HELP OF UNCLE SAM. HE WILL EE TOUCHED FOR $260,000. That Bring the Amount Needed to Ben der Successful the Coming Trans-Mis* slssippl Exposition—A Conference with Senator Tlinrston—Advice as to How to Enhance the Project. The Trans-Mississippi Exposition. Omaha, Feb. 21.—At the request of a committee of the Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition company, a number of business men of Omaha gathered at the Commercial club rooms . to confer with Senator Thurston re garding the best means of expediting legislation necessary to promote the success of the exposition. Vice Presi dent G. W. Wattles of the Union Na tional bank presided. Senator Thurs ton and a number of leading business men of Omaha were present Chairman Wattles said that consider* able progress had been made toward securing the endorsement of the ' scheme. Among the bodies that bad announced themselves in favor of it were the Nebraska Press association, the beet sugar convention of Nebraska, the various labor unions of Nebraska and the Iowa legislature. He stated that the matter was now before the na tional legislature, having been intro duced in both the senate and the house. He said that the action of the Trans Mississippi congress had started the ball a-rolling, and that wherever the* *r. plan had been mentioned it met with instant favor. He said that great ad I vantages had come to the south through the Atlanta Exposition. He was sure immigration and capital would be at tracted to the western states by the ex position proposed. senator 1 hurston, who is chairman of the senate committee having the bill in'hand, said that he came to the meet ing for the purpose of learning the de sire of the Omaha people in regard to the exposition more than to speak on the matter himself. He said that he was glad he was chairman of the committee to which the senate bill was referred, since he would have the opportunity of giving it his personal attention. Ho thought the disposition of congress was to give the exposition just about the same amount of aid that was given to j Atlanta. ".Yon will understand," said he, “the government of the United States is not in the exposition business. All it does is to attend to the government exhibit. It provides for the formation of such exhibits, its transportation, the em ployment of officials to look after it and the erection and maintenance of a building in which it may be housed. That's ajl the aid that can be expected. Of course the Columbian exposition wan of national character and received more , support.” Senator Thurston* said that what he desired especially to know was the amount of money the business men thought best to request. He said tha£ an appropriation sufficient to insure success should be asked for, lest serious criticism of the bill be challenged. He thought tijat it might be wise to pass the bill through the senate, with the ' amount of the appropriation left blank. The endorsement of the senate would have weight with the house. Later »■' the senate would concur with the house " on any reasonable amount that the lat ter might suggest He recommended securing endorsement from us many states as possible and suggested that prominent men in other western states be asked to write to their representa tives in congress concerning the enter prise. “There is a disposition all through the country favorable to any thing that the west may ask for in order to help itself. I’ve sounded sen timent regarding it pretty thoroughly, and can safely say that there will be no serious objection encountered. ” /. T. Lindsey spoke of the trip to Iowa. He said that the people there were as enthusiastic regarding it as were the Nebraskans. “There is no question but that every business man and property owner in this region is1 back of it with all his might.” Mr. Rosewater recommended that $.350,000 be asked for. He said that if as much aid was secured as was given Atlanta there would be no doubt that > the Omaha exposition would be a much greater success. He declared that the exposition would be the greatest thing for Nebraska since it became a state. He urged active work all along the line, and especally from now until the pas sage of the bill, which must be secured before the adjournment of congress. He predicted that the moment the bill became a law the value of Omaha prop erty would go up 35 per cent. Senator Thurston thought that the limit of the appropriation should be iixed at $300,000, He said that there was a great demand for keeping down the expenses of the government this year, and that it was best to ask for a conservative amount at this time. Mr. Lindsey said that the trans-Mis sissippi region was an empire of twenty four states, and that