THE FRONTIER. TO BUSHED EVERY THURSDAY By Thr Froth it Prwtiko Co. O'NEILL, NEBRASKA. OYER THE STATE. Thb literary people of Odell hare op* ganlzed a Shaksperian club. Ladies of Emerson fare a leap year ball, which was a highly, successful affair. : Adam Studebaker of Pierce county has been pronounced insane and taken to the asylum. Two York urchins who deserted home and parents were overhauled in St Joseph, Ma J. H. Delano, living at Florence, is S3 years old. He reads and writes without glasses and is quite an active man. Buy home made poods and build up home industries, is a good policy. Far* ; rell’a Fire Extinguisher, made by Far rell St ca, Omaha. G E. Cord, joint agent of the Union Pacific and Omaha railroads at Norfolk, has deserted his family, a wife and three children. The Farmers* Mutual Insurance com pany carried risks amounting to $190, 000 during the year 1895, and did not have a loss Dr. William Daily, elected coroner of Nemaha county last November, failed to qualify and so Dr. Opperman * holds over for two years A 4-tkar-old child was killed near Auburn by a playmate, as a result of I using a loaded rifle as a toy. The old story, nobody knew it was loaded. Farhkr Vaxsyoc, living a short dis tance south of Wilcox, was thrown from his windmill a short time ago and was thought to be fatally injured. Tax Verdon State bank pays *}4 per cent interest on 96,000 of Richardson county funds and the State bank at Falls City pays 4 per cent on the bal K~. ance. Tekahah shippers are working to se . - eure a cut rate on hay shipments to m Iowa and Illinois points. If the rate can be secured thousands of tons will be shipped. About 80,000 sheep are being fed in v the vicinity of Silver Creek this winter, ’v which has been a good thing for farm ers in creating a local demand for hay and grata at Liexingion me jury in me n a liter mm, nfter beiif out fifteen hours, re turned t verdict of uno and the judge ordered the sentence of hanging to be executed March 4. The Farmers’ and Merchants' bank at Platte Center has resumed business under the new organization, with Fred Jewell as president and D. D. Lynch as cashier. This bank closed its doors about three weeks ago. Fud Lvbkck, a farmer living near Berlin, while in town slipped on the sidewalk, striking his heaa on the cul vert, cutting a terrible gash across tho forehead, laying his entire scalp open. ;4 Be will be disfigured for life. j Thr annual report of County Treas- j urer J. W. Lynch of Platte county, who was recently declared short in his ac- j ... counts, was received last week by au- | ‘ dllor Moore. It shows that he owes ! . the state 913,000 on collections. I Miss Nahkie Shawhan of Humboldt \ ate ice cream aud the services of the .family physician were required to save her life. The cream is supposed to " have been poisoned by the action of the .acid flowing upon the tin freezer. All the people who left Nebraska in the djy year are getting back and thousands are coming who were never here before. Already in the winter ■maths is hesrd “the first low wave . where soon shall roll a human sea.” ( * Stats Superintendent Corbett con templates making a trip to Florida to attend the national meeting of state .’and city superintendents, which con venes February 18. Superintendent v; Pearee of Omaha and a few others ex pect to attend. >■: 8ROBRTart of 8tats riper has re ceived a portion of the 9,600 copies of '■ the soldiers’ and sailors’ roster for the year 1896, and is also wrapping them for shipment Each Grand Army post 4 entitled to three copies by provlson «f the statute Tbs tide of Immigration seems to be - e«oe more turning toward Nebraska. Many of those who left in 1894 are drifting back from the land of big red :. apples, and seem perfectly contentnow ■ to remain in a state which they made a great mistake in leaving. Thr state banking board has made an order permitting the Bank of Wau i nets and the Creighton Bank of Com : merce to clods up their business upon ’ the officers furnishing a good and 'suffi • dent bond to pay off all the liabilities within a fined time. J Caustb M. Elrikb «f Wilcox, a lady sixty-eight years of age, has filed a pe tition In district court at Minden, claiming damages against the CL, B. & 4 railway company for injurleswe • oeived on a wrecked train of the oom Pfsny at Edgar.. She asks the sum of - ... 