ral fy'{; v wmr fell The Frontier FCBUBBXO IYUT THUBSDAY BY ; TU FRONTIEB PRINTING OOMPAN’ ; KINO * CBONIH. Editor*. $]l k ’ This judicial diatrict can no longer b claimed by the popnllate. The Bsrtoi and Wee to ver vote show* an evei break. _ The Burwell Progresa, Garfield coun ty. extend* sympathy to Holt In ltapopn liatic affliction. Garfield la alao a popu llat county. Miaery doea not lik< aoiltude. --:—»*•«-• Thb Weat Point Republican celebrate* ita 29th birthday by touing a pictoria edition for ita home town. Editoi Langer la to be congratulated upon tb< aucceia of hia enterpriae. I', Tn populiat county attorney of An ' telope county recommended that the county clerk be allowed 950 for aerylcei rendered aa clerk of the board. Gleih 0 z- Bethea baa over looked a bet. Tub governor in bii thanksgiving proclamation anggeita (bat tbe day be observed with "solemnity.” No doubt the governor will take “hian'' that way, It ia aald the election effected him in that manner. It ia not required that the Plain Dealer offer teatimony to prove that Bro. Batea haa not been on ita editorial ataff for montha. The character of tbe paper during the paat few montha ia ev idence conducive. y , rp Tbb Page New Era admit* that the populiat campaign waa puahed along and invigorated by tbe uae of both liquor and money, but add* that the enda tuatlfled the mean*. An open con faeaion la aaid to be good for the eoul. Tbb wicked flourlah for awhile like the graan bay tree, but aooner or later gat their Juat desert*. In aupport of tbla proposition we cite tbe case of tbe Omaha Bea va. the people of Douglas county, opinion rendered at the lut alaetioh. Tbb last Smudge perpetrated a labored editorial on a long suffering but forbear ing public. The heading under which it appeared waa "From tbe Sublime to the Ridiculous.” It waa eaay to locate the "ridiculous” part of the article, but the aublime—but that’s a different thing. If it contained any sublimity It waa altogether too deep for ordinary par caption. Tub Stuart Ledger baa cause to fee > proud of the active part It took in th : campaign and the warm support it gav tbe republican ticket, r -—•* Farmers in tbe territory tributary t< . O’Neill should manifest a greater inter set in the creamery project. Tbe farm 1 ers are the ones most benefited, am ' they should at least interest tbemselvei 1 enough to attend the meetings. Thb Scott defalcation is a dead issui in Holt county politics from this time on. The two men on the republican ticket against whom it was worked tbe 1 hardest received the largest vote, and one of them was eleoted. The pope will have to look up another Bogey. Ct Murphy, the philosopher of tbe Boyd County Advocate, suggests that all elections be consolidated into one, in order to do away with these yearly broils which distract attention from bus iness and religion. And what would the boodlers do then, poor things? O’Niim/s vote alwtys portray* tbe broad and liberal minds of tbe voters. They allow no sectional matters to enter into a political contest. They forget such trivial things as county division feuds and when they go into tbe voting booth they are alone with tbelr political convictions and vote accordingly. They have ideas above a count/ seat, and rea lize that the