The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 01, 1895, Image 3

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hr; the COLLAR.
;k, roncre.slon.l De!ef»tlon
-Their Authority Not
rr,l hy i he Indian Agent—Sen
.mniended—A Tf.lcer.rn to
■,»„ K,.,ervtttlon Trouble
K Neb., .inly 27. — Captai»
K tlie congressional delega
■ a stirring session yesterday
■ nml violence was imminent
111: minutes at the Winnebago
lie o I Vended the entire Ne
one-ressional delegation in his
1 would have ordered the sen
d congressmen from the room
it been for Senator Allen. The
nos began when Senator
lied that the two senators and
iresentatives of the congres
ieiegation of Nebraska had
r the purpose of informing
res as to the condition of
111 reply to this Captain Beck
short statement. lie stated
l'iournoy company had sys
,lly robbed the Indians and
ras a corrupt concern general
itain Heck said the members of
nnoy company and every one
lends and spmpathizers were
h liars and scoundrels. Just
captain finished, John F.
the t; easurer of the company,
the office.
)\v it," he said.
hint firecracker had been ex
under the captain’s feet he
ut have been more excited,
out of here,” he cried; “get out
Tli is is my office. I will not
on in it. I am master here,
vc been arrested by the United
marshal and ought to be in jail,
ot have you here. Get out be
lave you thrown out.”
iciting scene ensued. Senator
un remarked: “I wish to know
:■ or not this convention, repre
a majority of the members of
ehraska congressional delega
te proceed without a repetition
scenes as the one we have just
meted. We are amply able to
< order without the interfer
assistance on the part of any
f this delegation is here without
the right of American citizens
iv how their own affairs are be
imicted, I, for one, am ready to
it once.”
mi. Heck jumped to his reel ana
ily exclaimed that he did not
i/.e the authority of the delcga
iloivn." Senator Allen spake
tonls. The captain sat down,
nvestigation proceeded without
r trouble. Captain Beck sub
I letters and telegrams to show
1 had the approval of the in
department in everything he
sentiment of the Nebraska con
ceal delegation, investigating
dmirnny leases of Winnebago
emne in the shape of the follow
1" ram to lion, llokc Smith:
V 'oigation now in progress leads
urge you to suspend approval of
i of Uinnebago lands, made by
in Heck, and to promptly sus
imtner evictions until we com
:n'e with you further. Evictions
"nit in tremdndous loss of crops
‘■'cuit selllets.”
' telegram was signed by all the
niiori and will be followed by a
detailing the entire situation.
Ri’port of the Affair Elude an
Vet to Washington.
wxfiTON, July i7,—The reported
, -’ll the Carrie E. Lane, an Amer
Behooner, by a Spanish cruiser off
i ", co,st- ''as not yet been re
"flieially to the state depart
anil in the absence of any defin
atement, the officials decline to
an 0P nion on the subject,
important point, to be estab
n thls case is the exact loca
lTe Lai)e when she was
m,n. .0 stoP' The captain’s
: V s. ‘hat tills was off Cape
' L • llo,es not sa.y whether
v. ‘V, t,le three '“He limit.
d J101 tlaim exemption
i his i„ a demand to es
I'rtarv (Veh’’ “S. was contended
'Ureoitlie Lery Precaution to
small sailL ‘ "T"1 Purpose of
1:1 the Cuban „Crd“ seen hovering
this particular0* S’ and St is felt
*in '‘is riXs -fe<!mmaI'der acted
'ss tlie Lane's bi! •'* firetl a shot
"lien sionallcd I 'f slle *ailed to
'tnall size and rePrular form.
a, r it is ppearanee of the
plated to' excite* a"aia't her
■r object. ' Lltp suspicion as
a1Uf,.l:1-. duly ;
n the niy »! U ln^ P^ysicia
luu , t , , aU>ne<l to k
:lli„,v„-;I;P";.ro,l. bllt i
-• •> Urge croud
oirgc crow,
^ Ut-k - H,,rt
1 jnv k,i Ul.v
a;^sptbnaUaek °* 1
the Ih<; v
eln.:‘ Ule Daily
,, 1 ' luce F„-,c na an'
The Whites Determined end Propose to
Settle the Red lll'n.
