Chas. H. Gere, Lincoln; Leavitt Burnham, Omaha; J M. Hiatt, Alma; E. P. Holmes, Pierce; J.T. Maltaleu, Kearney; M. J. Hull, Edgar. CONGRESSIONAL. Senators—Chas. F. Mauderson, of Omaha; W. V. Allen, of Madison. Representatives—First District, J. B Strode Second, D H. Mercer; Third. Geo. D. Mikel John; Fourth — Halner; Fifth, W. E. And rews; Sixth; O. M. Kem. JUDICIARY. Chief Justtoe.Samuel Maxwell Associates.Judge Post and T. L. Nerval FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Judge.M. P. Klnkald, of O’Neill Reporter....;.... J> J. O’ Neill Judge.A. L. Bartow of Ghadron Reporter..A. L. Warrick, of O’Neill LAND OFFICES. o’Nsnx. Reirlster ....... ..........John A. Harmon. ReoolvOT......... . .Elmer Williams. COUNTY. judge.:.Geo McCutcheon Clerk of the District Court.John Sklrving a Deputy.O. M. Collins Treasurer.P. Mullen Deputy....Sam Howard Olerlt .. .Bill Bethea Deputy. Mike MoCarthy L Sheriff.. l-.-“Deputy........Chas O Nelli fv Supt. of Schools... W. K. Jackson f A Assistant.Mrs. W. B. Jackson ’ Surveyor.,......M.F. Norton SUPERVISORS. FIRST DISTRICT. Cleveland, Sand Creek. Dustin, Saratoga, ock Falls and Pleasantvlew—J. O. Blondin. SECOND DISTRICT. Shields, Paddock, Scott, Steel Creek, Wll lowdale and Iowa—J. H. Hopkins. THIRD DISTRICT. Grattan and O’Neill—E. J. Maolc. FOURTH DISTRICT. i Ewing, Verdigris and Delolt—L. O. Combs. FIFTH DISTRICT. Chambers, Conler, Lake, KoClure and Inman—E. Stillwell. SIXTH DISTRICT. Swan, Wyoming, Fairvlew, Francis. Green Valley, Sheridan and Emmet—C. W. Moss. SEVENTH DISTRICT. Atkinson and Stuart—Frank Moore. > OUT OF a NEILL. Supervisor. E. J. Maok; Justices, E. H. Benedict and S. M. Wagers; Constables, Ed. McBride and Perkins Brooks. OOCNOILMRN—IIRST WARD. For two years.—D. H. Cronin. For one year—H. 0. McEvony. SECOND WARD. ; For two years—Alexander Marlow. For one year—Jake Pfund. THIRD WARD. For two years—Charles Baris. For one year—Elmer Merrlman.i CITY OFFICERS. Mayor, O. F. Blglln; Clerk, N. Martin; Treasurer, John McHugh; City Engineer John Horrlsky; Police Judge, H. Kautzman; Chief of Police, Charlie Hall; Attorney, Thos. Carlon; Weighmaster, Joe Miller. GRATTAN TOWNSHIP. Supervisor, B. J. Hayes; Trearurer. Barney MoGreevy; Clerk, J. Sullivan; Assessor Ben Johrlng: Justices, M. Castello and Ohas. Wilcox; Constables, John Horrlsky and Ed. McBride; Road overseer dist. *8, Allen Brown diet. No. 4, John Enright. SOLDIERS’ RELIEF C0HNI88I0N. itegular meeting first Monday In Febru ary of eaoh year, and at such other times as Is deemed necessary. Bobt. Gallagher, Page, chairman; Wm. Bowen, O’Neill, secretary; U. H. Clark Atkinson. ■ ^[T.PATRICK’B CATHOLIC CHCBCH. O Services every Sabbath at 10:80 o'clock. Very Bev. Cassidy, Postor. Sabbath aohool Immediately following services. Methodist church. Sunday services—Preaching 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 p. M. Class No. 1 8:30 A. M. Class No. 2 (Ed worth League)6:30 p. M. Class No. 3 (Child rens) 3:00 p. m. Mind-week servioes—General prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 p. M. All will be made welcome, especially strangers. B. T. GEORGE, Pastor. t F'l A. R. POST, NO. 88. The Gen. John - VX. O’NelU Post, No. 86, Department of Ne braska G. A. R., will meet the first and third Saturday evening of eaoh month In Masonic ■ hall O’Neill 8. J. Smith, Com. PLKHOHN VALLEY LODGE, I. O. O. u F. Meets every Wednesday evening in Odd Fellows’ hall, visiting brothers oordlally Invited to attend. B. Smith, N. G. O. L. Bright, Bee. Garfield chapter, r. a. m Meets on first and third Thursday of eaoh month In Maaonlo hall. W. J. Dorrs Seo. J. C. Hahnish, H. P K< . OF P.—HELMET LODGE. U. D. a.. Convention every Monday at 8 aolook p. sn. In Odd Fellows’ hall. Visiting brethern oordlally Invited. T. V. Golden, C. C. M. F. McCarty. K. of H. and S. O’NEILL ENCAMPMENT NO. BO. I. C. O. F. meets every second and fourth Fridays of eaoh month in Odd FeUows’ Hall. Scribe. Chas. Bright. I^DBN LODGE NO. 41, DAUGHTERS J OF REBBKAH, meett every 1st and 3d Friday of each month In Odd Fellows’ Hall. CZ) Anna Davidson. N. Q. Blanche Adams, Secretary. FXARFlBLD LODGE, NO. 96, F. A a. M. VI Begular communications Thursday nights on or before the fuU of the moon. W.J. D as, Bee. B. H. Benedict, W. M. HOLT’-CAMP NO. 1T lO, M. W. OF A. Meets on the first and third Tuesday In each month In the Masonic hall. O. F. Biglin, V. 0. D. H. Cronin, Clerk. AO, U. W. NO. 153, Meets seoond • and fourth Tudsday of each month In Masonic hall. C. Bright, Rec. T. V. Golden, M. W. INDEPENDENT A AMKUIOA, meet WOBKMEN OF -■ meet every first and third Friday of each month. ' „ „ Gko. McCutchan, G. M. 8. U. WA0KH8, See. POBTOFF1CB DIRCBTORY Arrival of Malls t. X. ft M. V. R. H.