The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 30, 1896, Image 5

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Governor.Silas Holcomb
Lieutenant Governor.R. E. Moore
Secretary of State.J. A. Piper
State Treasurer.J- S. Bartley
State Auditor.Eugene Moore
Attorney General.A. S. Churchill
Com. Lands and Buildings.C. II. Bussell
Sunt. Public Instruction. H. K. Corbett
Chas. H. Gere. Lincoln: Leavitt Burnham,
Omaha; .1 M. Hiatt, Alma; E. P. Holmes,
Pierce; J. T. Mallaieu, Kearney; M, J. Hull,
"Senators—W. V. Allen, of Madison; John
M. Thurston, of Omaha.
Representatives—First District, J. B Strode
Second, D II. Mercer; Third. 3eo. D. Mlkel
3ohn: Fourth — Hainer; Fifth, W. E. And
rews: Sixth; O. M. Kem.
Chief Justice.■■iA.-'S: Post
Associates.. .T.O. Harrison and T. L.Norvall
Judge.M. P. Klnkaid, of O’Neill
Reporter..1. J. King of O'Neill
judge.W. H. Westover, of RushvlUe
Keporter.John Maher, of Rushville,
Register.• ..........John A, Harmon.
Receiver..... ... . ..Elmer Williams.
judge.0®° McCutcheon
Clerk of the District Court.JohnSkirying
Deputy.O- S’
Treasurer. ••L V ..Mullen
Deputy.....Sam Howard
Clerk .Bill Bethea
Deputy.„...Mike McCarthy
Sheriff.... Chas Hamllton
Deputy.Chas O’Neill
Supt. of Schools..W. H. Jackson
Assistant..Mrs. W. R, Jackson
Coroner.-Dr. Tfueblood
Attorney.H. E. Murphy
Cleveland, Sand Creek, Dustin, Saratoga,
ock Fails and Pleasantvlew—J. C. Blondln.
Shields, Paddock, Scott, Steel Creek, Wll
lowdaie and Iowa—J. H. Hopkins.
v Grattan and O’Neill—E. J. Mack.
Ewing, Verdigris and Deloit—L. 0. Combs,
Chambers, Conlev, Lake, KcClure and
■•Inman—E. Stillwell.
’ Swan. Wyoming, Fairview, Francis. Green
Valley, Sheridan and Emrtlet—0. W. Moss.
Atkinson and Stuart—Frank Moore.
Supervisor, B. J. Mack; Justices,' 15. H,
Benedict and S. M. Wagers; Constables, Ed.
McBride and Perkins Brooks.
For two years.—D. H. Cronin. For one
year—H. C. McEvony. '
For two years—Alexander Marlow. For
one year—Jake Pfund.
For two years—Charles Davis. For one
year—Elmer Merriman. i
Mayor, O. F. Biglin; Clerk, N. Martin;
Treasurer, John McHugh; City Engineer
John Horrisky; Police Judge, H. Kautzman;
Chief of Police, Charlie Hall; Attorney,
Thos. Carlou; Weighmaster, Joe Miller•
Supervisor, It. J. Hayes; Trearurer, Barney
MeGreevy: Clerk, J. Sullivan; Assessor Ben
Johrlng: Justices, M. Castello and Chas.
Wilcox; Constables, John Horrisky'and Ed.
McBride; Road overseer dlst. 8H, Allen Brown
diet. No. 4, John Enright.
Uegular meeting first Monday in Febru
a -y of each year, and at suoh otber times as
is deemed necessary, ltobt. Gallagher, Page,
chairman; Win. Uowon, O'Neill, secretary;
U. H. Clark Atkinson.
to Services every Sabbath at 10:JO o'clock.
Very Kev. Cassidy, Postor. Sabbath sehoo)
Immediately following services.
services—Preaching 10:30 A. M. and 7:30
p. m. Class No. 1 0:30 A. u. Class No. 2 (Ep
worth League) 0:30 p. M. Class No. 3 (Child
rens) 3:00 p. if. Mind-week services—General
prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 P. M. All will
be made welcome, especially- strangers.
E. T. GEORGE, Pastor.
Cl A. It. POST, NO. 80. The Gen. John
IT. O’Neill Post, No. M«, Department of Ne
• braskaU. A. K., will meet the first and third
b Saturday evening of eaeh month In Masonic
/ hall O’Neil] 8. J. Sunn, Com.
Elkuoiin valley LODGE, I. o. o.
P. Meets every Wednesday evening In
Odd Fellows’ hall. Visiting brothers cordially
Invited to attend.
W. H. Mason, N. G. O. L. Bright, Sec.
Garfield chapter, u. a. m
Meets on first and third Thursday of eaeh
month in Masonic hall.
