u * . * THIS HORSE COULD HUNT. fhrafk He Wasn't Good for Terr Much on the Road. *1 had a horse,” said an old army {nan, "that had once belonged to the Beventh cavalry, but he had the ‘I. C.’ brand under hie name, an he went out of the service, inspected and con \ demned. He was a regular old plug, but he was all 1 could get to go hunting on, so I. totfk him. I.rode away out Into the plains from the fort, and 1 saw a bunch of antelope Anally. I got off the horse and dropped the reins on the ground, expecting the horse to stand there till I came back. I started oft toward the antelope and was sneaking along to get a shot when I looked around, and I’ll be blgmed if that brute of a horse hadn’t started off as : v ugnt as he could lope. “ ‘Well,’ says I, ‘I guess I’m in for a six-mile tramp home.' I cussed the horse to myself for awhile, and then I went on. Pretty soon I looked up, and I’m blessed If there wasn’t that horse over the other side of that bunch of antelope. ‘Well, now,’ says I, ’I’d like to know what the devil that horse thinks he’s up to, anyhow.’ Pretty soon he began to circle arouhd on the other side, and the antelope saw him and started oft toward me. I caught on at once, and lay down and waited. “That old horse cut up the most sur prising antics out there, and all the while he kept working those antelope toward me. By and by they got into range and I got two; darned good luck it was, too. You see, that horse was an old Indian hunting pony, and he had been trained to do that way. Well, I went back to the post, and everybody wanted to know how it happened I had such good luck. But I didn’t tell 'em, not then. "A few days after I took the same horse out after prairie chickens. It was , the time of the year when the chickens , were flying, and I was riding along when all of a sudden the critter stopped short, braced himself up, and waited— for what I didn’t know. But in a sec ond a couple of chickens flew up ahead of me, and I was so surprised I didn’t shoot ’Well,’ I says, 'I’ll be switched. Here’s a horse that’s not only a hunt ing horse, but Is a regular pointer dog, too.’ And he was. I got my gun ready, an^, the next time he stopped I was right on hand and dropped a bird. Well, now, no sooner did that horse see - that bird fall than he galloped off right to where it fell, and all I had to do was to reach off and pick it up. He was a great horse, I tell you, and I got lots of good hunting with him.” Vp-to-DaU Girl*. On the train into Portland trom Btddeford, Maine, recently two young v women created a good deal of Interest for the passengers. They got on at Biddefgrd. They were well dressed, says the Bangor Commercial, and as re* fined In appearance and faces as the average woman. At least they would n’t have attracted attention, as the re verse. They got into the smoking car and sat down. A gentleman politely Informed them that they had made a mistake and were seated in the smoker. They as politely Informed him that they had made no mistake. Then they pro ceeded to prove it, by taking some dainty cigarettes from their pockets and proceeding to daintily smoke them. The men in the car were somewhat astonished. Of course they stared at the.fair intruders. People in the other ears were all straining their necks to. get a glimpse through the windows at them, yet they sat there very coolly i; »and enjoyed their smoke till the car reaehed Portland. Two ^OfMi Welshmen. John Hopkins of Wales arrived In Anderson, Ind., recently, to make his home in this country with his brother William. They began to celebrate the . event by drinking and i«Bnt home at 2:30. Mrs. Hopkins had prepared a welcome spread, but they did not take time to sample it ‘ They threw Mrs. ; Hopkins out of the window, took the :t <*w® by the tour legs and tossed it and the dishes up against the celling, break ing it, and tossed the furniture out of the window and demolished every / thing. By the Ume the police appeared ; on the aoene they had punched all the window lights out, had broken the y doors oft the hinges and had a light In which both were badly cut up. The house Is a sight . :'(f - ’ ' y-~ Mf? HI* N»m# Written 1_ ▲ Georgia story is to the effect that many years ago a bloody, drunken row occurred In Dahlonega. Immediately afterward a man went up In front of the bar where the fighters had pur chased their liquor and wrote the name of the barkeeper In blood on the rock pavement In front of the door. It la one of the principal sidewalks of the town, and has been traveled by thousands of people, and many drenching rains have fallen on those rocks since, but the name has never rubbed or washed out, and shows