r,.c!ou« stone In High Favor. ri ,n> stone which at the pres s VfVy valuable, because it is ,,f the hour, is the peridot, or emerald.’’ It is a lovely „,,l, its exquisite shades of ■ t nt "reen. vile best suggestion rliue is the effect produced by ii the light through a delicate -Jewelers suv that the peridot is S of olivine, of the same class ci vl. aquamarine and the topaz, l;l, u is m fact the ancient * topa foilierwise known as chrysolite, ivml in Egypt, Ceylon and Brazil, Irv'tnls being exceedingly rare, various shades of green olive. ,taehio. or leek, the clear leaf S the most admired. ■ il these precious stones the pert It lie roost difficult to polish. The ouch is given on a copper wheel filed with sulphuric acid, a pro thich requires the greatest care, j dipped into the acid the stone the peculiarity of becoming sol r Sometimes it is cut in rose or like a carbuncle, but it is bet ' and snore valuable when led in small steps, as the brilliance lis increased. Jing to the quality of softness the lot has been considered of little but now that it is the fashio'n Bous prices are charged for the (.—Montreal Star. I Ten Thousand Mlies or Thirty, Ittcrs not which, may subject you to ckness on the “briny deep." Whether re a yachtsman, an ocean traveler, out I ilav or two’s Balling on the suit water, leu iii Inland tourist. In feeble health, [Hc-lu tobe provided with Hostetler's |ao 11 Hitters, a valuable remedy for colic, rheumatism, nervousness and [headache. Lay in an adequate supply. Ants Keep Cows, here are other ways in which ants (like us. though their bodies are so cut from ours. hey have stables under the ground illicit they keep—guess what'.’—tiny plant lice, like those mama 1 show you on her rosebush. The ht name for these little things is ." The stable ants take care of and bring them bits of tender en leaves to eat. [he aphis is the ants’ cow. It does 1 give exactly the same kind of milk |t ive drink, but the ants are very of what it does give. We call it tcy dew. When an ant wants some (touches the aphis in a certain place 1 the aphis gives a tiny bit of honey. I'll is seems to me a wonderful thing, I makes me feel as if the ants were nine way related to us. Perhaps as ariy as third cousins. Indeed, the |rc we watch each little live thing, - more we find that each has some png about it like us. Everything is a ce part of the lovely, useful world in high we live. H. WALTHALL & CO.. Druggists, Horse <’■ Ivy . say: “Hall s Catarrh Cure cures fcryone that takes it." Sold by Druggists, 75c. Three Eye* a Day. ■Cassell's Saturday Magazine: It is a li.acy to suppose that people who ■car cork legs and glass eyes are in llicrent to their personal appearance, hey are often vainer than ordinary in ■vimtals. A rich man, for instance, glio is obliged to wear an artificial eye, til wear three different eyes every |»y-an eye for morning, when the Itm.i is not very large: an eye for noon. Then the pupil is smaller, and an eye br evening, when the pupil has ex bnded to its full size. A dealer in Irtilicial eyes, who gave this informa Kon. said he made about an equal pro ■o.(tiers on board ship for?” bosuns Mate—“Thitn? Oh, thim's marines, mum.” Miss Inland “Marines? And what ”C they for?" ■'apa Inland—“Don’t ask so manv ““.1s t questions, Mary Ellen. Everv Iri nc those gentlemen are em , u the government for the sail u,h 10 teil stories to.” I »lfiv7»m,i!a8 photographed in Georgia | «i.e dangling at the end of a rope. :n Zst’reet Tar”* “ 'h"rch and a heathen KNOWLEDGE i~'rt a,nd improvement and ifbtly *>*«> tends tf, ~ V" ”*L iVJ" ““P'm'ineni ana 4VuJC T?al en3°yment when ter than otW* ^!? m?ny> who live bet less xZr;and1n^y life more, with ■daJM‘tn*V. h’ more promptly less exDendit,.,‘‘JVV “*c “Iure, vua adapting theworl'py >m?re P,r°mptly theneeJ, „f® ? • 1 ,be*t Pr°ducts to the value being, will attest laxative nrirfi- Pure liquid remedy embraced in the 3 ^e'for^m? “ due to its presenting nt 1,1 the and Pleas enr-fir.;„i __ > the refreshing and truly m the form ■- ~ '“■“c ■« “» presenting to the Sste^ ^ *<^Ptable and pleas benefieial nrm’^ treating and truly ati'e; effectuin of * Perfect lax diTlli4coid1\eTTgthe/ystem atid permannnfi “eada°llea and fever* Ith4iven Zff fTrinS constipation, met with tho iaotion to millions and Profession v„ a!>llre of n siorting j turn of mind. Its streams teem with the j gamiest, greediest trout that ever rose to a fly. Four pounds are not infrequent and several fish weighing over six pounds have teen brought to bank. '1 he fishing waters are so extensive and so accessible that it is not even necessary to go to the trouble of making preliminary enquiries about them. Just purchase a round trip ticket to Sheridan and place yourself alter arrival in the hands of one of the numerous ratable guides who make their headquarters there. He will **do the rest." J. Francis, the general passenger agent o? the Burlington Route at Omaha, Neb., will take pleasure in promptly answering letters asking for information about the ! cost of tickets, best way to reach Sheridan, I etc. _ | The world pays more for pleasure than I it does for tread. Don’t Take tha Earth. Wheelmen are on the high wave of popular favor just now, but they should not demand the earth. They should permit those who do not ride the bicycle to live, or at least share tha ozone In a restricted way. The humble worm will turn, and if they do not grant the pedestrian some rights he may arise in his might and demand them. » t .. ■ Make Toar Own Blttarst j ■ On receipt of 80 rents in U. 8. a tamps, 1. will send to any address one package BtO» ketee's Dry Bitters. One package makes one gallon held tonic known. Cures atom*; arh, kidney diseases, and is a great spPO' tizer and blood purifier. Juet the medicine needed for spring end summer. '-'5a at' your drag etnre. Addrese (Iso. Q. kith, Orand Rsnids. Mich. An Optical Delation* Mrs. Hammond—"Mrs. Hashcroft has bragged again today about h. uualftvt tinit class. PRICES LOW. Catalogue FRKK.I Oe Kalb Fence Co., 121 High St,. Oe Kalb, g.1