|J THE FRONTIER. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BJ Tas FRONTIER Priktiwo Oo. O'NEILL. *> NEBRASKA. g OYER THE STATE. Openisto exercises cf Norfolk college occurred last week. Registration at the slate university bos reached S00 and is still climbing. Woi.f bunting is a favorite pastime in Banner county, litme is plentiful. From thirty-five to forty thousand sheep will be fattened in Dodge county this winter. The lumber yard at Gretna was de ..u strayed by fire. Loss about 85,000, F”' ’ with no insurance. Miss Sarah Dunn of Syracuse has been tendered a place In the Institute for the Blind, Nebraska City. Mrs. Homer Scoviixk of Surprise and two children were nearly aphyxiated by gas from a gasoline stove. There will be an irrigation picnic at Spalding on Wednesday, October S, to celebrate an abundant crop and the completion of the irrigation ditch. Fire brake out in F. J. Johnson’s general Stare at Oakland and consumed almost the entire stock. The stock was insured for 83,500 in the German of Freeport. Somebody in the vicinity of Ames, Dodge county, is poisoning chickens. One Etherton is charged with the crime, but his guilt has not yet been determined. THE proposition to vote (275,000 in Irrigation bonds will bo submitted to the voters of the Lincoln and Dawson county irrigation district on the 12 th day of October. The average resident of North Platte Is congratulating himself that Pennsyl vania anthracite coal is selling on the local market at (10 per ton, which is about (3 less than, usual. Mrs 1*1111, Kreuhcheb, living five miles west of DeWitt, fell from the hay loft to the ground, a distance of about twelve feet, and was rendered uncon scious, but not seriously hurt ' Mbs. L. R, Hoet„ superintendent of the Home for the Friendlessat Lincoln, has resigned her position for the pur pose of marrying Rev. li. D. Black, who is now engaged in work in the Dakotas. Mbs. W. F. Earlewine of Talmage, "Wife of a cigar maker, tried to kill her self by taking sugar ol lead, but the prompt action of a physician and the limited supply of the drug saved her life till some future time. Rat Dunn, aged IS, was accidentally shot in the eye by a revolver in the Ingdl of Ed^ie MoUrew, while they were out bathing with some other boys southwest of DeWitt The doctor found it necessary to remove the injured eye ball. Expert A. E. Fowlie is still at work on the books in the office of the city clerk of Beatrice, lie says that there has been issued warrants amounting to perhaps (40,000 that, so far as there is any record how to be had, were unau thorized. During the severe electric storm at Oakland lightning struck the front of Predmetaky Bros’ store, causing slight ‘ damage. A number of citizens who were standing in front of the building were severely shocked, but none seri ously hurt Railroad men of Lincoln are moving - to secure at that point the location of . the headquarters of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen. The headquarters are now at Ualesburg, 111., but at a re cent meeting there it was decided to move them. At Republican City Francis Kyland . ; er, a young man twenty-five years of age. was shot in the ankle by a farmer named Henry Horn. Kylander was in vading Horn’s peach orchard. The wound is very painful and will cripple the man for life. Word has been brought to Decatur that 250 teams with railroad imple ments were on the other side of tho river, and it is rumored that the long promised extension of the Illinois Cen tral to the river will be fuffilled. Camps have been pitched and it looks as if it means business. • The Crawford company is the name of a newly incorporated concern, pa pers tor which were filed in the office of the secretary of state last week. *, The object of the company is to buy and sell real estate, lay out and incor porate town silea and additions and own and operate a water power canal at Crawford. urs Chikborg, a prominent Hurt county farmer, living three miles east of Oakland, committed suicide at Craig1 hotel by taking poison. Ilia mind had been deranged for some time. He was at the time under the Sheriff's charge and was being taken before the board of inaanity at Tekamah. He leaves a wife and children. He owned a splen did farm and was well fixed financially. 5s3L> ?