—1■ I'J— THE FRONTIER. PUBLISHED BVKRY THURSDAY By Tu FBOirrUB PRIimWO OO. 'O'NEILL, NEBRASKA^ OVER THE STATE. Fremont Salvationists are going to «rect a permanent barracks. The railroads will make a one-fare rate for the Omaha June races. The Stanton school board has em ployed all of last year’s teachers Yhr question of voting bonds for a new court house for Sarpy county is being agitated. The teachers' institute for Cheyenne couuty will be held at Sidney July ti to 18, inclusive. -• • t The board of education of Nebraska City last week elected teachers for the ensuing year, making but few changes. There was a great deluge at Har tineton and vicinity. Sidewalks, bridges, small outhouses, etc., were set afloat. Anna Diedrick. is yews old, jumped from a mo ;ng train on the Union Pacific and fell upon her bead, sustain ing severe injuries. Oi.it settlers of Otoe county tv ill hold their picnic June llth. Governor Hol comb and other distinguished Nebras kans will be present. New York capitalists are looking over the property of the Beatrice Rapid Transit and Power company with a view to lease or purchase. At this writing the body of young Fowler, drowned at Ashland, has not beenVecovered, although the body has been in the water three days. Post No. 10, Grand Army of the Re public, David City, has secured De partment Commander Culver to deliver the Memorial Address May 3a Adjutant-General Barry sent out 300 rounds of blank cartridges to each company of the national guards for use on Memorial day for firing salutes. , IS the district court of Hynnnis coun ty, Rimer Hardy, charged with shoot ing with intent to murder a brakeman on the B. & At, was tried and acquit ted. , . ,r. . Mr. Wagner, a farmer living five milea ’northwest of Columbus, sold some hogs to Wiggins & Lewis and one of the porkers tipped the beam at 740 pounds. At Omaha one Claycomb was found guilty of grave robbing. He stole two bodies from lilt. Hope cemetery, ship ping them to the medical college at lies Moinea . Martin Goode, a J6-year-old Omaha boy, was drownpd while bathing in a pond near the city. His brothers were with him, but were unable to render timely assistance. ‘ '' Mike Langdon was rim over by the Union Pacific freight at Platte Center and. when found was in q mangled con dition. Doctors amputated both leg* and he died in si short time. A Tannic Rock dispatch says the sev enteen-year locusts are hatching out in great • numbers. They were present last in 1879. They have the proverbial letter "W” on their backs, which is said to stand for war. The 6-year-old son of George Shaffer, living fonr miles north of Odell, was ®ng in a hay loft and in some way tack ward, striking hiahead against a sharp nail, from the effects of which he died in a few hours. Douglas county commissioners are talking of providing a cinder path for bicycles from the eity to Florencs, six miles distant. The only thing that stands in ‘the: wagr is the reduoqd condi tion of the county treasury. Ma and Mrs. Barney Lewis of Mc Cook last week bnried their little eon. Edward, making the fifth child they have lost from whooping cough. Their only remaining child, a bright, pretty little girl, is very low with ths earns strangely fatal malady. j , Sheriff Edwards of Dodge county went Co Scribner and arrested Carl Behrendt on a complaint charging him - with committing an assault und threat ening to kill his brother, Fred Beh rendt, using a knife for the purpose. The beet sugar company of York has filed articles of incorporation with Sec retary of Stole Pifer. The authorized capital stock is •6,4)00 and the object of forming a corporation is the propaga tion of sugar beeto A. C Montgomery and nineteen others are the incorpora , *rj O’f ij tiS Tine people of Hiper and surround • lug country gave the Methodist minister ot that place a generous pounding. Well (lllcd> baskets came ■ from many quarters and after they were deposited at the ' parsonage, all repaired to the church, where a social evening was en joyed. • ' - ' ■ ' * John C, Pktkrson, a prominent Swede farmer, living six miles’east of Minden, when returning home about 11 o'clock at night, lostcontrol of his team. They ran across a ditch, throw ing him out and the wagon box on top of him, breaking his ribs and driving them into bis lungs. His recovery is •§ doubtful. . A wuMcpi.vo . room oocupied: .by five „ young men was entered at W auss. A ; sack containing 840 was stolen from under the pillow of Xels I.inquest, tine of the young men sleeping in the room wns disturbed by a alight noise made by the intruder und socaughta glimpse of the man. The marshal hus a young ^erarrest on sus ~ bsvKitM, dpys agq Chief 1'ounce of Nebraska City received a telegram from - the sheriff pf Lancaster