, '“I . Short Lino Time Cord. Passenger leave* 9:59 a. m., arrives Ua5S •». k. ; freight leaves 8:45 p. m., ar . rire 6:85 p. x. Daily except Sunday. TO IHI PUBLIC: • We wish to call yonr attention to the J? fact that the Pacific Shost Line is again > making through train connection at O’Neill. East bound train leave* O'Neill at 9:55 a. x., immediately after arrival of . train from Black Hills and reaches Sioux City at 9:35 p. m. This is affording a p through route to all poinis in North eastern Nebraska, and saving three hours time to Sioux City. Depots at . O’Neill nre only a block apart and you ■ need not be afraid of missing connection. ' Buy local tickets to O'Neill and re-buy IP ■ there. 21-tf NOTICE TO rABXXBS: The Elkhorn Irrigation Company will . furnish land,seed and water for one - third of the crop, to farmers who will put a sod crop in under their irrigation canal during the cropping season of 1890. Parties wishing to contract will please call at the company’s office and /:. learn details. All contracts must be closed by January 1st. 19-tf. E motors Irrigation Company. An Old Soldier’! Seeommindatlon. In tbo Into war I «u a soldier in the First Maryland Volunteers, company O. During my term of service I contracted chronic diarrbcea. Since then I have used a great amount of medicine, but when I found any that would give me j relief it would injure my stomech, until' Chamberlain’s Colio, Cholera and Diar rhoea remedy was brought to my notice. I used it and will say it is the only remedy that gave me permanent relief and no bad results follow. 1 take pleas ure in recommending this preparation to aU of my old comrades, who, while :. giving their services to their country, contracted this dreadful disease as I did, from eating unwholsome and uncooked food. Yours truly, A. £. Bnnoino, Baieey, Oregon. For sale by P. C. Corrigan, druggist. DeWitl’s Sarsaparilla Is prepared for cleansing the blood. It builds up and strengthens constitutions impaired . by disease. For sale by Morris and Co. >;.• Druggists. _ The east bound passenger on the Pa clflo Short line now leaves O’Neill 9:05 a. m., making connections with trains from the weet. Q. W. Smith, Agent. >v A. O. Bartley of Magic, Pa., writes:' ’ I feel it a duty of miue to inform you : and the public that DeWItt’s Witch Haael Salve cured me of a very bad cate of enema. It also cured my boy of a running sore, on his leg. For tale by Morris and Co. Druggists. It ie a truth in medicine that the small est dose that performs a cure is the best. DeWItt’s Little Early Risers are the smallest pills, will peforrn a cure, and j are the beat. Fnr sale by Morris and Co. Druggists. ' Acts at once never fails, One Minute ' Cough Cure. A remedy tor asthma, and that feverish condition which ac , companies a severe cold. The only | -/ harmless remedy that produces imme ‘ diate results. For sale by Morris and Co. Druggists. The healing properties of DeWitt’e Witch Hesel 8*1 re are well known. It cures ecxema, akin affections and Is sim ply a perfect remedy for piles. For sale i.'. by Morris and Co. Druggists. ; It's Just as easy to try One Minute Gough Cure as any thing else. It’, , easier to cure a severe cough or cold with it. Let your neat purchase for a • cough be One Minute Cough Cure Better medicine; better results; better try it. For sale by Morris and Co. | Druggists. __ ' . Nothing so distressing as a hacking . cough. Nothing so foolish as to suffer .from it. Nothing so dangerous if al / lowed to continue. One Minute Clough , Cure gives immediate'' relief. For sale by Morris and Co, Druggists. > Bay, why don’t you try DeWiU’s '■> Little Early BisersT These little pills cute headache, indigestion and conatl ; . potion. They’re small, but do the work. For sale by Morris and Co. Druggists. There are many good reasons why yon should use One Minute Cough Cure. There are no reasons why you should not, if in need of help. The only harm lees remedy that produces immediate results. For sale by Morris and Co. Awarded Honors—World’s Pair, ■DR' ■ CREAM ■ BAKING PfWMR , MOST PERFECT MADE, i A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free P*mn Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant H 40 YBAIf THE STANDARD. r.lpS53T| ABULES! REGULATE THE 8T0MACH, UVER AND BOWELS AND PURIFY THE BLOOD. KlPARg TABVLKS are (he heat Medl. elne knows for Iadljr««tU», Blllouneti* Head achr.C'onAtIpatloa, Dyspepsia,C'hronlo Liver Trouble*, Ulxilncu, Hod Complexion, Ry*e«tery, Offen.lvo Breath, and all dis order* of the Stomach, Wvtr and Rowels* Rlpans Tabnlcs contain nothin? injurious to the most delicate constitution. Aro pleasant to take, safe, effectual, and gire imraediMte relief. Frioe—60 cents per box. May bo ordered through nearest druggist, or of mall. Bampla Vial, 10 cents. Address THE RIPAN8 CHEMICAL CO.# 10 SPRUCE STREET, NEW YORK CITY. