bf A COLLISION. norma cut in two Ly the jack. Norma's Crew Drowned—' [,,, mid Two Mon—Accident rins a Heavy For—Crew of I Token Off. Mich.. June 1—During a lost night the Canadian , k, hound down with lumber, (i, the steel steamer Norma ii.monee river, opposite Mld The Norma Immediately o ,uk, wheelsman and fireman ncd. The barge Sicken was ml picked up the remainder i- The Norma was valued at d Insured for *175.000. The ,nt, but badly damaged. Tugs here to bring her In. The nk in 300 feet of water. , Ivors from the Norma were o re by the steamer Sicken, ■n was less than a half mile n the colliding boats, and the , distinctly heard through the listened in the direction from h the noise of the crash came, sighted a lifeboat and llfe ining the crew of the Norma, tratton, who was In command rnia, stated that he had been by an unknown lumber pro iirh struck his boat on the lust forward of the main* (tins her almost in two. Tne lied Immediately. He stated efforts possible were made to i,.n into the lifeboat, but three he cook, a fireman and a deck ■re not quick enough In leav ,-reck ,and went down with It. escuing the Norma’s crew the uised around hi the fog to find with which the Norma had collision. After searching a Me time the boat was located found to be the Canadian pro c'K, loaded with rock elm. Her w was stove In, and the boat of water. The cap tali* of the nit a boat to the Jack and took f crew. The captain, both nd both engineers refused to > ship, and were left on board, saving crew at Little Island tug Tlaiph were sent out look 1.0 Jack as soon as the Sicken the loss. It is feared that her il become so water-soaked that i down before the life-savers hi r. nrina belonged to the Menomi-. nsit company and was of the 0 of lake freight carriers. She it in 1S90, measured 1.S70 net 1 is rated In this year's Inland it row,000, although her cost ex 00. UPHOLD BIMETALLISM. n Carter Forecasts the Repub lican Attitude In 1896. fork, June 1.—Thomas H. Car innan of the republican na immittee, in a public statement, S the republican party will '' the restoration of bimetallism hstantial and enduring basis. >•>>' be differences of opinion in ty on the tariff schedules, but n the principle of protection. .11 bo differences of opinion as 11 ft course to pursue to secure and unlimited coinage of both il silver at a fixed ratio, but ill be no difference of opinion k desirability of bringing about ■nit. i "ne question there will be difference of opinion as to the principle involved nor as to the to be employed. That is with ' to a vigorous, thoroughly an furelgn policy. I am persuad the republican national conven 1 pledge the party anew and with attest earnestness and force to e of policy. The people demand »tal Cloudburst In Texas. \ngeio, Texas, June 1.—A disas loudburst occurred yesterday he Johnson and Devil rivers, flies have been recovered from ' Which were flooded by the nnd it is feared that a number of 1 in the valleys of the two rivers "fished. Searchers have been to reach several large ranches section. One ranch, with 1,700 lost 1,300. sops Helped by rain. 1,1 Ilrokfn '» Iowa, Nebraska, »"•»», Arkansas ami Missouri. L''“is, June l.^Dispatches from • Points in Iowa, Nebraska, Kan n-Kansas and this state indicate ra*ns have fallen .,1the last twenty-four hours. « ftieh were in bad. condition be he drought are much benefit if n,?a Vert' Texas- comes the re no „mer°us washouts caused by s' r!fulting ln much delay to f" and mail trains. Several •am "e. reported St®6 and the r witc 3 ereat- Large farms are and all of these in the ™lned- This section was a r t? bV,SUch a raln before. Jarful* w the Railway managers illli snow the 1 gteat d0WnP°ur of ‘‘“trous the Last two days result 'fa^tre ln the rlvers hke i?r. to the s°’ wtllch did enormous , railroads. Since the it l easer! ] y " ednesday morning “>Me ?in'Sht there was the ■rado ,lC Pi,tatlon of L73 Inches. 'he samVi a" Unusual record. (taileiej. Ienk'h of time it is F Maces in oa(iville and many vk Jesterday^Thh e beBan at 3 'nt‘d to the cltv Tnument was ts "“veiled hv to ^y Ed8ar M. , f 9eveland, Ohit* Pr“dence Sher 1' Shortlidge. Th^"13 received by versed win,' path® e*erclses were »IBo,>,b Fon-dir7rr~ 5*, «.;r ri SMOKED ON THE SCAFFOLD, Henderson and Jeffrey Hin|«d *1 Mnrpbysboro, III,, tor an Old Mnrdsr. Murphysboro, 111., June 1.