers cordially invited to attend. W. H. Mason, N. G. 0. L. Bright, Sec. rfXARFIELD CHAPTER, It. A. M VXMeets on first and third Thursday of each month in Masonic hall. _ _ W. J. Dobbs See. J. C. Harnish, H, P KOFF.—HELMET LODGE. U. D. ■ Convention every Monday at 8 o clock p. m. in Odd Fellows’ hall. Visiting brethern oordlally Invited. „ _ J. P. GlIililQAN. C. C. E. J. Mack. K. of R. and S. O’NEILL ENCAMPMENT NO. 80.1. O. O. F. meets every second and fourth Fridays of each month In Odd Fellows' Hall. I’has. IIrioht. H. P. H. M. Tttlby, Scribe E.DEN LODGE NO. 41, DAUGHTERS OF REBEKAH, meets every 1st and 3d Frida T of each month In Odd Fellows’ Hall. Flo B entley, N. G. Kittib Bhiohi. Sec. GARinELD LODGE, NO.9S.F.AA.M. Hegu lar communications Thursday nights on or befu re the full of the moon. W. J. Do bbb, Sec. B. H. Benedict, W. H. HOLT*C.VMP NO. 1710, M. W. OP A. Meets on the first and third Tuesday In each month In the Masonic hall. C. W. HAOEiysi OK. V. 0. D. H. Cronin, Clerk AO, U. W. _NO. 153. Meets second • and fourth 'Judaday of each month In . Masonic hall. „ „ „ 0. Bright, Bee. S. B. Howard, M, W. INDEPENDENT WORKMEN OF AMERICA, meet every first and third Friday of each month. Geo. McOdtchan, N. M. J. H. Welton, Sso. POSTOFFICE DIRCETORY Arrival ofMalls r. a. tH.V.lL K.—FROM THE HAST. Every day,Sunday lneluded at.6:15 pm rKOH THE WEST. Every day, Sunday Included at.8:68 a m pacihc short line. Passenger— leaves 9:58 a. h. Arrives 11:65 p.m. Freight—leaves 0:07 P. M. Arrives 7:00 P. M. Dally except Sunday. O'NEILL AND CHELSEA. Departs Monday, Wed. und Friday at 7:00 am Arrives Tuesday, Thurs. and. Sat. at. .1:00pm O’NEILL AND PADDOCK. Departs Monday. Wed. and Friday at.. 7:00am Arrives Tuesday, Thurs. and Sat. at. .4:30 p m O’NEILL AND NIOBRARA. .Departs Monday. W ed. and Frl. at.... 7:00 am Arrives Tuesday, Thurs. and Sat. at...4:00 p w O'NEILL AND CUMHIN8VILLE. Arrives Mon.,Wed. and Fridays at ,.U:30p m ’Departs Mon., Wed. and Friday at.1:00 p m P.D-AJ. F. MULLEN, PROPRIETORS OP THE RED - FRONT GOOD TEAMS, NEW RIGS Prices Reasonable. But of McCnfferto'a. O'NEILL, NEB. NEW YORK... ILLUSTRATED NEWS The Organ of Honaat Sport in Amarloa ALL THE SENSATIONS OF THE DAY PICTURED BV THE FOREMOST ARTISTS OF THE COUNTRY Life in New York Graphically Illustrated. Breezy but Respectable. $4 FOR A YEAR, $2 FOR SIX MONTHS Do you want to be posted? Then send your subscription to the m MS ILLUSTRATED SEWS, 3.PARK PLACES NEW YORK CITY PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. aaaaaaaaaaaaa RI.PANS ABULES REGULATE THE STOMACH, LIVER AND BOWELS AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. B1PAHS T ABULES the heat Kelt dne known fbr Indigestions Biliousness* Headache, Constipation* Djipevsl^Gkroila Liver Trouble*, Ulzclness, Bsd Complexion* Djienter^* Offensive Bresth* end all dls* orders of the Stomach* Liver and Bowels. Rlpans Tabules contain nothing injurious to the most delicate constitution. Are pleasant to take, safe, effectual, and give immediate relief. Price—bO cents per box. May be ordered through nearest druggist* or by malL Sample vial, 10 cents. Address THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO., 10 SPRUCE STREET, NEW YORK CITY. Sioux City, O’Neill and Western Railway (PACIFIC 8HOBT LINE) THE SHORT ROUTE BETWEEN sloijx ClTY ANT) Jackson, Laurel, Randolph, Os mond, Plainview, O'Neill. Connects at Sioux City with all diverging lines, landing passengers in NEW UNION PASSENGER STATION Homeseekers will find golden opportun ities along this line. Investigate before going elsewhere. THE CORN BELT OF AMERICA For rates, tlmo tables, or other information call upon agent i or address F. C. HELLS, W. B. MoNIDEK, Beoelver. Qen'l Pass. Agent. THE NEW DONAHOE’S is combating Religious Prejudice and economic injustice, and helping Catholics and Protestants to under stand each other better. THE NEW DONAHOE’S Is brilliant without being super ficial, instructive without being heavy, popular without being triual. THE NEW DONAHOE’S Will delight every American Catho lic and interest every thoughtful Protestant. Only $2.00 a year. Write for sample copy DONAHOEJS MAGAZINE CO. 611 WASHINGTON ST., BOSTON MASS DINING WITH THE PRINCE, What People May Expect Who Receive an Invitation to Hla Table. The prince of Wales’ dinner begins punctually at 8:45 p. m., and lasts an hour and ten minutes. Rapid service Is a household law, and is quite neces sary as the menn Is rather extended, though not ostentatiously elaborate. Four or five waiters only are allowed to enter the dining hall. The kitchen Is, of course, at some distance, but