right of franchise has grander and nobler uses than to show the regard one community has for an other. O’Neill has been cussed from Dustin to Deloit and from Stuart to Ewing, but the record shows that she is the most liberal town in the county and Tbb Frontier is proud of her. — ■■ ’ • <•»»■ ■ ■ A "brazen untruthful upstart” is tbe way the Sun refers to Secretary Morton. Mr. Morton settled upon the prairies of Nebraska before the editor of the Sun was horn, and has always been a potent factor in tbe upbuilding of our state. His appointment to the responsible pos ition which he now occupies came to him not as a recognition of the value his state bad been to the president, but In acknowledgement of his peculiar fit ness for tbe position and his general qualifications as a citizen and a states man. Tbb Frontier has little respect for Mr. Morton's politics, but it has high regard for him as secretary of ag riculture and cannot allow the Sun’s boorish insult to pass unrebuked. . To see a thing like McHugh attempting to criticise a man like the sage of Arbor Lodge Is enough to move a graven image to tears. OFFICIAL VOTE, HOLT COUNTY, 1895. .. HP w.: ■US’ Bl»S8ia»<«tn^e»B.«wM»>.t»B: wi.? ^»Mnaat>: »S i. »»—»»S»: ww-tMsi -*~ggn»—8>5 ( * a fiiaMSia#S&iX&8S=fiSfiijgfiiaS£MSS»s Samuel Mnxwell Independent, ggBB»gg,BBSg8SttB8g88SSiU8ggo..,SB8g 1'. L. Norvnl, Republican. »*»» : : JLK. MMM. M»- »M«M Charles J. Phelps, Democrat. w- --»>->«<». tfegi»wt»l ! »g» mm wan ±£2 Hggl»B»2«88gBI»K.«gggBaaggBBgSaB8g »»»*■«*' • B»»: »»*»? MBHa«»MyMM»WH»N«M IBgaieftB.gaeBBBB.BBBBSgB.SSg^^agBa «>*-*! M*»»g • ^a»B»Bg>BgBBBgtt8Bag«agg»SB8,,0aB8 B»BaBgB^BaBBBBag»g»gBB«aBg«gaag8a : m- «»i umBmiB*: ~ »«»• mo Democrat. ® A. Wolfenbarger, Prohibltf _tlon. itobn H. Ames. Democrat Woodson S. Ashby _Democrat. James H. llayston Democrat. A. X. Blackburn, Democrat. J.J.bryant, Prohibition H. L. Uoold, Republican, K. Kittle, Democrat. 0. M. Morrill. Republican hlla Peattle, Independent, Anna Wood bey, Prohibition, . .. Wmi J6S«8g»B-t>lBBB8gBBasBfeSB8S»sa.»S8B Alfred Bartow BBKB8S8^g588«8BBBBgSBgIasBaSSBgg8 _ltepubllcan. T. V. Golden |ggttB88S85BS8SaBgSBggBaBaSg5gS8Si Independent, M. P. Klnksld. Republican. M. >l*‘ S>>M. jMIfeaftm! nS»p«S» W»M»» i -i8BJra*B»8B.gBgBg8S8ftagg.,gggSSSagS W. H. Westover. Independent. W. WTHethea, eude gg8Bg8asgBa.Bg«»^fcaagegda.»g»a.^yB - »• ►— M* MHI>! Maoawwtfl _B8888g8itl8B8a88>S8gg»gaagS«B!lga9 Independent. L. 1\ Humphrey, Prohibition. P. W. Phillips, Rep-Demo. 6. P. Btjrfiu, ■ep-Demo. C. L>. Morse, Prohibition. J.P. Mullen, Independent 8BgaBgg»B9gtt8aS»fcS885g38Sggg58sa» H. B. Henry, Independent. BBtasagBBgBgaBMBBBs&aBBBagasBBagB John Skirvinjt, Rep-Demo. »888gftBBga.e8aBtfgasaB8BgBS»a.^agg John Brady. Demo-Rep. ,BHBSBB».gSgjlB8BBBSttasBBttSBagaa=8g >BasgB««aB.sgaggB8Ba8sa8»s8gB5^a85 siaai 3«gjl8gBMg£88BB8g88g8BB§8Sgggsasag t g, t3» *•2, O rj S?5 55.1 0. H. Candee, Prohibition. C. W. Hamilton, Independent. A. T. Blackburn. Rep-Demo. Bartley Blain Pi 'rohlbltlon. W. R. Jackson, Independent. EBBBBBft^BsgBaB&BftsgaaBsaaftsassggg G. A. MoOutchun, %w c •o !»