The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, June 11, 1896, Image 2

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Tn Fbowtibb Pbimtiso Oo._
Ei.gin will have a fitting celebration
on the Fourth of Juty.
There will be running races in Rush
vilie on July 2, 3 and 4.
The Arapahoe band has been en
gaged to furnish music at the state
fair. county contributed a car
load of corn to the Texas tornado suf
ferers. *
Wayne brags of a pour down that
produced one inch of moisture inside of
a minute. ?
Fullerton citizens will donate a
carload of corn to the Texas cyclone
EiMJov. John M. Thayer united
with the Methodist church in Lincoln
last Sunday.
Bancroft Is talcing the initatory
steps for proper eelebration of the
Fourth of July.
Tiik graduating class at Ashland
numbered twenty-one, fifteen ladies
and six gentlemen. •
Uvshvii.i.k, Gordon and Hay Springs
Modern Woodmen are arranging for a
grand picnic in June.
The assessment of Newcastle. this
year shows an increase in valuation of
several hundred dollars
Sham, grain in Burt county is so rank
that there is some fear it will “lodge.”
The fruit crop will be fair.
There were some thirsty fields in
Nebraska until last week, when they
got a great wetting down.
A number of Nebraska City brick
layers have gone to St Louis where
their services are in demand.
One inch of rain fell at Wqyne the
other day inside of one minute. .What
locality can break the record?
The Tekamah Herald asserts that
within a few months a railroad will be
built from Tekamah to Decatur. ,. f
F. W. Cqi.i.ins and W. .1. Bryan de
bated the silver question at the Orleans'
chautauqua to a large audience.
David City's tax levy this year will
necessarily be a little larger than last,
owing to some special obligations to be
One implement man at Blair has al
ready sold fourteen self-binders in an
' tieipation of a heavy crop of small
grain. «- ....
Wm. Wagner of Johnson County has
been adjudged insane by the local ex
amining board and will be taken, to. the
Lincoln asylum.
Tuk Augustana synod of the Sw'edlsh
Luthern church for the United States
and Canada convened in Omaha last
week for a ten days' session.
(.rack Hancock, a 15-year-old girl
living near Fontanelle, ate some pois
onous substance, nature unknown, and
died shortly afterward in great agony.
Ht*Hoi,ajis have of late been ,quite
active in York, entering a number of
residences. Onlv money was taken,
watches and Jewelry being undis
John Drkxki. was run over and killed
by a Missouri Pacifio train while cross
ing the tracks about five miles north of
Npringfleld. His head was entirely
Tuk Grand Army of the Republic re
union for Cass, Lancaster. Otoe, Harpy
and Saunders counties will be held this
year at Weeping Water, July 1 to 4 in
clusive. „ V
Tiik Joint debate at the.Orleans Chau
Ex-Congressman Bryan
and l. W. Collins was listened to by a
large audience. Both made magnifi
cent efforts
Th* peraouai property assessment of
Ii.8rne8^L township. Gage county,
shows 330 head of horses, 1,104 cattle,
forty-four mules, twenty-five sheep and
1,704 hogs, valued at 933,10a i.
This Wilber Demoorat thinks ne
"'*>at it ought ta he unless pro
sided with a tornado cave.. It may
needed, but in the event that
It should. it Will be needed bad.
•*t**Pt was made to buifclsrUe
the safe of D. P. Rolfe &Ca, lumber
merchants Nebraska City. The handle
and took* were knocked off with-- a
sledge hammer, but an entrance was
not effected. ’
®iU„d*mn Martinsburg ae
well aa at Pones was nearly washed
«mt by the storm of the 34th ulu At
the former place it will coet oonsiclem
ble time and labor to repair the dam ai
good as it was •
ON*! of the worst slormS of the see.
•cm. eooomDenied with torrent* of rain,
s he people tn general were Tory much
About four inches of rain
fell during the night ■ -■) .*-,* ,*
•torsa that passed north
*°f ^“PC'ly did considerable
more damage than was first reported*
Mach winter wheat and rye wEs des
i* ?Lp,owifd under “nd
corn will be planted on the ground. 4
s,?'*ns Omaha company's elevator at
btromaburg was burned, together with
almut 12,000 bushels of oats. The Hre
originated in the engine room, llv
hart worit the nre department sue
1ce*ded *“ wvibf adjoining buildings.