4 %w m Ax ordar has been made by the an preme court suspending the sentence of Edward C. Hockenberger of Grand Island, pending the hearing of the ap plication for a new trial Hockenber ger wsa convicted of embeaalement of *1.000 of school money while secretary : of the school board of grand Island dis trict. Tun 8-year-old son of James Moody was brought to Ansley, having receiv ed a severe wound to the left hand-by an ax in the handa of an -older child. The children were playing with an ax, one chopping off a string while the . other was holding it on a block, when i the ax came down on the hand, sever ing the little finger and almost severing the one next to it from the hand. ... Wonnwaa received at Friend that . Charles K. Uridley was dead. He went to the Indian territory about a year ago. Gridley served a term in the pen itentiary for assault with intent to kill, nod after having served ten of a thir teen years’ sentence wna pardoned by Governor Thayer. , Cfrr is kept well stirred uj .over succeeding developments in th< Steel City hunk failure. The latest dis oovery consists of *17,000 worth ol forged paper. Cheater Andrews being the party imposed on in this case. X< i attached to the batch of forgeries, as the forged notes had all Militia Liable to Service. For the information of the Nebraska National Guard, the opinion of Judge Advocate General Stark has been ap proved and promulgated by Governor Holcomb and the military board. For a long time it has keen a mooted ques tion whether the president of the United States could call for the national guard to go outside of the limits of the state on military duty. According to the statute of Nebraska ho cannot do so. In this the Nebraska law conflicts with the statutes of the United States, as is shown by the opinion Of Judge Advo cate General Stark, who pointsoutthat under the laws of the federal govern ment the militia is subject to the com mand of the president, in case of inva sion or rebellion, and liable to all mili tary duty whenever it may be required. Dakota City Man Hangs Himself. Dakota City dispatch: George C, Cummings committed suicide last night about 0 o’clock by hanging. He was 31 years old and his home was in Minne sota. He came here in June last, giv ing his name os Andy Dale, hunting work, and wus employed on farms here during the summer. December 19 he was married to Mrs. Nellie Stoner. Their married life was not very pleas ant, he being extremely jealous, and laBt week his wife had him arrested for assault and battery, but later dismissed the case. For three days he had threat ened to take his life by cutting his throat and banging, and while his wife was lying on the bed last evening lie went into the kitchen, and, tying a clothesline over the door, succeeded in strangling himself before his wife dis covered him. She alarmed the neigh bors, but he died before they arrived. The coroner's jury returned a verdict of death by hanging at his own hands. He said he had a brother near Sheldon, la., and owned a farm near North Platte, Neb. _ Charged With Court House Burning. Aurora dispatch: Sheriff McCon aughey came in yesterday evening from Lincoln with William E. Myers in custody, and this morning he arrested Charles J. and P. A. Farney. These arrestB were made on indictments re turned by the grand jury, it is sup posed, charging the persons named with complicity in the burning of the court house in January, 1894. The Journal correspondent has not been able up to the present time to ascertain the exact charge. These arrests are a surprise to most people here and noth ing seems to be known outside of the members of the grand jury and county attorney as to the nature of the evi dence npon which the indictments ar» founded. It is not generally believed, however, that'the indictments can be sustained. Flagrant violation of Law. Beatrice dispatch: A copy ot Bank Examiner McGrow's report of the Bine Springs bank was filed in district court to day in connection with a petition from the attorney general's office ask ing for the appointment of a receiver. Ue finds that the bank waB absolutely insolvent and has been conducted in ah unsafe manner, and says that the books have been falsely and fraudulently kept and that false statements have been made to the banking board and published in violation of the law. The examiner recommends that the atten tion of the county attorney be called to these flagrant violations of the law by its president, J. C. Williams. The Amount of the notes and bills discount ed is given as $32,803, overdrafts, 93, 200; shortage, 96,58(100; deposits, 929, 310.31. Ue says he finds the loans are about 94.405 and that the cashier can give no account of them, although carefully questioned and every oppor tunity given him to find them. During the examination he made several state ments in regard to the discrepancy which upon investigation proved false. Payment ef Peultenllarjr Help. i Lincoln dispatch: Attorney General Churchill sent to State Auditor Eugene Moore the opinion asked for respecting the legality of payment of penitentiary help from the 9102,000 maintenance fund appropriated by the last legisla ture. The opinion is favorable to such payment The warrants were drawn this afternoon for a total of 93.525.09. The amount of vouchers filed called for 94,130.04. Steward Dech's salary, 9240, was thrown out entirely, 9100 had been paid by A. D. Bcemer, and the salaries of the other guards and keepers have hcen scaled down £273.93. It is the opinion of a