PEIZE FIGHT IS OFF. ' FITZSIMMONS SAYS THERE WILL BE NO SET-TO. Both Brntzrrs Beforo tho Little Rock Courts—They Both Tnlk Bravely— Fltzslmmoos Sore on the Athletle Club J'jy management and Citizens of Hot Springs—Bis Trainer Quits Him. The Pugilistic Fiasco. IjIttlk Kock, Ark., Nov. 3.—No matter what the result of the legal proceedings may be, the chances are now 100 to 1 that there will be no fight between Corbett and Fitzsim mons. The latter said at 11 o'clock to-day, positively and in good, terse English, which admitted of no misun derstanding or misconstruction: “Thero will be no fight in Arkansas. I am done with tho Florida Athletic club and have no use for the citizens of Hot Springs. I tell you that there will be no fight in Arkansas.” The assertion was made during a conversation in Fitzsimmons’ room in the Capital hotel, Julian, his manager, made a long statement of the troubles ho had endured from Corbett and Brady, and said: “We are going to Hot Springs when we get through here, hut we will have nothing to do with the 6ght in which the Florida Athletic Club and the citizens of Hot / Springs, Brady, Corbett and the reat of that gang have auything to do.” “Do you mean that you will not fight in any deal that may be man aged by either the Florida Athletic Club or by the citizens of Hot Springs?" was asked of Fitzsimmons, and the.reply came like a flash: “I mean just that. I will engage in no fight managed by the Florida Athletic Club or by the citizens of Hot Springs. There will be no fight in Arkansas.” Earlier in the interview Fitzsim mons declared that he would not fight in this state if it was against the law. “I am a law abiding citizen, I am,” he saiu, “and I will not break the law. I do not want to go to prison if I know myself.” Harry White, trainer for Fitzsim mons said that he did not believe that there would be any fight at all between his man and Corbett. “The fact is,” said White, “Fitzsimmons is afraid, and a span of oxen will not drag him into the ring. I know this is so and I have told Fitzsimmons that I will train with him no longer. I'm disgusted with the way he acts. He is afraid of Corbett and you will see that ho will never fight him. I have nothing against Fitzsimmons except that I know he does not mean busi ness in this thing.” In company with his manager, Brady, and his trainers, McVey, Dela ney and Donaldson, Corbett arrived here at 10 o'clock this morning. When asked as to the possibility of any trouble between him elf and Fitz simmons here, Corbett said: “Well, some!hinp of that kind may happen, but if it does Fitzsimmons will have to start it. I won't begin it. But I want to say right now that if that fel low does begin any funny work he is going to get licked, and get licked good and hard. There is no kin l of a fighting game at which I am not the superior of Fitzsimmons, and. I will prove it. in quick shape if he drags me on. 1 simply will wait for him to start things if he wants to, and then I'll lay him out ccld. I am tired of all this fooling with him, and 1 won’t stand any nonsense.” ANSWERS HIS ACCUSERS. Judge Kilfore Takes Up the Charges Against Him and Denies Them. Washington, Nor. 2.—Attorney Gen eral Harmon lias received from Judge Kilgore of the United States Circuit court of the Southern district of the In dian Territory, his answer to the charges filed by W. O. Davis of Gaines ville, Texas, on September 18 last. These charges allege incompetency, oppression in office, gross official misconduct, etc. The judge takes up each charge in detail and in some in stances quotes from the court records with a view to showing that the eliarges are unqualifiedly false. Judge Kilgore says Davis’ charges originated in the disagreement between him and the master in chancery in the case of Armour Brothers’ banking companies case against Adington et al, during the dependency of which Davis, Judge Kilgore says, deliberately sought to' take advantage of the friendly rela tions previously existing between them to influence him, the judge, in behalf of his client Lcm' Murderers to Be Tried. Washington, Nov. 2.—Minister Ter fel! has succeeded in moving the Turk ish government to punish the men who murdered Bicyclist Lenz in Armenia. He has cabled the State de partment that the Kurds and Armen ians who committed the murder are to be tried at Erzeroum, and that the United States will be represented at the trial by the British consul at that place. This official was the first person to learn of Lena's murder, and as there was no American consul in that vicinity he actively interested himself in the case and reported the results of his investigation to Mr. Terrili. A Banker'* Son as a Robber. Waco, Texas, Nov. 3.