The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 23, 1896, Image 8

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    . 555 iSZESSSBmmESSBi^SESBi^SSmSm
V The Frontier needs money and
needs it badly and must haoe ft.
It has several hundred subscribers
fj . who ouis from $1.50 to $6.00 and
, if they will pay up or at least a
part of what they owe. it would re
lieve the strinyency of the money
market ardund these headquarters.
So we trust that all our subscribers,
who are owiny us on subscription,
, will call and pay at least a part of
what they owe us.
The healing propertle* of DeWitt’e
Witch Hazel Salve are well known. It
cures eczema, skin affections and ia aim
ply a perfect remedy for piles. For ante
by Morris and Co. Druggists.
Pure blood means good health.
DcWitt’s Sarsaparilla purifies the blood,
cures Eruptions, Eczema, Scrofula, and
all diseases arising from Impure blood.
For sale by Morris and Co. Druggists.
Say, why don't you try DeWitt’s
Little Early Rlsersf These little pills
cure headache, indigestion and consti
pation. They’re small, but do the work.
For sale by Morris and Co. Druggists.
Nothing so distressing as a hacking
cough. Nothing so foolish as to suffer
from it. Nothing eo dangerous if al
lowed to continue. One Minute Cough
Cure gives immediate relief. For sale
by Morris and Co. Druggists.
There are many good reasons why
you should use One Minute Cough Cure.
There are no reasons why you should
not, if in need of help. The only harm
less remedy that produces Immediate
results. For sale by Morris and Co.
; i Druggists'. _
Chamberlain’* Gough Remedy li
%' famous for its ouree of bed cold*. It
opena the eecretlona, relieve* the lung*
end aide nature In reetorlng the eyetem
to a healthy condition. If freely -used
a* *oon a* the cold ha* been contracted,
>: and before It ha* become eettled in the
eyetem, it greatly leaeene the aayerity of
the attach and ha* of ten cured In a *<n
gle day what would have been a eerere
cold. For (Me by P. G, Oorrigan,
drugglet. "
It le a truth In medicine that the amall
eat doaa that perforate a cure le the beat.
De Witt’s Little Early Risers are the
•malleat pill*, will pefonn a cure, and
are the beet. For.eala by Morris and
Go. Druggists.
Acte at once never fall*, One Minute
(' Gough Cure. A remedy for aethma, and
that feyerleh condition which ao
companle* a *er*re cold. The only
harntleae remedy that produce* imme
diate results. For eal* by Morrle and
Y Go. Drugglate.
A. Q. Bartley of Maglo, Pa., writee:
I/eel It a duty of mine to Inform you
and the public that DeWltt’e Witch
Basel Salve cured me of a very bad case
of eczema. It aleo cured, my,, boy of a
running sore on hie leg. ‘For aale by
Morrla and Ob. Drugglate.
An Old •eldin'* Xeemuneadatlen.
In the late war I was a eoldler In the
■ First Maryland Volunteers, company G.
During my term of service I contracted
‘ chronic diarrhoea. Since then I have
used a great amount of medicine, but
7 when I found any that would give me
relief It would injure my itomach, until
- Chamberlain’s Oolio, Cholera and Diar
rhoea remedy was brought to my notice.
I u*ed It and will any it le the only
reotedy that gave me permanent relief
and no bad reenlts follow. 1 taka pleas
ure In recommending this preparation to
all of my old comrades, who, while
giving their services to their country,
contracted this dreadful disease a* I did.
from eating unwholaome and uncooked
food Youre truly. A. E. Bbhdihq,
Halsey, Oregon. For sale by P. G.
Corrigan, drugglet.
: In the District Court of Bolt oounty, Hob.
& C. Curler, Boajunln Qnhw uud James
Orr, plain tiffs.