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. HOLT IN THE HTSTRIOT COURT OF COUNTY. NEBRASKA C. I Kuwllng, plaintiff, vs Alfred Procourt, defendant. Notice to Non-resident Defendant. To Alfred Precourt: You are horoby noti fied that on the 3!st day of December, I8»5, the above named plaintiff, C. I. Bawling, Bled In the office of the district court of the state of Nebraska, In and for Holt county, hi. petition against you, tho object and prayer of which Is to foreclose a certain mortgage executed and delivered by you to plaintiff on tho 2flth day of November, 1888. to secure the payment of *400.00 and Interest the following described premises I upon the following described premises to wlt: The northwest quarter of section num ber twenty-nine, In township number thirty one. north of range number thirteen, west, of the 0th p. M.. in Holt county. Nebraska, and Bled for record in tho office of t lie county clerk of Holt county, Nobrasku, on the 20th day of November, 1880, and recorded In book twenty of mortgages at page number 22(1. Plstn'lff furthor alleges that there is nowdue and owing upon the notes that said mortgage was given to socuro and for taxes paid to protect his seourlty, the sum of 81.000,0(1. You aro further notified that unless yon answer said petition on or before the 10t h day of February, 1800, the petition of plaintiff ■will be taken as truo and judgment and decree entered accordingly. Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this 31st day of December, 1806. 28-4 C. I. B'Wtlsa, Plaintiff. By B. W. Johnson and E, H. Benedict, His Attorneys. In the District Court of Holt county, Neb. Robert H. Dickson, plaintiff, vs. Ann Brennan, John T. Smith and D. R. Dickson, defendants. NOTICE. Tho above named defendants and each of them will take notice that on the aist day of December, 189S, the above named plaintiff filed his petition In the district oourtof llolt county, Nebraska, against you und each of you, the object und prayer of said petition being to foreclose a certain tax sale certi ficate. Issued by the county treasurer of Holt county. Nebraska, to him on the 8th day of May. 18011, for the delinquent taxes on lot twenty-one, In block twonty-one. In the city of O'Neill. In the oounty of Holt and state of Nebraska. Bald certificate being for delin quent taxes on said lot tor the year 1890, also to foreclose certain tax sale receipts Issued to the plaintiff on tho 8th day of May, 18!i;i, and the 18th day of December. 1394, for the delinquent taxes on said lot for the years 1801,1802 and 188B. Plaintiff alleges that he Is the owner of said certificate and receipts and that the same on the several dates become and still are a lien on said lot and that there is due him by reason of said sale and subsequent taxes paid tho sum of *100 00, together with the sum of $10.00 attorney fees. The plaintiff pruys for decree declaring said taxes to be a first lieu on said premises and prays that the defendants be required to pay the same or that said premises may be i sold to satisfy the amount due, and further ! prays that the Interest of each and all the defendants may be decreed to bo subject. Junior and Inferior to plaintiff's lien. Yop arc required to answer said petition on or before the lllth day of February. 1800. Dated this 30tli day of December, 180,>. 20-4 R. B. Dickson. Plaintiff. In the District Court of Holt county. Neb. O.C. Cuyler, Benjamin Graham and James Orr, plaintiffs. vs. James K. Jones and wife, Barnh Jane Jones BIletG. Drake and wife. Nellie M. Drake Globe In vestment Company, a corporation, H. A. Wyman, as reoelver of the Globe In vestment Company, Dakota Mortgage Loan Corporation aud 11. Bust, defendants. „ NOTICE. The above named defendants will take notice that on tho second day of January. 1893. the above named plaintiffs filed tlielr petition In the district court of Holt countv Nebraska, against tho above named defend ants. The object nud prnyer of said petition being to foreclose a certain mortgage deed executed by the defendants, James K. Jones and wife. Surali Jane Jones, to the Dakota Mortgage Loan Corporation, upon tho follow ing described real estate, situated In Holt county. Nebraska, to-wlt! The northeast quarter of section twenty threc, township thirty-one, rango ten. west or the Bth i*. m.. said mortguge deed being given to secure the payment of a certain note or bond of fTOO.UI. dated February 18, 1888. due March 1,1893. Plaintiffs allege that they are the owners of said bond and mortgage deed, and that there Is now due tliereon. the sum of tl,01)0.00 for which sum with Interest from this date, plaintiffs pray for a decree that the defendants be required to pay the sumo or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. Plaintiffs also pray that the lien or Interest of the defendants. If any they have In said premises, bo decreed to be subject to the lieu of plaintiffs mortgage and for other equitable relief. You are required to answer said petition on or before tlie loth day of February. lKos. Dated this 2nd day of January, 1890. **•* ., H. K. Dickson. . Attorney for Plaintiff. lit the County Court of HoJt county, ^cb. Lydia J. DeYamau, plaintiff, vs. Charles Odell, defendant. NOTICK. Charles Odell will take notice that on the S3rd day of December. ISOS, O. A. MeCutchun, oounty judge of Holt county, Nebraska, Issued an order of attachment for the sum of —-v. V. »v««vuuivi,.o,a." or February, li Dated this 30th aay of December 1S«5. . H. K. Dickson. Attorney for Plaintiff. • ir. In the District Court of HoltCnunty, Neb. Mery Smith, Plaintiff, v*. John Smith, Defendant. NOTICE. To John Smith, non-resident defendant. You are hereby notified that on the 31st •lay of October. 