—Samuel Sew ell, son of the president of the First National Funk of McGregor, robbed recently of 815,000, was arrested yes terday. It is claimed that the safe was first opened and the explosive placed inside and the doors closed. Frank Kennedy, a blacksmith, has also been arrested. The evidence is stromr. _ Not Bogus, but Broke. ' Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 2._The Count and Countess Scheliher suc ceeded yesterday in liquidating their hotel bills through the kind offices of a banker, who ivent security for them, and then left for St. Louis. The count is a genuine one, for he has proved his title by creden tials. 11 is wife is a niece of ex-Gov crnor Bishop of Ohio. The count’s financial embarrassment was due to his ill luck at poker. A constable went to arrest him for defrauding an innkeeper, but in response to his pleadings the warrant was not served, and he succeeded in settling the claim. HOLMES SHEDS TEARS. He Break* Down WIiDe Mis* Yoke Te» tiflee Against Him. Pbii.adei.fhta, Nov. 2.— For abou* thirty minutes yesterday the nerve which all men have marveled at for sook Holmes, and he sunk his head into his hands and sobbed like a child. Meanwhile the woman he persists in calling his wife, and upon whom he had pinned his highest hope, sat two yards away, relating a story that slowly but surely tightened the noose around his neck. Throughout her testimony Miss Yoke, for so she calls herself, never once bestowed a passing glance npon the man she onee lived with. The case progressed so swiftly that but few witnesses remain to be heard before the closing of the common wealth's case. Then the defense will open, and in spite of Holmes’ state ment that he would himself testify and also call Miss Yoke, his counsel privately stated that the defense would offer no defense, but submit the case on argument alone. The attorney ex pressed confidence in his acquittal. Their first victory was gained last night. The defense strenuously ob jected to _ the introduction oi any further evidence touching the alleged murder of the children. The jury were temporarily taken to their room. Elaborate arguments followed, at the end of which Judge Arnold sustained the contention. HOW ENGLAND FIGHTS. _ i The Hon Beady to Bounce Upon the King of Ashanti. Accra, Gold Coast Colony, British West Africa, Nov. 2.—Captain Donald Stewart, the special British commis sioner, who was sent to Coomassie, the capital of Ashanti, recently es corted by loO hussars under Captains Cramer and Irvine, to present the King of Ashanti with the ulti matum of Great Britain, has re turned here, bringing the first authentic news of the result of his mission. The king of Ashanti has rejected the British ultimatum, say ing that he prefers war to accepting the terms of the British and adds that he is fully prepared for it. The terms of the British ultimatum were that the king should have a Brit ish commissioner in his country and that he should place Ashanti under the protection of Great Britain. He was given until to-day in which to replv. __ CANAL WORK APPROVED. The Nicaraguan Commission’* Report Un derstood to Be Generally Favorable. Washington, Nov. 2.—The Nicar aguan canal, commission, through Colonel End low, its chairman, to-day submitted to the President, through becretary Olney, its report upon the examination of the route of the canal, directed by the last Con gress. Although it probably will be withheld from the public until Con gress shall meet, there is good reason for the belief that generally it finds the canal project entirely feasible and worthy of being carried out ire-paring lor junior lrignta. Hot Springs, Ark., Nov. 2.