AI) OLD PARTY. LIVING TRUTHS OF THE RE PUBLICAN POLICY. Seleetlons from Various Authorities Which Serro to Prove the Wisdom of the Jl’popto in Calling: the Party Hack to Power. * I "rrmeptlon Will no Ihe f.p»li't.?rR" gestlon and suurul repose, if you wi,i ‘ “Jv 1)11 ill'IV'Kf'nf M'.n.ook, m; lie* grMiuu aim kuuiiu repose, u you will t on a coarse of Hostetler's J-tomaoh Bitter/ anil persist in U. Tim Bitters will invaitn hi tf r. Vn»*fl llllii.f lA tlio millmiln..,. — 1. "♦* I'V * •*:.*--* •;*. it. j no outers will Invaiia uly a aorcl relief to the malarious rheumatic and neuralgic, and avert serious klduev trouble. J Recipe for Ginger Ale. Four lemons sliced, a tablespoonful tartaric acid, 4 tablespoonfuls of ground ginger, 1 \'i pounds light brown sugar and ‘J gallons boiling waU?r. When blood-warm add a cupful of Home-made yeast or 2 compressed yeast cakes and let it stand 12 or 15 hours in a warm place. Strain and bottle it and tie down the corks. There is a simple s worth learn knack about this that ing. In two days it will be ready for use.—Country Gentleman. Every man is a volume to read him. if you know how Tired Women Nervous, weak and all worn ont. — will find iu purilied blood, made rich and healthy by Hood’s Sarsaparilla, permanent relief and strength. Get Hood’s because Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently in the public eye today. It is sold by all druggists. $1; six for *5. HnnH*^ J Jo S'**© tasteless, mlld.efTec- | IIUUU S ■ HIS tlve. All druggists. 25c. j waiter later 4 Co. Limited,4 r Th« Largest Manufacturers of PURE, HIGH CRA»a Cocoas and chocolates ) On this Continent, have received SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE. WALTER BAKER & CO. LT3. DORCHESTER, MASS. ^ *JDrWlHCHELL’S "teething Qyrup, Regulates the bowels: assists dentition; cures dla» rhea and dysentery in the worst forms; cures canker sore throat; is a certain preventive of diph theria; quiets and soothes all pain; invigoratesth§ stomach and bowels; corrects all acidity; will curs griping in the bowels and wind colic. Mothers, try this good safe Syrup. Prepared by the EMMERT PROPRIETARY CO.. CHICAGO. I EWIS’ 98 % LYE ■ powcsssd £.yjd pEarum I ■■ (PATENTED) The strongest and purest Lye iraadc. Unlike other Lye, it being a tir.e powder and packed in a can with removable lid, the contents are always ready for use. Will make the best perfumed Hard Soap in !i0 minutes without boiling. It is the best for cleansing waste pipes, disinfecting sinks, closets, washing bottles, paints, trees, etc. FENNA. SALT tVTF’G CO. \> Gen. A cents., Phila., Pa. PROFITABLE DAIRY WORK Can only be accomplished with tho very best or loots ana With a Davis rator on the sure of more * butter, while milk is aval Farmers will take to get a illustrated mailed free appliances. Cream Sepa (arm you are and better the skimmed uable feed, make no mis 5. Davis. Neat, ' catalogue Aeents wanted UAVIS & RANKIN BLDG. & MFG. CO. Cor. Randolph & Dearborn Sts.. Chicago. ZacharyT. Lindsey, "B RUBBERCOODS Dealers send for Catalogues, Omaha, Neb. Patents. Trade-Marks. Examination and ,\.1vlce aa to Patentability of Invention. 8en«l lor ** Inventor*’ Guide, or How to Gab a Pateu t " TATZ1ZZ OTllttL’.L. WASHERUOT, & & SIOOO 4 WMdlymade with mail oapl J . W bJ «af» method of systemnt’le speculation in (rraln. Book and full par tic ular.- free. Nat’I Bank tUferences. Pattuox & Co.. 6iil Oixuha Bldg., Chicago, EDUCATIONAL. ACADEMY OFTtiE SACRED HEART The course of instruction in this Academy, conducted by the lieligious of the hacreil Heart, embrace. tho vhole ranee ot subjects r.rccs ary to constitute a solid and retim’d education, Propriety of depoitment. Den. sonal routnese and the principles of morality are ob ;:*et. ot umea-in* attention Eitrn-lve grounds at lord tho pupil-overy facility lor useiul bodi.yexen. else; their health 1. an obje-t. f c-usiant solicitude, an 1 In sickness they f re atten led with maternal care. Fall term open* Tuesday, Sept. 3,1. For further pais titulars, address TH1! Si E'F.ltlOH Academy barred Heart, hi,. Joaepu, Ho. UNIVERSITY OF HOTRE DAME. , ™E F tJISoITOp^" K I Fullooureennt'U>«ale«.la tier* ad,,,.,. _ flrll a. d K..*tn. e.® uJf.Thom.Th Preparatory aid Commercial Course, * Edward'. | Hall for boy. under 13 i. ui'.l.pie in.I ecompleteut* sot It.-, equip nerit. Catalogues >a»nt 1i'ee<>n anuliuHtli n to 1*VLA-S™*W c- »• Sotn S£ ~ PARKER-^ ha.r balsam tef.x^sr^sr^ nlfj tJai!s Bentore Gray Hair to its Youthful Color7 cure« «ra!p di«.t,eB * hair tiling. I’m Omnlia—ao, B&0S. ,\Ylien answering advertisements kindly iuectiou this puuer.