—FROM THB BAST. Every day, Sunday included at.6:16 pa r»OR tui WBST. Every day, Sunday Included at.8:58am PACIFIC SHORT LUO. Passenger-leaves 9:35 a.m. Arrives 9:07 p.m. - Freight—leaves 0:07 P. M. Arrives 7:00 P. M. > Dally except Sunday. O'NKH.I. AND CHIUIA. Departs Monday, Wed. and Friday at 7:00 a m Arrives Tuesday, Thurs. and Sat. at.. 1:00 pm O'KKIIX AND PADDOCK. Departs Monday. Wed.and Friday at..7:00 am Arrives Tuesday, Thurs. and Sat. at.. 1:00 p rn O'StlLt AND NIOBRARA. Departs Monday. Wed. and Frl. at_7:00 a Arrives Tuesday, Thurs. and Sat. at.. .4:00 p O’NIIU AND CCMMINSVIIAiB. Arrives Mon.,Wed. and Fridays at . .ll:S0p Departs Mon.. Wad. and Friday at.1:00 p BB SB LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. In the District court of the State of Nebras ka, In and tor Uolt county. Farmers' Loan and Trust Company, Plain E. E. French, William Herbage. Mary T. Her bone, Jane't B. Herbage, Scott T. Jones and the North Half and Southeast Quarter of Section Number S3; and North Half of Southwest Quarter of Section Number 34 Township Number 31, North of Range 18 West Defendants. NOTICE OF 8CIT. To each and all of the above named de fendants and to all persons Interested In the above described real estate. You are beroby notiUed that the petition of the plaintiff in the above entitled notion Is now on file In cho office of the Clerk of the District Court of Holt county,*Nebraska, claiming that, plaintiff purchased said real estate at tax sale on the First day of Decem ber. 1838, for the taxes of the year 1887 and under such salo has paid subsequent taxes thereon as follows: On the 2nd day of Novonibcr, I8S9, the sum of Twenty-four and 30-100 Dollars, and on tbe 14tb day of July, 1890, the sum of Twenty-six and 78-100 Dollars; that on (he 81st day of March, 1801, a tax deed based on said sale and payments was Issued to plaintiff purport ing to convey said property to hlm.which deed was duly recorded, and that for serving the notice to redeem, taking and recording said deed, the plaintiff paid ou the 8lst day of March, 1801, costs amounting to Seven Dol lars, and that by reason of suoh sale and pay ments and said tax deed plaintiff olalms to be the absolute owner of said real estate free and clear of all liens and Interests. rou are further notlBed that plaintiff asks In said petition that tbe assets and Interests In said real estate of the several defendants to said action and all other persons be de termined, that plaintiff's title to said proper ty be fully established and quieted against the adverse claims of each and all of the de fendants and all other persons, and If it be found by such determnlation that plaintiff's said title Is defective ana void, then that the amount of plaintiff's lien on said land for said taxes and costs, with Interest and attor neys' fees r.s provided by statute be ascer tained and such Hen be strictly foreclosed and the defendants be required to pay to plaintiff the amount of said claim within suoh tlmo as may bo fixed by the court, and upon a failure to make suoh payment that plain tiff’s title to said property become fixed, established and quieted as against each and all of the defendants and against all other persons, and plaintiff asks also for a general equitable relief, including a decree for a general and ordinary foreclosure of said Hen as by statute provided, and the sale of such property In satisfaction thereof. You are further notified that the amount of plaintiff's claim against said land this 0th day of January, 180G, Is One Hundred and Thirty-five Dollars. You are further notified that you are re quired to appear and answer said petition on or before Monday, the 17th day of February. 1808, or said petition will bo taken as true and Judgment and decree rendered as therein prayed. Dated at O'Neill, Nebraska, this Bth day of January, 1806. Fakmkbs' Loan & Tbust Company „ . , Plaintiff. By M. J. Sweeley and E. H. Benedict Its Attorneys, Ia the District Court of the State of Nebras ka, in and for Bolt County. Farmers’ Loan and Trust Company, Plaintiff, vs. Orra H. Nickerson, A. L. Nickerson, her hus band; Charlett F. White, Edward Welton and the South half of the Northeast Quar ter, and the Northeast Quarter of the North east Quarter and the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section Eight (8), In Township Thirty-two (32). of ltange Thir teen (13), West of the 6th 1’. M., In Holt coun ty Nebraska, Defendants. To each of the above named defendants and . to all persons Interested in the above des cribed real estate; You UDd each of you are hereby notified that the petition of the plaintiff In the above entitled action Is now on file In the office of the clerk of the district court of Holt oounty, Nebraska, claiming that plaintiff purchassed the above described real estate at tax sale, on the 31st day of December 1883. for the tax es for 1887 and paid therefor the sum of (16 and B6-100 dollars, and that under