&} ’ H: .if CM A distressing accident resulting in two deaths occurred at Uradish. six miles east of Albion. Bert Holton, wife and child, were driven into the village in a road cart. When near, the elevator they were obliged to cross a canon, and this was filled with water to a depth of five feet. In crossing the cart was overturned and the three were thrown into the water. The wife and baby were drowned. The bodies were recovered. Nkmgh bat been the scene of n pecu liar crime and there is no clue as to the identity of the perpetrator. When Hiss Jennie Brown, a girl just budding into womanhood, awoke the other morning she discovered that during the night she had been shorn of one of her principal charms by seme one who bad nome through the window during the night. She had a beautiful head of hair, one half of which is entirely gone. District court opened at Springview last week with Judge Bartow of Chad* ran on the bench. The Porter murder com was remanded bnek to the county court, from whence It came. Judge fiolsclaw found Porter guilty last June of murder in the first degree and held him to the district court for sentence. f' Mihog'fttBnu was arrested at Odell oh the charge of kidnapping the Ift-raer-old daughter of A. St Lrous of Meet tie, Kan. Keiddle claims he was talcing the girl to her mother, who )hm in Lincoln and has been separated from her haaband for a number of yean, tin girl being their only daugh • • ‘ • • - . . i .. 5 A Mysterious Death. About two weeks ago two bones driven by a middle aged man, the wagon containing a young woman, stopped at a farm house three or fonr miles out from Stromsburg. The man asked for permission to leave the young woman at the bouse for a few days as she was not feeling very well. The farmer's wife consented and the woman was taken into the house, to be | followed by her trunk which was in the wagon. The man drove off and has not been seen since. The woman became ill shortly after being taken into the house and a doctor was summoned, liefore be arrived she had given birth to a child and had died. She was so ill that the farmer’s wife was unable to question her satisfac torily. After her death her trunk and her clothing were searched, but there was not the slightest thing which would lead to her identification. Her body was buried in the cemetery and the event is probably forgotten by this time. The baby was brought to the Home for the Friendless on Sept. 11 and is said to be getting along as well as could be expected. Perished for Want of Care. A complaint was made to F. J. Tay lor, county attorney of Howard cor nty, that the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zimmons, living about two miles northeast of St. Paul, was re ceiving improper care by the mother refusing to nurse it and provide it with proper food, and from the general abuse and mistreatment of its parents the infant would die unless something was done immediately. The child was about 15 days old, and when visited by a number of citizens was found to be wrapped in wet clothing and placed in a room by itself. A coffin had been ordered, a grave arranged for and a woman engaged to prepare the remains for burial, although the child was found to be still alive. The party re turned to town after giving the parents some very pointed advice and sent a doctor to visit the baby, but on the next morning the child was dead. Pub lic sentiment demanded an investiga tion. The coroner was called for, who at once impaneled a jury and took tes timony. The jury returned a verdict finding that the infant came to its death from want of proper food and care and general neglect of its parentB, No arrests have yet been made, bat great indignation prevails. A Peculiar Accident. Kearney dispatch: A very peculiar and painful accident happened to a young1 man just south of the river in Phelps county Saturday night He was out in the yard barefooted when a bolt of lightning struck him on the right aide of the head, burning his hair as if touched with a candle. The fluid then passed down liis neck, across his chest and down his left side, going out at his left foot and tearing it to pieces. The heel was completely torn away, and nothing was left of the foot except a atrip from the instep to the big toe, all the other toes being torn out, and the foot had the appearance of being run through a threshing machine. He was immediately brought to the city and his foot amputated. He is now on a fair way to recovery, and aside from the loss of the foot suiters no effects from the shock. It is supposed that he had his left foot on the ground at tho time of the stroke and that is the cause of the strange phenomena. A Valuable Horse Stolen. O’Neill dispatch: O’Neill horsemen are considerably agitated over the theft of Kay S, record 2:39*£, owned by B. A. Deyarman. which occurred here re cently. The mare had been running in the pasture of the Idlb Wild stock farm, a few miles west of O'Neill, and the last time she was seen by her own er was