The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 12, 1895, Image 2

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_Tub Frontier Printinq Oo.
York is pulling lor a free mail deliv
ery system.
Tint city schools of Norfolk opened
With an enrollment of 000.
Coi.fax county has voted bonds with
which to purchase a poor farm.
Real estate men of Pierce county are
gathering samples for an exhibit at the
State fair.
A VKtu' successful teachers’ institute
of two weeks’ duration was held in
West Point.
Firry acres of land in Lincoln coun
ty, nnder the ditch, yielded 4,000 bush
V els of oats.
Kelson's High school opened with a
decreased attendance compared with
one year ago.
Farmers in Lancaster county can
see the fair and a circus all for one
price of admission.
J. B. Hkitkk of Purdum has an acre
of ground that this year produced 500
bushels of potatoes
n ear ueweeM a larmer. oy me irri
gation process, got 3,000 bushels of
onions from three acres.
M. Dowuno of North liend is proud
of his success in raising a sugar beet
weighing seven pounda
Mki.vii.i.e Martin, a Lincoln saloon
keeper, was fatally shot by one L'ailey,
a printer, with whom he hud quarreled.
Humphrey dealers have sold $30,000
worth of self-binders, threshing ma
chines, mowers and cultivators this
Two young men of Pawnee City made
the trip to Phillipsburg, Kansas, on
wheels, a distance of two hundred
There is now in sight the promise of
an acreage of 4,000 acres for sugar beets
for the location of a factory at Table
A young school teacher named Rich
ards, residing at Clarkson, was arrested
for sending unmailable matter through
the malls.
Tue state bank has just been organ
ized at Falls City, with a capital of
#50,000. It will open for business Sep
tember 10.
W. I* Merchant and E. O. Orton of
Peoria, III., were in Pawee City the
other day, having rode their bicycles
the entire distance, 670 miles, in five
Will Young, one of Oakland's prom
inent young men, died last week, aged
22. He had jnat finished his course at
the law department of the State uni
A farmer near Wakefield brought
five onions to town, that weighed just a
pound apiece. A state that can grow
•nch onions is bound to forge ahead
under any financial system.
Grand Master Wohkman J. G, Tate
of the Ancient Order of United
Workman has just returned from a
visit to his old home in Eugland. His
health was improved greatly by the
Hay shippers in the vicinity of Chap
pell and Kimball have been made hap
py by the action of the Union Pacific
in reducing the freight charges on hay
80 cents a ton from those points to
Peter Smith, who has irrigated his
farm on Shell creek, expects to gather
100 bnsbels of corn to the acre, llefore
plowing the land in the spring lie
turned on the water and has flooded
the land but once since, j
, Decatur people are deeply interested
In the report that the Illinois Ceut^al
railroad will cross the Missouri river
■ over the new bridge at Sioux City And
build south through Homer, Decatur
and Tekamah to Omaha, !
t/'* The bed of the Platte river at (jloth
enburg last week was almost drt, the
only water flowing heinga small stream
which flowed in the north channel.
The irrigation ditches have been ab
sorbing about all the water in the river
this year.
owns uuunowu party conceaieua ddx
■of parlor mutches in a bundle of 'grain
on a farm near Creston. Wheta the
bundle went through the machine the
matches were ignited. The machine
was pulled away from the buftiing
stack just in time to save it \
■ Tux Newman Grove Advertiser 4om
plains that their town is discriminated
against in the matter of freight rates
to such an extent that their buyers <&n
not pay within 8 to 10 cents per busjjiel
for wheat what neighboring towns p|
T.s*t spring there were over 13,4
apple trees set out within a radius 1
ten miles of Plattsmouth, aud the pre
peels are that nearly twice as man
will be set out next spring. A hortl
cultural is t said that experience haq
proven Cass county to be one of the best,
fruit counties in the state, and no doubt'
Inside of five years the shipment of
fruit from there will be immense.