the Omaha exposi tion would completely outshine the ex position of the Co'tton States. He t nought that Nebraska’s representa tives were proceeding upon an errone ous asstimption when they considered that the exposition of 1898 was to be on the level with that held at Atlanta. He urged an appropriation of $500,000. L. H. Bradley favored a small appro priation at this time, but wanted the limit of the government's appropria tion set at $500,000. He thought that but few present realized the great scope of the exposition. .Senator Thurston said, “This is the experience I’ve had with the gentle men of Omaha. They don’t like to play to a small limit.” A vote on the amount of the appro priation to be asked for was almost unanimous in deciding on $350,000. Congress will be asked to appropriate $50,000 of this amount at once. The Pope Approves a Decree of Divorce. Halifax, N. S.. Feb. 31.—A decree of divorce, approved by Pope Leo, the first of its kind ever recorded in Cana da, has been granted to John Iveefe, separating him trom his wifo on the ground of infidelity on the part of the woman. Much interest is 'excited by the concession from Rome, as never before has a divorce been recognized in this country by a Roman Catholic authority The decree granted Keefe is rot only one of separation, but it permits a remarriage. A legal disso lution of the marriage has also been obtained from the Supreme court. I AFTER CARLISLE. * --— William Graves Was Refused Douda on a nid or 115. Washington, Keb. L—Representa tive Colson of Kentucky to-day intro duced in the House a resolution to in vestigate the action of Seei-etary Car lisle in refusing to accept the bid of William Graves for #4,500,000 in bonds at 115.3391. The Senate amendments to the mil itary academy appropriation bill were concurred in. The Senate bill to amend section 5291 of the Revised I Statutes, relative to the power of the | Secretory of the Treasury to remit or | mitigate fines, penalties and forfeit ures was passed; also the Senate bill relating to final proof in timber cul ture entries. Mr. McMillin of Tennessee inquired into the effect of the latter bill and whether it had been indorsed by the commissioner of the general land office. “I do not want to appear cap tious in these matters,” said he, '‘but only a few days ago an innocent look ing bill, carrying #40,«o0, was brought up here and I was assured that it had the approval of the Interior depart ment, Upon that assurance 1 with drew opposition. 1 have since learned that it did not have the approval of the department and that it 'will cost #500,000 to carry out its provisions.” “The committee gave no such as surance,” said Mr. Lacey, chairman of the committee on public lands. “Someone whom I supposed had authority-to speak did give it,” re plied Mr. McMillin, HOUSE PROCEEDINGS. Much Routine Work Disposed or—De bate Over Indian A (Taira. Washington, Feb. 33.— Again the House attended strictly to business. The conference report on the diplo matic and consular bill was agreed to, the Senate amendments to the pension bill were sent to conference, and the Indian appropriation bill was taken up. The latter bill carries $8,030,005, or $133,737 less than the law for the curient year. In connection with a proposition to increase the salaries of Indian inspectors from $2,500to $3,000, the salaries fixed by law (the bills of the last two years have only appro priated $2,500 each for these salaries), both ,\lr. Cannon and Mr. Dingley, the Republican leaders on the floor, ap pealed to the majority in view of the situation of the treasury to keep down expenses, and refuse to take a step in the direction of increased salaries. But their appeals were in vain, and the action of the committee on Indian affairs in restoring tne salaries was sustained. 87-59. A bill.was passed granting railroad companies in the Indian Territory ad ditional powers to secure depot grounds. Mr. FJynn, the Oklahoma delegate, moved to strike out the appropriation of $i5,000 for five Indian inspectors, whom Mr. Flynn termed “Hoke Smith's personal body guard.” Mr. Dockery, Democrat of Missouri, moved, as an amendment, to reduce the salaries of inspectors to $2,500 each, the amount of salaries fixed in the current appropriation law,. The motion was defeated. Tlie committee rose with the Flynn amendment still pending. At 5:10 p. m. the House-adionrned. WALLER A FREE MAN. He Is Releaded From Prison—Will Join fils Family. Washington, Feb. 22.