The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 27, 1896, Image 5

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Governor.Silas Holcomb
Lieutenant Governor.’.K. G. Moore
Secretary of State.J. A. Piper
State Treasurer.....J. 8. Bartley
State Auditor......Eugene Moore
Attorney General.A. 8. Cburohlll
Com. Lands and Buildings.0. H. Bussell
Sunt. Public Instruction.H. it. Corbett
Ohas. H. Gere, Lincoln; Leavitt Burnham,
Omaha; J M. Hiatt, Alma; E. P. Holmes,
Pierce; J. T. Mallaleu, Kearney; M. J. Hull,
Senators— W.'V. 'Allen, of Madison; John
M. Thurston, of Omaha.
■ Representatives—First District, J. B Strode
Second, D H. Mercer;Third. 3eo- D. Mlkel
john: Fourth — Halner; Fifth, W. E.. And
rews; Sixth; O. M. Kem.
Chief Justioe.A. M. Post
Associates...T.O. Harrison and T. L.Norvalt
Judge ..M. P. Kinkatd, of O’Neill
Reporter.J. J. King of O'Neill
Judge.’.W. H. Westover, of Rush villa
Reporter.John Maher, of Rushvllle.
Register........-.John A. Hannon, i
Receiver...../...Elmer Williams.
judge.....Geo McCutcbeon
Clerk of the District Court.John Sklrylng
Treasurer... -.J. P. Mullen
Denuty...Sam Howard
...;,.v...,.Mike McCarthy
Sheriff..Ohas Hamllton
Denuty.Ohas O'Neill
Supt, of Schools.. .W-It- Jackson
Assistant.. ...Mrs. W. R. Jackson
Attorney ..............H. B. Murphy
Cleveland, Sand Creek, Dustin. Saratoga,
ock Falls and Pleasantvlew—J. O. Blondln.
Shields, Paddock, Scott, Steel Creek, Wil
lowdale and Iowa—J. H. Uopklus,
I —
Grattan and O’Neill—E. J. Mack.
Ewing, Verdigris andDelolt—L. O. Combs.
Chambers, Conley, Lake, tlcClure and
Inman—E. Stillwell.
Swan. 'Wyoming, Fairvlew, Francis. Green
Valley, Sherldau and Emmet—C. W. Moss.
Atkinson and Stuart—Frank Moore.
Supervisor, E. J. Mock; Justices, E. H,
Benedict and 8. M. Wagers; Constables, Ed.
McBride and Perkins Brooks.
cocNOiuins—unsT ward.
For two years.—D. H. Cronin. For one
year—U. O. McEvony.
\ For two years—Alexander Marlow. For
one year—Jake Ffund.
For two years—Charles Davis. For one
year—Elmer Merrlman.
Mayor, O. F. Biglln; Clerk, N. Martin;
Treasurer, John McHugh; City Engineer
John Horrlsky; Police Judge. H. Kautzman;
Chief of Police, Charlie Hall; Attorney,
Thos. Carlon; welgbmaster, Joe Miller. ,
Supervisor. K. J. Hayes; Trearurer. Barney
McGreevv; Clerk, J.,Sullivan; Assessor Ben
Johrtng: Justices, M. Castello and Chas.
Wilcox; Constables, John Horrlsky and Ed.
McBride; Road overseer dlst. Sit, Allen Brown
dlBt. No. 4, John Enright. ,
Hegular meeting first Monday In Febru
ary of each year, and at suoh other times as
is deemed necessary. Robt. Gallagher, Page,
chairman; Wm. Bowen, O'Neill, secretary;
H. H. Clark Atkinson.
O Services every Sabbath at 10:30 o'clock.
Very Rev. Cassidy, Postor. Sabbath school
Immediately following services.
Methodist church. Sunday
services—Preaching 10:30 A. M. and 7:30
p. h. Class No. 1 0:30 A. H. Class No. 2 (Ep
worth League) 6:30 p. m. Class No. 3 (Child
rens) 3:00 P. M. Mind-week services—General
prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 p. u. All will
be made welcome, especially strangers.
E. T. GEORGE, Pastor.
GA- B- POST, NO. 8«. The Gen. John
• O'Neill Post, No. 06, Department of Ne-.
braska G. A. R., will meet the first and third
Saturday evening of each month In Masonlo
hall O’Neil) S. J. Smith, Com.
