The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 09, 1896, Image 5

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Governor.Silas Holcomb
Lieutenant Governor.....U.G. Moore
Secretary of State.J. A. Piper
State Treasurer.J- 8. Hartley
State Auditor.Eugene Moore
Attorney General.A. 8. Cburohill
Com. bands and Buildings......0. 11. Russell
Suot. Public Instruction. H. tt. Corbett
Chas. H. Gere. Lincoln: Leavitt Burnham,
Omaha; J M. Hiatt, Alma; E. P. Holmes,
Pierce; J. T. Mallaieu, Kearney; M. J. Hull,
Senators—Chas. F. Manderson, of Omaha;
W. V. Allen, of Madison.
Representatives—First Dlstrlot, J. BStrode
' Second, D H. Mercer; Third. Geo. D. Mlkel
jobu* Fourth — Hainer; Fifth, W. E. And
rows; Sixth; O. M. Kem.
Chief Justioe..Samuel Maxwell
Associate*.Judge Post and T. L.Norval
Judge.M. P- Klnkald, of O’Neill
Reporter...J* J* King of O’Neill
jndge.A. L. Bartow of Ghadron
Reporter.A. L. Warrick, of O’Neill
Register . ..........John A. Harmon.
Receiver.. ... ... ..Elmer Williams.
jndge.Geo McCutcheon
Clerk of the District Court.John Sklrvlng
Deputy.O. M. Collins
Treasurer. •••}• Y. Mullen
Deputy...Sam Howard
OtoVk .BUI Bethea
Deputy.Chas O Neill
Supt. of Sohools...... W- K. Jackson
Assistant.Mrs. W. B. Jackson
Coroner.Dr. Trueblood
Attorney.H. E. Murphy
Cleveland, Sand Creek, Dustin, Saratoga,
Bock Falls and Pleasant view—J. D. Alfa.
Shields, Paddock. Scott, Steel Creek, Wll
lowdale and Iowa—J. Donohoe.
Grattan and O’Neill—R. J. Hayes.
Ewing, Verdigris andDelolt—G. H. Phelps.
Chambers, Cooler, Lake, McClure and
Inman—George Eckley.
Swan. Wyoming, Fairvlew, Francis. Green
Valley, Sheridan and Emmet-11.0. Wine.
Atkinson and Stuart—Frank Moore.
Supervisor, E. J. Hack; Justices, E. H.
Benedict and S. M. Wagers; Constables, Ed.
MoBride and Perkins Brooks.
Few two years.—D. H. Cronin. For one
year—H. C. MoEvony.
For two years—Alexander Marlow. For
one year—Jake Pfund.
For two years—Charles Davis. For one
year—Elmer Merriman. 1
oitt orfiocRB.
Mayor, O. F. Biglln; Clerk, N. Martin;
Treasurer, John McHugh; City Engineer
John Horrisky; Police Judge, H. Kautzman;
Chief of Police, Charlie Hall; Attorney,
Thos. Carlon; Weighmaater, Joe Miller.
Supervisor, B. J. Hayes; Trearurer. Barney
McGreevy; Clerk, J. Sullivan; Assessor Ben
Johring: Justices, M. Castello and Chas.
Wilcox; Constables, John Horrisky and Ed.
McBride; Hoad overseer dist. SB, Allen Brown
dtst. No. 4, John Enright.
Begular meeting first Monday in Febru
ary of each year, and at suoh other times as
Is deemed necessary, ltobt. Gallagher, Page,
chairman; Wm. Bowen, O’Neill, secretary;
U. H. Clark Atkinson.
Services every Sabbath at 10:30 o’clock.
Very Kev. Cassidy. Poe tor. Sabbath sohool
immediately following services.
Methodist church. Sunday
services—Preaching 10:30 A. x. and 7:<M
r. x. Class No. 1 9:80 A. x. Class No. 2 (Ed
worth League) 0:30 p. x. Class No. 8 (Child
rens) 3:00 p. x. Mind-week services—General
prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 p. x. All will
be made welcome, especially strangers.
