% The Frontier. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY THE FRONTIER FRINTINO COMPANY KINO A CRONIN. EDITORS. Pkffeh’h new party has a total mem bership of one. - - - Is Iiowi.EU a bigger man than con gress or the president? ---- -- "Up in a balloon” is a favorite song with the head of the weather bureau. Cross-eyed silver editorials are a specialty with lots of democratic papers just now. Secretary Oi.kky lias adopted for a motto, "keep it dark,” and he is trying to live up to it. --—.. Tub up-to-date artist must give us death riding a trolly wire instead of the traditional white horse. ' Oi.ney says there is plenty of money in the treasury, but somehow Secretary Carlisle doesn’t know it. PuniiArs those Alabama gold Helds are intended merely as an offset to Sen ator Morgan’s silver speech. ---—► < - It is immaterial what Mr. Cleveland thinks about a third terra; the people will not have it for nny man. "Bun” Thurman and “Gen.” Coxcy might pool their issues and organize a boom for Carl Browne for president. - - .#.♦ When tbero is a dearth of news the enterprising blanket-sheet editor prints the details of a terrific battle in Cuba. Pkhiiaps Secretary Olney keeps so mum about that secret cabinet meeting because be is ashamed of wliat was doue. -- According to the administration • theory the comptroller has the authority to veto laws, while the president may only veto acts of congress. --—. Tub free traders are already showing signs of their fear that the republicans will put wool back on the dutiable list. Uut it will bo done all the same. Ik a pin had to be stuck into the dem ocratic party for every political sin it has committed the world's supply of pins would have to be largely increased. Whatever the administration may want, the people do not expect United States officials to worry themselves gray-headed looking for Cuban flllibus tera. Tub detectives have not yet fastened the crime of abducting Charlie ltoss upon Holmes, the alleged multi-murder er, but if given time they will probably do so. Tub sensational newspapers are giv ing the Spanish minister quite a lively summer. lie apparently believes every cock and bull story he reads about vol unteers for Cuba. Hokes Smith is hard at work trying to a8ceitain how big a political boss be is. In saying that the Georgia democrats will stand by silver, ex-Speaker Crisp was sneering at Hoke. Sherman says Mr. Cleveland’s cabi net officers let him make them mere i clerks. They do, senator, they do. And we have an idea that that is what they were selected for. Mb. Sovereign has done several things which did not indicate the pos session of a massive intellect but his national bank note bovcot order is the silliest thing he ever did. It is now in order to add the auto cratic to the executive, legislative aud judicial branches of the government, and the addition, according to Comp • .*. trailer Bowler is the greatest of the quartette. Ai.i. of the gold and silver mines of the world scarcely produced enough during the year 1804 to pay the debt saddled upon this country by the Cleveland administration., This debt to date is in round tlgures, 1336,000,000, ’ When the populist convention meets on the 17th an interesting time will probably be had. Besides turning Ham ilton down, the office of clerk of the ■jv . district court will demand spirited at tention unless all signs fail. There is said to exist considerable friction among the leaders in regard to the plucking of this plum. ' A*: -;i According to Mr. Rosewater’s asso ciated press dispatches, the mayor aud police of that beleagured city, Omaha, have made such arrangements that they are prepared to resist invasion, and if the 4,000 Americans from Chicago come a-running over from the Bluffs any time between this and the gathering of the governor’s militia, they will be wel comed with bloody hands to hospitable graves. There is nothing like a thorough or ganization of the mayor and the police of Omaha. Still, the bravest men must snatch an hour of sleep from time to time, and if the 4.000 Americans should catch ’em napping, the city might yet be destroyed. But at Rome they were accustomed to have a flock of geese on hand to watch the walls when the faith fid slumbered and slept, and doubtless the mayor and police of Omaha will have recourse to that vigilant bird be tween times.