The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, June 20, 1895, Image 3

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|p That the Deliverance of
from Spanish Domination
ll, AMured — Two More
I Are In Revolt#
.1:l jUne 15.—The following
translated, from the revo
,, uimUtee of Havana, has
n il from Cuba:
vjt, ,n People: Maximo Oo
■mmand with 2,000 men. The
Santa Lucia, with the cry
it,re," has joined him with
Twenty of the most noted
, f Puerto Principe aocom
worthy son of Camaguey.
o hope for Spain. Remldos
, ,1 the landing of Roloft and
len. He brings munitions of
,KiO pounds of dynamite. The
Yero and Seraphln Sanchez
1. They bring American py
Santa Sptrlte has already
..,1 bands. General Maceo,
l.iiuO Machetenos, Is destroying
lug everything he finds In his
al Spaniards have nothing
,ives and property will be re
link- assistance is not rendered
iv. l ament.
t, nomist party says that In
in arms is necessary to force
■nim-nt to favor autonomy,
these false patriots who live
file bread that the despot
them! Soldiers from Mahon,
province, have gone over to
tgt-nts' ranks. The dally ex
Spaniards run up to $175,000.
Campos has lost already 10,
Soldiers die of fever In the
the city of Manzlllo. Famine
[hrough the province of Cuba.
> and Guantanamo there are
intents in arms.
Spaniards, the sons of Ringo
are here for liberty. To arms
with the metropolitan gov
tind tyranny! Hurrah for
auutrs lCUCi»cu uci c M,* w vw
that 11,000 Spanish troops will
C.uvitas, In the northern coast
today, being the second ln
: : troops dispatched to Cam
h home government,
by steamer is that the prov
Sigua and Gibara joined the
n ,n the 11th and 12th inst.,
t-Iy. The volunteers have been
in. under the leadership of vet
'iie volunteers refuse to re
ll.-ss under their own leaders,
i-rity of Marco Garcia's guer
Santo Spirite have deserted to
li.-nts. Reports are that Maceo
possession of the seaport near
II ; tiiat he cleared two ships
I lading for the United States
st Addresses the Conservative
Association of Belgium.
Is, June 15.—M. Alphonse Al
ii was a delegate from Belgium
nternational monetary confer
1V'J in an addresso to the con
< association asserted that the
■ policy of Belgium Is the re
i'.'' currency difficulty, which he
has divided the world into hos
i s and developed changes ab
'PP sed to the interests of the
n'.iT s and in favor of the silver
nations. M. Allard also said
fall in the prices of commodl
due to overproduction, but
arcity of money caused by the
ization of silver in 1873.
Arrive in Pierre Tuesday Morn
inr The Conditions.
s D., June 15.—Attorney Gen
'■'ford talks freely in regard to
'asp and the finad result, stat
Taylor will leave Chicago Sun
ht and arrive in Pierre Tuesday
■ The terms on which he comes
■cl by the attorney general and
ft" cash, all the property of
la South Dakota. Illinois. New
and other states, property to
e,‘ i,y Land Commissioner Lock
General Crawford, and
Sheldon and bondsmen to
r'd to the state any deficit yet
n? .,1n the total sum. Taylor is
guilty ‘■-'•n Bonionpp
,0 Be Manufactured Extensively
' °ar Su“thern Neighbor.