number of attorneys that the opinion of the supreme court in granting Warden Ledlgh’s application for a writ ot mandamus against the l Board of Purchase and Supplies fully covered the case on which the attorney | general has just passed. In that opin | ion it was distinctly enunciated that the Board ot Public Lands and Build ings possessed the same powers of man | agement over the penitentiary that it | had over any other ot the public insti ! tulions, asylums, reform schools, etc A Bill By Senator Allen. Washington dispatch: Senator Allen has introduced a bill to authorise cred itors of insolvent national banks to se lect a permanent receiver and prescrib ing the manner of hta selection. The bill is the outgrowth of much objection on the part of creditors of defunct Ne braska banks to the present manner in which receivers are appointed and the grass partisanship shown in the selec tion of the receivers, who are paid at the expense of creditors, fat offices be ing thereby created for henchmen of those having appointing power. A notable instance of this may be found in the case of the Citizens’ National bank of Grand Island, which failed about two years ago. Tobias Castor’s son-in-law is receiver of this bank at a salary of 93,500 per year. The expenses of the bank to the present time have been about 9800 per month and from now on'will be about 9000 per month. Several attempts have been made to have the assets of the bank turned over to the depositors, but this effort failed, for its success would mean the cutting down of a fat job, If some , thing is not done in all probability the expense of the bank will consume the , assets, leaving: nothing for the depos ; itors in the defunct institution. It is . contended that if the depositors could control their property it would be more | ee-'momically looked after than by an > outsider, and consequently with the right to dispose of property, to make trades and to change securities, depos Itors would realize dollar for dollar, oi nearly so Grand Island is not alone in this matter; depositors of banks ai 1 Lincoln, Kearney. North Platte anc other towns are urging action on th< . part of tho congressional delegation foi ,, .relief. m CLAIM 6,000,000 VOTES. Hr-— THOUSAND LEADERS OF THE A. P. A. IN SECRET SESSION, - TALK ABOUT ELECTIONS. The Availability of the Presidential Can* dldate* .of Both Parties Discussed— Especially Hostile to Keed—An American Party to Oppose Both the Old Ones Is Aimed at by Leaders.. Chicago, Feb. 3.—The Times* Herald prints the following' from its New York correspondent: One thousand delegates of the supe rior council of the American Protect ive association met in annual session last Tuesday and Wednesday in Ro chester. The convention represented an actual voting strength in this §tute of 313,000, and in the nation of About 3,500,000. The businessof the conven tion was conducted with such secrecy that not even the wide awake Roches ter newspaper reporters had a sus picion that a meeting of vast concern to the public and politicians was be ing held in that city, and that in Main street, Rochester's Broadway. From one of the heads of the associ ation was obtained the facts that are given here and that will form the | most important and most sensational story of secret political development, and actual, active political strength that has been made public in many years. | One of_the peculiar features of the convention was that in the resolutions that were adopted no mention was made of any candidate for President or any office, State or Territorial. Discussion of candidates came up either informally on the floor of the bailor else in committee. The superior council, in following out the require ments of its constitution, declared it would indorse only that party or those parties who should nominate candi dates whose records are not opposed to the principles of the association, upon a platform which should embody patriotic utterances consistent with these principles. wuc ul vuu Dtuiuiu^ siiueineiiis made by a member from Albany was to the effect that Senator David B. Hill had acknowledged to a friend a lack of political foresight when he undertook to carry the State for the Democratic party in 1804 upon an anti ! A. I1. A. platform. Another candidate, who was declared to be persona non grata to many in the association, was Roswell P. Flower. | The members of the A. P. A., Dem ocratic as well as Republican, are anti-Tammany through and through. , They will not support for president or [ for any other office candidates who arc nominated mainly through the help of the hall. Notwithstanding his nominal association witii Turn many as , a representative Democratic , organization, W. C, Whitney did not seem to have many, enemies among the Democratic members. Many favored the nomination of some man like Colo nel Morrison of Illinois or ex-Governor Roles of Iowa. Stephen B. Elkins the A. P. A. would have none