The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 19, 1896, Image 8

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    A high liver with n torpid liver wii
not be a long liver. Correct the live
with DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, littli
pills that cure dyspepsia and cpnstipa
tion. Morris & Co.
,v In the fall of 1893 a son of Mr. T. A
McFarland, a prominent merchant o
Live Oak, Sutter Co., Cal., was takei
with a very heavy cold, The pains it
his chest were so severe that he hac
spasms and was threatenad with pneu
raonia. His father gave him eevera
large dors of Chamberlain's Cougl
Remedy which broke up the cough anc
cured. Mr. McFarland says whenevet
f his children have croup he invariably
gives them Chamberlain’s Cough Reme
dy and it cures them. He considers it
the best cough remedy in the market.
For sale by P. C. Cotrigan, druggist.
It is a fixed and immutable law that
to have good, sound health one must
have pure, rich and abundant blood.
There is no shorter nor surer route than
by a course of DeWitt’s Sarsaprilla.
Morris & Co/_
Quick in effect, heals and leaves no
scar. Burning, scaly skin eruptions
quickly cured by DeWitt’s Witch Hazel
Salve. Applied to burns, scalds, old
sores, it is magical in effect. Always
cures piles. Morris & Co.
J. W. Pierce, Republic, Io., says: “I
have used One Minute Cough Cure in
my family and for myself, with results
so entirely satisfactory that I can hardly
find words to express myself as to its
merit. I will never fail to recommend
it to others, on every occasion that pre
sents itself.” Morris & Co.
The breaking up of the winter is the
signal for the breaking up of the system.
Nature is opening up the pores and
throwing off refuse. DeWitt’s Harsapa
rilla is of unquestionable assistance in
this operation. For sale by Morris &
Co.,, druggists
One Minute Gough Cure touches the
right spot. It also touches it at the
right time if you take it when you have
a cough or cold. See the point? ‘Then
don’t cough. Morris & Co.
”Glye me a liver regulator and I can
regulate the world,” said a genius. The
druggist handed him a bottle of De
Witt's Little Early Risers, the famous
little pills. Morris & Co.
Don't invite disappointment by ex
perimenting. Depend upon One Min
ute Cough Cure and you have immediate
relief. It cures croup. The only harm
less remedy that produces immediate re
sults. Morris & Co.
Soothing, healing, cleansing. De
Witt’s Witch Hazel Salve Is the enemy
to sores, wounds and piles, which It
never fails to cure. Stops itching and
burning. Cures chapped lips and cold
sores in two or three hours. Morris &
S'; ■■
How to Coro Bheumatlsm.
.Arago, Coos Co., Oregon, Nov. 10,
1898: I wish to inform yon of the
great good Chamberlain’s Pain Balm
has done my wife. She has been trou
bled with rheumatism of the hands and
arms for six months, and has tried
many remedies prescribed for that com
plaint but found no relief until she used
this Pain Balm; one bottle of which has
completely cured her. I take pleasure
in recommending it for that trouble..
Yours truly, C. A. Bullford. 50 dent
and $1 bottles for sale by P, C. Corrigan,
Short Line Tims Card.
Passenger leaves O’Neill, Net. at 10:05
a. m , immediately after arrival of train
from Black Hills, reaching Sioux City at
3:35 v. m., giving three hours time.
Lowest rates. Purchase local tickets to
O’Neill and re-buy there.
In the Dlstrlot Court of Holt county, Neb.
William II. Hate. Benjamin Graham, Wltllara
Halls, Jr., and Harris H. Hayden, plaintiffs.
Thomas W. Johnson, and wife, Mrs. Thomas
W. Johnson. W. J. liowden. William and
George Kroner and Oyrenous Bell, defend
The above named defendants and each of
them will take notice that on the Bth day of
March. 189H, the above named plaintiffs filed
their petition In the district court, of Molt
;VC -
county. Nebraska. against said defendants.
