The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 06, 1896, Image 8

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    *kimik mi ii ii i«..i . n- — —
the Frontier needs money ana
needs it badly and must have it.
It has several hundred subscribers
who owe from $1.50 to $6.00 anti
'■ if they will pay up or at least a
fi s, part of what they owe. it would re
lieve the stringency of the money
market around'these headquarters,
i So we trust that all our subscribers,
who are owing us on subscription,
Ijt will call and pay at least a part of
what they owe us.
An Old Soldier'a KeoommecdtUon.
In the late wer I wee • soldier in the
| First Maryland Volunteers, company 0.
" During my term of service I contracted
chronic diarrhoea. Since then I have
used a great amount of medicine, but
when I found any that would give me
relief It would injure my stomach, until
Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea remedy was brought to my notice.
%I used it and will say It is the only
remedy that gave me permanent relief
and no bad results follow. I take pleas
ure In recommending this preparation to
? all of my old comrades, who, while
giving their services to their country,
contracted this dreadful disease as I did,
from eating unwholsome and uncooked
food. Yours truly, A. E. Binding,
Halsey, Oregon. For sale by P. C.
Corrigan, druggist.
Peter Hartulg and Mr*. Peter Hartulg, bis
wife, Bret name unknown, defendants, will
take notice that on tbe S*th dag of December,
1808, plaintiff herein. Bled a petition In the
dlstrtet court of Holt county, Nebraska,
against said defendants, tbe object and
prayer of wbloh are to foreclose a certain
mortgage executed by defendants .lames P,
Hymer and Jennie M. Hymer, husband and
wife, to the South Platte Loan and Trust
Company upon the southeast quarter oi
section nineteen, in township thirty.of range
sixteen west. In Holt county, Nebraska, to
secure the payment of their promissory note
dated April 20,1M1, for the sum of 185.00 and
Interest at the rate of ten per cent, per
annum payable semi-annually and ten per
cent, after maturity; that there is now due
upon said note ana mortgage according to
the terms thereof the sum of 8138.08 and Inter
est at the rate of ten per cent, per annum
from 1st day of January, 1804, aud plaintiff
eraya that said promises may be decreed to
s sold to satisfy the amount due thereon.
Ton are required tv answer said petition
onpr before the 18th ds^r of March, 1808.
Dated February 8,18...
Tub Booth Platts Loam am> Trow Co.
By O. Norberg, Adams and W. B. Butler,
•1-4 Attorneys.
In the District Court of Holt County, Neb.
Aultman. Miller and Co., Akron, Ohio, aa In
corporated company, under tbe general
laws of Ohio, plaintiff,
'William T?eale, defendant.
The stove named defendant, William
Veala, will take notice that on the 98th day
of Jan nary .UBS, the plaintiff began an action
in the district oourt of Bolt county, Ne
braska, against you to recover Judgment
against you for tbe sum of 8100.00 on a certain
' note given by you to the plaintiff
-a—r— I-. J.n by you to the plaintiff
on the lltfi day oi July. 18<H, plaintiff alley
hat there!* due on said
tag In said petition that t
note said amount.
. Ton are further notified that on the same
day. the above named plaintiff, oaused to be
BteC In said oourt an affidavit for an order of
attachment against you and that on the
tome day there was Issued out of said oourt a
■ the above
1 that on
_j’clock P.
the sheriff of Holt oounty, Nebreska.
levied upon to satisfy said writ the following
desprlbed real estate aa your property under
and by virtue of said writ of attachment so
issued, to-wlt: Southeast quarter of section
twenty*!, township thirty-one, range
tulrtoen.westethv.M.. and being*situated
in Holt county, Nebraska.
are further notified that the ground
Spon wkleh said writ of Attachment Issued is
“ srn a non-resident of the state of
you are also notified that on the
4th day of February. 1888, the plaintiff herein
•ledaaaJMavItfor service by publication
against you alleging that you are non-real
ftrt vf thh state of Nebraska.
You are further notified that the plaintiff
demands Judgment egalnst you In the
sgsount heretofore, stated andwlli ask that
tteproperty attached be sold for the purpose
: WJSylBfWd Judgment and coats.
Youare required to answer said petition
sou are. required to anawer said pet
°®OfJ»efore the 16th day of March, 18wT
Bated February «, 1808.
B H. Diokbom,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
tWrtt publication In The F rontler Feb. 8, ‘SO.
Jf H»e district oourt of Holteounty, Neh
Nathaniel K nowise, plaintiff,
Benner et. al„ defendants.
