TARIFF BILL PASSED. THE HOUSE EMERGENCY BILL PUT THROUGH. It P»hm by » Strictly Forty Vote—Re publicans Adopted an Iron Cla600 amendments, had been passed through the House after only two hours’ de bate and under a rule reported by Mr. „ Crisp himself. He appealed to the House to rise to the patriotic level w necessary to meet the emergency and come to the President's aid. Mr. McMillen, Democrat, of Ten nessee. replying to Mr. Dalzell, said that the difference was found in that fact that there had been elaborate .hearings before the ways and means committee before the Wilson bill was passed. The present hill had been completed Christmas day, when there was no opportunity to consult the treasury officials, and he declared that there had been no opportunity toeven read the bill. He complained of the cracking of the party whip, and said in conclusion that the same power which had asserted itself after the Fifty-first Congress would again be ,. heard from after this exercise of party • power. Mr" Turner, Democrat, of Georgia called attention to the fact that, both .Mr. .Cleveland and'Mr. Carlisle, whom he extolled as the greatest Secretary - of the Treasury sfnee the days of Alexander Hamilton, had given Con gress the highest assurance that there was ample revenue in the Treasury, Both the President and the Secretary of the Treasury had pointed out the evil in the financial situation and its remedy. Everybody understood the stress existing. And what was to be the responses of Congress? Before all remedial legislation it was proposed to put a (iroposition to still further > bleed and tax the American people. HENDERSON AROUSES ENTHUSIASM. Mr. Henderson closed the debate in a speech which aroused tho Republi can side to great enthusiasm. There was, he said, a business matter for a business people and should be met in a .business way. The Republicans were not afraid to assume responsi bility. His side had been taunted with working on a holiday. If the situation demanded it they would work on Sunday. (Republican applause.) Democratic politicians had emptied the treasury. Republican politicians would fill it. They would right the ship of state that had been plunging half seas ander since the Democratic . party assumed the bridge. A Demo cratic President had sent to Congress a declaration of war and three days afterward had filed a petition of bank ruptcy. (Republican applause.) “We are not for war,” continued Mr. Henderson. “The President demanded money. We will give it to him. But we have not declared war, although war will find as ready. I,et not the business interests of the country shiver before this tempest ia a teapot. Tho country lias assets. The Republican party has returned to power in the legislative branch of the government. It will soon have the executive, and then never again will our integrity be put in question. The Democrats ‘had nq right to complain of whip and spur and gag after their proceedings on the Wilson bill ” NO AMENDMENTS PERMITTED. At this point Mr. Linney of North Carolina, after stating that, as a Re publican, he favored the measure, , asked if the rule committee order f would not extend to Democrats the privilege of offering amendments be v< fore the vote was taken. “It will not,” replied Mr. Hender son. The Democrats applauded this reply and Mr. Crisp affirmed that the truth regarding the purnose of the rule had only been half elicited by this question and response. Its ob iect. h<*. said WO* no*. (,nlw *n in bonds to protect the geld re serve, with the provision tbst the cur rency redeemed by the proceeds shall not be paid out for current deficits in the revenue unless the expenses of the government are in excess of the rev- , enues, which it is expected they will not be if the first bill is in operation. In addition, the second bill will pro vide for ptci.ed,bu 1 as Cranberries—t ape Cod, pr.bbl 8 00 Hay—Upland, per ton. 6 SO Onions -Perbu. 30 Broom Corn—Green, per ft,. 2 Hors—Mixed packing. 3 SI Hogs—Heavy Weights.3 40 Beeves—Stockers and feeders. 2 40 Beef Steers . 2 15 Bulls. 1 90 Stags. 1 75 Calvea.'. 2 00 Uxen.2 90 Cows . 1 SO Heifers.:.* 00 Westerns. 3 00 rBeep—Lamb*. 3 00 Sheep— Mixed natives. 2 23 CHICAGO. Wheat—No. 2 spring. Corn—Per bu. Oats—Per bu. 1914 Pork. 8 00 Lard. 8 30 i attlo—Westsrn range ateers. 3 90 Christmas Beeves—. 4 73 Hogs—Averages. . 3 80 Sheep—Lambs. 4 80 Sheep—Westerns. 2 80 NEW YORK. Wheat—No. 7, red winter. <8 < orn No. 2,. 33 Oats-No. 2. 22 Pork-.10 00 Lard-. 8 00 ST. LOUIS. Wheat—No. 2 red, cash. (3! Com—Per bu. 23 Oats—Perbu. 