| GRAND OLD PARTY. t REPUBLICAN POLICY OP PRO TECTION FULLY SUSTAINED. Mf tha Uttar Failure of tin* Democratic Free Trade Pulley—A neflrlt Inetcad of the Nurptue That Wan Promised a Tear Ago. Chicago Inter Orenn: July 1 la New "Year’a Day in many highly Important respects. Chief of all It Is tho begln (S nlng of the fiscal year of tho govern ment. In all statistlca of debts, re ■colpts, expenditures, or the like, of tho United States government given by years, this midyear point of tho ger.cral i* calendar la the beginning of the year. When, therefore, congress discussed at itn laat session, ns It did often and much I# in detull, the probable surplus or deficit fj of the treasury, tho base of calculation wns July l, isos. Would tho revenues I aud outgoes of tho treasury for the twelve months Immediately preceding that date show an excess or a defl •clency ? The exact, condition of the treasury, ,• to tho last penny, at the close of Satur v ■day night wns not known Monday ijfi; morning, but near enough for all prac |ai tlcai purposes. The surplus which WU oon and Carlisle predicted turned out to be, as everybody expected It would, a deficit. The shortage Is 513.250,000. This Is a oretty large sum. Forty-three «ml a quarter millions Is a good deal ■of money, even for so big and rich a nation as the United States. It menr.a that the government during the last ■fiscal year spent on an average over < 5100,000 a day In excess of Its resources. Last year the deficit was 570.000.000. |t It ds precisely on account of thl3 de ficit that the government Is menaced v atlc trouole \11,“l»31 stlpatlon and MillouSne,“et,“' A Crocl»l Tmi. Vou say you can select, rns girls by mail’ 1 *«< • e/M, let. «etout'" StTf^-^sR'a 5^«SK5*Vfi is not intended ’ 1 snot m;, Indian oak, one of th« wj will sink in Water. thehard«Uf Impure Bloo Manifests Itself i„ hl and other eruptions whM,^ face and cause pain and purifying the Hood HMdT°L" completely cures these trouble, « the skin. Hood's Sarsanari that tired, drowsy faXjt " this season and gives strensth f Hood’s Sarsapa Is the only trne blood poriBer m In the public eye today. |i. Hood’s Pills ESS" DAVIS OREM SEMI Combined Separator, toed Cooker, um c ■impwi fraction, l ChtipMOt) I ComplataDife,£, P hw Tint, lain ■ S™«I toot* ■ Fr*»,wnui«7 9 WiutSTt »in itOAVIS*_ BLDO, 4 >Hi cmooto,!. Meta Wheel for your Wagons Any sice you [I want, 80 to 661 Incliei hlgh.V Tfroj 1 to 8 In- n chas wide — u hubs to fit any I axle. Save* 1 Coat many times in a sea eon to have set of low wheels to fit your wagon ' for haallnR grain,fodder, man- ^ ore. hogs, Ac. No. ^ resetting of tires Catl' It free. Address KnplreMfg. Co.. P. O. Box S3, Quincy 111* L H1 EWIS’ 98X1! tmmnmmm (PATEJTID) The stronqe&t and jrnrrtm made. Unlike other Lye, It Mil a floe powder and packed loir jwith removable lid, the cooW are always ready for me. n wake the best perfumed Hard In 20 minutes r^tfhonf taifinfi. H tbe best for cleansing waste pg disinfectin« sinks, closets, taq bottles, paints, trees, etc. PENNA. SALT M’PGCH Geo. Agents Phikufc Regulate! the bowels: assists dent-tion; rhea and dysentery in the worst f*,: canker sore throat; is a certain p theria; quiets and soothes al pa n, i I stomach and bowels; corrects ail acid griping in the bowels and w:nd c°'ic' £MMc)T this good safe Syrup. Prepared b, the E» PROPRIETARY CO.. CHI CAPO r K F Bf it ■ II la ELg ].< 4HM icons ® ■ ■■■■■■ line o( «•'!•*? MANITOBA, ALBERT* or 'be •• CHE WAN, apply for particulars .0 L. A. HAMILTON Urn* < omiul«»i"'"-r ," ; ^ Immense wheat harv lisnnair.*' rest assured thissw* IMEN IMTERRAU.Y AND USED LOCALLY WITH Insufflator L SYKE'S SURE CURE CO., n CKTCH SI!!-. Bt* told Ly all d.uggi-'is. *lhe lest nerve XIKJ ait:* » v ‘ n. . • rest*5™' cures nervous prostratio• |»j|] nervo-vital and sexual P0^'. luypjjb TIlu-KIuo (Mercer s.) & ardson Drug Co. and b. • ^ts. Co., Omaha, Neb., and all dru3g The best known combm un weak people. I jiichard Pink (Mercer^.) Sold byj & ^ EDUCATIOHAL. ACADEMY OF the The course of SACRED BS h/^TeilTlouVc;fS.f..'.eJ whole ranire ol eubieot* w<*„f end refined edneottun. M« . ‘ 0f ”lor*ili,V eoual neetnese end the pr P, , e ', -i-e Ject.ut nut er luB attention M lx«» J A ford the puj lit every loe.ln , c, wad '• else; their health i* an o( wi!h mat. ^ an 1 in Mcknea* they are at'*" ■ (t v< r n«w ■ U 1 III Ni:»IW’» . Kelt. HI Kail fcotm open* iue.'da. - *** ticulars, address Academy barred Hc< , SfSSfe jss^&rs&Si?