I The Frontier PUBLISHED EVERT THURSDAY BY inn FRONTIER PRINTING OOMPANI KING & CRONIN. Editors. Is the Sun s silent party to the print ln( combine? Thurston, the pride of Nebraska who is not proud of him? , The Frontier’s decision in the Sun Beacon Light mill gives universal satis t, faction. _ _ The beys who signed Wettlaugher’i recommendation would be right glad if they only bad a string on it. .,». —.— If Jack HcColl is in the field for gov ernor the other candidates will all know they have been to a convention. County Clere Bethea estimates that the new supervisor system will save the county at least $3,600 per year. It is more than probable that the Ne braska delegation will be for McKinley. The Frontier has nothing laid up against McKinley. Kven the meadow larks that went south In the fall are returning in disgust to Holt county. There are certain char acteristics common to all bipeds. ' Sheriff Hamilton displayed mighty poor taste in being interviewed in Omaha in behalf of the vigilantes. It but sustains The Frontier in the as sertion that the pops sympathize with the mobs. Charles W. Hackktt, chairman of the New York state committee, writes The Frontier that Governor Morton, of that state, is a candidate for the pres idency. Mr. Morton will not be the last man in the race by any means. Now that tbe printing contract baa bean let tbe Inman News man will prob ably conclude that when Thb Frohtibh epeabi it speaks by tbe card. It is not a difficult taak to correctly gueu tbe di rection in wblcb a populist will jump. Tbvrstoh’s speech In tbe senate Tuesday baa establisbed (or blm in that body a reputation as an orator. His re marks wero eloquent and patriotic and elicited tbe warmest applause from his colleagues. What a contrast is his 85 minute speech with Allen’s 16-hour ha rangue. __ _ Not many weeks ago tbe Sun volun teered the opinion that the tax list ebould be let to tbe lowest responsible bidder. Tbe populist board, however, let the contract to the highest bidder, - The question now is, does the populist Sun uphold the populist board, or other wise? Thb populist county boards of tbe entire state seem to have combined in giving tbe legal printing to their party papers at prices away above bids filed by other publications, and the rpsult is a bowl from tbe seat of every such county. A pop ceases to be a pop when he ceases grabbing for spoils, Taut* does not make tbe blind see, the lame walk, nor does it raise tbe dead to life, but it is a good, sound, sen slble policy for the United States for its growth in riches and civilisation, and if it la stricken down the people who in their secret hearts will think us the moat shortsighted Will be the foreigners who profit by our folly.—'Thos. Reed.' ■—111 »«o»« ■ ■ Wbilb Jack McOoll was in Omaha tjbls week, says the World-Herald, “be made no bones of the fact that he is a candidate for the republican nomina tion for governor.** This information is presumably authentic, and it need not surprise the natives should the genial Dawson county statesman secure the long coveted honor of a nomination.— Kearney Hub. 1* would b« • Rood Idea if Fanton could be proeeeuted without the politi cal partiee taking sidei in the matter, we Me no reason why It cannot be done. Hie attempt to arouee republi can sympathy by claiming the pope will not give him a fair trial, will fall abort. He himeelf hu always been looked upon u a populist But that la neither bete nor there: by hie flight he confess od hie guilt and the beat thing he can do la to return and take hie medicine. Gov. Holooxb's congreieional boom ta getting but little active aupport in thie county, and If he peralata in being a candidate he will have to go into the convention with hie own party openly oppoeed to him. da may be etrong enough in the diatrict to got the nomi nation without the aupport of Custer county, but if he does, the bitter oppo sition to him will cause hia defeat at the polls.—Custer County Republican. It doesn’t matter much it the Custer eobnty populists are oppoeed to Hoi ; comb; he will get the nomination, and be defeated at the polls. . --o~ i. An now cornea the atatemenl that ‘George D. Melklejobn is Rosewater’s Candidate for governor. This state ment was made by Judge Scott in Lin coln a few days ago. Be that as it may, Mr. Melklejobn is a good man for gov ernor, but It looks now as if it would turn out to be Meiklejohn against the ; fluid, and when the field contains such jeee as Eugene Moore of Norfolk. W. J. Broateh of Omaha. C. L. Richards of Hebron. A. K. Cady of 8t. Paul and a few more like them, it means that there fee pretty herd fight ou hand for Meik tsjohn.