Tas perfidous conduct of M. M. Stan*
card, who for several years ran a mar
ble shop in Falls City, has just been
made public. It seems from reports
that while he left his family on their
place a little way east of that city,
ostentibly on the business of his trade,
be really deserted them last December
and ou May 1 he married a Sioux City
widow at Millbank.
The bank examiners have divided up
the state into four sections, in which
* they will work. Examiner Cline will
have the southwest part and the Elk
horn line of road and Scribner branch.
Examiner McUrew takes the southeast
counties, and Examiner Dodder takes
the Union Pacific line of road, the cen
tral counties north of that road east to
Central City, and several river counties.
\ Examiner Cowdrey takes the north*
west section.
Asxkd to explain the import of the
.initiative and referendum, a western
paper says it means that “the horns go
y*; with the hide.”
Ol ’ E Scott and A. E. Kemper of
North Bend have commenced to rebuild
' their business houses recently de
stroyed fay fire, -i
Pufabatioxs are being made in
Ames tor feeding a large number of
cuttle the coming winter, and the first
shipment is expected about the 10th of
y September.
I L Tost of Harrisonburg, who fell
from bis hone the other duy, breaking j
his eollar bone, hae had the same bone
broken twice before.
Rranwr Gets tlie I’enltenthiry Contract.
The board of public lands and build
ings met yesterday, says the Lincoln
Journal, and decided to award the pen
itentiary contract to Warden Beemer.
Buckstaff lb os. of this city presented
seven different propositions in their bid
and Mr. lieemer presented one. which
the board accepted as the best In
brief, Mr. lieemer agrees to care for
convicts at 40 certs per capita, the state
to furnish him all penitentiary prop
erty and keep the same in repair, he in
return to account for all money re
ceived and paid out, and to refund to
the state all moneys coming into his
hands less 93,000. He is to pay hisown
bookkeeper out of the 93,000.
This proposition is construed by some
to mean that the board will be in con
trol of the penitentiary contract and
conduct it for the benefit of the state,
Mr. Heemer retaining as his share a fair
salary. Those who have investigated
the proposition find no fault with it.
If the contract is worth what the ap
praisers say it is under Mr. Beemer’s
bid, the state will get the benefit of all
profits. Mr. Heemer is considered one
of the best managers who ever occupied
the position of warden, and it is gen
erally believed that under his bid the
state has a good show of getting every
cent that can possibly be made off con
viet labor.
A Reunion Mote.
Hastings Dispatch: The crowd at
Camp Sherman was larger than ever
today. Very few people have esti
mated it at less than 50.000. The whole
camp was a mass of moving humanity.
Camp Logan also had a large crowd
this afternoon. There is only about
sixty rods of vacant spaco between the
camps and that space was literally
packed with people.
The Women's Kclief corps had a very
interesting camp fire last night. Mrs.
Mury R. Morgan presided. The wel
come address was made by Mrs. Mary
J. Dodd and responded to by Mrs. C. K.
Adams of Superior. Other addresser
were made by Mesdames Mollio C.
Hards, Uupier, Anna Potter and Mrs.
Mary It. Morgan. Miss Maude Dil
worth gave a recitation and Judge and
Mra lieall favored the audience with
some excellent music.
Attempted Suicide of a Nebraskan.
Buffalo N. Y.) dispatch: R. T. Allen
of Omaha, Neb., shot and badly
wounded himself on a New York Cen
tral traip a few miles from Buffalo.
Allen was traveling with his wife.
They had been to New Jersey and were
returning to Nebraska. Leaving his
wife for a moment Allen went to the
toilet room at the rear of the car, and a
moment later the passengers were
startled by a pistol shot Several men
^•ushed to the spot and found Allen
lying in a pool of blood, which oozed
from a bullet wound in his left side.
He was oared for as well as could be
on the curs, and when the train reach
ed Buffalo was taken to the Emergency
hospitul. The doctors found that the
bullet had just touched the apex of
the heart. The aim was well directed,
and had not the bullet struck some
bard substance in his clothing and
glanced off he would have been killed.