county,,telling - Aim to keep a lookout for a man, wo> man and a 3-year-old child named Sut * i*00- etating that the man was wanted •; for horse stealing. Next day tfee chief spied a coupte answering the above de 1 ecriptiou and immediately placed them 4 , Mm. p. Gtucsr bf Hall county, the | lady who was dragged about a mile in • runaway last winter, lias so far ea .» covered as.to be able to leave the hos p™ e®d te at present stopping at the residence of friends in Grand Island, ■i The recovery is a most remarkable one. ; nash* was snoet severely injured. Thk (ii.fi. reunion for Cass, Tism caster, Otoe, Sarpy and Saunders couu j ties, will be held this year at Weeping \ Water. Jaly ]»t, inclusive. The great . eneoees attending the one held there two years ago, promises to be eclipsed ! ®y the, present one. Everything will tee done for the comfort of the guests and their frienda Airncnx Is without a saloon, notwith standing the late election went favor able thereto. George Nelson, the Sheridan county convict, who was given his liberty by the supreme court, because of irregu larity in his trial, is out of the peniten tiary. and will not be molested further. His freedom is largely due to the devo tion of his sister Rosa, now of Omaha, who was on hand to welcome him back to the world. S CI ■ E1! I XT K X D F. N T ABBOTT. With the assistance of Prof. W. A. Jones, the orchestra and band from the institute of the blind, provided a roost enjoyable afternoon and evening for the inmates of the insane asylum at Lincoln. A large number of invited guests were present to enjoy the entertainment with the inmates. Dan IIahijv, who was shot while trying to enter the store of Willits & Co. at Alma died from his wound. Coroner Rush impanelled a jury which found that Hardy died from the effects of a gunshot wound received at the hunds of Ralph Mock while he was try ing to gain an entrance in the store of Willits «fe Co., and that said shooting was justifiable. if. K. fllcLKAN, of Juniata, perfected a string of nine knites, two large box pattern and several of the Eddy style, that he sent into the sky some -’,000 feet, and to them he attached two tlugs, one 8x8 feet in size, the other, 4xU. The larger kite went up over 1,000 feet, and thus Old Glory got an altitudinous airing not often accorded to the stars and stripes. A Washington dispatch says that Representative Mainer has presented a bill in the house for the purpose of confirming t'ne title nf the old settlers on the Otoe and Missouri Indian lands and securing the payment to the Ind ians on the appraised value basis. The secretary of the interior is authorized and directed to revise and adjust on principles of equity tiie sales of the lands sold at Beatrice in 1883. Two tramps at t’lattsmouth picked up a grip which belonged to a travel ing man which was standing in front of the Riley hotel. The theft was not discovered for some time, when it was reported to the police, who soon suc ceeded in locating the men, and cap turing them, after a hot chase. When arraigned in police court they pre tended to be very drunk and were given time to sober up before giving an account of their shortcomings. ; , Thk town and neighborhood of Peru is very much excited over the disap pearance of one Iladen Roberts, a farm er near there. Ue left home Friday night between 13 and 3 o'clock, taking only two revolvers. lie was in Peru the day before and paid up his life in surance. .Some notes were found after his departure, saying he had left the country forover. But parties who claim to know say they are not in his writing. Foul play or suicide is feared. GovkhNor Moi.comb has received two World's fair medals and diplomas. These were issued to the state of Ne braska, one for the collection of grapes and the other for exhibition in the tree section, display of forestry re sources of the state and statistics and photographs relating to the exhibit The medals are for the present in the possession of the governor, and will be dually disposed of by being turned Over either to the historical or some of the other state societies to which they belong. Dkputy United States Marshal Hub bard and Revenue Collector Parker were in Syracuse the other day, having with them two complete whisky stills, one of which was found on the farm of George Roos, ten miles west of Dunbar, and the other on the farm ot Mr. Wil helm, about eight miles south. One still was six or seven feet below the surface of the ground. The marshal says the stills are worth several hun dred dollars and are the most complete outfits ever found in that part of the country. Chas. J. Johnson, a patient at the Lincoln Hospital for the Insane, died ithe other day from the effects of a blow administered by P. IX