Ha1BRI8’ .wh6 ha* heensten
ogrupher in Superintendent Calvert'*
oBee, has been promoted to take place
ontl‘hilan-kt*?„u,ivUio“ SuPerintend
«n» Phelan at Alliance. Many friends ol
Mgv Harris, rejoice at his good fortune.
- **•.murder trial at Rush
gllte on the 4th. the accused himsell
was on the witness stand. He denied
shots at Von Harris,
and declared that he only shot twice
“d Oi«w two were flredvt h A*ii
Jnu^^k'7^Dd ***** Von H«rU wai
killed by accident
During a terrific thunder ttorm ai
* i**1* •trueh the roof of J. W.
.waiaon a house, passing down the
cnHotkey and knocking a quantity ai
plantar from tho halfway* LucSih
injured. Tha storm was the mast sc
vero thst ever occurred ia tha eicielty
**B,P*®* hole at Monroe. Platte
hhhnty, reached a depth last week of
iW5 feet nt which point, after baring
-which point, aucr berii
through n strata of coarse grs
fr several feat, water rushed
— ", - ms water
r. ,n *"*"** l9tt oi th« top of i
hole. The object of the' prospect*
baa been to find either mineral depot
or artesian water. 1
■Tack Robixaui.t, an old citizen oi
Blaine county, who left in thedepressed
times of a couple of years ago and
west to California, and subsequently
to Texas, has returned to Nebraska to
stay, satisfied that it is the best place
after all.
A caiu.oad of corn for Texas torna
do sufferers arrived in Lincoln last
week and was sent south by the Bur
lington. It curried an inscription tell
ing of its destination and adding “Com
pliments of 1894.’' The car was from
Greeley county.
A Free Methodist campmeeting and
conference will be held in air. Welburn’s
grove, two and one-half miles east of
Wellfleet’ Neb., commencing June 18
and lasting until the 28th or over two
Sabbaths. A large tent 40x60 feet will
be used for services.
One William Baker war arrested at
; Lincoln by Deputy Sheriff Jones of
: W&hoo and brought back for trial. At
1 an unseemly hour Baker is accused of
J going into the barn of Frank Neitzel
in Valparaiso, and stealing one set of
harness and other articles.
I* V. Woodruff, one of York conn
i ty’s earliest settlers, aged 74 years, goi
up the other morning and walked out
to the barn. His family noticing that
he did not return, went out to look for
him and found him dead. Heart
trouble was the cause of his quick
! death. ‘
CoMl’AXt K, First regiment Nebraska
national guard, was mustered in at
Columbus last week by Adjutant-Gen
eral Harry and Major Fechet The
officers of the company are: J. N.
Kilian, captain; C. W. Jones, first lieu
tenant; G Lb Stillman, second lieu
A petition-, signed by fifty-seven of
the best and ablest people of Kight
Mile presinct, was handed to the coun
ty commissioners of Cass county, ask
ing that that that body call a special
election in Eight Mile precinct for the
purpose of voting *4,000 bonds for
bridge purposea
Baknby Lewis, of McCook,.last week
laid away the remains of his only
child, a charming little daughter. By
an extraordinary fatality and coinci
dence, this family has lost all of their
children with whooping cough. Three
died in Lincoln, -where they formerly
resided, and three have died since they
moved to McCook, two of them within
B week. ■
The Seventh Day Adventists have
perfected arrangements with the Fre
mont Chautauqua association for their
state encampment. It will commence
the S4th day of August and be- in ses
sipn until the "tb day of September.
It is thought that there will be in at
tendance from 1,000 to 1,300 people.
The meetings will be conducted by the
best-talent of the United States
Tun-state supreme court nas'made a
ruling in the case of Morgan and Hoo
ver, two-murderers under sentence of
death -In the Douglas county jaiL In
each csse the verdict of tne trial jury
is upheld. This means that these men
will have to die on the gallows unless
there la executive interference. Mor
gan ravished and then killed little Ida
Uaskill. Hoover Bhot and killed his
brother-in-law, a member of the city
-council of'Omaha. , , ,
Title State Druggists' association, at
their meeting in Lincoln last week,
elected officers as follows; President,
John J. Teton, Nebraska City; first-'
Vice president, Theodore St Martin,
Wahoo; second vice president, A. W.
