The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 28, 1896, Image 8

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Higher Education Makei Women UM
“So long as the attraction of sex re
mains you cannot abolish marriage!”
excitedly exclaimed the conservative
man, according to Vogue.
“I have no desire to do away with
marriage, but simply to mitigate it,”
replied the woman propagandist. And
most thoughtful people will agree with
the woman speaker that the reckless
ness which characterizes marriage
should be moderated. It is encouraging
to those whose hearts are touched by
the manifold sorrows of humanity to
observe that, in this matter of mar
riage (a most prolific source of mis
ery to human beings), different agencies
are at work, educating people to an ap
preciation of the gravity of the estate,
and its tremendous consequences to in
dividuals and to nations. The higher
education of women has, from the start,
shown a tendency to disincline those
who took the college courses toward
early marriages and toward imprudent
ones—quite a large percentage of them
malnlng single. A recent canvass ot
college graduates Is said to have shown
that, while 90 per cent of non-college
women become wives, only 65 per cent
of college graduates resign their lives
Into the keeping of husbands. From
other sources It is learned that those
who marry do not swell the lists of
invalid wives; neither do 60 per cent of
the children born to them figure in
mortality tables, as is the ghastly fact
with the everyday woman's children.
College women are not apt to marry a
1 man to save him, and thus insure for
children morally weak or vicious fath
ers; neither does love (?) in a cottage
translated in these days into a cheap
flat in an unwholesome locality—ap
pear to her liner or more winsome than
the self-respecting independence of the
bread-winning positions that are now
within her reach. Tears ago some con
servative men had the perspicacity to
realise and the courage to state that
fuller life for women meant the lessen
ing of her interest in marriage (the
only profession her foremothers had
been permitted to consider) and that
she would be harder to please and more
deliberate in her choice. That the
phopbodes have come to pass is matter
for congratulation or tor condemnation,
according to the observer’s point of
■erne ot the Awful magi She Does M
Anojr Hot Nosboid.
She contradicts him at the head of hh
own table, interrupts his anecdote tf
set him right on an utterly unimpor
• t&nt little detail—say the date ofatrann
action, which he makes the 7th of Sep
tember and she asserts was the 8th;
she interferes in all his arrangements,
and questions his authority in the sta
bles, the field, the church, the consult
ing-roam',* she apportions his food a*d
regulates the amount of wine he may
take; khould she dislike the smell ef to
bacco she will not allow him the most
transient whiff of the most refined cig
arette, and, like her brother with bis
victim, she teaches the children to de
spise their father by the frank con
tempt with which she treats him and
the way in which she Heats his opinion
and dentes bis auCkaritg. If she is more
affectionate than aggrsmlve she rem
dors him ridiculous by her effusiveness.
Like the “Sammy, love," which roused
Dean Alford's reprobation, she loads
him with silly epithets of endearment
before folk, n|pi naanu hfm with person
al attention and treats hhn generally
as a sick child next door to an idiot.
All out ot love and Its unreasoning
tyranny she takes him Into custody
in public as In private Ufa—and allows
him no kind of freedom. Robust and
vigorous as he is, she worries over his
health as though he wore a confirmed
invalid; in the hey-day ef His maturity
coddling him as if he were an octo
genarian bordering on the second child
hood. 8he continually uses the ex
preaston, “1 shall not allow my hus
band to do so and so;” or, "I will m«t«
my husband do this or that" Never by
any chance dees she confess his right
to free action, bound as he is in the
chains of her tyrannous affection. In
the end she makes him what she has
long fancied him to be, a backboaeless
valetudinarian, whom the sun scorches
to fever and the east wind chills to
pneumouia—one who has lost the fruit
by “fadding” about the Hewer.—Chica
go Chronicle.
Dr. ChiVi Kent Ita,
The Rev. F. B. Clark, president of the
Chrlctian Bndeavoms, suggested a
unique plan a week er two ace. It la to
start a “chain of prayer," to reach dear
around the world, and In which every
member ot the society, U he wishes,
might form a link. Bach Bndeavorer
la to offer one short petition every day
for other members and tor the earns
at large. Special objects may tram
time to time be Included. To beoome a
link In the chain requires but one con*
dltion, via., belief in prayer.