W. J. Hours Sec. J. C. Harnisb, H, P
Kof p.—HELMET lodge, u. d.
. Convention every Monday at 8 o olook p.
m. In Odd Fellows' hall. Visiting brethern
cordially Invited.
J. P. Giloigan, 0. C.
E. J. Mack. K. of R. and S.
U. O. ff. meets every seoond and fourth
Fridays of each month in Odd Fellows’ Hall.
Chas. IIhioht. H. F. H. H. Titley, Scribe
lli OF RK1SEKAH, meets every 1st and 3d
Friday of eaeb month In Odd Fellows’ Hall,
Flo Bentley, N. G. Kittie Bhioiit. See.
/'I ARF1KLD LODGE, NO.»5,F.<fe A.M.
vjr Regular communications Thursday nights
on or before the full of the moon.
W. J. Dobbs, Sec. E. H. Benedict, W. M.
Holt-camp no. 1710. m. w. op a.
Meets on the first and third Tuesday In
each month In the Masonic hall.
C. W. Hagbnsick, V. 0. D. H. Cronin, Clerk
AO, U. W. NO. 153, Meets seoond
• and fourth T'udsday of each mouth in
Masonic hall.
0. Bright, Keo. S. B. Howard, M.W.
AMERICA, meet every first and third
Friday of each month.
w „ Geo. McCutchan, G. M.
S. M. Wagers, Sec.
Arrival of Mails
r. E. a U. V. K. R.—FROM THE EAST.
Every day, Sunday included at.5:15 p u
Every day, Sunday Included at.»:58 a n
Passenger—leaves 11:58.a. m. Arrives 11:55 p.M.
Freight—iSaves 0:07 p. M. Arrives 7:00 p. M.
Dally except Sunday.
{^Departs Monday, Wfed. and Friday at 7:00 a m
I® ^rrives Tjesday,Thurs.and Sat. at.,1:00pm
Departs Monday. Wed.and Friday at.,7:00am
Arrlves-Tuesday, Thurs. and Sat. at. .4:80 p m
Departs Monday. Wed. and Fri. at_7:00 a n:
.ArrivesTuesday,Thurs.and Sat. at...4:00 p tr
Arrive* Mon.,Wed. and Fridays at ..ll:30p ra
Departs Mon., Wed. and Friday at.1:00 pm
In the District oourt of the State of Nebras
ka, In and for Holt county.
Farmers' Loan and Trust Company, Plain
E. E. French, William Herb ape. Mary T. Her
bage. Janol.t B. Herbage. Scott T. Jones
and tbe North Half and Southeast Quarter
of Section Number 33. and North Half of
Southwest Quarter of Section Number 34
Township Number 31, North of Range
13 West Defendants.
To each and all of the above named de
fendants and to all persona interested in the
above described real estate.
You are hereby notified tliatsthe petition of
the plaintiff In the above entitled uetlon is
now on tile In the office of i be Clerk of the
District Court of Holt comity, Nebraska,
claiming that plaintiff purchased said real
estate at tax sale on the first day of Decem
ber. 1888, for the tnxes of the year 1887 and
under such sale has paid subsequent taxes
thereon us follows:
On the 2nd day of November, 1880, the sum
of Twenty-four and 30-100 Dollars, nnd on the
14th day of July, 1800, the sum of Twenty-six
and 78-100 Dollars; that on the 31st day of
March, 1801, a tax deed based on said sole
and payments was Issued to plaiutlff purport
ing to convey said property to him.whlch deed
was duly reeordod, and that for serving the
notice to redeem, taking and recording said
deed, the plaintiff paid on the 3lst day of
March, 1801, costs amounting to Seven Dol-‘
lars, and that by reason of such sale and pay
ments and said tax deed plaintiff claims to be
the absolute owner of said real estate tree'
and dear of all liens and Interests.
you are further notified that plaintiff asks
In said petition that the assets and Interests
In said real estate of the several defendants
to said uctiou and all other persons be de
termined, that plaintiff's title to said proper
ty be fully established and quieted against
the adverse claims of each and all of the der
fendants and ull other persons, and if It bo
found by Bucb detcrmnlatlon that plaintiff's
said title Is defective ana void, then that tbe
amount of plaintiff's lien on said land for
said taxes and costs, with Interest and attor
neys’ fees as provided by statute be ascer
tained and such lien be strictly foreclosed
and the defendants bo required to pay to
plaintiff tbe amo tnt of said claim within such I
time as may be fixed by the court, and upon
a failure to make such payment that plain
tiff’s title to said property become fixed,
established and quieted us against each and
all of the defendants and ugainst all other
persons, and plaintiff asks also for a general
equitable relief, including a decree for a
general and ordinary foreclosure of said lien
as by statute provided, and tbe sale of such
property In satisfaction thereof.