—Hot Springs is practically deserted, as Cor bett, Brady, and the Hot Springs Athletic club's attorney’s left for Little Bock this morning to have Cor bett’s case on the peace bond dis posed of. Much depends on the action of the Little Bock courts, the promoters here asserting that if Fitzsimmons and Cor bett are released on peace bonds that they will surely return here and that the fight will positively take piace. Work is being pushed cn the arena at Whittington park and Dan Stuart, who is now the recognized head of the Hot Springs Athletic club, says that he is quite confident that the Maher-O’Donnell fight will bepulled off Monday afternoon. Byan and Smith weighed in this morning and both were under the limit, but “Parson” Davies is not over confident that they will be got togeth er here. ___ Colean Goes to Jail. Fokt Scott. Kan. Nov. 2. —R. J. Colean, the defaulting cashier of the State bank of this city, whose peculations are now estimated at 850,000, was yesterday removed from his sumptu ously furnished bed room where ho had been guarded since his arrest two weeks ago, to the county jail, where he is now confined. When he arose from his bed . to go with the officers, a sharp pocket knife was seen and was quickly secured by Sheriff Allen. When Colean saw that he was not to be allowed to keep the knife he became angry and attempted to as sault the sheriff. It is? the opinion of the sheriff and the bank officials that had not the knife been taken he would have taken his own life rather than sro to jail. __ * vii irmi n»r ncr fluiroe Ferby, Okla., Nov. 2.—Hiss Patsj Aired, a young woman 20 years old, is being tried for her life at Pawnee, twenty miles east of here. Miss Aired is accused of the murder of James T. Lucky, several months ago near Cleve land, over a dispute about some corn. Lucky and Miss Aired lived on adjoin ing farms and were sweethearts, and it is said were engaged to be married, when a dispute over corn arose and Miss Aired shot and instantly killed Lucky. She spent several months in prison, but gave bond later. The Drouth lias lleen Broken. Washington, Nov. 2.—Professor Moore, chief of the weather bureau, said this morning that rain was fall ing throughout the drouth region from New Mexico to New England, and ho said the drouth was broken. China's First Payment to Japan. London, Nov. 2.—The Standard says in its financial article: “The Chinese ambassador with great pomp has transferred $40.020,0!)0 to the Japanese account. Hut the Japanese have not touched the money and are reticent as to what they intend to do.” A Father Avenges His Daughter. Webster City, Iowa, Nov. 2.—W. M. Hagerton, living near Alden, was fatally stabbed yesterday by the father of Miss bmiser, to whom he had been paying attentions,and whom he had ruined. A CANAL DISCUSSION. THE NICARAGUA PROJECT UN DER DISCUSSION. The London Times Has a Three-Column Article an the Subject—American Con trol the Best—The Project Cannot be Carried Through by Private Enterprise —The United States Should Take Hold. The Nicaragua Canal. London, Oct. 29.—The Times to-day publishes a three column article on the proposed ship canal, to join the Atlan tic and Pacific oceans, through the re public of Nicaragua. The articlo is written by A. R. Colquehoun, who was especially sent by the Times to Nicar agua at about the time the United States government commission went to that country in order to report upon the feasibility of the plans of the Maritime Canal Company of Nicaragua and the Nicaragua Canal Construction Company. In Nicaragua, Mr. Colquehoun met the United States commissioners, and . is understood to have thoroughly Studied the plans for the interoceanio waterway. lie arrived at the conclu sion that the project could not be car ried through as a private enterprise, but that it must be under the aus pices of some strong government which without doubt, must be the United States. He is convinced that the cost of cutting the suggested waterway will be nearer 8150,000,000 than 8100, 000,000. Continuing, Mr. Colqnehoun says: “As regards the the political aspect, confidential communications are said to have passed between the British and United States government and no objections have been raised. In any case it would seem that, under the Clayton-Bulwer tteaty of 1850, any connection between the Atlantic and the Pacific by a ship canal through Nicaragua will have to be neutralized in the same way as the Suez canal in 1888. The object of the bill recently passed by the United States Senate, it is practically clear, is to acquire control of the canal. This is i matter which concerns not only the United States, but the world at large, more especially Great Britain. But for the obstacles hindering the United States government itself in undertak ing the construction, it would have been completed long ago. The work is so great, the benefits are so tran sceudant, and the interests involved ire so vast and complex, that it should be removed from the chances of pri vate enterprise, affected as it would be by the stringency of the fluctua tions of the money market and the at titude of the governments of Nicar agua and Costa Rica.” Mr. Colquehoun also inspected the route of the proposed canal through the Isthmus of Panama, and he esti mates that, even if it is feasible, -not more than one-third of the work has been executed and that it would cost largely over 8200,000.000 to complete It. He regards the Chagres river and the Culebra cut portion of the Panama Janal plans as being insurmountable obstacles to the completion of that undertaking. A LATE CONVENTION. Senator Carter Hints That the Last of June May He Selected. Washington, Oct. 29.