K Was UeCles.
▲ tory speaker In Berwickshire held
a nut In his hand and said: "This repra.
seats the whole church question. This
shell is the free church, good In Hr
, way, hut not the bast ot things. Now
crack this nut and you get the estab
lished church." He cracked It and II
si: was rattan and he had to retlra amid
r derisive cheers.—Fun.
. , Mersey,
His Reverence I cant take yum
cab, Pat. I see your haras has been on
his knees.
Pat—Amah, yer rlverenee; be alsy
about that The last place he had was
* Urtth a praste and faith, he had to keep
up a stmMaaee of religion.—Sydney
»«/*.'■ ,• .:£•*£ •; • i‘ ■ > ' ■ jl;:
* v -v.;, ' v •
The Pacific Short Line train leaves
O'Neill dally, except Sunday, immedi
ately after arrival of train from Black
Hills, saving two hours time to Sioux
City. Connections made without fail.
Don’t fool away your money buying
worthless remedies, which are warrant
ed to cure every disease. Remember
that DeWitt’s Sarsaparilla is a blood
purifier and blood maker. Morris St Co.
A. L. Wooster, a prominent citizen of
Osseo, Mich., after suffering excruciat
ingly from piles for twenty years, was
cured in a short time by using DeWitt’s
Witch Hazel salve, an absolute cure for
all skin diseases. More of this prepara
tion is used than all others combined.
Morris St Co.
Hatter of application of Lyman Page for
liquor llcenae.
To the mayor and olty council of the city of
O'Neill, Holt county, Nebraska:
Notloe Is hereby "Iren that Lyman Page
has filed bis application with the city clerk of
O’Neill, Holt county, Nebraska, for license
to sell malt, spirituous and vinous liquors In
O'Neil), Grattan township, Holt county,
Nebraska, from the 1st day of June, 1898, to
the 4th day of May, 1897. If tbero be no
objections, remonstrance or protest filed
within two weeks prior to the 1st day of June,
1898, the said license will be granted.
Lyman Pagc, Applicant.
The O'Neill Frontier newspaper will pub
lish the above notice for two weeks at the
expense of the applicant, the city of O’Neill
not to be charged therewith,
56-* N. Martin, City Clerk.
United States Land Omoi,
O’Neill, Nebraska, May 9,1896.
Notloe la hereby given that Frederick
ppooensky, of Niobrara, Neb., has filed notloe
of Intention to make final pi
of Intention to make final proof before the
register and receiver at their office In O'Neill,
Neb., on Saturday, the 39th day of Jnne, 1896,
on timber culture application No. 6351, for
the NWk of aectlou No, 23, In township No.
83. north, range No. 9 west. He names as
witnesses: Mlko Hrbek and Frank Hrbek, of
Plahelvllle, Neb., Frank Hrbek, of Verdegre,
Neb., and Vac Hvlzdalek. of Niobrara, Neb,
46-6 John A. Harmon, Register.
Lard Otfice at O'Neill, Neb., I
May 13.1896. I
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notloe of his Intention
to make final proof In support of hts claim,
and that said proof will be made before the
Register and Receiver at O’Neill, Neb., on
June 83,1806. Vis:
for the BWJ4 section 19, township 10, north,
range 9, west.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and culti
vation of, said land, viz: Joseph M. Hunter
and Swam 8. Aim, of Star, Nebr., Hiram K.
Henry and James Stanton, of O’Neill, Neb.
46-6 John a. Harmon, Register.
Land Office at O'Neill, Neb. 1
April) 37,1898. f
Notloe Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notloe of his intention
to make final proof In support of his claim,
and that said proof will be made before the
register and receiver at O'Neill, Neb., on
June 8,1896, vis:
MVROri E. SPARKS, H. E. No. 14443.
for the WK NEK. and EK N WK Sec. 6, Tp.
37 N, R. 11 west. He names the following
witnesses to prove his continuous residence
upon and cultivation of said land, vis:
Joseph Drnvls, John'Bulll van, H. W. Shaw,
Mlobael Sullivan. all of O'Neill, Nebraska.
