(uu TRAGEDY. • kills HIS WIFE AND Is HIS OWN LIFE. „t the Home of Hie lie l ute the Throote of child, Following It With Well-Known Newepoper |,ln,U County—The Trogedy - cieltl and Hie Wife. n riler and Suicide. Mo., July 9 —s- A. Field, llv editor and proprietor of ,,1,1, in Caldwell county, . wife and Infant daugh humitted suicide at Mead csterday afternoon, his family were visiting a,.nee of his father-in-law pi v i lie, when he asked ,, (to into the garden ,■ house to talk. She ac liim, taking along their . about 3 years of age. reached the garden Field groats of his wife and child killing them instantly, | ended his own miserable same manner The dead ■ found by a member of his u s family and 8J30 were Field's pocket. ' i lawyer by profession and :ir, years old. He had re , about ten years, and dur iio was editor and propri , Post, a newspaper inde polities, although the ed lutul acted with the Deino ly. Some years ago he at T practice law, but his fail hat profession greatly dis fhiin, and until recently he led his labors to his news eh a few weeks ago he sold Ivor, the present editor. In Id was small and dark, with pe head. lie was of a mel Imperament and often fan • from his test friends and er them when no offense g,ed of. Field was married ago to a young lady school [ I.inn county, Mo., a very woman, who did all she nr,fort and reclaim him from melancholy. During these • was unaccountably jealous burnt the slightest cause, nu children except the in liter whom Field sent into mag with its mother and |c years ago Field had a few words with his wife at day and on his arrival ght he found her absent, gone with her child to visit lady, and, as she said at had forgotten the little quai • tinned to his printing office ' himself out of a second • w. hut escaped injury, and i began to hump his head brick wall of the building. Frazier, who had seen him hi window, came up at this aught him. when Field told that his wife had taken her • ‘i him and returned to her "h that he did not care to " 1 t'vgun very poor but had through hai'd work as i ur.nter and some law prac ■'■ 'i''11) is paper and a pleasant a l’olo, with money ahead ‘ ll'l,l was a man of unex hahits and character in 1» < t. and was kind, courteous • i.ariv dignified in his inter ]'11 everyone, and his rash act 1 a great slioek to those who ":is found on Mrs. Field's fluit everything- she had ■ ■ it to her mother. It seems ■ • and his wife had planned l-v for she went into the 1 r 'hey went out and put on and then returned to the Ti-ak Threatened at Any SIo 111 ll,e Canadian Northwest* ,,uLv —The braves on the K reservation near tilechin 1 ded to be in an ugly mood, '*° far as to threaten to n * whites on the reservation. S .lie reserve on which Frank die ration distributer, was a'L, " mter. The trouble has o'ong since the shooting of r.ei-cr. ° 11 dual the uaiton Gang. ■ "’* ClTY- July 0.—Doth ldns- the desperadoes who -vom the jail in this city, Sun "nf the ci,ief of police while ; ‘“ve reached their old re st r,6 river’ aml ai’e collecting men as desperate as then. • e. k vengeance on their en :le es,nwtlan "as shot in the |,ranire l ^ t>and now e‘ Ihitonby llle.f-hvistians will its pal,niest men (^come a terror, ir„! i "wren ’‘o' YaSer’ Jake V, r ny “Ware „ Dividend. s£s*».»= .n,k. t"° per cent on its VE^BREvmES. ■ "rivate we.” tI>- °’Conner is ; - Harrnon ary to Attor' Cox°y went "Mol steps. ® not carried ^trtai,C! a C- ■»« A. Alton, la UUy wounded in a k;> home yaeartv>r' I:,rown re 1. Ilis“wifcdlv“li',enly at Lin (■ ; ,at at Ch inan er husband on - Interna £ o, An. L *01 * BOSTON’S BLOODY FOURTH One Man Imtantly Killed And Many Other* Injured—A. P. A. Emblem. Boston, July 6.—The Fourth of July parade of the patriotic societies of Boston and vicinity, at East Boston, ended in a pitched battle between some of the paraders and the specta tors, in which sticks, stones and re volvers were used with fatal effect. John Wills, a laborer of East Boston, one of the spectators, was shot and instantly killed; Michael Boyle, of East Boston, had his head split open by a club, and now lies dying1 in a city hospital. A young man named Stewart had his nose cut off with a caber, in the hands of one of the paraders. l’atrick Kelley sustained a severe scalp wound, whether from a club or a bul let is not known, and Officer A. S. Bates was hit in the mouth by a brick, thrown by an unknown person, and lost several teeth, besides suffering from severe lacerations. It is claimed that the trouble all resulted from the persistence of those who had managed