You are further notified that the- amount
of plulntiff's claim against said land this 0th
day of January, 1890, is One Hundred and
Thirty-five Dollars.
You are further notified that you are re
quired to appear and answer saia petition on
or before Monday, the 17th day of February.
1800, or said petition will be taken as true and
judgment and decree rendered as therein
Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this Bth day of
January, 1806.
Farmers’ Loan & Trust Company
By M. J. Sweeley and E. H. Benedict
Its Attorneys.
In the District Court of the State of Nebras
ka, in and for Holt County.
Farmers’ Loan and Trust Company. Plaintiff,
orra H. Nickerson, A. L. Nickerson, her hus
band; Charlett F. White, Edward Welton
and the South half of the Northeast Quar
ter, and the Northeast Quarter of the North
east Quarter and the Southeast Quarter of
the Northwest Quarter of Section Eight (8),
in Township Thirty-two (32). of ltange Thir
teen (13), West of the 6th P. M., In Holt coun
ty Nebraska, Defendants.
To each of the-ubove named defendants and
to all persons Interested in the above des
cribed real estate:
You and each of you are hereby notiOed
that the petition of the plaintiff In the above
entitled action is now on file In the ofHae of
the clerk of the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, claiming that plaintiff purdhussed
the above described real estate at tax sale,
on the 31st day of December 1888. for the ta’x
es for 1887 and paid therefor the sum of $10
and 66-100 dollars, and that under said sale
plaintiff has paid subsequent taxes as follows,
to wit: On the 2nd day of November, 1880,
the sum of ten and 70-100 dollars.and on the l4Hw
day of July, 1890, the sum of Fifteen and 7
100 dollars. That on the 81st dav'of March,
1891. a tax deed based on said sale and pay
ment was Issued to plaintiff purporting to
oonvey said property to plaintiff, which deed
was duly recorded, und that lor serving no
tice to redeem, and procuring and recording
said deed plaintiff paid on the 3lst dav of
Mnrcli, 1881, costs amounting to Seven dollars,
and that by reason of such sale, Daymen! und
the Issuance of said tax deed, plaintiff claims
to bo the absolute owner of said real estate,
free und clear of all liens and Interests.
You are further notified that said petition
further claims that one Edward l)cLand
purchased the above described real estate at
tax sale, on the 7th day of November, 1891.
for the taxes for the Year 1890 and paid there
for the sum of Fourteen und 90-100 dollars
and that under said sale the said Edward
DeLund has paid subsequent taxes as fol
lows, to wit: On the 18th day of Mav, 1892, the
sum of fifteen and 27-100 dollars and on the29th
day of Sep., 1893. Eighteen and 61-100 dollars;
that on the 22nd day of November, 1893, a tax
deed based on such sale and payment was
Issued to the said Edwurd Do Land purport
ing to convey said land to him, which deed
was duly recorded, and that for serving the
notice to redeem, procuring and recording
said deed the said Edward DeLand on the
22nd day of November. 1893, paid costs
amounting to Seven Dollars; that the said
Edward DeLand subsequently conveyed and
assigned all his right, title and Interest in
and to said land to plaintiff; that by reason
of such sales, payments and the issuance of
said deeds ana the assignment to plaintiff,,
plaintiff claims to be the absolute owner of
said real estate free from all liens and Inter
You are further notified that plaintiff asks
Insatd petition that the assetts und luterests
in said real estate of the several defendants
to this action and all other persons be deter
mined. that plaintiff’s title to said property
be fully established and quieted against the
adverse claims of each and all of the defend
ants and all other persons, and If It be found
by such determination that plaintiff’s said
title is defective and void, that the amount
of plaintiff's lien on said land for taxes and
costs, with Interest and attorneys' fees as
Krovided by statute be ascertained and such
en be strictly foreclosed, and the defend
ants be required to pay to plaiutiff the
amount of said claim within such time as
may be fixed by the court, and upon a fail
ure to makel(8ucb payment tho plaintiff’s
title to said property become fixed, establish
ed and quieted against each and all of the
defendants and against all other persons,
and plaintiff asks also for general equita
ble relief Including u decree for a general
and ordinary forecloseure of said lieu as by
statute provided and the salo of said prop
erty In satisfaction thereof.
You are further notified that the amount
of plaintiff's claim against said land this
9th day of January, 1898, Is One Hundred and
Seventy-five Dollars.
You are further notified that vou are re
quired to appear and answer said petition on
or before Monday the 17th day of February,
J896, or the allegations of said petition will be
taken as true and judgment and decree ren
dered ns therein prayed.
Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this 9th day of
January, 1896.
Farmers’ Loan & Trust Company,
By M. J. Sweeusy and E. H. Benedict
Its Attorneys.