Invited to attend.
W. H. Mason, N. G.
0. L. Bright, Bee.
AJMeets on first and third Thursday of each
month in Masonto hall.
W. J. Dorrs See. J. C. Harnish, H, P
, Convention every Monday at 6 oolook p.
in. In Odd Fellows’ hall. Visiting brethern
cordially invited.
J. P. Gillioan. C. C.
E. J. Mack. K. of H. and S.
O. O. F. meets every second and fourth
Fridays of each month in Odd Fellows' Hall.
Ohas. Bright, H. P. H. M. Tttley, Scribe
J-4 OF REBEKAH, meets every 1st and 3d
Friday of each month in Odd Fellows’ Hall,
Flo Bentley, N. G. Kittie Bright, See.
VJ Regular communications Thursday nights
on or before the full of the moon.
W, J. Dobbs, Sec. B. H. Benedict, W. M.
HODT-CAMP NO. 1710. M. W. OF A.
Meets on tne first and third Tuesday In
each month in the Masonic hall.
C. W. Haoknsick, V. O. D. H. Cronin, Clerk
i O, U. W. NO. 153. Meets second
A* and fourth Tudsday of each month in
Masonic hall.
O. Briqht, Itec. 9. B. Howard, M. W.
A AMERICA, meet every first and third
Friday of each month.
a u Q GKO' McCUTCHAN, 0. M.
9. M. Waokrs, Sec.
Arrival of Mails
r. a. a m. v. r. it.—ikom trc bast.
Every day, Sunday Included at.6:lfipn
Every day, SuDday included at.8:58 a a
Passenger-leaves »:o8 a. u. Arrives 11:55 p u
Freight—leaves 0:07 P. M. Arrives 7:00 p u
llaily except hunday.
Departs Monday, Wed. and Friday at 7:00 am
Arrives 1 josdey,Thurs.and Bat. at.. 1:00 pm
Departs Monday. Wed. and Friday at. 7:00 am
Arrives Tuesday, Thurs. aud Sat. at. .4:80 p m
Departs Monday. Wed. and Fri. at.... 7:0C a m
Arrives Tuesday, Thurs. and Bat. at.. .4:00 p m
Hon» “* • • 11 :K0p m
Departs Mon., Wed. and Friday at_1:00 p m
•- vf - >.
In the District court ot the State of Nebras
ka. In and for Holt oountv.
Farmers' Loan and Trust Company, Plain
E. E. Freueh, William Herbage. Mary T. Her
bage. Jane;t U. Herbage. Scott T. Jones
ana the North Half and Southeast Quarter
of Section Number S3, and North Half of
Soulhwest Quarter of Section Number i!4
Township Number 31, North of Range
18 West Defendants.
To each and all of the abore named de
fendants and to all persons Interested in the
above described real estate.
You are hereby notified that the petition of
the plaintiff in the above entitled action Is I
now on file in 'tie office of the Cleric of the
District Court of Holt county, Nebraska,
claiming that plaintiff purchased said real
estate at tux sale on tlio First day ot Decem
ber. 1888, for tho taxes of the year 1887 and
under such sale has paid subsequent taxes
thereon as follows:
On the 2nd day of November, 1889, the sum
of Twenty-four and 80-190 Dollars, and on the
14th day of July, 1890. the sum of Twenty-six
and 78-100 Dollars; that on the Slst day of
March, 1801, a tax deed based on said sale
and payments was issued toplulntlff purport
ing to convey said property to hlm.wlnch deed
was duly recorded, and that for serving the
notice to redeem, taking and recording said
deed, the plaiuliff paid on the 8lst day of
March, 1891, costs amounting to Seven Dol
lars, and that by reason of such sale and pay
ments and said tax deed plaintiff claims to lie
the absolute owuer of said real estate free
and clear of all liens and Interests.
