I The Frontier. % «»^MU—**S—-n««—naUUU—■■■■■—W*-naaS«—i \i: ■ ^"* 1 1 —-■-.— ■■» ■■ ’ PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY ' IHI FRONTIER PRINTING COMPANI KINO * CRONIN. Editors. : FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. - hr DUtrlot Judges: X. P. KIN RAID, of O'Neill. I ALFRED BARTOW, of Chadron. . COUNTY REPUBLICAN TICKET. ' Nor Count; Treasu rer: 0. F. BIGLIN, Of O’Neill, j For Clerk of the Court: < JOHN 8KIRVING, of Stuart. For Count; Sheriff: JOHN BRADY, of Atkinson. ; For Count; Clerk: F. W. PHILLIPS, of Steel Creek, or Count; Superintendent: A. T. BLACKBURN, of Atkinson. ■. For Count; Judge: R. 0. WRY, of Chambers. ,h. For Count; 8unre;or: R. E. BOWDEN, of Paddock. ; For Count; Coroner: 0.0. BIGLER, of Ewing. ' CITY TICKET. For Aiseeeor: E.H. THOMPSON, of O’Neill. For Jnetloee of the Peaoe: B. H. BENEDICT, of O'NolU. O. B. DAVIDSON, of O'NelU. For Gone tablet: . JOHN HOBBIBKV, of O'Neill. TOWNSHIP TICKET. V For Saperritor, Third Dletrlot: B. J. MACK, of O’NelU... : For Townehlp Aeeeeeor: ABTHUB BARRETT, of Grattan. For Rood Overseer Diet. No. 4s JOHN BNRIGHT. of Ortttu. For Road Overseer Diet. No. 96: CHARLES SHOEMAKER, of 3rattan, i For Justice of the Peaoe: HINRY HEM8HISER, of 0rattan. For Ooostable: JOHN HOBBI8KT, of O'NelU. " For Judges of Election: PATRICK BARRETT, of Orattan. JOHN HBBNAN, of Grattao. BTBON O. Parker, of Grattan. For Olerki of Bleotion: ELI HEBBHISBR, of Grattan. PATRICK MoNlCHOLB. of Grattan, COMMITTEE MEETING. ! Notice !• hereby given that there will ’ be i meeting of the Holt county repub* • licaa central committee held' in O’Neill St 9 o’olock p. it. on Saturday, October M, 1898. It Is earneetlf requested that the oommltteeman from each township be present at this meeting. 8. J. Wbikes, Chairman. Depositors In the Holt county bank ought to fall over themselves in a wild rush to vote Mike Harringtoa’e ticket. All that Is necessary to get money !' ttom populists for campaign purposes Is to go and ask them for lb—J. A. Eger* I" km. '' r ■ / jp/r'. ..1 > •.——— - i'--** Men who object to what the news* f papers say of them often forget what | the newspapers suppress.—Fremont . Herald. -»■■■ ■ »«o»»—" Edobitor says the future of the pop . Rllst party depends upon the election of Maxwell. In that case the future of the > populist party to a gloomy obromo. A pop papeedown the road says Max* ' well has declared himself in sympathy with all of the “criminal" principles of V tbs populist party? The testimony of '* the witness to not rebutted. fyi: .- -n- ■ •i^.- Bo wax was drammed out of the popo Mst P*rty for treason, so the Sun says. V We guess that to right Bowen refused .. to decide the Aiken ease before hearing , the evidence and that was treason to •the principles of populism!1 Tnn plot thickens. The pope invali dated Scott's official bond, t. hereby the - county lost 194,000. Last week's Frok <1 TUB proves that the pops got consider | able of the money from Scott. Was it ; understood between Scott and them that I tits bond should be invaUdatedT '■ ■ »«o». i TAb Froxtur guesses that Clarence J S«lah has become a member of the court-house editorial bureau. It he didn’t ir contribute the article in the last issue of the Bur anent the Woods latter, this ■ piper doaan’t want a cent Come, now, .. falsa fleeting Clarence, 'fees up. ¥4 I 'Vra democratic judicial goamtioi P*M at Chadron laat WMk decided to iipake »o aomtnationa. Thia la practio elly a republican Indoraemant. On tba political wbaal of fortuna Golden occu ptoa tba poattion of tba Iona a tar. Ho baa about oaa chance la Ore tbouaand of winning. * I» th« Beacon Light editor la anob n Woo reformer why doaaa’t he refoae to onpport Hamilton for aheriff after be went to the trouble of inveatlgatlng' hia oMoo, and with the reeult of bla Met motto. atM ;jaK' Was it not wrong for any man, or se of men, combination or clique, to taki *100,000 of money that was paid inti the county treaaury and to convert it ti their own use and never return it to thi county treasury? Wasn’t such a tbef from the over-taxed people of thi county a great crime and a heinom wrong?—Sun. It was. For further particulars set last week’s Fhoktiku. In cask of Hamilton’s election it ii said that Ewing will furnish the nexi deputy sheriff. When Hamilton wai making bis bard fight for the nomina tion in the nopulist convention Ewini held the balance of power and on thi last ballot swung to Hamilton and nomi nated him. The consideration, it if said, was the promise of the deputysbip The Sun (ays Woods is a Biglin man for the reason that Biglin has promised him a clerkship. The Frontier doe* not know that Biglin has done this, but the assertion suggests an idea: If it it true, why does the Sun not prove it* great love for Woods, the old soldier, by assisting in the election of Biglin 1 Mr. Woods would certainly get no clerk ship under Mullen. People In this Judicial district have been served faithfully by Judges Bar tow and Kinkaid, and in rendering theii decisions they have been impartial to all concerned. This district does not con tain men better qualified for the arduout duties devolving upon the judiciary than the present incumbents, who at all times have looked after the best interests ol the entire district. Their faithfulness, honesty and integrity deserves to be re warded by re-electing them to theii present positions. It is for you, who desire good government, to see tbal these incumbents are retained.