The Frontier. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY THE FRONTIER PRINTING COMPANY KINO A CRONIN. Editors. Brer Groundhog received mention lost week by pspere of *11 political shades. __ __ The old stockings give up their se crets when the president offers bonds for sale._ __ __ The Beacon Ligbt-Snn unpleasantness has arrived at the stage where each is accusing the other of having struck the first blow._ Doc Mathews, down in Arkansas, is calling for more light. Better come up to God’s country, Doc, where there is perpetual sunshine. Thb Fremont Tribune aaya Holcomb’s chances for election to congress in this district are more than even. Bro. Ham mond needs some one to expert his figures. _ _ Judok Valbntihb was defeated for sergeant-at-vms of the senate by H. L. Grant, of North Carolina, last Friday. Thb Fbohtibb had hoped that the Judge might be successful. D. A. Colb has retired from the Ew ing Advocate, and is succeeded by Geo. A. Raker. The Advocate has taken some great strides perfection wards since Mr. Raker identified himself with it. Hob. Jas. Whithhbad has been ap pointed by the board of public lands and buildings to the position of agent at the penitentiary. The appointment : carries with it a salary of 81,000 and living expenses. The friends of Mr. Whitehead in this section congratulate him and the slate simultaneously. ’ Nbbbaska politics is possessed of Wonderful recuperative powers. Hardly are the clods thrown upon the graves of the politically dead before the mourners brush from their eyes a tear of regret ' for the vanquished and turn upon tbeir heels to welcome the coming campaign. Time was, we remember, when an elec tion settled things for a season and the people by common consent talked, wrote and dreamed of other things. Politics is all right in its place, but a : recess of at least 40 days should be taken during Lent. Thb man who is writing those malic ious lies to the Omaha papers in regard to the vigilante populits holding up men and all suoh like, should, if apprehend ed, be rotten-egged, tarred-and-fetber ed, rode-on-a rail and given two hours to leave town in. The above comedy of errors appeared , last week in the Chambers Bugle, which is the pop’s Official paper in the south country. It serves to emphasize the ■ Oft-heard assertion that the pops are op posed to mob rule. The smart young men of the Bugle are respectfully re ; ferred to the Ryan Interview, on our first page, -- Thb Chadron Signal insists that Sena ‘ tor Thurston meant it when bo said Nebraska would give the national re publican ticket 80,000 majority, no mat ter what the platform. Thb Fbohtibb •Jla inclined to think the senator was right. At the same time the assertion Was no reflection on the intelligent voters of the .state, but on v the other hand was a yery pretty codtpliment. Thurston knows the people will not vote for another democratic administra Hont he knows also that they have had enough of populism, and therefore will ^ welcome with open arms a republican administration with any kind of a plat form. - ■' ■ ' ■ . Thb populist editors of O’Neill are a consistent lot of numskulls, to say the lout. The Jew says it will do no good to organise a Nebraska club to induce immigration ao long u Holt county is published abroad as a nut of thieves and vigilantes, and in another column it says ‘'were It not for the intelligent, i law-abiding, patriotic good sense and > oool heads—waiting for the action of courts that sum to never come—there would have been thieves enough hung or shot to plant a skull to mark the cor oner of every section in north Holt ' county.” Lotus see: In north Holt county there are some 8000 corners: at the last general election 8400 votes were oast: now in order to kill the Jew’s qqota of thieves it would be necessary to ex terminate not only every voter in Hie f county, but WO women and children be sides. That's a nice story to circulate. ; HOT MUCH. , We bn been asked to take i trip .through the Junglea of the Niobrara country and investigate the vigilant ' question. The inatlgator of thia scheme to get tw up there believes that the stories about the vigilante are exagger ated, and that we would find such to be . the case and proclaim it to the world. Now, we are tritely thankful to the gen : tlemaa for hie confidence in our fair • neaa, still we hesitate. However, to show that wo are willing to do anything in order to cause the ringing off of this i' viagilant talk, we will make thia propo ' aitlon: That Clyde King, of Tnn Fsomu, go first, and if he geta back with his hair the same color it was . when he went and his scalp locks in : taot, then we will go.