you are further notified that plaintiff asks
In said petition that the assets and Interests
In said real estate of the several defendants
to said action and all other persons be de
termined, that plaintiff's title to said proper
ty be fully established and quieted against
t lie -ad verse claims of each and all o' the de
fendants and all other persons, and If It be
lound by such determnlatlou that plaintiff’s
said title is dr feetive ana void, then that the
amount of pluintlff's Hen on said land for
said taxes and costs, with interest and attor
neys' fees us provided by statute be ascer
tained and such lien he strictly foreclosed
and the defendants he required to pay to
plaintiff the arno mt o( saldclulm within such
time as may be fixed by the court, and upon
a failure to make such payment that plain
tiff's title to said property become fixed,
established and quieted as against each and
all of ttao defendants and against all other
persons, and plaintiff asks also for a general
equitable relief. Including a decree for a
general and ordinary foreclosure of said lien
as by statute provided, and the sale of such
property 111 satisfaction thereof.
You are further notified that tbe amount
of plaintiff’s claim against said land this 9th
day of January, 1890, is One Hundred and
Thirty-five Dollars.
You are furl her notified that you are re
quired to appear and answer salu petition on
or before Monday, tbe 17th day of February.
1898, or said petition will be Taken as true and
judgment aud decree rendered as therein
Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this 9th day of
January, 1896.
Fahmebs* Loan & Tiii-st Company
By M. J. Sweeley and E H. Benedict
Its Attorneys.
I tv the District Court of the State of Nebras
ka, lit and for Holt Couuty.
Farmers’ Loan and Trust Company, Plaintiff,
orra If. Nickerson, A. L. Nickerson, ber hus
band; Cliarlett F. White, Edward Weltou
and the South half of the Northeast Quar
ter. and the Northeast Quarter of the North
east Quarter and the Southeast Quarter of
the Northwest Quarter of Section Eight (8),
in Township Thirty-two (32). of ltange Thir
teen (13), West of the 6th P. SI., In Holt coun
ty Nebraska, Defendants.
To each of the above named defendants and
to all persons Interested in the above des
cribed real estate:
You and each of you are hereby notltled
that tbe petition of the plaintiff in the above
entitled action Is now on file in the offloe of
tbe clerk of the district court of Bolt county,
Nebraska, claiming that plaintiff purcbassed
the above described real estute at tax sule,
ou the 31st day of December 1888. for the tax
es for 1887 and paid therefor the sum of $18
and 56-100 dollars, and that under said sale
plaintiff has paid subsequent taxes as follows,
to wit: On tbe 2nd day of November, 1880,
tbe sum often and 70-100 dollars.and on the 14tli
day of July, 1800, the sum of Fifteen and 7
100 dollars. That on the 31st day of March,
1891. a tax deed based on said sale and pay
ment was Issued to plaintiff purporting to
convey said property to plaintiff, which deed
was duly recorded, and that for serving no
tice to redeem, and procuring and recording
said deed plaintiff paid on the 31st dav of
March, 1891, costs amounting to Seven dollars,
and that by reason of such sale, naymentand
the issuance of said tax deed, plaintiff claims
to be the absolute owner of said real estate,
free and clear of all Hens and interests.
You are further notified that said petition
further claims that one Edward DeLand
purchased the above described real estate at
tax sale, on the 7th day of November. 169i,
for the taxes for the vear 1890 and paid there
for the sum of Fourteen and 90-100 dollars
and that under said sale tho said Edward
DeLand has paid subsequent taxes as fol
lows, to wit: On the 18th day of Mav, 1892. the
sum of fifteen and 27-100 dollars and ou the 29th
day ofSeu., 1893. Eighteen and 51-100 dollars;
that on the 22ud day of November, 1893, a tux
deed based on such sale and payment was
Issued to the said Edward DeLand purport
ing to convey said land to him, which deed
was duly recorded, and that for serving the
notice to redeem, procuring and recording
said deed the said Edward DeLand on the
22nd day of November. 1893, paid costs
amounting to Seven Dollars; that the said
Edward DeLand subsequently conveyed and
assigned all his right, title and interest In
and to said land to plalutlff; that by reason
of such sales, payments and the issuanco of
said deeds and the assignment to plalntiil’.
