OFFICIAL DIRECTORY STATU. !30T«5B>r....Silas Holcomb at Governor...*.It. K. Moore secreiKry of State...J- A. Piper Mate Treasurer, a...J. S. Bartley iStateAuditor.. ..Eugene Moore Attorney General.A. B. Churchill •Com. hands and Buildings.O. H. Bussell »ui>t. Public Instruction. H. K.Corbett KEGENTS STATE TJNIVEKSITY. Chas. H. Gere, Lincoln; Leavitt Burnham, Omaha; J M. Hiatt, Alma; E. P. Holmes, Pierce; J. T. Mallateu, Kearney; M. J. Hull, Edgar. __ CONGRESSIONAL. \ ""Senators—W. V. Allen, of Madison; John M. Thurston, of Omaha. Eeprcscntatlves—First District, J. B Strode Second, I) II. Mercer; Third, Geo- X). Mikel john: Fourth— Hainer; Fifth, W. E. And rews; Sixth; O. M. Kem. JUDICIARY. Chief Justice.•■■■•A. M. Post Associates...T.O. Harrison and T. L.Norvalt FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Judge ...M. P- Kinkaid, of O’Neill Reporter.....J.J. King of O’Neill Judge.W. H. Westovor, of Hushville Keporter.John Maher, of Kushville. LAND OFFICES. O’NBIIX. .John A. Harmon. .Elmer Williams. Register. Receiver. COUNTY. ud»e .Geo McCutcheon ‘lerfc of the District Court.JohnSklrvlnar lUenutv .. M. Collins krS5Sif«V.,.V....1- P- Mullen ..Sam Howard ‘ ..Bill Bethea ..’...Mike McCarthy ..Chas Hamilton .I"..Chas O’Neill Schools...’..W. K. Jackson ■T8 ..Mrs. W. B. Jaokhon - ’ . . .......Dr.Trueblood .M.F. Norton .’.7.7.7.'.."..H. E. Murphy SUPERVISORS. FIRST DISTRICT. Cleveland, Sand Creek, Dustin, Saratoga, ock Falls and Pleasantview—J-. 0* Blonalu. SECOND DISTRICT. 'iShlelds, Paddock. Scott, Steel Creek, Wll [Owdale and Iowa—J. H. Hopkins. THIRD DISTRICT. Grattan and O'Neill—E. J. Mack. ^ FOURTH DISTRICT. I Ewing, Verdigris and Delolt—L. O. Combs, FIFTH DISTRICT, Chambers, Conlev, Lake, kcClure and Inman—E. Stillwell. SIXTH DISTRICT. Swan. Wyoming, Fairview, Francis. Green 'alley, Sheridan and Emmet—O. W. Moss. SEVENTH DISTRICT. Atkinson and Stuart-Frank Moore. OllT OF O'NEILL. Supervisor, E. J. Maok; Justices, E.ll. Ifenedlct and S. M. Wagers; Constables, Ed. BiuUride and Perkins Brooks. rein OOUNOILMEN—FIRST WARD. For two years.—D. H. Cronin. For one rear—II. C. McEvony. SECOND WARD. For two years—Alexander Marlow, ue year—Jake Pfund. For For one I THIRD WARD. wo years—Charles Davis, ilmer Merriman.i CITY OFFICERS. Mayor, O. F. Biglin; Clerk, N. Martin; Treasurer, John McHugh; City Engineer Iplm Uorrisky; Police Judge, H. Kautzman; ihiet of Police, Charlie Hall; Attorney, Chos. QJarlou; Weighmaster, Joe Miller. s 61 SlTTzliy TOWNSHIP. SupervlKr, K. J. Hayes; Trcarurcr. Barney JiHreevT; Clerk, J. Sullivan; Assessor Ben lohrlng: Justices, M. Castello and Clias. Wilcox; Constables, John Horrisky and Ed. IcBride; ltoad overseer dist. 20, Allen Brown , So. 4, John Enright. I OLLIERS’ BELIEF COMNISSION. | degular meeting first Monday In Febru ary,of each year, and ut suoh other times as 1 deemed necessary. Bobt. Gallagher, Page, (irman; Wm. Bowen, O’Neill, seorotary; 1. Clark Atkinson. lr.PATRICK'S CATHOLIC CHURCH. 1 Services every Sabbath at 10:110 o'clock. ry Kov. Cassidy. Postor. Sabbath school nedlately following services. KTHODIST CHUItCH. Sunday services—Preaching 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 Class No. 10:30 A. M. Class No. 2 (Ep prth League) 0:30 p. M. Class No. 3 (Chlld ■ns) 3:00 p. M. Mind-week services—General rayer meeting Thursday 7:30 P. M. All will e made welcome, especially strangers. E. T. GEORGE, Pastor. 