It is thought he will recover. Later
While in the hospital Allen succeeded
in getting hold of a bottle of carbolic
acid, swallowing a large dose, with
fatal effects. Ilis last words were:
"This time 1'vo closed the game for
keeps." _
The Meet Sueur Crop.
Correspondence Omaha Bee: Tilt
Oxnard Beet Sugar company of Grand
Island will this year, beyond any ques
tion of doubt, make the lurgest run In
the history of the beet sugar industry
in America.
»>. u. n»uu uus ueen at woric an
alyzing beets. He stated that the beets
for their present condition as to matur
ity are showing up splendidly, most of
them averaging from 10 to 14 per cent.
The late rains, while not injuring the
crop, have retarded its development.
And in view of this fact tho company
has decided to give an additional price
per ton to those contractors who will
make later deliveries. For November
deliveries the company will pay 35
cents extra per ton; for December beets
30 cents; for January beets 35 cents;
for February beets 40 cents per ton.
When asked what, in his opinion,
would the crop for this factory be,
Ferrar stated that they figured on no
less than 35,000 tons. This, he said,
was the lowest possible estimate. The
factory had about 4,000 acres contracted
at the beginning of the season. Sup
posing 500 acres in the,different coun
ties had failed, there still would be
3,500 acres in good condition, and these
. will certainly average more than tan
tons to the acre. A few farmers who
have taken good care of their beets ex
pect to harvest twenty-five tons to the
acre. The Grand Island factory ex
pects to begin the manufacture of sugar
September 1 and run five or six months.
Two hundred men per day will be em
ployed, half of them on the day shift
wnd the other on the night,
\ That Sham 11 at tie.
In regard to the statement that Gov
ernor Holcomb issued un order prohib
iting guards from taking part in a pro
posed sham battle with the Grant:
Army men. Adjutant General llarrj
aaid the governor was not consulted.
He and Major Fechet alone were re
sponsible. He stated that the G. A. R
reunion committee advertised a shun
battle without any authority. Tht
committee first went so far as to gel
out a program for the national guards
but the chairman of that committee
kindly withdrew the programs from
circulation when so requested by lh<
militia authorities. The adjutant gen
eral states that a sham battle was op
posed from the Start by Major Fechei
and himself for various reasons, on<
being the liability to accident as provet
by past experience.
Clothes 'do not make the man, but
they have a good deal to do in making
a woman.
To dally much with subjects me:
end low, proves that the mind is we:
or makes it so.
8ome gentlemen posing as reform*
would not be permitted to play in
square crap game.
One half the world don’t know t
number of patches the other half wea
under its coal-tails.
Those who) denounce capital
curse alway
curse come
fseem anxious to have
ome to them.
LOSS IS OVER $1,250,000.
All Bat the First Floor Destroyed In Less
Than Two Honrs — The Structure
the Scene of the Kecent Con*
clave of Knights Templars—
Was Most Magnificently
Boston, Sept. 0.—A passer by dis
covered fire at 10:0ft o’clock this morn
ing in the Masonic temple, one of the
finest Masonic buildings in the United
States, the place where the Knights
Templar triennial conclave was held
last week, and a few moments later
an alarm was given from box 53, noted
as being located in one of the most
dangerous' fire districts in the city.
At almost the same time an alarm
was sent in from box 72 in the Parker
house, and all the fire apparatus down
town hurried to that place. The hotel
blaze proved to be trivial, but the con
fusion resulting from the almost simul
taneous alarms gave the fire in the
Temple a good start before the ap
paratus arrived,
District Chief Hagan, who was on
top of t’he tower of the Tremont street
side of the building, found the flames
curling up around him and was forced
to jump to the roof, almost twenty
feet below. lie escaped uninjured.
About the same timeatube on chem
ical engine No. 2 exploded and Lieu
tenant Madden, who was working on
the engine, was thrown to the ground
and probably fatally injured. He
struck on his head and it was believed
his skull was fractured. ‘
In less than an hour the roof of the
magnificent building had fallen, car
rying down what the tire had left of
the three upper stories, and nlaking
hopeless the task of saving anything
but the lower floor.
