The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 17, 1895, Image 8

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    "While down in the southwestern part
of the etnte some time ago,” aaja Mr. W.
Chalmera, editor of the Chico (Cal.) En
terpriae, "I had an attack of dysentry.
I Haring heard of Chamberlain’a Colic,
Cholera an Diarrhoea remedy I bought a
bottle. A couple of doaea of it com
pletely cured me. Now I am a champion
of that remedy for all atomach and
bowel complainta: For sale by P. C.
Corrigan, Druggist.
: f J. K. Fowler, secretary and treasurer
of the Corirne Mill, Canal and Stock
Co., of Corinne, Utah, in speaking of
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy says: "1
consider it the best in the market. I
hare used many kinds but find Chamber
lain’s the most prompt and effectual in
giving relief, and now keep no other in
my home." When troubled with a cougb
or could give this remedy a trial and we
assure you that you will be more than
pleased with the result. For sale by P
G. Corrigan, Druggist.
Don't forget that we are in first-class
shape to compete with foreign clothing
houses for your trade this season, and
only aat that you Investigate the com
parative values of our goods with those
of the catalogues so plentiful in this
county. Our men’s suit at 85.50 is a
good cassemere, not satenel; something
. that will please if you want a cheap suit.
At $7.50 you get a very nice looking
~ suit, while for $8.60 we will sell you a
genuine all wool cheviot, in black or
blue; and our beaver overcoat at 88.75
can not be beaten anywhere. When
you get chllley remember our one dollar
underwear; it baa no competition as it is
positively the best and heaviest gar
ment ever made for the price, if you
doubt It come and see it.
18*8 J. P. Mm.
Thera Is one medicine which every
family should be provided with./ We
refer to Chamberlain’e Pain Balm. When
it ie kept at hand the severe pain of a
barn or scald may be promptly relieved
and the sore healed in much less time
than when medioine has to be sent for.
A sprain may be promptly treated be
fore inflamatlon seta in, which insures a
cure in about one-lhird the time other
wise required. Guta and bruises should
receive immediate attention, before the
parte become swollen, and when Cham
berlain’s Pain Balm is applied it will
heal them without matter being formed,
and without leaving a scar. A sore
~ throat may be cured in one night. A
piece of flannel dampened with this lini
ment and bound on over the seat of
pain' will cure lame back or pain In tbe
side or cheat in twenty-four hours. It
is the most valuable, however, for rheu
matism. Parsons afllioted wito this
disease will de delighted with the prompt
relief from pain which it affords, and it
can be depended upon to effect a com
plete cure. For sale by P. 0. Corrigan,
Druggist. _
•Sort Lise Time Card.
Passenger leaves 7:10 a. k., arrives
HAS ■*. it.; freight leaves 8:4ft r. x., ar
rive 8:88 p. x. Dally except Sunday.
- i «i»i' - ■
Bow IWPl Oldest Chinaman Is to Be
. Sent Home.
Chinatown will aee the laat of its
most notable character, aaya the New
York News. Dong Dot Chu is not oply
the oldest resident of Chinatown, but
he has been In New York longer than
any other Mongolian, and, more re
markable still, he is absolutely without
a cousin, and that is the reason that
he Is going to be sent back to China by
public subscription. The first time this
- thing has ever been known to happen
before, because every Chinaman In the
v United States has invariably from one
dosen to a gross of cousins, and it would
be an everlasting disgrace on the family
asms to have any outsider help any
member of the family. In Mr. Dong’s
ease (In China the first name is always
the family name), however, there is
good reason for his being dependent on
the generosity of his countrymen for
the price of a return ticket to the celes
:: tial land. Dong Dot Chu has been in
New York city at least forty-five years
—ao long, in fact, that he has never
been known by any other same among
his own countrymen than that of
Snakes. The story of Yankee’s life la
mere romantic than that of the hero of
a dime novel. He was born in the vil
IMP of Boo Wte, Kwang Toil (Con ton)
province. On* day fall parent! took
kla to Canton City, and while there he
■trayod away from them. He tell* tfao
atory hlmaelf In this way: That whtlo
wandering about the elty a atranger ap
proached and by promlie* of nice
elothea and aweetmeata Induced him to
go along. Dong Dot Chn aaya he thinka
he waa about 0 yeara old then. Whether
, ke la 69 or 69 now or not he cannot tell.
When he next remembered anything,
■sMr. Dong aaya, after he met the
i..-. atranger, ho waa on board of a ateam
•hip. Ha learned afterward that ho
waa a alar* on a plantation In Cuba.