plaintiff claims to be the absolute owner of
said real estate free from all liens and inter
You are further notified that plaintiff asks
in said petition that the assetts and interests
in said real estate of the several defendants
to this action and all other persons be deter
mined. that plaintiff's title to said property
be full >- established and quieted against the
adverse claims of each and all of the defend
ants and all other persons, and If It be found
by such determination that plaintiff’s said
title defective and void, that the amount
of plaintiff's lien on said land for taxes and
costs, with Interest and attorneys' fees as
provided by si atute be ascertained and such
Hen be strictly foreclosed, and tbe defend
ants be required to pay to plaintiff the
amount of said claim within such time as
may be fixed by the court, and upon a fail
ure to make such payment the plaintiff's
title to said property beoome fixed, establish
ed and quieted against each and all of the
defendants and against all other persons,
and plaintiff asks also for general equita
ble relief Including a decree for a general
, and ordinary l'oreoloseure of said Hon as by
statute provided and the sale of said prop
erty in satisfaction thereof.
You are further notified that the amount
of plaintiff’s claim against said land this
9th day of January, 189H, is One Hundred and
Seventy-five Dollars.
You are further notified that vou are re
quired to appear and answer said petition on
or before Monday the 17th day of February,
1898, or the allegations of said petition will be
taken as true and judgment and decree ren
dered us therein prayed.
Dated atO'Neill, Nebraska, this 9th day of
January, 1898.
Farmers' Loan & Trust Company,
„ .. „ „ Plaintiff.
By M. J. Sxvkei.ey and E. H. Benedict
its Attorneys.
In the District Court of the State of Nebraska,
In and for Holt county.
Farmers Loan and Trust Company plaintiff,
Lewis P. Hollins. Edward F. Hums, Scott T.
Jones. Alary It. Phelps and the southwest
quarter of section*twenty-nine (20.) in town
ship thirty-two (33,) of range fifteen (15,1
west of the ttth p. m., in Holt county. Ne
braska. defendants.
To each and all of the above named defend
ants and to all persons interested in the
above descrbed real estate:
You are hereby notified that the
petition of the plaintiff in the above untitled
action Is now' on tile in the office of the clerk
of the district court of Ho|t county.Nebraska,
claiming that plaintiff purchased said real
tax bul° on t-o 31st d of December
}W, for the tuxes for the year 18*7, and paid
therefor the soui of qiteen and 91-h.O dollars,
und thut under said sale plaintiff has paid
subsequent t axes us follows, to-wit: On the
*^nU a«.y of November, 1880. the sum of M teen
-O'100 dollars; on the I4tii day of July*,
1WM). the sum of Eleven and 07-100 dollar-.
1 hat on the Hist day of March, 1801. a tax deed
based on said sale and pay incut was issued
to plaint ff purporting to convey said prop
ertvu) plaintiff, which deed was duly re
corded, and tlmt for serving the notice to
redeem, taking and recording said deed, the
plaintiff paid *-»i the 3«st day of March, 1801,
costa amounting to Seven dollars, and that
by reason of such sale and payment aud said
tax deed, plaintiff claims to be the absolute
owner of said real estate free and dear of all
liens and Interests.
You are further notified that plaintiff asks
In said petition that the assets and interests'
in said real estate of t he several defendants
to said action and all other persons, be deter*
mined; that plaintiff's title to said property
be fully established and quieted against the
adverse claims of each and all of the defend
ants and all other persons, and If It he found
by such determination that plaintiff's said
title Is defective and void, then that;he
amount of plaintiff’s Hon on said land tor
taxes and costs, with Interest mid attorney's
fees, ns provided by statute, be ascertained
and suob lien bo strictly foreclosed, and the
defendants required to pay to plaintiff the
amount of said claim, within such time us
may be fixed by the court, and upon a failure
to mako such payment that plaintiff’s title to
said property become fixed, established and
quieted as against each and all of the defend
ants, and against all other persons, and plain
tiff asks also for general equitable relief, in
cluding a decree for a general and ordinary
foreclosure of said lien as by statute pro
vided, and the sale of such property In satis
faction thereof.
That the amount of the plaintiff's aloltn
against said land this 9th day of Junuury,
lBDfi, is Eiglity-elght dollars.
You are further notified that vou aro re
quired to appear and answer said petition
on or before Monday, the 17th day of Febru
ary, ltsofl, or said petition will be taken as
truo and judgment and decree rendered ns
therein prayed.