The object and prayer of said petition being
Ui foreclose a trust deed, executed by the
defendaut Thomas W. Johnson to A. L,
Ormsby. trustee, for W. L. Telford, und
assigned to tlie plaintiffs, upon the southeast
quarter of section twenty-eight, township
twenty-nine, range sixteen, in Holt county.
Nebraska. Said deed being gtvcu to seoure
i£S,,Ka?"’PSt„ <?f a certain bond or note ol
*«(*.W). dated February 1#, 1H«8‘ due Uecetubei
1, 1»>7. bearing Interest at seron peroent.
payable swul-anuuully as evidenced by ten
interest coupon notes of 810.50 attached
Plaintiffs allege that there is due them up
on said note or bond and the trust deed gtvsn
to seoure the same, the sum of 8500 by reason
of said defendants failure to pay the interest
couponI notes of 81U.MI each that became dut
December 1. ism, December 1.1885. and Junt
1,18u>; also that there is due the plaintiffs tbt
further sum of *10.87 taxes paid to protect
their security, for which sums with Interest
from this date plalntffs pray for adecree tiia
tnu itofAnou nt.i l.A a. - . .
t j> V H***t»iviio iur_
the defendants be required to pay the sam<
........ . . 8Q|J b
and that said premises may be sold to satisft
the amounts found due also that the lnteres
of each of said defendants be decreed to bi
subject to the lien of plaintiffs mortgage ant
for other equitable relief. *
You are required to answer said petltloi
on',r before the 20th day of April, 180oT
Dated this 9th day of March. 1808.
*-* B. B. Dickson.
■ Attorney for Plaintiff.
Land Orrics at O’Neili, Neb., I
. . . March 18. 1808. I
Notice Is hereby given that the followlm
named settler has flled notice of his Intentioi
to make final proof in support of his claim
and that said proof will be made before th
May hf 189«1<VU^0elV*r Ut 0’N,al1 Neb- 01
„ JOHN MCALLISTER. 11. E. No. H838,
for the west half northwest quarter and wes
half southwest quarter section twenty-fire
township tbirty-one, north range cloven wes
* He names the following witnesses to rrov
bis continuous residence upon and cnltlra
Won of said land, vlx: John 11. Honklna
goren Nelson, Loren A. Simonson aud Harr'
Stanton, all of Agee, Nebraska.
3T-6 John A. Uabhon, Register.
■ State of Nberaska, Holt county. s.s.
Petition having been filed in theconnty
! court of said county, for the appointment of
sdminlstrator of the estate of Barrett Soott
late of Holt county, Nebraska, deceased,
It Is hereby ordered by the said court that the
3rd day of April, 1890, at the hour of !i o’clock
p. M„ be appointed for hearing said petition,
and that the notice of this order be published
1 for three weeks In Tit* Frontier a weekly
newspaper published iu said county, and of
i general circulation.
Witness iny band and seal of office this 14tli
day of March, 1890.
07-3 County Judge.
In the District Court of Holt County Neb.
Anglo American Land Mortgage and Agency
Company, Limited, a corporation,
John Robertson, et. al.
The Lombard Investment Company, a cor
poration, Frunk Hagermun, receiver of the
Lombard Investment Company. Farmers
Loan and Trust Company, Josluh Walcott
and A. W. Beebe, real name unknown, will
take notice that on the 12th day of March,
1896, Anglo American Land Mortgage and
Agency Company. Limited, a corporation,
plaintiff herein, filed Its petition In the dis
trict court of Holt county, Nebraska, against
said defendants the object and prayer of
which are to foreclose a certain mortgage
executed by the defendants, John Robertson,
and Florence Robertson, to the Lombard In
vestment Company upon the following des
cribed real estate owned by them, situated In
the oounty of Holt, and stute of Nebrasku,
The south half of the northeast quarter and
the northeast quarter of the northeast quar
ter and the east half of the northwest quar
ter of the northeast quarter of section twenty
nine (20,1 township thirty-three (83.) range
fifteen (16,) west of the Sixth Principal
Meredlan. containing in all 140 acres accord
ing to the government survey, to secure the
payment of a certain promissory note, with
coupons attaehed. dated January 18, 1886, for
the sum of (600.00 and due and payable Feb
ruary 1,1891; that there Is now due upon said
note and mortgage the sum of (600.00, with
Interest at ten per cent, from February 1,
1894; also tho further sum of (16.15 fur taxes
with Interest at ten per cent, from February
18, 1896, for which sum. with interest from
this date, plulntl/f prays for a decree that
defendants be required to pay the same, or
that said premises nmy be sold to satisfy the
amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 27th day of April, 1806.