—Secretary Olney received a cablegram to-day from Ambassador Eustis, announcing that Waller, the .ex-consul at Mada gascar, was released from prison to day. It is expected that Waller will' join hts family in the United States. As Waller is entirely destitute of means. Ambassador Eustis has been authorized by Secretary Olney to pro vide him with transportation to the United States. He has been in prison for nearly a year, haring been ar rested on the 6th of March last, in Madagascar, and afterwards being kept in confinement in the military prison in France. The authorities here feel that they have reason to be gratified at the outcome of the case, which, as revealed by the correspond ence on the subject, came nearer than the public was aware at one time of leading to severance of diplomatic relations between the two republics. The point at issue was not whether Waller was guilty of the offense charged against him, but whether the government had the right to insist upon satisfying itself that the Ameri can citizen had had justice. The Waller family announces that, upor* Waller’s return from France. they*will return to Kansas, and will live again in their old home in Kansas City, Kan. Third District Missouri Republicans. Excelsior Springs, Mo., Feb. 22._ A call has been issued in the Third district for the Republican delegate convention to meet here March 25 for the purpose of selecting two delegates to the national convention at St. Louis. The counties composing the district with the number of delegates to which each one is entitled are as follows: Caldwell 8. Clay 2, Clinton fi, Dekalb 6, Davies 9, Gentry 7, Harrison 10, Mercer 7, Ray b For McKluley and Lslsnd. Topeka, Kan., Feb. 22.—Gove county has chosen her delegates to the Wichita convention in the persons of W. G. Helney and N. E. Terrill. Both are enthusiastic for McKinley and Ice land. Doniphan county also has chosen her delegates and they are for McKinley and LelaDd. The same is true of Ellsworth county. They Will not Again Oppose the Consid eration of the Measure. Washington, Feb. 22.—The Populist senators have now decided that when the motion is renewed for the consid eration of the tariff bill, they will ! cast their votes in the affirmative. If ! they adhere to this decision they will I be able to turn the result from the negative to the affirmative side of the scale, and thus secure the considera tion of the measure in the Senate, pro viding as large a number of Repub lican senators vote *n the affirmative as on the first occasion. BELLIGERENT RIGHTS PROPRIETY OF EXTENDING THE SAME DEFEATED. The Subject Under Dlsouuion In the Senate—Mr. Call Severely Arraigns the Spanish Government for Its Adminis tration In Cuba—How Senators Cannon and Lodge Stand on the Question. Senators Discuss Cuba. Washington, Fob. 2!.—The Senate to-day, on motion of Mr. Chandler, postponed consideration of Mr. Lodge's resolution for an investigation of re cent bond issues until Monday. Mr. Call, at 2 o'clock, called up the resolution to grant belligerent rights to the Cuban insurgents. Mr. Cam eron moved a substitute resolution re questing the President to offer the good offices of this Government to bring the war to a close. Mr. Call spoke, severely arraigning the Spanish government for its admin istration in Cuba. Senator Cameron followed Mr. Call. He referred to the fact that he was in President Grant’s cabinet at the time of the former Cuban uprising. He objected to the committee resolution ss accomplishing nothing and giving offense to Spain without extending any, benefit to Cuba. He wanted the United States to set. He urged that the miseriea of Cuba be brought to an end. Mr. Lodge followed Mr. Cameron in a vigorous speech advocsting the rec ognition of Cuban independence. He referred to the unfriendliness of not only Spain but France and Ehgland as well at the time of the civil war. A letter from Secretary Carlisle, as to the coin and other money in circu lation was read and ordered printed. Mr. Squire of Washington reported favorably a bill requiring marine en gineers to be American citizens. Mr. Frye called attention to recent re marks of Mr. Squire criticising the un American course of the international steamship line. Mr. Frye declared j that the senator had unintentionally 1 misstated the facts, having been “crammed with misinformation. UNION PACIFIC SALE. Receiver Anderson Objects to the Central Pacific Being Disposed of Separately. Washington, Feb. 21.