S;!:r 15-There has been
BrfrM .vf past twelve months
r;v nrt. ■' tllan for the same per
f'rlaas year and much more
>a.( ihe ensuinS year, writes
irtamCrSU McDaniel. The
sa^\Impr0Vement t0 c°m
f stnrlnv n a coa,ln& station ca
s t0 i"8B , 0° tnns of coal. The
'« for SPPed wlth latest
1 will be einS ?nd discharging
timber mp eted In August
nutactiire At C°.PSu1 further says
mPortant in/0t,ton Is becomlng a
t‘0' s dUSt7 ln Brazil. A
paid-in ^ ? !ormed ln Bahia
will «n„n hP‘tal ot M.600,000,
in HrazM h, ? a factory, the
mis. or thee63 8ened to contaln
aving calicoe«f 1,200 wl!1 be uselJ
M too for PA>; 1,ght domes
• stripes hpav^0 cI°ths, cotton
$<.at tL ; ”ea'y cottonades etc
r,:U\lTl0t the ^ctory are
■1. the nrnrtb0Ut 450 hands are
"ards of cloth* p" belns about
■7 has also buHPter309eeki; The
- rf-nts to 309 houses,
; r week ployes at about SO
' ^ ^output of three
i8,r>-l» flourish,„“"a Sh°WS ***
A mail car.
<Urk °r<lereJ to jQmp. .
“atly Hurt.
'"sin Ko X4a3n’,BUne 15-—Th
"a arrived at prPational &
ri a Postal clerk e3.Une las"
2W£«„* »
e lump. Eirht V * Wa® badl
Silver Convention at Memphis Adopts
Qstrong Resolutions.
Memphis, Tenn., June 15.—When the
silver convention was called to order for
the afternoon session Thursday Senator
Jones of Arkansas, as chairman, pre
sented the report of the committee on
resolutions, which was unanimously
adopted. The resolutions advocate the
free and unlimited coinage of gold and
silver at the ratio of 16 to 1, declare that
international co-operation Is not neces
sary, and attribute the recent hard
times entirely to the demonetisation of
silver. They continue:
"Be llevlng that It is absolutely neces
sary to reverse the present Iniquitous
and ruinous financial policy, we there
fore resolve
"That we favc the immediate resto
ration of silver to Its former place as a
full legal tender, standard money, equal
with gold, and the free and unlimited
coinage of both stiver and gold at the
ratio of 16 to 1 and upon terms of exact
“That while we should welcome the
co-operation of other nations, we believe
the United States should not wait upon
the co-operation of other governments
or the pleasure of creditors, but should
themselves proceed to reverse the
“grinding process” that Is destroying
the prosperity of the people, and should
lead by their example the nations of the
“That the rights of the American
people, that the interests of American
labor, and the prosperity of American
industry have a higher claim to the con
sideration of the people's law-makers
than the greed of foreign creditors, or
the avaricious demands by “Idle hold
ers of idle capital." The right to regu
late Its own people Is right which no
free government can barter, sell or sur
render. This reserved right Is a part
of every bond, of every contract, and of
every obligation. No creditor or claim
ant can set up a right that can take
precedence over a nation’s obligation to
promote the welfare of the masses of Its
own people. This Is a debt higher and
more binding than all other debts and
one which it Is not only dishonest, but
treasonable to ignore.
vve tnererore appeal to tne plain peo
ple of the land, with perfect confidence
in their patriotism and intelligence, to
arolse themselves to a full sense of the
peril that confronts them and defend
the citadel of their liberties with a vig
ilance which shall neither Blumber nor
The following resolution was also
presented and adopted:
“Resolved, That a committee composed
of one member from each state be ap
pointed by the delgates thereof In this
convention, whose duty It shall be to
correspond with the representatives and
advocates of bimetallism and bimetal
lic societies In the different states of the
union, and devise measures to advance
the cause of bimetallism throughout
the United States. This committee shall
have power to call a national conference
of bimetallists whenever, in the opin
ion of tire committee, the cause of bi
metallism can be advanced thereby.
Said committee shall have power to fill
all vacancies."
The platform as It was originally In
tended it. should not, the call being
strictly non-partisan, contains no men
tion of any party. The convention ad
journed after speeches by W. J. Bryan,
A. J. Warner and Senator Wolcott of
Contesting Fred Donglass' Will.
Rochester, N. Y., June 15.—Efforts to
settle the Frederick Douglass will con
test out of court have failed, and Mrs.
