The Frontier. ? if i ■ - g - ■■ ■■■■ ■ ■ ■ — PUBLISHED EVERT THURSDAY BT THE FRONTIER PRINTING COMPANY KING A CRONIN. Editors. FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTBICT. _ ' , For District Judges: M. P. KINKAID. of O’Neill. ALFRED BARTOW, of Cliadron. COUNTY REPUBLICAN TICKET. For County Treasurer: O. F. BIGLIN, of O’Neill. if ‘ For Clerk of the Court: JOHN SKIRviNO.of Stuart. For County Sheriff: JOHN BRADY, of Atkinson. 4 For County Clerk: F. W. PHILLIPS, of Steel Creek. i-j*• or County Superintendent: A. T. BLACKBURN, of Atkinson. For County Judge; R. 0. WRY, of Chambers. For County Surveyor: R. E. BOWDEN, of Paddock. For County Coroner: C.O. EIGLBR, of Ewing. CITY TICKET. For Assessor: E. H. THOMPSON, of O’Neill. For Justices of the Peace: E. H. BENEDICT, of O’Neill. 0. E. DAVIDSON, of O’Neill. For Constables: JOHN HOBRI8KY, of O'Neill. PBBKINS BltOOKS, of O'Neill. TOWNSHIP TICKET. For Supervisor, Third Dlstrlot: E. J. MACK, of O'Neill. For Township Clerk: JOHN HARRINGTON, JR., of Grattan. For Township Treasurer: TIMOTHY J. DYWBB, of Grattan. For Township Assessor: ARTHUR BARRETT.of Grattan. For Road Overseer Dlst. No. 4: JOHN ENRIGHT, of Grattan. For Road Overseer Dlst. No. 36; CHARLES SHOEMAKER, of Grattan. For Justice of the Peace: • HBNRY HEKSH1BER, of Grattan. For Constable: JOHN H0RRI8KY, of O'Neill. For Judges of Election: PATRICK BARRETT, of Grattan. JOHN HEBNAN, of Grattan. BYRON O. PARKER, of Grattan. For Clerks of Eleotlon: ELI HEBBHISBR, of Grattan. PATRICK McNlCHOLS.’of Grattan, Prick a vlgllanter and bear a pop bowl. ; _ Tns township' ticket nominated by the republicans last Saturday is a good one and well worthy the support it will receive. _ _ _ "Yu, my old comrades, they call, upon usl” drsmaticially exclaims Mike ' the Porger, and tbe public is convulsed with laughter, Maxwbll’s non-partisan play is not cutting much ice, although there are : Icicles upon the shoulder the public has •turned towards him. Canadian Mikb evinces unusual in terest.In the people’s money. It be would interest himself as greatly In the K financial affairs of the defunct Holt county bank the unfortunate depositors would no doubt be greatly obliged to f!': him. .. __ _ . Our esteemed contempts., who have • always been pleased to quote the say Inge of that "sterling populist,” J. P. ir Cavanaugh, of Sioux City, are respect 1 fully and respectively requested to read the story of his flop, published on our r* local page.this week. It n not the reporting of vigilance outlawery that works injury to Holt -f county, it is the acts of lawlessness r themselves. If people want to preserve the good name of the county it would be a first-rate idea to make it so warm tor violators of law that.there would be no occasion for reporting incidents of the Binkerd kind. ▲ Bkaksfuuun society or New York ia about to pay $5,000 (or the Foe oottnge. And eo rune the world away. When tbs poor devil vu on eartb, cold, shivering and dead broke be couldn’t *pewn bit cboiceet lines (or the price of : a meal. Literary gentlemen are like the noble redmen: they are both more ^ highly esteemed after destb. Warn any man takes the political : stump, be he layman or clergyman, be ; thereby inyltes criticism and be baa no kick coming when he receives it. Rev. 1 Lowrie, Rev. Hayes nor any other man baa license to think that be can stump Bolt county in this year of our Lord ' and make all kinds of ridiculous state* ( menu wilhoulbeing called to account (or them._ _ _ Thu populist state central committee I', has been having one great time to get some man to accept its chairmanship. Stark and McKeighan both flatly re i . (used to have anything to do with it, so p- it was handed over to Joe Egerton. Joe p always takes anything that Is offered to , him and asks no questions. In his lexl ooa there is no sneh word as “no." »' them. The assn whose cause ia Just J has no (ear to attach his signature to anything he may wish to say through ■ the public prase. Usually it ia only the > May. the libeler and the demagogue who fears to father bis own productions. -They generally come from such a source V■/'- that the name of the author would |«** the vt«h out of the articles. •. Bswaan of the man *who writes anonymous articles for publication, and . beware of the paper that publishes This pops of Holt are making wr; faces at the republicans and democrat for fusing, but we take particular notici that they say nothing about the atati pop ticket being headed by a man wh< claims to be nothing but a republican And, too, they omit mention of thenum erous fusions made by pops and demo crats in various c.ounties of the state. -- Gov. Culbertson, of Texas, has con* vencd the state legislature in extra see sion for the purpose of enacting law< that will stop the Corbett-Fizsimmonc go. Mrs. Culbertson said recently in a Chicago interview that nine out of every ten men in Texas wanted the fight to gc on. If that is true the legislators will hardly do more than meet, make ar rangements for front seats and adjourn. The Advocate so far has had no chance to support a nominee for 'judge upon the bench, nor does it believe that a democrat can wear the ermine of judge of the Fifteenth judicial district. We know that we are hopelessly in the minority, and our high regard for Judge Kinkahl will almost compel us to support him in the judicial field, be cause of his competency.