B. T. GEORGE, Pastor.
GA. R. POST, MO. se. The Gen. John
« O'Neill Post, No. 06, Department of Ne
braska G. A. U., will meet the first and third
Saturday evening of eaoh month in Maeonlo
hall O'Neil] 8. J. SxuH. Com.
ELKHORN valley LODGE, I. o. o.
F. Meets every Wednesday evening in
Odd Fellows' halL Visiting brothers cordially
Invited to attend.
B. Sxith, N. G. 0. L. Bright, Sec.
Garfield chapter, r. a. m
Meets on first and third Thursday of each
month iu Masonlo hall.
W. J. Dobrs Sec. J. C. Harnibh, H, P
Convention every Monday at 8 o dock p.
m. in Odd Fellows’ hall. Visiting brethern
cordially invited.
T. V. Golden, C. C,
M. F. McCartt. K. of H. and S.
O. O. F. meets every second and fourth
Fridays of each month in Odd Fellows’ Hall.
Scribe, Chab. Bright, li
JCi of REBEKAH, meets every 1st and ad
Friday ot eaob month In Odd Fellows’ Hall,
u. 3 Anna Davidson. N. 0.
Blanche Adams, Secretary.
Garfield lodge,
Regular communications Thursday nights
on or before the full of the moon.
W.J. D as, Sec. E. H. Benedict, W. M.
Holt-camp no. i 7 io. m. w. of a.
Meets on the first and third Tuesday In
each month In the Masonic hall.
O. F. Biqlin, V. 0. D. H. Obonin, Clerk.
AO, U. W. NO. 153, Meets seoond
• and fourth Tudsday of each month In
Masonic hall.
0. Bright, Kec. T. V. Golden, M. W.
AMERICA, meet every first and third
Friday of each month.
Geo. McCutchan, G. M.
S. M. Wagrrs, Sec.
Arrival ofMails
r. E. a M. V. R. R.—TROM THE east.
Every day, Sunday included at.5:15 pn
Every day, Sunday Included at.*9:58 am
Passenger— leaves 0:35 a.m. Arrives 9:07 p.m.
Freight—leaves 0:07 p.m. Arrives 7:(J0p.m.
Dally except Sunday.
Departs Monday, Wed. and Friday at 7:00 am
Arrives Tuesday,Thurs. and Sat. at..1:00pm
Departs Monday. Wed.and Friday at..7:00 am
Arrives Tuesday, Thurs. and Sat. at. .4:30 p m
Departs Monday. Wed. and Frl. at_7:00 a m
Arrives Tuesday, Thurs. and Sat. at.. .4:00 p m
Arrives Mon.,Wed. and Fridays at ..
Departs Mon., Wed. and Friday at....
il:30p m
-1:00 pm
®» Undnitiia of Being * Medical
Missionary In China.
The women who go out as medical
missionaries have a hard time of it, ac
cording to a writer in the Philadelphia
Times, aside from mere Inconveniences
arising from living in such a country.
In prescribing medicines not only is
the fear of a future accusation of pois
oning ever present, but the possibility
that it may prove to be a reality. Thus
a bottle of liniment curing the vener
able grandmother of rheumatism may
be lent to a neighbor strlckon with
small pox as an infallible remedy; or
the entire contents of a vial of tooth
ache medicine be administered in one
dose to a teething infant. Celestial rea
gpn that if a small portion Is of any
benefit the whole bottleful, taken at
once, multiplies its usefulness in a cor
responding ratio. Therefore, if not pre
viously warned, experience soon teach
es the missionary to make it an infal
lible rule never to dispense a poison
ous remedy or one which could do harm
if the entire quality were taken at once.