the parade in introducing as a feature a float representing the “little red schoolhouse," which, from its associa tion ns the emblem of the American Protective Association, has become ob noxious to many persons, especially those who do not sympathize with the A. P. A. movement. The Fourth of July committee re fused to permit this feature to appear in the parade, and those desiring to prevent it tried to have an order passed by the board of aldermen, but failed. So great was the interest excited by this controversy and the expressed de termination of the paraders to display the schoolhouse, fully 30,000 visitors gathered at East Boston. The police officials, in anticipation of any hostile demonstration, had a special squad of 350 men, in addition to the East Bos ton force, on duty, but they marched at the head of the procession. At several points the feeling of the crowd was given vent in hisses at the 1,500 paraders and the schoolhouse, but no further demonstration was made until the rear of the parade reached Putnam street, when the crowd tried to over turn the last carriage. Word was sent to the front for police assistance and a squad of twenty officers was sent back. A skirmish followed between the crowd and the officers. When the parade broke up, and those who had partici pated were proceeding in companies to the ferry a group of between sixty and seventy was surrounded on Boarder street by a crowd who com menced hooting and throwing stones. A dozen revolvers were drawn, and in response to the fusilade of stones, eight or ten shots were fired. The firing of the revolvers brought a large body of police, to the spot and the mob was soon dispersed. As the scene was cleared the officers found John Wills dead in the street, with a bullet hole in his right side, and Patrick A. Kelley lying seriously wounded about the head. It was learned later that sev eral other persons had been slightly injured, all of whom had been taken away by their friends. The police arrested Harold Brown and John Ross its the principals who did the shooting. AFTER SIXTEEN YEARS. An Ex-Missourian Who Shot a Legislates in 1870 and Fled Seeks His Family. Perry, Ok.. July C.—Oscar 11. Fow ler, formerly of Kentucky, once a major in the Confederate army, arrived here yesterday in search of his wife, Mattie J., and his daughter, tlail, whom he had not seen for sixteen years. During the session of the Missouri legislature in 1879 at Jefferson City, Major Fowler, in a quarrel over a game of poker one night, shot and wounded a member of the legislature. He left' Missouri immediately and went to Oregon and from there sailed around Cape Horn and went to Liver pool where he remained three years. From there he went to London and obtained a position on the London Times, which position he held a month ago when he left for America in search of his wife and three children. He found a son.the daughter and mother were in Perry and he came here. He learned this morning that his wife was living some miles west of here and went out to join her and the daughter, the latter now 18 years old. Major Fowler was a citizen of Clin ton, Mo., when his trouble occurred. HIS BACK BROKEN. A Venturesome Man Tries to Ride Down a Long Chuto and Is Killed. Coeub d’Ai.ene. Idaho, July 0.— James Stewart, a cousin of United States Senator Stewart of Nevada, started yesterday to ride his submar ine boat, or barrel, down a 30<‘ foot log chute into Lake Cocur d'Alene, as a part of the Fourth of July display. Two-thirds of the way down there was a slight rise im the incline. Here the barrel jumped thirty feet in the air, struck the ground on end and then rolled forty feet further down the hill. When the barrel was opened Stewart was found jammed closely into the end but was conscious. Dr. Russell of Spokane examined him and pro nounced his spinal column broken, lie was taken to Spokane, where he died at ll o'clock last niplit. Fourth of July Elopers. Jeffersonville, Ind.,July 6—Squire John liause of matrimonial fame cele brated the Fourth by marrying nine eloping couples from the neighboring states. ° Harvey Beck, who lived near Milan, Mo., was run over and killed by a ! train wli.le on his way to that place to celebrate. "Sunset” Cox's Stator. \ New York, July 6.—The letter car- I riersof this city celebrated the Fourth of July by formally presenting to the city of New York the statue in bronze of the late Congressman Samuel Sulli van Cox, erected by the Carriers’ asso nation some years agro. Light Bullets Favored. Washington, July 6.