Buckheit, Grand Island; third, vice
president, J. F. Gerke, Seward; fourth
vice president, C. L. Smith, Omaha;
fifth vice president, F. T. Carlton,
Palmyra; secretary, W. L. Heilman,
Tecumseh; treasurer, Jerry Bowen, ;
wood River; 'local secretary, G H. ,
Smith, Plattsmouth.
.The twenty-first annual session of
,the grand chapter of Nebraska, Order
of the Eastern Star, closed last week at
Fremont after a very profitable and in-,
teresting three days’ session. The fol
lowing officers were elected: G. VY.
M-, Mrs. G. M. Stires, C'olumbUs; G. W.
;P., Rev. Pinkham, Grand Island; G. W.
,S.( Dr. Eleanor Daily, Omaha; G. W.
T., Edwin Davis. Omaha; O. \V. G,
‘Mrs; Maud Bronson, McCook; assistant
G- W. Cb, Mrs, Clara Wright; assistant
G. W. M,, Mr*. Baldwin, North Platte;
.assistant G. W. P., D. B. Howard,
Lincoln.' ■’ ■ -1 ■
- A XKKTtio of the county commission
er* of northwestern Nebraska was held
last week at Norfolk. It was decided
.to change the name of the association
to the County Commissioners and Su-'
pervisora Association of the State of
Nebraska, making it a state associa
tion instead of simply North Nebraska,
as heretofore. The next meeting will
be held at Lincoln on the second Tues
day in December, 18N. >
MARK JJU81CK, % batchelor about 30
jrt.ara oi age, living twelve utiles south
of Chadron, committed suicide by tak
itiff strychnine, liusick has suffered
lor yrara with rheumatism and recent
ly with neuralgia of the stomach. He
remarked to his sister that he believed
he had lived long enough and walked
Out of the house toward the river.
Not returning in a short time, she
went to look for him and found him
lying dead upon the river bank.
'< Uovernok Holcomb has received the
following letter, written by Mr. .1, YV.
Madden, privaue secretary to Governor
Culbertson’: * 'Since the receipt of your
telegram of the aiat Inst., in which you
so kindly tendered aid to the bereaved,
storm-stricken and home-wrecked peo
Sle,of our state, Governor Culbertson
as been unavoidably absent from the
capitol, slid is-so now, but has instruct
ed me to express to you on behalf of
the people of Texas thanks for your
very generous and benevolent offer of
assistance, and to assure you that the
same la accepted in a spirit of the pro
foundest gratitude. The people of
IVxat in general, and those who were
the immediate sufferers in particular,
will treasure in sacred remembrance
.this manifestation of sympathy . and
! rood. will, on the part qf yourself and
the kind and noble-hearted people 6f
your slate.” . ■ ,
11 it ho la as visited Alvo, a small town
on the Rock Island, seven miles north
west of Elmwood, and effected an an
tranee into the general merchandise
store of C, C. Bucknell by prying open1
the front door. Six pairs of shoes, sev
eral boxes of eigare, all the silk hand
kerchiefs and mufflers in the store, and
some dry goods were taken.
A DKi’XKKN man fell from the second
story porch at the rear of the building
occupied by the White Elephant saloon
in Hastings and with a drunken man’s
proverbial luck escaped without more
serious injury than a slight cut on the
head. The fall was enough to have
killed or crippled for life a sober man
krnnng Helton and One Other Unable to
Understand One Word of the Pro
ceeding:*—The Interpreter Little
‘VjM.Ueed-—The Ksniu Hoy
Write* From Prieon of
Cuban Horror*.
Washington, June s.—The testi
mony of Frederick W. Lawrence, re
ferred to by Mr. Morgan in the Sen
ate, Was taken privately before the
subcommittee of the Senate commit
tee on foreign relations May 30 in re
gard to the situation in Cuba. Law
rence stated that he had gone to Cuba
as a newspaper correspondent and had
been expelled. He had found it im
possible to secure much information
from the Spanish authorities and
learned afterwards that what was
given out was untrue.