said sale plaintiff has paid subsequent taxes as follows, to wit: On the 2nd day of November, 1889, the sumoften and 70-100 aollars.and on the 14th day of July, 1890, the sum of Fifteen and 7 100 dollars. That on. the 31st day of March, 1861, a tax deed based on said sale and pay ment was Issued to plaintiff purporting to convey said property to plaintiff, which deed was duly recorded, and that for serving no tice to redeem, and procuring and recording said deed plaintiff paid on the 31st dav of March, 1891, costs amounting to Seven dollars, and that by reason of such sale, uayment and the Issuance of said tax deed, plaintiff claims to be the absolute owner of said real estate, tree and clear of all liens and interests. You aro further notified that said petition further claims that one Edward DeLand purchased the above described real estate at tax sale, on tho 7th day of November, 1891, for the taxes for the year 1890 and paid there for the sum of Fourteen and 60-100 dollars and that under said sale the said Edward DeLand has paid subsequent taxes as fol lows, to wit: On the 18th day of May, 1892, the sumof fifteen and 27-100 dollars and on tbe29th day of Sep., 1803. Eighteen and 51-100 dollars; that on the 22nd day of November, 1898, a tax deed based on such sale and payment was issued to the said Edward DeLand purport ing to convey said land to him, which deed was duly recorded, and that for serving the notice to redeem, procuring and recording said deed the said Edward DeLand on the 22nd day of November. 1893, paid costs amounting to Seven Dollars; that the said Edward DeLand subsequently conveyed and assigned all bis right, title and Interest In and to said laud to plaintiff; that by reason of such sales, payments and the Issuance of said deeds and the assignment to plaintiff, plaintiff claims to be the absolute owner of said real estate free from all liens and inter ests. Yuu are further notified that plaintiff aBlrs In said petition that the assetts and interests In said real estate of the several defendants to this action and all other persons be deter mined. that plaintiff's title to said property be fully established and quieted against the adverse claims of each and all of the defend ants and all other persons, and if It be found by such determination that plaintiff’s said title is defective and void, that the amount of plaintiff's lien on said land for taxes and costs, .with Interest and attorneys’ fees as Rrovlded by statute be ascertained and such en be strictly foreclosed, and the defend ants be required to pay to plaintiff the amount of said claim within such time as may be fixed by the court, and upon a fail ure to make such payment the plaintiff’s title to said property become fixed, establish ed and quieted against each and all of the defendants and against all other persons, and plaintiff asks also for general equita ble relief including a decree for a general and ordinary forecloseure of said lien as by statute provided and the sale of said prop erty In satisfaction thereof. You are further notified that the amount of plaintiff's claim against said land this 6th day of January, 1896, Is One Hundred and Seventy-five Dollars. You are further notified that you are re quired to appear and answer said petition on or before Monday the 17th day of February, 1896, or the allegations of said petition will be taken as true and judgment and decree ren dered as therein prayed. Dated at O'Neffil, Nebraska, this 9th day of January, 1896. Farmers’ Loan & Trust Company, Plaintiff. BV M. J. SWKELEY AND E. H. BENEDICT Its Attorneys. In the District Court of the State of Nebraska, In and for Holt County. Farmers Doan and Trust Company, plaintiff, V9. Jeremiah Lane, J. M. Carpenter, Hollo I. Woods and lot thiee (3,) of section twenty live (25,) in township thirty-three (33,)of rango twelve (12.) west of the Sixth p. m., In Uolt county, Nebraska, defendants. NOTICE OF SUIT. To each and ail of the above defendants and to all persons interested in the above described real eel ate: You are hereby notified that the amended and substituted petition of the plaintiff in the above entitled action is now on file In the office of the clerk of the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, claiming that plain tiff purchased said real estate at tax sale on the 14th day of December, 1887, for the taxes4 of the year and paid therefor the sum of Sixteen and Hft-HNJ dollars, and under such sale 1ms paid subsequent, taxes thereon as follows: On ihe 1st day of May, 1888, the sum of Three and 9-100 dollars, and on the 28th day of July, 1889, the sum of Two and 53-100 dollars; that on the24th day of January, 1890, a tax deed bused on said sale and payments was Issued to plaintiff purporting to convey said property to it, which deed was duly re corded, and that for serving the notice to re deem, taking pud recording said deed, the plaintiff paid on tho 24th day of January, 1890. costs amounting to Seven dollars. and that by reason of such sale and payments and said tax deed, plaintiff olaims to be the absolute owner of said real estate free and clear of all liens and Interests. Vou are further notified that said petition further claims, that one W. Urubacker pur* chased the abore described real estate at tax sale on the llrd day of November. 