of. | HOSTILE TO RKKD. | There was evinced a considerable , antagonism to the candidacy of Thom 1 as B. Reed, who, it was' declared, had [■ spoken against the A. P. A. in an in | terview in the Columbian of Portland, | Me., the only Roman Catholic news paper in that state. | No charges were preferred against t Governor Morton, ex-Governor Mc Kinley of Ohio, Senator Allison of Iowa, Robert T. Lincoln of Illinois, , Governor William O. Bradley of Ken . lucky, or any other Republican candi date | Mr. Cleveland, were he to be re nominated, would not receive the sup port of the Democratic members of i the order, although Mr. Olney, aecre i tary of state, was not charged with any act inconsistent with public prin ciples. I The support which Richard Kerens of Missouri, where the association is ! very strong, and Thomas Curter of I Montana are giving to General Har risou's candidacy, has caused some of the members of the association to ' question his availability. This ad I verse sentiment, however, is being counteracted by the publication of an , interview in which VV. J. Traynor, the ' supreme president, advocates the re ' nomination of General Harrison, be 1 cause of his ardent supnort of the ' Indian school bill and his appoint ' ment of Thomas Morgan to be com missioner of Indian affairs. I CLAIM TUB BALANCE OF POWER. The allied orders make claim fa a membership representing more that* one-fourth of the voting population of 1 the United States. They assert that they hold absolutely the balance of power to elect or defeat any Presi* , dential nominee. This table shows their voting strength, as it was repre sented by a delegate to the Rochester convention, who gave this informa tion: American Protect!*© Association. .3.101,00) National League for the Protection of I American Institutions.1,100.0 0 ' Junior Order United American Meehan | ica.... 500.000 Patriotic Soar of America .. 500,0 0 Or.ler of Deputies... U ,0)0 All other patriotic organisation*. 250,003 Total..SI 5,000 About 3,500,000 of this membership is associated with two or more of the organizations, so that the actual vot ing strength of the allied organiza tions is not far from 4,000,000. ' Regarding the personnel of its mem bership, an interesting report was read at the Rochester meeting. It was said that 108 members of Con gress, the governors of four states, majorities in the legislatures of several states, the school hoards of Ul4 cities and towns, and a majority of city and , town officials in (every Central and . Western state are members of or allied i with the A. P. A. The membership In ■ this state is growing at the average rate of fourteen councils a week, to which belong, at the lowest estimate, 1 000 members. The national representation ac cording to the report, is divided as follows: Ohio, 400,OOo; Pennsylvania, 220,000; Indiana. 100,000; Illinois, 3.>0,000; Mich igan, 285.000; Kentucky, 80.000; Wis consin, 175,000; Iowa, 200,000; Pacific coast, 135,000; New England, 500,000; Southern and Southwestern states, 700.000; other states, 500,000. The political complexion of the State American Protective Association organization corresponds with the politics of the dominant party. In the South it is Democratic, in the East and Pennsylvania and Now Eng gland it is Republican, and in New York Slate it is divided on the basis of three Republicans to two Democrats. The Republican delegates say the American Protective Association is growing at the rate of 50,000 members a month, and that in two years it has grown from 3,000,000 to 3,500,000. It has long been the avowed purpose of some of its leaders to form with it an American party to oppose both of the old parties. This is the dominating object of the organization in the South. The order claims that it effect ed the election of Mr. Cleveland in 1893, and that it is responsible for the tidal wave which then surprised and' defeated the Republican party. JUDGE PEERY A SUICIDE. A Former Citizen of Trenton, Mo,, Takes' His Life In Arizona. Phoenix, Ariz., Feb. 8.—Judge Stephen Peery, late of San Diego, committed suicide last night by shoot ing himself through the heart. Illness that bid fair to end his life shortly is believed to have caused him to take his own life. Jonn Peery was a native of Virginia and removed to Trenton, Mo., some time before the war. He removed to California three years ago and had only been a resident of this city three months. Judge Peery was a graduate of Grand River, Mo., college and also of McKendrick college, Lebannon, III., and was admitted to the bar in 1857, He was an able lawyer and a promi nent politician, being at one time state senator from this district. Morton Men Hustling In Alabama. 'Birmingham, Ala., Feb. 3.