The temple was one of the most
magnificently furnished Masonic
buildings in the country and the loss
will be over JJ500.000. The building
cost about 8750,000. Valuable papeis
in the safes on the second floor were
Consul Chancellor Reports the Claims
of an Italian Expert.
Washington, Sept. 9.—A new cure
for consumption has been reported to
the state department by United States
Consul Chancellor at Havre. He says
it-was first brought to the attention
of the world at a congress of physi
cians and scientists at Bordeaux to
consider the question of combatting
consumption by vaccination. Prof.
Marigliano, an Italian, reud a paper,
which attracted much attention.claim
ing to have discovered an efficacious
process for the treatment of consump
tion by the injection of tubular serum,
which, he says renders the disease
The consul recalls the comparative
failures of other attempts to treat con
sumption successfully aiid says this
particular process is s. ill in the experi
mental stage. The paper is open to
several objections, for Professor Mari
gliano gives no precise information as
to his process for obtuiniug the serum,
which can be had only from himself,
and his statistics are incomplete and
lacking confirmation.
Ex-Officlula of liutte, Mont.. Elected on
High Principles, Accused of Forgery.
Butte, Mont., Sept. 0.—Warrants
have been issued for the arrest of sev
eral ex-officials of this city, among
them ex-City Clerk Perrin Irvine and
his assistant, Philip L. Miller, charg
ing them with forgery committed dur
ing their terms of office. The accused
are believed to have left town as the
police have so far been unable to lo
cate them.
The administration of which the
accused were members was elected on
a reform ticket. - he treasurer, Simon
Jacobs, committed suicide several
months ago and was short in his ac
counts over $50,000.
Liberia No "Promised Land.”
Lospon, Sept. 0.—A., Burnett and
H. Jumper, American negroes, have
arrived at Southampton by the steamer
Tagar, with a mournful story of the
fate of the purt.v of negro colonists
Which left Savannah, Ua., March 19,
on board the steamer Henga for Li
beria. Of the 210 persons who com
prised the company only two secured
work in Monrovia. Ilalf the entire
number died of fever, aggravated by
privations. The remainder, excepting
a few who were too ill to travel, made
their way toward the coast in the vain
hope of finding means of returning to
Five OenerallonH Under One Roof.
Skveky, Kau., Sept 9.—At the little
town of Climax a family of five gener
, ations reside under one roof. They
are: Mrs. Larkins, aged 80 —years,
who is a great-great-grandmother;
Mrs. Mary Templeton, her daughter,
is a great-grandmother; T. D. Temple
ton, Mrs. Templeton's sou, is Mrs.
Larkins’ grandson; Mrs. Abe Bussell
ia a great-granddaughter, and her in
fant daughter is great-great-greut
granddaughter of Mrs. Larkins.
Coke Workers May Strike.
Ukiontown, Pa., Sept. 9.—Indica
tions point to a general strike through
out the Connellsville coke region next
week or the week after. Last spring
the operators granted an advance of
ten per cent to avoid a threatened
strike. Since that time the price of
coke has been on the jump and the
men now demand another advance in
wages commensurate with the advance
in coke. The operators are unwilling
to accede to the demand.
The Subject Ulscuesed by the Medico*
Legal Congren.
New York, Sept. S.—The third day's
session of the Medico-Legal congress
began by the reading by Clark Bell of
a paper by Gustave Boehm on “The
Brutality of Capital Punishment.’’
The author contended that the death
penalty had no deterrant effect; that
it was a relic of feudal barbarism, and
was merely an act of revenge on the
part of the state. The afternoon ses
sion was opened with the reading of a
paper by Clark Bell on “Hypnotism in
the Courts of Law.”
Mr. Bell pointed out that it
appeared the majority of medical men
in this country did not recognize hyp
notic trance as an existing fact. The
law3'ers and judges were on the same
grounds as the doctors. In the courts
of Europe the contrary was the fact
and men of the highest character and
professional attainments devoted their
best efforts to its study and elucida
tion. As it was with professional men,
so it is with the people.