Borne time during the civil war in the
\ * United Btatea the owner of the tobacco
plantation came to New York with hia
faarily, and while here. Mr. Dong aaya,
he atole away from them. He had
; learned to roll clgara while In Cuba,
, and he went to work to learn clgar
;:l Waking. He followed thla buaineaa in
j"; v *hla city afterward until he got too old
to work. For a long time paat Dong
Pot Chu haa been aupported by trlenda
and oympathlaara. He haa been Bleep
ing under the ataira in the hallway of
11 Mott atreet Lee Yum Ping, mayor
\ , Of Chinatown, llee Fun Sing, Lee Chow
and Ifarry Lee King, Chlneae mer
ehaata, have been appointed a commit
/ ; toe to eoUeet the 9100 neeeaaary to aend
Dong Dot Chu back to China.
- , ... .
' Dr. Pl-ten's Cranm Poking PowdM
: * * • »■.. ■
Highest Honors—World’s Pair*
A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free
from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant.
Always buy the beat, tbe Moline. I
have a car load on band and will aell
cheap for caab, or on Bbort time. If
you want a wagon’, a buggy or a road
cart come in time and don’t get left.
Remember tbe name. Moline wagona
are tbe beat made and Bold by
A Neil Brennan.
Elliott 0. Davidson, Merchants Bank of
Nellgh, Henry L. Pratt, and the Nebraska
Lana Company, non-resident defendants, will
take notice, that on the 2nd day of October,
1MB. Bella F. Bolling plaintiff tiled her petition
In the district court of Holt county, Nebraska
against said defendants, Impleaded with
Grover C. Maben, Ella Msben and M. V. Har
rington, the object of which Is to foreclose a
certain mortgage executed by the defendants
Grover C. Maben and Ella Maben. to H. M.
Bolling, upon the following described real
estate situated in Wheeler county. Nebraska,
to-wlt: The northwest quarter; theeasthaif
of the southwest quarter, and tho southwest
quarter of tho southeast quarter, of section
4; the west half of tho northeast quarter; the
west half of the southeast quarter; the south
east quarterof the southeast quarter, and the
southeast quarter of the southwest quarter,
of section 0; and the southwostquarter of the
northwest quarter, and the west half of the
southwest quarter of seotlon 10; all of the
above described real estate being In township
24, north of range 0. west. Also the follow
ing described real estate situated In Holt
county, Nebraska, to-wlt: 'The southeast
quarter of the southwest quarter of section
12. and the south halt of the southwest quar
ter: the south half of tho southeast quarter,
and the northeast quarter of the southeast
quarter of section 8a, all In township 25, north
of range B, west; to secure the payment of a
oertaln promissory note dated July 80, 1804,
for the sum of *4,718.80. payable July 30, 1800.
There Is now due the plaintiff on said note
the sum of *5,001.02 with ten per cent. Interest
from July 80, 1895, and plaintiff prays fora
decree, that the defendants be required to
pay the same, or that said premises may be
sold to satisfy the amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the llth day of November. 1805.
Dated ut O’Neill, Nebraska, this 2nd day of
October, 1805.
_ N. D. Jackson,
13-4 Plaintiff’s Attorney.
Henry Potts and Mtllssn Potts, non-resident
defendants, will take notice, that on the 2nd
day of Ootober, 1895. William Goldthorp,
plaintiff, Bled his petition In tho district court
of Holt county, Nebraska, aguinst said de
fendrnts, Impleaded with the Oregon Horse
& Land Company, tho object of which Is to
foreclose a certain mortgage executed by the
defendants Henry Potts and MUllssa Potts,
to John J. Ruche, ns trustee, upon the follow
ing described real estate situated In Ilolt
county, Nebraska, to-wit: The southwest
quarter of seotlon 31, la township Os, north of
range 12, west, glvon to secure the payment
of one oertaln promissory note dated Febru
ary 28, 1888, for the sum of *6(10.00 payable
March 1-1893, Tlierd Is now due the plaintiff
from the defendants on said note and mort
gage the sum of *073.80 with ten per cent In
terest from Ootober 1, 1895. And plaintiff
prays for a docree that said premises may
be sold to satisfy the amount found due.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the llth day of November, 1895.
Dated at O’Neill. Nebraska, this 2nd day of
Ootober, 1896.
N. D. Jackson,
18-4_ Plaintiff’s Attorney.