—Mr. Ander son, a receiver of the Union Pacific railroad, and ex-Congressman Coombs, a government director, appeared be fore the house committee on Pccific railroads to-day. They asked that the Union and Central Pacific roads be put up for sale as a whole and given to the highest bidder. Mr. Anderson submitted an amendment to the bill presented to the committee by him, providing for the issue of patents to the several roads. The Union Pacific, he sai'1 had used the proceeds of the sale oi .ands fcr the payment of in terest on bonds; what was done with the money secured from the bonds he did not know. The Union Pacific was very much misunderstood as to its financial ability, for, though it was insolvent, It had been able to pay every bill for operating expenses. The proposition to sell the properties in separate parts was not good. They should be sold as a whole, and in that way would bring a much higher price than otherwise. All propositions for any other solution than a sale, he said, would meet with opposition from Congress, for however meritorious they might be, it was im puroiuio to secure a unanimity of opin ion from so large a body. Mr. Coombs agreed with the propo sition that the roads should be sold together and carry out the original plan that they should be a through line from the Missouri river to the Pacific. The government would probably ob tain 975,000,000 from them. It might be well, he said, for the government to protect itself by- making an upset price. It would also be well to bring those persons owning terminal facili ties into the suit to settle the question whether the terminals should be sold with the road. The government should not sell its lien upon the prop erties. If we cnn rid ourselves of this railroad scandal, he said, the value of our stocks all over the world would appreciate. TWICE HANGED. the First Hope Broke and Fltsgevald Did Mot Lose ConscloasneM. St. Louis, Mo., Feb. 21.— James Fitzgerald was'hanged here this fore noon for the murder of his sweet heart, Annie Naessens, on the night of November 24, 1803. Fitzgerald was taken to the gallows at 10 o’clock, bound in the usual way, the black cap adjusted, the trap sprung and the cul prit shot down six feet, but not to death. The rope broke and the vic tim lay struggling on the ground be neath the gallows_The black can was instantly removed by the doctors, who found Fitzgerald still conscious. Stimulants were given and he revived and was taken into the morgue a few feet away, where he was cared for by the doctors. A new rope was sent for at once, and at h o’clock the sick and trem bling, but nervy victim, was ogain taken to the scaffold. At 11:02 the trap was again sprung. His neck was broken. __ Waller's Pardon Signed. Washington, Feb. 21. — Secretary Olney this morning received the fol lowing cablegram announcing the pardoning of ex-Consul John L. Waller by President Faure of France: “Paris, Feb. 20.—The President signed this morning Waller’s pardon. Orders are being issued for his release.— (Signed! Eustis. X Ray. Used la Steal-Making. Chicago, Feb. 2i.—The Illinois Steel company is making plans to use the Boentgen photography for the detec tion of flaws in steel. If experiments along this line are successful one of the greatest benefits of the new pho tography will accrue to manufactur ing and metallurgy. Mrs. Stevenson President General. Washington, Feb. 2:.—The Daugh ters of the American Revolution to day unanimously elected Mrs. Steven son, wife of the Vice President, as president general. THE DAWES BILL. fadlaa Lobby Making a Strang right Against the Measure. Washington, Feb. SI. —Chairman Dawes of the commission that bears his name occupied practically the whole of the time that the Indian affairs committee of the House was able to give the commission to-day. His address was in support of the bill for the government of the territory. A concerted effort to defeat the measure appears to be making pro gress. President Cleveland assured the Indians and the commissioners alike that he would sign any measure which came to him preserving the gen eral features of the bill tentatively submitted by the Dawes commission. Acting upon that information, the Indian lobby is manifesting the strong est zeal in behalf of amendments which would make the bill extremely radical. In House and Senate alike the lobby is laboring for its defeat. LIVE STOCK MEN. They Ask Congress for Reciprocal Legis lation In Foreign Mnrketa, Washington, Feb. SI.—The officers and members of the executive board of the National Live Stock Exchange of Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City and Omaha were given a hearing by the Senate committee on agriculture yes terday. They asked for reciprocal legislation which would open the foreign markets to American live stock and while they suggested no especial plan, urged that Congress assist in finding a way to do this. They complained especially 'of the restrictions placed upon importations of American cattle by foreign countries and contended that there was no foundation for the charge that American live stock is diseased. Senators Warren, Gear and George were appointed a sub-committee to in vestigate the question and report. EDISON AND THE X RAYS. Tha Wizard Succeed* In Taking an In ■tantaneoua Picture. Orange, N. J., Feb. 21.'