Professor Carl Sextus of Chicago
wrote to say that a natural criminal
could be made to do criminal acts
under hypnotic influence, but not a
person of real moral worth. Dr. W. L.
Howard of Baltimore said that hypno
tism was a reality. He • gave several
instances of hypnotized persons in
Baltimore, including his own servant,
whom he sent to a neighboring physi
cian's laboratory to steal everything
the doctor had. lie restored the fellow
while he had the articles still in his
possession. The doctor confessed that
it affected the man's brain somewhat,
but he always took care, except on this
occasion, to get the subject back into
a good mental state before he com
pletely restored him.
The doctor also, hypnotized a bank
cashier and made him steal $45,000. He
performed an operation in the John
Hopkins university with the patient
under hypnotic influence. Hypnotism
was invaluable as a corrector of
morals. Dr. Grover of Massachusetts
told of a young woman in Boston who
had a tendency to tuberculosis being
cured by hypnotic influence.
SHORT $1,600,000.
The Bond Syndicate Falls to Keep Up
the Gold Reserve Fund.
Washington, Sept. 9.—A telegram
received at the treasury department
states that 81,000,000 in gold has been
withdrawn for export from the sub
treasury at New York. Slight gains,
however, were made at Chicago and
other points, aggregating $186,000, so
the true amount of the reserve at the
close of business was $98,513,539. The
cash balance was 8181,577,108.
The treasury officials maintain their
usual reticence on the subject, but
there is no doubt that they were some
what disappointed and surprised that
the syndicate permitted the business
day to close without making any de
posit. From the first the officials have
confidently believed $100,000,000 was
the lowest point which the syndicate
would permit the reserve to reach,
and hence their inaction at this time
is not understood. There is, however,
no alarm felt, as it is expected the
syndicate will come to the rescue on
the first sign of uneasiness on the part
of the public.
A Noted American Newspaper Man
l’asscs Away In Italy.
Cadkxabhia, Italy, Sept. 9.—W-p
liam Henry Ilurlbut is dead,
lie became connected with the New
York World in 1863, and in 1661 pur
chased the Commercial Advertiser, in
tending to publish it as a free trade
paper, and his associates failing to
agree the paper was sold to Thurlovv
Weed. He went to Mexico in 1806, and
was invited to the capitol by
Maximilian. He represented the
New York World at the world's fair at
l’aris in 1867, and the centennary fes
tival of St. Peter in Borne, and in 1871
Accompanied the United States expe
dition to Santa Domingo, during which
time he published a very complete his
tory of that island. In'1876-83 he was
editor-in-chief of the World, and in the
latter year when Joseph Pulitzer
bought the World he went to Europe
where he has since chiefly resided.
Severe Storms Damage a Church, Resi
dences amt llusiness House*,
Joplin, Mo., Sept. 9.—Jopli.i was
visited by a cloud-burst shortly after o
o’clock yesterday afternoon. Rain
fell at intervals all the afternoon, cul
minating in a storm which was the
worst known in twenty years. The
water came down in streams. The
rain was accompanied by a terrific
electrical display, and by a high wind,
which did great damage. The First
Methodist Episcopal church and sev
eral private residences were damaged
by water. On Main street, for half a
block, on each side of the Willow
branch, several business houses were
Hooded. In all the low lying districts
the occupants were driven from their
houses. The railways suffered much
damage. Many miues were flooded,
and the loss from this will be heavy.
Republicans Claiming Maryland.
New York, Sept. 9.—General Felix
A. Angus, editor of the Raltimore
American, says: “The state will go
Republican for the first time since the
wax*. Halfff the Democratic papers
in this state have bolted the Demo
cratic ticket, and will support
Lowndes for governor. It is almost a
revolution in political sentiment, and
I venture to say that Mr. Lowndes’
majority will be anywhere from 5,000
to :?0.009. Ilis election is a foregone
Artist Gibson and Fiancee Injured.