Referring to the trial of Laborde
and Milton, captured on board the
Competitor, Lawrence said that
neither the prosecution nor the de
fense asked any questions, that the
five were tried at once and that the
trial, which resulted in the sentence
of death, lasted less than a day.
Asked if there was an interpreter
present, Lawrence said there A-as, but
that he did not make his presence
known to the prisoners until they
were asked whether they had any
thing to say in their own defense.
These long statements were read by
the judge advocate in Spanish. The
evidence was given in Spanish and not
translated in their hearing. "Their
defender did not communicate to them
the substance of it nor utter one sin
gle word to them,'1 said Lawrence.
?‘l have every reason to think
their defending counsel could not
speak English. Then they were asked
What they had to say in defense, but
notin English. The presiding officer of
the court martial—there were ten of
them, what we might call the jury—
the presiding officer of that body said
to Laborde in Spanish, "What have
you to say?” He said a few words and
so it went on till the last man was
reached—William Gildea and the pre
siding officer spoke to him, and he did
not understand him, and then the in
terpreter got up and said: "Do you
wish to say anything?” Gildea arose
and said: ‘All I have to say Is I do not
understand one word that has been
said to-day for or against me, and at
any rate. X appeal to both the British
and American consuls.’ There werd
two prisoners who could not speak
an* understand Spanish—Milton and
Gildea.” •
The Young Kansan Mow In a Caban
Prison Wrltss of tbs Horrors.
Key West, Fla., June 8.—A letter
has been received here from Owen
Melton, the young Kansan captured
on the schooner Competitor and sen
tenced to death in Havana, in which
he describes the barbarities practiced
by Spaniards on prisoners confined in
Moro Castle and Fort Cabanas as fol
lows: "The world will never know
the barbarities that are practiced by
the Spaniards on the suepects con
fined in Moro CaBtla and Fort
Cabanas. They are being tortured and
shot without trial almost daily. On
May 3(1 Faustrino Pardone, 16 years
old, was captured in the outskirts of
Havana by Spanish guerillas and
lodged In Cabanas. It was suspected
that the boy had been in communica
tion with the insurgents. To make
Pardone confess he was stripped and
suspended by the arms, while a Span
ish lieutenant whipped the boy on the
bare flesh with a heavy whip Par
done's back, shoulders and breast
were soon a bleeding pulp and he was
shrieking in agony. Then the officer
asked Pardone if he had done certain
things and in his terrible pain the boy
would scream ‘yes. yes.’ This was
written at the boy’s deposition. Such
things are of daily occurrence in the
“At night volleys of musketry are
frequently heard. The next dav the
prisoners know what these vbllevs
mean when they miss the faces of well
known prisoners and from ten to fif
teen are crowded in one cell.
"There are several Americans in
Cabanas^ among them being the Amer
icans captured with the schooner Com
petitor. Part of these are in one tell
and part ip another. Julio Sanguillv
is also imprisoned here. He is given
a separate cell. Numbers of Cubans
have been found at their homes suffer
ing from wounds and have been
dragged, awfully and thrown in the
dungeons of Fort Cabanas.
Sfcot by u Angry Wife.
Foot Smith, Ark., June A—About 9
o’clock last night Mrs. Fagan Bour
land, a leading society woman, ’who
had blackened her face for a disguise,
shot twice and fatally wounded Maud
Allen and then tired upon her own
hnsband, wounding him in the leg.
lhe shooting was the result of an in
trigue of long standing between Hour
land and the Alien woman, and had
•,xPecJ?d in view of less serious
mmcultieft fr6m time to time. Mrs.
Bourland has not been arrested and
probably will not be.
Mare Uoaba la Barcelona, Spain. F
Baucklosa, June 8. — After the
Corpus Christ! procession here to-day,
two brass bombs, similar to those in
the Lieeo theater .utrage in November
189*. were found in a street near the
cathedral. Several Anarchism have
been arrested on suspicion.
Fatal Stars, at Loop City, Neb.