Rawlins, Wyo., July 8.—Warren
Smith passed through here direct
from the Jackson’s Hole country. He
reports that the settlers aro in good
heart and that they will attack a body
of Indians if they show up. They told
him that the war was on and that now
was the time to fight it out. Either
the white settlers owned that country
or the Indians, and they were willing
I to fight for their rights, only asking
| their friends on the outside to send
them arms and ammunition.
When told that United States troops
would be thrown in there Smith ex
pressed the hope that it would be done
quickly, for he feared that the con
fidence of the settlers in their own
strength was not well founded. He
said that there come daily reports of
bands of Indians in different parts of
the mountains and those it was pro
posed by the settlers to hunt out and
capture. He thought that the settlers
were fast losing sight of the idea of
simply enforcing the law, and, to use
his own language, “They are so much
in earnest that they are wild. The pop
ular thing in Jackson’s Hole is to at
tach yourself to a posse and hunt the
Adjutant General Stitzer of Wyo
ming, who was at Market Lake to-day,
was hourly expecting to hear that a
conflict had occurred between the set
tlers und the Indians in the Jackson
Hole valley. Two of his messengers
dispatched to that district several days
ago, have not returned, although over
due, and grave fears are now enter
tained that they have been ambushed
by the Indians.
Indian police who have returned
from the Fall river valley where the
big trading powwow has been in pro
gress for a week, say that the band of
Bannock Indians under the leadership
of Jim Ballard has- started north
toward the seat of the trouble. If
these Indians reach the belligerents in
the Fall river valley before the troops
get there—and they undoubtedly will
—the result may be disastrous, for
Ballard’s band is eomposed of the
worst element of tue Bannocks,
always ready for a quarrel, even in
time of peace.
Indians Refuse to Return.
Washington, July 27.—Indian Agent
Teter, of the Fort Hall, Idaho, Indian
reservation, to-day wired Commissioner
Browning that the policemen who
were sent to the Indians ordering
them with the commissioner's message
to return to the reservation, report
that the Indians positively refuse to
return. The agent has asked permis
sion to leave the reservation to accom
pany the United States troops to the
scene of the disturbance. Authority
for him to do so has been granted.
Pestilence Abroad In Japan.
San Francisco, July 27.—Cholera is
raging in Japan and in nearly every
province in the little empire a heavy
death rate from the disease is reported.
The 'bdicers and passengers of the City
of Pekin tell tales of death in the
streets of cities where the steamer
called. From the outbreak of the dis
ease until the day the steamer sailed
from Yokohama 1,183 deaths had been
reported. The disease was brought to
Japan by the forces returning from the
war in China and Corea.
[Letter Curriers Ileing Watched,
Washington, July 27.—The work of
the postoffice inspectors who have
been “spotting” the letter carriers in
the free delivery offices throughout
the country, continues to bear fruit.
Assistant Postmaster General Jones
has sent orders to the postmasters at
Indianapolis, Toledo add Syracuse, N.
Y., to suspend or discharge a number
of their carriers on charges of loafing
and intemperance.
Casualties in Oklahoma. ’
Gutiirie, Ok., July 27.—Three fatal
ities are reported from the territory
to-day. George Salmon, from Ponca,
was drowned in a pond on Sylvester
Soldani’s ranch, in the Osage country.
An 8-year-old son of James Burke.near
Norman, was drowned while bathing,
and at Pawhuska the little daughter of
Barney Plowondon was fatally scalded
by falling into a kettle of boiling
Internal revenue receipts for the
year ending June 30, 1895, we.e $143,
845,977.75 a decrease of 83,928,471 as
compared with 1894.
The government declines to prohibit
Mexican bull lights at the Atlanta ex
Consular reports from Matamoras in
dicate increasing trade with the Uni
ted States.
The government is preparing a good
display for the Cotton States exposi
tion at Atlanta.
Senator Caffery says that creditors
of the planters will suffer if the sugar
bounty is not paid.
There are already several applicants
for the position of register of the land
office at Woodward, Ok.
Ex Treasurer Woodruff of Arkansas
has been released on bond.
The National Prohibition camp
meeting opened at Oakland park, De
catur, 111.
The contests in the firemen's tour
nament at Decatur, 111., attracted
10,000 people.