Nathan Sprague, a daughter of Mr.
Douglass, will commence a suit to en
force her rights. The action will be
against Mrs. Douglass, the widow; her
brother and Lewis H. Douglass, who
are the administrators of the estate. It
is claimed by Mrs. Sprague that by the
most recent arrangements Mrs. Doug
lass Is to get all of the estate that is In
Against International Conference.
Berlin, June 15.—The National Zel
tung says that replies have now been
received by the government from the
majority of the federal governments to
the former’s Inquiry regarding the ex
pediency of an International conference
for the settlement of the currency ques
tion. It Is added that while several an
swers do not Imply opposition to the
proposal, not one of them manifests a
real desire to a conference. The replies,
it appears, generally Indicate a convic
tion that such a meeting will be fruit
Important Decision by Secretary Smith
as to Land Payments.
Washington, June 15 —Secretary Hoke
Smith has rendered a decision that will
be of interest to many Western home
steaders. The case In question was that
of J. A, Wells of the Alliance land dis
trict, Nebraska, who requested an ex
tension of time for making payment on
his preemption claim. The land office
refused the request on the ground that
such extension could be granted only
in cases where inability to pay existed
by reason of failure of crops. In his de
cision Secretary Smith reversed this
ruling, and calls attention to a recent
act of congress which extends the time
of final payment for ten year in cases
where the entryman is unable to make
payment on account of any cause which
he is unable to control.
(■all Hamilton Improving.
Washington, June 15.—Representative
Hitt is still confined to his bed. TJtere
was no marked change in his condition.
Miss Abigail Dodge continues to im
prove. She is able to take more nour
ishment than formerly. It is thought
that if the improvement continues she
may be able to be removed to her home
in Salem, Mass., within a week or ten
Indianapolis. Ind., June 14.—The In
diana tax law was again upheld in the
Federal court yesterday by Judge
Baker, who decided against the Western
Union Telegraph company in its suit
for an injunction against the state au
ditor to prevent him collecting the full
amount of taxes assessed by the state
To Succeed Hazleton.
Washington, June 15.—The president
has made the following appointments:
Allen Thomas, consul-general, to be
United States minister at Venezuela.
Emory Best of the District of Columbia,
I to be assistant commissioner of the
i general land office. * —
Senator Stewart Makes the Speech of
the Dajr la Arralsnmeat of Our Pres
ent Financial Poller—The Attendance
Continues Large.
Memphis, Tenn., June 14.—The sec
ond day's session of the stiver conven
tion opened this morning with no sign
of a diminution In the supply of speech
es. The attendance was almost up to
the llrst day. At 10:15 o'clock Rev. Dr.
Brooks of Memphis opened the conven
tion with prayer, after which the arri
val of delegates from Arlsona and one
from Arkansas was announced. Chair
man Turple then announced that the
committee on resolutions was not ready
to report, and Introduced Senator Will
iam M. Stewart of Nevada, who ad
dressed the convention In part as fol
“The object lessons of the last three
years show that the American people
are face to face with concentrated cap
ital, the enemy which destroyed all pre
vious civilisations. A shrinking volume
of money as compared with population
and business produces falling prices,
paralyses industry and compels the pro
ducers of wealth to pawn their property
to continue the struggle against im
pending fate. The vast bonded debts of
the United States and Europe have
passed through the hands of the Roths
child combination for nearly a century,
and the Increment retained by them
alone Independent of their numerous as
sociates, Is estimated at $2,000,000,000.
This combination robbed the United
States of gold to convert the silver debt
of Austria into gold obligations and
made $400,000,000 in the transaction. By
this means the great combination
wrecaea uie nnances oi mis country
and caused the panic In 1893.”