Bot’P, City, Neb., June 8.—As a re
sult of a hurricane and a cloud burst
here last night,- tereu members of
Joseph McCoy’s family were injured
and one child killed. Many houses
I were destroyed. ’ i
Insists on Public Buildings by a Vote of
58 to O—The House Scored.
Washington, June 8.—In the Senate
Sir. Allison reported a partial agree
ment on the sundry civil appropriation
bill. He explained that a number of
items were still open, including those
for new public buildings at Salt Lake
City and at the capitals of the new
states of Idaho, Wyoming and Mon
tana and additions for the public
buildings at Kansas City, Savannah,
Ga.. and Camden, N. J.
Mr. Dubois made a vigorous plea
for public buildings at the new capi
tals. He said that it . was notorious
that the speaker of the house and the
chairman ot the house committee on
public buildings and grounds declined
to approve any new public buildings.
And yet Speaker Reed resided m a
place with 30,000 people with a public
building costing $1,153,000 and the
district represented by Chairman
Milliken of Maine, of the House com
mittee on public buildings, had federal
buildings in five towns. The chairman
of the House committee lived in a
town which would not make a suburb
of one of these Western capitals. The
county seats in some of these new
states were larger than any town in
the districts represented by these gen
tlemen (Reed und Milliken).
Mr. Vest said it was an established
Dolicy to give the new states a public
building at their capital.
After further debate the Senate
conferees were instructed to insist on
all the public buildiug items. To em
phasize the insistence a yea and nay
vote was taken, resulting 58 to 0.
Governor Stone Opposed to Acting Upon
**»Tor Walbrlclge's Request.
Jefferson City, Mo., June S.—When
seen this afternoon, Governor Stoue
refused to say whether he would call
ftu extra session of the legislature or
not at the request of Mayor Wal
bridge of St. Louis. From an unoffi
cial source it is said that he is ODposed
to an extra session; that such a call
would necessitate at least a ten days’
session and that it would cost the
state 840,000 or *j<>,ooo.
One (car More for the Sectarian Schools
Attorneys’ Claims Referred.
Washington, June 8.—The confer
ees have made a final agreement on
the Indian appropriation bill. The
sectarian school amendment provides
for one instead of two years for clos
ing the government contracts with
these schools, and the claims for at
torneys’ fees in the Cherokee old set
tlers’ claims are referred to the court
of claims. The report was agreed to
in the Senate.
Alliance of the Reform Churches.
Nkw York, June 8.—The American
delegates who will represent this
country at the sixth General Council
of the Alliance of the Reform Churches
throughout the world holding the
Presbyterian system, left to-day for
Glasgow. The convention will open
on the 17th. The constitution of the
alliance aims to bring together all
reformed, churches which hold the
Presbyterian system. It will c in
sider subjects of evangelizatiou and
reform in the Chiistian church
throughout the world. Church union,
temperance, the Sabbath reform, fed
eral union of all the members of this
household, beneficence, missions, etc.,
are the principal themes that will
come before this assembly.
Congratulations for Wales.
London, June 8.—Telegrams are
still coming to Marlborough house
congratulating the Prince of Wales
upon the success of his horse Persim
mon in the Derby Wednesday. The
qneen, Emperor William, theczarand
most of the crowned heads have tele
graphed to the prince. The only dis
cordant note thus far comes from
Scotland, where the Rev. Mr. Fergus,
at a meeting of the Religious Tract
society, suggested that they send col
porteurs to Epsom in order to induce
the Prince of Wales and, incidentally.
Lord Roseberry, to. “try for a higher
race thnn the Derby.”
Dooilan to Lon Kuuu,
Topeka. .June 8.—George L. Doug
lass of Wichita, famous in 1893 as
speaker of the "Douglass house,” has
made arrangements to go to Chicago
to practice law. He gives as the rea
son for making the change that owing
to his hard light to suppress the liquor
traffic he has made himself disliked in
Wichita. He says he is boycotted by
the business men and others and no
body will give him any law practice.
Rather than stay and fight it out he
will leave while be has youth and
means and make a new start in Chi
cago. __
Senator* Petition for Wlborg.