Dated at O’N'eUI, Nebraska, this 9th day of
January, 1S90.
Fauubus Loan and Trust Compart,
27-t Plaintiff.
By M. J. Sweeloy and E. H. Benedict,
Its Attorneys.
Tn the Dlstrlot Court of tho State of Nebraska,
la and for Holt County.
Farmers Loan and Trust Company, plaintiff,
Check H. Toucray. Mrs. Check H. Toncrsy,
first and full tame unknown. Chsrlott F.
White, Jennette Taylor, lieu bon Taylor and
William Taylor, lielrsof Keuben H. Taylor
deceased. Stephen II. Elwood, Augusta
Rlwood his wife,Fannie M. Wright, formerly
Fannie M. Connolly, and Andrew Wright
her husband. Jethro Warner, and Sirs.
Jethro Warner his wife, first and lull mime
unknown, aud William tiobucken and Mrs.
William Hobucken Ills wife, first and full
name uuknowu, and Ed F. Gallagher, and
the following described real estate to-wlt;
Beginning at a point thirty-two rods south
of the northwest corner or the southeast
quarter of the southwest quarter of section
number six. In township number thirty-one,
north of range number twelve, west Sixth
P. M.. thence north thirteen and one-third
rods, thence east on a line parallel with the
north boundary of the above described
tract sixty rods, thenoe south thirteen and
one-third rods, thence west sixty rods to
place of beginning. Also another tract
described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at
a point In the west boundary of the south
east quarter of the southwest quarter of
section number six lu township number
thirty-one, north of range twelve, west of
the Sixth P. M.. eight chains south or the
northwest corner of said section, thence
east on a line parallel with tlie west bound
ary of said tract fifteen chains, thenoe south
on a line parallel with the east boundary
of said tract, two chains, thence west to a
point in the west boundary of said tract
two chains south of thepluceof beginning,
thence north to place of beginning. Also
another tract of land as follows: Beginning
at the quarter section post lu the oust
boundary of section number pne, In town
ship number tbirty-one, north of range
number thirteen, west of Sixth p. M., thence
west thlrtv rods, thenoe south eighty rods,
thence east to the east line of said section
one, thence north to place of beginning.
Also the southwest quarter of the south
west quarter of section number six, In
township number thirty-one, north of range
number twelve, west or Sixth p. m. All of
the ubove described tracts of land being In
Holt county, Nebraska, defendants
To each of the above named defendants and
to all persons Interested In the above de
scribed real estate:
You and each of you are hereby notified
that the petition to the plaintiff In the ubove
entitled uetiou Is now on file In the office of
tho clerk of the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, claiming that plaintiff purchased
the nbove described real estate at tax sale on
the 7th day of December, 1887, for the tax for
the year 1886, and paid therefor the sum of
Twelve and 11-100 dollars; that under said
sale plaintiff has paid subseouent taxes as
follows, to-wlt: On tlie 26th day of July,1880,
the sum of Fourteen and 10-100 dollars; tbut
on the 24th of January, 189U, a tax deed, based
on said sale and payment, was issued
plaintiff purporting to oonvey said property
to him, which deed was duly recorded, and
that for serving the notice to redeem, procur
ing and recording said tax deed plaintiff on
the 24th day of January, 1800. paid costs to
the amount of Seven dollars, and that by
reason of said sale, payment and the Issuance
of said tax deed, plaintiff claims to bo the
absolute owner of said land free and clear of
all liens and Interests,
You are further notified that' said petition
further claims that plaintiff on the iltst day
of December, 1888, purchased all the land
above described except that portion in
section number one, in township number
thirty-one, north of range number thirteen,
west Sixth p. M„ for the taxes for the year
1887, and paid therefor the sum ot Six and
86-100 dollars, and that under said sale plain
tiff paid subsequent taxes as follows, to-wlt:
On the 2nd day of November, 1880, the sum of
Seven and 05-100 dollars, and on tho 14th duv
of July, 1800, the sum of Seventeen and 17-1110
dollars, and that on the 81st day of March,
1891, a tax deed, based on such sale and pay
ment, was issued to plaintiff purporting to
convey said property to plaintiff
which deed was duly recorded, and that
for serving notice to redeem, procuring and
recording said deed plaintiff on the 31st day
of March, 1891, paid costs amounting to Seven
dollars, and^that by reason of said sale, pay
ment and the Issuance of said deed plaintiff
claims to be the absolute owner of said land
free and clear of all liens and interests.