The senator said the present lull In
the financial storm had been purchased
by our government with the last Issue
ot bonds. He declared nine-tenths of
the people of the country were In favor
of the free coinage of silver. Con
tinuing, he said: "The people have at
last taken this matter Into their own
hands. The democracy of Illinois has
broken the Ice. The advocates of free
cglnage at 16 to 1 by the United States
alone comprise three-fourths of the
voters of the United States. The only
hope for gold monopoly Is to divide
and conquer. They have played that
game for the last time. Whatever poli
ticians and timeservers may do, the
south and west and all lovers of free
institutions everywhere will come to
gether and rescue this government from
the rule of the gold kings. * • If
the people submit to financial bond
age and lose their liberty, they will
have been warned In time. The gold
standard, falling prices, and hard times
are as much the policy of the republi
cans as of the democrats.”
State of South Dakota May Lose Noth
ing by His Acts.
Sioux Falls, S. D„ June 14.—There is
no longer any question of the return of
W. W. Taylor to this state within ten
days. Attorney-General Crawford,
State Prosecutor Horner and Stewart of
Pierre, attorneys for Taylor and bonds
men, and H. M. Benedict, brother-in-law
of Taylor, are in the city and authorize
this statement. Attorney-General
Crawford told friends the state had
nothing to offer except Indictment,
prosecution, and enforcement of every
claim. Statements were made as to
how much money Taylor could put up
to meet his defalcation and Attorney
General Crawford Is satisfied that a
schedule of property which Taylor owns
or controls will nearly meet the claim of
the state. Taylor’s representative was
supplied with a warrant under seal of
the state to escort him to South Dakota,
the warrant being for the purpose of
protecting Taylor from reward sharks
who might arrest him while on the way.
Taylor went from Florida to Havana,
then to Central America, Dutch Gui
ana In South America, thence to King
ston, Jamaica, thence to Para In Brazil,
From there he came north.
Advene Decision Rendered by Illinois
Supreme Court.
Springfield, 111., June 14.—The decision
handed down by the supreme court
this morning in the Whisky trust
case, in which the decision of the Cook
county court declaring tTie trust illegal,
Is affirmed, is one of the strongest ar
raignments of combinations for the pur
pose of cornering or controlling prices
in products ever promulgated by any
court. The language is of no uncer
tain character, and has given Attorney
General Moloney and his assistants
much satisfaction. The principle of
corporation and trusts of this character
Is hit hard by the court, and the attor
ney-general teels that the principles
underlying the decision are broad
enough to include the Pullman com
pany. He feels that the adverse deci
sion in the Pullman case will be re
versed on reaching the Illinois supreme
court. The decision in the Whisky
trust case is thought to end the career
of that monopoly.
Will Demand Indemnity.
Washington, June 14.—The confirma
tion of reports that American mission
ary property in China has been de
stroyed makes it probable that the
United States government will require
China to make suitable Indemnity when
the facts are officially established. The
reports of losses to mission property in
China vary. It is said the indemnity
asked will cover not only the actual
damage and loss to the American mis
sionaries, but also a punitive sum as
recompense ior the indignity suffered.
Trouble with Miners Threatened.
Boise, Idaho, June 14.—An alarming
state of affairs exists in the Coeur
d'Alenes, in North Idaho, owing to
trouble between the miners' union and
the law and order men. who have or
ganized to protect laborers lu their
rights to work if they can get employ
ment. A man who incurred the enmity
of the miners' union was killed there re
cently. and the coroner's jury returned
a verdict of suicide. Gov. McConnell
has secured several hundred stands of
arms, and over 200 volunteers are drill
ing here to prepare for coming conflict,
which seems imminent.. Idaho has no
i (tats militia.
Vnltad Statra Will Ilare to Patrol Scal
ing Grounds Alone.
