The Frontier. XtXBUSIIED EVERY THURSDAY BY THE FRONTIER PRINTING COMPANY ^ ; KING ft CRONIN. Editors. Buffalo county’s treasurer furnished • 1100,000 bond signed by the Fidelity Guarantee company of Baltimore. Holt, how about you? --« - Atkinson papers foolishly attempted to suppress the story of the egging epi sode, neither of them having a word to say concerning it. Might as well print the news, boys; murder will out. ..The town of Plalnview has decided to appropriate fl.000 to send an envoy to Great Britain to confer with Lord Salisbury in the interests of peace. Thus the scene of trouble shifts from the white house to Plalnview. Thb new county board meets next Tuesday; then we shall see whether the printing contract is let to the lowest bidder. Such a course would not nec essarily Indicate that the pop majority loved the Jew less, but Holt more. Now that some more suspected cattle thieves are in the toils the county purse might as well prepare itself for a severe drain through the tap of court expenses. We trust that no guilty one may escape deserved punishment. As the parties under arrest are all populists it is safe to predict that there will be no lynching. Qua good friend June* Cavanaugh, of the Sioux City Advocate saya: "By the removal of the ambiguities that sur round questions of political economy their comprehension becomes a very simple task.” You have our permission and request to begin the "removal" op erations at once, James. Tama of it, you people In (he rainy, foggy malaria-haunted region of the southland, January In Nebraska without a flake of snow, a breath of wind or a sign of a cloud, Ice too soft for saking, no fires In half tho houses and doors open for the purpose of admitting cool air—not light. There is no country but Nebraska, all others are imitations. Thb Bun says the republican party is responsible for the law authorizing a bounty for beet sugar. The republican party is quite willing to plead guilty to the Charge, but what la the Sun going to do with its populist senator who voted aye when the bill came up for passage and agian voted-aye when It came up for passage over the governor’s veto? OovBBiton Holcomb made a great mistake in not filling all the appointive offices under his control with Custer county pop patriots, if he ever had any future political aspirations. Now there is Colonel Webb, who has perspired in the cause of grief and desolation, stab bing the governot under the fifth rib at every opportunity because he was over looked when the patronage pie was passed around. The great drawback to the successful perpetuation of popu llsim la the lack of offices to go around among the faithful.—Custer County Republican. " Thi Omaha World Herald, which in this instance )■ without doubt good au . tborlty, says: Governor Holcomb will be acandi •dale for the popaliat congreaeional nom ination in the Sixth diatrict. That baa already been determined upon. He will C undoubtedly receive the nomination. The conteet then will be between Hol comb and the republican nominee. The republicana have aeveral atrong men in that diatrict and it ia admitted that in order to defeat Holcomb tbe republicana ,'tnuat nominate their strongest man. ;S„. If Holcomb baa decided to become a candidate for congreaa the worda of Idgerton to the effect that the future of the populist party in Nebraska depended upon the election of Maxwell, have been fully Verified. Holcomb !a tbe only logleel Candidate the populists couldwive fW governor, and when thiqf permit Mm Ain tire from the field and compete for .a vlqr doubtful pries In tbe Sixth it ie relevint evidence that they consider the state aafely republican in ,189fi. And it la. - Tun Blair Leader polnta to the faot Tom MaJora received more votea •or goVernor than any other republican candidate—with one exception—aince the organixation of the elate, end ears tbia ia evidence that the boye who aay MaJora waa a poor man to make the race, do not know what they are talking about. Of courae theee figurea are oom . toning to a defeated candidate, but they do not by any manner of meanc prove that he received the republican vote. He did not and we all know it. Repub licans cut Majore right and left, and ' While we begged them to not do it, we could not find it in our bearta to can aure them after they did. We believe , fully one-third of the republican vote 'received by Mejora waa cut under pro - feet. Even hia warmest frienda felt that ,, hie nomination wu a bad thing and were anxioue u to the reaulta. It wu ' not major’s popularity or attainmente . that secured for him the nomination in the first place; it wu Rosewater's oppo sition and the splendid opportunity to V make him eat crow. Majore wu the • crow. The party hu paid dearly for its folly in that instance and it occurs to ua •that it ie time to cease this twaddle about his splendid run in this “magnlfi pent commonwealth of ours.