18 Hogs—Mined pocking.. 3 23 Cattle—Native sterrs. 3 28 Sheep—Natives. 2 23 KANSAS CITY. Wheat—No. 8 hard. . 8# Corn—Nat. 23 Oats—No. 2. 18 Cattl —Stockersand feeders.. 2 60 Hogs-Mixed Packers. 8 00 bheop—Lambs. 3 00 t 8 fcr Improved Filtering Fvaatl. A French photographer hna patented an Improved filtering funnel for the use of chemists and drnggiits Those whose labors include the purifying by filtration of different combinations of fluids are frequently annoyed by the tenacity with which the fitter paper adheres to the inside of the ordinary glass filtering funnet as soon as wet, thus impeding the firee passage of the liquid through the paper, and concen trating the whole filtering proaeaa at the lower apex of the cone. The new funnel has irregular corrngations or grooves extending over the entire in side, and intersecting each other in ir regular series, which renders it impos sible for the paper to eling to much of the surface, and thus brings the whole surface of the paper Into action. Camphor Ice with Olyaerlae, When a man-hating woman finally falls in love, it hurts hsr worse thanany other Mad. • 'I -I'V Red Blood Hood’s Sarsaparilla Hood’s Pills cure all Liver Ills. Scoots It’s your money and your drea» that you want to sdve, but yor can’t save either by using’ cheap trashy binding.’ Pay a '' few cents more and get which last as long as the skirt Look for “S. H. A M." * on the label and take no othef. ttys Ssnd lor samples, showing IsMs ul mate. Mala, to the S. H.fcM. Co.,P. O. Bos.699. New fork City. , ASK YOUR DKALKR FOR W. L. Douglas •3. SHOE “DoltsT"* If you pay 04 to Se for stats, ta- m A amine the W. L, Douglas Shoe, and 9 3 see what a good shoe you can boy for w H OVER IOO STYLES AMD WIDTHS, The John A. Salzer Seed Co..,, at La Crosse, Wis., have recently purchased the complete catalogue trade of the. Northrup, Braslan, Goodwin Co., of Minneapolis and Chicago. This give* the Salser Seed Co. the largest cata logue mall trade In the world and they are In splendid shape to taka care of same, as they have recently completed a large addition to their mammoth aeed houses. The 1896 catalogue la just oat and the largeat ever iaauod. Sent to any address for 6 cents to cover postages „_._ . W. N. How Ho Collected Bio Salary. The genial pastor qf one of the sub urban churches, whose salary la some what in arrears at present, stepped into the hardware store of one of nia parishioners the other morning and asked to see some corkscrews—very large and strong ones, be explained. ••Why, Dr.-, what in the world do yon want with one, anyhow?” said the dealer. ••My dear sir,” aaid the doctor, “I want a corkscrew large enough to give me some assistance In drawing my sal ary.” The story reached the ears of his congregation and the indebtedness was cancelled forthwith.—Cincinnati Tri bune. The original and only genuine. Ceres Chapped Heeds and race. Cold Sores, gc. c. Q. Clark GaJUiavsaA The longest wire span Is a telegraph wire over the River Rlstuah, in India. It is over 6,000 feet. Is the foundation of health. The Way to have Rich, Red, Healthy Blood is to take BIAS VELVETEEN SKIRT B1ND1NOS ■ dealer will not supply yon, wa will. WflUBSBa, BVTIUH, •nd LACK, outdo la all ;• kinds of the boatmlMtad tattwr by ■kilted work man. Xtm males and 1 MU mom S3 SIMM ka than nnr 9Eother manufacturer In tho world, n None genuine unless name end. price is stamped on the bottom. Ask your dealer for our •#. •4. S3.no, ss.no. ss.sn Shoes; SS.no, S3 and S1.7B for boys. TME NO tUOSTITUTI. If your dealer cannot supply you, send to fac tory, enclosing price and 36 cents to pay carriage. State kind, style of too (cap or plain), size and (h " ' ~ — width. Our Custom Dept, will fill your order. Send far new lllue trnted Catalogue to Box R. t w. i» DOUGLAS, Breokton, Mara. MAKERS*®^ B6CBU *» BUNTING FLAW 1 ru* _ jtUMHTUTMY •TltNbTH W ■»Tt«IAifclt,r!LCjICf MnuuMr^mrnmiaO^Mtfo^ wuuEnrff _WAIT BALSAM Omm m2 bMutUlH Ik* Ml nomotci a biuhmI iiibG H#t«r T&U» M Bastiri dKjVftjfi&g&l _5&aS£Sfi£aBft WHY ODH'I YOU BOY CORK? PRODUCER*, mU your p redout* and writs to us far tuformstlou how to maku biy usoasy oa tha pro. cusda la ths purr boss of cum oa a * tloaaad book on cpscnlatlon rtu a *#., 1*1 LaSalle tk, Ctlaaaa. c. i. iJmsiu FurnftMro, Money Sand Boors Tumlshluvs, Mo»lo, Furnishing Oooda, Notions, Jswslry, Ladioa1 SSSSX WWHJROS., Hull, M. Omaha STOVE REPAIR Works by -aUnt for oar wholssala and raUU prloo list of Dry toodi, Clothing, UrocuriSS, C'lolhlnf. Pianos. ' Lsdlos* Mora Hepaln for 40,t0t tlffMtat i. •Mnntik »*«» Oo.^tai W^OaMtatOA