Pmi.AnEi.raiA, June 6.— Counsel for
Captain Wiborg, late commander of
the alleged filibustering steamer
HorRa, have leeeived from Washing
ton a petition to President Cleveland,
requesting his pardon, signed by Sen
ators Sherman and Morgan of the
foreign relations committee and fortv
two other Senators, and forty-eight
members of the House in addition to
the 103 received a few days ago.
Naval Hill Difference* Compromise,I,
Washington, June 8. — The con-.
ferees on the naval appropriation bill
have agreed upon a compromise pro
viding for three new battleship*-jjed
fixing the price of armor plate at Stir
per ton.
Uoo Filed on the Urant Statuu.
Brooklyn, N. Y., June 8.—William
Ordway Patridge, the sculptor, who
made the statue of General Grant, un
veiled on April 20, has filed a me
chanic's lien on the statue, lie claims
that $d,0M is due to him for his work
Actor an KaglUhman.,
London, June 8.—A London *nc'et\
paper says that Mr. W. W. Astor was
naturalized as a British subject some
time ago nnd predicts that lie is goio -
into politics or is “fishing for a title.’
' ■ ' ‘ ; ' 1 ... ..'.V . ii- -Ilf'i-'
Fifty-Six Members Oppose and Only F1t<
Stand by President Cleveland—Mr. Test
Makes Another Bitter Attack on the
Chief Magistrate—His Veto Was Se
verely Criticised.
The Rivera BUI ■ Lew.
Washington! June 4.— As soon ns
the Senate met to-day Mr. Vest, who,
in the absence of Mr. Frye, is in
charge of the rivers and harbors bill,
sought to have the President's veto of
that measure brought up. This was
opposed by Mr. Pettigrew, in charge
of the Indian appropriation bill con
ference report.
Vest urged that the suspension
and possible destruction of the work
of improvement of international
water ways was of more moment than
any other one subject, save that of
the national honor. I* was imper
ative that the question be settled now,
so that if the veto was sustained it
could be determined whether any
other rivers and harbors bill' was to
be framed.
The bill and veto were taken up,
yeas 3d, nays 10, the negative vote
«««■ J.v Messrs. Date, (Jhuton,
Harris, Palmer and Vilas, Democrats,
and Brown, Morrill, Pettigrew, Pritch
ard and Teller, Uepublicans.
Mr. Vest said tliut the veto contained
statements which, however much he
might respect the high office of Presi
dent. ought not to go unchallenged.
He did not question the President’s
veto prerogative, but the framers o(
the constitution never had intended
that this power should be used in the
ordinary affairs of the government.
It was to be a power to meet extra
ordinary contingencies when popular
passion had led to hasty legislation
or when a constitutional question was
involved. The early Presidents who
stood nearest to the constitution ex
ercised the veto power but seven
times—twice by Washington, five
times by Madison and never by Jeffer
son or John Adams.
The President had, Mr. Vest said,
stated that the bill made direct ap
propriations of #14,000.000, while in
fact they aggregated $12,008,900, a
difference of $1,391,100. This was
hardly characteristic of the emana
tions of Mr. Cleveland.
Mr. Vest took up other items, show
ing that the totals were less than the
President’s statements would indicate.
As to the general charge of extrava
gance, in connection with the vast in
terests involved and the extent of the
country, and the fact that the river
and harbor bill covered two years this
measure was reasonable. There were
items open to question, but in all
legislation this was a result of com
promise. He had addressed a letter
to General Craighill, chief of engineers,
asking for the facts ns to the state
ment of the (’resident that he
had learned from official sources that
the bill contained appropriations in
tended to serve private interests. Gen
eral Craighill made no reply, but in
response to a telegraphic querv
answered that the letter had been
“referred to the secretary of war for
instructions.*’ Up to this date no in
formatfon had been given. “So, for
reasons best known to the administra
tion,” he said bitterly, “it is considered
best not to go into details, but to in
lulge in general and historical declam
ations as to the alleged extravagance
Mid favoritism in it. ”
Mr. Vest said that he believed tliat
me of the present changes applied to
Lhe Brunswick, Ga.. harbor, one of
[.he best and most economical im
provements in the country. He spoke
if cheaper rates of transportation re
sulting from improvements at the Soo.