—Senator Car ter, chairman of the Republican Na tional committee, said to-day as to the probable time of holding the next Republican convention, that he had not conferred with the other members of the committee in regard to the date, but as six months' notice must be given after the meeting of the com mittee, the convention could not be called earlier than about the middle of June. He thought, however, that it would be the general desire to have the convention not meet until after the adjournment of congress, and he did not think it probable that congress would be ready to adjourn until about the middle of June. A fair inference from Senator Car ter’s remarks is that the convention would not be called to meet earlier than the last of June. DURRANT ACCUSED. A Letter Charge. That Six Men Were “Coached” to Attack Mr. Gibson. San Francisco, Oct. 29.—The cor oner to-day received a letter signed George Reynolds, saying that the writer’s body would be found in the bay, -and confessing that he had been employed by the at torneys of Theodore Durrant to man ufacture testimony in the mur der cases of Blanche Lamont and Minnie Williams. The letter declared that five other men were also em ployed by the defense to make false statements. The object was to con vict the Rev. J. Oeorge Gibson, pastor of Emanuel church, of the murder of both girls. Each of the five was to swear to a part of the story, which in its entirety would probably convict Gibson. The letter was accompanied by a type-written statement which, the letter said, Reynolds was instructed by the defendant’s attorneys to swear to. The police are investigating the matter and will not admit that the letter is a hoax. To necp Out Texas revet. TorEKA, Kan., Oct. 29.—The mem bers of the Kansas Live Stock Sani tary Commission left to-day for Chi huahua, Mexico, for the purpose of investigatin'? the conditions surround ing1 the Mexican cattle and determin ing the advisability of permitting their shipment into -Kansas. They will also examine ^he cattle of New Mexico, with the saiAe object in view. CRISIS IN FRANCE. c=> The Cabinet Beiliu a» the Result of Defeat In the Deputies. Paris, Oct 29.—The cabinet re signed to-day a« a result of a govern ment defeat in the Chamber of Depu ties during the debate on the Southern railway scandal. Children nnd Matches Again. Manistee, Mich., Oct 29.—Two chil dren of John Conley, aged S and 0 years, were smothered with smoke and died last night They had gotten some matches and set the bedding on Urn LYNCHERS SHOT DOWN, Desperate Battle with a Mob at TUB a, Oil lot TI7FIW, Ohio, Oct. 29.—In an attempt early yesterday morning1 to avenge the murder of August Schultz, Tilliu’s pop ular city marshal, who was shot in cold blood by Loander J. Martin, alias Williams, a farmer of Hopewell town ship, last Wednesday evening, two more victims were added to the tragic affair. At 1:30 o’clock a mob of leO infuriated men, many of whom were under the iuilitence of liquor, attacked the jail in an effort to secure Martin and hang him. A volley from half a dozen Winchesters met them and two of the mob were killed. They were Henry Mutohler, Jr., and Christian Malz. As the mob made a rush toward the jail they emitted yells that were blood curdling, eclipsing any savage yell ever uttered. A squad of policemen, who had stationed themselves on the steps, were whisked to one side as though they were so many straws. Of ficer ICeiffer, who made a brave and fierce resistance,was struck on the head with a sledge and brutally kicked, lie was carried home unconscious aud. has been hovering between life and death. Officer Fisher was thrown against a brick wall and partially stunned, and Officer Ilennessy was tumbled over in the grass and kept there by a ruffian who held a murder ous looking club over him and threat ened death if he did not lie still. The other officers were treated in the same way. The mob went