1800, for the taxes tor 1889, and paid therefor tho sum of Tlireo and TU-10Udollars, and thnt under said sale the said W. Urubacker has paid •nibse Suent taxes as follows, to-wlt: On the 16th ay of .tune, IshI, the sum or three and trr-ltto dollars; on the 18th day of May. 1861. the sum of Four and 24-100 dollars; that On the 22nd day of July. 1895, a tax deed bused on such sale and payments was Issued to the said \V. Urubacker purporting to convey said prem ises to him. which doed was duly recorded, and that for serving the notice to reuoern, procuring and recording said tux deoil, the said \V. Urubarker on the SSnd day of July. 1895. paid uosta amounting to the sum of Seven dollars; that tho said W Urubacker subsequently thereto assigned and convoyed to plaintiff all bis right, title and Interest in and to said laud. Yon arc further notified that said petition further claims that one James F. Toy on the 21st day of November. 18U3, purchased the above described tract of land at tax sale, and paid therefor the sum of Five and Sil-lUO dollars, and that under said sale the said James F. Toy paid subsequent taxes as fol lows, to-WIt: On the ITth day of May. 1894. the sum of Five and 6-IOU dollars; on the 5th day of June, 1895, tho sum of Five and 69-10U dollars; that subsequently thereto a tax deed based on such sale and payments was duly issued to the said James F. Toy pur porting to convey said laud to him, which deed was duly recorded, and that for serving the notloe to redeem, procuring and record ing said deed, the said James F. Toy paid cost amounting to the sum of Seven dollars: that the said James F. Toy subsequently assigned and transferred to plaintiff all his right, title and Interest In and to said laud to plaintiff; thatby reason of such sales, pay ments, tho Issuance of said tax deeds and tbe assignments and transfer to plaintiff, the plaintiff olaims to be tho absolute owner of said land free and clear of all Ileus aud Interests. You are further notlBed that plaintiff asks In said petition that the assets and luterests In Bald real cstato of the several defendants to said action and all other persons, be deter mined ; that plaintiff’s title to Bald property be fully established and quieted against the adverse claims of eaoh and all of tbe defend ants and all other persons, and If It be found by such determination that plaintiff’s said title is defective and void, then that the amount of plaintiff's Hen on said land for said taxes and costs, with Interest and attorney’s fees as provided by statute, be ascertained and such lien be strictly foreclosed, and the defendants required to pay to plaintiff the amount of said claim witnln suoh time as may be fixed by the court, and upon a failure to make such payment that plaintiff's title to said property beoorae fixed, established and quieted us against each and all of the defend ants and against sll other persons, and plain tiff asks also for a general, equitable relief, lnoludlng a decree for a general and ordi nary foreclosure of said lieu, us by statute provided, aud the sale of such property In satisfaction thereof. You are further notified that the amount of plaintiff’s olalni against said land this 9th day of January, 1896, is One Hundred and Fifteen dollars. You are further notified that you are re quired to appear and answer said petition on or before Monday, the 17th day of February, 1896, or said petition will be taken as true and judgment and decree rendered as therein prayed. Dated at O'Neill, Nebr., this 9th day of January. 1806. Farmers Loan and Trust Gompant, „ „ Plaintiff. By M. J. Sweeley and E. H. Benedict., 27-4 Its Attorneys. In the District Court of tbe State of Nebraska, In and for Holt county. Farmers Loan and Trust Company plaintiff, vs. Lewis P. Hollins. Edward F. Burns, Scott T. Jones. Mary It. Phelps and the southwest quarter of section twenty-nine (20.) in town ship thirty-two (32,) of range fifteen (15,) west of the 6th p. M., In Holt oounty. Ne braska, defendants. NOTICK OF SUIT. To each and all of the above named defend ants and to all persons Interested in the above described real estate: You are hereby notified that the petition of the plaintiff in the above entitled action is now on file In the office of the clerk of the district oourtof Holt county.Nebraska, claiming that plaintiff purchased said real