Washington. June 14.—Great Britain
has tailed to renew her adherence to the
Joint regulations for the government of
the seal fisheries In Bering Sea. and
upon the United States has devolved the
patrol of this vast area single-handed
and under conditions that may at any
time give rise to trouble. Beginning
early In the year, the state department
sought to Induce the British govern
ment to renew these regulations, but up
to this date tho effort has been unsuc
cessful, and now that Sir Julian Paunce
fote, the British ambassador, has gone
home to England on leave of absence It
Is certain nothing In that direction can
be accomplished before next fall. This
declination of the British to enter again
Into the joint regulations Is ascribed en
tirely to Canadian pressure, and It Is
felt that If left to follow their own Im
pulses they would not hesitate to Join
the United States In the execution of the
recommendations of the Paris arbitra
tion In spirit as well as In letter. The
situation is one calculated to breed trou
ble and Is the cause of some anxiety to
the treasury officials.
London, June 14.—The Bering Sea bill
Which was Introduced Into the house of
commons Monday last by Sir Edward
Gray and which passed Its first reading
upon that occasion replaces the act of
1893, which expires In July, and will en
able the government to carry out Its
agreement with Russia. It empowers
the government by order In council to
prohibit seal catching. The act remains
In force until January, 1898. In addition
to the Bering Sea award In regard to
seizure, it empowers the officers of for
eign states which are parties to the
agreement to seize British ships and
equipment when they violate the order.
An impresslan prevails here that Can
ada will vigorously oppose the passage
of the new act
Oar Export* liar* a Decided railing
Off—Official FI*are*.
Washington, June 14.—The bureau ct
statistics In Its bulletin on exports
shows that during the month of May the
exports of aotton aggregated $9,837,361,
which Is about $1,260,000 In excess of
May, 1894. For the last nine months,
however, there has been an aggregate
loss of nearly $4,000,000. The exports of
breadstuffs during May amounted
t£ $11,809,697, a gain of $1,009,
000 over May last year. For the
last eleven months, however, there
has been a falling-ofT of over
$52,600,000. There was a decrease In bar
ley of over $1,300,000; In corn over $1,610,
000; In oats over $1,800,000; In wheat, $16,
300,000; In wheat flour, $17,000,000. Dur
ing May of this year the exports of pro
visions amounted to $11,971,410, a loss of
over $3,000,000 from May, 1894. For the
last eleven months the loss on provisions
was over $8,700,000.
Filibustering Expeditions from America
to Do Stopped*
Washington, June 14. — President
Cleveland late yesterday afternoon ls
rued a proclamation, being the firBt
step toward a vigorous suppression of
Cuban filibustering. Reports to the
navy department are to the effect that
the Raleigh will sail for Key West to
day, and will patrol the waters between
Florida and Cuba as carefully as pos
sible. The camp?'-n against the fili
busters Is to be a vigorous one. The
Raleigh will be supported by a number
of revenue cutters, and In addition to
this steps will be taken ashore to pre
vent the fitting out of expeditions.
Oppose Sunday Malls.
Denver, June 14.—The synod of the
Reformed Presbyterians adjourned at
midnight last night and most of the del
egates went on a trip to Pike’s Peak.
The committee on temperance reported
very strong resolutions against the sale
or use of liquors and tobacco and the
report was adopted unanimously. The
government of the United States was
condemned for countenancing the liquor
traffic and the sale of narcotics. The
report of the committee on Sabbath ob
servation condemned Sunday malls,
transportation, newspapers, street cars
and all kinds of work, also the tendency
to turn the day Into an occasion for
merry-making. The appropriations
adopted fojtg^up about |6<^00Q.
Got. McKinley In Chicago.
Chicago, June 14.—Governor William
McKinley of Ohio visited Evanston at
the Invitation of the Alumni association
of Northwestern university, and was the
orator of the day at the meeting of the
almunl In the First Methodist church of
Evanston, when he delivered an elo
quent address on "The Relation of Edu
cation to Citizenship."
German Lutherans.