direct to the side entrance and commenced the on slaught on the door with their sledges. The door was broken into splinters in a short time. With eacli blow the fury of the crowd increased. When the entrance was gained theer was a wild rush, aud the hallway was filled with excited men. Sheriff Van Nest and three men stood in the op posite end. lie appealed to them most bravely and strongly several times, asking them, for God's sake, to dis perse. It did no good, for the men only grew fiercer. The entrance to the corridor is first protected by a heavy sheet iron door. The lock was broken off with a few blows, and then there remained the heavy grating. Then it was that the guards, who were in that portion, began to fire. At first they shot over the rioters’ heads. A guard said the men swore to kill every person inside, and, to show their purpose, they began to fire at them. The guards said no shot was fired by them until the attacking party bad fired through the grating first. Henry Mutschler, the first man killed, was the one who carried the rope. lie was shot through the left temple, the ball coming out on the right side, and he died instantly. Then Christ Matz received a bullet through the heart. He was picked up dead. This awful work and the deter mination of the guards awed the would-be lynchers, and they left the place, cursing and wilder than ever. Between 3 and 4 o'clock, after the mob had moved further down the street, the prisoner was handcuffed, taken through a side door, and then to a side alley, where a corriage was in waiting. Police Captain Faulkner and Officer Sweeney took him to San dusky county as fast as the horses could carry them. Kansas Uuantrell War Claim. Wasiiingtojt, Oot. 23.—W. W. Mar fin of Fort Scott, state financial agent for Kansas, has arrived to commence work by way of preparing for con gress. He expects to get through a claim at this session to reimburse the state for the Quantrell raid depredations, which amount to 6300.000. The claims were made out, passed upon by the state soon after the close of the war and paid by the state, and now the effort is to secure reimbursement from the United States. So far congress has paid other war claims to Kansas aggregating over 63.000. 000. These payments were se cured by ex-Uovcrnor Crawford of Kansas, who was state agent. The Quantrell claims are all made out and ready uow to be presented to congress. It is estimated by State Agent Martin that the congressional conditions are favorable for consideration at the cominr session. Leavenworth's Apple Jubilee. Leaveswortu, Kan., Oet. 29.—Apple carnival day was celebrated here in notable style, thousands of busnels of the fruit being utilized in the display. Every store and building down town was lavishly decorated with apples and the carnival day colors, red, yellow and green. Business was at a stand still and the entire population helped to celebrate with thousands of visitors. Topeka alone sent a whole train load and Atchison is almost as numerously Fepreseutcd. Everything capable of producing discordant sounds was used vigorously. The feature of the after noon was a great street parade, nearly a mile in length and containing about 200 floats and a dozen brass bands. Two Indians Burned to Death. Perkv, Ohio., Oct. 29.—Damaging prairie fires raged for five hours cast of hero yesterday. Many thousand bushels of corn and tons of bay and fields of Kafilr corn were destroyed. A number of farm houses are reported consumed. Two Indian children are said to have been burned to a crisp and many people had narrow escapes. Jumped to Ills Death. POCGHTlEErSIE, N. V., Oct 29.— Patrick King Callahan, 2G years old, who lived n New York, jumped from the top of the Poughkeepsie bridge into the river to-day. The distance is 212 feot. At least thirty people saw Callahan's exhibition of nerve. The bridge jumper was paid for the dare devil experiment with his life. A Conflagration In Virginia's Celebrated School. Charlottesvii.i.b, Va., Oct 29.—The University of Virginia suffered great loss from a fire which occurred yester day morning. The local fire depart ment was unable to cope with the flames and assistance was obtained from Staunton and Lynchburg, which, however arrived too late to save the public hall and the rotunda. The total loss'is estimated at not loss than 9300,000, with an insurance of $12,000 on the buildings and eontenta. The origin of the fire is not known. WAS BYEARTHQUAKE SHOCKS THROUGHOUT THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY. S® Damage Reported at any Tolnt—TIra Sboclc Felt From Kama* to Eastern Ohio, and From Mlehlgan to the Oolf of Mexico—Tall llalldlngt Gentle Sway* ed—Some Feoplo Greatly Alarmed. The Earth Tremblod, Kansas Citt. Mo., Not 1.