“Sound money” candidates in Ken
tucky declare they will vote for Sen
ator ISlaekburn.
Five Arkansas convicts made a break
for liberty, and one was killed and an
other wounded.
Officials at Rome say that war with
Abyssinia has been decided upon.
The bimetallists of London are de
lighted over the result of the general
Details of the destruction °f missions
in China show that the officials re
fused to interfere with the mobs.
It is proposed to build an electric
line from Lebanon, Mol , to a connec
tion with the Missouri Pacific at 11a"
nell, a distance of thirty-five miles. °
There is a lively row in progress
among the general passenger agents
of Southwestern roads, and the out
look for the testoration of rates is a
blue one.
the reservation troubles
Secretary Smith Aeked to Take a Hand
—Nebraska's Congressional Delegation
States the Condition of Affairs Found
There—They Recommend that Ap
proval of Heck’s Action Be Suspended
for a Time at Least.
Winnebago Land Troubles.
Pjcndkr, Neb., July 26.—The congres
sional delegation, which is investigat
ing the troubles in Thurston county,
took its first definite action yesterday.
After a conference the following tele
gram was prepared and sent to the sec
retary of the interior:
Pender, Neb., July 25.—Hon. Hoke
Smith, Secretary of the Interior, Wash
ington, D. C: Investigation now in
progress leads us to urge you to sus
pend approval of leases of Winnebago
lands made by Captain Iieck, and to
promptly suspend further evictions
until we can communicate with you
further. Evictions will result in tre
mendous loss of crops to innocent set
Jons M. Thurston,
W. E. Andrews,
Jesse U. Strode,
Of the Nebraska Congressional Delega
The letter sent by the members of
the congressional delegation to the
secretary of the interior, referred to
In the foregoing dispatch is, in part,
as follows:
Hon. Hoke Smith, Secretary of the
Interior, Washington, U C,—Dear Sir:
We have the honor to inform you that
we telegraphed you today asking that
no more leases made by Cnp’ain Ileck,
agent of the Omaha nnd Winnebago
Indians, of Indian lands, should be ap
proved until we can communicate with
you further with reference to the mat
ter. We also urged upon you to sus
pend all further evictions from these
lands in the interests of justice to in
nocent settlers whoso crops would be
entirely lost to them by such evictions
and who would otherwise be greatly
damaged thereby. The wheat, oats
and rye crops are now ripe and demand
immediate harvesting, and unless this
is speedily done they will be lost to the
owners. The eviction, therefore, of
settlers who have been suffered to cul
tivate these lands to this time, without
any serious objections upon the part of
the government, will result in great
damage to them and the loss of their
entire small grain crotis.
The difficulties at this agency among
agents and officers of the agency have
been and are of such a character as to
attract wide public attention and to de
mand some attention upon our part as
representatives in congress from this
state. We have therefore been sitting
together, as a body, for three days,
listening to the statements of the set
tlers, the Indians, the agent and others
concerned at this place and at the
Omaha and Winnebago agencies, tak
ing the statements in the form of testi
mony for the purpose of informing
ourselves of the truth of the matters in
dispute and placing ourselves in a po
sition to act intelligently at the ap
proaching Fifty-fourth congress in se
curing such legislation as will perma
nently cure the evils now in existence.
In view of the character of the testi
mony taken by us, we feel constrained
by a itigh sense of duty to urge upon
the department the necessity for an
immediate and searching investigation
of the affairs of the Omaha and Win
nebago Indian agency, and we respect
fully request that such investigation be
conducted in as public a manner as the
regulations of your department will
permit and with a view of reporting
all evidence taken to the congress of
the United States. In making the
above recommendations we have not
intended to reflect in any manner UDon
the integrity or good fuith of Captain
Heck as agent.
William V. Allen,
John M. Thurston,
, Jesse 15. Strode,
George D. Mkikeljohn.
W. E. Andrews,
Of the Nebraska delegation.
kite Safe at the Exposition Race Track
Kansas City, Robbed.
Kansas City, Mo., July 20.—At 1:30
this afternoon a sneak thief walked into
the inner office of Secretary Cunning
ham at the Exposition race track and
took from the safe a hand sachcl con
taining about $2,000.
The secretary’s office is in a small
frame building near the horse sheds.