estate at tax sale on the 31st day of Deoember 1888, for the taxes for the year 1887, and paid therefor the sum of fifteen and 91-HK) dollars, and that under said sale plaintiff has paid subsequent taxes as follows, to-wit: On the 2nd day of November, 1880. the sum of Fifteen and 20-100 dollars: on the 14th day of July, 18W, the sum of Eleven and 07-100 dollars. That on the 31st day of March, 1801, atax deed based on said sale and payment was Issued to plaintiff purporting to convey said prop erty to plaintiff, which deed was duly re corded, and that for serving the notice to redeem, taking and recording said deed, the plaintiff paid on the 3lst day of- March, 1801, costs amounting to Seven dollars, and that by reason of such sale and payment and said tax deed, plaintiff claims to be tbe absolute owner of said real estate free and clear of all liens and Interests. You are further notified that plaintiff asks in said petition that the assets and Interests In said real estate of tbe several defendants to said action and all other persons, be deter mined; that plaintiff’s title to said property be fully established and quieted against the adverse claims of each and all of the defend ants and ull other persons, and if it be found by such determination that plaintiff’s said title is defective and void, then that the amount of plaintiff’s lien on said land for taxes and costs, with interest and attorney’s fees, as provided by statute, be ascertained and such Hen be strictly foreclosed, and the defendants required to pay to plaintiff the amount of said claim, wltnln such time os may be fixed by the court, and upon a failure to make suoh payment that plaintiff's title to said property beoome fixed, established and quieted as against each and all of the defend ants, and against all other persons, and plain tiff asks also for general equitable relief, in cluding a decree for a general and ordinary foreclosure of suid lien as by statute pro vided, and the sale of such property In satis faction thereof. That the amount of the plaintiff's claim against said land this 9th day of January, 1806, is Eighty-eight dollars. You are further notified that you are re qulred to appear and answer said petition on or before Monday, the 17th day of Febru ary, 1896, or said petition will be taken as true and judgment and decree rendered as therein prayed. Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this 9tb day of January, 1806. Faemkhs Loam and Trust Company, *7-4 Plaintiff. By M. J. Bweeley and E. H. Benedict, Its Attorneys. In the District Court of the 8tato of Nebraska, In and for Holt County. Farmers Loan and Trust Company, plaintiff, vs. Check II. Tonoray, Mrs. Check H. Tonoray, first and full name unknown, Chariott F. White, Jennette Taylor, Reuben Taylor and William Taylor, heirs of Beuben H. Taylor deceased. Stephen 11. Elwood, Augusta Elwood his wife,Fannie M. Wright, formerly Fannie M. Connolly, and Andrew Wright her husband. Jethro Warner, and Mrs. Jethro Warner his wife, first and full name unknown, and William Hobacken and Mrs. William Hobacken his wife, first and full name unknown, and Ed F. Gallagher, and the following described real estate to-wit: Beginning at a point thirty-two rods south of the northwest corner of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section number sis. In township number thirty-one, north of range number twelve, west Sixth p. M., thence north thirteen and one-thtrd rods, thence east on a lino parallel with the north boundary of the above described tract sixty rods, thence south thirteen and one-third rods, tbence west sixty rods to place of beginning. Also another tract described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point in the west boundary of the south east quarter of the southwest quarter of section number six In township number thirty-one. north of range twelve, west of the Sixth p. m.. eight chains south of the northwest corner of said section, thence east on a line parallel with tlie west bound ary of said tract fifteen chains, thence south on a lino parallel with the east boundary of said tract, two chains, thence west to a point In the west boundary of said tract two chains south of the place of beginning, thence north to place of beginning. Also ahother tract of land as follows: Beginning at the quarter section post in the east boundary of section number one. In town ship number thirty-one,' north of range number thirteen, west of Sixth p. M., thence west tblrtv rods, thence south eighty rods, thence east to the east line of said section one. tliuuce north to place of beginning. Also the southwest quarter of the south west quarter of section number six. In township number thirty-one. north of .ruuge number twelve, west or Sixth p. si. All of the above described tracts of laud being In Holt county, Nebraska, delendants