—Hon. Cornelius Van Cott of New York, ex postmaster of that place, having served under President Harrison, is in Birmingham, and it is given out that he is here on political business. It is said he is to step in where the breach exists between McKinley and Reed Republicans, and place Levi P. Mor ton of New York on top, and get the twenty-two Alabama delegates to the national Republican convention in St. Louis in June. It is given out authen tically that Van Cott is making over tures toward combining the field against McKinley, who at present seems to be in the lead. A Ball for a Peeping Tom. Fayette, Mo., Feb. 3.—As a result of ‘‘Peeping Tom”proclivities, Charles Harris, a negro farmhand is in a pre carious condition. Last night he went to the home of Sol Hieronymus and peeped in at a window, frightening hi3 wife. Harris then stepped to the door, and, opening it, poked a pistol into the room, but had no sooner done so than Hieronymus shot him, the ball knocking out one tooth and passing through the tongue and down his throat, where it eannot be located. Harris will probably die. S» Indictment. Against Ghouls. Topeka, Kan., Feb. 3.—The grand jury, which has been investigating the recent body stealing cases, generally known as the Kansas medical college body-snatching affair, adjourned yes terday without having returned any indictments. It is said, however, that the matter will be taken up again in two weeks, when the sheriff will pre sent important witnesses, who left here when the trouble was about to be investigated, and on their evidence indictments are expected. Oklahoma MaraliaUhlp Fees. Washington, Feb. 3.—The Attorney General has prepared for ' Congress some sensational information on the Oklahoma marshalship scandal. He shows that during the last fiscal year the marshal of Oklahoma drew from the United States treasury 8248,179.39. Of this sum 8212,665.71 was in fees claimed by deputy marshals. The clerk hire of the marshal’s office was only $7,200. Murder Without Cause. St. Joseph, Mo., Feb. 3. — Richard Sturapf, aged 51, a prominent business man, was killed to-day by W. J. Keller, aged 26,a laborer,employed by Stumpf, The men quarreled lust night over a trivial matter. This morning Keller armed himself, sought Stumpf and deliberately tired four bullets into him. killing Stumpf instantly. The murderer was arrested. Canada's Poor MUItia Showing. Ottawa, Feb. 3.—The annual report .of the master of militia, now before Parliament, gives the total expendi ture for militia last year as $1,574,013. The permanent corps has been re duced to 800 men. Only 20,877 put in their annual drill of twelve days last year. The adjutant general calls at tention to the obsolete rifles with which the force is equipped. Kentucky for McKinley. Lkxixgtox, Ky., Feb. 3.—A poll of Republican members of the Kentucky Legislature as to their preference for the Republican nominee for President was completed last night. All but three members who were out of the city were seen, and the almost unan imousi preference is for William Mc Kinley. _ Judge Young for Congress. Lkxixotox, Mo., Feh. 3. — Judge William Young has written a letter to a local paper in which he makes the formal announcement of his candidacy for Congress in the Fifth district, the district in which Kansas City is. He is a Democrat of high standing and the present probate judge of Lafay ette county FINANCES DISCUSSED, SENATOR VILAS DENOUNCES THE BOND BILL. He Dlicribes It u a Sham and a Fraud— While Rteofaiilng the Suggestion of the President, the Measure, He Says, Was An Insincere Effort Toward Re lief—The Sllverltes Roundly Scored. Mr. Vilas on Finance. Washington, Feb. 1.—When the senate convened to-day it was technic ally a continuance of the session of Thursday, as a recess was taken last night. There' was a meager attend ance. Mr. Allen of Nebraska, Popu list, called attention to the absence of a quorum. This necessitated a roll call, which brought senators from committee and cloak rooms and dis closed forty-six senators present, one more than a quorum. Mr. Vilas then addressed the senate on the silver substitute for the house bond bill. “It will doubtless never be neces sary to discuss this bill as it came from the House,” said Mr. Vilas, “but it may be said that it deserved its fate Strangled by silver. It was bnt the fraudulent pretext of response to the exigency which it professed to meet, and to the reasonable suggestions of the President, which it denied, while it avowed their wisdom. With the ex ception of provision for emergency cer tificates—which ought to stand in the permanent statutes—the Uouse bill contained nothingeommendable.every thing else was but mercenary legisla tion not demanded by our financial conditions. And so again, as a year ago, partisanship or imbecility' or both, has stricken Congress with paralysis, and the rescue of business prosperity from its recurring peril has been thrown upon the executive. It is almost as fortuitous as fortunate that an old statute has remained un touched during our financial madness, which can again serve the turn. “If,” he continued, “any trusted agent in