In the District Court of the State of Nebraska,
In and for Holt County.
Farmers Loan and Trust Company, plaintiff,
Jeremiah Lane. J. M. Carpenter, Rollo I.
Woods and lot thiee (3.) or section twenty
five (25.) in township thirty-three (33,) of
range twelve (12.) west of the Sixth p. m., in
liolt countv, Nebraska, defendants.
To each and all of the above defendants und
to ail persons Interested in the above
described realeslatc:
You are hereby notified that the amended
and substituted petition of the plaintiff In
the above entitled action is now on file In
the office of the clerk of the district court of
Holt county. Nebraska, claiming that plain
tiff purchased said real estate at tax sale on
the 14th day of December, 1887, for the taxes
of the yearly and paid therefor the sum
of Sixteen and Kts-too dollars, and under such
sale has paid suhsemtent taxes thereon as
follows: On ihe 1st tiny of May, 1888, the sum
of Three and !M00 dollars, and on the 2(Jth
day of July, the sum of Two and r»a-nJO
dollars; that on the 24th day of Junuary, lt»yu,
A tax deed based on said sale and payments
was issued to plaintiff purporting to convey
said prepedy to it. which d<yf*d was duly rc
eorded. and that for serving the notice to re
deem. taking and .recording said deed, the
plaintiff paid on tha mil day of
January, i«:w, costs amounting to
Seven dollars. and that by
reason of such sale and paymeuts and said
plaintiff olalmato be' the absolute
owner of raid real estate free and clear of all
Hons and Interests.
You are rurther notified that said petition
fort her claims, that one W. Brubaokor pur
chased the above described real estate at tax
sule on the 3rd dsjr of November. 1890, for the
tiixesifoMHsS, and paid thorefor the sum of
Three and 70-100 dollars, and that under said
sale the said W. Hrubauker has paid subse
quent takes as follows, to-wlt: On tlio Iflth
day of June. Iwl, the sunt of three and 07-JUO
dollars; on the 18th duy of May. 1891. the sum
of Four and 24-100 dollars; thRt on the Kind
day of July. 1893, a tax deed based on such
sale and pay meuts was Issued to the said W.
llrubackor purporting to convey said prem
ises to him, which deed whs duly recorded,
and that for serving the notice to redeem,
procuring, and recording 'said tax deed, the
said W. Urubaekar on the22nd day of July.
1803. paid eosts amounting to the sum of
Seven dollars; that the said W. Hrubauker
subsequently thereto assigned and conveyed
to plaintiff all bis right, title and interest In
and to said lrnid.
You are further notified that said petition
further claim* that one James F. i'oy on the
2lst day of November. 1893, purchased the
above described tract of land at tax sale, and
paid tberefor tbe sum of Five and 33-IU0
dollars, and that under said sale tbe said
James F. Toy paid subsequent taxes as fol
lows, to-wlt: On the J7lh day of May. 1894.
the sum or Five and 8-100 dollars; on the 5th
day of Juue. 1895, the sum of Five and 59-100
dollars; that subsequently thereto a tax
deed based on such sale and payments was
duly Issued to the said James F. Toy pur
porting to convey said land to him, which
, deed was duly recorded, and that for serving
the notice to redeem, procuring and record
ing said deed, the said James F. Toy paid
cost the sum of 8evon dollars:
that the said James F. Toy subsequently
assigned and transferred to plaintiff all bis
right, title and interest In and to said land to
plaintiff; that by reason of such Bales, pay
ments, the IsBuauoe of said tax deeds and the
assignments and transfer to plaintiff, the
plaintiff claims to be the absolute owner of
said land free and clear of all liens and
You are further notified that plaintiff asks
In said petition that the assets and Interests
In said real estate of the several defendants
to said action and all other persons, be deter
mined; that plaintiff's title to Baid property
be fully established and quieted against the
adverse claims of eaoh and all of the defend
ants and all other persons, and If It be found
by such determination that plaintiff's said
title Is defective and void, then that tbe
amount of plaintiff's Hen on said land for said
taxes and costs, with Interest and attorney's
fees as provided by statute, be ascertained
and such lien be strictly foreclosed, and the
defendants required to pay to plaintiff the
amount of said claim within such time as
may be fixed by the court, and upon a failure
to make such payment that plaintiff's title to
sal* property beoorae fixed, established and
quieted as against each and all of the defend
ants and against all other persons, and plain
tiff asks also for a general, equitable relief,
including a decree for a general and ordi
nary foreclosure of said lien, as by statute
provided, and tbe sale of such property In
satisfaction thereof,.
You are further notified that the amount
of plaintiff’s claim against said land this 9th
day of January, 1898, Is One Hundred and
Fifteen dollars.