—As the result of exhaustive experiments in actnal firing the ordnance bureau of the navy has determined to reduce the weight of the ball for the new rifle from 135 grains to 112 grains. BOODLE LAWMAKEBS. THEY ABOUND IN THE ILLINOIS LEGISLATURE. Some of the Mtnbtra Accused of Corrup tion—Two Chicago Senators nod Sev eral Country Member* Charged With Receiving Money to Alter and Kill the Mew Game Hill—Other Crooked Work Boon to be Laid Rare. Legislative Hondlera. Chicago, July 4.—Early in the regu lar session of the legislature, a rigid bill was introduced for the preserva tion of game. It is charged that a member of the house obtained S?CO from the Illinois Sportsmen’s associa tion for substituting a section remov ing the penalty from sportsmen, but placing it on the dealer in game. Then, it is charged, a Chicago sen ator and other members approached the game dealers and demanded from •500 to •1,000 each to work for a change in the law in favor of the dealers, while one Chicago senator offered for •3,500, to see that the whole bill was killed. This exposure will, it is said, be followed by others. Evidence has been obtained estab lishing charges of bribery in the pas sage of the Miller and l.owenthal bills, the Crawford railroad bill, the bill providing for consolidation of certain corporations, and it is asserted that evidence can be had that money was usod to defeat the arbitration bill, that some of the money was paid to mem bers in Chicago, but the larger amount was distributed in Springfield. It is probable that the board of trade may aid materially in furnish ing evidence against one or two mem bers of the house in connection with a certain bill in which the board of trade was interested. It is said that sufficient evidence is in hand to indict at least fifteen members of the legisla ture. IN BEHALF OF DEBS. A Mammoth Protest to His Imprison ment Proposed—Labor Day Sot Apart. Washington, July 4,—Several hun dred members of the local Knights of Labor were addressed by Master Work man Sovereign last night at a meeting held to protest against the imprison ment of Kugene V. Debs. Mr. Sover eign denounced the confinement of Debs as an unlawful act of the courts. He asked the workingmen to bond together for mutual protection, and announced that he had issued an order to the Knights of La bor of the United States to set apart Labor day, the first Monday in September as a time to make a mam moth protest against Debs’ incarcera tion. At the conclusion of the speechmak ing a resolution was adopted demand ing of congress legislation which shall give legal protection to organized em ployes of corporations and secure them in the future from “the arbitrary and unjust application of an injunction under a gross and wilfull misconstruc tion of the law.” ON A PRECIPICE’S EDGE. Congressman Joy of Missouri and Ills Bride Have Narrow Escapes. Casadro, Cal., July 4.—Congressman Joy of Missouri and his bride were driving with a coaching party of twelve on a steep mountain road, with a precipice on one side, yesterday when the coach was overturned. For tunately it fell toward the mountain instead of over the edge of the road. The bravery of the driver, who jumped between the struggling horses, saved the party from beiBg dragged to death or hurled into the gorge b’elow. Only one person was badly hurt, Mrs. Tompkins’ hip being dislocated and she being injured internally. No More Free Seeds. Washington, July 4 —The usual general distribution of seed by the ag ricultural department will not take place next year. Secretary Morton has always opposed the general free distribution, which has become one of the regular duties of the agricultural department, and under the authority of the attorney g neral's opinion he will inaugurate a reform and supply no seeds save for scientific purposes. World’s Facing Record Uroken. Toledo, Ohio, July 4.—The summer meeting on the Toledo Exposition track opened yesterday and the crowd was given a surprise with a world's record broken, ’t his was in the 2:12 pace, when Angie D. astonished the spectators by winning the first heat in 2:ld t,, the fastest mile ever made on a half mile track. The time by quarters wat 0:92, 1:03k?. 1:30)*. “DO1*. The horse is owned by (1. A. Goodrich, of Shelbyville, lnd.. who was also the driver. _ _ Turkey Wants No Trouble. Sofia, July 4.—In reply to the re quest of Bulgaria that the porte should explain the orders issued to the com mand.er of the troops at Adrianople to act on liis own initiative on the Bul garian frontier, the grand vizier has declared that the alleged orders have not been given and that the report is without foundation. He adds that Turkey is animated by the best senti meuts toward Bulgaria. Fireworks Cause a Winfield Illaze. Winfield, Kan., July 4.