Jan.®* K. Jones andwlfe. Sarah Juno Jones.
lCIletQ. Drake andjrlfe, Nellie M. Drake,
Kiietu. uruKo end wire, Nellie M. Drake
GlobelaveetmentOotnpaay.a corporation
H. A. Wyman, as receiver of the Globe In
The above named^defendants wUI take
®2i*cc that on the second day of January,
UM. the above named plaintiffs lied their
•ww, miw wuutw HhiHw piMBNHi mw meir
petition la the district eourt of Holt county,
Nebraska, against the above named defend
■fta. The object and prayer of said petition
*“*” *“ *—Mloee a —*-■-- -- * ■
iwjyw wi wra |»uuon
beloy to foreolOM a certain mortcane deed,
Meoatad by'tha defendants, James K. Jones
and wife, Sarah Jane Jones, to the Dakota
•fortJMe Doan Corporation, upon the follow*
•n* described realeotate. situated In Holt
county. Nebraska, to*wlt:
-----" ssotloo twenty*
- etof
bond .
March i, ,iiii , mihw, hui
the owners of said bond and
*“ j.thct.tlmre is now due thereon, the sum
of I1.0U0.Q0 for which sum with Internal from
this date. Plaintiffs pray tor a dscreetaaVuS
thstaaM prsnUaesmov be eodfto satlsfytha
Dated this Sod day of January,ia§C *
Attorney for Plaintiff.
fn the County Court of Holt eounty. Hob
Lydia J. DeYerman, plaintiff,
Charles Odell, defendant
Charles Odell will take notice that on tb
■£* pYDecember, UHToTa. MoOntobaa
eountv Judgo of Holt _ oouatv, Nebrsskt
ie.u loan actlanpeMlna before hli. when
Charts Odell. ss<£rfso&aatjtani*
You are not! ted that ■
tfaiued to the Uth day of
Mbaiter StsiMB.
Ltsxa j7liprauMAn, Plaintiff.
In the Diet riot Court of Holt County, Nebr.
Simon D. Paddock, plaintiff,
B. A. Sherwood, and huiband. W. A. Sher
wood, Nellie Trlokett, end husband, S.
Trlckett, W. A. Elliott, and wife, Mr*. W,
A. Elliott. Frank Plummer, and wife, Mre.
Frank Plummer, defendants.
The above named defendant* and eaoh of
them will take notice that on the 15th day of
January, 1896, the plaintiff herein filed hit
petition in the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, alleging that he Is the owner oi
the following described real estate situated
In Holt county, Nebraska, towlt: The south
west quarter of the northwest quarter, and
the northwest quarter of the southwest
quarter of section four, and the south hall
of the northeast quarter of section five, all In
township thirty-two, range fllteen westol
the Sixth P. M.
The plaintiff alleges that on the 15th day of
September, 1891, the American Investment
Compuny began an action In the district
oourt or Holt oouuty. Nebraska, against
Janies Hegear, and others, to foreclose a
certain trust deed, given to secure certain
Interest coupons then owned by the plaintiff.
Plaintiff alleges that a decree of foreclosure
was entered In said cause on the 24th day of
November, 1891. for the sum of 8S06.50, and
871.88 costs, and that said premises was sold
and masters commissioner’s deed made and
delivered to C. F. Bllven. trustee, and that
plaintiff acquired title from Bllven. Plaintiff
alleges that by an error.and oversight, that
the defendants Trlckett and wife was made
and styled In said petition as Frlckett but
that said defendants Trlckett and wife
and the other defendants herein had full
knowledge and notice of the pendenoy of
said action and the Issuance and delivery of
said sheriff’s deed.
Plaintiff alleges that the defendants here
in claim to have some Interest In said prem
ises, but that the same Is subjeot and Inferior
to that of plaintiff's
Plaintiff prays In said petition that the de
fendants be required to pay Into this oourt
within thirty days for the use of the plaintiff
the amount of said decree and oosts with
Interest within thirty days or that the title
to said premises be quieted In the plaintiff
and that the defendants bo decreed to have
no Interest in said premises and for other
equitable relief.