Davis, another putient. There had been some hard feelings between the men for some time, although neither was considered violent. Suddenly, as they were going struck Johnson a heavy blow on the head, which caused a fracture of the skull. Johnson never recovered con sciousness. He is from Saunders coun ty and has a family. Davis is a patient from Douglas county. I’aui. Mkaz, a prominent Bohemian farmer, residing on his farm situated five miles southeast of Linwood, com mitted suicide. After performing his usual work Mraz wandered away from tlie house and was found two hours later by his wife, hanging from the limb of a tree about a quarter of a mile away. He had ascended the tree to a height of twenty feet and fastened the rope around his neck and threw him self off. His neck was not broken and death resulted from strangulation. He had lost two wives and fpnr children within the last two years and this it is thought tended to self destruction. Static Superintendent H. K. Corbett has issued his annual report in the form of advance sheets of his biennial report for 1895-C. The report shows that the total resources of districts at the end of the last year amounted to 84, 241, ‘.'31; indebtedness, 83,303,221*; value of district propertv, •8,880,841. the number of teachers necessary was 8.801; number employed, 3,848 males, U.U43 females; total 0,401. The total wages earned was: Males, 8778,888; fe males, 83,742,894. The average month ly wages Was: Males, 844.18; females, 138.00; total 840.21. There were 0,003 districts having a total of 0,GS~ school houses. Children between five and twenty-one years numbered 381,845and the total enrollment was 274,883. with an average daily attendance of 171,880. There wyre 213 private schools report ed. The doat-of education on enroll ment was 813.74 and on average daily attendance 831,91. The impression prevails in some sec tions of the state that only members of the Nebraska Club may enter the “Vol unteer Home Newspaper Correspond ents' Bureau" of the Cluh. The Exec utive Committee desires to corect thia Any one of good standing who csn and will secure regularly the publication of one letter per month in one or more Eastern papers of any city, town or village, also send marked copies of the same to the Secret aryand will so write the Secretary naming the papers and where published, will be enrolled as a member of the Bureau. ^No cost at taches to this and outline' letters are furnished on request to the Secretary. SITUATION AT ST. LOUIS. NO MATERIAL CHANGE IN THE CON DITION OF AFFAIRS. THE DEAD AND INJURED, Ahont 400 Killed and 3,600 Injured Hundreds Seriously— Dire Distress In East St. Eon Is—Relief la iladly Needed — Property Loss Is Estimated at #2/1,000,000. St. Tons, Mo., June I .—The situa tion in St. I; missing, 10; seriously injured in hospitals, 20Q; estimated injured outside of hospitals, 2,000; property loss, estimated, 83,900, 000. It is believed that the deaths of the injured and the future recovery of bodies will bring the St. Louis death list well up to 200. In East St. Louis the city officials declared that they have hope that the death roll on that side of the river will not exceed 150, but the ruins upon which the rescuers have not yet begun work may swell the total far beyond that figure. The building contractors of that city have been overwhelmed with or ders for rebuilding, and the work of wiping out the havoc of the storm is proceeding with much energy. The Commercial Exchange an nounced last night that the audi torium to be used for tbe Republican national convention has been repaired and now shows not the slightest effect of t he storm. Although thousands of men have been at work night and day clearing away the wreckage in the path of the tornado, they have scarcely made a perceptible impression toward restor ing the chaotic confusion to anything like order. Passageways have been made through some of the principal thoroughfares, it is true, but for the most partthe streets are still choked with the battered remains of homes and factories, hospitals and churches. The path of the storm is fully a mile and a half wide. It starts away out in tlie suburbs of the city, where beautiful homes are located. Taking a zig-zag course, it extends down through where the densely populated icoement houses are located, fully six miles, and crosses the river. At tlie extreme limits of the city to the west is a quarter known as Tower drove park. It is populated by peo ple of wealth, and the houses are palatial, with beautiful grounds, etc. To the southeast of this is another region of wealth. The storm moved its way through them both. Magnifi cent residences in both places were wiped off the face of the earth in some cases, while in others