Mew Orleans. Baltimore, New York,
Boston anri elsewhere. In the plat
form on which Mr. Cleveland was first
lominated was a strong plank for
water improvements, and his early
nessage indorsed these improvements,
rhe speaker prophesied that in the
lear future legislation would be di
•ected to further development Of m
lernational commerce and cheapening
After some further debate, the vote
vas called forundthe bill passed over
.he veto, 5G to !>, and is now a law.
The Senate Acts on One of the Indian
BUI Disputed Points.
Washington, Jane 5.—In the Senate
to-day a partial conference on the In
dian appropriation kill was agreed to
—27 to 20. It covers a plan of estab
lishing Indian citizenshipin the Indian
territory to be carried out bv the
Dawes commission. It lias been con
tested for several days.
Mr. Pettigrew,, in charge of the In
dian bill, then sought to have the re
maining items, including that of the
Indian schools, sent back to confer
ence, but Mr. Lodge moved to recede
from the Senate amendment to Sec
tarian schools. The House suspended
appropriations to . sectarian schools,
but the Senate amendment gave until
July 1. 181)3, lor a change from con
tract to government schools. The mo
tion was defeated—yeas 17, nays 31,
the nays being Drown, Chandler,
Clark, Dubois, Gallinger, Lodge,
Mitchell of Oregon, Morrill, Platt,
Quay, Sewell, Teller, Wurrren and
Wilson, Republicans; George, Demo
crat, and Duller and Peffer. Populists
Governor A It gold's Tour.
Chicago, June 1.—Arrangements
are on foot for a grand Altgeid tour
,pf the country during the campaign..
He will make speeches in all the
Northwestern, Southern and Western
States. It is said tons of copies of his
St. Louis speech, which has heoc
edited and revised by him, will be dis
tributed from the train. It is likely
that during the latter portion of the
tour he will be accompanied by the
silver Democratic candidate for Presi
dent. _
Public Debt Statement.
Washington, June 4.—The public
debt statement shows an increase for
the mouth of May of $6,188,730, which
is accounted for by a decrease in the
cash of $2,81)7,450 and an increase of
$3,176,360 in bonds of the last issue,
paid some weeks ago and delivered
during the last month.
Western States to Be Hade the Battle* ■
Ground of the Campaign.
Washington, June 5.—With free
silver triumphant at Chicago, it is
conceded by politicians generally that
the great fight in the coming cam
paign will be in the West. New York,
New Jersey and Connecticut will be
allowed to take care of themselves.
Illinois, Michigan, Indiana and West
ern mining states heretofore Repub
lican will be the battle-ground. This
being the case. New York is almost
certain to be abandoned as the head
quarters of the campaign committees
Already a movement has been started
to make Chicago the Democratic head
quarters. While the Republicans ex
pect to raise most of their monev ia
the East, good politics suggests that,
they, too, pitch their tent near where
the fight is to be the thickest.
There is a good deal of speculation,
being indulged in at present as to who
will be selected as the chairmen of
the two great parties. Senator Quay
is thought to be the choice of the
McKinleyites to succeed Thomas H.
Carter. If Senator Quay does not
-take the place he will have a good
deal to say about who will receive the
appointment. With a free silver can
didate and a free silver platform, Mr.
Harrity s usefulness as chairman of
the Democratic campaign committee
will bo at an end. Senator Jones, of
Arkansas, is being prominently men
tioned for the place.
Kansas Democratic I'reforenom.
TorEKA, Kan., June 6.—The Kansas
delegation to the naLional Democratic
convention is divided in its prefer
ences for president. There is not one
ot the twenty who will support an.
Eastern candidate, Bland of Missouri
is the choice of in, Botes of Iowa of
4 and Governor Matthews of Indiana.
ot 4. Ex-United States Senator John,
Martin and David Overmyer, the lead
ers in the delegation, are for Eland,
and will make an effort to give him.
the solid vote of the delegation. ■
Senator Quay Likely to Withdraw.
Washington, June 6.—Xo one need!
be surprised if Senator Quay with
draws from the presidential race with
in the next few days und requests his.
supporters to cast their votes for Mc
Kinley. It is understood that lie has.
already written a letter to that effect
to a member of the Pennsylvania del
egation and is withholding it to con
sult friends.