You are required to answer said petition
on or befdre the 28rd day of February, 1896.
Bated this 15th day of January. 1866,
28-4 R. R. DlCKSOlf,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the District Court of Holt county, Neb.
GeorgeB. Comfort, plaintiff,
Benjamin Nicnelson and wife, Martha J.
Nloheleon, Arthur Melroae, single, C. H.
Boon Durbin and wife, Mrs. O. H. “
_ __ __Scott
Durbin, defendants.
The above named defendants and each of
them will take notloe that on the Mth day of
December, 18(6. the above named plaintiff
Sled his petition In the district court of Holt
county, Nebraska, against said defendant*,
the object and . prayer being to foreclose a
certain mortgage executed by the defendants
Benjamin Nlcbelsou and wife, Martha J.
Nloheleon, to the Western Farm Mortgage
Trust Company upon the southwest quarter
of section twenty-three, township twenty
eight, range ten, In Holt oounty, Nebraska,
and to secure the note or bond of said Nlohel
son and wife for eight hundred dollars
(1800) dated July 1,1880, due July 1.18M, with
Interest at ten per oentper annum. Said
note being given to said Western Farm Mort
gage Trust Company and sold to plaintiff.
Plaintiff alleges that there Is now due him
upon said note and mortgage the sum of
|f,(00. and the further sum of 660.00 taxes paid
by plaintiff to protect his seourlty. for wntoh
sums with Interest from this date plaintiff
prays for a decree that the defendants be
required to pay the tame or that said
premises may be sold to satisfy the amount
found due, and that the Interest of aU the
defendants In the real estate be deoreed to be
subject to the lien of said mortgage.
You are required to answer said petition
onor before the 10th day of February, 1800,
Dated this 80th day of December. IMS.
*6-4 K. B. Dickson,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
To Whom It May Oonoern:
. Notice Is hereby given that the Blkhorn
Irrigation and Land company was organised
on the tkh day of November, A. D. 1806, under
and In accordance with the laws of the state
of Nebraska, made and provided.
or Nebraska, made and provided.
. lifLP1?,?0]?*.1 P1*00 °f transacting business
la O'Neill, Holt county, Nebraska.
The general nature of the .business to be
nstruotpurchase.leaae and
on osnals, laterals, ditches,
ipeclallv to lease,malntaln
tte the rlgbts. franchises
transacted Is toconstruotpurchase.leaseand
maintain Irrigation oana ' —
reservoirs, and eapecf
control and operate
and property of the Bikhorn"irrlgation~com
, 0 Neill, Neb., and to furnish water for
Prrigatlon, power, stock and domestlo_
poses, and to carry on a general Irrigation,
farming and stookratslng business. Also to
own, buy, sell and convey real estate lying
under and contiguous to Its Irrigation canal
or canals.
The amount of authorised capital stock of
said company Is •160.000, divided Into 1600
shares of 8100 each, 86,000 of which was sub
scribed and ten per cent, paid In before
beginning business.
.!5.corp5rftlon began business November
1% 1806, and is to oontinue In business for
o pur
ninety-nine years unless sooner dissolved by
due process of law.
The highest amount of Indebtedness said
Igheat _ _
corporation can at any time aubjeot Itself
■hall not exceed two-thirds of Its capital
The business of Mid corporation shall be
conducted by a board of directors, from
whose numbers shall be elected a president,
yioe president, secretary, treasurer and such
other oncers as shall be deemed advisable by
nald dire-*-— — •
„ ._No. 8918.
Morion W. Barnett, William L. Weller and
Mary Weller, hie wife, will take notice that
«the 18th day of Deoember, 1(88, Edward B.
Gaskell, executor of the last will and testa
pent of Hit E. R. Gaskell. deceaeed, died
hie amended and substituted petition In the
district court of the county of Holt, (tote of
Nebraska. against Mid defendante. the
ohject and prayer of whloh are to foredoee a
I**.*, wuiu.1 mro WJ lunciwa 1
certain mortgage executed by Marian W.