—Valen tine Republican. A great many people .now believe that the reason the board refused to set tle with Scott and take the notes due him in part payment was beoause nearly all of the notes were signed by memberi of the populist party. And still the populist press of Holt county has always stoutly maintained that Scott was killed by the men who had his money. 01 course when the pop papers were talk ing that way they appeared to think that Scott had loaned his money to re publicans, but now that the contrary is known to be true will they be allowed to recant, to recall what they have writ ten? Hardly. Alt of the people are not fools all of the time. Last week’s Sun, in speaking of the men on the populist ticket, said: They are standards of morality, so briety and gentlemanly conduct. (There ie a tingle exception, we are sorry to re mark, but he is not a populist.) ( Golden. Westover. McCulchan. Bethea. Mullen. Hamilton. Jackson. Henry. . J ,, ; Trueblood. Morton. Which? In order to get the blacksbeep that is admitted to be in the flock it would be a good idea for the people.to vote against the whole outfit. 1—.»«•». — -*■ Harrington complains that The Frontier libeled him last week. Strange what ideas some men have of libel. He didn’t seem to be greatly of fended when we said he fled to Illinois to escape,arrest for forgery. We even published an affidavit from Judge Bowen stating that a warrant had been issued from county court for such pur pose and still he didn’t talk libel. When we published an opinion written by the honorable secretary of the Interior in a land case wherein he said this man Har rington had sold out a client, and re versed a contest case on those grounds, he didn’t accuse us of libel. Libel) Great hevingal we don’t want to under take the task. Westover amp Golden have been making a vigorous campaign through* out the Fifteenth judicial district. Judges Klnkald and Bartow have been busy taking care of their official duties, holding court nearly every day since their nomination, and have had no time to do any electioneering, and as the time ie now limited it will not be possi ble for theiki to make a very thorough canvass. They are in fact In the hands of their friends. This district is com posed of ten counties and if the re maining daye were divided equally among the several counties it would give but two daye to each county, so ii will be Impossible for them to do more than visit a few towns in each county. ▲ personal campaign, however, is not necessary on the part of these gentle men. The people know them perfectly well, and so knowing will re-elect them when the proper time arrives. Last week’s Fbomtier stirred up th« natives in great shape. Messrs. Har rington and McCaOerty were particularly red-headed and both took a terribh oath that they would spend the rest ol the time before November 5 working against the republican ticket. To lost these two warriors will be a terribh blow to the republican party, but, deal voter, when Mike Harrington broaches tke subject to you just aak him how much money he has made out of popu lism during the last two years:' ask bin if bis great npncern for the populia ticket Is not with a view to the perpetu t alion of his snap: ask bim why be does 1 not settle up in full with the Holt | county bank and give the depositors , another dividend: ask him if the bank i would ever have failed bad lhd*men 1 paid back the money they borrowed. 1 When you see McCaSerty inquire of , him wby be is a populist: ask bim why he does not pay back the money be bor rowed from Scott: ask him bow it bap , pens that every treasurer he baa sup , ported in the past has been short in his , accounts. These are two nice men to . be out soliciting votes for populists. Tbeir friendship alone ought to be suffi cient to defeat the men for whom they are working. Holt county has a bad name abroad, there ia no use denying that, bnt there is a way she can redeem herself. Turn down the pops and you will have re moved the cause. They are the people who have made the county the laughing stock of the state and ruined her repu tation aa a law abiding community. They have atirred up .more strife and contention during their brief career than the old parlies could do in a cen tury. They have arrayed neighbor against neighbor, friend against friend and divided households against them selves. They have done this by appeals to ignorance—stirring up racial preju dices and religious differences; things that should have no place—and do have no place in political economy. In the first place their cause was not just and could not win by logical argument In a fair field, and as the spoils were their desire they adopted disreptuable tactics to win. They have not helped the financial affairs of the