for the sake of dispatch a serving-room ad joins the dining-hall, and here a little army of assistants supplies the waiters at an Instant’s notice. Soft, low music is played during the entire hour. The menu card is almost severe in its plain ness, having simply a narrow gold bor der, surmounted by the royal crest, and is always printed in French. The courses are arranged in first and sec ond service. In each course an alterna tion of china and silver plates is strict ly observed; for instance, turtle soup in silver plates and bisque in china plates. For the first course a fillet of tout artistically garnished, upon an oval entree dish of silver, and sole with rich “soucle” on a china plate, guests being given choice of either fish. “Cotellettes de volatiles” and “chaud froidB” follow; and then comes haunch es of venison on large silver-dishes, and saddles of mutton, also on silver. The meats are all previously carved in the serving room. Dainty deserts conclude the bountiful repast. Education. I believe It Incumbent upon the eltl sens of the Twentieth century never to rest till congress shall enact laws com pelling every child for seven years to be educated at state expense, and at the public schools and nowhere else.—Rev. Claude Roboteau. “Saw for the OoMa" A western baseball team has signed s poet as a pitcher. This tends to even up matters with certain magazines who apparently sign pitchers as poets.—New York Press. Mrs. R. DeYoung, Middlcburg, Is., writes, I have used One Minute Cough Cure for six years, both for myaelf and children, and I consider it the quickest acting and most satisfactory cough cure I have ever used. Morris & Co. GASOLINE ENGINES. IRON AND WOOD PUMPS OF ALL KINDS. EcllpM and Fairbanks Wind* mill* Towers, Tanks, Irriga tion Outfits, Bow, Belting, Orlnden.8taellen.Wood Sewa, Drive Folnte, Pipe, Fitting*. Bran good* end relrfeuk* RUnaird eeelee. Price* low. oet tile beet. Bend tor Catalogue. FAIRBANKS, MORSE A CO., ->tl02 P*rnam St. Omaha, Neb. DON’T STOP TOBACCO HOW TO CURE YOURSELF WHILE US ING IT. , The tobaoeo habit grows on a man un til his nervous system is 3erionsly affect ed, impairing health, comfort and happi ness. To quit suddenly is too severe a shook to the system, as tobacco, to an in veterate user, becomes a stimulant that his system continually craves. “Baoo Curo” is a scientific oure for the tobacco habit, in all Ub forms, oarefully com pounded after the formula of an eminent Berlin physioian who has used it in his private practice since 1872, without a failure. It is purely vegetable and guar anteed perfectly harmless. You can use all the tobaooo you want while taking “Baoo-Ouro.” It will notify you when to stop. We give a written guarantee to oure permanently any case with three boxes, or refund the money with 10 per cent, interest. “Baoo-Ouro” is not a substitute, but a scientific cure, that oures without the aid of will power and with no inconvenience. It leaves the system as pure and free from niootine as the day you took your first chew or smoke. CUBED BT “BAOO-CUBO” AND OAINBD THIBET POUNDS. From hundreds of testimonials, the originals of which are on file and open to inspection, the following is presented: Clayton, Nevada Co., Ark., Jan. 28, 1895. Eureka Ohemioal A Mfg. Co., La Crosse Wis.—Gentlemen: For forty years I used tobaooo in all its forms. For 25 years of that time I was a great sufferer from general deDility and heart disease. For fifteen years I tried to quit, but couldn’t. I took various remedies, among others “No-To-Bao,” “The Indian Tobacco Antidote,”‘‘Double Chloride of Gold,” eto., eto., but noue of them did me the least bit of good. Finally, however, I purchrsed a box of your “Baoo-Curo” and it has entirely cured me of the habit in ail its forms, and I have increased 80 pounds in weight and am relieved from all the numerous aches and pains of body and mind. I could write a quire of paper upon my ohanged feeling and con dition. Yours respectfully, - F. H. Mabbubt, Pastor C. P. Church, Clayton, Ark. Sold by all druggists at $1.00 per box; three boxes, (thirty day’s treatment), $2.50 with iroa-olad, written guarantee, or sent direot upon receipt of prioe. Write for booklet and proofs. Eureka Chemical & Mfg. Co., La Crosse, Wis., and Boston, Mass. Ocl6Item. OZMANLIS ORIENTAL SEXUAL PILLS BQ7V| JL rvUlJr»f IUI1UVV Cun fir /npotmw, Loot of Manhood, InM tmlttlont, 8prrmaterrhra, Ntruoutator, 8rlfDlrtruot, lot* of Mtmoru, So. Will main uou a 8TRONQ, Vlaor out Man. Prior $1.00, $ Boon, $6.00. BgrolalOlnotMiioMajlaO nlthraohOox. Radnor BtUird Sara Lliluxt C*., aw* Luoa* « price, 91.00 per