Barnett and Drualtta J. Barnett to the Aneri
one Loan and Trust Cpomprny, on June 1,
M8T, upon the northeast quarter of section
seventeen (IT.) township thirty-two (8*,) range
eleven (11.) In the oounty of Holt, state of
Nebraska, to secure the payment of a mort
irate tend for the sum of8300.00 with coupons
attached, due and payable June 1.1(88. which
wild bond and mortgage were duly assigned
for value before maturity to Mrs/K K. Oas
kell, and that the plain tin Is the duly ap
Polnted. noting and qualified exeoutorof this
last win testament of Mrs. E. K. Gaskell.
* w • whw IWSSWUIWM s U| m|8i AS* Awe Mn *l||,
deceased. Plaintiff alleges that there la now
and payable upon said- mortgage In
.»-«»- wwvu nnr uunsan in
debtedness from the defendants to the plain
tiff the sum of $817 JO, with Interest at ten per
cent from Deoember 1.1880, and prays for a
decree that defendants be required to pay
Mid sum, with Interest and oosts, and In de
fault thereof, that the said mortgaged
premises may be sold to satDfy the amount
One, with Interest and coats.
You and eaoh of you are required to
answer said petition on or before the 3rd day
of February, 1888.
_IW , Edward b. Gaskmx,
Exeoutorof the last wUl and testament of
swmews ws 8MV MN MHU WBMUUCDD Ol
o if'S? ^ R‘ daoeaaed, plaintiff.
By B. H. Benedict and Montgomery * Unit,
O. I Bawling, plaintiff,
Alfred Preeourt. defendant.
__ Notice to Non-resident Defendant.
To Alfred Precourt: You are hereby noth
Nl fnEf flit Thge Eldt. fftnv — — * - tnae
■ed that on the 81st day of December, usw
the above named plaintiff, c. I. Bawling
swwmwvTV USB 111 OHa piBinuiTi L, I. HBWlInf
*fee P®0? of ihe district court of Mm
•tete of Nebraskn, in and for Holt county
bla petition uulnst you, the object ant
prayer of which le lo foreclose acertati
HlAPftNBgg aeasot ud a^A -a a. .
•““ftfage executed and delivered by you V
plaintiff on the Mth day of Novcraber.1888
to secure tbe payment of Sfoaoo and Interna
if?1* <rS“ ,0if2wl,*f *feeerlbed premlsaato
*'*’• northwMt quarter of eectlon nun
r:’' wwssuwwn« 4tiBrwr ui NCIIOO nU&Q
Der twnnly-nine, in township number thirty
one, north of range number thirteen, west o
the. 8th f. M-. InTBolt oounty. Nebraska, am
remed In the ofloe of the count:
Bled, for
ole** *if Holt county, Nebraskn.on~the~i
day of November, 1M, and rooor ' -
orded tn boo
- — -- —tfcatthere to now du
and owing upon the note# that aald r
was given to -
■aoure and for taxes paid
-- W- — "«uio MU IW wm
protect hie seourity, the sum of 8t.000.uu.
You are further notlBed that uuleas y
—- ———— — - -
* W" awsuivi UUvIBvll UlBt UDlnBM TO
5n,wer said petition on or before the 10«
2JJF. ofFebroery. 1888, the petition of plaint!
ESe$eMtSS8,MKgS?d 3“d‘mont“
of^^tai: Nebr,“1“’thu >« *•
■ ft*. - , ' 0.Llrwuso.Plaintiff.
By B. W. Johnson and E, H. Benedict,
Hln Attorneys.
Id the District Court of Holt oounty, Neb.
Robert K. Dickson., plaintiff.
Ann Brennan, John T. Smith and D. K
Dickson, defendants.