** Ins big Sixth congressional district is likely to be the field of a brisk contest among republicans in the convention. The number of candidates is proof that the republicans feel able to wipe out the pops headed by Governor Holcomb. Among the possible candidates before the convention are W. R. Akers of Ger ing, Matt Daugherty of Ogalalla, Judge Kinkaid of O'Neill, Frank Becman of Kearney, Fred Dorrington of Alliance and A. E. Cady of St. Paul. Senator Akers is an avowed candidate, and very recently Mr. Cady has signified bis will ingness to accept a nomination. Popu lists do not think Governor Holcomb ought to leave his chosen path, even though it is certain to lead him to defeat, and enter the race for congress, but ir seems certain that he will. In his own party be will probably be opposed by Judge Neville and T. Fulton Gantt of North Platte, Senator Stewart of Dawes county, and perhaps by Bill Greene, but that was not in the bargain when the governor helped Bill onto the district bench.—State Journal. Tbb trend of state political affairs thus early indicates to us that the ma chine fellows are in training to again capture the works. Tub Fuontiku does not like a man who sits away back in the wilderness, far removed from the scene of battle and the crowd’s ignoble strife, and croaks of machines and ring sters and venal vampires and such, but it seems to us that the most unobserviug can observe that there is a set of men acting today as party leaders in Ne braska, who have material interests other than the party’s good; men who like to be elected to office by the indi vidual suffrages of partisans, but when once seated on the throne forget who they are or from whence they came and put on airs and act as petty tyrants; trade off the patronage of their offices In the market that offers them the greatest bargains and never once suffer themselves to think of the duty they owe the organization which exalted them. Some such people are holding office in the state today and others have aspirations. They are the class Tub Fbobtibr desires to see pitched head long into the darkness of oblivion and men chosen in their stead who will not sacrifice their party and themselves for a few measly, microbe-infected dollars. Give ms a little statesmanship and not quite s* much auctioneering. O’NEILLBUSINESS DIRECTORY JJIt. J. P. GILLIGAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Holt County bank building. Strangers, those living at a distance, and night calls must be cash in advance. O’NEILL, * • NEB. ATTORNEY AT LAW Beferanee First National Bank O'NEILL, NEB. pit. EDWARD S. FIT RAY, PHYSIC AN AND SURGEON. Day and night call* promptly attended to. OBoe over First National Bank. O'NEILL NEB. y n, BENEDICT, M;; LAWYER, v •- . •: k- ■ •• • OOoe la tho Judge Boberta building, north o( O. O. Snyder's lumber yard, O NEILL, NEB. R. BUTLER, ATTORNEY AT-LAW. Agent for Union Trust Go’s land In Bolt Bounty. Will practice in all the oourts. Special at tentkm given to foreclosures and ooltecttons JJR B. T. TRUEBLOOD PHYSICIAN A SURGEON Diseases of the Eye aad Ear and Bttlng glasses a specialty. OOoe hours »to IS a. m. andCtotp. m. . OOoe first door west of Belnertkson’s A. J HAMMOND ABSRACT £0 Successors to R. R. DI0K80N A CO. Abstracters of Titles. Complete set of Abstract Books. Terms reasonable, and absolute ac curcy guaranteed, for which we have given a $10,000 bond as required under the law. Correspondence Boliced O’NEILL. HOLT COUNTY NEB. GEO. L. CARTER. Commission Merchant. Hay, Grain, Mill Stuffs, Cotton Seed Meal, Apples, Potatoes, Etc. SPECIAL Attention to Consignments of HAY, REFERENCES: American Exchange Hunk. Lincoln Savings Bank. Merchants Bank, Any It. It. Agent In Lincoln. (Telephone 382) LINCOLN, - NEB. Purchase Tiokats and Consign your Freight via tha F. E.&M.V.andS.C.