To Delbert M. Benner. Lillie B. Beaaei
Charles D. Stevens, Pierce Wright ft Co
Maolagan ft Pierce. Marlon Bolen, Laur
■•.Bole#. John Doe, tenant whose flrstnam
Is to this plaintiff unknown, defendanta li
the above entitled cause:
You are hereby notified that you has
• -■ ftho„
auts ees o uoivuy UUklBCtt TURD
toen sued by the plaintiff In the above ei
titled cause tn tbe district court of Ho:
wffiMws »** me uinnoi oourv or
eountr, Nebruka. and that on or before t
18th day of Maroh, A. D. :—
aaasmr the petition of the pi
file In the office of the clerk of said distrl
oi saiu uistru
w»*rt. In which the plaintiff ask that a Judi
asrat to rendered by the coart foreclosing
»«rt«age given by the defendants Delbei
M. Benuor and LIUje B. Benner to the Lon
Company and now owne
W the plaintiff, upon the following describe
veal property, situated In tbe county of Ho
and state of Nebraska, towlt; East hair«
*h* southwest quarter, the northwest quart!
of the southwest quarter the southern
of Quarter of section twi
township thirty; alao the south half of tl
southwest quarter and the west half of tl
°f “Ctlon twenty-tw
■dwnshlp thirty-one, all In range nine was
«***>£* ofredempthm ofeach and a
of the defendants named in the title of sal
•wjrwwruviyu BHU roreoiQMG; that ttl
Bffci^tHi.UlnKl‘“‘*freUo,,ned or claim
tqr you, or either of you. ln or . to sa
VH wu wtftk M1U IBUUI DO BOia to DOT 1
dqbtedness secured by said mor&age.
Y°u are hereby further ootlfledthat
fJl-t.~en^wLdd StuSSrSTSr^o^
ft* and al
wSGT btftssswwi VS W B* , m J
Capons ©obtained In said petition will
_Attorney for PlainUf
Iath« District Court of Holt County Neb.
Aultanan, Miller * Oo., of Akron. Ohio, an
assrassssK- —
~ ® “5 * oertiun promts
%£2** H**» P* f°u, your oo-defend
JgS*ii? «M««ininnsaid’peU&on
that y>oro Isdueon said note said amount.
SttsAmst against r
Wane day there eras Issi
A. writ of Mktaehsnent
■■■■■ ■ ■» *«« »u vnivr ui
. rou and that on the
Issued out of said court
*»t afatnst you for the
you are further notified
that eii the atth day of January, tees, at 1
tftjoehr. that the sheriff of Holt county
g*l*WM*t*»f«Pqg.«<» satisfy said writ,
the teOowlwr described real estate as you i
fWptrty under sad by TlrUte of said writ ol
eOsshsssat ao leaned, to-wlt: ..Northwest
,«—«*»* eaetton eSereo. tpwasblp twenty
StV-f Ss
eight, range ten, west Oth p. m., andbetnf
situated in Holt eountjr, Nebraska.
You are further notified that the grount
upon which said writ of attachment issuet
1* that you are a non-resident of the state ol
Nebraska; you are also notified that on thi
4th day of February, 18U6, the plaintiff hereir
filed an alfidavlt for service by publication
against you alleging that you are non-resl
dents of the state of Nebraska.
You are further notified that the platntif
demands judgment against you In tin
amount heretofore stated and will ask tliai
the property attached be sold for the pur
pose of paying said judgment and costs.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 16th day of March. 1886.
Dated Fobruury 4, 1896.
81-4 It. B. Dickson,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the District Court of Holt County, Nebr.
Simon D. Paddock, plaintiff,
B. A. Sherwood, and husband. W. A. Sher
wood, Nelllo Trlckott. and husband, S.
Trlckett, W. A. Elliott, and wife, Mrs. W,
A. Elliott. Frank Plummer, and wife, Mrs.
Frank Plummer, defendants.
The above named defendants and eaoh of
them will take notice that on the lfith day of
January, 1896, ths plaintiff herein ffled his
petition In the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, alleging that he Is the owner of
the following described real estate situated
In Holt county, Nebraska, towlt: The south
west quarter of the northwest quarter, and
the northwest quarter of the southwest
quarter of section four, and the south half
of the northeast quarter of section five, all In
township thirty-two, range filtcen west of
the Sixth P. m.
The plaintiff alleges that on the lfith day of
September, 1801, the American Investment
Company began an action In the district
court of Holt couuty. Nebraska, against
James Segear, and others, to foreclose a
certain trust deed, given to secure oertalu
Interest coupons then owned by the plaintiff.