—The stock of fireworks in the Backet grocery store was accidentally ignited this morning and the store set on fire. The adjoining dry goods store belong ing to the same lirin, was badly dam aged by smoke. The loss on stocks and building is estimated at Sli.OOU. W lTH DYNAM IT E. A Rejected Lover ItlmvH I'p a House and Fatally Injures Three Women. Lf.mont, 111., July 4.—In the village -of Borneo a hut containing five women was blown to atoms by dynamite placed beneath it by the rejected lover of one of the women. All the inmates were injured, three perhaps fatally. Luke Hoyle and Tim Iloise both as pired to the hand of Mollie Diers, and when Iloise was chosen Iloyle stole enough dynamite from the drainage canal works to revenge himself in this manner. He was caught. _ LOVE FOUND THE WAY. A Iiove-Strlrkcn Traveling Doctor Trios Word to Prercnt a Wedding. Fort Scott, Kan.. July 4.—Dr. Hunter, of Chicago, a traveling doctor, ■with an advertising company, drove sixteen miles through thu mud to this city yesterday afternoon to prevent* the marriage of A. J. Munce of Topeka and Miss Ida tluernheart of Omaha nnd created a sensation which resulted in his arrest. The young man and woman were lending meniK rs of his company and they came here to get married. The doctor, who, it appears, loves the pretty young woman, arrived at the Huntington hotel with his silk hat, broadcloth clothes and white shirt all bespattered with mud, just as the ceremony was to be performed. He entered the room where the offi ciating judge was waiting for a wit ness, drew a pistol, and attempted to ahoot Dunce. The two scuffled, but the prospective groom was Anally compelled to flee for his life. The screams of the female patrons of the hotel attracted r>00 people who, seeing Bunoe running hatless, supposed him to be the offender and pursued him. He was captured three blocks away in hiding in the grain room of a grocery Btore. After proper explanations he returned to the hotel escorted by the city marshal and the ceremony was performed. The doctor was later found and arrested. JOKE ON THE BANDITS. Two Dollar* Divan Back a* Charity to a Wealthy but Beady Passenger. Portland, Ore., July 4.—Nelson Bennett, proprietor of the Tacoma Ledger and one of the wealthiest men in the Northwest, was one of the pas sengers on the Southern Pacific over land express which was robbed. The robbers suffered him to pass with the loss of 87.o*). “I got off rather lucky,” said he. “They camo through pur car and the man who was carrying the sack approached me and sized me up pretty thoroughly. 1 saw 1 would have to begin to hunt up my spare change. I felt in my pockets for silver and pulled out a few dollars. The robber was in a hurry and ho seemed to think I would have a hard time to satisfy him, be cause he said: ‘Well, you're a poor devil. Here's 82 for you to eat on awhile; I'll keep the rest.’ Then ho passed on. anil despite the excitement some of the passengers had the laugh on me.” A detailed statement of the lossos of the passengers shows that the personal losses aggregated 8-V20. The list includes two gold watches and a revolver. The mail losses aggregate 81,000. NEWS IN BRIEF*'. Russia's iron output was about 1,500,000 tons last year. The southern half of Arkansas has had too much rain for crops. It is said that the proposed Pacific cable will belaid by British capitalists. Clem Sherman, a negro preacher, murdered his wife in Lee county, Ala bama. The Ecuadoran forces under Bishop Schumaker at Calcota were defeated by rebels. The Brazilian congress ha3 ordered that public services be held forl'eixoto and lia llama. Governor Hughes of Arizona has filed a long answer to the charges pre ferred against him. Joseph P. Skelly, a well-known song writer, died in the charity ward of a New York City hospital. Commander Ide has arrived in Wash ington to answer charges made against him by Admiral Meade. The Rev. J. A. Forest has been of ficially appointed Roman Catholic bishop of San Antonio, Texas. Mrs. Jefferson Davis has been elected an honorary member of the Confeder. ate Veteran s' association of Savannali The agricultural department did not spend ull its ap] .priation last year and returne 1 over 3..00,030 to the tieas ury. F. C. Beardsley, a mining engineer of Charleston, \V. Va., killed himself in the presence of his wife and chil dren. President E. B. Harper of the Mu tual Reserve Fund Life Association died suddenly of pneumonia in New York. Father O'Grady at Death’* Door. Cincinnati, Ohio, July 4.