John A. Harmon, Register.
United Btates Land Office.
O'Neill, Neb. April 31.1896.
Notice Is hereby given that David O.
Horton, of Uwlng, Holt county, Neb., has
filed notice of Intention to make final proof
before the Register and receiver at their
office In O'Neill, Neb., on Friday, the 29th
day of May, 1696, on timber culture appli
cation No. 6298, for the NH NRM and NK
NWK of section No. 9, In township No. 96,
north, range No. 11, west. He names as
witnesses: Jeremiah H. Wilson and Frederic
Wilson, of Little. Nebraska, George Majors,
of Chambers, Nebraska, and Samuel H.
Trussell, of Little Nebraska.
42-6 John a. Harmon, Register.
United States Land Omen, I
O'Neill, Neb., April 10. 1896. f
Notice Is hereby given that Michael Engel
haupt.of Amelia, Neb., has filed notice of
Intention to make final proof before the
register and receiver at their offloe In O’Neill
Neb., on Friday, the 83nd day of May. 1890, on
timber culture application No. 8231), for the
NEK of section No. 33, In township No. 87 N.
range No, ia w. He names as witnesses
George Hohl. of Amelia, Neb., Edward P.
Boyle, of Amelia, Neb.. Charles Brown of
Chambers, Neb., Gotlleb Nelmand, of Cham
bers, Neb. 414 John A. Harmon, Register.
In the District Court of Holt county. Neb.
Chittenden and Baatman, a partnerahlp com
posed of H. \V. Chittenden and B. P. Bast
man, and dot nx business as Chittenden and
Eastman, plaintiffs,
Margarett Ann Blglln and husband, Owen
F. Blglln, John McHugh and wife, Mamie
McHugh, the Stale Bank of O'Neill, Ne
braska, a corporation, the Wisconsin Fur
niture and OolHn Company, a corporation,
John McHugh, trustee, T._A. Thompson,
John i MoCann, single, the County of'Holt
and Mary A. Hads, formerly Mary A.
Coughlin, formerly Mary A. O'Neill and
widow of John O’Neill, deceased, and hua
» band J. H. Hads, first and full name un
known, John H. O'Neill and wife, Mrs John
H. O’Neill, Mary Steele, formerly Mary
O'Neill, and husband A. L. Steele, first and
full name unknown. Kittle Dwyer,formerly
Kittle O'Neill, and Richard J. Dwyer,
her husband .wife, son and daughters and
sole heirs at law of John O’NelU, deoeaeed
The above named defendants and eaeh of
them will take notloe that on the 23rd day
2? AS.Tl!' “*?•.the above named plaintiffs
filed their petition In the dlstrlot court of
Holt county, Nebraska, against the above
named defendants and each of them, the
object and prayer of said petition being to
foreclose a certain mortgage, executed by
the defendants Margarett Ann Blglln and
I l w nBat THmIIm a a m\ an i> i i j . . i ” * ■
Owen F. Blglln. as O. F. Blglln, to the plain
tiff's, upon lot 21, In block 22, of the original
town of O’Neill, county of Ilolt, Nebraska.
Bald mortgage being given to secure the
Sayment of their certain promissory note,
ated January 12, MSB, for the sum of tTW.30
duo and payable one year from date thereof.
That there Is now due upon said note and
mortgage the sum of fTM.eo with interest at
eight per cent, from date, together with the
further sum of 143.20 Insurance paid by
plaintiffs to insure Bald property against fire,
for which sums with Interest plaintiffs pray
for a decree that the defendants be required
to pay the same or that the premises may be
sola to satisfy the amount found due.
Plaintiffs also pray that the Interest of the
defendants In said property of whatsoever
kind or nature be decreed to be subjeet to
the Hen of plaintiffs mortgage and for other
equitable relief.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before theJst day of June, UM.
Dated this 20th day of April, 1(M.