roofs were carried away, trees torn from their roots and all the picturesque beauty destroyed. - The number of families left home less by the devastation along the path of the storm will reach np into the thousands. In many instances these unfortunates have lost all their worldly possessions. Many will for days be dependenton charity and their more fortunate neighbors for shelter. There is a probability that one man, whose horribly mangled body was taken to the morgue, was not‘killed by the storm. A gentleman who was in the neighborhood of the Union depot powerhouse just after the storm asserts that some of the crowd there assaulted a ghoul caught tnieving and beat him to death. Ilia story is that while viewing the wreck he saw half ii uu/.eu men jump on u man who nan been loafing about m the crowd. Some one hit the man with u club, felling him to the ground. Thjen the crowd jumped on the in in and kicked him until he was unconscious. Some one cried "lynch the thief.” Thon'the crowd picked up his limp form and carried it to Kusseil avenue, where they put it in a dirt tvagou and carted it off. The Business Men's league issued the following announcement last night:. . ■•The league indorses the action of Mayor Walbridge in declining outside aid. It feels grateful for the many evidence* of generosity in these help offerings, but. having'made careful investigation of the storm stricken district, which, though extensive, is almost eutirely confined to the section of the city outside of. the princ pal ; business area, it is its deliberate judgment that the city will be amply able to fully provide for all the needs I of the atMieted. . . From far off London Sir Henry Irv : ing. Olga Neihersoie and Wilson Bar [ r»‘i have cabled money, sympathy and offers of l ent fit periormanoes if net ded. Others are as ff.-ncrous, and no doubt thousands of dollars could be raised in a few days if it were necessary. fttaat fit. Lon la. i Two companies of the Illinois state militia from Greenville and Belle ville, 111., in ail about loo men, pa trolled the levee district of Kast St. [ Louis all day. Dead lines were es tablished, and no one was allowed to pass without a permit. 1 he effect of these stringent meas ures was soon seen in the greatly de creased number of people in the de vastated district. Over sixty suspects have already been arrested and were sent out of town or locked up. Sev eral pickpocket* and confidence men have also been arrested. In addition to the militia and police force. Chief of Police Uagey swore in fifty depu ties who were placed tn different parts of the city. The property loss is hard to estimate, but $';,000,000 to 93,000,000 are conservative figures. Late figures rather tend to reduce the estimates of the number killed, and the probabilities are that it will not run much over 150. The feature of the storm was the large number of horses killed. On all sides could be seen the mangled bod ies of these animals. The police de partment was busy all day removing the carcasses, and none too soon, for the warm weather of the past two days had already started decomposi tion. The railroad yards are generally being cleared of debris, rendering the moving of trains once more possible, but it wiil be weeks before anything like order can be restored. At least 400 freight cars were overturned and either wholly or partially demolished, and as many of these were loaded with merchandise the work of clear ing the tracks will necessarily be verv slow. A Ladies’ relief corps has been or ganized, of which Miss Louisa Gross of East St. Louis is president, and Mrs. Ira Sweet of East St. Louis is vice president. Committees have been appointed from all churches of the city and are actively at work soliciting aid and are meeting with good suc cess. The new library building has been made the general relief head quarters. Tickets will be distributed to the needy ones for food, clothing and shelter. Mayor Bader estimates that at least -500 families are left des titute and will need immediate assist ance. Many have not even sufficient clothing. DAMAGE ABOUT MEXICO. ! The Destruction of Life and Property Dm Than Was Reported. Mexico, Mo., June 1.—The result summed up in this county is as fol ! lows: Six dead—Riley Hagan of near j Rushville, a ''7-year-old girl of J. G. Ware, a 7-year-oid daughter of August Blaze, Eulah Miller,' Rose Iiodge and a v-year-old son of Albert Knoble. At Vandnlia the residences of the fol lowing people were severely damaged, but no one was killed: Aaron Mc Peke, Cass Blackburn, S. D. Ely, A. L. Berngard, C. E. Coons, Ed Waters, five dwellings belonging to the C. T. | Cobb estate, B. L. Bleshears and G. B. Moore. All the churches except the Baptist are damaged or destroyed. The electric light plant was leveled to the ground and the Bland block was entirely unroofed. The storm was about 100 to 300 yards in width and lasted about thirty minutes. Between Truxlon and High Hill tne tornado passed, killing a woman and four children, whose names are not known. ST. LOUIS NEEDS NO AID East St. Louis, However, Is Appealing for Assistance. Chicago, June 1.