Tlie Kaiser* Vacnt :» i* Jjrer.
London, June 0.—1The Meteor, the.
new yacht of the Emperor of Ger
many, sailed its first race yesterday at.
Cowes and defeated the Prince of
Wales' yacht Britannia, the Ailsa and
•lie Satanita.
Des Moines, May 26.—During the
year 1895, the commissioner of patents,
says, there has been exceptional.'
activity in making improvements in.
baling cotton, . straw packers and.
stackers, excavators, extracting alum- )|
inuin, pneumatic drills, car fenders.-*^
and couplers, games and toys. A copy- "
right has been granted to Will Porter,
of Des Moines, for his “Annals of Polk
County, Iowa, and the City of Des
Moines. ’ Patents have been allowed as
follows but not yet issued: To Harvey
X. Timms, of Des Moines, fora movable
stand for bicycles, adapted to be read
ily attached to a bicycle in such a man
ner as to support it stationary, or
while moving it about. Mr. Timms
has a factory at Seymour, Ind., where
he is turning out his improved bicycles
and various attachments. To Wm. H.
Foote, of Casey, Iowa, for a wheel
cultivator in which teeth bearing bars
are adjustably connected so that the
teeth can be made to move in parallel
lines close together or the space be
tween them enlarged as required to
suit different kinds of soil and differ-'
ent conditions of soil. To J. Hook,
Jr., of Manilla, Iowa, for a two-horso
evener for vehicles that allows tho
doubletree to slide back and forth on
the pole, prevents concussion and on a.
down grade keeps the traces-taut. To
Siuisor Brothers, of Webster City,
Iowa, for a type writer in which each
letter or character printed is visible to
the operator instantly after the im
pression is made and in which upper
and lower case letters can be success
ively used by striking the same
ltey. Valuable information about,
obtaining, valuing and selling patents,
sent free to any address. Printed ■
copies of the drawings and specifica
tions of any United States patent sent,
upon receipt of 25 cents. Our practice
is not confined to Iowa. Inventors in
other states can have our services up
on the same terms us the Hawkeves.
Thomas G. and J. Obtvio,
Solicitors of Patents.
Quotations Irnm New York, Chtov'o,
toiil , Omaliu uml t liotvherc.
Bui tor—Creamery separator
butter—l air to good country
Kngs— I resh.
Poultry—Live hens,per 15.
Hprhitr Chickens.
Lemons—Choice Messinas....
(Granges—P^r bqx .
Pot woes—Nat He stock
a r*j
2 (I
«n a
Means-Navy h.-md-picnedibu l 40
Hay— cuinnd. per ton. r> r.i
lions—Mixed packing.. 2 05
hops—heavy Heights.. . a 0)
Reef—fcteers. \ *«
Bulls./ i'V
Milkers and springers.. .. .**.. 2.) 00
MUk....'. 2 2.
.•.. :i hi
Cows . i
Heifers...*...!.,****.!!* » !>j
Hookers and Feeders. :i
Westerns. jj 4.,
(■beep— Mutton*.jo
'•/» I
to ti
to a
to a
to a
to 3
to a
to a
H 4
to a
to a
to 3
(Tft 4
to 3
® tt
<& 4
Wheat--No. 2. spring...... 55 5*
JJg ®r
tattle—Beef Steers.. a 75
llops-ATeroces. . 3 to
rneep—Lanihs. 4 *5
fc*heep—Muttons.***.. a 25
Wheat—Xo. ?, ted winter. <9
< orn Xo. 2..
Oats—Xo. 2.. ..
j*or!‘-...:::: .u>
Llir,1—.... 4 53
Wheat—Xo. S red, cash.. u
Corn-Per hu.” £
Oats—Per bu.* »?
Hoes—Mixed packinp.2 75
Cattle—Natlvesteer*... 343
Wheat—Xo. 2 hard... «t
Corn—Xo. 2.. iff
Oate—X o. 2. ..
| »
rbeep—Muttons ...
& »
St 4
to a
to 3
to 3
!»#. 4
to a