To each of the above named defendants and to all persons Interested In the above de scribed real estate: You and each of you are hereby not I fled that the petition to the plaintiff In the above entitled action la now on Hie In the office ot the olork of the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, claiming that plaintiff purchased the above described real estate at lax sale on the 7th day of December, 1887, for the tux for the year I88«, and paid therefor the aunt of Twelve and 8-IUO dollars: that under said sale plaintiff has paid subsequent tuxes as follows, to-wit: On llto tilth day'bf July.lSrtt, the sum of Knnrtcen aud lu-100 dollars: that on the 74th of January, 18HU, a tax deed, baaed on said sale and payment, was issued to plaintiff purporting to convey said property to him, which deed was duly recorded, and that for serving the notice to redeem, procur ing and recording said tax deed plaintiff on t ie mil day of January, 1HM), paid coals to the amount of Boveu dollars, aud that by reason of said sale, payment and the Issuance of said tax deed, plaintiff claims *.<> bo the absolute owner of said land free and clear of all liens and Interests. You are further uotiflea that said petition further claims that plalutlff on the iiist day Of December, istw, purchased nil the land above described except that portion in section number one, in township number thirty-one. north of range number thirteen, west Sixth e. m.. for the taxes lor the year JS»7, and paid therefor the sum ol Six and 83-1U0 dollars, and that under said sale plain tiff paid subsequent taxes as follows, to-wlt: On the 2nd day of November, 1889, the sunt of Seven aud He-loo dollars, and on the 14th day of July, 1890, tho sum of Seventeen and 17-100 dollars, and that on the 81st duy or March. 1891, a tax deed, based on such sale and pay ment, was Issued to plaintiff purporting to convey said property to plaintiff which deed was duly recorded, and that for serving notice to redeem, procuring and recording said deed plaintiff on the ,11st day of March, 1891, paid costs amounting to Beven dollars, and that by reason or said sale, pay Jiitlff nient and tho Issuance of said deed plan claims to be the absolute owner of said land free and clear of all liens and Interests. You aro further notified that said petition further claims, that one Kdward DeLund pur chased the land last above described at tax "ale on tho 7th day of November. 1891, for the taxes for the years 1889 and 1890, and paid therefor the sunt of Seven and 8S-10U dollurs, and that under said sale the said Kdward DeLandpaid subsequent taxes as follows, to-wlt: On the 2nd day of May, 1892, the snip of Ton and 67-100 dollars, and on the 29tli day of September, 1898, the sum of Ten and 67-100 dollars, and that on the 22nd day of No vember, l««a, a tax fiend, based on such sule and payments was issued to the said Edward DeLand, purporting to convey to his said tract of laud, which deed was duly reoorded, and that for serving the notice to redeem, procuring and recording said tax deed the sold Edward DeLund paid costs amounting to the sum of Seven dollars, and that afterward the Bald Edward Do Land assigned and oon voyed to plaintiff all bis right, title and inter est in and to said tract of land; that by reason of said sale, payment, deed and assignment plaintiff claims to be the absolute owner of said land, clear and free from all liens and Interests. You are further notified that plaintiff asks In said petition that the assets and interesta In said real estate of the several defendants to this action, aud of all othor persons Inter ested In said land, be determined; that plain tiff’s title to said property be fully establish ed and quieted against the adverse claims of each and all of the defendants, and all other persons, and If It be found by said determin ation that plaintiff’s said title Is defective and void, that the amount of plaintiffs lien on said land for taxes and oosts, with Interest and attorney's fees as provided by ascertained and such lien be strictly fore closed and the defendants required to pay to plaintiff tho amount of said claim within such time as may be fixed by the court, and upon a failure to make such payment the plain tiff’s title to said property become fixed, estab llshed and quieted against each and all of the defendants, and ugulnst all other persons, and plaintiff asks also for general equitable relief, Including a decree for a general and ordinary foreclosure ot said lien as by statute provided, and the sale of said property in satisfaction thereof. You are further notified that the amount of Slain tiff's claim, against said land, this 9th ay of January. 