Woman’s Wit TOLD BY A SOCIETY GIRL. Bomathlo* About Morphine, Sulpha* HoImhi and Othor Thlaff. From the Evening News. Newark, N. J. Among the popular society leader 'lEam Orange, N J., Emma X* Stoll, a e_.rcnlng young maiden, stands In the foremost rank. She is of a lovable disposition and the light of the social set in which she moves. For • two years she has been a sick girl from in ternal troubles peculiar to women, and hav ing recently recovered, has given our i reporter the following interesting account: “Instead of improving under the care of my physician 1 became worse. For five weeks 1 was unable to get out of bed and about six o'clock each morning I suffered horribly. Mv lips were sore and lacerated from the marks of my teeth, fer in my efforts to keep from screaming I sunk my teeth deep into my lips. At such times l rolled and tossed until the bed shook like an aspen leaf and it finally got so serious that the. doctor—I won’t tell you his name—gave me" some morphine pills to take. The very thought of them now makes me shiver. These morphine pills simply put me to sleep for awhile and when I became conscious again my agony was renewed. “Tiie pain in my stomach and back was more than I could stand. ‘Your blood is poor,’said the doctor, ‘takesulphur and mo v lasses,’ and I did until it was a great won der that I was not a molasses cake. It yas * timo wasted in taking it because I was not benefited in the least; my suffering con tinued, but by a mighty effort after being In bed so long. I got up. Oh, but I was a sad Bight then. From 113 pounds I had fallen to ninety; my cheeks were pale and sunken and I limped; yes. actually hobbled from the extreme pain in my side. Then I read of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Palo People and the testimonials in the News inspired a me with hope. I got the pills and took < them. Before many days I began to im prove and before I had finished one box I felt as if I could go out and walk for miles. I soon stopped limping and throngh the Pink Pills I soon bid goodbye to my head aches while the pain in my stomach and back slowly but Surely succumbed to the influence of these pills that seem to be able to persuado all pain to leave one’s body. Now.I am as I used to be; well and strong, lighthearted and merry but never without the pills. See I have got some of them now,” and from a nearby desk she handed out one of the boxes. v Dr, Williams’ Pink Pills contain, in a con dejsed form, all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore, shattered nerves. They are also a specific for troubles peculiar to femkles, t' such as suppressions, irregularities, and all forms of weakness. They build up the ilflCd, fiBirgatgM theglgwof health to pale and sallow cheeks, in nieh they effect a Radical care in all cases arising from mental worry, over-work, or excesses of whatOTef nature. Pink Pills are sold in boxes (never In loose bulk) at SO cents a box or six boxes for <3.50, and may be had of all druggists, or direct by mail from Dr. Williams Medi cine Comoanv. Schenectadv. N. Y. FASHION'S FANCIES. A quaint little costume for a child of i four years is made of white cashmere, j The skirt Is plain, save for three bands of satin ribbon. The waist is close fitting, and a yoke is outlined by rib bon bands matching the skirt. From shoulder to elbows the sleeves are trimmed with the ribbon. Over the sleeve tops and across the front and back is set a very deep fall of open work embroidery or Irish point lace. A bow of ribbon on either shoulder and • | a ribbon sash are worn with it. A child of five years has a dress with skirt made of cambric elaborately em broidered. The waist is gathered into a yoke and belt, the sleeves are full puffs to the elbows with wide ruffles of embroidery below An Eton Jacket of velvet and a very wide velvet sash tied with long loops and ends, make an appropriate and dressy’finish. A dainty dress for a doll has a vel vet petticoat and silk skirt with an embfoidered edge. The waist of silk Is close-fitting, and an Eton Jacket of velvet is worn with it. The sleeves are large and have close bands at the wrists. A sailor hat with a wing is set on over the yellow curls. A bonnet for a little girl is made with the crown of solid embroidery. The brim is of openwork embroidery and lhco, and is slightly plaited over the top and falls almost straight down either side of the front. Ribbon'strings are tied in a bow under the chin. A hat for a tiny girl is made of plait ings of taffeta set one over another to form a brim. The crown has an up right trimming of the plaiting and there are very large bows . ROOSt, Pree, Omaha. Ml STOVE REPAIR Workl itnve Hepalra ter 40,000 dlffrrrst itona ■ I .a wtm it waa.