—Atkinson Qrephle. How very patriotic It would be for Bro. Jen neaa to sacrifice one of Tnn Vaoanis editors in'the cause) But Clyde wlH not go.. The color of his hair mlts him pretty well the way It is, .and then, anyway, he hasn’t lost any thing (but Us reputation) on the Nio* ‘"v t '■ ■ wv - Imo. V*. O’NEiLL BUSINESS DIRECTORY nil. J. P. GILLIGAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Holt County bank building. Strangers, those living at a distance, and night calls must be cash in advance. O’NEILL, _ * •_ NEB, D B. DICKSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Reference Fine National Bank O'NEILL, NEB. J)R. EDWARD S. EURAY, PHY SIC AM AMD SURGEON. Day and night calls promptly attended to. Offloe over First National Bank. O'NEILL NEB. J^H. BENEDICT, LAWYER, Offloe In the Judge Roberta building, north of O. O. Snyder’s lumber yard. 0 NEILL, w. R. BUTLER, NEB. -V— ATTORNEY- AT-LAW. Agent for Union Trust Go's land In Holt County. Will praotloe In all the courts. Special at tentlon given to foreclosures and collections J)R B. T. TRUEBLOOD PHYSICIAN A BURGEON* Diseases of the Eye and Ear and fitting glasses a specialty. Offloe hours • to IS a. m. and X toep. m, Offloe first door nest of Helnerikaon's A, J HAMMOND ABSRACT CO Successors to R. R. DICKSON A CO. Abstracters of Titles. Complete eet of Abstract Books, Terms reasonable, and absolute ac curcy guaranteed, for which we have given a 110,000 bond as required under the law. Correspondence Soliccd . % S' ' "* ■ O’NEILL, HOLT COUNTY NEB. HOTEL * -Javans £ ' , ' A ■' ■' Enlarged Refurnished Refitted Only First-class Hotel In the City. ,.* W. T. EVANS, Prop. GEO. L. CARTER. Commission Merchant. Hay, Grain, Mill Stuff., Cotton Seed Meal, Apples, Potatoes, Etc. SPECIAL Attention to Consignments of HAY. REFBKBNCES: American Exchange Bank. Lincoln Savings Bank. Merchants Bank, Any B. E. Afrent in Lincoln. (Telephone 38Z) > LINCOLN, - NEB. Purchase Ticket. and Oon.ign r your Freight via the F:E.&M.V.andS.C.&P RAILROADS. TRAINS DEPARTt <301(10 AMT.' Passenger east, • 9:20 a. m Freight eut. 10:30 a. m Freight east, - - • 2:10 p. k. aoino wist. Freight west, ■ 2:10 p. M Passenger West, • 9:27 p. m Freight, - - 2:10 p. x. The Rlkborn Line la now running Reclining Ohalr Cara dally, between Omaha and Dead wood, jree to holders of first-class transpor tatlon. For anr Information call on W. J. DOBBS, Agt. O’NEILL, NEB. O’CONNOR & GALLAGHER Of all kinds. A specialty made of FINE CIGARS. If you want a drink of good liquor do not fall to call on us. Checker® Barn, B. A. DiYARMAN, Manager. CHECKER mmrwvm j Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Finest turnouts in the city. Good, careful drivers when wanted. ALo run the O’Neill OmnibuB line. Commercial ' trade a specialty. THE TRIBUNE For Telegraph, Local, “ * , General, State and Foreign News. Market complete SIOUX CITY DAILY TRIBUNE Stt Per Year. 80 Cent! Per Month. QUICKEST AND BEST MAIL SERVICE Address: 1 i ■ - . _ THE TRIBUNE. f Bul>. Dept, i.'- Blonx City, lows. P. ©. A J. F. MULLEN, PROPRIETORS OP THE GOOD TEAMS, NEW RIGS Prices Reasonable. Rut of McCufferto's. O'NEILL, NUB. NEW YORK.. . ILLUSTRATED NEWS The Organ of Honeat Sport In Amorfoa ALL THE SENSATIONS OF THE DAY ficturzd ay the FOREMOST ARTISTS OF THE COUNTRY Life in New York Graphically Illustrated. Breezy but Respectable. $4 FOR A YEAR, $2 FOR SIX MONTH8 Do you want to be posted? Then send your subscription to the nv mu uhtuid ms, 3 PARK PLACES NEW YORK CITY. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. Sioux City, O’Neill and Western Railway (PACIFIC SHORT LINE) THE SHORT ROUTE BETWEEN SlOliX ClTY AND yackson, Laurel, Randolph, Os mond, Plainview, O'Neill. Connects at Sioux City with all diverging lines, landing passengers in NEW UNION PASSENGER STATION Homeseekers will find golden opportun ities along this line. Investigate before going elsewhere. THE CORN BELT OF' AMERICA For rates, time1 tables, or other information call upon agent t or address F. 0. BILLS, W. B.MoNIDER, Receiver. Gen'l Pass. Agent. THE NEW DONAHOE’S is combating Religious Prejudice and economic injustice, and helping Catholics and Protestants to under stand each other better. '_ THE NEW DONAHOE’S is brilliant without being super• ficial, instructive without being heavy, popular without being trival. THE NEW DONAHOE’S Will delight every American Catho lic and interest every thoughtful Protestant. Only $2.00 a year. Write for sample copy DONAHOE’S MAGAZINE CO. 611 WASHINGTON ST., BOSTON MASS. R.I.P-A.N-S ABULES REGULATE THE 8T0MACH, LIVER AND BOWELS AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. BIPANS TABULES are the teat XeO •U. kMWi fcr IndltciU«ii BUIomrcm* Readacfce.Censtlp atlea, DjiipcpaUtCkmle IiverTroNblM,, BuKoaplexl.., DjMBlcry, Ofeailve llrciith, and all 4U* •r4en of the BUaach, Liver aa4 Bawela. Ripens Tmbules contain nothing lnlrrlou* to the moat delicate constitution. Are pi earns t to take, safe, effectual, and sire immediate relief. Price—00 cents per box. May be ordered through nearest druggist, or hj mall. Bampla TlsLUJ cents. Address THE RIPANS CHEMICAL CO.. 10 SFBCCS STREET. NEW TORS CITY. < REWARD i i Rewards—usually—come to those who investigate: The best Beaver overcoat (with velvet collar) that could be bought in this western country for $8—same thing here $4.75, The best possible Patent Beaver overcoat (velvet collar) any body could buy $10—is to be had here for $6.75 The best thing for an ulster to be had for $7.50, here only $4, and an all wool suit for $475. And all we ask is for you to investigate—Our goods are not only that cheap, but better made, better trimmed and better ap pearing. , '-.-.V; ' Of course we prefer to deal with you in our store, but if you can’t come we will send you anything you order. If it aint just as we represent it your money goes back to you by the next train. That’s the kind of a concern we are. !\ f ELRHORN VALLEY • PLOW FACTORY..... O’NEILL, NEB. EMIL SNIGGS. Prop. .... Manufactures tho H&nmoll Open Mould- Board Stirring Plow. Also general blacksmithing and practical horseshoer. Wagon and Carriage woodwork carried on in connection. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. Also dealer in Farm Implements. Handles the Scandi implements and the Plano Bakes, Mowers and Binders. Parties wishing anything in this line call and see me. G. W. WATTLES, President. ANDREW RUSSELL, V-Pres. JOHN McHUGH, Cashier^ THE■STATE - BANK OF O’NEaLL. CAPITAL $30,000. Prompt Attention Given to Collections DO A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Chicago Lumber Yard Headquarters for . . . LUMBER —COAL and t| BUILDING MATERIAL The Stock is dry, being cured By the largest dry-sheds in the world. Yarda I O’Neill, P»«e. Alien. 0.0. SNYDER & GO. The Inter Ocean ' Is the Most Popular Republican Newspaper of the West and Has the Largest Circulation. TERMS BY MAIL. DAILY (without Sunday)......$4.00 psr year DAILY (with Sunday)..$6.00 per year The Weekly Inter Ocean— d; f .00 PER YEAR.* --: As a Newspaper TRE INTER OCEAN keeps abreast of th9 times in all respects. It spares neither pains nor expense in seaming ALL THE NEWS AND THE BEST OF CURRENT LITERATURE. The “Weekly Inter Ocean As a Family Paper Is Not Excelled by Any. has something of interest to each member of the fa mi It. Its u*~-“ YOUTH’S DEPARTMENT is the very bestof its kind. Its LITEdi , A BY FEA1URES are unequaled. It is a TWELVE PAGE PAPER and contains tho News of the World. POLITICALLY IT IS REPUBLICAN, and gives its readers the benefit of the ablest discussions on all live political topics. It i3 published in Chicago and is in accord with the people of thb West in both politics and literature. Please remember taat the price of THE WEEKLY INTER OCEaN is tiNLY ONB DOLLAR PiiB YEAR. Address THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago. The Frontier and Inter Ocean only $1.75 per year.