1806, is One hundred and Eighty dollars. You are further notified that you are re quired to appear and answer said petition on or before the 17th day of Vebrurgy, 1890, or the allegations of said petition will be taken as true, and judgment and decree rendered as prayed. Dated at O’Neill, Neb., this 9th day of Jan uary, UK.* Farmbrs Loan and Trust Compart, Plaintiff. By M. J. SWeeley and E. H. Benedict. »<-l Its Attorneys. In tlie District court of the State of Nebraska, in and for Jolt County. , Farmers Loan and Trust Company, plaintiff, vs. Mary C. Malloy. Thomas F. Malloy. W. V. Morse & Co., Margaret Brennan, J. .1. Me Calferty, Mary A. McCafferty. C. L. Mtlenz, A. Mllenz. Mrs. A. Mllenz, Frank Htuwarl, The Fremont Elkhorn and Missouri Valley Kaiiroad Company. Lee Clark Audrcesen Hardware company, Foddock Ilawiey Iron Works, Blair State Bank, the City of O’Neill Bank of Valentino, Holt county. National Bank SiouxClty.Iowa, Quincy National BaDk, and M. F. Harrington, and the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section twenty-three (23.) m township twenty-nine (29,) of range thirteen (13.) west of the Sixth p. M.. In Holt county. Nebraska, defendants. To each of the above named defendants, and to all persons Interested In the above do scribed real estate: You, and each of vouare hereby notllied that the petition of the plaintiff In the above entitled action Is now on Ole In the office of the clerk of the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, claiming that plaintiff purchased a part of said real estate at tax sale on the 31st day of De cember. 1888, for the taxes for tbe year 1887, and paid therefor the sum of Thirty and 78-100 dollars and that under said sale plaintiff has paid subse quent taxes as follows, to-wlt: On the 14th day of July, 1894. the sum of Five and 45-100 dollars. That on the 3lst day of March, 1891, a tax doed based on said sale and payment was issued to plaintiff purporting to convey said property to plaintiff, which deed was duly recorded, and that for serving the notice to redeem, taking and recording said deed, the plaintiff paid on the 31st day of March, 1891, costs amounting to Seven dollars, and that by reason of said sale and payment and said tax deed plaintiff claims to be the absolute owner of said real estate free and clear of all Hens and interests. You are further notified that said petition further claims that plaintiff purchased the above described real estate at tux sale on the 27th day of December, 1889, for tbe taxes of 1888, and paid therefor the sum of Seven and 4-lou dollars, and that under said sale plaintiff has paid subsequent taxes as follows, to-wit: On the 14th day of July, 1890, the sum of Two and 24-loo dollars, and on the loth day of June. 1891, the sum of Two and 33-100 dollars; that on the loth day of August, 1892, a tax deed bas. d on such sale and payment was Issued to plain tiff purporting to convey said property to plaintiff, which deed was duly recorded, and that for serving the notice to redeem and re cording said d$ed, plaintiff paid on the 10th day of August, 1892, the sum of seven dollars, and that by reason of such sale, payment, and tax deed, plaintiff Is the absolute owner of said real estate free from all liens and interests. You are further notified that plaintiff asksln said petition that the assets and interests In said real estate of the several defendants to said action and all other persons be determined, that plaintiff’s title to said property be fully established nud quieted against the adverse claims of each anil all of tlic defendants and all other persons, and if it be found by such de termination tliat plaintiff's said title is defect ive and void, that the amount of plaintiff’s lien on said land for taxes and costs with interest and attorneys’ fees as provided by statute be lien be strictly foreclosed ascertained and such 1__„ _ and the defendants he required to pay to plain tiff the amount of said claim wlthfn such time as may be fixed by the court, and uoon a failure to make such payment that plaintiff's title to said property become fixed established and quieted against each and all of the defendants ird ' and against all other persons, aird plaintiff asks also for general equitable relief, including a de cree for a general and ordinary foreclosure of said lieu as by statute provided and the sale of said proiierty in satisfaction thereof. That the amount of plaintiff's claim against said land tins 9th day of January, 1896, is One Hundred anil Fifteen dollars. You are further notllied that you are required to appear and answer said petition on or before tbe I7lh day of February, 1896, or the allega tions of said petition will be taken us true and Judgment and decree rendered as therein prayed. Dated at O’Neill. Nebraska, this 9th day of January. 