Richmond, Va., Sept. 9.—News has
just reached here of a serious accident
to Charles Dana Gibson, the famous
artist, and his affianced wife, Miss
Irene Langhorne, in a runaway. Mr.
Gibson's left wrist was broken and he
sustained many severe bruises. Miss
Langhorne's left knee was broken and
she was also badly bruised. Her in
juries will confine her to her room for
at least two months.
T. J. Mahoney of Omaha Placed at the
Head of the Ticket—W. 8. Ashby of
Hildreth and J. H. Ames of Lincoln for
Regents—What Is Set Forth in the
Platform of Principles—A Telegram
From Carlisle.
The Gold Wing of Democracy.
For supreme judge.T. J. MAHONEY,Omaha
For recent. I YV. 8. AsHBY. hildreth
1 or regents.-J j u AMKS> Lincoln.
Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 7.—The
“straight” democratic state convention
met in this city on Thursday and placed
in nomination the above ticket. Euclid
Martin of Omaha called the meeting to
The presiding officer announced that
R. S. liibb of Beatrice had been select*
ed by the committee for temporary
chairman, and C. M. Hubnerof Nebras
ka City as temporary secretary. The
convention accepted them.
The chairman appointed as a com
mittee on credentials: O. H. Scott of
Thayer, Ben I\ Therward of Holt, J.'
H. Miller of Hall, R. E. McMullin of
Dixon, and 1. W. Hawes of Kearney.
As a committee on permanent organ
ization these were appointed: W. D.
McHugh of Douglas, D. YV. Cook of
Cage, R. E. Dunphy of Seward, G. A.
J. Morse of Pawnee, and Jacob Bigler
of Chase.
The committee on credentials report
ed the list of delegates and no contests.
The temporary organization was
made permanent with the addition of
Ed McCullough of Butler as assistant
On motion of N. S. Harwood of Lan
caster a committee of seven on resolu
tions was appointed. These were N.
S. Harwood of Lancaster, John A. Me
Shane of Douglas, D. P. Rolfe of Otoe,
G. M. ShellenUatger of Douglas, George
P. Marvin of Gage, J. J. McIntosh of
Cheyenne, and E. G. Hadler of Web
They brought in the following:
The democrats of Nebraska, in con
vention assembled, congratulate the
country upon the sure signs of return
ing prosperity. In spite of the evil
predict’" ns alike of protectionists and
silver inflationists, the country is stead
ily and surely gaining ground, thus
justifying the wisdom of the reversal
of the republican policies of protective
tariff taxes and coinage of a redundant
quantity of token-Uollars. The fact
that the wheels of industry, so long
silenced as a consequence of these poli
cies by a long and depressing panic,
have resumed their wonted motion and
that more than 300,000 laborers are re
ceiving an increase of wages of 12 per
cent proves this assertion.
We send greeting and congratula
tions. to Grover Cleveland and his cab
inet, not only for their wise and pru
dent course which has aided so much
in bringing about the better financial
condition, but also for their firm and
fearless adherence throughout the long
depression to sound principles of econ
omies; for their just conception of the
rights of the whole people, and for
their unswerving fidelity in upholding
and protecting the honor and integrity
of the nation against organized mob
We indorse the national democratic
platform of 1892 and the interpretation
placed thereon by the president, and
we declare ourselves unequivocally and
unreservedly for that metallic money
as the standard unit, the bullion and
mint value of which are approximately
the same, the purchasing power of
which, regardless of government mint
age, is the least fluctuating in all the
markets of the civilized world. We
insist upon this policy as especially
necessary for the protection of the
farmers, laborers and property owning
debtors the most defenseless victims
of unstable money and fluctuating cur
r ree coinage 01 sliver, in 10 i, means
silver monometallism; it means poorer
money and less of it; it means less
wages for the laboring man and less
actual money for the farmer and very
! much less credit, as well as money for
the business man. It means bank
ruptcy for all, save the mine owner.
We recognize in the issue and reissue
of our treasury notes a serious menace
to the stability of the national finances
and we favor the retirement of all
treasury notes at the earliest possible
moment with proper and safe guaran
tees for maintaining the necessary vol
ume of the currency which shall be de
vised by a competent, non-partisan cur
rency commission.