about two weeks ago Sunday Deyarman went out to his pasture to bring the mare in, when the discoveay of the theft was made. Two years ago the mare, which is a C-year-o'ld roan, standard bred Hambletonian, was cam paigned through the eastern Nebraska circuit, where she made her record. Her young colt, which was in the pas ture with her, was not taken, and had been adopted by a motherly old mare that» colt about its age. The mare was valued at about S500. Lincoln County Will Protest. Tbe managers of the Lincoln county exhibit of the state fair will protest against the action of the judges in awarding the first premium on county exhibits to Furnas county. The pro* test will be filed immediately on re ceipt of official notice that such an award has been made. The protest will be made on the grounds that Fur nas county had no exhibit on the grounds and place at the time specified by the rules, and that but three coun ties in tho state were entitled to be considered in the award under the rules, one of these being Lincoln. Sec retary Seeberger stated that the awarding of prizes was a farce. He ac cuses the judges of partiality to non irrigated counties and states that the Burlington railroad interest favored the non-irrigated territory. Jail Delivery at Plattsmootli. A clever piece of jail-brealcing was performed at Plattsmouth by four pris oners confined in the cage at the county jail in that city whereby ail made their escape. Their exit was mado by locat ing a weak place in the jail floor near the washstand, where constant damp had caused it to rust almost through. By the use of a piece of iron off the bedstead a hole was made through the sheet steel about eighteen inches long and twelve inches wide. Through this the prisoners escaped. Two of the prisoners were held on serious charges. A reward will be offered for their ap prehension. A paper declares that “Mr. Johnson, a farmer of our village, on returning to his house tbe other day. found in his ground-floor bedroom, the door of which had been left open, a cow, prob ably astray.” Tbe conjecture expressed in the last two words may be set down as, on the whole, a fair one. Will J. McConnell, the temperance lecturer, who invariably tell from grace Immediately after each lecture, haa at last been declared insane by a Cleve land Judge- He was his own horrible example. i -vv: ’ SPLIT IN TAMMANY HALL TEE JOIN J. DELAKET FACTION BOLTS TIE ORGANIZATION. HAD A RED-HOT MEETING. All Sort* of Charge* Bandied Baek and Forth bjr the Delaneyltee and Dalton Follower!—New Tammany Lead er* Selected—Colonel George B. McClellan Succeed! Bourke Cochran. New York, Sept 30.—The Dalton and Delaney factions of Tammany locked horns at a meeting at the hall last night and there was a remarkable warm time over the contest in the Eleventh district. The fight was pre cipitated by the report of the commit tee on credentials sustaining the sit ting members. John J. Delaney, who headed the contesting delegation, said that the Dalton men had been elected by fraud and threatened that this fac tion would bolt in the Eleventh dis trict on election day and destroy the maxim that the fights of Tammany were always settled in Tammany. I’he resolution to continue the Dalton faction in their seats was carried with i shout, however, and then Delaney »nd his braves left the hall. In the course of his speech Delaney charged that Dalton, who used to be »n excise commissioner, had fattened his organizationoby taking in men who had been in state prison. He namedla J number of thugs who had joined Dal ton and pointed them out. It would not be charged against him, Delaney laid, as it had been charged against the state Democracy, that “he had not made his fight within the organiza tion.” “Such methods as these men have adopted,” the opposing leader from the Eleventh district shouted, “make it necessary for any man that tomes into Tammany hall to leave his manhood behind.” Delaney’s follow ers numbered 500. Ex- Police Commissioner John C. Sheehan was chosen as treasurer of Tammany and ex-Congressman Amos I. Cummings was made chairman of the printing’ committee, supplanting ax-Mayor Gilroy. Colonel George B. McClellan was chosen to Bourke Cock -an’s old place. ro STOP SUGAR CUTTING. The Trust and Wholesale Dealers Combine Against Department Store Sales. Chicago, Sept. 30.