—Dominick O’Grady, the unfrocked priest from Ireland, who followed his sweetheurt. Miss Mary Gilmartin, to this city less than two years ago, and shot her to death on the street on Wednesday morning, April 25, 1894, is now dying from a complication of troubles at the city lios ltal. His case is hopeless, and his attending physicians are look ing for the end at almost any time. An Editor Convicted of Fraud. Foist Smith, Arlc., July 4—A. J. Ken drick, publisher of the Xews-Keeord, an afternoon paper, was convicted in the United States court of using the mails to defraud. He took a full page baking powder advertisement and, in stead of running through his edition, printed it in only five copies, which ho sent the advertiser. Speaker Meyer of Illinois Dead. Chicago, July 4.— Speaker John Meyerof the Illinois house of repre sentatives died at Freeport this morn ing of nervous prostration. Want a Convention. I.kxisgton, Mo., July 4.—The Dem ocratic executive committee of this county has adopted resolutions in fa vor of a silver convention Mrs. Stanford to Sell Her Jewels. ' San Fhancisco, July 4.—It is said upon the highest authority that .Mrs. I .eland Stanford will soon go to Europe to sell her jewels, so that she may apply the proceeds to carrying on the l.eland Stanford, Jr., university at 1‘alo Alto. The need of ready money is given as the reason. The jewels are valued at $1,000,000. At Warren, Ohio, James U. Garfield, son of the late President Garfield, was nominated for state senator by ac clamation in the T -enty-fourth and Twenty-sixth joint district convention. LAWYERS DISGRACED disbarred prom practice be fore THE COURT. & M. Hurbfr and A. O. Knight Severely Arraigned—They are Found Outlay of Untllatlng ard Altering Record* In the Howell Murder Cane—Harbor a Leader In Mleiourl for Tear*—Turned Down by the State Supreme Court. Disbarred from Practice. Jkfpeksox City, Mo., July A.—Judge Sherwood filed an opinion in the su pretne court In bsno this morning In the proceedings Instituted by Attorney General Walker disbarring Colonel Ed M. Harber and A. G. Knight of Tron ton forever from practicing before the supreme court. The action was the result of the murder trial of Joseph A. Howell, who was indicted for murdering Mra Net tie Hall, a Linn county widow, and her four little children. The cate was tried in Grundy county and Howell convicted of murder In the first degree. An appeal was taken to the supreme oourt, and when, the oase was called up for argument the attprney general found that the transcript of testimony had been mutilated and forged so as to destroy all Identity of the murdered person. In brief, the records had been so doctored as to leave the state with out any case. This matter, being brought to the attention of the oourt, measures were adopted to have the records corrected and Howell was sub sequently hanged. The attorney general then brought action to disbar the attorneys for the defense. Major A. W. Mullins, one of the attorneys, barely escaped by a divided court, on the theory that he did not know the records had been falsified. This is the first disbarment proceed ings ever instituted in the state su preme court. Judge liurgess did not sit in the oase against Harber and Knight, but all the other judges concurred in the opinion of Judge Sherwood. Harber has been a leading man in Missouri for the last fifteen years. He is quite an orator and Democratic pol itician and has been a presidential elector, and was regarded for some time as an available candidate for con gress. Knight, his partner, is not so widely known, but he is a promising young lawyer. In his opinion Judge Sherwood scored them severely for forging the records and manufacturing testimony. PENSION CHANCES. Tho Forces In the Various Branches Classified for tho Civil Serrlee. ' Washington, July 8.—Tho work of readjusting and classifying the force* of the pension offices of the country has just been completed with a view to shortly extending to them the pro tection of the civil service laws. Here tofore, as long as the pension agent kept within the amount allowed to him for the expenses of his office, he could do pretty much as he pleased in regard to the size of his force and the amounts of salary paid. When it was decided to put the cffices under the civil service laws it was found neces sary to change this system. The amount and character of the work done by each office was carefully noted and classifications made accord ingly. While this has resulted in small reductions, both in force and salary, in some offices, in others there has been a corresponding Increase, the total appropriation being about the same. The date when the civil service order will go into effect has not yet been determined, but will probably be soon, now that the classification has been completed. HOWCATE SENTENCED. The United States Defaulter Gets Eifht Tears for His Lon* Past Crime. Washington, July 8.