Anglo American Land Mortgage and
Agency Company, Limited.
37-4 By A. B. Coffroth.
Its Attorney.
In tbe District Court of Holt County, Neb.
Aultman. Miller and Co., Akron, Ohio, an in
corporated company, under the general
laws of Ohio, plaintiff,
William Veale, defendant.
The above named defendant, William
Veale, will take notloe that on the 28th day
of January, 1896, tho plaintiff began an action
In the district court of Holt county, Ne
braska, ugalust you to recover Judgment
against you for the sum of (100.00 on a certain
promissory note given by you to the plaintiff
on the 11th day or July. 1892, plaintiff alleg
ing In said petition that there is due on suTd
note said uuionnt.
You are further notified that on the samo
day. the above named plaintiff, caused to be
Mice In said court an affidavit for an order of
attachment against you and that on the
same day tbere was issued out of said oourt a
writ of attachment against you for the above
amount, and you are furtber notified that on
the 29th day of January, 1896, at 4 o’clock i\
m.. that the sheriff of Holt oounty, Nebraska,
levied upon to satisfy said writ the following
described real estate as your property under
and by virtue of said writ of attachment so
Issued, to-wlt; Southeast quarter of section
twenty-six, township thirty-one, range
thirteen, west 6th p. M.. and being situated
In Holt county, Nebraska.
You are further notified that the ground
upon whloh said writ of attachment Issued Is
that you ure a non-resident of tbe state of
Nebraska; you are also notified that on the
4th day of February, 1896, the plaintiff herelu
filed an affidavit for service by publication
against you alleging that you are non-resi
dent of the state or Nebraska.
You are further notified that tbe plaintiff
demands Judgment against you In the
amount heretofore stuted and will ask that
the property attaohed be sold for the purpose
of paying said judgment and costs.
You ure required to answer said petition
on or before the 16th day of Murch, 1866.
Dated February 4,1896.
31-4 H R. Dickson.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
(First publication in The Frontier Feb. 6, ’96.)
In the district court of Holt county. Neb.
Nathaniel Knowles, plaintiff,
Delbert M. Benner et. ul., defendants.
To Delbert M. Benner. Lillie R. Benner,
Oliarlos D< Stevens, Pierce Wrifflit & Co.,
Maclagan & Pierce, Marlon Boles, Laura
E. Boles, John Doe, tenant whose first name
is to this plaintiff unknown, defendants In
the above entitled cause:
You are hereby notified that you have
been sued by the plaintiff in the above en
titled cause in the district court of Holt
cuuuty, Nebraska, and that on or before the
Kith day of Murcb, A. D. 189(1, yeu must
answer the petition of the plaintiff, now on
tile in the office of the cleric of said district
court. In which the plaintiff ask that a judg
ment be rendered by the court foreclosing u
mortgage given by the defendants Delbert
M. Benner and Lillie R. Benner to the Lom
bard Investment Company and now owned
by the plaintiff, upon the following described
real property, situated In the county of Holt
and state of Nebraska, towtt: East half of
the southwest quarter, the northwest quarter
of the southwest quarter the southeast
quarter of northwest quartor of section two.
township thirty; also the south half of the
southwest quarter and the west half of the
southeast quarter of section twenty-two,
township thirty-one, all In raoge nine west,
that the equity of redemption of each and all
of the defendants named lu the title of said
cause In and to said mortgaged premises be
forever barred aud foreclosed; that any
right, title, lien or Interest owned or claimed
by you, or either of you, In or to said
premises, lie adjudged to be junior and
Inferior to the plaintiff's mortgage lien there
on and that said lands be sold to pay the In
debtedness secured by said mortgage.