R. R. Dickson,
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
Charles H. Fish non-resident defendant:
Notice Is hereby given, that on the luth day
of May, 18ML Francis Fish, the plaintiff in
this action, filed her petition In the office ol
the clerk of the district oourt of Holt oounty,
Nebraska, the ohjeot and prayer of which la
to secure a divorce from you upon the
grounds of wllfull abondoniuentfor the
period of two years last past, without just
You are required to answer said petition
on-or before the £9th day of June, MM, or the
same will be taken as true aud Judgment
entered accordingly,
, . Francis Fiat.
By H. M. Uttley, her Attorney.
To David Adams non-resident:
You are hereby notified that O. O. Snyder,
receiver of the Holt County bank In an
action pending In the district oourt id Holt
county, Nebraska, wherein the state of Ne
braska Is plaintiff and the Holt County Bank'
Is defendant, has filed his petition In the
district court of Holt county, Nebraska;
asking that an order be made in said court
cancelling the tax deed now held by you and
of record upon the southeast quarter 'Of the
southwest quarter section Blx, township
thirty-two, range ten, west 8th P. M., In Holt
county, Nebraska, and quiet the title of said
premises In John T. Prouty, the owner there
of, and to permit the said John T. Prouty to
redeem said land by payment of 117.00 as
taxes and Interest thereon, and that said
money when so paid by said John T. Prouty
be charged to your account and turned In as
part of the assets of said Holt County Bank.
And you are further notified that by an order
of the court duly made In said premises you
are required to answer said petition on or
before the 22nd day of June, 1808, and show
cause. If any there be. why the prayer of said
petition should not be granted and the said
John T. Prouty permitted to redeem said
land and when so redeemed that your tax
deed be cancelled and the title of said
property be quieted In said John T. Prouty
ana the money reoeived from said redemp
tion be credited to your aocount and turned
In as part of the assetts of the Holt County
Dated this 8th day of Hay, 1806. >
45-4 O. O. Burma,
Becelver Holt County ^ank,
United States Land Orrics, V
w O’Neill, Neb,, April 23,1808. f
Notice Is hereby given that Edmond H.
Benedlot. of O'Neill, Holt oountr, Nebraska,
bus filed potlce of intention to make final
proof befdre the register and receiver at
their office In O'Neill, Nebraska, on Friday,
the 5th day of June. 1806, on timber culture
application No, 8200, for the NE quarter of
section No. 21, in township No. 32, range No.
0 west. He names as witnesses:
James Blnkard, of Dorsey. Nebraska: E.
Conaugbton. of Dorsey, Nebraska; Thoe.
Crow, of Dorsey, Nebraska; Z. Mller, of
Dorsey, Nebraska.
43-6np John A. Habmok, Register.
in the District Court of Bolt County, Neb.
C. C. Cu^rle^ Benjamin Graham and James
James K..Tones. and wife. Sarah Jane Jones,
Ellet G. Drake, and wife. Nellie M. Drake,
Globe Investment Company, a corporation,
li.A. Wyman, as receiver of the Globe In
vestment Company,Dakota Mortgage Loan
Corporation and william Bust, defendants.
The above named defendants will take
notice that on the 2nd day of January. 1896,
the above named plaintiffs died their petition
In the district court of Holt oounty -Ne
braska, against the above numed defendants
and on the 4th day of May, their amended
petition. The objeot and prayer of said
amended petition being to foreclose a certain
mortgage deed, executed by the defendants,
James K. Jones, and wife, Sarah Jane Jones,
to the Dakota Mortgage Loan Corporation,
upon the following described real estate,
situated In Holt oounty, Nebraska, towlt;
The northeast quarter of section twenty
three, township thirty-one, range ten. west
of the 6th p. u.. said mortgage deed being
glyen to secure the payment of a certain
note or bond of (700.00 dated February 18,
1888. due Maroh 1,1893. Plaintiffs allege that
they are the owners of said bond and mort
gage deed, and that there Is now due thereon
the sum of 11,000.00 for whloh sum, with in
terest from this date, plaintiffs pray for a
decree that the defendants be required to
pay the same or that said premises may be
sold to satisfy the amount found due.
Plaintiffs also pray that the lien or Interest
of the defendants, If any they have in said
Bremises, be decreed to be subject to the
en of plaintiffs mortgage and for other
equitable relief.