1895, Mary Smith filed a peti tion against you. In tho district court of Molt county, Nebraska, the object and pray er of which aro obtain a decree In said ac tion separating her from your bed and board on the ground* that you have been guilty of cruel and inhuman treatment toward the plaintiff and her minor children. In this, that on the 22d day of August. 1895. that you without any cause or provocation, struck the plaintiff In tho liwe with your fist, and that on the 29th day of October, 1895, you with out cause or provocation struck the plaintiff with a wooden bench, and on the 20th day of July. 1895, that you struck the plaintiff with a rope, and that for the past ten years, dates unknown to plaintiff, and at least once a month during that time you have without cause or provocation beat and bruised tho plaintiff and her minor children and that during the past ten years, dates unknown to tho plaintiff at this time, that you have fre quently abused the plaintiff and her minor children by calling them vile. Indecent and abusive names, and have threatened their lives. Plaintiff prays in said petition for the custody and control of tho minor children, to-wlt: John Smith. Louis Smith and Ella Smith, and alloges that you are a man of vicious and vulgar habits and unfit to have tho cure and custody of said children. Plaintiff also asks In said petition for a de cree separating her from your bed and board and tbat you be restrained, enjoined and Krohlblted from Imposing any restraint on er persons! liberty or that of her minor children during tho pendency of this cause, and that you bo restrained from removing or disposing of any of the personal property or household effects, situated on the south-west quarter of section thirty-live (35), township thirty (30), range fifteen (15). In Holt comity. Nebraska; also prays that, you be enjoined und restrained from Interfering with her pos session of tho above described land during the pendency of this notion. Plaintiff alleges In said petition that you aro the owner of personal property of the value of (095 and real estate of tho value of (250(1 all In Ilolt county, Neb., all of which Is unincumbered, and that you owe not to ex oeed 1175. Plaintiff prays that you bo decreed to pay her reasonable alimony for the maintain once of herself and her children and for their education, and for such other relief as equity may require. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the 13 th day of January, Dated at O’Neill. Neb., December 2.1895. j®-* Mabv Smith, Plaintiff. By K. R. Dlokson. her attorney. NOTICK TO NON-HESIDENT DEFEND ANTS. No. B8I0. Marian W. Barnett, William L. 'Weller and Mary Weller, bi9 wife, will take notice that on the 18th duy of December, 1895, Edward B. (Saskoll, executor of the last will and testa ment of Mrs. E. K. Haskell, deceased, filed his amended and substituted petition In the district court of the county of Holt, state of Nebraska, RKalnst said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by Marian W. Barnett and DruslUuJ. Barnett to the Ameri can Loan and Trust Cooutprtiy, on .rune 1, 1887, upon the nortlieust quarter of section seventeen (17,) township thirty-two (83,) range eleven (11,) In the county of Holt, stare of Nebraska, to securo the payment of a mort gage bond for the sum of *500.00 with coupons attached, duo and payable June 1.1892, which said bond and mortgage were duly assigned tor value before maturity to Mrs. E. R. Has kell, and tnat the plaintiff Is the duly ap pointed, acting and qualified executor of tho last will and testament of Mrs. E. R. Oaskoll, deceased. Plaintiff alleges that there is now due und payable upon said mortgage In debtedness from tho defendants to the plain tiff the sum of $517.50, with interest at ten per cent from December J. 1894, and prays for a decree that defendants be required to pay said sum, with Interest and coBts. and In de fault thereof, that the said mortgaged Sremises may be sold to satisfy the amount tie, with Interest und costs. You and each of you are required to answer said petition on or beforo the 3rd-day of February, 1808. _26-4 Edward B. Gaskelt., Executor of the last will and testumept of Mrs. E. U. Oaskoll, deceased, plaintiff. By E. H. Benedict and Montgomery & {fall, Attorneys. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at O’Neit.d, Neb., I „ November 28, 1805. I Notice is hereby given that tho following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at O’Neill, Neb., on January 4,1800. Vis: P. E. Chase, guardian of tho minor heirs of Jacob L. Harper, deceased, H. E. No. 14894, for the 8E SW!