—Tho earthquake shocks which startled the people of this city at 5:15 o'clock this morning and which caused about half of them to get out of bed and wander about their homes in search of bur glars, were general throughout tho Mississippi valley. Shocks were felt from Michigan to Louisiana and from Ohio to Kansas. Reports from points throughout this wide territory agree that the shock occurred precisely at 5:15 o’clock and lusted not longer than a minute. Reports differ as to tho number of distinct shocks. All agree that there were two shocks and many reports nro that there were three, the last faint and almost imperceptible. Chicago, Nov. 1. — Two distinct shocks of earthquake were felt about 5:15 o’clock this morning throughout tho Mississippi valley, from Kansas to Eastern Ohio and from Michigan to the Gulf of Mexico. So far as known no damage was done, though general alarm was caused. Two shocks were felt in this city at 5:11 o’clock. The employes of the Western Union Telegraph company and tho Telephone company.who were on duty,all reported feeling the shocks. On the eleventh floor of the Western Union building the Bliocks were quite noticeable, so much so that the men were thrown against their desks with a good deal of force. St. Louis, Mo.. Nov. 1.— At 5:13 a. m. several earthquake shocks were dis tinctly felt here. The vibrations were from oast to west and each shock con tinued several seconds. The operators in the Western Union Telegragh building became alarmed and several rushed from the building The shocks were not accompanied by any rumb ling noise. Reports from nil parts of this State are that tho shocks were distinctly felt. Cincinnati, Ohio, Nov. 1.—An earth quake shock was felt here at 5:13 this morning, the most distinct for ten years. At Zanesville the trembling contin ued half a minute. It was the most severe earthquake ever felt in that vicinity. At Cleveland two severe and distinct earthquake shocks were felt. Tall buildings swayed very perceptibly,and the occupants were much alarmed. Each shock lasted nearly a minute and was accompanied by a heavy rum bling. No damage was caused so far as has been learned. Dktkoit, Mich., Oct 31.—An earth quake shook was felt in all parts of this stale early this morning, but no damage was done. At Niles buildings trembled, windows cracked, beds swayed and people rushed out of doors alarmed. Nashviixe, Tenn., Oct 31.—A sharp earthquake shock was felt here about 5:15 o’clock this morning'. The vibra tion lasted fully half a minute. At Memphis a heavy shock was felt The vibratiou vyas from east to weBt Houses roeked and people almost spilled out of bed. The shock lasted about a minute and was preceded by a rumbling sound. At Chattanooga the vibration was very severe, lasting fully a minute., Ind., Oct. 31.—The most pronounced earthquake shock in the memory of citizens or within the history of the weather service occurred at5 :10 o’clock this morning. It con tinued six or seven seconds. Every building in the city was shaken. Thousands of peoplo were awakened, Windows rattled, beds were shaken and glasses bumped together. St. Joseph, Mo., Oct. 31.—This city was rocked by an earthquake at 4:50 o'clock this morning. The shock lasted from one to two minutes. The undulation was from south to north. The motisn was very violent. Guests at the St. Charles hotel and the fihts at fifth and Charles streets were thrown into a panic. EMroniA, Kan., Oct. 31.—A slight earthquake shock was felt here this morning about 5 o'clock. Clocks were stopped and dishes rattled, but no damage was done Marsiiai.l, Mo., Oct. 31.—The peo ple of this city were awakened this morning at 5 o'clock by a violent earthquake. There were three dis tinct shocks, all within a period of two minutes. In some parts of the city the shocks were so violent that pictures were thrown down, and at one house tho first shock caused a side board to full over. Topeka, Kan.,Oct. 31.—Many people in Topeka were startled in their beds about 5 o’clock this morning by an earthquake, the shock of which lasted fully two minutes. Some people claim that there were two distinct shocks five minutes apart The shock was most noticeable in the southwest sub urbs of the town. Leavenworth, Kan., Oct. 31.