You are further notified that you are re
quired to appear and answer said petition on
or before Monday, the 17th day of February,
1898, or said petition will be taken as true and
judgment and decree rendered as therein
. Dated at O’Neill, Nebr., this 9th day of
January. 1896.
Farmers Loan and Trust Company,
_ „ , . Plaintiff.
By M. J. Sweeley and E. H. Benedict,
Its Attorneys. I
In the District Court of the State of Nebraska,
in and for Holt county.
Farmers Loan and Trust Company plaintiff,
Lewis P. Rollins. Edward F. Burns, Scott T.
Jones, Mary It. Phelps and the southwest
quarter of section twenty-nine (20.) in town
ship thirty-two (32.) of range fifteen (15,1
west of the 6th p. m., in Holt county, Ne
braska, defendants.
To eaoh and alt of the above named defend
ants and to all persons Interested In the
above described real estate:
You are hereby notified that the
petition of the plaintiff In the above entitled
action Is now on file In the office of the clerk
nf.the district court of Holt county .Nebraska,
claiming that plaintiff purchased said real
estate at tax sale on the 31st day of December
1888, for the taxes for the year 1887, and paid
therefor the sum of fifteen and 01-1110 dollars,
and that under said sale plaintiff has paid
subsequent taxes as follows, to-wlt: On the
2nd day of November, 1889. the sum of FI i teen
and 20-100 dollars; on the 14tii day of July,
1890, the sum of Eleven and 07-100 dollars.
That on the 31st day of March, 1801,- a tax deed
based on said sale and payment was issued
to plaintiff purporting to convey said prop
erty to plaintiff, which deed was duly re
corded, and that for serving the notice to
redeem, taking and recording said deed, the
plaintiff paid on the 31st day of March, 1801,
costs amounting to Seven dollars, and that
by reason of such sale and pavment and said
Ijax deed, plaintiff claims to be the absolute
owner of said real estate free and clear of all
Hens and Interests.
You are further notified that plaintiff asks
in said petition that the assets and Interests
in said real estate of the several defendants
to said action and all other persons, be deter
mined; that plaintiff’s title to said property
be fully established and quieted against the
adverse claims of each and all of the defend
ants and all other persons, and If It be found
by such determination that plaintiff's sulit
title Is defective and void, then that the
amount of plaintiff's lien on said land for
taxes and costs, with Interest and attorney's
fees, as provided by statute, be ascertained
and such lien be strlotly foreclosed, and the
defendants required to pay to plaintiff the
amount ofvsald claim, within such time as
may be fixed by the oourt, and upon a l'uilure
to make such payment that plaintiff’s title to
said property become fixed, established and
quieted as against each and all of the defend
ants, and against all other persons, and plain
tiff asks also for general equitable relief, in
cluding a decree for a general and ordinary
foreclosure of said lien as by statute pro
vided, and the sale of such property in satis
faction thereof.
That the amount of the plaintiff's claim
against said land this 9th day of January.
1806, Is Eighty-eight dollars. *
You are further notified that you are re
quired to appear and answer said petition
on or before Monday, the 17th day of Febru
ary, 1896, or said petition will be taken as
true and judgment and decree rendered as
therein prayed.
Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this 9th day of
January. 1896.
Farmehs Loan and Trust Companv,
27-4 Plaintiff.
By M. J. Sweeley and E. II. Benedict,
Its Attorneys.
In the District Court of the State of Nebrasku,
In and for Holt County.
Farmers Loan and Trust Company, plaintiff,
Cheek H. Tonoray, Mrs. Check H. Toncray,
first and full name unknown, Ohnrlott F.
White, .Jeanette Taylor, Keuben Taylos and
William Taylor, heirsof Reuben H. Taylor
deceased. Stephen 11. Elwood, Augusta
Elwood his wite.Fannle M. Wright, formerly
Fannie M. Connolly, and Andrew Wright
her husband. Jethro Warner, and Mrs.
Jethro Warner his wife, llrst and full name
unknown, and William Hobacken and Mrs.
William Hobacken his wife, hrst and full
name unknown, and Ed F. Gallagher, and
the following described real estate to-wit:
Beginning at u point thirty-two rods south
of the northwest corner of the southeast
quarter of the southwest quarter of section
number six. In township number thirty-one,
north of range number twelve, west Sixth
p. M.. thence north thirteen and one-third
rods, thence east on a lino parallel with the
north boundary of the above described
tract sixty rods, thence south thirteen and
one-third rods, thence west sixty rods to
place of beginning. Also another tract
described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at
a point in the west boundary of the south
east quarter of tho southwest quarter of
section number six in township number
thirty-one. north of range twelve, west of
the Sixth p. M.. eight chains south of the
northwest corner of said section, thence
east on a line parallel with the west bound
ary of said tract fifteen chains, thence south
on a line parallel with the east bouudary
of said tract, two chains, thence west to a
point in the west boundury of said tract
two chains south of the place of beginning,
thence north to place of beginning. Also
another tract of mild as follows: Beginning
at the quarter section post In the east
boundary of section number one. In towu
shlp number thirty-one, north of range
number thirteen, west of Sixth P. M., thence
west thirty rods, thence south eighty rods,
thence east to ttio east line of said seettou
one. thence north to place of beginning.