—The proprietors of some of the large retail groceries ind department stores in this city bave unearthed what is said to be the ~>tronge«t combination ever forined to control the price of sugar.. It is said that the wholesale grocers have nearly perfected an arrangement with the sugar tiust, by which retail grocers ind department stores will be cut off. Several of the retailers and depart ment stores have already been notified by the agents of the trust that they will not be allowed to buy any more sugar on a parity with the wholesalers] The plan proposed is that the gro wers are to act simply as factors for the trust, forwarding to it within thirty days after the receipt of goods the amount of the invoice less 1 per sent trade discount on 100 barrel lots with the.right to deduct X per cent ad ditional if the forwarding of tytsh is made in seven days, the dealers not to be permitted to sell sugar either directly or indirectly at less than the rate book prices of the trust. A com mission of one-eighth of one cent a pound is to be allowed to the grocer by the trust, and sixteenth of one sent additional is to go into a general fund for maintaining a local associa tion. It is said that the trust proposes to pursue, similar tactics in all the leading cities in the country. SLAIN IN CHURCH Hbhammedans Commit Another Outnift In Armenia. Coxstaxtixopi.k, Sept. aO. — Otto man officials at Antioch have succeeded in exciting the Moham medans with a report cf an Im pending massacre by Armenians. As a result, the Mohammedans, accom panied by police, raided nn Armenian I shurch and searched the building for | arms. The Armenians resisted and in the conflict whicn ensued ten of them were killed. A reign of terror pre vails at Kemakh and Krzengen, owing to the oppressions by the Turks. Many Armenians have ' been urrested. National League Standing. Baltimore.... Cleveland_ Philadelphia Chicago. Ho:-1 on. Brooklyn. Now York_ Pittsburg_ Cincinnati... Washiairtou.. St. Louts. Louisville_ Won. ..Hit ..SI ,.;s ..a ..74 .86 .71 .61 .11 Lost 43 46 5.1 50 •i 59 •2 65 Ml 51 88 66 P. C. 605 1146 576 559 553 539 515 630 564 826 V#6 263 New Receiver* Appointed. Milwavkkk, Wis., Sept. o0.—The resignation of the Northern Pacific re ceivers was accepted in the federal court nt Milwaukee. Wis., and Judge Jenkins named as the new receivers Kd ward \Y. McHenry, chief euginecr of the Northern Pacific, and Frank U. Uigelow, a Milwaukee bunker. Rleh Montana Indian Lands Ceded. Gkkat Falls, Mont., Sept. SO.—A treaty has been effeted with the Pie gan Indians by which a strip of land, rich in gold, silver and copper ores, is ceded to the Initcd States..'One and a half million dollars is to ijL paid in ten annual installments of battle and annuities, beginning in ls'.ii. The President's Vacation Limit. * Washixgtox. Sept. Oti.-AThe presi dent is not expected to retni n to Wash ir.gnon from tiray Gables Until about October 15. Secretary Carlisle has written from Marion, Mats., that he will be at his desk in the treasury building Monday. > ARRESTED BY SOLDIERS. Major George A. Amies In Trouble for Insulting General Schofield. Washington, Sept 30. — Captain George A. Arnes, retired, better known as Major Armes, was arrested at his home, Armes] eigh park, last evening by soldiers, and is confined in the Washington barracks. The order for his arrest was signed by Assistant Adjutant General Vincent, ‘-'By order of the acting secretary of war.” Gen eral Schofield was the acting secre tary. There has been a personal quarrel of twenty-five years’ standing between General Schofield and Major Armes. The latter was refused an interview with the general and wrote hi-u an insulting ietter. Major Armes was court martialed for pulling the nose of Governor Bea ver of Pennsylvania at the inaugura tion of President Garfield. General Schofield said to-day that he regretted exceedingly having been forced to take action against Armes, but being acting secretary of war at the time, he felt obliged to order his arrest solely in the interest of military discipline, and without regard to per sonal consideration. If he had not been acting as secretary of war he would have ignored the incident alto gether. It is said at the war department that Major Armes will remain in confine ment until his case is disposed of by Secretary Lamont unless his release is ordered by the civil courts on a writ of habeakcorpus. Any process of the civil courts in this case will be imme diately respected. SLURS AT OUR GIRLS. British Papers Worried Orar Noble men's Marriages. London, Sept. 30.—Many protests, more or less serious, are appearing in the newspapers of London on the de pletion of the ranks of eligible noble men by marriage with. American women. The Daily News says that the en gagement of the Duke of Marlborough and the millionaire, Miss Vanderbilt, gives additional support to the theory that the principle of equality is doomed in America. It is rumored that Mrs. Langtry contemplates marriage with Sir Bob ert Peelin the event of her securing a divorce in the courts of California. The Enra' Estate Sued. Atchison, Kan., Sept 30.