private uffairs.should so deny duty and abuse trust as Congress did a year ago and now repeats, no judg ment in their condemnation would be too severe. Over $10,000,000 were then thrown away in the reckless rage of partisanship, and the iniurv that must now be sustained by the people for the same reason is probably not less, although the exaet measure of it is not quite s.o clear. Then Republican management was able to show pre tense that but for the Populists and the free silverites there might have been relief. But the pretense was not sincere, and this bill has now un masked the fact by denying, under Re publican dictations, the only remedy available to the increased mischief." Mr. Vilas declared that the bill, as it came from the House, was a sham and a fraud. Then he proceeded to show that the Senate substitute and the amendments that had been pro posed made it worse than the original measure. ' I ‘‘The best hope is,” said he, ‘-that both will shrivel and die in the desert air of the Senate.” He had hitherto concluded that it was the wisest pol icy to remain silent and allow the sil ver advocates to do the talking, as they were in the habit of doing at the ratio of about 1(3 to 1, but he had heard it asked why the opponents of free coinage did not justify their faith in debate. He then discussed the free coinage provision of the pending bill, declar ing that the financial distress and public misery for the past three years were the direct products of the efforts to force silver upon the country. “And,” he said, "our course of relief is a return to sound principles.” He believed every step of the fatal progress in error had been opposed to the cardinal doctrines on which the Democratic party is based, and by which it must abide or sink in re-’ creancy while the spirit flies from our institutions of liberty. lie divided the silver advocates into three classes: First, those who were interested in silver mining; second, heavy debtors, and third, those who believe in the principle of bimetallism. The first class were few in number, but wonderfully potential. The sec ond might “deseive sympathy if they did not show it.” The third class is regarded as honestly mistaken, and to them he addressed his argument. •‘The veriest despot of story, the 'grand khan’ of Tartary, the great mogul, never had more submissive subjects than the silver king of the Rockies; nor was ever tyrant more pitiless or exacting. No independence of thought or speech is tolerated there. No party, no creed, no busi ness can they have who dare to doubt in the realm of that monarch, the law of finance, as it is in silver. The bus iness men find it prudent to say noth ing, and as for the politician who dares to flout his independence, woe betide him. * ••Where, tie exclaimed, is that sturdy Senator, the brave unbending Carey? Where is Dolph, the brave, strong and indefatigable? Look on the bloody Moloch of silver to learn their fate." I Mr. Vilas’ speech was a vivid word picture of "Democracy, menaced, on one hand by federalism rejuvenated in the Republican party, and on the other by that portentious cloud, ol a party never known in the days of Democratic justice, charged with wild, fantastic theories of social disorder and wilder schemes of remedy, threat enincr. should it grow apace, no one can foretell with what violence of so cial tempest," After reciting the glories of the old party of Jefferson and Jackson, the Senator concluded: "This party will ' continue on its great career, yielding neither one side or the other to the reactionary forces of old absolutism or red fires of anarchy.’’ * Memphis, Tenn., Feb 1.—Dr. John - A. Brooks has received a call to the London tabernacle, the largest Chris tian church in Europq. Dr. Brooks was the first Prohibition candidate for governor of Missouri, in 1884, and in ■ 1888 he was nominated for Vice Presi dent by the national Prohibition con vention. He was for many years su preme master workman of the Ancient •Order of United Workmen. He re signed the pastorate of the Memphis Linden Street Christian church in July last, and has devoted himself to evangelical work since that time. Dr. Brooks has not yet accepted the call to London. LOUISIANA DELEGATES. McKinley Will Bn* Tan and Bead Six—* Fusion Ticket Indorsed. New Orleans, Feb. J.