Tbe above named defendants and each of
them will take notice that on the list day of
December, IMS, the above named plaintiff
Bled bis petition In the dlstrlot court of Halt
flcate. Issued by the oounty treasurer of Holt
county, Nebraska, to him on the 8th day of
Hay, 1MR, for the delinquent taxes on lot
twenty-one. In blook twenty-one, In the city
of O’Neill. In the oounty of Holt and state of
Nebraska. Said certificate being for delin
quent taxes on said lot for the year 18(0, also
to foreclose certain tax sale receipts issued
to the plaintiff on the 8th day of Hay, 1888,
and the ttth day of December. ISM, for the
delinquent taxes on said lot for the years
1801. lttt and 18(8.
Plaintiff alleges that 'be Is the owner of
said certificate and receipts and that the
same on the several dates become and still
are a lien on said lot and that there Is due
him by reason of said sale and subsequent
taxes paid the sum of 810000, together with
the sum of 810.00 attorney fees.
The plaintiff prays for decree declaring
said taxes to be a (rat lien cm said premises
and prays that the defendants be required
to pay the same or that said premises may be
sold to satisfy the amount due, and further
prays that the Interest of each and all the
defendants may be decreed to be subject,
junior and Inferior to plaintiff’s lien.
Ton are required to answer said petition
on or before the 10th day of February, 1808.
Dated this 80th day of Deoember, 188S.
*6-4 B. H. Dioason. Plaintiff.
Office In .Holt County bank building.
•• '■ ■ < ’ '*<’! V
Strugere. thoee living nt» diituce, and
night odla mint be cash in advance.
O’NEILL, • * .
Befereaee Uni National Bank *
J)B. XDWABD i. >U«4Y;
* . i 6 ;
•/ .* Tw- . .*’* t W. • *
phyeicav akd iukoox. .
Day aad night ealle promptly attended to.
Oflee over Pint national Bank.
■’i :
H. miDICl,
Office la the Judge, BotMvtf^‘
of O.O. hrtok turnkey raid.
•••> i. i:
Agent far Union Tenet done land In Bolt
W1U prnotlee In all ,tho equyta. Speetal at
tontlon given' -■- - •-* -
-tl1’"', J.i:.
Dleeae>e of the Era and Bar and fttlag
glaeeee a ipeelaltj,, Oflhw boon ! to Ua.m.
and! totp. n.
• t -.f • 1-nr- : '-•••* ,!• UtvVfe ' •
OOm Ant door wMt of Hrlntrikron'a
Sneeeeeoie to
’•> \ -• V*’ »* X • -■ J U
Abstracters sf Titles.
Complete eet of Abetrect Book*.
Term* reaeoneble, end ebeoluteee
curoy guereateed, for wMehw'heve
giTee e 110,000 boad ee required
under the lew.
* CBWMponJeaee SeBeed
p'■ '•'i-T*!?,'
■ i ,rv
Only Fiist-class Hotel
In the. City.
W. T. EVANS, Prop.
' •
is the
Oldest paper
and the
Its office is fitted with the
most most modern convenien- ;■
ces and machinery, always has
the latest faces of type, the
best workmen, and is thereby
enabled to turn out the most
satisfactory kind of job’work.
Its management uses none but
the best paper, are scrupu*
neat and prompt with their
work and guarantee satisfac
tion. Mail orders receive
careful attention, and if your
, ----- , -
home paper is not prepared to
do all classes of work you
will find it to your financial
benefit to communicate with
The Frontier.
The Frontier
Carries a very complete line
of legal blanks and sells them
reasonably cheap. If we do
not have what you want we
will print it almost as you
As an Advertising fledium
It is the best in the county,
especially at the county seat.
It circulates among the best
class of people; a class that
pays for what it gets and does
not patronize non-residents, as
does a certain portion of the
people in the west. Its rates
for advertising are very low,
and the business man who
does not advertise in it is loser
more than he dreams of.
If ydii.want
To subscribe for The Frontier
and any other paper or maga
zine published on earth we
will give you a rate and
save you money. We have
clubbing rattes with the lead
' ing publications of the world.
Gall on or address