A SUMMER OUTINO. Bi* Pleasures and Benefits to Be De* rived in the Mountains of Colorado. The days are here, when one begins to make plans lor his summer outing, awl studies railway maps and questions ^Mends to learn ot the best spots, and %Ai kid to it Weekly wages lor skilied labor in Eng land vary from $6 to $11. IVKadercorns la a slwple km°4j, bat It tsk •' out this corns, ami wh.it cons^.a'lonit is! Makes wa)kr. KllUC-J81 jui-hat..* Every man needs a wife to apologize for him. A Coron HiiofLU Not bb Neglectsn. “Brown’s Bronchial Troches’’ are a simpe remedy and give immediate relief. Avoid imitations. The wor’d’s wheat crop of 1804 was 3.471. 742,139 bushels. Billiard table, second-hand, for sale cheap. Apply to or address, H. C. Akjv, £11 S. I’.tb Bt., Omaha, Nei A New Poitofflce. The United States government has established a branch office in the great seed establishment of the John A. Sal* zcr Seed Ca, La Crosse, Wis. So large and extended is the trade of the Kalzer Seed Ca, that the government for their own convenience to promptly expedite mail mattfr, located an office in their mammoth buildings. The editor is told that Salzer’s great plant, seed and grain catalogue is mailed free to any one upon receipt of 5 cents post* age by addressing them at La Crosse, Wis. ' Nearly $100,000 worth of whetstones ore produced every year in this country. dufd/lMl There are children without food. They cry for it, and are not an swered. The pity of it! But often nature cries out in other ways that *rtha Bfvtr Fsils to Bestorn Qm Hair to Its Yanthful CoiorT Cum scalp dime* iThsir tmhug. flOsjandJ^tn^^ra^M i Y0UR meatw/th •JSSS® ^DRTRAirrifSWKE -I«cu LA R.LKSAD30U BMLMIcrONft Patents. Trade-Marks. Examination nnd Adviea as to Patentability ad invention. Rend for " Inventors’ Guide, or ilow to Get a Patent” JATHOI0TASS3LL, WASHaWW. B. 0. $ As good as can regardless of Other Brands Only %> Ounces for IO cents Don't take our word for it. but* buy a piece and see for yourself A Perfect Food That Is what Baron von Liebig said of good chocolate. All of Walter* Baker & Co/s Cocoas and Choco lates are good,—the best, in fact. Walter Baker & Co., Ltd., Dorchester, Hass.