—The Repub* iican State nominating convention, held its second day’s session yesterday». and at a late hour last night was still in session and very noisy. Kellogg’s men, who are for Reed, lost ground all day. The business men of Nevv Orlenns and the sugar planters, when it became evident that Kellogg would carry the convention for Reed, pot to gether quietly and such pressure was brought to bear in behalf of the Me Kinley men that a caucus of all the leaders except Kellogg was held, and it was decided to send two McKinley delegates at large and two Reed men. to St. Louis. _ There is but little doubt that the decision of the caucus will hold, and that Henry Demas and J. M. Vance will bo the McKinley dele- . gates, and Albert Leonard and An drew Hero the Reed men. No resolution referring to the presi dential candidates will be passed by the convention. This will give Mc Kinley a large majority of the dele gates from this State. Four have already been elected. Governor War moth says two will go from his dis trict A. T. Wimberly and Richard. Simshave an easy fight in the Second district, and both are enthusiastic Me- 4 Kinley men. This, makes ten of the * sixteen delegates to be elected who will be for McKinley. A fight was made in the convention on A. Cage, who is. a candidate for re-election as chair man of the state central committee, and who is a McKinley man. The ex citement rose to such heights that chairs were overturned. Chairman Guicjard thrust from his place on the platform, delegates knocked down and trampled under foot, and the utmost confusion reigned. The fight against Cage was not successful About midnight the convention set tled down to work and the first im portant move was accomplished. The fusion ticket put up by the sugar planters was indorsed, making three conventions which have declared in its favor. The nomination of pres idential delegates was taken up. Kellogg, who has been handling Reed’s cause here, was first nomiuated. and a move made to elect him by ac clamation, but this failed and it was decided to first make all the nornina* tions before taking a vote. W. C. T. u. PROTEST. Are Oppoied to Milltnrjr Instruction In the fthooll of This Country. Washington, Feb 1.—Mrs. Frances; W. Lei ter of Mansfield, Ohio, superin tendent of the department of physical culture in the National W. C. T. U., through the department of legislation, and enforcement of law, of which Mrs. Margaret B. Ellis, of East Orange, N. J., is superintendent, is sending out the following petition to each legisla tor at Washington: “We, the undersigned, in behalf of 300,000 members ol the National VV. C. T. U., and the homes which thc$e- . members represent, do most earnestly# protest against the passage of anyd measure by your honorable body which ' aims to provide military instruction, in the public schools of the country. Wo believe that these schools have been established, and are supported, for the purpose of developing citi zenship, and should, therefore, teach the principles of true government - and peaee rather than the science of warfare. We further believe that systematic body training in all grades of these schools w ill help produce the best of which each child is physically, mentally and morally capable, insur ing to the government the support of loyal citizens under any and all emer gencies. Will you use your influence and vote against all bills whichJn any wise design to introduce and establish military taetics in the public school curriculum. A DEMOCRAT SEATED. Rosenthal, Republican, of Texas Gives t> His Contest Before the House. Washington," Feb. I.—The house passed a bill to-day granting the Christian Endeavor society the use of government reservations in Washing ton during their meeting here next summer. Mr. Jenkins of Wisconsin, Repub lican, called up the elections commit- - tee report on the con test of Rosenthal, ’i Republican, vs. Crowley, from the 1 Tenth Texas district. He explained that Mr. Rosenthal had decided not to avail himself of the courtesy of an hour’s speech granted yesterday. Ac cordingly, the unanimous report in Crowley’s favor was adopted without debate or division. Politics ill the Bayard Matter. Washington, Feb. I.—No decision m the matter of censuring Ambassa dor Bayard was attained by tbe House committee on foreign affairs, but the discussion upon the question, which absorbed tbe entire hour, was one (ft tbe most interesting which that com mittee has indulged in for a long time. The members were practically opposed along party lines, the Repub licans urging a resolution of censure and the Democrats standing by the Ambassador. Bush I>emp*ey Pardoned. Pittsburg, Pa., Feb. 1. — Hugh Dempsey, the cx-district master work man of the Rights of Labor, sentenced, to the penitentiary three years ago for complicity in the poisoning of non union men at the Homestead steel works after the great strike of 1892, was released from prison at 10 o’clock this morning. The pardon was re ceived from Hatrisbur£ in the morn ing mail and a few moments later Dempsey left the prison in company of his wife. NEW.S IN BRIEF. A wedding was postponed at Louis- M ville because the groom came not. I The custom of serving wines at Cab- / met dinners is said to bo going out of date. The Choctaws organized the Tu,shka Homma party to organize their inter ests in the Indian Territory. Cuban insurgents a-e not expecting any good to result to them from the J (senate resolutions, it is said. I Members of the National Hoard of / trade were received at the White house by President Cleveland.