—The following messages were received here by the general manager of the Associated Press: . ,[ St. Louis, May 29. St. Louis does not need assistance. East St. Louis is appealing for aid. The proportion of destruction to pop ulation there is something awful. C. W. Knapp, Editor Republic. St. Louis, May 29. St. Louis is profoundly thankful for sympathy and proffered aid. but is amply able to care for her sufferers. East St. Louis, however, is worse hurt than we are, and help is needed badly there. A. Lawson, Editor Post-Dispatch. In St, Louts Onnnty. St. Lons, Mo., June 1 .—In St. Louis county, Wednesday's tornado left a continuous trail of destruction and desolation. The storm apparently rose out of the Mississippi river near St. Charles. It passed oter Florrisant and Bridgeton and, sweeping down on West End park, completely destroyed that little village. In pursuing its southerly course, with a velocity of more than seventy five miles an hour, it passed through the towns of Stratmann. Central, Clayton, Brentwood, Burtold, Maple wood and Shrewsbury park. Hundreds of houses, barns and out buildings were blown away. Forest | trees u century old were uprooted. | However, but one person, a babe, was i killed, and no more than a dozen ! badly injured. Eleven UoaU Destroyed. I'ast St. Louis, 111., June 1—The boutmen yesterday bef.au the arduous task of recovering their wrecked and disabled craft, at least such portions of it as appeared to be worth saving. Eleven boats and tugs are badly de molished and sunk, most of them be j ing thought to be beyond repair. i - City Loss, •000,000 I Sr. Louts, Mo., June 1.—Comptroller J Sturgeon thinks the city treasury will ' be heavily taxed as a result of i Wednesday's storm. He says it will take nearly #(100,000 to repair the damage done to city buildings. Lutheran Futon Expelled. Middleton, Ohio, J une 1.—Asensa I tion was created in the synod of the j Western district of the Evangelical Lutheran church, by the anttounce I meat that two ministers, delegates to the synod, had been lined for being drunk and disorderly. They were immediately expelled from the synod. They are Rev. Andrew l*opp, Stanton, Ind., and Rev. O. T. Koblitz, liope ville, Mercer county, Ohio. A Set-Back for England. London, June 1.—A Cairo dispatch to the Times says: The decision of the mixed tribunal is an open secret, although it will not be delivered until Monday. It will support the French contention, and thus virtually decide that the Egyptian government cannot make war against the Khalifa, or even resist a Soudanese invasion, without the consent of each member of the debt commission. Rebellion to Brasil. Rio Janeiro, June ).—Disorders have occurred in the province of Minas Gereas. The commandant of the po lice there has been killed and troops have been sent to quell the disturb ance. CONGRESS IS REPROVED. THE PRESIDENT VETOED THE RIV ERS AND HARBORS BILL. TOO MUCH PATERNALISM The Measure Held to Contain Many Pro visions Which Would Greatly Increase Present Burdens—Deplores the Tendency to Value the Gov ernment for the Favors It Can Bestow. Washington May 25.—As has been confidently expected, the president sent to the house to-day a vigorous message vetoing the rivers and har bors appropriation bill. The full text of the message is as follows. “There are 417 items of appropria tion contained in this bill, and every part of the country is represented in the distribution of its favors. It directly appropriates or provides for the immediate expenditure of nearly #14,000,00t’ for river and harbor work. This sum is in addition to appropria tions contained in another bill for similar purposes, amounting to a little more than $3,000,000, which has already been favorably considered at the present session of Congress. The result is that the contemplated imme diate expenditures for the objects mentioned amount to about #17,000,000. “A more startling feature of this bill is its authorization of contract for river and harbor work amounting to more than $02,000,000. Though the payment of these contracts are, in most cases, so distributed that they are to be met by future appropria tions, more than $3,000,000 on their account is included in the direct ap propriations above mentioned. MANY MILLIONS INVOLVED. “Of the remainder-nearly $j0,000,000 will fall due during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1898, and