Plaintiff alleges that a decree of foreclosure
was entered In said cause on the 24th day of
November, 1801, for the sum of *268.50, and
171.38 costs, and that said premises was sold
and masters commissioner’s deed made and
delivered to C. F. Hllven. trustee, and that
plaintiff acquired title from Bllven. Plaintiff
alleges that by an error and oversight, that
the defendants Trlckett and wife was made
and styled In said petition as Frlckott but
that said defendants Trlckett and wife
and the other defendants herein had full
knowledge and notice of the pendency of
said uotlon and the issuance and delivery of
said sheriff's deed.
Plaintiff alleges that the defendants here
in claim to have some Interest In said prem
ises, but that the same Is subject and inferior
to that of plaintiff’s
Plnlntiff prays In said petition that the de
fendants be required to pay Into this court
within thirty days for the use of the plaintiff
the amount of said decree and costs with
Interest within thirty days nr that the title
to said premises be quieted in the plaintiff
and that the defendants be decreed to have
no Interest In said premises and for other
equitable relief.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 23rd day of February, 1886.
Dated this 15th day of January. 1886.
28-4 H. It. Dickson,
Attorney for 1'lalntiff.
In tbe County Court of Holt county. Hob.
Lydia J. DeYarmsn, plaintiff, -
Cliurlea Odell, defendant.
Charles Odell will take notion that on the
28rd day at December. 1095,0. A. McCutoban,
county judge of Holt county, Nebraska,
Issued an order of attachment for the sum of
•47.18 In an action pending before him, where
in Lydia J. DeYarman Is plaintiff and you,
Charles Odell, as defendant; that property of
yours consisting of about (300) three hundred
bushel of corn has been attached under said
You are notified that said cause was con
tinued to tbe lfith day of February, 1800, at 10
o clock a. u.
Dated December £8,1800.
20-8 Lydia J. DsYarman, Plaintiff.
To Whom it May Concern:
Notice Is hereby given that the Blkhorn
Irrigation and Land Company was organised
on the 8th day of November, A. D. 1806, under
and In accordance with the laws of the state
of Nebraska, made and provided. .
Its prlnolpal plaoe of transacting business
Is O'Neill. Holt county, Nebraska.
The general nature of the business to be
transacted Is toconstruet.purchase.leaBe and
maintain Irrigation oat ala. laterals, ditches,
reservoirs, and especially to lease,maintain
control and operate the rights, franchises
and proporty o'f the Blkhorn’irrlgatlon'com
pany, O'Neill, F' — ..
-Neb., and to furnish water for
Irrigation, power, stock and domestlo pur-,
poses, and to carry on a general Irrigation,
farming and stookralslng business. Also to
own, buy, sell and convey real estate lying
under and contiguous to Its Irrigation canal
or canals.
The amount of authorized capital stock of
said company Is 1150.000, divided Into 1500
shares of *100 each, 86,000 of which was sub
scribed and ton per cent, paid In -before
beginning buslnessT
bald corn
. - corporation began business November
13, 1806, and Is to oontlnue In business for
ninety-nine years unless sooner dissolved by
due process of law.
The highest amount of Indebtedness said
corporation can at any time subject Itself
shall not exceed two-thirds of its capital
The business of said corporation shall be
conducted by a board of directors, from
whose numbers shall be elected a president,
vice president, secretary, treasurer and such
other omoers as shall be deemed advisable by
said directors. ’ 24.4
COMPANY. [bead]
Marian W. Barnett, William L. Weller and
Mary Weller, his wife, will take notice that
on the 18th day of December, 1886. Edward B.
Oaskell, executor of the last will and testa
ment of Mrs. E. R. Gaskoll, deceased, filed
his amended and substituted petition In the
district court of the county or Holt, state of
Nebraska, against said defendants, the
object and prayer of whloh are to foreclose s
certain mortgage executed by Marian W.
Harnett and Drusllla J. Barnett to the Amerl
caeLoanand Trust Cuomprny, on .tune 1,
1887, upon the northeast quarter of suction
seventeen (17.) township thirty-two (32,) range
eleven (U.) In the county of Holt, state of
Nebraska, to secure the payment of a mort
gage bond for the sum of tjOO.OO with coupons
attached, due and payable June 1.1882. which
Bfklfl hllltd unit mnstnunn ....__ __ I.__J
said bond and mortgage were dulyassignet
tor, value before maturity to Mrs. E. R. Gas
kell, and that the plaintiff fitheduVyap
and qualified executor of tin
poluted, acting ana quaunea executor or tin
Inst will and testament of Mrs. E. R. Gaskell
deceased. Plaintiff alleges that there is not
due aud payable upon said mortgage In
debtedness from the defendants to the plain
tiff the sum of $517.60, with Interest at ten pe
cont from December 1.1880, and prays for i
deoree that defendants be required to pa;
said sum, with Interest and costs, and in dc
fault thereof, that the said mortgage
8remises may be sold to satisfy the amoun
ue, with Interest and costa.