—After ex perimenting for two weeks in hia lab oratory in West Orange, Thomas A. Edison yesterday succeeded in taking an instantaneous photograph by means of the Boentgen rays from florescent tubes, the rays having penetrated a heavy cardboard and vulcanized fibre plated holder. In another experiment ft sharply defined imago of ft metul strip was made on a plate with four and one-half inches of wood between the plate and the florescent tube, and, after an exposure of twelve minuLes, the photograph was taken. Mr. Edi son said by the end of the present week he will be ready to try to take a picture of the human head and make other interesting photographic exper iments. BILL NYE ^SERIOUSLY ILL. Suffering From a Stroke of Apoplexy and Cnn Idve Only a Few Hour*. Asheville, N. C., Feb. 21.—-Theread ing public of America will hear with .regret that Edgar W. Nye, the “Bill" Nye of the world of humor, whose writings have made the whole world laugh, is seriously ill at his home at Buck Shoals, eight miles south of Asheville. Ue is suffering from a stroke of apoplexy. It is thought he can live only a few hours. COX GETS THE PAPER. Kansu City Timet Sold to the Receiver (or (((.soe, Kansas City, Mo., Eeb. SI.—The Kansas City Times wai sold to-day at sheriff’s sale and bought by Wiley O. Cox, the receiver, for $83,300. Mr. Cox represented a syndicate of promi nent Missouri Democrats. Mr. Cox will be the publisher and make it a straight out Democratic paper. Forty (Jars of Implements. Omaha, Neb.,-Feb. SI.—The Union Pacific this morning sent out a train of forty cars of agricultural imple ments to Snake River valley, Idaho, and Utah. It is consigned to one of the co-operative concerns of Salt Lake City. It is one of the largest single shipments of machinery in the history of the West, and is designed to assist in irrigation work in the great Snake river valley. Legislators Resent Carlisle's Letter. Owknsbobo, Ky., Feb." Si.—The Daily Messenger published last night responses from eighteen Democratic members of the legislature severely criticising' Secretary Carlisle’s letter, in which he declines to advise sound money men to vote for lilackburn. Nearly all say it looks like Carlisle is making a bid for the senatorship him self. Left a Miniature Coffin on His Doorstep Perry, Okla., Feb. 21.—Twenty miles north of here a few nights ago whitecaps left a giiniature coffin on tho doorsteps of L. A. Irwin. On the coffin were inscribed the words: “Whitecaps 177.” Inside the coffin was three feet of rope. It is thought it was left there by Irwin’s contest ants to scare him out of the country. W. W. Astor’s Engagement. London, Feb. 21.—The Leeds Mer cury says the engagement of William Waldorf Astor and Lady Randolph Churchill, formerly Miss Jennie Je rome of New York, will be announced shortly. Mrs. Astor died December 23, 1894, and Lord Randolph Churchill died January 24, 1895. Miss Levelling as a Dane lug Teacher. Eldorado, Kan., Feb. 21.—Miss Jes sie Lewelliag, daughter of ex-Cov ernor Lewelling, of Wichita, opened a dancing class here yesterday with forty pupils, and gave a public recep tion, which was attended by a num ber of leading citizens. Debs a Gubernatorial Candidate. South Bend, Ind., Feb. 21_The Tribune says that Eugene V. Debs will accept the Populist nomination for governor of Indiana on a platform favoring the free coinage of silver and in opposition to corporations. A COLORADO HOBROE. NONE saved to tell, op the DISASTER. Cans* of the Explosion a Mystery—Ma chinery Was Wrecked, and It U Iro possible to Get Air Into the Shaft— Gas and Smoke Interfere With tha Work of Rescue—Great Labor to Re* cover Bodies of the Miners. Disaster la a Coal Mine. Newcastle, Feb. Col., SO.—An un known number of men are dead as the result of a terrible explosion that oc curred in the Vulcan mine, one of the eoal properties of the Atchison, To peka and Santa Fe Ballway company, at H;30 yesterday forenoon. Usually, seventy-live men are employed in the mine, but less than this number were at work when the explosion occurred yesterday. There Is little doubt that all who were at work are dead. The number of victims cannot now be accurately stated, estimates run ning from fifty to seventy. Those best informed think the number is ▼ery likely between fifty-five and sixty. The excitement at present is so intense that efforts to secure a eumplete list are useless. The only man who got out of the mines at the time of the explosion was Edward Welch, who was near the mouth of the tunnel and was blown cut Uls ekull was fractured, arm broken, the face badly cut and burned and &.11 