Frank J. Toohill non-resident defendant:
Notion Is hereby given that on the 19th day
of August, 1895, O. O. Snyder. Receiver of
Holt County Bank, the.plaintiff In this action,
Bled his petition In the otBce Of the clerk of
the district court or Holt comity. Nebraska,
the objeot and prayer of which is to foreolose
'■■.certain mortgage executed by Frank J.
Toohill and Bell Toohill upon lots 12 and 13
In block 20 of the original town of O’Neill, In
Holt county. Nebraska, wbtoh mortgage was
executed and delivered to Holt county Bank
and Bled for record on the llth day of De
cember, 1889, and recorded In book 50 of mort
gages at page 490; that there Is now due upon
said mortgage the sum of *1,1W 00.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the 80th day dayot September,
1895, or the same will be taken as true ana
Judgment entered accordingly.
f-4 fit. M. Uttlnt,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
United States Land OfHoe. I
O'Neill, Neb., September 20,1895. f
Notice Is hereby given that Levi Herablser
uaa filed notice of intention to make commu
tatlon proof before the Register and Receiver
at their ofBco In O’Neill, Neb., on Friday, the
1st day of November, 1895, on timber Culture
application No 6018, for the 8W(* of section
No. 8, In township No. 28 n, range No. 13 w.
He names as witnesses; Joel McEvony. Jo
l^pla lumou Pn«nn1l.. _J Im r, I«
all c..
»»v uMiuua aej w ItlltBSCH• JIIUI flltikVOliTi JO
IJavIs. J»mes Connolly and Thomas Connell
of O Neill, Nebraska.
'JOHN A. HARMON, Register.
In The District Court ot Holt County, Neb.
William H. Male. Benjamin Graham,William
jr„ and Harris H. Hayden, plulntlffa.
William Menlsh and wife Bridget Menlsh,
W. J. Bowden and McCormick Harvesting
Machine Company, defendants.
The defendants, W. J. Bowden and
M®C°rmiok Harvesting Machine Company,
will take notice that on the 24th day of
September, 189(1. the above named plaintiffs
Bled their petition In the district court of
Holt county, Nebraska, against the above
named (defendants and each of them. The
object and prayer of said petition beiug to
foreclose a certain trust deed, executed by
the defendants William Menlsh and wife
Bridget Menlsh, to A. L, Ormsby, trustee for
W.L. Telford, upon the following described
real estate, situated In Holt county. Ne
braska, to-wit: The southwest quarter of
section twenty-three (28.) township thirty (30.)
range twelve (IS.) of tho nth p. v., said
mortgage or deed being given to secure the
P.?JBJe?tP,.acSrtaln coupon bond or note of
MW, dated April 25. 189H, due June 1.1898, with
interest at seven per cent, per annum, pay
able semi-annually, as evidenced by ten
Interest notes of (14 each, attached to said
Plaintiffs allege that there is now due
them Boon ula note op bond and mortgage
the sum of I6U0, on account of the defendants
failure to pay the Interest notes of 114 each,
which became due December 1,1814, and June
U H,8° tbe 8U,n °f taxes paid by
plaintiffs to protect their security, as well as
°! **• “1 ti)r extending abstract
of Utle, for which sums with interest from
this date .plaintiffs pray for a decree, that
the defendants be required to pay the same
or that said premises may be sold to satisfy
the amount found due. Plaintiffs also pray
that the interest or claim of each of the
defendants, If any they have, in said
premises, may be decreed to be subject to the
lien of plaintiffs mortgage and for other
equitable relief.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 4th day of November. 1805.
Dated this SSrd day of September, isob.
•H K. li. Dickson,
Attorney for plaintiff
In the district court of Holt county. Ne
J. 0. Franklin, plaintiff.
William L. Day et. ai. defendant*.
The defendants, William L. Lay, Elizabeth
Lay, his wife. William A. Boggs. administra
tor of tho estate of Win. Corblt, deceased,
Elizabeth Corblt Borrs. William A, Boggs,
her husband, Anna Oorblt Perkins, Frank
Perkins, her husband. Emma Corblt Lovejoy,
Mr. Lovejoy, her husband, William 0. Corblt,
" -Ilf ~ . “.