county, but the contrary is true. They have, however, succeeded in turning immigration from our boundaries. It was only last week that Thb Frontier met an eastern cap italist who came to O’Neill for the pur pose of investing S10.000 in Holt county land, intending to put in system of irri gation. He called at this office, intro duced himself, and gaye us the forego ing facts, but said that since coming here and acquainting himself with ex isting conditions he bad decided to not invest. He said he would never invest a cent in any community where the pop ulists were in control. It was his opin ion that they breed disaster and ruina tion. And they do. We do not like to publish such things as these, but the voters have a right to be informed that they may govern themselves accordingly. The remedy is in their hands. 0’NElLL BUSINESS DIRECTORY J)B. J. P. eiLLIGAH, .PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Holt County bank building. Strangers, those living at a distance, and night calls must be cash in advance. O'NEILL, - - NEB. jj B. DICKSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Reference First National Bank y O'NEILL, NEB. J)B. KDWABD fe. FXJBAY, PHYSICAL AND SURGEON. Day and night calls promptly attended to. OOee ove* First National Bank. O'NBILL NEB. pt n. BKSKDICT. LAWYER, OBoe in the Judge Roberts building, north of O. O. Snyder's lumber yard. O NEILL, t RBB. .—.—, Iff B. BUTLER, ATTORNEY. AT-LA W. Agent for Union Trust Go's land in Holt county. / Will practice In all the courts. Special at tentlon given to foreclosures and collections J)R B. T. TRUK BLOOD PHYSICIAN * SURGEON Diseases of the Eye and Ear and fitting glasses a speolalty. Offloe hours 2 to 12 a. tn. and 2 to ftp. m. Offloe first door west of Heinerlkton'e O'CON NOR & GALLAGHER BKALINS IN Of all kinds. A speolalty made of FINE CIGARS. I ' - , If you want i drink of good liquor do not fail to call on us. • \.i 4.. V.:* -c I-.; a ■ HOTEL -JnVANS Enlarged Refurnished Refitted Only First-class Hotel I li the City. :.': ■ \ ' ■ W. T. EVANS, Prop; NEW YORK ... ILLUSTRATED NEWS The Organ ofTHoneat Sport in America ALL THE SENSATIONS OF THE DAY PICTURID av THE FOREMOST ARTISTS OF THE COUNTRY Life in New York Qraphically Illustrated. Breexy but Respectable. •4 FOR A YEAR, $2 FOR SIX MONTHS Do you want to be pooled? Then send your subscription to the RV TIU HUBBUB IEWS, 3'PARK PLACED NEW YORK CITY. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. Sioux City, O’Neill and Western Railway (PACIFIC 8HOET LINE) THE SHORT ROUTE BETWEEN SlOliX ClTY AND Jackson, Laurel, Randolph, Os mond, Plainview, O'Neill. Connects at Sioux City with all diverging lines, landing passengers In WBW UNION PASSENGER STATION Homeseekers will find golden opportun ities along this line. Investigate before going elsewhere. THE CORN BELT OF AMERICA For rates, time tables, or other Information call upon agent j or address F. C. BILLS, W. B. MoNIDEK, Beoelver. Gen’l Pass. Agent. THE NEW DONAHOE’S /A combating Religious Prejudice and economic injustice, and helping Catholics and Protestants to under stand 1each other better. THE new DONAHOE’S Is brilliant without being super ficial, instructive without being heavy, popular without being trival. THE NEW DONAHOE’S Will delight every American Catho lic and interest every thoughtful Protestant. Only f2.00 a year. Write for sample copy DONAHOE’S MAGAZINE CO. 611 WASHINGTON ST., BOSTON MASS. P. J). A J. F. MIlLLEN, PROPRIETORS OF Till GOOD TEAMS, NEW RIGS Prices Reasonable. ■mat of HoOfcfferto’i. O’HBILh MtB, { Always Buy the Best. The Best is Cheapest The Finest add Largest stock of good .Implement Line in the in the Hardware and. Elkhorn Valley is fouiyl at Neil Brennan’s H John Deere plows, Moline wagons, David Bradley & Co’s famous Disc cultivators... Riding and walking cultivators,' harrows, Glidden wire, stoves, oils, cuttlery, tinware. elKHorn valley PLOW FACTORY**. O’NEILL, NEB. EMIL SNIGG8, Prop. .. ...Manufactures the Hamnell Open Mould-Board Stirring Plow. Also general blacksmithing and practical horseshoer. Wagon and Carriage woodwork carried on in connection. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. -Also dealer in Farm Implements. Handles the Scandi implements and the Plano Bakes, Mowers and Binders. Parties wishing anything in this line call and see me. G. W. WATTLES, President. ANDREW RUSSELL, V-Pres. JOHN McHUGH, Cashier. THE - STATE - BANK OP O’NEILL. CAPITAL $30,000. 3 Prompt Attention Given to Collections DO A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Chicago Lumber Yard Headquarters for . . . LUMBER, —■—-CO A Land BUILDING MATERIAL The Stock js dry, being cured By the largest dry-sheds in the world. H S M fallen. 0.0. SNYDER & CO. lllllllllillS PT>0£ 2O-H>fi>”»30 ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR WESTERN Deccriplive of the Welt and Devoted to Irrigation. m AMERICA. A Western Magazine devoted to >G) Western Intetests 4 Western Literature Z and Western Developement 4 Throbgh Irrigation OF AND FOR — WEST Send roc. for Sample Copy Howell Publishing Co. FACTS AND FIGURES. OMAHA.^NEB. 20-H>0-'»i-tn»pi<