The constitution of this state pro
vides that no religious test shall be
made as a qualification for office. That
provision we accept both in the letter
and in the spirit and we condemn every
attempt by secret societies or other
wise to proscribe any portion of our
citizens on account of their religious
beliefs or affiliations.
T. C. Marshall nominated T. J. Ma
honey for candidate for justice of the
supreme court. The nomination was
made by acclamation and D. W. Camp
and J. If. Ames conducted the nominee
to the platform.
Mr. Mahoney was greeted with ap
plause when he stepped to the front of
the stage to make his speech of thanks,
lie said that whether locally the con
test was crowned by victory or defeat
he thought that the duty of the con
vention had been done by holding up
before the people the principles of their
party. Whether there was one vote or
100,000 for the candidate of a party if
it was true to principle it was right,
temporary success did not measure the
success of a party.
The nomination of candidates for re
gents of the State university were
made. The candidates were: W. S.
Ashby. Hildreth; J. F. Canyon, McCook;
John H. Ames, Lincoln: S. S. Green.
Gage; F. P. Welton, Dakota. The roll
was called and the result announced to
be; Ashby 311, Canyon 00, Ames 401.
Green 402, Welton 118. /
Ashby were declared the not
the convention. 1
The state central comri
elected Euclid Martin chairl
J. IS. Sheean secretary. J
ties and
finees of
pttee re
pan, and
Organizes a Sunday Baseball Nine to*
Amuse the Workingmen.
Ansonxa, Conn., Sept. —There is a
decided sensation in religious circles of
this city over the “advanced" position
assumed by Rev. Henry E. Davies of'
the Congregational church, :n refer-'
ence to Sunday observance.
The recent opening of Ilousatonic
park, with various Sunday attractions,
caused a crusade, led by all Catholic
and Protestant pastors, except Mr.
Davies, who defied his colleagues,
claiming that the days of “Blue Law"
Sundays were passed and the people
should now realize the fact and con
duct themselves accordingly. Hfe said
emphatically that the laboring classes
should have amusement on Sundays
and that all who thought otherwise
were hypocrites.
These statements were emphasized
by the formation of a baseball club by
the minister from among the attend
ants at his church, and with them he
played at the park. The church at
once took up the matter, a division re
sulted, and at present the different
factions are denouncing the atti" udes
of each other. A climax was reached
to-day, when Mr. Davies presented his
Express companies are fighting the
occupation tax at New London, Mo.
Ee-enforcements to the number of" *
1,300 arrived at Havana from Spain.
Hail twelve inches in circumference-,
fell at New London, Ralls county, Mo.
Louis Brennan was thrown from a.
train at Carrollton, Mo., and fatally
Utah women cannot vote till the
territory becomes a state, say the f
courts. f
Ben Riser, jr., and'his wife tare in. /
jail at Bloomington, 111., for »avjng
stolen two horses.
The revenue statement shows that
$117,000 more revenue was received in
July than in August.
Mrs. Alice Fleming of New York is.
under arrest on suspicion of having
murdered her mother.
A bank has been organized at Neo
desha, Kan., with $23,000 capital and
leading men as directors.
Dr. A. M. Hutchinson of Hutchin
son, Ivan., has been appointed head
physician at the state reformatory.
It is announced that Satolli.after be
ing made cardinal, will remain in the
United States as pro delegato apos
Canadian cruisers are seizing all
Newfoundland fishing schooners found
in Canadian waters. A conflict is
The Turks distributing scant relief
to Armenians that they had plundered
demanded a letter of thanks from each
Mabel Stanley, an American, con
fessed to stealing jeweiry in London
and was sentenced, to twelve months
The San Francisco board of health. v
has appealed to the national authori- '
ties to take precautions against cholera
in Japan and Hawaii.
Washouts north of Saltillo, Mexico,
have caused the suspension of through
traffic. It may be some days befure
the damage will be repaired.