—Alliance Guide. O’NEi LL BUSI NESS DI RECTORY JJH. J. P. OILLIOAH, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office in Holt County bank building. Strangera. those living at a distance, and night calls must be cash in advance. O’NEILL, - / . NEB. g B. DICKSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Befetenoe Pine national Bank O'NEILL, NEB. J}B. EDWARD 8. PIT BAY, PllYSICAN AND 8UBGKON. Day and night calls promptly attended to. Offloe over First national Bank. O’NEILL nEB. BENEDICT, LAWYER, Offloe in the Judge Roberts building, north of O. O. Snyder's lumber yard, OnKLL. nnB. yf B. BUTLER, ATTORNEY- AT-LAW. AgenMor Union Trust Go's land In Bolt county. Will praotloe in all the courts. Special at teUtlon given to foreclosures and eolleotlons J)R B. T. TBUBBLiOOD PHYSICIAN & BURGEON Diseases of ihe Eye end Ear end fitting gluae* a specialty. Offloe hour* B to 13 a. m. andStofip. m. Offloe flrit door weet of Helnerlkson's A. J HAMMOND ABSRACT CO Succeaaora to R. R. DICKSON A, CO. Abstracters of Titles. Complete aet of Abetrect Booke. Terms reasonable, and absolute ao ourcy guaranteed, for which we have given a 110,000 bond aa required under the law. Correspondence Sollced O'NEILL. HOLT COUNTY NEB. HOTEL ' • * Enlarged Refurnished Refitted Only First-class Hotel In the City. W. T. EVANS, Prop. Awarded Highest Honors—World’s Fair, DR; BAKING nmm MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Crepe Cream of Tartar Powder. Free torn Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant, 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. GEO. L. CARTER. Commission Merchant. Hay, Grain, Hill Stuffs, Cotton Seed Meal, Apples, Potatoes, Etc. SPECIAL Attention to Consignments of HAY. references: American Exchange Bank, Lincoln Savinas Bank. Merchants Bank, Any K. It. Agent in Lincoln. (Telephone 382) LINCOLN, - NEB. EAST Purchase Tlokntn and Consign * your Freight via the F. E.&M.V.andS.C.&P RAILROADS. TRAINS DEPART: QOIKO SABS.' Passenger east, - 9:30 a. M Freight east, - 10:80 a. m Freight east, - - - 2:10 p. m. aoxao was!. Freight west, • 2:10 p. u Passenger west, • 9:27 p. m Freight, • • 2:10 p.m. The Elkhorn Line is now running Reclining Chair Cars daily, between Omaha and Dead wood, jree to holders of first-class transpor tatlon. Ter any information oall on W- J. DOBBS, Aot. O’NEILL. NEB. O’CONNOR & GALLAGHER IN Of all kinds. A specialty made of FINE CIGARS. If you want a drink of good liquor ' do not fail to call on us. Checker® Barn, B. A. DiYARMAN, Manager. CHECKER Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Finest turnouts in the city. Good, careful drivers when wanted. ALo run the O’Neill Omnibns line. Commercial trade a specialty. READ THE TRIBUNE For Telegraph, Local, General, State and Foreign News. Market Complete -THE -— SIOUX city dailV tribune So Per Year. 60 Cents Per Month. QUICKEST AND BEST MAIL SERVICE Address: THE TRIBUNE. Sub. Dept. Sioux City, Iowa. P. J>. A J. F. MULLEN, PROPRIETORS or THS GOOD TEAMS, NEW RIGS Prices Reasonable. t Bast of McCnfferto’a. O'NEILL, NEB. NEW YORK . . . ILLUSTRATED NEWS Th# Organ of Honoat Sport in America ALL THE SENSATIONS OF THE DAY mCTUaCD BY THE FOREMOST ARTISTS OF THE COUNTRY Life in New York Graphically Illustrated. Breezy but Respectable. •4 FOR A YEAR, $8 FOR SIX MONTHS Do you want to be poeted? Then send your subscription to the HEW YOKE ILLUSTRATED JEWS, a PARK PLACES NEW YORK CITY. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. Sioux City, O’Neill and Western Railway (PACIFIC SHORT LINE)« THE SHORT ROUTE BETWEEN SlOliX CITY AND Jackson, Laurel, Randolph, Os mond, Plainview, O'Neill. Conneots at Sioux City with all diverging lines, landing passengers In NBW UNION PASSENGER STATION Horn eaeek era will find golden opportun ities along thia line. Investigate before going elsewhere. THE CORN BELT OF. AMERICA bles, or other information address W. B. MoNIDER, Oen’l Pass. Agent. For rates, tlm^ t caU u^on^ent j o Receiver. THE NEW DONAHOE’S rs combating Religious Prejudice and economic injustice, and helping Catholics and Protestants to under stand each other better. THE NEW DONAHOE’S Is brilliant without being super ficial, instructive without being heavy, popular without being trival. THE NEW DONAHOE’S Will delight every American Catho lic and interest every thoughtful Protestant. Only $2.00 a year. % Write for sample copy DONAHOE’S MAGAZINE Cot 611 WASHINGTON ST., BOSTON MASS. A BIG REWARD Rewards—usually—come to those who investigate: , - The best Beaver overcoat (with velvet collar) that could be bought in this western country for $8—same thing here $475. The best possible Patent Beaver overcoat (velvet collar) any body could buy $10—is to be had here for $6.75 The best thing for an ulster to be had for $7.50, here only $4, and an all wool suit for $475. And all we ask is for you to investigate—Our goods are not only that cheap, but better made, better trimmed and better ap pearing. Of course we prefer ito deal with you in our store, but if you ean’t come we will send you anything you order. If it aint just as we represent it your money goes back to you by the next train. That’s the kind of a concern we are. ELKHORN valley PLOW FACTORY..... O’NEILL, NEB. EMIL SNIGGS, Prop. .... Manufactures the Hamnell Open Mould-Board Stirring Plow. Also general blaoksmitbing and practical horseshoer. Wagon and Carriage woodwork carried on in connection. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. Also dealer in Farm Implements. Handles the Scandi implements and the Plano Bakbs, Mowers and Binders. Parties wishing anything in this line call and see me. G. W. WATTLES, President. ANDREW RUSSELL, V-Pres. JOHN McHUGH, Cashier. THE - STATE - BANK OP O'NEILL. CAPITAL $30,000. Prompt Attention Given to Collections DO A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Chicago Lumber Yard Headquarters for . . . LUMBER ' COAL and BUILDING MATERIAL ’ The Stock is dry, being cured By the largest dry-sheds in the world. 1O'Neill, Yards/ Page, (Allen. 0.0. SNYDER & GO. The Inter Ocean Is the Most Popular Republican Newspaper of the West and Has the Largest Circulation. TERMS BY MAIL. D^ILY (without Sunday).$4.00 per year DAILY (with Sunday).... .$6.00 per year The Weekly Inter Ocean—