Liniments and toothache drops com
pounded of nonpoisonous drugs may
not be highly potent, but they are at
least harmless. When it is absolutely
necessary to administer a powerful
remedy several times or for several
times in succession the doctor puts each
dose up in a separate vial, powder or
capsule, and leaving them at the dis
pensary with a trained American
nurse or other foreign helper, directs
that a servant or child of the patient
be-sent there for .one every three hours,
or three times a day, as the case may
require, otherwise it would all be taken
at once, or dtvlded among ailing neigh
Then the women doctors are obliged
to be ever on the alert to keep the na
tives from stealing drugs from their
medicine chests and so run the risk of
being poisoned. Then, too, the curious
objection to privacy which prevails in
China and makes it unwise for foreign
ers, especially doctors, to insist upon
it for fear of being regarded with su
perstition, makes it necessary to con
duct all operations in semi-public man
ner and there is always the danger that
some of the spectators may object at a
critical point in the operation and thus
imperil the patient’s life, which would
indeed be unfortunate for the poor sur
geon. Anaesthetics are regarded with
suspicion and seldom used, but the
native stolidity to pain makes them al
most unnecessary. Altogether the life
is not one to bo desired.
A I*dj Who Climb* Mount Ronlor
Winds Up by Marrying Hsr Guide.
Henry Carter, the famous Mount
Rainer guide, has fallen in love under
romantic circumstances, and will be
married by Rev. William M. Jeffries,
the first preacher who delivered a ser
mon on top of the mountain. There is a
possibility that Carter will be married
on top of the mountain, the place where
he fell in love last Tuesday night, with
the thermometer registering 20 degrees
below zero. He Is to marry Cora Beach
man, a school teacher, and the belle of
Lake Park, a suburb of Tacoma, says
the Globe-Democrat.
Miss Beachman, accompanied by Mr.
and Mrs. F. M. Groe of Eatonvllle, set
out Tuesday with Carter, the most
trusted of all the mountain guides, to
ascend Mount Ranier. At Gibraltar
rock, which corresponds to the “shoul
der" of the Matterhorn, 4,000 feet from
the summit, Mrs. Groe became ex
hausted. Miss Beachman declared her
intention to reach the summit at all
hazards. Carter led the way, but soon
lost his ice ax, and in scaling difficult
passes they were compelled to rely
solely on their alpenstocks. They did
not reach the summit until 6 p. m., too
late to attempt the descent that night.
They had left Paradise Valley, below
the snow line, without wraps, and only
a lemon and one sandwich each in the
way of provisions. Carter selected a
sheltered ice cave formed by jets of
steam from the crater, and there they
passed a sleepless night, discussing all
sorts of topics, and before they left the
summit, at 9 a. m. Wednesday, Misu
Beachman had promised to marry the
guide. The instant they left the steam
of the ice cave their clothes were frozen
stiff, and they suffered great hardships
in descending. A rescue party organ
ized during the day, came to their re
lief late in the afternoon, after they had
been without food over twenty-four
Refused, Then Wee Sorry.
The cable was crowded and when a
passenger boarded It he was nearly up
set by the sudden starting of the grip
car and tread on the toe of a man
standing at the rear end.
“I beg your pardon,” he said, very
politely; but the man of the hurt toe
scowled and In an undertone muttered
The' innocent offender again apolo
gized. “Yes, but that don’t help my toe
any;” and he growled some more in an
Nearby passengers began to smile.
"I begged your pardon, didn’t I?”
said the other man.
“Yes, but my toes hurts just the
same,” was the reply In an ugly tone.
Then the other man's dander rose
and in very forcible language he said:
“Now, look here. I accidentally stepped
on your foot and I apologized fpr it. If
you say another word about it I will
give you this instead of my foot (show
ing his doubled list), and it will land
right in your face.”
This warning was not taken, for he
continued to talk about the clumsiness
of some people. Suddenly the passen
gers were electrified by seeing a fist
shoot out, and the growler lay in the
street as the car passed on. Nobody
■aid anything, but some thought it
wasn’t wise to talk too much.