almost as plainly as the day *t was written. r’i- i”. • ' If W{§ What J*U Ufa It. John Zimmerman, who has been In the Western Pennsylvania peniten tiary since 1893 for horse stealing, was released the other day and Immediately turned over to an officer from Preston, W. Va., who had requisition papersdo take him there to be tried for the —Te Offense. Zimmerman Is about 70 years of age, and, according to his own state ment he has not been a free men more Gian six months at a time since be was twenty-five. He has a mania for horse raws.v-1 iff-* *» *a«*h. • -i “A hlaekssaltn at Bills Junction. Wls. wnewtrfiek by a train and the engtau “—l over him. He was badly cut apt , but so far he chows no signs « i sad w^| race vc(. ■-41, Awarded Highest Honors—World’s Fair* DR RAKING WWDB MOST PERFECT MADE. A pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. * Free from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant, 40 YEARS THE STANDARD, The Cun of It.* “What mek de niggah’s haih as kinky?” said Uncle Mose, In answer to a question from the small boy, who wanted to know. “Doan you know? It desdisaway: When ole Noah give Ham dat cussln' dat you read about In yo’ pa’s hible, he cuss him so hard dat It makes his hair cu'l up, an’ it ain’t neb* her ben straight sence*” LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. Elliott C. Davidson, Uerohonts Bank of Nellgh. Henry L. Pratt, and the Nebraska hand Company, noe.resident defendants, will take notice, that on the 2nd day of October, 1895. Bell F. Rollins, plaint! IT, died her petition In the district court of Holt county, Nebraska against said defendants, Impleaded with Orover C. Maben, Ella Msben and M. F. Har rington, the object of which Is to foreclose a certain mortgage exeoutee by the desendants Orover O. Maben and EUu Maben, to H. M. Rollins, upon the following described real estate situated In Wheeler county. Nebraska, to-wlt: The northwest quarter; tbeeasthalf of the southwest quarter, and the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter, of section 4; tno west half of the northeast quarter; the west half of the southeast quarter; the south east quarter of the southeast quarter, and the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter, of sections; and the southwest quarter of the nortliwost quarter, and the west half of the southwest quarter of seotlon 10; all of the above described real estate being In township 24, north of range 9. west. Also the follow lug described real estate situated In Holt county, Nebraska, to-wlt: Tho southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section 12. and tho south half of the southwest quar ter: the south half of the southeast quarter, and the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 83, all In township 23, north of range 0, west; to secure the payment of a oertaln promissory note dated July 80,1894, for tho sum of *4,718.80. payable July 80, 1890.' There Is now due the plaintiff on said note the sum of *5,001.92 with ten per cent, interest from July 80, 180ft, and plaintiff prays for a deoree, that the defendants be required to pay the same, or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due. You are required to answer said petition on or before the llth day of November. 1803. Dated aup'Nelll, Nebraska, this 2nd day of October, 1895. ..., _ N. D. Jackson, 13-4_ Plaintiff's Attorney. NOTICE. Henry Potts and Mlllssa Potts, non-resident defendants, will take notice, that on the 2nd day of October, 1895. William Ooldthnrp, plaintiff, Hied his petition In the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against said de fendrnts. Impleaded with the Oregon Horse A Land Compauy, the object of which is to foreclose a certain mortgage executed by tho defendants Henry Potts and Mlllissa Potts, to John J. Roche, as trustee, upon the follow ing described real estate situated In tfolt county. Nebraska, to-wlt: The southwest quarter of section 31, In township 33, north of rango 13, west, given to secure the payment of one oertaln promissory note datetf Febru ary 23, 1888, for the sum of 8 .. . — — --*500.09 payable Murch 1'1893. Therd Is now due the plaintiff from the defendants on said note ana mort gage tbe sum of (073.33 with ten per cent In terest from October 1, 1895. And plaintiff for a decree that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found duo. You are required to answer said petition on or before the nth day of November, 1895. Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this 2nd day of October, 1895. N. D. Jackson, 18*4_Plaintiff's Attorney. HUTIUlti 1U HUJN-ltLiSlUKNTS. Frank J. Tdbhlll non-resident defendant: Notloe Is hereby given Shat on the l»th day of August, 1805, O. O. Snyder. Receiver of Holt County Bank, the plaintiff In this action. Hied his petition In the office of the clerk of the dlstrlot court of Holt county. Nehraska, the objeot and prayer of which Is to foreclose ucertaln mortgage executed by Frank J. Toohill and nell ToohlU upon lots 12 and 13 In block 20 of the original town of O'Neill, In Holt county. Nebraska, which mortgage was exoeuted and delivered to Holt county Bank and filed for record on the 11th day of De cember, 1889. and recorded In book 30 of mort gages at page 490; that there Is now due upon said mortgage the sum of 11,160 00. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 30th day dayot September, 1890. or the same will be taken as true and judgment entered accordingly." H H.'M. Uttlky. Attorney for Plaintiff. TIM 11 Bn CULTURB COMMUTATION PROOF—NOTIUB FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Offloe. j. O'Neill, Nob., September 26,1B85.. i , Notloe Is hereby given that Levi Herabtier nee filed notice ol intention to make commu tation proof before the Register and Receiver et their office In O’Neill. Nob., on Friday, the 1st day of November, 188ft. on timber culture application No ««18. for the SWi* of section No. it. In township No. 28 n, range No. 12 w. He names as witnesses: Joel McEvony, Joe Oavls, James Connolly and Thomas Connolly all of O Nelll, Nebraska. K-g JOHN A. HARMON, Register. * NOTICE. In The District Court of Holt County. Neb. William H, Male, Benjamin Graham,William Halls, Jr., and Harris H. Hayden, plaintiffs, vs. William Menlsh and wife Bridget Menish, W. J* Bowden and McCormick Harvesting Machine Company, defendants. The defendants, W. J. Bowden and McCormick Harvesting Machine Company, will take notice that on the 24th day of September, 189ft. the above named plaintiffs filed their petition In the district court of Holt oounty, Nebraska, against the above named (defendants and each of them. The object and prayer of said petition being to loreciose a certain trust deed, execute the defendants William Menlsh and wire S, Menlsh. to A. L, Ormsby, trustee for W. L. Telford, upon tho following described real estate, situated In Holt oounty, Ne braska, to-wit: _ The southwest quarter of section twenty-three (Wjtownahip thirty (30J rest of the Htu p. u., said range twelve (12.) west ui rue otu p. m., saia mortgage or deed being given to secure the nuvmnnt nf a ___l_a . -- et iu* (HCII 1C BCCUrtJ Vlltt sm?”Iie?ti)»acSri,a,^£0,iPon.bond «>f note of *103, dated April 26.188N, due June 1,1898, with 1 ■. t OPOkl V us Liniras MAM -. iiiterest at seven per cent, per annum, pay* able semi-annually, as evidenced by ten interest notea of #14 each, attached to said bond. Plaintiffs allege that tLue is now due them upon said note or bond and mortgage the sum of 1500, on accouut of the defendants failure t° pay tbe Interest notes of $14 each, which became due December 1,1804, aud June aiBO %he »uin of $60 taxes paid by plaintiffs to protect their security, as well as the sum of $1.75 paid for extending abstract of title, for which sums with interest from iis j . . 'ri1 buiiio niLii iniurfsi irOu] this date plaintiffs pray for a decree, that the defendants be required to pay the sanu or that said premises may be sold to satlsfi the amount found due. Plaintiffs also prai that the Interest or claim of each of tin defendanu, if any they have, in sale premises, may be decreed to be subject to thi lien of plaintiffs mortgage and for otbei You are required to answer snjd petitloi on or before the 4th day of November. 1806. DaUd this 23rd day or September. 1806. 1M R. R. Dickson. n 4 Attorney tor plaintiff. ’>S' None® to defend In the district court of Bolt county. Ne brunt a. J. C. Franklin, plaintiff, vs. W llliam L. Lay et. al. defendant*. The defendants. William L. Lay, Elizabeth Lay, his wife, William A. Hoggs, administra tor of the estate of Wm. Corblt, deceased, Elizabeth Corblt Boggs. William A. Boggs, her husband, Anna Corblt Perkins, Frank Perkins, her husband. Emma Corblt Lovejoy, Mr. Lovejoy, her husband, William C. Corblt, Mrs. William C. Corblt, his wife. E. P. Corblt, Mrs. E. P. Corblt, his wife, P. M, Corblt, and Mrs. P. M. Corblt, his wife, heirs of William Corblt, deceased, and Elizabeth Corblt, de ceased, will take notice, that on the 27tb day of August. 