—Captain Henry W. Ilowgate, the former signal service disbursing officer, who after years of wandering as a fugitive from justice was found in New York city in busi ness as a second-hand book dealer and brought back to Washington, was sen tenced to-day to eight years' imprison ment in the penitentiary. BOLD TRAIN ROBBERS. Tho Southern Fnclfle Overland Held Vp— ruuen^en and Mall Robbed. Grant’s Pass, Ore., July 8.—The Southern Pacific overland train, north bound, was stopped last night at 10:15 o’clock by three highwaymen near Uid dles, about thirty miles south of Rose berg, sticks of dynamite placed on the rails disabling the engine by blowing the flanges off the pony trucks. With the fireman, two of the highwaymen searched every car, from the express car to the rear Pullman. Nothing was obtained from the express car, for there was no treasure on board. In the mail car the Portland, Tacoma, Seattle and Victoria, liritish Columbia, registered sacks were rifled. The pass engers were also searched pretty thor oughly, but with what success is not known. One highwayman shot at Conductor Kearney, who was in charge of the train, but missed him. The men mounted horses ami quietly rode away. Superintendent Fields of the South ern Pacific, in an hour after he learned of the holdup, had two parties on the way to the scene of the robbery—one of otliecrs and the other of mountain eers. Kvery effort will be matle to capture the robbers. A Filibustering Vessel Seised. Washinoton, July 3.—Official Infor mation lias been received here that the real reason for the detention of the United .states authorities at Key West of the small nutter Attick is that she is char;,.'<1 with filibustering. Five men on her have been held on suspicion of being Cuban filibustered. A Prussian Princess as a Catholic. Bkri.in, July 3.—According to gen eral report here, the Princess Freder ick Charles of Prussia, who has been living in Italy for several months past, is about to become a Roman Catholic. Always Tired Describes a dangerous condition, bccsuM It means that tho vitality Is becoming ex hausted by reason of Impoverished blood. Give new life to tho vital fluid and tha nerves and muscles will grow stronger. Hood’s Sursaparllla gives strength, becausa It makes pure, rich blood. Remember Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the only true blood purlfler prominently In the public eye today, fll; six for |fl. HnnH’a pi||_ the after-dinner pill and nOOU 3 r IIIS family cathartic. rSSa. HIGHEST QUALITY Columbia Bicycles THE STANDARD FOR ALL. HAVE you feasted your eyes upon the beauty and grace of the 1895 Columbia*? Have you tested and compared them with all others? Only by such testing can you know how fully the _Columbia justifies Its ^ proud title of the Stand* ard for the World. And NBW TO UK , ohioaoo _the price Is but ' KAN r *100 An Art W Catalogue ofthese famous wheels amt of I tart fords, |A> %bo,free at any Colum bia Agency, or mailed < for tuio o-cent stamps. ASK YOUR DRUdGIST FOR ★ THE BEST ★ \ FOR •' Dyspeptic,Delicate,Infirm and AGED PERSONS * JOHN CARLE A SONS, New York. * Beeman’s repsln GuI I THE PERFECTION OP CHEWING GUM. A Delicious Remedy For all Furm* of INDIGESTION. f CAUTIO.%’—that the name Bee nan Is ou each ■u wrapper. ■fc Kach tablet contains on* ■g grain pure pepsin. If tbo K gum cannot bo obtained Ua stumps for snniple tvickuiro to BEEMAS (UE1IICALCO., 111 Bank Ht., ('Irvelssli §• Originators of Pepsin Chewing Gum. CAVE Children dPjDiWlNCHEU.’S ■JeetiiiQg et of low wheel* to flt your wajjf.n for haullnt; grain, fodder, man ure. hogs, •*Lo. Ni resetting of tire* Cat nr/rte. Address EmpIrsHft. Co., f. O. Box S3, Quincy Ilk Lewis sb % lye rownssra a»s nmaa (PATENTED) The strongest and purest hy% [ made. Unlike other Lye, It belnff In tine powder and parked In a can iwitb removable lid, the contents are always r-.aat IiHisguts Patents. Trade-Marks. Examination and Advice a* to Patentability of Invention. t»«nd for “ Inventors’ Guide, or How to Gat a Patent” OTaMELL. TASmOTOH. D. 0.