Chicago, June 14.—At yesterday’s ses
sion of the convention of the Augustana
synod Dr. Olsson, president of the Au
gustana college, led a discussion as to
whether the synod should support a
Persian mission conducted by Knanl
shu Moratkhan In his native land. The
clergymen favored supporting the mis
sion, and appropriated $300 for the
school work. The report of the Ladles’
Missionary soc'ety showed an Income
of $2,891.16. The convention will close
to-day. _
Hailstorm In Minnesota.
Fergus Falls. Minn., June 14.—A ter
rible hailstorm struck this city and sur
rounding country yesterday. Thou
sands of panes of glass were broken,
causing a loss of $5,000 to $10,000. A
thousand panes of glass were broken In
the Insane asylum alone. Gardens are
completely ruined. The storm covered
fifty square miles, and the damage to
wheat Is very great, and corn and pota
toes are ruined. Reports state that a
general storm prevailed in northern
Minnesota, and crops have no doubt
been greatly damaged.
Muskegon. Mich., June 14.—The Free
Methodist camp-meeting for this dls
j trict Is located near Ravenna In this
! county. Yesterday Mrs. Burleson was
struck by lightning and killed. *Mrs.
| Hilliard, who was In the same tent, was
; seriously Injured and may die. Will
] Hilliard, her con. aged 21 years, was
j struck on the hip, and. though severely
j Injured, mounted a horse and rode to
! Ravenna for help. Besides the Injured
I there were In the tent Mr. Hilliard and
his daughter Ada. aged 13 years. These
were all severely shocked. Those In the
adjoining tents were stunned for a mo
ment by the explosion, but soon re
A Pretty Olrt Once Sat with California**
Supremo Court.
"Few people are aware that a woman
once aat on the supreme bench In Cali
fornia,” said ex-Secretary of State
Thomas Beck. A look of Incredulity
overspread the features of his listeners.
"It Is a fact, nevertheless,” continued
Mr. Beck. "It was in—well, nover mind
the year, but I was then secretary of
state, and court was being held In Sac
ramento. Judge Wallace was on the
bench, and among those In the cap
ital city during the session was Col.
Shatter and a number of his officers.
The colonel was accompanied by his
daughter, a very young, bright and
handsome girl.
"One- morning at the breakfast table
In the Golden Eagle hotel Justice Wal
lace said: Miss Shatter, I feel quite
slighted. Since you have been In Sac
ramento you have not deigned to visit
me. Won’t you come up this morning
and elt with us In banc? My colleague,
Judge Crocker, Is absent, and you might
as well occupy his seat.'
“ 'Oh, yes, I’ll come,’ returned MUh
"Shatter. and the subject was dropped,
and I am sure that Judge Wallace nev
er dreamed that the invitation would
be accepted.
“About an hour afterward, Miss Shat
ter, accompanied by one of the officers
of her father's staff, came to my office
and said that she wanted to go to the
Supreme Court. Would I take her?
With pleasure. And away we went. A
young attorney was arguing a case
when we entered the court. He did
not notice us as we quietly seated our
selves and went on with the most bril
liant eloquence. Judge Wallace laid
his hand on the arm of the empty chair
and nodded to my companion to take
" 'Shall I go upT’ she asked of me.
“ ‘Why, certainly,’ I responded. ‘It
would be discourteous to the bench not
to do so.’
“She hesitated a little, but as Judge
Wallace regarded her with a smiling
Invitation and patted the chair provok
Ingly, she arose and firmly and with
the grace of a queen walked up the aisle
to the platform. The judges arose and
gravely bowed. Wallace stepped for
ward, and, extending his hand, es
corted her to the vacant chair, and
each justice was presented to her In
turn and shook the tiny hand of their
dainty associate. Miss Shatter was
quite equal to the occasion, and, bow
ing, took her seat and let the case pro
ceed. The young attorney, though, lost
his head, and afterward lost his case.
Whether he wished to make an lyprqfc
Blon^^t^ yie ilew associate or whether
€iie strangeness of the proceedings rat
tled him I never learned, but he got
badly tied up In his peroration.