£ See. 19, Twp. 28n, range 9w, He names the following witnesses to rrove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: Robert Oray, Oeorgo E. Hunter, Doran Hunt, Alaska Lines all of Page, Neb. 21-8 John A. Harmon, Register. NOTICE. To Whom It May Concern: Notice Is hereby given that tho Elkhorn Irrigation and Land Company was organized on the 8th day of November, A. D. 1895, under and In accordance with the laws of tho state of Nebraska, made and provided. Its principal place of transacting business Is O’Neill, llolt county, Nebraska. The general nature of the business to be transacted Is toconstruct.purchase.leaseand maintain Irrigation canals, laterals, ditches, reservoirs, and especially to lease,maintain control and operate the rights, franchises and property of the Klkborn irrigation com pany, O Neill, Neb., and to furnish water for Irrigation, power, stook and domestic pur foses, und to carry on a general irrigation, arming and stockralslug business. Also to own. buy, sell attd convey real estate lying under attd contiguous to Its Irrigation cauul or cauuls. Tho amount of unthorlzcd capital stock of said company Is *150.000, divided Into 1500 shares of $100 each, (5,000 of which was sub scribed and ten per cent, paid In before beginning business. Bald corporation began business November 13, 1895, and Is to continue In business for ntncty-ninc years unless sooner dissolved by due process of law. The highest amount of Indebtedness said corporation can at any time subjeot itself shall uot exceed two-thirds of Its capital steek. ' The business of said corporation shall be conducted by a board of directors, from whoso numbers shall bo elected a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer and such other otlioers as shall be deemed advlsuble by said directors. 24-4 THE ELKHORN IRRIGATION AND LAND COMPANY. [SKAt-l _ , NOTICE. In the matter of the application of Thomas Simonson and wife, Carlin Simonson, to have all of section 3, township 30, range 11, west of the 0th p. m. in Holt county. Ne braska, excluded and taken from the Gol den Irrigation District. Notice is hereby given that on the 10th day of September, IMIS, the above named Thomas Simonson and wife, Carlin Simonson, as peti tioners, Hied tliolr petition with tho board of directors of tho Golden Irrigation district, praying in said petition that all of section three (3), township thirty <80 >, range eleven (11) west of the tttn p. m. in Holt county, Ne braska, and situated within the boundaries of said irrigation district, and constituting a part thereof, be excluded and taken lrom said district for tho reason that none of said land can be irrigated to advantage and witii pi off t, for the reason that a tart thereof is rough and rolling and not subject to Irriga tion and that the balance of said land Is so situated that it does not require Irrigation for successful farming, and that none of said traot of land is under cultivation, ex cept aliout ninety acres, and that the re maining part of said tract is used for hay and pasture land only, amt said petloners < pray that said lands be exoluded and taken from satd district and that the boundaries of ' said district be so changed. Notice is hereby given to all persons in terested in, or that may be affected by the 1 exclusion and taking from said district said I lands, or that may be affected by such 1 obunge of the boundary of satd district to appear at the office of the board of directors of said Golden Irrigation District, in the city of O'Neill, Nebraska, on the 7th day of Jan uary, 1893, at 10 o'clock a. m. of Bald day (that being the regular meeting of said tioard) and show cause in writing, if any they have, why said lands shall not be excluded and taken from raid district as proposed in said petition and show cause why the change in the boundaries of said district ss proposed in said petition should not bo made. Dated at O'Neill. Neb., this lith day of December. 1885. (seal) K. B Drain, Secretary of the Golden Irrigation District i THE FRONTIER is the OLDEST PAPER 1 • and the i ,,J * ' r ‘ ’ ■' '; ' V BEST PAPER i in HOLT COUNY. > — . Its office is fitted with the most most modern convenien ces and machinery, always has the latest faces of type, the best workmen, and is thereby enable^ to turn out the most satisfactory kind of job work. Its management uses none but the best paper, are scrupu neat and prompt with their work and guarantee satisfac tion. Mail , orders receive- - careful attention, and if your home paper is not prepared to do all classes of work you will find it to your financial benefit to communicate with The Frontier. The Frontier Carries a very complete line of legal blanks and sells them reasonably cheap. If we do not have what you want we will print it almost as you wait. As an Advertising fledium It is the be3t in the county, especially at the county seat. It circulates among the best class of people; a class that pays for what it gets and does not patronize non-residents, as does a certain portion of the people in the west. ' Its rates for advertising are very low, aud the business man who does not advertise in it is loser more than he dreams of. If you want To subscribe for The Frontier and any other paper or maga zine published on earth we will give you a rate and save you money. We have clubbing rates with the lead ing publications ot the world. Call on or address ••THE FRONTHER” O’NEILL, NEB.