You and eaoh of you are required ti
answer said petition on or before toe 3rd da
of February, 1800.
, , Edward B. Gaskeix,
Executor of the last will and testament 0
a Jf1?.' Haskell, deceased, plaintiff.
By E. H. Benedlot and Montgomery A Uall,
V. I Bawling, plaintiff,
Alfred Preoourt, defendant.
Notice to Non-resident Defendant.
. To Alfred Precourt: You are hereby noti
fied that on the 8ist day of December. 1895.
ite.a^OT?u““2?d Itfbfnttff, C. 1. Bawling,
Hied in the office of the district court of the
■tnte of Nebraska, in and for Holt county,
his petition against you. the object and
prayer of which is to foreclose a certain
mortgage executed and delivered by you to
plaintiff on the 26th day of November. 1888.
to secure the pay meat of1400.00 and Interest
UP°Q sir® following described premises to
wlt; The northwest quarter of section num
ber twenty-nine, in township number thirty*
?fe* SY**1 of thirteen, west of
the 0th P. m.. In Holt county. Nebraska, and
woord in the_ office of the county
Xil-k X# vhk;* Oi lue county
5*®r* .Oj Holt county, Nebraska, on the 88tu
day of November, 1886, and recorded In book
IWantV AT innaSn. .. . . « ...
twenty of mortgages at page number 23A
Malntiff further alleges that there is now due
-— . *«•«,» vuwit} to uuw UUQ
and owing upon the notes that said mortgage
was gives to secure and for taxes paidto
protect his security, the sum of ll.000.0u.
You are further notified that unless you
%“sw®r stld petition on or before the 10th
pfwwwu «u ur uvioroiaeiuiD
tr -Pt'M'twu Ul IfiQIUUU
deweeentnred accordingly?*1
o/DeoemberTuBA Nebr“k*- »hU #>•* dV
!N- _ . . 0.1. BswugO, Plaintiff.
By^B. W, Johnson and E, H. Benedict,
> His Attorneys.
A Mfc' Q -i .v:.,*'U • -v
In the District Court of Holt oounty, Neb
Robert H. Dickson, plaintiff,
Ann Brennan, John T. Smith and D. K
Dickson, defendants.
The above named defendant* and each 01
them will take notice that on the 31st day ol
December, 1806, the above named plalntlfl
filed bis petition in the district court of Iloli
county, Nebraska, against you and each ol
you, the object and prayer of said petition
being to foreclose a certain tax sale certi
ficate. issued by the county treasurer of Boll
county, Nebraska, to him on the 8th day oi
May. 1883, for the delinquent taxes on lol
twenty-one, In block twentv-onc. In the city
of O'Neill. In the county of Holt and state ol
Nebraska. Bald certificate tieing for delin
quent taxes on said lot for the year 18*0, also
to foreclose certain tax sale receipts Issued
to the plaintiff on the 8th day of May, I8K1,
and the 12th day of December, 18M, for the
delinquent taxes on said lot for the years
18*1,1802 nnd 1803.
Plaintiff alleges that he Is the owner of
said certificate and receipts and that the
same on the several dates become and still
are a lien on said lot and that there is due
him by reason of said sale and subsequent
taxes paid the sum of 1100 00, together with
the sum of *10.00 attorney fees.
The plaintiff prays for decree declaring
said taxes to be a first Hen on said premises
and prays that the defendants be required
to pay the same or that said premises may be
sold to satisfy the amount due, and further
prays that the Interest of each and all the
defendants may be decreed to be subject,
junior and Inferior to plaintiff's lien.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 10th day of February, 1806.
Dated this 30 th day of December. 1885.
28-4 B. B. Dickson. Plaintiff.
In the District Court of Holt county, Neb.
George S. Comfort, plaintiff,
vs. ‘
Benjamin Nicbelson and wife. Martha 3;
Nicholson, Arthur Melrose, single, C. H.
Scott Durbin and wife, Mrs. C. H. Bdrttt
Durbin, defendants.