—F. A. Lane, receiver for the defunct State Exchange bank of Jamestown, filed a suit in the district court here to re cover over $69,000 from the widow of the late Colonel A. S. Everest. The petition alleges thut the bank was owned, controlled and managed by and in the interests of A. S. Everest, and that before it was closed in 1893, Everest so manipulated things as to draw out the entire capital, $5,000, and also to ronnd up all the assets into his possession. Sullivan for Referee. Caicago, Sept, ao.—The Tribune publishes interviews with a hundred or more devotees of sport in various parts of the country regarding the fit ness and propriety of iiaving John L. Sullivan referee the fight between Cor bett and Fitzsimmons. In all the im swers there is not one word against the ex-cliampion’s fitness for the posi tion, and with very few exceptions those interviewed are enthusiastic on the subject of his being appointed the referee. Coke Prices and Waxes Raised* Pittsburg, Pa., Sept. 30.—The price of furnace coke has been advanced, to take effect next Tuesday, to $1.60 p6r ton and the II. C. Frick Coke company and other companies m which they are interested or control have posted no tices giving their men an advance of 6 per cent on their wages, to take effect then. This will apply to about 13,000 men, so far as the Frick company is concerned. Is Hurlbert Alive? London, Sept. 30.—A correspondent of the Whitehall Review asserts that he saw William Henry Hurlbert, the er-Amerisan editor, at Nice last week. A dispatch to the Times, published September 7, said that William Henry Hurlbbert had died at Cadonabdia, Italy. Her Skull Broken by a Stone. Atchison, Kan., Sept 30. — Mrs Philip Porter, wife of a local orator and politician, while watching a crowd of colored boys fight yesterday, was struck by a flying stone and her skull fractured. She is very old and her physician says she cannot recover. A Noted Law Writer at Keit. Rochester, N. Y.. Sept. 30.—Robert Desty, aged 05, is dead. He was the author of more than twenty law books which are of word wide reputation. Kansas to Petition Congress. Topeka, Kan., Sept 30.—Petitions numerously signed are in circulation here requesting congress to recognize Cuba as a belligerent nation. Nominated for Judge. Hutchinson, Kan., Sept. 50.—The Democrats of this district nominated William Whitelaw for jndge of the district court. CONDENSED DISPATCHES. It is denied that Spain ignores the Red Cross in Cuba. A movement against live American cattle is said to have begun in Eng land. Captains Maynardicr and Matthews of the army have been retired for dis ability. A son was born to United States minister and Mrs. Breckinridge in St. Petersburg. England has sent nine warships to the scenes of massacres of missionaries by Chinese. ' Miss Lucile Blackburn, daughter of the Kentucky senator, is to marry a New Jersey politician named Lane. It is said that Colonel - Willie C. P. Breckinridge has begun a quiet cam paign to get back his old teat in con gress next year FOE AN IRISH ARMY. TO COMPASS THE LIBERTY OF IRELAND. The ARrculTa Poller of John F. Fin nerty—What He Said In the IrUh Con vention Elroy Utterances' Enthnslastl nally Cheered—Rosea Declines an Hon orary Offlee—Significant Words Uttered —Election of Officers. Irish Liberty Proposed. Chicago, Sept. 30.—When the Irish delegates assembled for their second day’s work, little time was lost in pre liminaries and the election of perma nent officers was put through at a rapid pace, the following being unan imously chosen: J. F. Finnerty, chair man; J. P. Sutton, secretary; J. F. Keating, T. L. II. McGrevy and J. C. Strain, assistant secretaries; J. M. Kennedy of Montana, C. D. O’Brien of St. Paul, C. F. Driscoll of New Haven, P. J. Judge of Holyo.ie and Cornelius Harding of Pittsburg, vice presidents. When the report of the committee on credentials was submitted, it was received with some disfavor by a fe\P of the delegates because Dr. Paul M. Sheedy and John Madden from the Ancient Order of Hibernians and a convention of the Irish-American citi zens of Allegheny, county, Pa., were refused seats. An amendment seating the two was offered, and trouble was threatened for a time, but the com mittee was sustained by a liberal ma jority and the matter was dropped, the claim being that the credentials were not sufficient. Considerable enthusiasm was created by a motion to add O’Donovan Rossa to the list of vice Presidents, but Rossa declined. Then Finerty, in an address to the convention, declared for an Irish American standing army which should be ready to do battle for Ireland whenever opportunity might present itself. The chairman's views met with the approval of the delegates and were supported by hearty enthus iasm. He outlined a plan by which young Irish-Americans throughout the country should be organized into mil itary companies which would as a whole constitute a standing army that might at a proper time strike for Irish liberty. rcnaiun LISI CROWING. Over t Thousand More Kama Added Than Have Been Dropped. Washington, Sept. 2o.