amounts somewhat less in the years immedi ately succeeding. A few contracts of a like character,authorized under pre vious statutes, are still outstanding, and to meet payments on these more than $i,000,000 must be appropriated in the immediate future. If, there fore, this bill becomes a law, the obli gations which will be imposed on the government, together with the appro priations made for immediate expend iture on account of rivers and har bors, will amount to about $s0,000, 000. “Nor is this all. The bill directs numerous survey s and examinations, which contemplate new work and further contracts, and which portend largely increased expenditures and obligations. There is no ground to hope that in the face of persistent and growing demands the aggregate cf appropriations for the smaller schemes not covered by contracts will be re duced or even remain stationary. i>'or the fiscal year ending June 30, 189S, such appropriations, together with the installments on contracts which will be due in that year, can hardly be less than $30,000,000, and it may reasonably be apprehended that the prevalent tendency towards increased expenditures of this sort and the con cealment which postponed payments afford for extravagance will increase the burdens chargeable to this account in succeeding years. THE PRESIDENT’S DUTY. “In view of the obligation imposed upon me by the constitution it seems to me quite clear that 1 only dis charge a duty to our people when I interpose my disapproval of the legis lation proposed. I learn from ofiicial sources that there are appropriations contained in the bill to pay for work which private parties have actually agreed with the government to do in cuusiuei utiuu ui bueir uccuputicy oi public property. I am convinced that the bill now under consideration will open the way to insidious and increas ing abuses, and is itself so extra vacant as to be especially unsuited to these times of depressed business and result ing disappointment in government revenue. “This consideration is emphasized by the prospect that the public treas ury will be confronted with other ap propriations made at the present ses sion of Congress amounting to more than $r>0O,OUO.(K)G. Individual econ omy and careful expenditures are sterling virtues which lead to thrift and comfort. Economy and the ex action of clear justification for the ap propriation of public moneys by the servants of the people are not* only virtues, but solemn obligations. “To the extent that the appropria tions contained in this bill are insti gated by private interests and to promote local or individual projects their continuance cannot fail to stim ulate an injurious paternalism and encourage a sentiment among our people, already too prevalent, that their attachment to our government may properly rest upon the hope and expectation of direct and personal favors, and that the extent to wnich they are realized may furnish an es timate of the value of governmental care. 1 believe no greater danger confronts us as a nation than the un happy decadence among our people of genuine and trustworthy love and affection for our government as the embodiment of the highest and best aspirations of humanity and not as the giver of gifts, and bee tuse its mis sion is the enforcement of exact jus tice and equality and not the allow ance of unfair favoritism. “I hope I may be permitted to sug gest at a time when the issue of gov ernment bonds to maintain the credit and financial standing of the country is a subject of criticism, that tlic con tracts provided lor in this bill would create obligations of the United States amounting to SGii.OOO.OOII. no less bind ing than its bonds for that sum. “(llJOVKR CJ.KVKI.ANH.” Kansas City's Appropristln-i Denied Washington, May '.9.—The House refused to accept the Senate amend' ment to the sundryc’.vil bill appropr' utitig $l!ti,0OO for the Kansas City government building and the item was returned to conference. Russia In Frayerfal Attitude. London, May 28.—Sir Edwin Arnold* in his dispatch to the London Daily \ Telegraph in regard to the coronation, of the czar, says: “The edifice itself (the Cathedral of the Assumption) is. minute, but its inner glories and sanctuaries are sueh that you feel as if you were standing at the heart of some jeweled cavern of dreamland. To feel, however, as the devout Hes sian feels in this astonishing place, you must know something of the overwhelming associations clustering around it. “The most impressive moment was when all, including the metropolitan,, were prostrate on their knees in. prayer for the protection and guid ance of the czar. He alone remained standing—a lonely figure in the thronged cathedral—a ionely figure in his empire. For at