CARE OP THE HAIR fesy* BM' r? r- f-. - aw ft* :> - U ’j-'yj • t tomiM Brine* About Vuttnettn t-ooki and 8onlp XHsmmm. According to a certain distinguished hatr-dresser, women do not know how to comb their hair. Their sins of ig norance are almost innumerable, and the result is hot only unattractive locks, but headaches and scalp dis eases. A cheap comb and brush, ac cording to this authority, belong in the same category with cheap soap. They should never be used. Cheap combs do not have smooth teeth which will make their way unresistingly through the hair. It can never be run through the hair without breaking off some hairs and dragging others out by the roots. Rubber or shell Is the proper material for a comb. The teeth should not be too sharp or they will lacerate the scalp. On the other band, they must not be very blunt or they will not be effective in smoothing out tangles. Brushes should be chosen with equal care. They should not have metal backs, no matter how attractive silver may appear, for the metal makes them too heavy. The back should be of light wood and the bristles should be long and thickly set Moreover, they should be bristles, and not weak imi tations. After she has purchased her “tonsorlal supplies,” the woman who aspires to have beautiful hair should learn how to use them. She should brush her hair for live minutes at a time twice a day, using long. eveu strokes. At night she should part her hair and let it hang in two loose braids. Once a day she should rub hei scalp with her Ungers to stimulate the circulation. The brushing is absolute ly necessary, for the hair attracts dust and dirt with fatal facility, and this, combining with the oil of the hair, makes It malodorous and unpleasant in the extreme. A monthly washing with castile soap and the daily brush ing will keep it clean and glossy, how ever. RIPPED UP BY A 8WOHPFI8H PttaM bit Duinoni Sport for Birdr ?i".' Sv" ^W*w®*8 Hear the Unit Stream. Not many days ago the mackerel flah Ing schooner Centennial, of Gloucester, scraped a costly and curious acquain * tance with a huge swordfish In the waters off Cox’s ledge at the southeast ' *n