THE FRONTIER. I PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY By Tgi Fhohtisb Printing Co. O’NEILL, -> NEBRASKA. OVER THE STATE. There hasn’t been a dry Sunday in 'Nebraska since Easter. , The residence of J. L. Howell at Al bion was destroyed by fire. The state supreme court has adjourn ed until the first Tuesday in June. Kansas Citt parties are figuring on putting in a big elevator at Nebraska City. Republicans of .Seward county will hold their county convention on June 20th. Fai.i.s Citv is hustling relief funds for those who suffered by the recent cyclone. At Chadron the . otherday five di vorce cases were granted in fifteen minutes The death of Hon. Horan Clark 6t Albion was caused by cancer of the •tomach. The mayor of Beatrice has resigned and hit successor has been chosen ty the council. u. vv. Wn.oox, of Hastings, has been adjudged insane and sent to the asylum at Lincoln. A good deal of the planted, born around Syracuse was washed out by heavy rains. Thk salary of the principal of the Lyons schools has been cut from (100 a month to 885. Wm. Henry of Gage county last week went into tbe state penitentiary for a term of ten years. One inch and a quarter'Of rain fell at Hickman in twenty minutes. It didn't rain—it poured. «„• f; The Herman Lutheran church, seven miles southeast of Tecumseh, was Struck by lightning and burned to the ground. • ' The Johnson county teachers’ insti tute will be held in Tecumseh this year, beginning June 8, and continue until June 1ft The Omaha June races, 9th to 13th, will doubllees attract large crowds, in view of the fact that the railroads will make, a half fare, rata An ice freezing plant has been put in at Fairbury that turns ont about four tonsjper day. Tljere is talk of doubling the. capacity so as to supply outside towns '■ ’ ■* • Henry Bolln, Omahh’s former city treasurer, who embezzled (100,000,' be ing found guilty of the same, has bean aeateoeed to the penitentiary for nine teen years Adam Smote rs and Jesse Hadley of Beatrice stole a barn belonging to Lafayette Young, s Officers found tbe lumber stored in their ^cellars and' lodged them in jail. ' , Lightning struck J., E. Whitmore's 'house at Biting City ana damaged It to the extent of about (Ml The bolt set tbe house on fire, but the blaze was soon extinguished. ' LtLniK B.horny, of Schuyler, stepped t-SPOR the teeth of a garden rake, three ,ot which passed through one of her feet The wound Is painful, but fatal results we not anticipated. ■r . ■ i Tux (State university encampment this year will commence May 56tn. At ‘this writing it haa not been fully' de cided where the encampment will be ‘ held, but probahly at Nebraska City. Tecumseh has been chosen by the Standard Oil company as a distributing point loir oils Tanks are to be built sad wagons put on the roads to make regular aisits to the adjoining towns, } Vkudqn merchants complain of the manner in which the poatoffice in that (■Media managed. They desire the office kept Open longer hours than now in oederitbat Sunday may sooner be got •. . > Fh? applications for the pastorate of (he Congregational churclt at Crete 'have bean received.- They eome from east and west, bifb being from Yar month, Nova Scotia, and One from Olympia, Wash. • v ■ George NklsOn, who Was convicted in Sheridpm county pf assault and rob bery end sentenced to the penitentiary, has obtained his liberty by habeas corpse, ' The supreme court passed upon bit application and allowed the writ -«**. s£X s'bMitMt [■ ‘ -■A. l. uvlamicy, ayoung man living tkrt* Milw west olAdelia, in Sioux county, km burned in his house. Dulaney, who lived alone, was subject ed «> epileptic Am and of late they had been qiiu (nqwnt It is supposed .that during one of .these fit* he over turned a lamp thus setting the house on lire with the result stated. Hknrt Hoixn. ex-city treasurer of Omaha, has secured a suspension of sentence i« the supreme., court and . leave to give bail in the, sqm of S50,00tt 'Mr. llolln was' recently convicted of embezzling *106,500 of school add city funds. .. The caart • sentenced .him to a term nineteen years in the ,peniten tiary and imposed a fine of |211,600. A PAhMER named Joseph livers found the body of a boy in the Mifcsouri hirer About a quarter *of a mile above Koek Bluffa The body-was tlia’t bf a boy about IS years of age and was .dressed y >» * light Striped- pair of,pants, a .shirt i and pair pf shoes It is. believed to be the remains of a' South Omuha bor drowned near Gibson taoerai weeks agio „, Wilma* F. Dksboi.t, a clothing Merchant of Seward, has ’ appealed his ; divorce suit to the saprease court He sued for a divoree in the lovswr courton i the grounds of malfomattiou .and cruelty. 'The lower coart dismissed bis suit and gave Mra Derbolt .a divorce, *6,000 in alimony and restored bar to her maiden name which was i JHamie H. Kribbeler. *«' QfNuu. is again to be lighted by electricity after four ipcotlw ei dsrtc BCfa Citlsens to the eictent of neariv 'WiM hundred petitioned for light and ‘ *he blty oouncii concluded to grant it., aAQNNWAV Citt burglar wap fuuaghx in the act of going through a store and > handed over to the proper authorifiea | Jonm-0OBMIDT, charged,..with the ■carder of his father-in-law., Aatoa ' Kramer, December, isot, sees brought before. Judge iUmsey at Ko , brsska City mad pleaded gniltv to mur der In the second degree. The court wfUr rpaestiontMg Schmidt .for some sopUaced him to twenty-fire at bard labor is the penitentiary. SHI'* Two acres at tVausa has been ap propriated for park purposes Five hundred trees will be set nut as soon as it stops raining. Huy home made goods and build up home industries, is a good policy. Far rell's Fire Extinguisher, made by Far rell & ca, Omaha A terrific storm visited Falls City