**■ ♦ 6wsapSfe>pM>SMMeaSx MW* fcgJCMJMifeg D. W. ttoeencr&ns, Prohibition M»«BagB»BBe>SBSgggaa9sgBS8EgSS.gge B. V. Wry, Hep-Demo. felBjiBJMUggggBBgSBgSgSBg.BSgSB.Sgg mJtml i St*: e»»»» B>BBBBB»88BBBBgS85gtgg§gS88gSB58g ■BlBBBtB«Bg>SB8Bg8gBgg88S8gg8g,fcg5 »*—* : »»>»»»■»» »g^>eS»»»»B»^c»: MilMl8«.atiBagBagg38gattaBaeggsBggglbTi^dee^nt. Independent. H. E. Bowden, Rep-Demo. Miller, Prohibition. M. F. Morton, Independent. 0.6. Elgler, p-Demo. H. Bplndler, Prohibition. IA ‘‘7 r ’ -t '■ ■ ■■' ■ .. • . v' > ' ■: : ' -- --,* ,, ■ .' ' - . ■ ■ , t-'-'i'.i, „ I ,'v' ■ ; , - I;,, , / ., . ; . j . ■c .-' >f - - .'A' i ..S * '» *<"» A V ’■ i , ':i. ■ , ■ . 5 STATE. . JUDICIAL. * , COUNTY ‘ O’NEiLL BUSINESS DIRECTORY ’ JJB. J. P. GILL.1GAN, ' , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office in Holt County bank building. Strangers, those living at a distance, and nigbt calls must be cash in advance. O’NEILL, NEB. g R. DICKSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Beferenoe Fires National Bank O'NEILL, NEB. J)B. EDWARD 8. F1JBAT, PHYSIC AN AND SURGEON. Day and night call* promptly attended to. Office over First National Bank. O'NEILL NEB. -*»■ f^ H. BENEDICT, LAWYER, Offioe In the Judge Boberte building, north of O. O. Snyder's lumber yard, O NEILL, , f NEB. ^ It. BUTLER, ATTORNEY. AT-LAW. Agent for Union Trust Go's land in Holt county. Will praotioe In all the courts. Special at tentlon given to foreclosures and collections —........ pH B. T. TBUEBLOOD PHYSICIAN ft BURGEON Diseases of the Eye and Ear and fitting glasses a specialty. Office hours 0 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 5 p. m. Offioe first door west of Helnertkson’s Freight vli F.E.&M.V.andS.C.&P RAILROADS. Tit AIN8 DEPART: COMO BAST. Passenger east, 9:20 a. u Freight eaat, • 10:80 a. k Freight eaat, - • • 2:10 p. m. a onto wist. ' Freight west, • 2:10 p. u Passenger west, 9:27 p. u Freight, • . 2:10 p. it. The Blkhorn Line la now running Reclining Ohalr Cars dally, between Omaha and Dead wood, tree to holders ot first-class transpor tatlon. Per any Information call on W. J. DOBBS, Agt. O’NEILL. NEB. O’CON NOR & GALLAGHER wine's^ LIQUORS ■ Of all kinds. A specialty made of FINE CIGARS. If you want a drink of good liquor t 'do not fall to call on us. Checker® Barn, B. A. DbYARMAN, Manager. CHECKER ffTWffWIWW Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Finest turnouts in the oity. Good, careful drivers when wanted. A!^o run the O’Neill Omnibus line. Commercial trade a specialty. ,v , ' • ' >' . ' , , v-' ■ HOTEL —■—VANS Enlarged Refurnished Refitted Only First-class Hotel In the City. W. T. EVANS, Prop. NEW YORK... ILLUSTRATED NEWS Tho Organ ofl Honest Sport in Amorloa ALL THE SENSATIONS Or THE DAY ficturid ay the FOREMOOT ARTISTS OF THE COUNTRY Life in New York Graphically Illustrated. Breezy but Reepectable. $4 FOR A YEAR, S2 FOR 8IX MONTHS Do you want to be posted? Then send your subscription to the ry mi nunmm nws, 3 PARK PLACED NEW YORK CITY. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. Sioux City, O’Neill and Western Railway (PACIFIC SHORT LIME) THE SHORT ROUTE BETWEEN . SlOlJX. ClTY AND Jackson, Laurel, Randolph, Os mond, Plainview, O'Neill. Connects at Sioux City witb all diverging lines, landing passengers in NEW UNION PASSENGER STATION Homeseekers Will find golden opportun ities along this line. Investigate before going elsewhere. THE CORN BELT OF AMERICA For rates, tim