You are hereby further notified that. If you
fall to answer said petition on or before the
day hereinbefore stated, the facts and alle
gations contained In said petition will be
taken as true and judgment renderod as
therein prayed for.
*1-4 D. M. VlNSONBAIiBR,
, Attorney for Plaintiff.
Wanted—An Idea
Who eta think
I Imp to
of tome aLmpto
thin* to patent?
A. P. T. L.
The American Protective Tariff League
is a national organization advocating
“ Protection to American Labor and
' Industry " as explained by its constitu
. tion, as follows :
Tha object of thl* League »h«M bo to protoot
Amort can labor by • tariff on imports, which shall
adequately tocuro American industrial product*
a^ain*t the competition of foreign tabor."
There are no personal or private
“ profits in connection with the organiza
tion and it is sustained by memberships,
r contributions and the distribution of its
1 publications.
,, r.IK8J ' Correspondence it oolioitod regarding
Momborthtp and • Official Corre.condinte.**
ern/Mii r\. t*, ...
SECON D: Wa need and welcome contributions,
wbotuer small or large, to our cause.
THIRD: We publish a large line of document*
covering all phases of the Tariff queetion. Com
plete set will be mailed to any address fbr 50 cent*
FOURTH: Send postal card reauest for free
earn pi# copy cf ths •• American Economist. **
Addrens Wilbur F. Wakcman, Oaneral Secretary
t35 West 23d dtreat. New York. ^
Commission Merchant.
Hay, Grain, Mill Stuffs, Cotton Seed Meal,
Apples, Potatoes, Etc.
SPECIAL Attention to Conslpmentsof HAY.
American Exchange Hunk,
Lincoln Savinas Bank,
Merchants Bank,
Any K. K. Agent In Lincoln.
(Telephone 382)
Refitted ;
Only First-class Hotel
In the City.
W. T. EVANS, Prop.
furohits Tickets and Consign T your
Freight via the
F. E.&M.V7andSX.&P
9:80 a. M
10:80 a. m
2:10 p. m.
Passenger east,
Freight east,
Freight east,
ooimo was*.
Freight west,
Passenger west,
Freight, • - .
The Blkhorn Line Is now running Reclining
Chair Cars dally, between Omaha and Dead
wood, Jree to holders of first-class transpor
Pap artv infrirmatinn nail nn
2:10 f. m
9:27 p. m
2:10 v. M.
W„ J. DOBBS, Aot.
For Telegraph, Local,
General, State and
Foreign News.
Market Complete
W Per Year.
00 Cents Per Month.
Sub. Dept.
Sioux City, lows.
is the
and the
Its office is fitted With the
most most modern convenien
ces and machinery, always has
the latest faces of type, the
best workmen, and is thereby
enabled to turn out the most
satisfactory kind of job work.
Its management uses none but
the best paper, are scrupu
neat and prompt with their
work and guarantee satisfac
tion. Mail orders receive
careful attention, and if your
home paper is not prepared to
do all classes of work you
will find it to your financial
benefit to communicate with
The Frontier.
The Frontier
Carries a very complete line
of legal blanks and sells them
reasonably cheap. If we do
not have what you'want we
will print it almost as you
As an Advertising fledium
It is the be3t in the county,
especially at the county seat.
It circulates among the best
class of people; a class that
pays for what it gets and does
not patronize non-residents, as
does a certain portion of the
people in the west. Its rates
for advertising are very low,
and the business man who
does not advertise in it is loser
more than he dreams of.
If you want
To subscribe for The Frontier
and any other paper or maga
zine published on earth we
will give you a' rate and
save you money. We have
clubbing rates with the lead
ing publications of the world.
Call on or address