The above named defendants and each of
them will take notice that on the 26th day of
December, 18*6. the above named plaintiff
filed his petition In the district court of llolt
county. Nebraska, against said defendants,
the object and prayer being to foreclose a
certain mortgage executed by the defendants
Benjamin Nicbelson and wife, Martha J.
Nicbelson, to the Western Farm Mortgage
Trust Company upon the southwest quarter
of section twenty-three, township twenty
eight, range ten. In Holt county, Nebraska,
and to secure the note or bond of said Nlohel
son and wife for eight hundred dollars
($800) dated July 1,1889, due July 1,18M, with
Interest at ten per cent per annum. Said
note being given tu said Western Farm Mort
gage Trust Company and sold to plaintiff.
Plaintiff alleges that there Is now due him
upon said note and mortgage the sum of
*1,200, and the further sum of (60.00 taxes paid
by plaintiff to protect Ills security, for wntoh
sums with Interest from this date plaintiff
prays for a decree that the defendants be
required to pay the same or that said
premises may be sold to satisfy the amount
lound due, and that the Interest o(all the
defendants in the real estate be decreeato be
subject to the lieu of said mortgage. '
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 10th day of February. 1866.
Dated this 80th day of December. 1866.
26-4 B. H; Dickson,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the District Court of Holt county, Neb.
0. C. Ouyler, Benjamin Graham and Janies
Orr, plaintiffs.
James K. Jones and wife, Sarah Jane Jones.
ElletG. Drake and wife, Nellie M. pruke.
Globe Investment Company, a corporation,
H. A. Wyman, as receiver of the Globe In
vestment Company, Dakota Mortgage Loan
Corporation and H. Rust, defendants.
The above named defendants will take
notice that on the second day of January,
189*, the above named plaintiffs filed their
petition In the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, against the above named defend
ants. The object and prayer of said petition
being to foreclose a certain mortgage deed,
executed by the defendants, James K. Jones
and wife, Sarah Jane Jones, to the Dakota
Mortgage Loan Corporation, upon the follow
ing described real estate, situated In Holt
County. Nebraska, to-wlt:
The northeast quarter of section twenty
three, township thirty-one, range ten. west of
the 6th p. m., said mortgage deed being given
to secure the payment of a certain note: or
bond of 8700.00, dated .February 18, 1888. due
March 1,1893. Plaintiffs allege that they' are
the owners of said bond and mortgage deed,
and that there Is now due thereon, the sum
of 81.000.00 for which sum with Interest from
this date, plaintiffs pray for a decree that the
defendants be required to pay the same or
that said premises may be sola to satisfy the
amount found due. Plaintiffs t '
, . - -also pray that
the lien or Interest of the defendants, If any
they have In said premises, be deoread to bo
subject to tho lien of plaintiffs mortffrge and
for other equitable relief.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 10th day of February. 1898.
Dated this 2nd day of January, 1890.
26-4 It. B. Dickson,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Successors to
Abstracters of Titles.
Complete set of Abatrect Books.
Terms reasonable, and absolute ac*
curcy guaranteed, for which we bare
given a $10,000 bond as required,
under the law.
Correspondence Soliced
jfi; '/■
; -
1. S
*y, s.
> a
I !■ • X
■ • M ■
• ■>
• * i *.
.•7 >«
.> X . ^
■1 * ■ if
Only First-class Hotel
In the City.
W. T. EVANS, Prop.
is the
'• ',-v ' ■ ■ , ;■ v \ . • -X i,Sr
and the
§tl|l .n
. ; v ;■ r : • • . • ■ , ; v
Its office is fitted with the
most most modern convenien
ces and machinery, always has
the latest faces of type, the
best workmen, and is thereby
enabled to turn out the most -
satisfactory kind of job work.
Its management uses none but
: the best paper, are scrupu
seat and prompt with their
work and guarantee satisfac
tion. Mail orders receive
careful attention, and if your
home paper is not prepared to
do all classes of work you
will find it to your financial
benefit to communicate with
The Frontier.
The Frontier
Carries a very complete line
of legal blanks and sells them
reasonably cheap. If we do
not have what you want we
will print it almost as you
As an Advertising fledium
It is the he3t in the county,
especially at the county seat.
It circulktes among the best
class of people; a class that
pays for what it gets and does
not patronize non-residents, as
does a certain portion of the
people in the west. Its rates ^
for advertising are very low,
and the business man who
does not advertise in it is loser
more than he dreams of.
If you want
To subscribe for The Frontier
and any other paper or maga
zine published on earth we
will give you a rate and “
Sdve you money. We have
clubbing ratgs with the lead
ing publications of the world. ,
Gall on or address