—A few minutes after 5 o'clock this morn ing a severe earthquake shock rattled furniture and dishes violently in some localities and roughly rolled persons in bed. There were three distinct shocks. The first one began at 5:0(1 and the last one was over at 5:10. The vibrations appeared to be from the northwest to the southeast. MIm Yoke Is lira. Holme*. Denver, Col., Nov. L—Rev. B. J. Wilcox, pastor of the hifth Avenue M. E. church in this city, said yester day that he married Holmes, now on trial at Philadelphia, and Miss Georgi ans D. Yoke January 17, ls'J4. Their license was regular in every respect. In it the man’s name was given as Henry M. Howard of Fort Worth, Texas, and the woman’s residence as Franklin, Ind. They were strangers to Mr. Wilcox and came to his resi dence in a carriage. He married them in the presence of members of his household. MRS. PIETZEL'S STORY. 1 _' ' ■ ■ ~ - Wife of HerlmW Victim burglar had been way ward for years / and that his father had finally given up all hope of reforming him. National Bank Showing. Washington, Nov. 1.—An abstract ; | of the reports made to the comptroller J of the currency, showing the condi tion of the 3,713 national banks of the United States at the close of business on the 28th of last month, shows: Loans and discounts, 92,041,8*6,333, against 91,004,4?.'),559 under the call of July 11 last; overdrafts, 917,503,168, against 912,103,970; due from state banks and bankers, 930,830,482,against v:; $31,089,231; due from approved reserve agents, 9322,287.251, against 9235,308, 701; gold coin, 9110,338.300, against . $117,470,337! total resources, 93,423,- >' 020,313, against 83,410,653,307; due to other national banks, $320,228,677, against $330,225,950; due to stato banks and bankers, 9174,708,072, against $190.477,130;individual deposits,$1,701, 053,531, against $1,730,022,000. Lincoln Monument n Shell* . Spbisofikld, 111., Not. 1.—The Lin coln monument at Oakridge cemetery, 4 which has for the past twenty years ’ been admired by thousands upon :« thousands from all over the world, will have to be torn down. It is too fur gone to be repaired, and, besides, its construction is such that it will not admit of repair. Instead of being1 a substantial pile of solid granite, os external appearances would indicate, it is a rickety structure of brick, ve* necred over with slabs of granite. Cespedn’s Expedition Lands, Kingston, Jamaica, Nov. 1_There • now seems to be but little doubt that the two boats containing thirty-four Cubans and the two boats which had on board thirty-two cases of arms and ammuni tion, which were picked up off New York by the steamship Laurads, com posed the expedition headed by Carlos <'■■■ Manuel y Cespedcs, which is said to have left Canada for Cuba about Octo ber 30, •_ Shooting Affair at Garden City. Garden City, Kan., Nov. 1.—In an altercation last night between Bob Ross, a prominent farmer and stock man, and John Scarlet, liveryman, Ross drew bis gun and shot Scarlet - in the hand and arm. Citizens inter fered and during the scuffle the gun was discharged, shooting Ross back of : the left ear. He was also stabbed by Scarlet under his left arm. He died | in less than half an hour Klghtmlre li for Uartln. Topeka, Kan., Nov. 1.—W. F. High tun ire of Topeka, one of the or ganizers of the Populist party, and candidate for chief justice on the Pop* nlist ticket in 1890, yesterday pub lished an open letter announcing his intention of votinir for Judge David Martin, the Republican candidate for t-hief justice and present incumbent,, and advised all other Populists to go to the polls and do likewise. ~) Charged With Criminal Libel Denver, Colo., Nov. 1.—Hon Thom as M. Patterson, proprietor of the - Rocky Mountain News, was arrested last evening on a charge of criminal libel, preferred by the officers of the Denver Tramway Company. Damages amounting to £100,000 are asked. —. ... « . '. • ' ' " M# Ex~ Cashier Farrar Oat on Bonds. Perbv, Okla., Nov. 1.—Fred Farrar, ex-cashier of the defunct First State bank of Perry, who was arrested for receiving money on deposit when he knew the bank was in a failing . v; condition, gave bonds to-day signed by C. E. VanderToort, president or the : j,S Bank of Pawnee; Judge T. R. Cot* tiugbam of Guthrie, J. T. Johnson of Pawhuska, Osage nation, and J. T. Laiferty, B. R. Greer, j. J. Cum* usings and J. C. Scruggs. It is under* stood that his friends at Arkansas City will lodomaify the bondsmen. ....... - v !; 'I’K