1 A, It. POST, NO. 86. The Gen. John JT. olNelU Post, No. 86, Department of Ne UttJufu. A. K., will meet the first and third hturqay evening of each month In Masonlo all O'Neill S. J. Shiih, Com. PLKHOBN VALLEY LODGE, I. O. O. a IF. Meets every Wednesday evening in aid Fellows’ hall. Visiting brothers cordially nvited to attend. W. U. Mason. N. G. O. L. Bright, Sec. 1ARFIELD CHAPTER, K. A. M JTMcVts on first and third Thursday of each Qonchwi Masonic hall. W. J J|)obrs Sec. J. C. UarniSH, H, P £ 'OF P.—HELMET LODGE, U. D. , Convention every Monday at 8 o clock p. . ,in Odd Fellows’ hull. Visiting brethern jrdially invited. \ J. P. Gilugan, C. C. E. J. Mack. K. of B. ana S. VNEILL ENCAMPMENT NO. 80. I. J o. O. F. meets every second and fourth rldays of each month in Odd Fellows’ Hall. has. Bright, H. P. H. M. Ttti,ky, Scribe ■HIES LODGE NO. 41, DAUGHTERS ‘ OF BEUEKAH, meets every 1st and 3d Ony of eaoh month In Odd Fellows’ Hall. qiBentdey, N. G. Kittie Bright. Sec. •'I A It FIELD LODGE, N0.95,F.erty become fixed established and • quieted against cacli and all of the defendants and against all other persons, nud plaintiff asks also for general equitable relief, including a de cree for a general and ordinary foreclosure of said llcnas bv statute provided and the sale of said property In satisfaction thereof. That the amount of plaintiff's claim against said land tips «tli day ui January, 18'JtJ, is One Hundred and Fifteen dollars. Y'ou are further notified that you are required to appear and answer said petition on or before the 17th day of February, l«9ii,br tile allega tions of soul petition will bo taken us true and Judgment amt decree rendered as therein piayed. Dated at O'Neill. Nebraska, this 9th day of January. 1890. Faumkhs Loan ami Thust Company, Plaintiff. By M. J. tiwcoley mid E. 11. Benedict, 27-4 its Attorney. Item. DeWiil’s .Sarsaparilla is prepared for ] cleansing the blood. It builds up and i strengthens constitutions impaired by | disease. For sale by Morris and Co. I Druggists. j This $85 Music Box and one La* Gold Watch actually to give away% ^ you want them? Buy a Dollar’s wok of goods at Bentley’s and learn ho ^ to get them. Always Buy the Best. The . . ■ Best's Cheapest The Finest and Largest stock of good In the Hardware and... .Implement Line in the Elkhorn Valley is found at Neil Brennan’s John Deere plows, Moline wagons, David Bradley & Co’s famous Disc cultivators... . I.—...... Riding and walking cultivators, harrows, Glidden wire, stoves, oils, cuttlery, tinware. |T|jFI73^J31|i]3jr73rT[WTjy]n"rvpu» di»«aso», Wuuk'Blomorfi Hois'of Br»lo Power, I-1ITT ‘'^‘r, Wakefulness. Lort Vitality. Nlahtlr IThle FamonsBeniedy cures quickly, permanently «3 urwauus tin potency ana wasting aiseases caused Dr | tioiUhfulerrora or cxces1 <». Contains no opiates. Is a nerve toals Eomi bunodbntlder. Makes the pale and puny strong and pi amp. I Easily on rrlet! invest pocket. S1 per box; «1 for SO, By malljmH 4 paid. «ofm a written fguarantee or money re fun fled. Write ns, frea I IMAkl 1 1 Tmntr. fumlnrl nlntn wmniwii>. with ■ nimnctn 1 nnndtnr. Art tMijt/w ommltaUont. Hov, Sold by our nceon,eraddnNaMEIlVK SUED COb, Ml For sale In O’Neill, Neb., by MOHBI3 & CO., DraggleU. BmmVMii —Tin|ll|lllm> Great Prize Contest. 