and vicinity, doing a great deal of dam age. Several fatalities are reported in Richardson county and quite a number of persons were severely wounded. The stonn also visited portions of l’aw nee county, carrying everything before it No loss of life is thus far reported in the latter county. The hearing of the arguments in the Lincoln freight rate controversy that were to have been made before the State Hoard of Transportation last week has been postponed until June 1. At that time the Union Pacllb and Klkhorn roads will stand by the new tariff between Omaha and Lincoln which so far they have been restrained from putting in effect., Herman, the 11-year-old son of W. A. Fowler of Ashland, was drowned in Wahoo creek, lie was in company of another boy, named Smith, who hud a pet dog, which fell into the creek, and Smith jumped in after it. The creek being very high the boy wus carried away by the current, when Fowler promptly jumped in to rescue him, 'but was carried away himself. The Lincoln Journal says that the .ligiVilMCV u ttiiu iiieir friends will go to the national repub* Wihri convention lit St. Louis via the Missouri Pacific. The club wil-l go by a special first class train of Pullman sleepers The full charge for railroad fare both ways, Pullman fare both •ways and use of the cars for lodging in St Louis, attendance and care of bug gage, everything except meals, will be $85. TitR'Presbytery of Omaha, represent ing thirty-seven ministers, lately re quested Adjutant General P. II. Harry of the Nebraska National guard to so arrange, if possible, that at the next encampment the dates be so fixed' that the militia will not have to travel on Sunqay. .Secretary James D, Kerr of the Presbytery has received an answer from Oenerul Harry, in which the lat ter snys that he will gladly eomply with the request if it can be arranged. SHKHtFF Thom PUN the other day pre sented to Governor Holcomb the affida vits to be transmitted to Governor Stone of Missouri, seriously implicating Sheriff J. D. Trusty of Texas county, Missouri, and Trusty's deputy, Jeremi ah Orchard, They, arrested J. R. ( art ter, Wanted in Lancaster county for disposing of mortgaged property, and afterwards released him for a consider ation. Dkputv Sheriff a P. lioi.t.ow.w has returned to Plattsmouth from Lincoln, having in custody John ('Jarir, who is supposed to be a member of the gang of harness thieves who operated so ex tensively in Cass county several months Ago. Clark was arrested in the cspitol city after having disposed of a set of double-' harness, which answers the description of one stolen from the barn of Daniel Skinner at Alva Thf, medical society, In session at Lincoln, elected' officers ns follows: President (reelected), Dr. Halderman; first vice. President, John L. Suther land, Grand Island; second vice presi dent, 0. Grothan, St. Paul; correspond ing - secretary and librarian, 11. H. Lowry, , Lincoln; recording secretary and editor Western Medical Review, George H. Simmons, Lincoln; treasur er, W. W. Knapp, Lincoln. Lincoln will be the place for- next year’s meet ing. .. Several large fire insurance compa nies doing business propose to resist the act of the last legislature which authorises cities of the first class hav ing less, than 85,000 inhabitants or any city of the second class or village, to impose a lieense tax of not more than •5 a year on each fire insurance compa ny doing business in such city, or vil lage, for the benefit and support of volunteer fire departments The state oflioers have been appealed to for in formation. ■ , , The semi-monthly setting of the su preme court is now op. The moat im portant ease to be heard is the contro versy between State Auditor Eugene Moore and the Farmers' Mutual, Insur ance company of Lincoln. A large portion of the interest in this case, however, has been removed' by stipula ma tun UUIJ IBSUO to be determined whether or not the epmpany has a right to accept promis ory notes for policies in lieu of cash. Many cattle were distributed among 'the farmers around Shelby last fall for which they have, received 0 cents for each pound gained- Upon a full feed ! of, otherwise useless corn stalks and grain which has been low in price, with a good appetite after grazing op the western ranges and, aided, l>v the ! mild winter weather the animals fat tened readily. The average gain per, head Was about too pounds, while one drove inoreaaed fifty pounds above tips. Feeding in this manner promises to be more general there next year if the satne contracts can be made With 'idle commission firms. Uovkbnok Holcomb has commis sioned the following officers, of the Nebraska National Uuard: John Urant, Lancaster county,' second lieutenant company D, Second regiment, to date from April 23, l&Uti; Fred A, Williams, Fillmore county, captain company 10K <§> 7 6. @ 4 57 on 4 00 @ 3 55 @ 4 75 @ 4 00 @ 72 V @ 37?4 @ 2414 0> 0 75 @ 4 60 Sheep— NatiVesT.!.'!!!!".'."’.’.".'’".". 3 Lambs—. 2 KANSAS CITY. Wheat—No. 2 hard. Corn—No. 2>. oats—No. 2..■ ■' ™ Cattl —Stockersand feeders."’ 2 Hogs—Mixed Packers. 3 Sheep—Lamb... 3 Sheep—Muttons. 2 64 @ 6414 ya ’»®> 16 is (To lsv 90 @ 3 25 20 Oil 3 40 03 @ 3 20 75 <& 3 50 § as. @ 10 <0 3 !l0 @ 3 20 3 20 ® 3 40 Three Drowned In the Indian Country. Nowata. I. T., May 21.—John Craw ford, a lawyer, and Mrs. McDonald and baby attempted to cross Double creek, which was swollen by the recent rains late Monlay night, in a one horse buggy. All were drowned. The bodies were found under the buggy. Girls Waging War on Cigarettes. Canton, Ohio, May 21.—The Clirls’ Anti-Cigarette league of the High school has completed its organization. One plan under consideration is for each girl to walk up to anyone seen smoaing a cigarette on the streets and ask b:m kindly to stop.