THE FRONTIER. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY By Tn Vrontirh I’lUNTINd Co. O’Neill, ~ nebrasKaI OVER THE STATE. A creamery company has been or ganized at St. Edwards. The gold found near Burr-ville was assayed and yielded 313 to the ton. The Young Men's Christian Associa tion has becu organized in Auburn. Scnday is conducting a very successful series of meetings at Tawnee City. Oxe day last week Chever lfazelet sent a telegram from O’Neill to Ger many and received a reply in three hours. A Wilson vn.l.E dramatic company, composed wholly of home talent, has put on “Uncle Tom’s Cabin" in that section. ’•Check" Wooster, who made an as sault on Miss Miss Carrie Taylor of Ne braska City is in jail and later on will be in the penitentiary. A Phillips dispatch reports renters plentiful but farms hard to get in that locality. Nearly all who left in 1804 have come or arc coming back. VVh.mam Grimm, who mysteriously disappeared from Bellevue last sum mer, and who. it was thought, had committed suicide, has turned up in Chicago. The Bloomfield State bank, R. L. Oxford, president and A. K. Oxford, cashier, was closed last week and is now in charge of Bank Examiner Cowdery. Vktkrah soldiers of Holt, Brown, Rock. Keys Paha and Boyd counties will hold a reunion at a date to be fixed at a meeting of a committee at Long Pine on June 4. Harrison McCord of Plattsmouth. with theaidof an able assistant, caught a boat load of channel cat the other day, the largest of which weighed eighty pounds. Bi sinkss men of Omaha are wrestling with the question of high insurance rates. It is possible home insurance will be resorted to before rates will be properly adjusted. Coed has been discovered on the Platte river, in Hall county. Speci mens of tho'rock were tested by an old Colorado gold* miner and colors were found in every sample. At Nebraska City Oi Leonard and William Riser had a difficulty and in the end Leonard came in contact with some kind of nn instrument that cut a deep gash in the side of his face and nearly severed an ear. Wiiit.k drilling a well in Stanton j county August Seifert claims to have j penetrated u four-foot vein of coal. Hold has also been-discovered on Union creek, and the residents of that county are feeling very much elated. Sk.nator has introduced a bill in the senate granting to the incorpo rated town of Valentine, Cherry coun ty, Neb., 720 acres of land located with in the limits of Kort Niobrara to bo used for public .parks and other public purposes. Nkjikakka is rapidly getting back all the people who left the state a year or two ago, and in addition many who were never before residents of the state. The drouth scare of'04 liko the grasshopper scare of '74, is now a thing of the past. A ..Northeast Nebraska county com missioners' meeting was held at Nor folk, pursuant to a call issued from -Madison eotuvty. it was decided to form a permanent organization with the object of bringing about uniform methods of conducting business. Tiik amount of was never greater than now. Consid • . eruble spring planting-has been done. Everybody is ready to commence the scattering of seed at the first advent of spring. At Fairmont Joseph Layton, James Laytou and Annetta had their prclimi nary hearing on the charge of stealing ;V a load of coal from a Kansas City and Omaha car. Annetta was discharged -for want of evidence. Joseph and James pleaded guilty to petit larceny and ’ were each fined $25 and costs, to stand committed until paid. -.*-•» vuc uranu Army oi thu Republic and Woman's Relief corps •net in convention at the court house at Falls City in the matter of the dis trict encampment to be held next July. *fhe Commercial club of that city made them a proposition, guaranteeing $<>oo to defray expenses, and as a result the encampment will be held there A VKuniaiiKK dispatch says: Hun dreds of immigrant wagons aro passing through this town on their way to lloyd couuty, as many as nineteen be ing put up at local livery barns at one tunc the other day. The people are coining from Iowa and states east of there, and at the present rate promise to make Boyd oue of the most populous counties in the state. &V-. TilKuk are now three petitions circu lating acitaling irrigation down this valley, says an Oconee dispatch, the District, Farmeas’ Mutual and Compa nyiControl Meetings are being held and spirited debates on the respective merits of;the organizations make the gatherings interesting. It will be known shortly which company will commence work. Wu,ijam Ankjan, .receiver of the ltankof Commerce, Grand Island, filed a report in the office of the clerk of the distrietcourt The face.value of assets la given at fSOT.*54.26; .the estimated value at 979,626.81, and the liabilities. $156,037.61. The jreceiver requests an order to proceed against the stock holders