Mrs. William C. Corblt, his wife, B. P. Corblt,
Mrs. E. P. Corblt, his wife, P. Si. Corblt, and
Mrs. P. M. Corblt, his wife, heirs of William
Corblt, deceased, and Elizabeth Corblt, de
ceased, will take notice, that on the 27th day
of AiiRust. 1895, the above named plaintiff
filed In the office of the clerk of the district
court of Holt county, Nebraska, his petition
URainet you and each of you, the object and
prayer of which Is to foreclose a certain real
estate mortgage, executed and delivered to
J. O. Snyder by the defendants William L.
Lay and Elizabeth Lay on the 20tli day of
May, 1887, conveying to the said J. G. Snyder
the following tract of land, to-w!t: Lot
number two and tbe the south half of the
northeast quarter and the southeast quarter
of the northwest quarter of section number
eighteen, in township number twenty-five,
north of range number thirteen, west Oth p.
m., for tho purpose of securing a certain real
estate coupon bond of MOO.OO with ten Interest
coupons. The principal bond of 1000.00 due
and payable on tbe first day of June, 1892,one
of said interest coupons duo each six months
from and after tbe date thereof and to havo
said premises sold to satisfy said bond In
terest and taxes. That there is now due
and owing upon said bond, coupons, and for
taxes paid to protect said lien tbe sum of
tl ,060.00.
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 14th day of October, 1895,
Dated this 27th day of August, 1895.
8-4 j. c. Fhankmin, Plaintiff.
By E. H. Benedict, his Attorney.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a
certain chattel chattel mortgage executed
by Frank J. Toolilll. on December 31.1894, to
the State Bank of O'Neill, to secure the pay
ment of one cortaln promissory note In the
sum of *83.00 due July 15. 1895. Said chattel
mortgage having been duly bled In the office
of the county clerk of Holt county,Nebraska,
the mortgagee by virtuejof the powers conj
tnlned In said mortgage has taken possession
of the following personal property, to-wit:
Two counter scales, Fairbank make; on
. -- one plat
form scale, Fairbank make; one Ice box; one
sausage machine; one sausage stutTcr; one
marble topcounter; two butcher blocks; one
desk; two saws; racks, knives and etc.; one
kettle and all other tools and butchers Imple
ments formerly belonging to F. J. Toohlll
and now In use by E. P. Hicks; also one
slaughter house and feed shed and two large
kettles, and will, at the Palace Meat Market,
In the city of O’Neill, on the 10th day of
October, 1*95, at 10 o’clock A. M. otter said
property for sale and sell the same to the
highest b
bidder for cash, at which time and
place due attendance will be given by the
10-4 The State Bank or O’Nanx.
By H. M. Uttley, Agent.
The above sale has been adjourned until
Ootober 18,1893, at 10 o'olook a. m.
Land Omen at O'Neii,!,. Neb.
September 9,1895. f
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has bled notice of his intention
to make final proof In snpport of his claim
and that said proof will be made before the
register and receiver at O'Neill, Nebraska,
on October 18,1895. via:
for the 8W14 section 4, township 31, N range
I), west.
He names the following witnesses to prove
Ills continuanoo residence upon and culti
vation of. said laud, via: J.B. Freeland. V.
V. Hesenkrans, Dan Hlnkerd and Newton
Uarson, all of Dorsey, Neb.
10-9 Tohn A. Harmon, Register.
In the District Court of Holt county, Neb.
William H. Male, Benjamin Graham. William
Halls, jr„ and Harris H. Hayden, plaintiff's,
Henry C. Meyers and wife, MartbaJ. Meyers,
Thomas Davis and wife, Elizabeth.Davis,
Frederick H. Davis and wife, Mrs. Frederick
H. Davis first and full name unknown.
Sinker Davis & Co., Sturdevant Brothers &
Co., a partnership composed of Joseph B.
Hturdovant. Brantley E. Sturdevant, Sara
J. Sturdevant and Ella F. Sturdevant. Alex
ander 0. Ayers trustee for Sinker Davis A
Co., Thomas Davis, Sarah C. Gibson, T. W.
Iron, first and lull name unknown, C. P.
Richmond, first and full name unknown,
W. H. Beebe, first and full name unknown,
and wife, Mrs. W. II. Beebe, first and full
name unknown, defendants.