1896. Faumkks Loan ani> Thubt Company, Plaintiff. By M. J. Sweeley and K. If. Benedict, 27-4 Its Attorney. Item. DeWill’s Sarsaparilla is prepared for cleansing the blood. It builds up and strengthens constiiu'ious impaired by disease. For sale by Morris and Co. Druggists. ft • This $85 Music Box and one Ladies’ Gold Watch actually to give away. Do you want them? Buy a Dollar’s worth of goods at Bentley’s and learn how to get them. I® Always Buy the Best. The . . , Best is Cheapest! Th# Finest and Largest stock of good in tbe Hardware and,....... .Implement Line in the Blkhorn Valley is found at John Deere plows, Moline wagons, David Bradley & Co’s fomous Disc cultivators... . Riding and walking cultivators, harrows, Glidden wire, stoves, oils, cuttlery, tinware. NERVE SEEDS? WEAK MEN ThU fauna Remedy core* quickly, i___ ncrvjua dlaotiMm, Weak Meinorr. Lon ot Brain power. Uuodaoho, Wufceruinoaa, Loti Vitality. Nlwhtly Kmla i iv*-*7“ lajpounncy ana waeunff diseases caused t>y ViKtihfulerrors or crcwsm. Contains no opiates, lisnenrs tosls «n«i kiioodbuildiT. Makes the pale and puny St rotor and pltunpw lastly erirriea In vestpocket. Ill per bo*; O for M. By paid. with a i vritlen yunrantet or money refivndut. Write ns^freo medical book. Be aloft olein Trmnorr. with teftt.tmnntnls and ireat Prize contesi 1st Prize, KNABE PIANO, style “P” 2d Prize, Cash, - - 3d Prize, Cash, - (0 Cooh Prizes, each $20, - • f5 Cash Prizes, each $10, $800 100 50 200 150 23 Prizes, - - - - $1300 Thi' first prize will be eiven to the person who constructs the shortest sentence, in English, containing all the letters in the alphabet. The other prizes will go in regular order to those competitors whose sentences stand next in point of brevity. CONDITIONS. The lonnlh of a sentence is to bo measured by the number of letters it contains, nnd each contestant must indicate by figures at the close of his sentence Inst how long it is. The sentence must have some meaning, (b ograph:cal names and names of persons cannot be used. Tile con’ist clos-s February 151b, 1 S!K!, and the results will be published one wee £ inter. In case two or moro prize-winning sentences are equally short tli* one first received will be given preference. Every competitor whose sentence is less than letters in length will receive Wilkie Coilia,' work in pnpi r cover, including twelve complete novels, whether he wins a prize or not. No contestant can enter more ihan one sentence nor combine with other competitors. Residents of Omaha ar*> not permitted to lake nuv Tir”- ..tly or indirectly. in this contest. Piano now on exhibition at Hayden Tiros.' Music Store, Omaha, Neb. Tit is remarkably liberal oiler is made by the Weekly Would-IIkualu, -i which the distinguished cx-cougirssinitfi", a WilLUl J. BBYAH, is Editor, • ml it is required that each competing sentence be enclosed with one dollar lor a year’s subscription. The Weekly Worlis-Hkuald Is issued in semi weekly sections, and hence is nearly as good as a daily. It is tlje western champion of free silver coinage and the leading family newspaper of Nebraska. Address, Weekiu World-Herald. Omatia. Neb. iEE5i5ssz£zsdszszsa53irn7.ssHnEa (Mi CUeke*t«r’< English IMamaxl Rrantf. Pennyroyal pills Original and Only Genuine. •*rc, aJwars reliable, iaoics auk Druggist for Chichester* EngUsh Dia l \monu brand in Hed and Cold mcU',Ilc\ jSboae*. sealed wlih blnu ribbon. Take I no other. Refuse dangerous substitu• f Uonj and imitations. At Druggists, or send dew in stamps for particulars, testimonial* and f JUalL 10.000 Ttwtimootala. Name Taper. Chtrhealer Cliealcal Oo..Ua<1 Umi Kohaf** oojU Drusfibu. I'klkda., Pn, i Carats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted for Moderate Feta. [OUR Orncc is Opposite 0. S. Patent Ofpice i and we can secure patent in less time than those * remote from Washington. | Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip ition. We advise, if patentable or not, free of • charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. | A Pamphlet, “How to Obtain Patents," with (Cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries >sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. 0*p. PATENT Ofpice. Washington. D. C. Or. Price’s Cream Baking Powder World'* Pair Hlghwt M*d*l —d Dipl—m. Or. Price’s Cream Baking Powder Awarded Gold Medal Midwinter Fair, San Franctscow iCAVLAI 0,1 HAUL MARKS] COPYRIGHTS* * CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? nr * ?iSSrUSSi»S^S2u,>Mid&S‘g: formation concerning Patella and bow to Ob* tain them sent free. Also a oatuone Of l leal and acientlflo books aent free. Patents token through Munn ft Co* ' Patents taken through Munn ft Co. raoalTO special notice in the Scientific American, and ar® brought widely before the public with , designs and secure contracts. UNN ft CO., NKW YottK is of now •bow the - Address 361 bboadwat. s$f Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder Awarded Gold Medal Midwinter Fair, San Frandscot 4-%