B1PA5I TABULES an the Wat Xcdl*
«!•»• kam (br IaAIceatlaa, BtUevancaa*
UealaekeiC«iitl»aU«it DyifcpalttClirtalo
LtierTroaklM, lllaalaraa, BadCoai»leaionf
Djaeilary* Offensive Brentk, an4 nil 41a
•rdera ef tke SUnnck, Liver and Cawcla.
Rlpnna Tabolea contain nothin? Injurious to f
the moat deHonte constitution. Are pleasant to •
1 give Immediate relief, f
L*i May bo ordered •
, . ___ or by mail. Sample f
Vial, ID cento. Address X
C. I Ruwllng, plaintiff,
Alfred Precourt, defendant.
Notice to Non-resident Defendant.
To Alfred Precourt: You are liereby noti
fied that on the 31st day of December. 1895,
the above named plaintiff, C. I. Bawling,
filed In the office of the district court of the
state of Nebraska, in and for Holt county,
his petition against you. the object and
prayer of which Is to foreclose a certain
mortgage executed and delivered by you to
plaintiff on the 26th day of November, 1880.
to secure the payment of *400.00 and Interest
upon the following described premises to
wn; The northwest quarter of section num
ber twenty-nine, In township number thirty
one. north of range number thlrteou, west of
the 6th p. m., in Holt oounty. Nebraska, and
filed for record In the oflioe of the county
clerk of Holt oounty, Nebraska, on the 29th
day of November, 1886, and recorded in book
twenty of mortgages at page number 226.
Plaintiff further alleges that there Is now due
and owing upon the notes that said mortgage
was given to secure and for taxes paid to
protect his security, the sum ot #1,060.06.
You are further notified that unless you
answer said petition on or before the 10th
day of February, 18U6, the petition of plulntlff
will be taken us true and judgment and
decree entered accordingly.
Dated at O'Neill, Nebraska, this 3tst day
of Deoember, 1895.
28-4 C. I. Rr'WLiNO. Plaintiff.
By B. W. Johnson and E, II. Benedict,
His Attorneys.
In the District Court of Holt county, Neb.
Robert H. Dickson, plaintiff,
Ann Brennan, John T. Smith und D. B.
Dickson, defendants.
The above named defendants and each of
them will take notice that on tbcSfilst day of
December. 1895, the above named plaintiff
filed his petition In the district court of Holt
county, Nebraska, against you and each of
you, the object and prayer of said petition
being to foreelose a certain tax sale certi
ficate. Issued by the county treasurer of Holt
county, Nebraska, to him on the 6th day of
Hay. 1898, for the delinquent taxes on lot
twenty-one, In block twenty-one. In the city
of O’Neill, in the county of Holt and state of
Nebraska. Said certificate being far delin
quent taxes on said lot for the year 1890, also
to foreclose certain tax sale receipts Issued
to the plaintiff on the 8th day of May, 1898,
and the 12th day of December. 1894, for the
delinquent taxes on said lot for the years
1891. 1802 and 1863.
Plaintiff alleges that he Is the owner of
said certificate and receipts and that the
same on the several dates become and still
are a lien on said lot and that there Is due
him by reason of said sale and subsequent
taxes paid the sum of *100 00, together with
the sum of 310.00 attorney fees.
The plaintiff prays for decree declaring
said taxes to be a first lien on said premises
and prays that the defendants be required
to pay the same or that said premises may be
sold to satisfy the amount due, and further
prays that the Interest of each and all the
defendants may be decreed to be subject,
junior and Inferior to plaintiff’s lien.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 10th day of February. 1800.
Dated this 30th day of December, 1805.
26-4 B. R. Dickson. Plaintiff.
In the District Court of Holt county. Neb.
0. C. Cuyler, Benjamin Graham and James
Orr, plaintiffs.
James K. Jones and wife. Sarah Jane .Tones,
ElletG. Drake and wife, Nellie M. Drake,
Globe Investment Company, a corporation,
II. A. Wvman. as receiver of the Globe In
vestment Company, Dakota Mortgage Loan
Corporation and H. Bust, defendants.