To the above named defendants and each
of you; You will take notice that on the 21st
day of August, 1895, the above named plain
tiffs filed their petition In the district court
of Holt county, Nebraska, against you and
each of you. The object and prayer of said
petition being to foreclose a certain trust
deed or mortgage exeouted and delivered by
the defendants Henry C. Meyers and wife,
Murtba J. Meyers, to E. S. Orrosby, trustee
for P. O, Ref sell upon the following described
real estate Blluated In Holt county, Nebraska,
towlt: That certain tract of land numbered
on the platt as lot No. three (3.) and bound as
follows: Commencing at a point fifty (50)
links south and fifteen hundred sixty-five
11595) links east of the one quarter (stake
on the section line, dividing sections number
thirty-two (32) and thirty-three (33,) of town
ship number thirty (30,) north, range number
fourteen (14,) west of the 9th p. M.. thence
running easterly seven hundred seven and
one half (707*4) links, thence running south
erly seven hundred seven and on half (707)4)
links; thence running westerly seven hun
dred seven and ono half (797)4) links, thence
running northerly seven hundred seven and
one half (707)4) links, to place of beglning,
containing five (3) acres more or less
and situated In the northeast quarter (NE!4)
of southwest quarter (HW)4) and the north
west quarter (NWJi) of the southwest quarter
(8\V)4,) of section number thirty-three (IB,)
In township number thirty (39.) north, range
number fourteen (14.) west of the 9th prin
cipal meredian and containing five (5) ucres
accordIKk to the United States government
survey. Said trust deed or mortgage belug
given to seoure the payment of of a certain
note or bond for the sum of $440.dated August
19,1889, due June 1,1891, and plaintiffs alllege
In said petition that said trust deed also
stands security for the payment of certain
extension notes made and delivered by the
defendant Meyers to-satd P. U. Kofsell on the
21st day of May, 189>, and plaintiffs allege In
petition that they are the owners or said
said i
note or boud and extension notes, and said
mortgage and trust deed scouring the same,
and that there Is due them thereon at thU
time tbe sum of $990 together with the sum
of $50 taxos paid on said real estate by the
plaintiffs to protect tbeir security. Plain
tiffs allege that they aro the owners of said
note or Dond and extension notes and the
trust deed or mortgage given to secure the
same, and pray for a decree that the de
fendants be required to pay ;he same or that
said premises may be sold to satisfy the
amount found due thereon, and that the
lien or Interest of all of said defendants be
decreed to be subject to the lien of these
plaintiff,s trust deed and for otber equitable
You are required to answer said petition
on or before the 30th day of September, 1895.
Dated this 19th day of August, 1893.
7-4 H. B. Dickson.
Attorney for Plaintiff's.
For payment of lien herding and care there
To all whom it may concern: Notioe is
hereby given that by virtue of seotton 8H of
the consolidated statutes of the state of
Nebraska for the year 1803, an act to provide
for liens upon live stock for their keeping,
an affidavit as required by said section
having been on the ttth day day of September.
1805, died in the office of the county clerk of
liolt county, Nebraska.
The undersigned to satisfy the lien accrued
by such section and perfected by such affi
davit so hied, will, on the 7th day of October,
1835, at 10 o’clock a. m. on Ills farm to-wlt: the
southwest quarter section one, township
thirty-two, (range eleven w*est. in i’addock
township Holt county, Nebraska, offer for
sale and sell to the highest bidder, for cash,
the following described property, to-wit:
Two geldings, one sorrel and one grey, aged
two to eight years. Nineteen horses as
follows: Seven bays, five sorrel, throe black,
one grey, one cream and one brewn, ages
from two to nine years old; oue spring sfudd
colt, two mules, one horse and one mare. The
above stock being known as the Kinney herd
and being In possession of the undersigned.
The amount now due upon said lied is the
sum of $190 together .with the necessary and
actual expenses for publishing this notice,
filing the affidavit as required by statutes,
and the expense of said sale, and persons in
terested iu said stock are hereby notified
to be present at that time to protect their
Dated this 6th d«y of September, 1895.
>0-4 J. B. Bkrbt,
Lien Udder.
is the *
and the
. V'.' >
Its office is fitted with the
- ? v
most most modern convenient
ces and machinery, always has
the latest faces of type, the
best workmen, and is thereby
. ;‘’r
enabled to turn out the most
satisfactory kind of job work.
Its management uses none but
the best paper, are scrupu
neat and prompt with their
work and guarantee satisfac
tion. Mail orders receive
careful attention, and if your
home paper is not prepared to
do all classes of work you
will find it to your financial
benefit to communicate with
The Frontier.
The Frontier
Carries a very complete line
of legal blanks and sells them
reasonably cheap. If we do
■< not have what you want we
will print it almost as you
As an Advertising fledium
It is the best in the county,
especially at the county seat.
It circulates among the best
class of people; a class that
pays for what it gets And does
not patronize non-residents, as
does a certain portion of the
people in the west. Its rates
for advertising are very low,
t and the business man who
does not advertise in it is loser
more than he dreams of.
If you want
To subscribe for The Frontier
and any other paper or maga
zine published 6n earth we
will give you a rate and
Sive you money. We have
clubbing rates with the lead
ing publications ot the world.
Call on or address