1M)S, the above named plaintiff tiled In the office of the clerk of the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, his petition against you and each of you, the object end prayer of which Is to foreclose a certain real estate mortgage, executed and delivered to J. (J. Snyder by the defendants William L. Lay and Elizabeth Lay on the 80th day of May, 1887, conveying to the said J. Q. Snyder the following tract of land, to-wit: Lot number two and the the south half of the northeast quarter and the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section number eighteen. In township number twenty-five, north of range number thirteen, west 6th p. >1., for the purpose of securing a certain real estate coupon bond of M00.00 with f en Interest coupons. The principal bond of (660.00 due and payable on the first day of June, 1302,one of said Interest coupons due each six months from and after the date thereof and to have said premises sold to satisfy said bond In terest and taxes. That there Is now due and owing upon said bond, coupons, and for taxes paid to protect said lien the sum of si ,660.00, You are required to answer said petition onor before the 14th day of October, 1896, Dated this 27th day or August, 1896. 8-1 _ „ J. C Fit an kmin, Plaintiff. By E. H. Benedict, bis Attorney. | , MOTIOE OF CHATTEL MOltTGAGE SALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a certain chattel ebuttel mortgage executed r r, T V V mui IKUNC WAtJL'UlBU by l rank J. Toohill. on Deoember 31.18W. to the State Bank of O'Neill, to seoure the pay ment of one certain promissory note In the sum of 163.00 due July ifi, 1895. Said chattel mortgage having been duly Hied In the ofllce of the county clerk of Holtcounty.Nebraska, the mortgagee by virtuefrf the powers coni talnod In said mortgage has taken possession of the following personal property, to-wlt: Two counter scales, Falrbank make; one plat form scale, Falrbank make; one Ice box; one sausage machine; one Bausage stuffer; one marble top counter; two butoher blocks; one desk; two saws; racks, knives and etc.; one kettle and all other tools and butchers imple ments formerly belonging to F. J. Toohill and now In use bv E. P. Hleks; also one slaughter bouse and feed shed and two large kettles, and will, at the Palace Meat Market, in the city of O’Neill, on the 10th day of October, 1895, at 10 o'clock A. m. offer said property for sale and sell the same to the highest bidder for oash, at which time and place due attendance will be given by the undersigned. •0-4 „ The State Bank or O’Neill. By E. P. Hlcics and H. M. Uttley. Agents. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Land Ostick at O'Ssot. Neb. I „ „ , , . September 9,1895. f Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim and that said proor will be made before the register and receiver at O’Nell], Nebraska, on October 18.1895, viz: E8TK8 CONAUGHTON. H. E. No. 14431 for the SWJ4 section 4, township 31, N range He names the following witnesses to prove his contlnuanee residence upon and culti vation of. said land, vis: J.B. Freeland. V. V. Besenkrans, Dan Blnkerd and Newton Carson, all of Dorsey, Neb. 19-8 Tohn A. Harmon, Register. ffOXlUa, In the District Court of Holt county, Neb. William H. Male, Benjamin Graham. William Halls, Jr., and Harris H. Hayden, plaintiff's. . vs. Henry C. Meyers and wife, Martha J. Meyers. Thomas Davis and wife. Elizabeth Davis, Frederick H. Davis and wife, M rs. Frederick H. Davis first and full name unknown. Bicker Davis & Co., Sturdevant Brothers & Co., a partnership composed of Joseph B. Sturdevant. Brantley E. Sturdevant, Sara J. Sturdevant and Ella F. Sturdevant. Alex ander 0. Ayers trustee for Sinker Davis tc Co., Thomas Davis, Sarah C. Gibson. T. W. Iron, first and lull name unknown, C. P. Ulchmond, first and full name unknown, W. H. Beebe, first and full name unknown, and wife, Mrs. W. U. lJeebe, first and full name unknown, defendants. To the above named defendants and each of you; You will take notice that on the 21st day of August, 1885, the above named plain tiffs filed their petition in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against you and eaoh of you. The object and prayer of said petition being to foreclose a certain trust deed or mortgage executed and delivered by the defendants Henry O. Meyers and wife, Martha J. Meyors. to E. 8. Ormsby, trustee for P. O, Refsell upon the following described real estate situated In Holt cou nty, Nebraska, towit: That certain tract of land numbered on the platt as lot No. three (3.) and bound as follows: Commencing at a point ttfty (50) links south and fifteen hundred sixty-flvo tlSdfi) links east of the one quarter (M) stake on the section line, dividing sections number thirty-two (32) and thirty-three (33,) of town ship number thirty (30.) north, range number fourteen (14.) west of the Btli p. M„ thence running easterly seven hundred seven and one hair (707)4) links, thence running south erly seven hundred seven and on half (707)4) links; thence running westerly seven hun dred seven and one half 1707)4) links, thence running northerly seven hundred seven and one half (707)4) links, to pluoe of beglnlng, containing five (5) acres more or less and situated in tho northeast quarter (NE)a) of southwest quarter (gW!