The above named defendants will take
notice that on the second day of January,
I860, the above named plaintiffs filed their
petition in the district court of Holt county,
Nebraska, against the above named defend
ants. The object and prayer of said petition
being to foreclose a certain mortgage deed,
executed by the defendants, James K. Junes
and wife, Sarah Jane Jones, to the Dakota
Mortgage Loan Corporation, upon the follow
ing described real estate, situated In Holt
county. Nebraska, to-wlt:
The northeast quarter of section twenty
three. township thirty-one, range ten. west of
the 6tb p. M.. said mortgage deed being given
to secure the payment of a certain note or
bond of *700.60. dated February 18, 1868, due
Maroh 1,1893. Plaintiffs allege that they are
the owners of said bond and mortgago deed,
and that there Is now due thereon, the sum
of *1,000.00 for which sum with Interest from
this date, plaintiffs pray for a decree that the
defendants be required to pay the same or
that said premises may be sold to satisfy the
amount found due. Plaintiffs also pray that
the lien or Interest of the defendants, 'if any
they have in said premises, be decreed to be
subject to the lien of plaintiffs mortgage and
for other equitable relief.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 10th day of February, 1896.
Dated this 2nd day of January, 1896.
26-4 R. R. Dickson,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the County Court of Holt county, Neb.
Lydia J. DeYarman, plaintiff,
Charles Odell, defendant.
Charles Odell will tako notice that on the
23rd day of December. 1896, G. A. McCutchan,
county judgo of Holt county, Nebraska.
Issued an order of attachment for the sum of
147.15 In an action pending before him, where
in Lydia J. DeYarman Is plaintiff and you,
Charles Odell, as defendant; that property of
yours consisting of about (300) three hundred
bushel of corn bus been attached under said
You are notified that said cause was con
tinued to the 15th day of February, 1896, at Id
ft’olnolr A iff
Dated December 28,1866.
28-3 Lydia J. DeYarman, Plaintiff.
In the Distriot Court of Holt county, Neb.
George 8. Comfort, plaintiff,
Benjamin Nichelson and wife. Martha .1.
Nichelson, Arthur Melrose, single. C. H.
Scott Durbin and wife, Mrs. C. H. Scott
Durbin, defendants.
The above named defendants and each of
them will take notice that on the SBth day of
December, 1895. the above named plaintiff
filed ills petition in the dlstrlctcourt of Holt
county. Nebraska, against said defendants,
the object and prayer being to foreclose a
certain mortgage executed by the defendants
Benjamin Nichelson and wife, Martha .).
Nichelson, to the Western Farm Mortgage
Trust Company upon the southwest quarter
of section twenty-three, township twenty
eight, range ten. in liolt county, Nebraska,
and to secure the noto or bond of said Nichel
son and wife for eight hundred dollars
($800) dated July 1,1889, due July ], 1891, with
interest at ten per cent per annum. Said
note being given to said Western Farm Mort
gage Trust Company and sold to plaintiff.
Plaintiff alleges that there Is now due him
upon said note and mortgage the sum of
81.200. and the further sum of $50.00 taxes paid
by plaintiff to protect ills security, for which
Bums with Interest from this date plaintiff
prays for a decree that the defendants he
required to pay the same or that said
premises may be sold to satisfy the amount
found due, and that the interest of all the
defendants In the real estate be decreed to be
subject to the lien of said mortgage.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 10th day of February. 1890.
Dated this 90th day of December 1895.
26-4 it. K. Dickson. J
Attorney for Plaintiff. |
Iu the District Court of Holt County, Neb.
Mary Smith, Plaintiff,
John Smith, Defendant.
To John Smith, non-resident defendant.