1st Prize, KNA3B PIAfrJQ, Stylo “P” $300 2d Prize, Cash, - - - - - io0 3d Prize. Cash, - - - - - 50 0 Cash Prizes, each $20, - - n 2C0 *5 Cash Prizes, each $10, - - 150 20 Prizes, - , - - - $1300 Tile first prize will be given to the person who constructs the shortes’. sentence, in English, containing all the letters in tho alphabet. Tlio olh t prizes will pa in regular order to those competitors whose sentences »t.ui I nest in point of brevity. CONDITIONS. i lie 01 a sentence is to bo measured by tho number nr let* contains, nml each contestant must indicate by figures nt the ci'< • sentence Hsi bow bins' it is. The sentence must have eom ... Mi oirmpiucal names anil names of persons cannot he use t clones February loth. IStiti, and the results will bo pub! biter: In case two or more prize-winning sentences are e one first received will bo given preference. Kwty cr sentence Is loss Ilian 11(5 letters in length will receive VVilk in paper cover, includin; twelve complete novels, whether «'r not. No contestant can enter morn tlian one sentence n nthor cirri pothers Hesidents of Omaha are not permit* o t. d*r M-tiv or indirectly, in this contest.. Piano now o Harden liros.’ Music Store, Omaha, Neb. This>!., liberal olfer is made by tho Weekly Wouj.b-llKKALd; which the disliu.ruished ex-congressman, WltLUBA BBVafl, is Editor, ed n is roipiircd tliat each competing sentcnco be enclosed with one dollar • •r a year’s subscription. The Weekly World-Herald is issued in scutt weekly sections, and hence is nearly ns good as a daily. It is the western champion of free silver coinage and the leading family newspaper of Nebraska. Address, Week'!] World Herald. Omr*lia. Neb sQincinnrinnnr^r^n nrinr-inrinni—inrtnr-tnmr Chlchcstcr'ii KukIUIi UIadjoihI Rrtnl ENNYROYAL PILLS Original and Only Genuine, esrc, alw»r» pliable. ladies *< j | Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip- (1 j,tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of' | ( charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. ] > J [ A Pamphlet, “How to Obtain Patents,'* with i' ] cost of same in the U. S. and ibreigncountries11 i • sent free. Address, j > C.A.SNOW&CO. ' Opp. Patent Office, Washington, D. C.’ * Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder World'i Pair m«h—t lUtodal —d Dipl—. Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder Awarded Gold Medal Midwinter Fair, San Francisco. CAW I OBTAIN A PATENT? Wot • prompt^ answer and an honest opinion, write to MIINN& CO., who have had nearly Arty years* experience In the patent business. Communica tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In formation concerning Patents and bow to ob tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of merhais leal and scientific books sent free. Patents taken through Mann A Co. receive special notice In the Scientific American, and thus are brought widely before the public with out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper. Issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by ter the largest circulation of any scientific work in the world. S3 a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition, monthly, a year. Single WIHUU, uiuumij, JSM. PlllglW copies, *J5 cents. Every number contains beau tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new houses, with plans, enabling builders to show the latest designs and secure contracts. Address MUNN A CO„ NkW York. 3tfl BboadwAT. Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder » Awarded Gold Medal Midwinter Fair, San Francisco. 4