Also the son 111 west quarter of the south
west quarter of s etion number six, in
township number thirty-one. north of range
number twelve, west or Sixth p. m. All of
the above described tracts Of laud being In
Holt county, Nebraska, defendants
ro each of the above named defendants and
to all persons interested In the above de
formed real estate:
You and eson of yon are hereby notified
that the petition to the plaintiff In the above
entitled aetlon Is now on file In tho office of
the clerk of the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, claiming that plaintiff purchased
tho above described real estate at tax sale on
the Tth day of December. 1*87. for the tax for
tho year 1888, and paid therefor the sum of
Twelve and 3-100 dollars; that under said
sale plaintiff hus paid subsequent taxes as
1 allows, lo-wtt: On the 20th day of Jiily,lX89,
the sum of Fourteen and 10-100 dollars; that
on the ■.*4tli of January, 1890, a fiix deed, based'
on said sale and payment, was Issued to
plaintiff purporting to convey said property
to him, which deed was duly recorded, and
that for eervinir the notice to redeem, procur
ing and reoordlmr said tax deed plaintiff on
the 24ih day of January, 1890, paid costs to
the smounl of Seven dollais. and that by
reason of said sale, payment and thelssuance
of said tax deed, plaintiff claims to he tho
absolute owner of said iund free and clear of
all Ileus nnd interests.
You are further notified that said petition
further claims that plaintiff on the 3lst day
of December. 1888, purchased, all the land
abovo described except that portion In
section number one. in township number
thirty-one, north of ranire number thirteen,
west Sixth p. xi., for llie taxes for tho year
>, a"?. Paid therefor the sum ol Six and
83-100 dollars, and that under said sale plaln
uff paid subsequent taxes ns follows, to-wlt;
On the 2nd day'of November, 1880, the sum of
Seven and 00-100 dollars, and on tho 14th day
of July, 1800, the sum of Seventeen and 17-100
dollars, und that on the 81st day of March,
1891, a tax deed, based on such sale nnd pay
ment, was Issued to plaintiff purportingto
0<L,!v?y . Stt,d Property to plaintiff
which deed was duly recorded, mid that
for serving notice to redeem, procuring and
recording said deed plaintiff on the 31st day
of March, 1891, paid costs amountlngtoSeven
dollars, and that by reason of said sale, pay
ment and the issuance of said deeil plaintiff
claims to be the absolute owner of said land
free and clear of all liens and Interests.
You are further notified that said petition
further claims, that one Edward DeLund pur
chased the land lust above described at tax
»ale on the 7th day of November. 1891, for tho
taxes for the years 1889 and 1890, uud paid
therefor tho sum of Seven and 62-100 dollars,
und that under said sale the suld Edward
DeLand paid subsequent taxes as follows,
to-wit: On the 2nd day of May, 1883, the sum
of Ten aud 07-100 dollars, and on the 2llth day
of September, 1893, the sum of Ten and 07-100
dollars, and that on the 22nd day ofNo
vember, 1898, a tax deed, based on such sale
aud payments was issued to the suld Edward
DeLund, purporting to oonvey to his said
tract of land, whloli deed was duly recorded,
nnd that for serving the notioe to redeem,
pioourlng and recording said tax deed the
sHld Edward DoLand paid oosts amounting to
the sum of Seven dollars, nnd that afterward
tho said Edward IlcLand assigned and con
veyed to pluluttff all his right, title and inter
est in und to said tract of land; that by
reason of said sale, payment, deed ana
assignment plaintiff claims to be the absolute
owner of said laud, clear and free from all
liens and Interests.
You are further notified that plaintiff asks
In said petition that the assets and interests
In said real estate of the several defendants
to this action, and of all other persons Inter
ested In said land, be determined; that plain
tiff s title to said property be fully establish
ed and quieted against the adverse olainis of
each and all of tho defendants, and all other
persons, and If It bo found by said determin
ation that plaintiff's said title Is defective
and void, that the amount of plaintiffs lien
on said land for taxes and oosts. with Interest
ana attorney’s fees as provided by
ascertained and such lien be strictly fore
closed and the defendants required to pay to
plaintiff the amount of said claim within such
time as may be fixed by the court, and upon
a failure to muke such payment the plain
tiff’s title to said property become fixed, estab
llsbed und quieted against each and all of the
defendants, und against ail other persons,
and plaintiff usks also for general equitable
relief, including a decree for a general and
ordinary foreclosure of said Hen as by statute
provided, and the sale of said property In
satisfaction thereof.