You nro hereby notified that on the .list
day of October. ISOS. Mary Smith tiled a peti
tion airatnst vou, In the district court, of
Holt county. Nebraska, tbe object and pray
er of which aro obtain a decree In said ac
tion separating her from your bed and hoard
on the immnili that you have been polity of
cruel and inhuman treatment toward the
pltilullir and her minor children. In this,
that on the 22d day or August. lslia. that yon
without any eauso or provocation, struct, tl„,
plaintItr In the t'a.e with your Use, and that
on the SUt.t day of October, 1806, von with
out cause01 provocation struck the plalntltt
with a vvoo'Vn bench, and on the ‘-'Oth duv of
July. 1805, that you struck the plaintiff with
a rope, and that for the past ten years, dines
unknown to plaintiff, and at. least onee a
month (luring that, time you havo without
cause or provocation heat and bruised the
Slulutllf ana Iter minor children ami that
urlng the past ten years, dates unknown to
the plaintiff at this time, that you liavo fre
quently abused the plaintiff ana her minor
children by calling them vile. Indecent and
abusive names, ami have threatened their
lives. Plaintiff prays In said petition for tho
custody and control of the minor children,
to-wlt: John Smith, Louis Smith and Ella
Smith, and alleges that you are u man of
vicious and vulgar habits and unfit to have
the care and custody of said children.
Plaintiff also asks In said petition for a de
cree separating her from your bed and board
and that you be restrained, enjoined and
prohibited from Imposing anyVostralnt < n
her persons! liberty or that.of her minor
children during the pendency of this cause,
and that you bo restrained from removing or
disposing of any of the personal property or
household effects, situated on tho south-west
quarter of section thirty-live (116), township
thirty (HO), range fifteen (15). In Holt county.
Nebraska; also prays that you bo '
. . . --— enjoined
and restrained from interfering with her pos
session of the above described land during
tbe pendency of this action.
Plalntltt alleges in said petition that you
are the owner of personal property of the
value of tUD5 and real estate of tho value of
$11500 all In Iloll county. Neb., all of which is
unincumbered, and that you owe not to ex
ceed $175.
Plaintiff prays that you be decreed to pay
her reasonable alimony for the malntaln
anceof herself and her children and for their
education, and for such other relief as
equity may require.
You are reauired to answer said petition
emor before Monday, the 13th day of January,
Dated at O'Neill, Neb., December 2.1805.
22-4 Mary Smith, Plaintiff.
By B. B. Dickson, her uttorney.
No. 0810.
Marian W. Barnett, William L. Weller and
Mary Weller, his wife, will take notice that
on the 10th day of December, 1805, Edward B.
Oaskell. executor of tho last will and testa
ment of Mrs. E. R. Oaskell, deceased, hied
his amended and substituted petition In the
district court of the county of Holt, state of
Nebraska, against said defendants, the
object and pruver of which are to foreclose a
certain mortgage executed by Marian W.
Barnett and Drusllla J. Barnett to the Ameri
cae Loan and Trust Coomprny, on June 1,
1887. upon the northeust quarter of section
seventeen (17.) township thirty-two (32,)range
eleven (11.) In tho county of Holt, state of
Nebraska, to secure the payment of a mort
gage bond 1'or the sum or $300.00 with ooupons
attached, due and payable.Tune 1.1802. which
said bond and mortgage were duly assigned
for Value before maturity to Mrs. E. B. Oas
kell, and that the plaintiff Is tbe duly ap
pointed, acting and qualified oxecutoror tbe
last will and testament of Mrs. E. B. Oaskell,
deceased. Plaintiff alleges that there Is now
due and payable upon said mortgage In
debtedness from the defendants to the plain
tiff the sum of $517.60, with Interest at ten per
cent from Deoember 1,1800, and pruys for a
decree that defendants be required topay
said sum, with Interest and oosts, and In de
fault thereof, that tho said mortgaged
§ remises may be sold to satisfy the amount
ue, with Interest and coats.
You and eaclt of you are required to
answer said petition on or before the 3rd day
of February, 1800.
26-4 EdwahdB. Oarrkt.t.,
Executor of the last will nnd testament of
••Mrs. B.R. Oaskell, deceased, plaintiff.