Mr. Cunningham went over to the
track shortly after 1 o’clock. He
returned in fif tee a minutes and
discovered that the safe had been
robbed while he was absent. The
sachel is small and could be easily con
cealed under a man's coat. Horsemen,
jockeys and track attendants are con
stantly about the office, but none of
them noticed the thief.
Dlvvrrs Taken to St. Louis.
Mexico, Mo., .July 20.—Emmet Di
vers, the colored man who murdered
Mrs. John Cain of Callaway county, \
after he had assaulted her. was cap- j
tured and jailed in this city. It was
learned that a posse of citizens of Cal
laway county would be here to lynch
Divers. To prevent this Sheriff
Stephens cpiietly slipped the prisoner
out of jail and took him to St. Louis
for safe keeping.
Indians Advised to Go Homo.
Washington,July ::G —Commissioner
of Indian Affairs Browning has for
warded a dispatch to Agent Teeter at
the h'ort Hall, Idaho, agency, instruct
ing him to order the Indians now on
the warpath to return to their reserv
ation quietly and peacefully before
the military detachment ordered to
the scene reaches there.
Cotton Milts* Wage* Increased.
Utica, N. Y. July 26. — The New
, York mills cotton company has notified
its employes in mills Nos. 2 and 4 that
it will grant an increase of wages
amounting to ten per cent.
Xc> Btm* Declares That Silver Coinage
Will Alone Restore the Balance.
Chicago, July 20.—The Horr-IIarvey
silver debate was continued this after
noon under about the usual eond it ions.
Mr. llorr opened the discussion by
saying that tho 4l3>i grain silver dol
lars coined between tho years lH.Vi and
1873 were all coined at the Philadel
phia mint and from foreign silver
coins which had accumulated in the
treasury uuder an act of congress
which made them receivable but did
not permit them to be paid out again.
That was why sliver was coined at less
than its bullion value. After 1853 the
government did not coin a dollar of
silver for private ownership.
Mr. Harvey in reply denied the state
ment and declared that Mr. Horr
could not, prove it. He presented a
mint statement showing that over
8100,000 in silver dollars had been
coined at the mint at Carson City.
Nev., in 1870.
Mr. Harvey then resumed the dis
cussion of the question of primary and
credit money. He said that as soon as
there was an over-issue of credit
money, it caused distrust of tho gov
ernment's ability to pay. This caused
a run on the treasury for the re
demption of credit money and the
only remedy was to either in
crease the amount of the primary
money, or decrease the amount
of credit money. The amount of
gold in the United States was estimated
at from 8400,000,000 to 8000,000,000, and
of credit money at about 81,000,000,
000. This was too much credit money,
and accounted for the country’s finan
cial derangement. The remedy was to
increase the primary money by remon
etizing silver. Every moment’s delay
would endanger the safety of the re
Saya lie Does Not Want the Democratic
Nomination for President.
UiciiMONn, Va., July SO.—A repre
sentative of the State had an interview
with Secretaey Carlisle yesterday.
The interviewer said to Mr. Carlisle
that many Democrats regard him as a
strong man for president, and as the
only legitimate successor to Mr. Cleve
“Well,” responded the secretary,
“notwithstanding the fact that the
presidency is the greatest honor that
can be bestowed, I do not want the
office. I have seen too much of the
hard work attaching to it. The re
sponsibility is not only tremendous,
but the work multiplies and becomes
more exacting every year. A man
must have an iron constitution to
stan^ij. am s'ucgre when I s:jy I
do i,ot wnnt Ihe nomination and eloc;
lion. I will certainly do nettling to
ward getting tlio nomination.”
Mr. Carlisle then went on to say
that not since the government was
founded has any administration had
such trying times as this administra
tion has had to contend with.
“How about the third term talk?
Many people are expressing a desire to
e Mr. Cleveland nominated again
ext year.”
"As close as I am to the president,”
said Mr. Carlisle, “he lias never re
ferred to that subject in my pre-cnee.
I know no more about it than you do.
l'ut as Mr. Cleveland did not seek the
nomination of 18!):’, it seems needless to
say that he will not be a willing candi
date next year. I know he did not
want to run the last time.”
Twenty White Men Said to Hove Been
Killed by Bannock Indiana.