&P RAILROADS. TRAINS DEPARTi GOING EAST. ' Passenger east, • 9:20 a. m Freight east, - 10:80 a. m Freight east, • - 2:10 p. m. GOING VEST. Freight west, - 2:10 p. m Passenger west, • 9:27 p. m Freight, • - 2:10 p. m. The Elkhorn Line is now running Reclining Ohalr Cara dally, between Omaha and Dead wood, tree to holders of first-class transpor tatlou. Far any Information call on W* J. DOBBS, Agt. O’NEILL. NEB. O’CONNOR & GALLAGHER j IN Of all kinds. A specialty made of FINE CIGARS. If you want a drink of good liquor do not fall to call on us. Checker® Barn, B. A. DeYARMAN, Manager. CHECKER WWPPTIHH Livery, Feed and Sole Stable. Finest turnouts in the eity. Good, careful drivors when wanted. Aho run the O’Neill Omnibus line. Commercial trade a specialty. THE TRIBUNE For Telegraph, Local, General, State and Foreign News. Market Complete -THE SIOUX CITY DAILY TRIBUNE W Per Year. SO Cents Per Month. QUICKEST AND BEST MAIL SERVICE Address: THE TRIBUNE. Sub. Dept. Stoux City, Iowa. HOTEL -—JAVANS Enlarged , Refurnished Refitted Only First-class Hotel In the City. W. T. EVANS, Prop. NEW YORK..,. • ILLUSTRATED NEWS The Organ ofj Honest Snort In America ALL THE SENSATIONS OF THE DAY PICTURED IT THE FOREMOST ARTISTS OF THE COUNTRY — Life in New Yotk Graphically Illustrated. Breezy but Respectable. ** FOR A YEAR, $2 FOR SIX MONTHS « Do you want to be posted? Then send your subscription to the * SEW THE BURUBD IEW8, 3 PARK PLACE^ NEW YORK CITY. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. Sioux City, O’Neill and Western Railway (PACIFIC SHORT LINE) THE SHORT ROUTE BETWEEN SIOUX ClTY and Jackson, Laurel, Randolph, Os mond,i Plainview, O'Neill. Connects at Sioux City with all diverging lines, landing passengers In RKW UNION PASSENGER STATION Homeseekers will find golden opportun ities along this line. Investigate before going elsewhere. THE CORN BELT OF AMERICA bles, or otner Information address W. B.MoNIDER, Gen’l Pons. Agent, For rates, tlmo t call J o Receiver. THE NEW DONAHOE’S /s combating Religious Prejudice and economic injustice, and helping Catholics and Protestants to under stand each other better. THE NEW DONAHOE’S Is brilliant without being super ficial. instructive without being heavy, popular without being’ trival. THE NEW DONAHOE’S Will delight every American Catho lic and interest every thoughtful Protestant. Only $2.00 a year. Write for sample copy DONAHOE'S MAGAZINE CO. 611 WASHINGTON ST., BOSTON MASS. P. D. A J. P. MULLEN, PROPRIETORS OF TBS RED - FRONT GOOD TEAMS, NEW RIGS Prices Reasonable. ■aat of MeCnfferto'a. O' NEILL, NEB. I A BIG REWARD Rewards—usually—come i to those who investigate: | The best Beaver overcoat (with velvet collar) that could be i bought in this western country for $8—same thing here $4.75. | The best possible Patent Beaver overcoat (velvet collar) any | body could buy $10—is to be had here for $6.75 i [ The best thing for an ulster to be had for $7.50, here only $4, | and an all wool suit for $4.75. j And all we ask is for yon to investigate—Our goods are not | only that cheap, but better made, better trimmed and better ap | pearing. | Of course we prefer to deal with you in our store, but if you | can t come we will send you anything you order. If it aint just as | we represent it your money goes back to you by the next train, i That’s the kind of a concern we are. ELKHORN valley PLOW FACTOBYt„„ O’NEILL, NEB. EMIL SNIGG8, Prop. .... Manufactures the Hamnell Open Mould-Board Stirring Plow. Also general blacksmithing and practical horseshoer. Wagon and Carriage woodwork carried on in connection. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. Also dealer in Farm Implements. Handles the Scandi implements and the Plano Bakes, Mowers and Binders. Parties wishing anything in this line call and see me. G. W. WATTLES, President. ANDREW RUSSELL, V-Pres. JOHN McHUGH, Cashier. THE ■ STATE - BANK. OF O'NEILr,. CAPITAL $30,000. Prompt Attention Given to Collections DO A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Chicago Lumber Yard Headquarters for . . . LUMBER --COAL AND BUILDING MATERIAL The Stock is dry, being cured By the largest dry-sheds in the world. (O'Neill, Yards/ Page, I Alien. 0.0. SNYDER & GO. ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR T© WESTERN Deccriptive of the West and Devoted to litigation. AMERICA. G A T I O N W O r * A Western Magazine devoted to Western Intetests Western Literature and Western Developement Through Irrigation OP AND FOR i THE WEST ■ Send' roc. for Sample Copy Howell Publishing Co. OMAHA. NEB. D I V E R S I F I C A T I O N FACTS AND FIGURES.