the hair burned from his head. He was breathing when found, but j expired shortly after without showing I consciousness. The miners who es- j caped direct death from the explosion ' must have been quickly suffocated by I gas, as all means of ventilation were cut off. xuo umb news oi jtne disaster waa a report as from 100 cannon. People rushed out of their homes and places of business to see what had happened and one look toward the Vulcan mine was sufficient, lor. a dense cloud of smoke issuing from the mouth of the slope told the tale of death. A throng of people was soon at the scene of dis aster, a distance of nearly two miles from Newcastle. A glance was enough to dissipate any hope for the lives of the entombed men. The force of the explosion iiad caused a cave-in and the tunnel and air courses were filled with the fallen rock, earth and timbers. Both fan houses were wrecked and the slope and vicinity were so full of the debris and the gas was so bad that it was hard and dangerous work to begin the rescue. i Nevertheless, willing hands were soon at work and five men went down as far as possible to ascertain the con dition of the slope and found it such that it will require great labor to re cover the bodies of the miners. The gas was so bad that after the party had gotten 200 feet they were com pelled to return. As soon as the news of the explosion reached Newcastle, Superintendent Paul lilount closed the mines of the Colorado Fuel and Iron company, and, taking his miners, left for the Vulcan mines, where all are actively #t work aiding in the attempts at rescue. There are two shafts in addition to the one in which the explosion took place. In the upper of these two the rescuers are iu about 300 feet and it is through this that the air can be forced into some of the rooms, but none of those in tlie mine have come out, and it is feared that this is conclusive evi dence that all are dead. The cause of the explosion is not vet known. 1 he coal fields in which the Vulcan mine is located have been troubled with subterranean gases for many years. In many places over an area of eighty to IOC miles smoke has issued from crevices in the rocks since the country wa^g'lrst known to white men, and jn later years more than one valuable coal mine has been destroyed by fire breaking inio the workings. A little over a year ago the mines of the Vulcan company had to be flooded on this account, and the old workings have never been reopened. The drift where yesterday's accident occurred was a new one. It is thought the dis aster may have been caused by the breaking into an immense pocket of gas, generated by these everlasting fires. On February 8, State Coal Mine Inspector Griffith inspected the mine and pronounced it in splendid condi tion and the work is said to have been done at all times in the most careful manner. STILL AFTER MR. MORTON. Seed Distribution Made Obligatory l’po> the Seeretary. Washington, Feb. 20.—The house yesterday passed the agricultural ap propriation bill. It carries $3,158,192. The section of the Revisei) Statutes for the purchase and distribution of “rare and uncommon” seeds, wbioh Secretary Morton declined to execute in the current appropriation law, was repealed, the appropriation for seeds was increased from $130,080 to $150,000, and its execution was made mandatory upon the secretary. Mr. Cousins of Iowa introduced his amendmdnt to reduce Mr. Morton’s salary from $8,000 to $25 until he ex pended the appropriation in the cur rent law, but the amendment was ruled out on a point of order. Several amendments to the meat inspection act of 189!, recommended by Secretary Morton, which would have given him additional power to enforce regula tions and have strengthened the law by the imposition of penalties for vio lations, were stricken out. Important If True St. Petkbsburg, Eeb. 2ft—The young king of Corea is here seeking the protection of Russia for his coun try. His visit is supposed to be a pro* found secret. An Indian Kmbeiiler shoots Himself. Indianapolis, Feb. 30.—Charles S. Hazwortby, assignee of the American Lounge company, was removed from, his trust at noon yesterday by Judge Brown of the Circuit court. He waa cited to appearand produce his reporta before noon. He disregarded the cita tion and a warrant was issu“d for him. He has about $s00 of the Lounge Com pany’s money. It is alleged that he is short in his aoeounts as deputy oounty prosecutor. He is a member of the Marion club and is a Knight of Pythias This aftn pardonable Preaumptloe. "Von know those people that Hr* la ; that two story house across the way— ! the Oumpersons, or some such name?” } “Yes, 1 know them when 1 he* them.” ■■ » ■ ”1 hare * passing aequaintanc* with them. Speak to them when 1 meet any > of them on the street. Well, one of the girls stopped me while I wet oak :: walking the other morning. tHie'said, . - ‘MIm H ighfly, your house wasn’t broken into last night and robbed, was Ur I said: ‘No. Why?’ And she said: ‘Pm glad to hear it I dreamed last night somebody had got into yjrar • house through the kitchen window and stolen ever so many valuable thing*’ . Think of the presumption of it! Dream ing about u»! And they aren’t in our set at all.”—Chicago Tribuna I Oklahoma sad tti ladlsa TarrHarj". I A well-known New York financier, who recently made a bualneea and r| pleasure trip through Oklahoma and the Indian Territory, in a letter to a | friend gives some very Interesting data, and information relative to "The Land of the Fair God.” He says, In parti j "When I recall my experiences, while In / ; Oklahoma and the Indian Territory, It •' seems to me to be more like a dream than a reality. I never was more fa vorably impressed* with a people, and the resources of the country are truly wonderful. "Before making this trip'f war'im bued with the idea, so prevalent among' the people of the east, that this terri tory have little la common with the in--;:;! terests of our people, and was a placo fitted more by nature for an abode for I the red man and a rendesvous for nut lows than a home tor a civilised and Christian people. A personal investi gation and Inspection of the, country ' I early dispelled this idea, and I found that nine-tenths of the sensational artl- . cles of outlawry and other tragedies credited to that country emlnated alone , from the fertile brain of some over-en thusiastic newspaper correspondent. "The Chicago, Rock Island ft Pacific, the Atchison, Topeka ft Santa Fo, the Choctaw, Oklahoma ft Gulf and the Missouri, ’Kansas ft Texas systems of railroads each lead into and across this country, and the great amount of cattle, hogs, wheat, cotton and other produce £ shipped out from there evidences the fact of the fertility of the soil and the productiveness of the country. “The Indian Territory is rich in ita. ^ mineral lands and coal fields, and these Industries are only in their infancy, while the cheapness of the land and rich soil over the greater part of Okla homa oilers inducements to capitalists > as well as the farming and laboring, class of our people. “There, is still some fair hunting- la, the Kechl hills, southwest of Anal darko and in the Gloss mountains, and! the streams are well supplied with* fish.. "Crop prospects are exceptionally good, and undoubtedly the coming aaa son will see a large emigration from.the east to that country.” ’ Mra Emily Crawford, the well-known Paris correspondent, contributes, to the March Century a biographical sketch of Alexandre Dumas the elder. The article is a succession of anecdotes of the old novelist, and presents him in a very picturesque light Mrs. Crawford has an account of the Bohemihneand "sponges” who took advantage of Du mas’ prodigality, and of his architeo tural folly, the Chateau Monte Cristo, with its strange menagerie Spoiling Potatoes. In a bulletin issued by Prof.. Snyder of the Minnesota State Agricultural college he makes a point of interest to the housewife. He shows that where potatoes are peeled and started t>» boil* - ing in cold water there is a lose of 80 per cent of the total albnmen, and where they are not peeled and started in hot water this, loss is reduced to 3 percent A bushel of potatoes weigh ing sixty pounds, containing about two pounds of total nitrogenouscompounds when properly oooked one-half pound is lost, containing six-teaths of a pound of the most valuable proteida. It requires all of the protein from, v nearly two- pounds of round beefsteak to replace the loss of proteim from im properly boiling a bushel of potatoes. me empire of the Spaniards, foundect - in America after its discovery by Col umbus, comprised about twelve million, square miles of territory. . ;4 The Chinese train the cormorant as a Ashing bird. A ring la placed around' the btrd’s neck, which prevents lte 1 swsh&dgf the Ash It takes. With the March issue, the Atlantis Monthly begins two important serieaof papers. The Irish in American Life, i by H. C. Merwin, is the first of tb* promised articles on Race Characteris tics in American Life. Under the gen eral beading, The Case of the Public School, the Atlantic will discuss tha r"'; payment and standing of teachers S throughout the country. Over ten ' thousand teachers have been requested to contribute information as the basis Of theso papers The first, Tho Wit ness of the Teacher, by G. Stanley Hall, president of Clark University, worgen ter, Mass., appears in this issue. ..