The interior department has decided
that the accretion lands at the mouth
of the Illinois river belong to the state
of Illinois, and not Uncle Sam.
Mary Jane Silberman and her hus
band were arrested at Pine Bluff, Mo.,
because they got married before Mrs,
Silberman disposed of her former hus
Senator Brice has secured control of
the Cleveland, Akron and Columbus.
This is an important link in the trunk
line which he is said to be trying to
General Coppinger had a conference
with Indian Commissioner Browning
anent Jackson’s Hole. He recom
mends that it be annexed to Yellow
stone park.
The Republicans of Sumner county,
Kan., have named W. H. Maddy for
treasurer, D. C. Millard for register,
D. A. Lewis for sheriff, Charles Sadler
for clerk, Orville Smith for surveyor
and Michael Huffman for coroner.
Girl Bicycle Kider Killed.
Chicopee, Mass., Sept. 5.—Miss Car
rie E. Stoddard of this city was struck y
by a horse while riding* her bicycle last
evening and fatally injured, dying a
half hour later. The shaft of the
sulky struck her in the side, forcing a
corset steel into her hei t.
Quotations from New Tork, Chicago, St.
Louis, Omaha and Elsewhere.
Butter—Creamery separator.. 17 It
Butler—l* alr to good country. 14 ft
1-ggs—Fresh. 11 aft
Honey—California, per lb. 14 ft
Hens—Live, por lb. 6 ft
Spring Chickens, per lb. 8
Lemons—Che ice Messinas. 7 0)
Apples—per bbl. 2 00
Oranges—Floridas, per box.... 2 5,»
1 otaioes—New. 25
Watermelons-per dozen. 2 0)
Beans—Navy, hand-picked, bu 2 (X)
Play— Upland, per ton. 6.0
Onions—l or bu. 40
cheese—Neb. «S: la*, full cream 10
Tomatoes per bushel. 75
hogs—Mixed packing. 4 b
liogs—Heavy weights. 4 25
Beeves— Mockers and feeders. 2 30
Beef Meers. 3 60
Bulls......... 1 50
blags. 2 25
calves.... 2 00
Lows. 1 00
heifers. 1 75
Westerns. 2 25
bheep— Lambs. 3 00
bhtep— Choice natives. 2 50
Wheat—No. 2, spring. ?6
Corn—Per bu. 35
Cats— i er bu... 21
Pork. 8 50
Lard. 5 92
hogs—Packers and mixed. 4 05
Lai tie—Native steers. 3 65
bheep—Lambs,. 3 00
iheep—Natives. 150
Wheat, No. 2, red winter. 64 ft 64*.
Core No. 2. 40* ft 40*
Oats—No. 2. 24* J> 25
ft f‘4
Ot. 7 50 *
ft 2 25
ft 3 25
ft 30
ft 2 50
ft Z 20
ft 7 00
life 50
ft 11
ft SO
ft 4 20
ft 4 30
ft 3 00
ft 4 85
ft 2 CO
ft 2 50
ft 4 60
ft 3 25
ft 3 10
ft 3 40
U> 4 60
ft 3 2)
ft ei*
ft 36*
ft 21*
ft 9 00
ft 6 00
ft 4 .0
ft 5 (0
•« 4 55
ft 3 00
Pork.10 50
Lard. C 25
bT. LOUIi.
W heat—No 2 red, cash. 61
torn—Per bu. 33
Oats—Per bu .. is
hogs—Mixed packing. 3 75
Lattle—Heft steers.3 tO
Sheen—Mixed natives. 2 4»
Lambs. 2 50
W heat—No. 2 hard. 58 ft 59*
torn—No. 2. 30* u 31
Oats—No. 2... . is ft 19*
t attle—Mockers and feeders.. 2 50 ft 4 20
Legs—Mixed packers. 4 00 ft 4 35
* bheep—Muttons... 2 00 ft 300
11 00
ft 6 50
*> 61*
ft 33S
ft IS*
"I. A w0
■lit 3 7^
'•0 3 00
@ 4 73