—Spencer Advocate. -><«>< A petition h in circulation tula week asking the school board to submit a proposition to bond this school district for a sum sufficient to pay outstanding warrants and place the district on a cash basis. The way matters now stand the district is compelled to pay two prices for everything that is bought. At the present rate it will not take long to swamp the schools, and this paper believes the best thing .to do is to bond and do business In a business way. Mullen F. Harrington contributed it long old soldier article to the last Issue of the Sun. The signature to the diatribe was "Long Roll,” but we will stake our reputation as a true prophet that Canadian Mike is the author. The leopard cannot change its spots, neither can Mike disguise himself. A man who will address the old soldiers from be hind a nom de plume is unworthy their consideration. Such an one would hire a Substitute should he be called to bis country’s defexse. The outstanding indebtedness of this school district is 97,600. These warants are drawing interest at the rate of 7 per cent. Bonds bearing 0 per cent, inter est canjbe voted and a saving of 1 per cent, made there. The district now pays two prloes for everything purchas ed. For Instance: It a ton of 95 coal Is wanted it is necessary to draw a war rant for $10 or go without the coal. It does not require much of a mathematic ian to figure out that the district cannot stand that kind of work very long. It behooves the people who are interested in the common weal to take an interest in this matter. Samuel Maxwell, of Fremont, who has accepted the pop nomination for supreme Judge, is a young man of sev enty-eight years who has a great future behind him. He held down one corner of the supreme bench for twenty-one years, during which time a great many people reached their majority; he was placed there by the republican party, and naturally enough, while be occupied his high office he held and maintained that the republican party was a grand old party in very truth. When he re paired to his hermitage at Fremont, however, and found that the grand old parly wouldn’t put him back on the bench for twenty-one years more, he became disgusted with it. He saw at a glance that the party had outlived its usefulness, and was in its dotage, and he wisely decided to cut loose from it and give his support to the people’s party, an organization that is young and vigorous, like himself. He is now a full-fledged candidate, and is calling on the b’hoya in various towns, telling cute stories, and distributing cigars bought at Wolcott’s cauliflower aquar ium in Fremont. It is pleasing in the extreme to see this gay and festivo cav alier cavorting over the state telling why the republican party is no good, and why the party of billgrene and gan greene is the proper goods.—Walt Ma son. It is a fact known particularly well by those who deal with criminals that ■ murderer cannit refrain from reviating the scene of his crime. There seems to be a fascination about the awful spot that draws upon the blood-stained sop] and impels the guilty one to approacli with nervous tread the fatal place and there re-enact in his feverish imagina tion every detail of the butchery. Set again the death struggles of the victim hear the dull and sickening thud of th< lifeless body, and look once more into the glassy eyes of the dead. It is a further truth that those who have bur bened their lives with the innocenl blood of their kind become at once changed men. They are never the same again. In an attempt to disguise the fear that is in their hearts they be come boisterous with a false boldnest and appear always to be looking foi something to materialize in thin air They start and shudder when the wind shrieks in a wilder strain, and a dart night and a lonely spot is for then filled with horrors. In truth they an haunted. There Is for them no suet thing as rest or peace of mind or tran quil life. The remainder of their dayi Is spent in one wild effort to escapt from the memory of themselves and their dead. The subject is alwayi uppermost in their minds, and to brinj surcease of remorse for the time beini they delight to talk and write about it. ’ O’NEILL BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1 _ , | JJR. J. P. GILUGAN, 1 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Holt