—A year ago Commissioner of Pensions Lochren said that the limit had probably been reached in the number of pensions, or rather in the amount of the yearly appropriation for pensions, but that for two or three years the payments would remain about the same. It was his opinion that there would be a slight reduction in the number of pen sioners on account of deaths, but that the allowance of the new pension with back pay and arrears would probably keep the amount about even. While the amount of mony paid for pensions will not be materially different from that of past years, it appears that there has been added to the pension rolls during the year about 1,000 names in excess of those that have dropped out, as there has been an in crease, instead of a decrease. There have been a great many outstanding pension claims adjusted during the year, and that accounts for the large increa e. The year lias not been fa tal to pensioners, the death rate being less than would be anticipated at the time of life at which the veterans of the late war have arrived. * RUSSIA’S ENCROACHMENT The Announcement of a Bank Project In Pekin Causes Alarm. London, Sept. 30.—It is announced that, with the sanction of the czar, a Russian bank with very large capital will be opened for business soon at Pekin, with a branch at Shanghai. Some of the most prominent finan ciers and merchants in Russia are in terested in the scheme, which has been secretly canvassed. The charter has just been issued. The enterprise is regarded as another indication of Russia's determination to wrest the commercial us well as the political supremacy in the far East from England. THE PASTOR IMPUGNED. Dnrrant’l Attorney Charges Blanche Lamont'ii Murder to Mr. Gibson. Sax Francisco, Sept. 26.—The de fense in the case of Theodore Durrant opened to-day. Eugene Duprey, in his opening address, made the sensational charge that the Rev. John George Gib son, pastor of Emanuel baptist church, where the tragedy occurred, was the murderer of blanche Earnout. Comments of a London Paper. London, Sept. 26.—The Pall Mall Gazette this afternoon prints a leader on the s-bject of the Irish Nationalist convention at Chicago. It expresses the opinion that the so-called new movement is very like the old one, which wai temporarily crushed by the revelations in connection with the murder of Dr. Cronin in Chicago, and the object of which, it asserts, was clearly proved to be boodle and not the independence of Ireland. “We can afford to smile at Mr. Fin erty's statements,” says the Gazette, “but if the Irish will formulate their demands and agitate for redress in the manner adopted by Englishmen they will find England more than ready to meet them half way. Threats only stiffen our back and dull our hearing. ” Northern Pacific Receivers Resign. Milwaukee, Wis , Sept. 26.—Henry C. Payne, Thomas F. Oakes and H. (’. Rouse, receivers of Hie Northern Pa cific railroad, tendered their resigna tions to Judge Jenkins. Judge Jenkins will take the matter tinder advisement and will decide Friday, the 27th. Senator Elkins Injured. King wood, W. Va., Sept. 2C.—Sen ator Stephen U. Elkins fell from a bi crclo which he was riding and so se verely injured his ankle that he im mediately took a special train to New York city to secure surgical treatment, j FIVE SHOTS AT BANKERS. % An Ei-K.mu Cashier Attempts to Be fence the Loss of s Balt. Norton, Kan., Sept. 26.