this intense moment all the empire is practically on its knees for him before the throne of heaven. One can hardly bear to look upon his face at this, prodigious instant, when a hundred million hearts concentrate their thoughts and. supplications upon that single head. Imperial lofty, confident, perhaps he is; but how isolated, how solitary, how alone! “Mow commences the striking feat ure of the ceremony, which fil ls the mind with inexpressible sympathy and almost with compassion-the melting of loyalty into the family passion characieristie of the ,s,av. With an exquisite softness of voice t and gesture, the emperor calls to him-"I his empress. A passing tremor seems, to shake the fair form which arose in obedience to the summons, but, with. tt 1 uigmty ami grace, sue tails upon her knees before her august lord—a sight as touching as it is majestic, her long hair loose upon her white neck, her splendid garments trailing in a sheeny glory; her ungloved hands meekly clasped—every inch a queen, though not yet crowned.'’ Dr. Dillon of the Daily Telegraph describes the lighting of the Kremlin as follows: “At 9 o’clock in the even* ing the emperor appeared on the bal cony of the palace.wreathed in smiles,, his figure adorned in medals and ribbous. He advanced with a grace ful bow and offered to the czarina a curious bouquet. Directly the czar ina's hand touched the nosegay, every flower and bud took fire and at the same moment the whole of the Krem lin burst into flame. The thunder of 10,000 voices rent the skys, followed by snatches of song and shrieks of delight as the various figures in fire came into sight, mingled with howls of pain as some unfortunate person was crushed and disabled by the care less crowd.” TAXES REDUCED. The Manifesto of the Cxar Is a Wel come Message to the Km pi re. Moscow, May “J8.—The czar’s mani festo, issued upon the occasion of his coronation, remits all arrears of taxa tion in European,Russia and Poland.re duces the land tax by one-half for ten years, and remits or reduces all fines, quashes all petty convictions involv ing imprisonment or fines up to 30Qs roubles, with the exception of per*( sons sentenced for robbery, embezzle ment, usury, extortion, fraudulent* bankruptcy or offenseb against honor. Further, the manifesto prescribes all exiles in Siberia after twelve years’ exile in the remoter parts, be, after ten years, allowed to choose their place of residence, except in capital cities and governments, but their civil rights will not be restored. Ex iled criminals have a third of their sentences remitted, life sen tences are commuted to twenty years, and many other punishments - are lightened. A Big Deed of Trust. Nevada, Mo., May £8.—A volumin ous deed of trust, covering seventy one pages of printed matter, has been filed for record in the Vernon county recorder’s office here. It covers (800,000 worth of property at this ^ place, Rich Hill, Pittsburg, Kan., Weir City, Kan., and other points, and is given by the Cherokee Lanyon Spelter Company to the State Trust Company of St. Louis for (300,00ft worth of gold bonds. Tha Anti-Divorce Bill Signed. Washington, May 28.—The Presi dent has signed the bill which neces sitates a residence ot a year in a given .A jurisdiction prior to the institution of ' divorce proceedings. The new law cannot interfere with cases now pend ing. _ UVE STOCK AMD PRODUCE MARKETS Quotations From Maw York, Chicago, Louis, Omaha and Elsewhere. OMAHA. Butter—Creamery separator.. Butter—P air to good country. Eggs—Fresh. Poultry—Live hens,per lb. Spring Chickens. 15 Lemons—Choice Messinas..1 50 Oranges—Per box . 2 50 Honey—Fancy white, per lb... l;i Apples—Per bbl.4 00 Potatoes—Native stock. 20 Beans—Navy, hund-plcued,bu 1 40 Huy—I nland, per ton. 5 50 Hogs—Mixed packing. 2 95 Hogs—Heavy Weights. 3 09 Beeves—Native Beef Steers.. 2 90 Beef—Steers. 3 25 Bulls. 2 60 Milkers and springers.20 00 Stags. 2 8> Calves.. 4 00 Oxen. 1 50 uj Cows . 1 00 @3 llclfers. 2 55 © 3 Westerns. 3 40 © 3 Sheep—Muttons. 00 © 3 15 @ 8 © 7H® OH® (Ml @ 3 ® 3 (Ml @ 5 © ® 1 ® 6 W 3 % 3 © 4 © 3 © 3 ©31 ® 3 St. CHICAGO. Wheat—No. !, spring. Corn—Per bu. Oats—l’er bu. Pork. Lard. Cattle—Choice Steers. Hogs—Averages. . Sheep—Lambs .. Sheep—Westerns. NEW YORK. Wheat—No. 2, red winter. > orn No. 2,. Oats—No. 2. Pork—. Lard—. ST. LOUIS. Wheal—No. 2 red, cash. Corn—Per bu. Oats—I’er bu. Hogs—Mixed packing. Cattle— Nativesiecis... Sheep—Natives. Lambs—. KANSAS CITY. Wheat—No. 2 hard. Corn—No. 2. Oats—No. 2. Cattl — Mockers and feeders.. Hog.— Mediums.. Sheep—Lambs . k heep— M uttons. 58 © 58 *» 28*-,© 1’8«4. mw* 19% 0 95 © 7 00 4 10 © 4 15 3 85 (is 4 10 3 15 © 3 45 3 25 © 5 20 2 50 © 4 0U 67*4 34!i © 23M © 9 50 © 4 65 ® ® ... © 19 © 3 70 © 3 10 in. 4 35 © 3 28