"What did Judge Wallace do? Why,
at the dinner that evening he conferred
with the new judge and insisted upon
her occupying the seat on the bench
next day. After dinner he asked me
to take a walk with him. ‘Beck,’ said
he, ‘if you do not bring that girl Into
court in the morning I’ll have proceed
ings Instituted to declare your position
vacant.’ ”
Puzzled by a Poison, the Professor Gets
Petle to Taste It.
A well-known Bohemian visited his
friend, Prof. Price, at the latter’s labor
atory yesterday, says the San Fran
cisco Post. The professor was examin
ing a dark brown substance spread on
a paper.
“Say, Petle, would you kindly let me
place a little of this on your tongue?
My taste has become so vitiated by
tasting all sorts of things.”
“Certainly,” responded the ever-ac
commodating Petle, thrusting out his
The professor took up a little of the
substance under analysis and placed it
on Petle’s tongue. He worked It around
for fully a minute, tasting it much as
he would a fine confection.
“Not any effect?” Inquired the pro
fessor. ., r-M,, i,
“No. none.”
“It doesn't paralyze or prick your
“Not that I can detect.”
“I thought not. There are no alka
loids in It, then. How does it taste?”
Bitter as the dickens.”
“Um-m; all right.”
“What is it, anyway?” inquired Petie,
as he spat out the hold-over taste.
“I don’t know. That's what I'm try
ing to find out. Some one has been
poisoning horses with it out In the
Petie rushed to the telephone and
called up a veterinary surgeon.
Thought the Balloon the Devil.
Superstition is still very strong in
some parts of Germany. A few days
ago a balloon, sent up by the army
balloon battalion near Dantzlc, and in
which two aeronauts of that corps were
studying atmospheric conditions at an
altitude of 6,000 feet, happened to pass
the district of Tuchel, inhabited by
people of the original Slav race. They
took the balloon—a thing never seen
before—to be the Szank (or devil) and
followed it for miles, intending to slay
it whenever it should happen to alight.
Fortunately for the aeronauts they
passed the region safely and the bullets
fired at their balloon did not reach it.
Otherwise they would have fared badly.
Advertising Pay*.
If you intend to secure the trade of.
lot us say, 65 people, $2 would not he
an unreasonable expenditure, wculd
it? If you appeared to be succeeding,
you might put out $1 more—possibly
$5. The proprietors of Cottolen* have
started out to gain the patronage of
65,000,000 people. They are getting it,
too! and their expenditures for ad
vertising have not yet reached $2,000,
000. This is a great country! Look at
the Royal baking powder business.
On* Kind of Protection That Protects*
No traveler, not even a doctor, ever
objected to having hit or her life saved
by a Wostinghouse air brake, and no
one declines to enjoy the blessings of
Edison'* electric light or bell’s tele
phone. All these discoveries are pro
tected by law. Civilized governments
recognize the fact that public benefac
tors are not only worth protecting, but
that they require protection for the
good of the people, lly protecting them
the public protects Itself. Discoveries
that Increase the comforts of life and
lessen its burdens and dangers are the
result of brains, study and genius, and
there is a premium on brains the world
Every discoverer la entitled to the
fruits of hia labor, genius and skill. It
is enough that he places his discovery
need not make a partner of the publla
or a confidant of the profession. '<#
The csss in point is a discovery which
is annually brightening the lives of
a discovery which, according to their
own written statements, has rescued
over 00,000 women from conditions of
hopeless despondency and despair and
brought them to happiness and health.
This discovery is legally protected as
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It
is not a patont medicine, but its name
and individuality are, for the benefit of
all, protected against pirates and hum
bugs. It is the discovery of l)r. K. V.