You are further notified that said petition
further claims, that one Edward DeLand pur
chased the land last above described at tax
sale on the 7th day of November. 1U91, for the
taxes for the years 1889 and 1890, and paid
therefor the sum of Seven and 62-109 dollars,
and that under said sale the said Edward
De Land paid subsequent taxes as follows,
to-wlt: On the 2nd day of May, 1893, the sum
of Ten aud 07-100 dollars, and on the 2«th dav
of September, 1893, the sum ot Ten and 67-100
dollars, and that on the 22nd day ot No
vember, 1893, a tax deed, based on such sale
and payments was issued to the said Edward
DeLand, purporting to convey to his said
tract of land, which deed was duly recorded,
and that for serving the notice to redeem,
procuring and recording said tax deed the
said Edward DeLand paid costs amounting to
the sum of Seven dollars, and that afterward
the satd Edward DeLand assigned and con
veyed to plaintiff all his right, title and inter
est In and to said tract of laud; that by
reason of satd sale, payment, deed and
assignment plaintiff claims to be the absolute
owner of suld land, clear and free from all
llnntt linn lntnrnatu
You are further notified that plaintiff ask*
In sala petition that the assets and interests
in said real estate of the several defendants
to this action, and of all other persons inter
ested in said land, be determined; that plain
tiff s title to said property bo fully establish
ed and quieted against the adverse claims of
each and all of the defendants, and all other
TUifflfttiD n nW If I * _J L t ■ »
persons, and If It be found by said determin
ation that plaintiff's said title Is defective
—Y rv^r . mm is ueiocuve
and void, that the amount of plaintiffs lien
on said land for taxes and oosts, with Interest
and attorney’s fees as provided by
ascertained and such lien be strictly fore
nlriBPn unit iho tlofonilnnto _.1 _
closed and the defendants required to pay to
** u nflff *U" "* ■** *'* 1J -« • ifn such
1 I , .-V uo.vuuauui 1CUUIICU VO
plaintiff the amount of said claim within sucu
time as may be fixed by the court, and um.n
Payment the plain
tiffs title to said property become fixed, estab
llshed and quieted against each and all of the
defendants, and against all other persons,
and plaintiff asks also for general equitable
relief, including a decree lor a general and
ordinary foreclosure of said lien as by statul«
provided, and the sale of said'property in
satisfaction thereof.
Ypuare further notified that the amount ol’
plaintiffs claim, against said land, this fit h
Ehrhtyf doMara!*"* ’* h^^ed snd
Y ou nro further notified that you are re
quired to appear and answer said petition on
or before the nth day of Kebrurgy, 1896. or
the allegations of said petition will be taken
as true, anu judgment and decree rendered
as prayed.
lifted1 at O’Neill, Neb., this 9th day of Jan
uary, loin).
Faumkrs Loan and Trust Company,
.. _ _ . , „ Plaintiff.
M- J- 3wecl°y ““<* E- H. Benedict.
**** Its Attorneys.
DeWitl's Sarsaparilla is prepared for
cleantiug the blood. It builds «,p ami
strengthens constitutions impaired by
disease. For sale by Morris and Co.
UIm Ubwn Naturally Thought aha Vai
Meant Hera elf.
"Miss Laborre,” said Mr. Askam, aft
er they had confidentially discussed a
number of topics, "my object in call
ing upon you this evening Is to consult
you about a step I hope soon to take in
my life. It is a step upward, and 1
regard it as the most momentous one I
ever contemplated. In short, my dear
Miss Laborre, I trust soon to be—to
be married/’ says the Kansas City
"Indeed, Mr. Askant!" Miss Laborre
said, assuming an indlfferentealr, but
blushing slightly, “and upon what do
you wish to consult me?”
"Upon several subjects, my dear Miss
Laborre,” answered Mr. ABkam, rising
from his chair and seating himself be
side her on the sofa. "First, I should
like to know whether you consider It
ik possible for two people to live com
fortably on $3,600 a year.”