By E. U. Benedict and Montgomery & ilall,
Land Office at O’Neill, Neb., i
November SB, 1805. I
Notice Is hereby jrlven that the following
named settler has filed notice of his Intention
to make final proof In support of his olul'n,
and that said proof will be made before the
Register and Itecelvsr at O'Neill, Neb., on
January 4,189(1. Viz:
P. E. Chase, guardian of the minor heirs
of Jacob L. Harper, deceased, H. E. No.
14394, for the SE SWJ4 Sec. 19. Twp. S8n, range
lie names the following witnesses to rrove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said laud, viz: Bobert Cray,
George E. Hunter, Dorun Hunt, Alaska Linos
all of Page, Neb.
21-6 John A. Harmon, Begister.
To Whom it May Concern:
Notice Is hereby given that the Elk horn
Irrigation and Land Company was organized
on the 8ih day of November, A. D. 1895, under
and In accordance with the laws of tlie state
of Nebraska, made and provided.
Its principal place of transacting business
is O’Neill. Holt county, Nebraska.
The genbral nature of the business to be
transacted Is toconstruct.purchuse.leaseand
maintain Irrigation canals, lateruls, ditches,
reservoirs, and especially to lease,maintain
control and operate the rights, franchises
and property of tho Elkhorn Irrigation com
fiany, O'Neill, Neb., and to furnish water for
rrlgation, power, stock and domestic pur
poses. and to carry on a general Irrigation,
farming and stockraising business. Also to
own. buy. sell and convey real estate lying
underand contiguous to its Irrigation canal
or canals.
The amount of authorized capital stock of
said company Is 8150.000, divided into 1500
shures of *100 each, $5,000 of which wus sub
scribed and ten per cent, paid In before
beginning business.
Bald corporation began business November
13, 1895, and is to continue 111 business for
ninety-nine years unless sooner dissolved by
due process of law.
The highest amount of Indebtedness said
corporation can at any lime subject itself
shall not exceed two-thirds of Its capital
The business of said corporation shall be
conducted by a board of directors, from
whose numbers shall be elected a president,
vice president, secretary, treasurer and such
other officers as shall be deemed advisable by
said directors. 24-4
In the matter of the application of Thomas
Simonson and wife, Carlin Simonson, to
have all of section 3, township 30, range 11,
west of the 6th p. m. In Holt county, Ne
braska, excluded and taken from the Gol
den Irrigation District.
Notice is hereby given that on the 10th day
of September, lslfc, the above named Thomas
Simonson nnd wife, Carlin Simonson, as peti
tioners, Sled their petition with the board of
directors of tbe Gulden Irrigation district,
praying In said petition that all of section
three (3), township thirty (30i, range eleven
(11) west of the 6th p. m. In Holt county, Ne
braska, and situated within the boundaries
of said Irrigation district, and constituting a
part excluded and taken Irom
said district for the reason that none of said
land can be irrigated to advantage and with
profit, tor ibu reason that a part thereof Is
rough and rolling and not subject to Irriga
tion nnd that thu balance of said land Is so
situated that It does not require Irrigation
for successful farming, and that none of
said tract of land is under cultivation, ex
cept nliout ninety acres, and that the re
maining part of said tract is used for hay
and pasture laud only, and said pctlnners
pray tbat said lands be excluded and taken
from said district and that tho boundaries of
said district lie so changed.
Notice Is hereby giveu to all persons In
terested in, or that muy bo affected bj the
exclusion uud taking from said district suld
lands, or that may be affected by such
change of thu boundary of said district to
appear at the oltlcc of the board of directors
of said Golden Irrigation District, in the city
of O'Neill. Nebraska, on tbe Tth day of Jan
nary, 18%, at 10 o'clock a. m. of said duy (that
being the regular meeting of said board) and
show cause In writing, if any they have,
why suld lands shall not lie excluded and
taken from said district as proposed In said
petition and show cause why the change in
the boundaries of said district »s proposed in
said petition should not be made.