—Douglas Henderson and Frank Jeffrey were hanged here at 8:17 o’clock this morn ing for the murder of ,Tames Towle at Cartervtlie last winter. Henderson mounted the gallows moklng a cigar, puffing it as coolly as a campaign ora tor. Before the black cap was drawn over his face he made this little speech: “Gentlemen: I am here to tell you good bye. I hope I shall meet you In heaven. I want to warn you all to keep out of bad company.” His voice was very strong and clear. Jeffrey was not so cool and showed signs of nervousness, but both mounted the scaffold without effort. Jeffrey also spoke, saying: "I am going to die for a crime I never committed. 1 never done It.” The preparations for the execution were then quickly completed, the trap sprung and In twelve minutes the con demned men were pronounced dead. Jeffrey's neck was broken, but Hender son died of strangulation. The bodies were sent to Cartervllie, the home of the men, where they were burled. HONOR DEAD HEROES. G. A. R. and Ei'Confederatn Join In Dirontlni Onni. City of Mexico, June 1.—Very Impres sive Decoration Day services were held here at the American Cemetery over the graves 0f American soldiers who (ell In the Mexican war, or who have since died In this capital. The portals of the cemetery were decorated with the American flag entwined with flowers and evergreen. The procession of O. A. R. and ex-confederates wended Its way through1 the gates to dirge music by the Mexican Artillery band. The ser vices were held this year at the grave of Francis de Gress, who died at Rln conada, Vera Crus. Commander Mor dough opened the ceremonies and waB followed with prayer by the chaplain. Rev. W. T. Sloan. Rev. A. R. Alex ander then dressed the grave with a profusion of flowers. ’’America” was sung and the ceremonies closed with the memorial address by Rev. W. C. Vans. GOV. MORTON’S ILLNESS. Chauncey Depew Says It May Take Rim Oat of the Presidential Field. New York, Juse 1.—Chauncey M. De pew was much affected when he heard of Gov. Morton being overcome by the heat. He was aBked whether It would have any effect upon Gov. Morton's presidential aspirations. "It may have,” said Mr. Depew. "In deed. It probably will. The case is very analogous to that of Mr. Blaine, who had a sunstroke, If you will remember, In 1876 on Pennsylvania avenue, Wash ington, and that sunstroke was the be ginning of all his physical troubles. Be fore that he had been a strong and vig orous man. I hope that this will prove to have been nothing but a slight weak ness brought on by the heat, but at the governor’s age It may prove serious.” BICYCLE RACE A FRAUD. Serious Situation of Affairs In the Evanston Road Race. Chicago, June 1.—The shadow of a large, ugly looking cloud of scandal Is already beginning to creep over the shimmering laurels of some of the earlier finishers In the Chicago road race yesterday and It is asserted that after the cloud bursts some of the afore mentioned laurels will find themselves badly wilted. It Is now claimed that only thirty-one of the first hundred to finish, among whom was .the winner, Homer Falr mon, were noted as having passed the limit mark at Evanston, and that no note was ever made of the other sixty nine men at that point. Investigation In regard to these men Is being pushed today and it is claimed that develop ments of an Interesting nature will be made public tomorrow. Decoration Day Honored In France. Paris, June 1.—In honor of Decora tion day and at the request of Post No. 140 of the Grand Army of the Republic of'New York, Gen. J. Meredith Read deposited a splendid wreath upon the tomb of Gen. Lafayette in the Fischus, in the Fauborg Saint Antoine. The wreath was Inscribed: “To America's Illustrious Friend.” Shoots His Wife on a Public Street. Milwaukee, Wis., June 1.