Boisk City, Idaho, July 20.—A mail
driver at Market Lake reports that a
courier arrived at Itexburg, Idaho,
from Jackson's Hole with a report that
a fight occurred Tuesday evening and
twenty white men were killed. If true
it is strange that the courier has not
yet reached Market Lake, as the driver
says that he was bound for that point
to telegraph for help. There is no
way of verifying the rumor. Market
Lake is the nearest railway station to
where the Indians arc located.
A courier came into Market Lake
last night and related that the Indians
had given the white people three davs
to desist from their eft rts to auppress
the killing of game or leave the coun
The Desperate Battle With Outlaws
Wyatt and Doolln Said to Be a Fake.
Guthrie, Olt., July 20.—The story
telegraphed from Hennessey, Ok.,
about a bloody battle between deputy
marshals and the Wyatt and Doolin
gang of outlaws, in which Wyatt was
killed, Doolin wounded and captured,
together with six other outlaws, is
mostly a fake.
A posse of farmers, whose horses
have been stolen, overtook three men
near Sheridan with stolen animals in
their possession, and killed one and
captured the other two. Neither of
the captured men is Bill Doolin, and
though the dead man bears a slight re
semblance to Zip Wyatt, officers who
know the outlaw well declare that it is
not he.
* An Appeal to Colorado Democrats
Denver, Col., July L'O—As a result
of the recent Democratic state conven
tion an address has been issued by a
committee appointed for the purpose
of appealing to Democrats to get to
gether and reorganize. The address
asserts that a vast majority of the ad
vocates of bimetallism are Democrats,
and that the restoration of silver can
come only through the agency of the
Democratic party.
Brazil Makes a Protest.
Rio Janeiro, July 20 —There is
growing excitement in this city over
the occupation of the island of Trini
dad by the English. The government
has dispatched two notes to the British
legation of emphatic protest, quoting
the order of the British admiralty of
1782 by virtue of which Trinidad was
evacuated by the English and restored
to Portugal.
No Sliver Convention for Oregon.
Portland, Oregon, July 20.—The
Democratic state central committee
will not call a convention to take
action on the silver Question.
Thru White* Killed and Tlielr Harder
Avenged by the Shooting of Sis Hos
tile*—A Seller nnd HU Wife and Child
the Victim*—Tlie Situation In the Jack
son Hole Country Grave—Kselteusent
Among the Settlers.
Hostilities In Wyoming.
Pocatki.i.o, Idaho, July 25.—Union
Pacific Engineer Robert Fitzpatrick,
who brought the north bound freight
train here last night, reported that
the Bannock Indians had killed a set
tler and his wife and child in the Salt
river valley, and that the white men
pursuing the Indians killed six of
them before they escaped to the moun
tains. Mail Currier Vail, from Star
valley, also told the samo story.
The excitement among the settlers
In Northwestern Wyoming over the
threatened uprising of the Bannock
and Shoshone Indians is growing more
intense daily. They areleavlng their
ranches in large numbers and gather
ing at favored points for mutual pro
tection in case the Indians return to
seek vengeance for the death of their
brother braves.
It is statod that the foraging Ban
nocks are receiving supplies of govern
ment rations forwarded by those re
maining at the reservation, and that
several hundred Shoshone bucks from
the Wind river reservation have
started to aid the Bannocks.
The Robbers. However. Fell to Oel Into
the Safe.
Toi.kdo, Ohio, July 25.—Shortly after
midnight train No. 37 on the Luke
Shore and Michigan Southern road, to
which was attached an express car
which runs between IiuiTalo and Chi
cago, was approaching Reece's switch,
midway between Archbold and Stry
ker, forty-four miles west of here,
when the engineer saw that the switch
was turned displaying the red light,
and as he put on the air brakes sev
eral shots were fired at the cab. One
of the shots put out the headlight.
When the train stopped four masked
men went to the express car, in charge
of Messenger Nettleman of IiuiTalo,
and ordered him to open the door and
come out. Hq refused and the robbers
threatened to blow up tho car. Thou
he obeyed.