*) aud the north west quarter (NW),| of the southwest quarter (SW)4,) of section number thirty-three (33,) in township number thirty (30.) north, range number fourteen (14.) west of the Oth prin cipal meredlan and containing five (5) acres according to the United States government survey. Said trust deed or mortgage being given to seoure the payment of of a certain note or bond for the sum of 1440,dated August 10,1886, due June 1,1881, and plaintiffs alllege in Bald petition that said trust deed also stands security for the payment of certain extension notes made and delivered by the defendant Meyers to said P. O. Kefsell on the 21st day of May. 188,, and plaintiffs allege in said petition that they are tho owners of said note or bond and extension notes, and said mortgage and trust deed securing the same, and t hat, there is due them theroon at this time the sum of Woo together with the sum *50 taxes paid on said real estate by the plaintiffs to protect their security. Plain tiffs allege that they are the owners of said noto or bond and extension notes and the truBt deed or mortgage given to secure the same, and pray for a decree that the de fendants be refblred'to pay ;he same or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due thereon, and that the lieu or interest of all of said defendants be decreed to be subject to the lien of these plalntiff,s trust deed and for other equitable relief. You are required to answer said petition °r betore the 30th day of September, 1805. Dated this 18th day of August, 1805. . H. K. Dickson. __ Attorney for Plaintifl’s. NOTICE OF SALE OF LIVE STOCK i Forjpnjrment of lien herding and care there To all whom It may concern: Notion Is hereby given that by virtue of section 80 of the consolidated statutes of the state of Nebraska for the year 1888, an act to provide for liens upon five stock for their keeping, an affidavit as required bv said section mm! h day of October, 18,16, at 10 o clock a. M. on his farm to-wlt: the southwest quarter section one, township thirty-two, (range eleven west, in Haddock imimunln TlO'* v_v_s_ — - : . “ub'3 Bunco wbii, in riaaocK township Molt county, Nebraska, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder, for cash, described property, to-wlt: 1 wo geldings, one sorrel and one grey, aged •«? years. Nineteen horses as roiiows: Seven bays, five sorrel, three black, l ?creaiu apd one brewn. ages to nine years old; one spring studd on,e Uorse and one mare. The ?!iS hLwiib<,I,,*r know“ «• the Kinney herd a Tk 1° P°****ea8lon of the undersigned. Ma°wW du? sald Hod Is the suni of 6190 together with (lie necessary and SiuS?!KS*,JS!i18e,L*or Polishing this notice. S]w??K^«^ffldavlt/8 squired by statutes, SSii*lSiexpeD8?i)f *aid sale, and persons lu la 8a*d are hereby notified In teresure8ent Miat time to protect their Dated this 6th day of September, lfiOfi. J. B. Bbkht, f . it Lien Holder. ' • ' ■ • • :SM - I THE FRONTIER is the OLDEST PAPER and the BEST PAPER HOLT COUNTY. Its office is fitted with the most most modern convenien ces and machinery, always has the latest faces of type, the. best workmen, and is thereby enabled to turn out the most satisfactory kind of job work. Its management uses none but § the best paper, are scrupu- ' neat and prompt with their work and guarantee saiisfac tion. Mail orders receive careful attention, and if your home paper is not prepared to do all classes of work you will find it to your financial benefit to communicate with The Frontier. The Frontier Carries a very complete line of legal blanks and sells them reasonably cheap. If we* do not have what you want we will print it almost as you wait. As an Advertising fledium It is the be3t in the county, especially at the county seat. It circulates among the best class of people; a class that pays for what it gets and does not patronize non-iesidents, as does a certain portion of the people in the west. Its rates for advertising are very low, and the business man who does not advertise in it is loser more than he dreams of. If you want To subscribe for The Frontier and any other paper or maga zine published on earth we will give you a. rate and save you money. . We have clubbing rates with the lead ing publications of the world. Call on or address ••THE PRONTHER” O’NEILL, NEB.