You are required to answer' said petition
on or before the 16th day of June, 1800.
Dated this 4th day of Ur —
__ . Dickson,
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
The tobacco habit grows on a man un
til his nervous system is seriously affect
ed, impairing health, comfort and happi
ness. To quit suddenly is too" severe a
shook to the system, as tobaooo, to an in
veterate user, becomes a stimulant that
his system continually oraves. “Baeo
Guro” is a scientific core for the tobadeo
habit, in all its forms, carefully com
pounded after the formula of an eminent
Berlin physloian who has used it in his
private practice since 1872, without a
failure. Itts purely vegetable am| guar
anteed perfectly harmless. Yon 'Man use'
all the tobacco you want while taking
“Baoo-Ouro.” It will notify you When to
stop. We give a written goairetitee to
cure permanently any ease with three
boxes, or refund the money with 10 per
cent, interest. “Baoo-Curo” is But a
substitute, but a scientific cure, that curse
without the aid of will power end with no
inoonveaienoe. It leaves the system ■■
pare and free from niootine aa the day
yon took your firgt chew or emoko.
onus n “baco-cobo” abb oaisbd
nun Boutros.
From hundreds of testimonials, the
originals of whiea are on file and open
to inspection, the following is presanted:
Clayton, Nevada Co., Ark., Jan. 38,1895.
Eureka Chemical A Mfg. Co., La Crosse
Wis.—Gentlemen: For forty years I
need tobacco in all its formis.' For 35
years of that time I was a great sufferer
from general deoility and heart disease.
For fifteen years I tried, to qpit, hat
couldn't. I took various ' remedies,
among others “No-To-Bac.’V'The Indian
Tobacco Antidote," "Doable Chloride of
Gold,” etc., etc., bat none of them did me
the least bit of good. Finally, however,
I pnrohraed a box of yoar “Baco-Curo”
and it has entirely oared me of the habit
in all Its forms, and I have increased 80
pounds in weight and am relieved from
all the numerous aches and pains of
body and mind. I could write a quire of
paper upon my ohanged feeling and con
dition. Yonrs respectfully,.
P. H. Mabbubx,
Pastor 0. P. Churoh, Clayton, Ark.
Bold by all druggists at f 1.00^er box;
three boxes, (thirty day’s treatment),
$2.50 with iron-dad, written guarantee,
or sent direct upon receipt of pries. j
Write for booklet and proofs. Bureka ]
Chemical & Mfg. Co., La Crosse, Wis.,
and Boston, Mass. OclSItem.
fere, Piempl,
8m far ii
at mam
ImwiMu, tatfUatraat.
less #/ teaman, 4*. WHt
ataka aaaa STnOttt. Vliar
aaa ms. Prtaa 8
Sues, M W.
laaatat Urifflama Battai
wHAeesASss. Mtraaa
_ eweAuese*«a_
•T. LOUIS, - MO.
Wanted-ln Idea 235
grotsct joer Mail tber mar brfuni i
is the
and the
Its office is fitted with the
most most modern convenien
ces and machinery, always has
the latest faces of type, the"
best workmen, and is thereby
enabled to turn out the most
satisfactory kind of job work.
Its management uses none but.
the best paper, are scrupu*
neat and prompt with their
work and guarantee satisfac
tion. Mail orders receive
careful attention, and if your
home paper is not prepared to
do all classes of work you
will find it to your financial
benefit to communicate with
The Frontier.
The Frontier
Carries a very complete line
of legal blanks and sells them
reasonably cheap. If we do
not have what you want we
will t it almost as you
As an Advertising fledium
It is the beat in the county,
especially at the county seat.
It circulates among the best
class of people; a class that
pays for what it gets and does
not patronize non-residents, as
does a certain portion of the
people in the west. Its rates
for advertising are very low,
and the business man who
does not advertise in it is loser
more than he dreams of.
If you want
To subscribe for The Frontier
and any other paper or maga
zine published on earth we
will give you a rate and
save you money. “We have
clubbing rates with the lead
ing publications of the world.
Call on or address
••tub pronthbr.