—In 1893 the- 1 Norton County State bank of this city,, of which Morgan Heaton was cashier,, tailed. There was some talk at the time of mismanagement by Heaton* " but the real cause was the sudden de preciation of land values. Heaton’s wife owned ninety-six shares of stock. In January, 1894, the bank was reor ganized undeb new management, and Mrs Heaton was requested to assign to them her stock. She refused. Later, 'she alleged, she did as sign the stock to avoid a threat ened prosecution of her husband for embezzlement. She also signed a deed to the homestead property and some school land certiorates. She later brought suit to recover the value of the stock, #9,600, and to set aside the deed to the homestead and other land, because they were signed under duress. The only witness by whom she could prove that she acted under duress, aside from her husband, who could not testify under the law, was John Brown, a notary, who took the ac knowledgment of the deeds and other papers. The trial was held this week, and the defendants, the Norton County State bank, raised the point that the notary could not now impeach his re turns as made at that time. The court so held, and rendered judgment for the defendants. ' i At 9 o’clock this morning, Heaton f shot four times at J. M. Craig, one of the defendants, but none of the shots took effect. Heaton then ran into th«N^ Norton County State bank and at- \ tempted to shoot the cashier, W. T. Shoemaker, but missed him. Heaton was finally arrested. Craig lives at Plattsmouth,-Neb., and is a banker there. REDRESS FOR INDIANS. Commissioner Browning Wants Thor* Washington, Sept. 26.—Commission* cr of Indian Affairs Browning’ has made his annual report to the secre tary of the interior. It shows progress in nearly all directions. Of the trouble bet ween the Bannock Indians and the whites at Jackson's Hole, Wyo., he says that the whole matter Jias been referred to the department t)f justice and the attorney general ha9 reported that no Indians are now confined in Wyoming for violating the game laws of that state. The department of jus tice does not see how redress can be obtained for the Indians who have paid their fines. Recent reports of Agent Teter are quoted to .show that the Indians are still sullen and that they demand that the whites who wronged them bo punished and the commissioner asks whether or not the department of justice cannot do some thing towards punishing, the offend- ! ' ers. (a NO FIGHTING IN TEXAS. Application for Licenses Refuse:! Despite Austin, Texas, Sept. 26.—Yesterda^ application was made to Comptroller Finley by the tax collectors of Mc Lennen and Hayes counties for prize fight licenses which were promptly refused by the comptroller at the in stance of the attorney general, who, in a* written opinion, still contends that Judge Hurt’s opinion, delivered at Dallas last week, nullifying the-, anti-prize fight law, is not binding,, and holding Judge Hurt’s opinion in error, in that it is impossible for two conflicting provisions of a statute in parti materia, enacted at different times, to be in force at one and the same time. The tax collectors have appealed to the supreme court for a writ of mandamus to secure a license. Who Maltreated Bannocks Punished. the Balias Decision. LIVE STOCK AND PRODUCE MARKETS » to to 3 to Quotations, from Now York. Chicago, Louis, Omaha and Elsewhere. OMAiyv Butter—Creamery separator.. - 18 ® butter—I air to good country. 14 d tegs—Fresh. yj ftn honey—California, per lb....... H its Hens—Live, per lb. 6 ‘ Spring Chickens, per lb. 8 Lemons—Choice Messinas. 8 00 Apples—per bbl. 1 75 Oranges— Florida*. per box.... 3 73 Potatoes—per bu. 25 w watermelons—per dozen. 1 75 2 Leans—Navy, hand-picked, bu 2 00 to 2 liay—Lpland, per ton. 6 f.O to ~ onions—ter bu. 30 44 Cheese—Neb. & la*, full cream 10 tomatoes per bushel. 75 hogs—Mixed packing. 3 8. hogs—Heavy weights.. 3 80 beeves- Mockers and feeders. 2 25 beef steers.4 95 .iio ttags. 2 25 Caives.... 2 25 Cows. 1 74 heifers.. 1 51 \V\sterns... . 2 8) rlieep— i.ambs. 3 00 tbeep— Choice natives. 2 85 CHICAGO. Wheat—No.2,«pring. 59^3 <4 St. 19 18 1314. 15 614 814, 00 00 03 30* 00 15 00 a H to 4 to 3 to 3 O 4 to 2 to 2 to 5 to 2 to 3 to 3 .a* 4 to 5 40. 11 * 1 MILJ C0^* Corn—Per bu.’ 31' Outs—t er bu. ” in hogs—Packers and mixed. g 80 t tit tle-Western range steers.. 2 99 Native beeves. 3 50 tieep—Lamns. '3 0 i keep—Natives.1 50 NEW YOItlL .' Wheat, Na 2, red winter. 84 Corn—No. 2. "" .,s cats-Na:.;;;;.. s? ‘.16 50 to to s it 5 ...r 4 "<■ 4 4 it 3 59SC 31U 1914 1214 90 20 65 40 69 Lard. 6 15 ST. LOU 15. Wheat—No 2red, cash.. 80 t orn—Per bu. S! Can.—1‘er bu ./,////*’" Logs—Mixed packing.! !*!*!**’ 3 i nttle—Native steers. 5 40 Mieet*—Kxportnatives. 2 Lambs.. 3 00 KAN8A5 CITY. W lteat-No. ! iard. «, Corn—Na 2. iS Oats—No. 2. fS li *««*««*. 2 50 hops—Mixed packers.3 on sheep—Muttons. , 22 to to "17 to u / •* 64' 4 L i mie 2414, 50 23 to to to 4 to 5 to 4 2s*,„ 10 to to to to 3 to 4 to a 20 90 30 00 Shipbuilding on the Coast. WAsmxoTON, Sept. 33.— Secvetan Herbert has ordered Chief Engined Wilson to proceed from the Mart Island navy yard to Seattle, Wash., tt examine the plant of Moran liroi CONDENSED DISPATCHES. to^Cr8 *hOVr * disposition Cabin querttor ntte“U°n 0nto th*