bottle. Book "To Moth* era " mailed Tree. ' BRADFJrLD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, 6s. ' I bJLD BT AU DRTTOGIBTS. The highest claim for other tobaccos is “Just as good as Durham." Every old smoker knows there is none just as good as Blackwell's ^ BULL DURHAM l Smoking tobacco . Ton win find one coupon In ride Ieach two ounce bag, ana two cou pon* inside each four ounce i bag of Blackwell's Durham, k Buy a bag of this cele I b rated tobacco and read the , I coupon—which gives a list 'of valuable presents and how £ to get them. Always Buy the Best. The . Best is C heapest Th* Finest and Largest stock of good in the Hardware and. .Implement Line in the Blkhorn Valley is found at II All k\\ S' . ' - • • ’ ‘ \ Neil Brennan’s John Deere plows, Moline wagons, David Bradley & Co’s famous Disc cultivators... Riding and walking cultivators, harrows, Glidden wire, stoves, oils, cuttlery, tinware. NERVI SEEDS? WEAK rntlTfcU FmnaB«aiedf enraa quickly, permanently all la I nervous diseases. Weak Memory, Lose of Brain Power, fcULU Headache, Wakefulness, Loat Vitality, Nightly Emit* ■Iona, evil dreamt, linpotency and wasting diseases caused by youthful errorm or excesses. Contains no opiates, la a serve tool* and blood balldcr, Makes f Easily carried In vest pocket. I. . . paid, -with a written guarantee or money refun medical book, sealed plain wrapper, wlt_ ___ flnanolnl standing. No ehargefor consultation*. Beware of imita* Finns. KoldLfMruMiti.aruMnitHBKTI HlfED CO.* Km' --- - Foraalein O’Nelli, Neb., by MOBHIB & GO., Druggists. •‘ALL THB MAOAZINBS IN ONE.” “"Review-Reviews edited by ALBERT SHAW. »REVIEW«REVIEWS ■>#WVVWVWVW The review of REVIEWS, is its name implies, (Ives in readable form the best that appears in the other great magazines all over A/Wi/Vn/^VWVWWV' ^ 1 tne world, generally on the same date that they are published. With the recent extraordinary ^ increase of worthy periodicals, these careful i the subscription price. reviews, summaries, and quotations, giving the gist of periodical litera ture, are alone worth r Aside from these departments, the editorial SUBSCRIPTION $3.50. TURKS RKCKNT MM PUR 25 cents. uni tuumuuieu icanires 01 xne KEVIEW OF KETIBVS are themselves equal in extent 4o a magazine. The Editor’s "Progress of the World” is an invaluable chronicle of the happenings of the thirty days just pst, with pictures on every page of the men and women who have made the history of the month. Tb* Library World says: “We are deeply impressed from month to month with the value of the ’Review op Reviews,’ which is a sort of Eiffel Tower for the survey of the whole field of periodical literature. And yet it has a mind and voice of its own, and speaks out with decision and sense on all public topics of } the hour. It is a singular combination of the monthly and 1 the daily newspaper. It is daily in its freshness; it is monthly in its method. It is the world under a field glass.” SaM Man News StaMU. Slagle Cw. as amts. *RBW»KEHQI5 13 Aatoe Place, New Yotlc. Agents find It the Host Profitable ilagazine. Dr. Price’s Cream Bakins Powder Awarded Cold Medal Midwinter Pair, Saa Frandaco. PATENTS Caveata, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted for moocmatc Fees. OUN Omec IS OOFOSITC U. S. WATCNT OrvtCt and we can secure patent in leu time than thou remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A Pamphlet, “How to Obtain Patents,” with cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries lent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opp. Patent Office, Washington. D. C. _ WtSiHIAAAAAAiAMAAAAAAAAAAAAAiAS CAN I OBTAIN prompt answer and m MUNN Ac CO.* who 1 „ A PATENT t for » annonest opinion, write to _ j hsTi had nssrlylhr yarn? •rperienoe In the patent business. Communica tions strict) y confidential. ▲ Handbook of In formation concerning Patents and how to ob tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mechaa loal and sdenttflo books seat free. _ Patents taken through Mann A Co. woetre ■pedal notloe In the Helen tlfle American* and thus are brought widely before the public with* out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, tmued weakly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the largest circulation of any scientific work in the world. $3 a year, fcanjpla copies sent free. Building Editlon.monthly, flfiO a year. Single copies, *ft5 cents. Every number contains beau tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new homes, with plans, enabling builders to show tM latest designs and secure contracts. Address MUNN A OOn NSW YOBS, 331 BboADWAN