You are further notified that the amount of
Slain tiff's claim, against said land, tbla 9th
ay of January. 1898, is One hundred and
Eighty dollars.
You are further notified that yon are re
quired to appear and answer said petition on
or before the 17th day of Februrgv, 1890, or
the allegations of said petition will be taken
as true, aud judgment and decree rendered
as prayed.
Dated at O'Neill, Neb., this 8th day of Jan
uary, 1890.
Farmers Loan and Trust Companv,
' ■„ . „ , „ Plaintiff.
By M. J. Sweeley and E. H. Benedict.
”7-4 Its Attorneys.
Id the District court of the State of Nebraska,
In and for Jolt County,
Farmers Loan and Trust Company, plaintiff,
Mary C. Malloy, Thomas F. Malloy, W. V.
Morse & Co., Margaret Brennan. J. ,1. Mc
Cafferty, Mary A. McCafferty. C. L. Mllenz,
A. Mllenz, Mrs. A. Mllenz, Frank Stewart,
The-Fremont Elkhorn and Missouri Valley
Italiroad Company. Lee Clark Andreeseu
Hardware company, l’oddock Hawiey Iron
Works, Blair State Dank, the City of O’Neill
Bank of Valentine, Holt county. National
Bank Sioux City.Iowa, Quincy National Bank,
and M. F. Harrington, and the southwest
quarter of tlie*northwest quarter of section
twenty-three (23,) in township twenty-nine
(29,) of range thirteen (13.) west of the Sixth
p. m„ in Holt county. Nebraska, defendants.
To each of the above named defendants, and
to all persons Interested In the above de
scribed real estate:
You and each of vou are hereby notified that
the petition of the plaintiff In the above entitled
action is now on fllu lu the offlco of the clerk of
the district court of Holt county, Nebraska,
claiming that plaintiff purchased a part of said
real estate at tax sale on the gist day of De
cember. 1888, for the taxes for the year
1887, and paid therefor the sum of
Thirty and* 75-100 dollars and that
under said sale plaintiff has paid subse
quent taxes as follows, to-wit: On the 14th day
of July. 1890. the sum of Five and 43-100 dollars.
That on the 3|st day of March, 1891, a tax deed
based on said sale and payment was Issued to
plaintiff purporting to convey said prooerty to
plaintiff, which deed was duly recorded, and
that for serving the notice to redeem, taking
and recording said deed, the plaintiff paid on
the 31st day of March, 1891, costs amounting to
Seven dollars, and that by reason of said sole
and payment and said tax deed plaintiff claims
to be the absolute owner of said real estate free
and clear of all Hens anil Interests.
imwici uuiiucii UtAi aaiu IKtlUUU
further claims tliat plaint lit imrchased the
above described real estate at tax sale on the
27th day of December, 1889, for the taxes of
1*88, and paid therefor tho sum of Seven and
<4-100 dollars, and that under said sale plalntllf
has paid subsequent taxes as follows, to-wit:
On the 14th day of J uly, 1890, the sum of Two
and 24-100 dollars, and on the loth day of June.
1891, the bum of Two and 33-luo dollars; that on
the loth day of August, 1892, a tax deed bas>-d
on such sale aud payment was Issued to plain
tiff purporting to convey said property to
plaintiff, which deed was duly recorded, and
that for serving the notice to redeem and re
cording said deed, plalntllf paid ou the loth day
of August, 1892, the sum of Seven dollars, and
that by reason of such sale, payment, and tax
deed, plaintiff is the absolute owner of said
real estate free from all liens aud Interests.
You are further notified that plaintiff asks In
said petition that the assets and Interests lu
said real estate of the several defendants to
said action and all other persons be determined,
that plaintiff’s title to said property be fully
established and quieted against the adverse
claims of each ana all of the defendants and
all other persons, and If It be found by such de
termination that plaintiff's said title Is defect
ive aud void, that the amount of plaintiff’s lieu
on said land for taxes and costs with Interest
and attorneys' fees as provided by statute be
' and such lien bo strictly foreclosed
ascertained i
and the defendants be required to pay to plain
tiff the amount of said claim within such time
as may be lixed by the court, and upon a failure
to make such payment that plaintiff's title to
said property become fixed established and
quieted against each and all of the defendants
aud against all other persons, aud plaintiff asks
also for general equitable relief, including a de
cree for u general and ordinary foreclosure of
said lien as by statute provided and the sale of
said property ill satisfaction thereof.