Connty bank building. Strangers, those living at a distance, and night calls must be cash in advance. O’NEILL, - * ' NEB. -♦-—— J£ R. DICKSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Reference First National Bank O'NEILL, NEB. T)R. EDWARD 8. FUBAT, PHYSIC AN AND SURGEON. . Day and night calls promptly attended to. Office over First National Bank. O’NEILL NEB E.H BENEDICT, LAWYER, 'Offloe In the Judge Boberta building, north of O. O. Snyder's lumber yard, 0 NEILL, NEB. w. B. BUTLER, ATTORNEY AT-LAW. Agent for Union Trust Go’s land in Holt county. Will practice In all the oourts. Speoial at tentlon given to foreclosures and collections J)B. B. T. TRUEBLOOD PHYSICIAN ft SURGEON Diseases of the Eye add Ear and fitting glasses a specialty. Offloe hours 0 to 13 a. m. and 2 to 6 p. m. Offloe first door west of Helnerllcson's O'CONNOR & GALLAGHER IN Of all kinds. A specialty made of FINE CIGARS. , If you want a drink of good liquor do not fall to call on us. 0 (A Purohas* Tloketa and ConaiRn your Freight via the F. E.&M.V.andS.C.&P. RAILROADS. TRAINS DEPART! ooura ur. ' Passenger east, 9:30 a. m Freight east, 10:80 A. K Freight east, • * • 3:10 p. m. ooikq wasr. Freight west, • 3:10 p. Passenger west, • 9:37 p. Freight, • - 3:10 P. The Rlkhorn Line la now running Reclining Chair Cars dally, between Omaha and Dead wood, jree to holders of first-class transpor tatlon. Per anr Information call on We J. DOBBS, Aot. O'NEILL. NEB. Checker® Barn, B. A. DnYARM AN, Manager. KKK CHECKER (MPWPIfW Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Finest turnouts in the city. Good, careful drivers when wanted. Also run the O’Neill Omnibus line. Commercial trade a specialty. HOTEL -Jh VANS Enlarged Refurnished . Refitted Only First-class Hotel In the City. W. T. EVANS, Prop. NEW YORK .. . ILLUSTRATED NEWS Tho Organ oflTHonaat Sport In Amarloa iff _ ALL THE SENSATIONS OF THE DAY PICTURED DT THE FOREMOST ARTISTS OF THE COUNTRY Life in New York Graphically Illustrated. Breezy but Respectable. $4 FOR A YEAR, $2 FOR SIX MONTHS Do you want to be posted? Then send your subscription to the m nu uuia tm, 3 PARK PLACE! NEW YORK CITY. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. Sioux City, O’Neill and Western Railway (PACIFIC SHORT LINE) THE SHORT ROUTE BETWEEN SlOlJX CITY AND Jackson, Laurel, Randolph, Os mond, Plainview, O'Neill. Connects at Sioux City with all diverging lines, landing passengers in NEW UNION PASSENGER STATION Homeseekers will find golden opportun ities along this line. Investigate before going elsewhere. THE CORN BELT OF AMERICA For rates, time tables, or otber information call uyon^agents or address Receiver. F.C. W. B.MoNIDER, Gen'l Pass. Asent. THE NEW DONAHOE’S is combating Religious Prejudice and economic injustice, and helping Catholics and Protestants to under stand each other better. THE NEW DONAHOE’S Is brilliant without being super ficial, instructive without being heavy, popular without being trival. THE NEW DONAHOE’S Will delight every American Catho lic and interest every thoughtful Protestant. Only $2.00 a year. Write for sample copy DONAHOE’S MAGAZINE CO. 611 WASHINGTON ST., *■ BOSTON MASS. P. D. A J. F. MULLEN, PROPRIETORS OP TXUB GOOD TEAMS, NEW RIGS Prices Reasonable. But of KoOnfferto’a. O'NKILL, MSB. Always Buy the Best. • The . . . Best is Cheapest The Finest and Largest stock of good in the Hardware and. .Implement Line in the Elkhorn Valley is found at ll.lll.lli Neil Brennan's John Deere plows, Moline wagons, David Bradley & Co’s famous Disc cultivators... Riding and walking cultivators, harrows, Glidden wire, stoves, oils, cuttlery, tinware. A elKHorn valley PLOW FACTORY..... O'NEILL, NEB. EMIL SNIGGS, Prop. . .... Manufactures the Hamnell Open Mould-Board Stirring Plow. Also general blacksmithing and practical horseshoer. Wagon and Carriage woodwork- carried on in connection. All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. Also dealer in Farm Implements. Handles* the Scandi implements and the Plano Bakes, Mowers and Binders. Parties wishing * anything in this line call and see me. G. W. WATTLES, President. ANDREW RUSSELL, V-Pres. JOHN McHUGH, Cashier. THE - STATE - BANK i OB’ O’NEILL. CAPITAL $30,000. Prompt Attention Given to Collections DO A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. Chicago Lumber Yard %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%<%%%%%%%% Headquarters for . . . LUMBER, . —COAL and BUILDING MATERIAL The Stock is dry, being cured By the largest dry-sheds in the world. (O'Neill, Yarda-f Page, (Allen. 0.0. SNYDER & GO. ONE DOLLAR YEAR WESTERN Deccriptive of the West and Devoted to Irrigation. AMERICA. R Western Magazine devoted to Western Intetests Western Literature and Western Developement Through Irrigation OF AND FOR WEST Send roc. for Sample Copy Howell Publishing Co. OMAHA.'NEB. FACTS AND FIGURES. < i i