When the door was opened the four
men entered. They secured the con
tents of the local safe, amounting to
abmil ?.‘0j and then went at the big
safe, tVhieli contained considerable
money. Since the Kendalvlllo robbery
the express company had supplied its
cars with dynamite proof safes, and
this safe stood the test of four dyna
mite cartridges fired by the robbers.
This discouraged them and they
jumped from the train and disappeared.
No attempt was made to molest nny of
the passengers.
The officials are of the opinion that
the robbery was committed by per
sons in close touch with the employes
of the roud, as they hnd positive in
formation as to the 1 rains meeting on
the siding and also of the unusually
heavy express run.
The train was composed of a day
coach, a baggage and express car and
three sleepers. Asa usual thing the
money carried on this train does not
amount to much, but it was heavy lost
fiigliF. - • — -
The train men believe the robbers
were old railroad men. but as all were
masked with handkerchiefs not one
was recognized. The large safe which
resisted the attacks of the robbers con
tained a large amount of money.
Watsskox, Ohio. July 24.—Five men
are under arrest here on suspicion of
being concerned in the Lake Shore
holdup at Reece's station last night.
The detectives refuse to state what evi
dence there is against them.
Federal Troops Ordered Out.
Washington, July 3 .—The secre
tary of the interior has requested the
secretary of war to send troops to the
scene of the Indian disturbance in Wy
oming1, and it is understood that the
request will be granted as soon as the
official papers are received by the sec
retary of war.
The action of the interior depart
ment was taken upon receipt of the
following dispatch this morning from
Indian Agent Teeter:
I have investigated the troubles be
tween the Indians and settlers in Wy
oming and advise that troops be sent
there immediately to protect the
law-abiding settlers. The law
less element among the settlers seem
determined to cause conflict with the
Indians. The settlers have killed four
to seven Indians, which has incensed
the Indians who have gathered to the
number of 200 or 300 near Fall Kiver,
Uintah county, and refuse to return
to their reservation. I find that the
Indians have killed game unlawfully
according to the laws of Wyoming,
though not unlawfully according to
the treaty of the Indians with the
United States, thus usurping the pre
rogatives of the settlers, who caused
the trouble. Nothing but tho inter
vention of the soldiers will settle the
difficulty and save the lives of inno
cent persons and the destruction of
j property. Tektrr, Agent.
Washington Y. M. C. A. Burned Out.
Washington, July 25.—The Y. M. C.
A. building on New York avenue near
| the treasury department was almost
1 destroyed this iworning by fire. The
I Y. M. V. A. building was valued at
! about Ot'O and was fully insured.
Ilev. J. 1). Lee died of old age at Hen
nessey, Ok. lie was PI years old.
A war vessel will be sent to Panama
to protect Ameriaan interests there.
A national association of wire goods
manufacturers was formed at Cincin
Mrs. Blackburn, who was buried at
La Paz, Ind., was married twelve
Prospectors found the ruins of an old
I Spanish town in Roger Mills county.
I Texas.
Charged With Conspiring Again*! thg
Unit nr! mates. ,
Pknder, Neb, July 25. —Captain Beote
fired a volley into the camp of the Pen* . K
derites. Warrants were served on W. ■%
K. Peebles and John K. Myers, charg
ing them with conspiring willfully and
unlawfully to oppose the government
by force. Tho complaint was sworn to
before Ashley I.ondrosh, a justice of
the peace at tho Winnebago reserve- 4
tlon, the complainant being Distrlot
Attorney A. J. Sawyer, who is now at
the agency.
Tho warrant was served by Deputy
United States Marshal Henry lioehma
and calls for the arrest of \V. E. Pee
bles, O. N. Harris, John F. Myers and
Johns. Lemmon. It recites the foot
that on the lttth day of July the par
ties to whom the warrant is addressed
did conspire witli divers unknown per
sons to violate the laws of the Uuited
Slates by opposing the government
with an armed force. In order to ef
fect the object of the conspiracy, the
compluint snys that the parties pur
chased arms and yuve them to the set
tlers for the purpose of making war ' f.
upon Captain lleck. It is alleged that
the purchase of arras by Peebles and
others was to enable the settlers to y
forcibly invade the reservation.
The complaint then goeson at length
to recite in legal verbiage the danger
of the conspiracy and tho necessity for
the prompt suppression of such rebel
lious demonstrations, which means an
attempt on the part of the settlers to
force tho agent to do their bidding.