Dated at O'Neill. Neb., this 11th day of
December, 1805. IskalI E. B Brain,
Secretary of tbe Ooldeu Irrigation District
|This $85 Music Box and one Ladies’
i Gold Watch actually to give away. Do
| you want them? Buy a Dollar’s worth
I of goods at Bentley’s and learn how
to get them.
Always Buy the
Best The . ■ .
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The Finest and Largest stock of good In the Hardware and..
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Neil Brennan’s
John Deere plows, Moline wagons, David
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Riding and walking cultivators, harrows,
Glidden wire, stoves, oils, cuttlery, tinware.
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This Pamoni Remedy cures quickly, permanently aJ
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Easily can-led I n vast pocket. VI per box i Q for M« By malKpra*
paid, with a written guarantee or money refunded. Writ# us, tree
medical book. Bonded plain wrapper, with testimonial* and
wrwTuniT ii■■ hiiiiih in i PMMiniMii, ji ■» i (mi t |in; <rr i ui vmit iinuorpi/j
bbAV. «VU1MV. SalJby-r"“-M-BKllVit MUKO CU iMT-riTnrr^.r-^rwt
For sale In O’Nom, Neb., by MOUUIS & CO., Drnggiata.
. J
Great Prise Contest.
f tpil
ist Prize, KiM ABE PBAMO, style
2d Prize, Cash, -
3d Priro, Cash,
10 C;;3h Prizes,
;B Cnrih Prizes,
each $20,
each $10,
23 Prizes, - - - $1300
Tin' tirst prize will be given to the person who constructs the shortest
senlenre. in Knglish, containing all the letters In the alphnbct. The other
prizes will go in regular order to those competitors whose sentences stand
next in point of brevity. •
The length of a sentence is to be measured by the number of lett-r < it
m'iilns, and each contestant must indicate by figures at the clos** of ilis
J s-'tiieiirr .’msi. how long it is. The seulence must have «ome ineanin •,
j ognioii.eal nntiU's and names of persons cannot bu used. Tip* con'<s'.
■j clos •» February loth, ISBB. and the results will be published one wee ;
i ter in cast; two nr mice prize-winning sentences are eipiaity -short lie
- mie firs'., received will bo given preference. Kvery competitor whose
.! M-nteixv is less than 110 letters in length will receive tVilkie Collins’ work
in paper cover, including twelve complete novels, whether lie wins a prize
>r not. No contestant can enter more than one sentence nor combine with
>!i r rompeiiiors Resiilonls of Omaha are not permitted to take imv
rt. I’r ly or indirectly, in 111 is contest, Piano now on exhibition at
: ' I’.ro:;.' Music Store, Omaha, Neb.
T.iis retnarkiilily liberal offer is made by the Weekly Would-Heualu,
j which the distinguished ex-congressman,
: WiLUda <i. BiiYu’i, is Editsr,
’ id ii is required that each competing sentence be enclosed with one dollar
4 or .i year's subscription. The Weekly Would-II kuald is issued in semi
J weekly sections, end lienee is nearly as good as a daily. It is the western
3 champion of free silver coinage and the leading family newspaper of
“j Nebraska. Address,
g Wep.K'ii World-ftera>d. Omatifl. Nnb.
CQ Chlcheator’ft ICiiftiUk Diamond It rand.
original ana only Genuine.
3*rc, Mlwayx nliuble. ukoica ask
Uruggtst for Chichester 9 JCnqlieh I>ia-,
.m<md Brntul In Uvd and Void metallic'
lltoxcH. staled with blue ribbon. Take
Sjno of hen Iirfn*r dangerou* tubstitu- y
fr turns and imitation». Ai Druggist*, or send 4<S.
r in stamp* for rmrticul*™. testimonials and
} “Itelluf for Ladle*/* in letter, by return
' — *"/ rhlchc«terCfcemiculCo..llaji»on Square*
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