That the amount of plaintiff's claim against
said land tins nth day of January, 189ti, Is One
iiuudretl and Fifteen dollars.
You are further uotlfleo that you are required
to appear and answer said petition on or before
the if ill day of February, 18!Hi, or the allega
tions of said petition will be taken as true and
judgment and decree rendered as therein
Dated at O'Neill. Nebraska, this 9th day of
January, isuu.
Fa nit Kits Loan and Thuht Company,
By,M. J. Hwecley and K. H. Benedict,
27-4 Its Attorney.
DeWill’e Sarsaparilla is prepared for
cleansing the blood. It builds up and i
strengthens constitutions impaired by j
disease. For sale by Morris and Co.
Druggists. j
This $85 Music Box and one Ladies’
Gold Watch actually to give away. Do
you want them? Buy a Dollar’s worth
| of goods at Bentley’s and learn how
to get them.
Always Buy the
Best. The ■ ■ ,
Best is C heapest
The Finest end Largest stock of good in the Hardware and.
.Implement Line in the Rlkborn Valley is found at
Neil Brennan's! ■
John Deere plows, Moline wagons, David
Bradley & Co's famous Disc cultivators...
Riding and walking cultivators, harrows,
Glidden wire, stoves, oils, cuttlery, tinware.
Thu Famona Remedy turn quickly, permanently ail
nurroua dlaeuaea, Weuk Memory. Lull or Brain Power,
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Bions, ovu u roams, impotence and wasting diseases caused by
youthful error a or excesses. Contains no opiates, is a nerve tonic
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Easily carried In vest pocket. VI per box: • for M. By mall,j»re*
pnld^juHth a written guarantee or money refunded. Write ns.fVeo
mealeal boob* soiled plain wrapper, with testimonials and
financial standing. No charge tor rnrmitftatlon*. Beware of Imita
tion*. SoldbyOBrftffrats.oraddrMaBKItVKHUICUCO.. --UT-«- -
jroriaiein O’Netll, Nob., by MORRIS & CO.t DruurlBts.
!52si5ii5ci*.-. ^
|7a5BSaSZSZSBSa5ZHS25Z5aSS5ZSa5anE!7HI iESE52n!51S3SESSSaZ5ZSasa
Great Prize Contest.
?st Prize, KttAKE PIANO', styio “P”
2d Prize, Ca3h,
3d Prfze, Cash,
(0 Crgh Prizes,
$800 !
iQ Cash Prizes,
each $20,
each $10,
60 l
200 I
Tho length of a sentence is to be measured by the number of letters it
contains, and each contestant must indicate by figures at tho close of his
Mitenco Inst how long it is. The sentence ‘must have some inenniii!'.
(}eosrrup' names and names of persons cannot be used The contisit
clos-s February l'Hh. 1 SflfJ, and the results will be published ouu wee <
later. In case two or more prize-winning sentences are .equally short 11, •
one first received -will bo given preference. Every competitor whose
sentence is less than 110 letters in length will receive Wilkie (Jollitis’ work
in paper cover, including twelve complete novels, whether he wins a pri/."’
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other competitors Residents of Omaha are not permitted to lake nnv
•irt. directly or indirectly. In this contest. Piano now on exhibition at
Hayden l!ros.‘ Mimic Store, Omaha, Kcb.
This remarkably liberal offer is made by the Weekly Would-IIeualo,
23 Prizes, - - - $1300.
Tbe first prize Till be given to the person who constructs tho shortest [
sentence, in English, containing nil the letters in the alphabet. The oiler [
prizes will go in regular order to those competitors whose sentences aland f
nest in jioint of brevity. f
i which tlie distinguished ex-congressman,
V/ILLUM J. BBYfiH, is Editor, J it is required that each competing sentence be enclosed wfth one dollar £
”’*r * year’s subscription. The Weekly Would-Hkuald is issued in scnii- E
;w«’ek!y sections. and hence is nearly as good as a daily. It is the western E
.champion of free silver coinage and tho leading family newspaper of G
’Nebraska. Address, jj
Weekia World-Herald. Omatia, NeD. £
1^1 CklehMter'a KaglUh Diamond Braid.
Pennyroyal pills
Original and Only Oennlne.
•arc, siway* reliable, ladies ask .
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Mali. ffl.HAO TotlmnnliU iv.u»
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Our Office is Offositc U. S. Patent Office
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Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip
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A PAMRHICT, "How to Obtain Patents,” with
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? Opf. Patent Office, Washington, O. «.
Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder
World'* Pair High—t Medal and Dtp*—n«
Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder
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ttful plates. In colors, rad photographs of new
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Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder . v
Awarded Gold Medal Midwinter Fair. San FranciacOb