"Oh, yee, Indeed, Mr. Askam,'^ Miss
Laborre replied, quickly. “If two peo
ple love each other that Is more than
“I am Indeed delighted to hear you
aay so," said Mr. ABkam fervently.
Secondly, do you think that you—that
your mother and you, after living here
together bo long, could bear to be sep
"It wouldn’t be as though we really
were separated, living in the same city,
you know, Mr. Askant,” returned Miss
Laborre, thoughtfully. “Yes, I am sure
neither of us would mind it so very
“That’s a brave young lady,” cordial
ly responded Mr. Askam, patting the
back of her Hand affectionately, as it
lay in her lap, "that's a brave girl.
And, thirdly, do you think a man of 47,
my age, Miss Laborre, too old to get
married—especially if there is little, if
any, discrepancy in the ages?”
“Oh, oh, you insulting thing!”
screamed Miss Laborre, springing to
her feet. “You know I am not 23.”
“Certainly, my dear,” responded the
astonished Mr. Askam, mildly, "cer
tainly, but your mother must be nearly
as old as I am.”
“You have been speaking of my
mother?” demanded MIbs Laborre,
“Of course,” said Mr. Askam, looking
bewildered, “I thought it only fair, as
you are the bread winner, to consult
you first. Why, who do you think I
Or He Would Be Lett Out In the Cold
It He Forgot That Password.
Prom the Washington Star: “What
Is the matter?” asked one of Mr. Viv
vies’ boon companions; “you haven’t
taken the pledge, have you?”
“No. But I’m not looking on the
wine when it’s red in the cup, just the
“Refdrmed, have you?”
"Yep. You’ve heard of a woman’s
marrying a man with the idea of getting
him to stop drinking. It doesn’t always
work; but it did in my case. My wife
is a stupendously clever woman.”
“Made you promise, did she?”
■ “She didn’t have to. When I started
down town to-night she said: ‘I’ve lost
the latch-key, dear, but it won’t make
any difference. You ring the bell and
I’ll let you in.’ I said, ‘All right.’
'Only,’ she said, ‘we’d better agree on
some password, so that when you ring
I can look out of the window and make
aure it isn’t a burglar.’ 'Of course,’ said
I; ‘what’ll the password be?’ ‘I have
it,’ she answered; ‘it mustn’t be too
simple. You just say “irrepressible
reprehensibllity” and then I’ll come
down and let you in.’ Gentlemen, if I
can’t say irrepressible reprehenslbllity
when I get home I don’t get in, and,
moreover. I assume the chances of be
ing taken ' for a housebreaker. I’ve
■imply got to be careful.” And he went
over and resolutely seated himself next
ro the ice water tank.
Their But Drank.
John Davis, one of the largest cldei
makers in Indiana, Recently killed thir
teen coons under very peculiar circum
stances. Mr. Davis’ cider mill is built
of wood and stands away from his
house. He was awakened during the
night by a noise in the mill and upon
Investigation found that thirteen coons
were on the inside, drinking cider. He
fastened the door and locked them in
and went to bed. When he got up the
''next morning he took the coon dog and
several hands and began the killing.
He found the coons drunk and under
going all Btages of jags. The scene was
a most peculiar one. They had roiled
the barrels over, which had been left
open to allow the cider to work. They
had then drank themselves full of hard
Opinions on Trait*
"It is much harder to examine and
judge than to take up opinions on trust;
and therefore the far greatest part of
the world borrow from others those
which they entertain concerning all the
affairs of life and'death. Hence it pro
ceeds that men are bo unanimously
eager in the pursuit of things, which,
far from having any inherent real good,
are varnished o’er with a specious aod
deceitful gloss, and contain nothing
answerable to their appearance. Hence
it proceeds on the other hand, that, in
those things which are called evils,
there is nothing so hard and terrible as
the general cry of the world threatens.
Thus the multitude has ordained. But
the greatest part of their ordinances are
abrogated by the wise.’’—Bollngbroke.
Old Story with Variation!.
A silver watch which was dropped in
a well in Belfast, Maine, twenty-live
years ago, was recovered a day or two
ago. Unlike most watches recovered
under such circumstances, this one
wasn’t running just as if nothing had
happened to it.
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