Peebles and Myers were served just
after the Pender contingent, which ar
rived with the congressional delega
tion at 1 o'clock, had finished luncheon.
They are now in the custody of the A
deputy marshal and will be taken to
the \\ innebago agency at once. Lem
mon and Harris had not been found at
7 o'clock, and were still at large when
the courier started for the telegraph
station, twenty-eight miles from thla
x ne action oi oapiuin itecic was •
complete surprise to all the visitors at
the ugoney today. The captain stated
that the district attorney begun the
action. lie admitted, however, that
he was interested in the case nnd was V;
determined to push the fight to the ■’
end. “I um after Kill i’eebles,” said
the captain, "and will give him a
good many surprises before I get
through with him. Not only this, but
I shall put the illegal settlers ofT the
reservation. Evictions aro being made
today under warrants issued from the
United States courts, and I shall have
all the settlers I am oiler off tjie reser
vation before tiro week Is over"
Captain Deck with his son, John
Deck, were emphatic in theif staty
ments that this fight would be a lively
one. John Keck swore that no settler
who was on the reservation contrary
to law would be permitted to stay long ' n,
enough to harvest his crops. De
would bo put off and the crops given to
others. Captain Deck further stated
that he would not rest until every man
interested in the meeting at Deader |
luBt night was run off the reservation.
The Indian Hide of the Caae.
Sai.t Lake, Utah, July 25.—Benja
min E. llicli, editor of the paper at
Rexburg, within fifty miles of the set
tlers’ fortifications in Wyoming, in an
interview, says the Indians have not |
been treated properly. An Indian who W,
returned from the hunt explained that
he hnd killed three elk and was ar
rested, While the white men arresting
him had killed five. The Indians, Rich
said, could have been brought out with
out trouble if tjroy harl been handled
property, but the settlers took matters*
into. theif owp hands without ip- *
pealing to the Tigent. They de
scended upon tiie Indians nnd arrested
a number of them. These were tried
before a justice of the peace and
lined heavily, the aggregate amount
ing to $1,200. The Indians could not
puy it and were herded by armed men
in a manner calculated to arouse their
resentment. One batch was es- *
eorted by a body of armed men after
having their guns taken away. They
were passing over a trail where the
Indians had been accustomed to ride
in freedom. It was too much for the
Indian nature and the captives made a
break for liberty. The guards at once
opened lire at the fugitives and killed
several, reports varying from five to
seventeen. They reported that they
had killed only one, bat five riderless
horses went over the trail. As a result '
tiie Indians arc mad and may make
trouble. There are many rumors afloat, *
but lack verification. It is a fact,
however, that 200 of the Shoshones are
missing from the reservation and have
gone to help the Bannocks.
A Congressman * Brother Milling
Victor, Col., July 25.—About thret
(reeks ago Victor Hainer, a brother of
Congressman Ilaim.r of Nebraska left
here to walk to Cripple Creek, six
miles. Nothing has been heard of him
since. Nothing was thought of his
absence until a letter from Congress
man Uainer inquiring as to hU
brother’s whereabouts, caused search
to be made. The missing man had
considerable money and it is feared bo
met with foul play.
Gold Bonds Declared Unauthorized.
Cincinnati, July 25. — The circuit
court in an opinion yesterday held that
the sinking fund trustees were not
authorized by law to issue city refund
ing bonds payable in gold. The trustees
bad been sustained in the lower courts.
The case will go to tin supreme court.
English Election Return**.
London, July 25.—Today’s returns
showed: Total number elected, 533;
Conservatives, 323; Unionists, f.O; gov
ernment total, 3S3; Liberal*-, 13D;
McCai thyites, 5‘j; Parnellitcs, 10;
Labor 2; opposition total, 210.
The Indiana Man Selected to Have Charge
of the Federal Prison.
Washington, July 25.—Attorney
General Harmon announced that he
has decided to appoint as warden of
the new United States penitentiary at
Fort Leavenworth, Kan., James W.
French of Indiana.
Mr. French was for five .ig-are wurden
of the Michigan City, lnd., peniten
tiary, but was recently legislated out
of office. He is said to be efficient and
progressive and is well known as n
1 prison reformer.