« it bag uSTlntO imam, ud nupplln Ita nodi ud imb - U joor door. It con and dots tm«k« , batter artiela tor Mm aiaanUM* eibers. It "—w4k Stand, °—‘ n-Tnnntil alf ■ Joamptethn Windmills, IWIqr ud Find 8te*l Town, Sttei Bnaimv /rnroet, gtnl nwd Outtert and Mac Grinders. On application It will moMat. —. f* 0>jt» article* that It will fmulsh anM JjanatT 1* »l i/3 th* oannl pries. It also aaahaa Tanka and Pom pa « all klwla and nr cuakim fartwyi Ptt. tactwell tad HBuan Slmta. CMawa HAIRR^AL8AM Cleanses and beautifies the Promo* hu unant growth. Baser ralla to Bestorw .Bair to iti Te - - - - ---Its Tcmthttil OotwrT Cunt scalp diseases a hair JsIUbk. flPe*anrtgI.Wal Qltfl Penale Fruit Fills Positively rrms* •f,w* all IrretfulartthM, from whatever ewe tl.00. Uatrl Medical Co., M Dearborn 8treat; Cb YOU SEE THEM EVERYWHERE; Is a priic fighter and champion in every contest with RHEUMATIC PAINS It knocks out in every round, and on its belt is written "I CURE.” THE LAND OF THE BIG RED APPLE At Low Prices. For INFORMATION regard!nir land In lamCau S. W. MISSOURI, write to Cin. b*TT iTitur. lieroe City, Mo.t J G. Maeiott, Punty. **.$ . T. H. Fmorr, t'En-slllo, Mo., or L. R Stow*.* NOS MonaUnock Bldg., Chicago, 111. "tk* Cnputaa ku km (rswiac totar, krlcktar *raj year fee am tkaa «lxty jm." TheYouths Companion “52 Tine* a Year.'' Subscript ion, The Volume of The Companion for 1896—the 70th year of its publication — will give weekly entertainment and instruction in abundance for every member of the family. jpis Six Holiday 700 Numbers. Large Pages. For all the Family. Special Souvenir Numbers, double in The sire of The Companion page la Both young and old And in each size and appropriate to each aeaaon, four times that of the leading Maga- week’s issue amusement and education are published at Thanksgiving, Christ- sines. In each Volume nearly 700 in the Serial and Short Stories, in ita. mas, New Year's, Washington’s Birth- pages are given, profusely lllnstrated. Editorials, Anecdotes, Health and day, Easter and Fourth of July. Only $1.75 a year. Wscellaneoea Articles. • - . ' ] More than aoo Famous Men and Women have contributed to the next Volume of THE COMPANION. Send for Full Illustrated Prospectus and Sample Copies Free. 50-ct. $ CALENDAR FREE REMARKABLE OFFER! New Subscribers who will cut out this stip and send it AT OHCB with name and address, and $1.7$, will receive: FREE —The Youth’s Companion every week till January t, itgs. FREE — Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s Double Numbers. FREE—Our Handsome 4-page Calendar (7x10 inches), litho graphed in nine colors. Retail price, $0 cents. *7 AND THE COMPANION $a weeks, a lull year, to January 1, 1(97. THE YOUTH’S COMPANION, aoi Columbus Avenue, Boston, Mass. Send Check, Poet-Office or Express Order, or Registered tetter, at Onr Sink. Grace before Meat There’s a difference between being full of thanks giving, and being full of Thanksgiving dainties. But the one thing generally leads to the other. How can it be helped when the turkey is so good, and the pie so enticing? Here’s a helpful hint. For that full feeling after Thanksgiving take a pill. Not any pill, mind you. There are pills that won’t help you. Take the pill that will. It’s known as Ayer’s — ano. De Kalb Fence Co., 121 High Street. _DE KALB. ILL. Timely Warning. The great succeea of the chocolate preparation* of the house of Walter Baker A Co. (established, in 1780) has led to the placing on the market: many misleading and unscrupulous imitations, of their name, labels, and wrappers. Walter Baker ft Co. are the oldest and largest manu facturers of pure and high-grade Cocoas and Chocolates on this continent. No chemicals aro used in their manufactures. Consumers should ask for, and be sure that they get, the genuine Walter Baker & Co.’s goodo~. WALTER BAKER & CO., Limited, DORCHESTER, MASS. - . i i ■ ■■■ ■ :* r '-- * i