Pierce, of liuffalo, N. Y., Chief Con
sulting Physician to the Invalids' Hotel
and Surgical Institute.
within the reach
Why shouldn t women use it? it*
discoverer is a regularly qualified phy
sician who has made the treatment of
ailments peculiar to women a life study
and a life specialty. His thirty years'
practice In this special field, during
which he with his stuff of specialists
have successfully treated hundreds of
thousands of cases, has afforded him
opportunities enjoyed by no one else
for discovering the right methods and '
the right remedies.
That he should, for bis own protec
tion and the protection of his patients
who are scattered all over tho globe, ,
take advantage of tjiat law of which
ovgry Inventor In other fields avails
himijoif, is qoither unprofessional nor
fiSbuslness-Uke. It’s good, sound copy
mon sense.
One reason that women Suffer in
ulence agonies that would make
is because her inborn modesty causes
her to shrink from the ordeal of sub
mitting to medical examination and the
stereotyped "local treatment." When,
finally, torture drives her to seek ad- ■
vice, she, unfortunately, only too often
falls into hands that lack the rareabil- ’ >
ity upon which her peace of mind, her y~
happiness, and her life depend. In
stead of the treatment that makes
thousands of cures a certainty and fail
ure almost unheard-of accident, she re
ceives that which makes failure a cer- , ,
tainty and the cure a mere accident.
No woman, who is tired of suffering,
tired of doctoring, or tired of life, ;
should fail to write Dr. l'ierce, or to
the World's Dispensary Medical Asso
ciation, of llulfalo, N. Y., of which he
is President She will receive, free of ,
charge, good, sound, professional ad
vice that will enable her to cure her
self at home (if her case is curable),
pleasantly, painlessly, permanetly, and
this, too, without having to undergo the
trying ordeal of1 ‘examinations” and the
stereotyped and dreaded treatment by
“local applications.” If her case is
really incurable, she will be told so ’
plainly. Hut Dr. Pierce’s records, cov
ering hundreds of thousands of cases,
prove that there are not three incura
ble cases in a hundred.
When Pr. l’ierce published the first
edition of his work. The People's Com*
mon Sense Medics] Adviser, he an
nounced that after 680,65o copies had
been sold at the regular price, $1.50 per
copy, the profit on which would repay
him for the great amount of labor and
money expended in producing it, ho
would distribute the next half million
free. As this number of copies has al
ready been sold, he is now distributing,
absolutely tree, 500,000 copies of this
most com- „-» plete. in ter
ror pon
NO. 101.
esting and
ical work *
lished—the recipient only being re
va 1 ua ble
sense med
* ever pub
quired to mail to him, or the World's
Dispensary Medical Association, of
Buffalo, N. Y , of which he is presi
dent, this little coupon number with
twenty-one (a 1) cents in one cent
stamps to pay for postage and packing
only, and the book will be sent by
maiL It is a veritable medical
library, complete in one volume. It
contains over 1,000 pages and more
than 300 illustrations. Several finely
illustrntsd chapters are devoted to the
careful consideration in plain language,
of diseases peculiar to women and their
successful home-treatment without the
aid of a physician and without having
to submit to dreaded ' examinations”
and the stereotyped "local applica
tions.” so repulsive to the modest and
justly sensitive woman. The Free Kdi
tion is precisely the same as that sold
at $1.50 except only that the books are
bound in strong manilla paper covers
instead of cloth. Send now before all
are given away. They are going off
rapidly, therefore, do not delay send
ing immediately if in want of one.
The June Atlantic contains install
ments of the two leading serials by
Mrs. Ward and Hilbert Darker, also a
short story of frontier garrison life, by
Ellen Mackubin. entitled Uosita. An
other bit of fiction of unusual charac
ter and interest is, Through the Win
dows; Two Glimpses of a Man's Life.
The two chapters bearing the signifi
cant titles Detachment and Disen
chantment. Lafcudio Hearn contrib
utes a delightful paper entitled In the
Twilight of the Gods, which, with
Mary Stockton Hunter’s poem, A Jap
anese SworcTCong, gives this issue it
distinct flavor of the Orient