—8tate Journal. O’NEILL BUSINESS DIRECTORY |J «• DICKSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Heferenoe Vim National Danlc O'NEILL, NEB. C. SMOOT, FASHIONABLE BARBER. DEALER IN OIQARB, ETO. JJlt. J5DAVAIID H. FITBAY, PIIY8ICAN AND SUKGEON. Day and night calls promptly attended to. Oflloe In Holt County Bank building. O'NEILL NEB. E. II. BENEDICT, I LAWYER, Olllce in the Judge Robert* building, north of O. O. Snyder’* lumber yard, O NEILL, NEB. w. 11. BUTLER, ATTORNEY AT-LAW. Agent for Unkin Trust Co'* land In Holt county. Will practice In all the courts. Special at tentlou given to foreclosure* and collection* D It. B. T. TKUEBLOOD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Diseases or the Eye and Ear and fitting glasses a specialty. Office hour* 9 to 13 a. m. and 2 to5 p. m, Office first door west of Belnerlkion's O’CONNOR & GALLAGHER WINK® LIQUORS Of all kinds. A specialty made of FINE CIGARS. If you want a drink of good liquor do not fall to call on us. Checker® Barn, It. A. DeYAUM AN, Manager. CHECKER , Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Finest turnouts in the city. Good, careful drivers when wanted. Also run the O’Neill Omnibus line. Commercial trade a specialty. A. J HAMMOND ABSRACT CO Successors to R. R. DICKSON & CO. Abstracters of Titles. Complete set of Abstrect Books. Terms reasonable, and absolute ac curcy guaranteed, for which we have given a 910,000 bond as required under the law. Correspondence Soliced O’NEILL, HOLT COUNTY NEB. THE OMAHA WORLD-HERALD Edited by Ez-Congressmss W. j. BRYAN Js the greatest newspaper west of the Missouri Hiver. It advocate's FREE SILVER at the preseat ratio of sixteen to one. Its news service is the best to be obtained. Daily, $6 00 per year; 50 cents per month. Weekly, f 1.00 per year. Subscriptions fer the WORLD-HERALD received at this office rChtchHter** F.**lUk Diana ad Rraai ENNYROYAL PILLS Orl^lwnl and Oaly Geaalae. A ik A a*rc, olwavc reliable. ladiei »k J\ urugqm jor rue letter* XnglitH Dim-JBW. mtmd Brand in R*4 and Gold mttalU«\%Mr boxes, waled with bloc ribbon. Take Vy •o otker. Hrflue daugerout rubttitu- V tioHt <*nd imitation*. At Druggists, or ml4* in stamp* for particulars. testimonials ul fbrlL*4■•••** (aletter, by win HOTEL -£ VANS Enlarged Refurnished Refitted Only First-class Hotel In the City. W. T. EVANS, Prop. NEW YORK . . . ILLUSTRATED NEWS The Organ ofdHoneet Sport in America ALL THE SENSATIONS OF THE DAY PICTURED DT THE FOREMOST ARTISTS OF THE COUNTRY Life in New York Graphically Illustrated. Breezy but Respectable. $4 FOR A YEAR, $2 FOR SIX MONTHS Do you want to be posted? Then send your subscription to the SIW T1U UIRUBD am, 3 PARK PLACED NEW YORK CITY. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. Sioux City, O’Neill and Western Railway (PACIFIC SHORT LINE) THE SHORT ROUTE BETWEEN SlOlJX ClTY AND Jackson, Laurel, Randolph, Os mond, Plainvieiv, O'Neill. Connects at Sioux City wltb all diverging lines, landing passengers In NEW UNION PASSENGER STATION Bomeseekers will find golden opportun ities along this line. Investigate before going elsewhere. THE CORN BELT OF AMERICA For rates, time tables, or otber information call upon agents or address F. C. 11ILLS, W. B. McNIDEK, Receiver. Gen'l Pass. Agent. THE NEW DONAHOE’S is combating Religious Prejudice and economic injustice, and helping Catholics and Protestants to under stand each other better. THE NEW DONAHOE’S la brilliant without being super ficial, instructive without being heavy, popular without being trival. THE NEW DONAHOE’S Will delight every American Catho lic and interest every thoughtful Protestant. Only $2.00 a year. Write for sample copy DONAHOE’S MAGAZINE CO. 611 WASHINGTON ST., BOSTON MASS. P. J). A J. F. MULLEN, PROPRIETORS OF THE RED - FRONT GOOD TEAMS, NEW RIGS Prices Reasonable. tut of MeCnfferto'i. O'NEILL, NEB. Palpitation of the Heart Shortness of Breath, Swelling of Legs and Feet. “For about four years I was troub led with palpitation of the heart, shortness of breath and swelling of the legs and feet. At times I would faint. I was treated by the best phy sicians In Savannah, 6a., with no re lief. I then tried various Springs without benefit. Finally, I tried Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure also his Nerve and Liver Pills. After beginning to take them IfeU better I I continued taking them and I am now In better health than for many years. Since my recovery I have gained fifty pounds in weight. I hope this state ment may be of value to some poor sufferer.” E. B. BUTTON, Ways Station, Qa. Dr. Miles Heart Cure Is sold on a positive guarantee that the first bottle will benefit. All druggists sell it attl, fi bottles for!5,or It will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. For Sale by all Druggists. READ. THE TRIBUNE For Telegraph, Local, General, State and Foreign News. Market Complete -THE SIOUX CITY DAILY TRIBUNE $0 Per Year. 50 Cents Per Month. QUICKEST AND BEST MAIL SERVICE Address: THE TRIBUNE. Sub. Dept. Sioux City, Iowa. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? 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