—Shortly after 11 o'clock last night Dave Patton, a Second street saloonkeeper, chased his wife down Grand avenue from Fifth street. The thoroughfare was crowded at the time. The woman was getting away from him when he pulled a re volver and began shooting after her. The pedestrians ran in every direction to escape the shots, one of which struck the fleeing woman and brought her to the ground. She is not thought to be dangerously wounded. Patton was ar rested. xavlgne Defeats screrbart. New York, June 1.—George Lavigne, of Saginaw, who some six months ago killed Andy Bowen at New Orleans, and Jack Everhardt, of the Crescent City, fought twenty rounds last night at the Seaside club, Coney Island. When the round limit had been reached Referee Tim Hurst awarded the battle to La vigne. Canadians for Protection, Ottatwa, Ont., June 1.—After a discus sion occupying thirteen days In the house came to a close at daylight yes terday morning on Sir Richard Cart wright’s amendment to the budget speech calling for a tariff for revenue only. The amendment was defeated by a vote of 71 yeas to 117 nays. Fair’s 170,400 Tons of Wheat Bold. San Francisco," Cal., June 1.—One hun dred and seventy-nine thousand four hundred tons of wheat, comprising the balance belonging to the estate of James G. Fair, stored since August, 1893, at Porta Costa warehouse, has been sold to a syndicate of dealers. It Is esti mated the loss on Fair’s attempt to make a corner in wheat will not be less than 32,000,000. Dr. carver Wins at Milwaukee. Milwaukee. Wis;, June l.-Dr. O ver defeated Howard Bosworth by ■core of M to 84 in the shoot betwc them yesterday. monument to RUSK. Dedicated by the Wisconsin Grand Army of the Republic at Vlroqns, Vlroqua, Win, May 31.—The monu ment erected to the memory of the late Jeremiah M. Rusk, President Harrison's ■ecretary of agriculture, was dedicated this afternoon with Imposing ceremon ies conducted under the auspices of the Grand Army. The dedicatory address was delivered by Col. John C. Spooner. Gov. Upham and all the state officers •nd many United States senators and congressmen, together with delegations representing every post of the Grand Army In Wisconsin, were present. The monument Itself Is a fitting mem orial to the honest and rugged hero who lies beneath It. It consists of a plain pedestal, surmounted by a shaft thirty-three feet In height. A tablet at the base bears a brief epitome of the life of the late soldier-statesman, while a bronze shield attached to the lower part of the shaft Is Inscribed with the sentence, "Non slbl, sed patriae" (“Not for himself, but for his country"). The crowd attracted by the occasion Is quite unprecedented In this secluded little hamlet, and is a striking evidence of the love and esteem In which Mr. Rusk was held by all who knew him. IMPORTANT ISSUE SETTLED. Seminary Control gnestlon Disposed Of by United Presbyterians. Pittsburg, Pa., May 31.—The first part of yesterday's session of the United States general assembly was given to the hearing of reports. The commit tee on education made a favorable re port showing that the seminaries have productive endowments of $384,000 and colleges have an Invested endowment of $348,000. The question of seminary control was then finally disposed of. The majority report proposed that the general assembly have the veto power and also the authority to remove pro fessors from the seminaries for un soundness In the faith. There was no serious division on the question and a resolution was passed embodying these propositions. It also provides for the appointment of a committee to negoti ate with the synods having control of the theological seminaries with a view to the adjustment of any apparent or alleged discrepancies between their ac tion and their chartered rights. Palrmon Winn the Road Race. Chicago, May 31.—Homer Falrmon, of the Chicago Cycling Club, was declared winner of the Chicago road race over the claims of J. M. Dvorak, of the Cen tral Cycling club, who crossed the tape first. Falrmon's time was 64:45. Geo. Emerson, of the Englewood Wheelmen, was given second place, his time being 61:30. Walter W. Rosback, of the Eng lewood Wheelmen, who made the pace for all the riders over more than two thirds of the course, and who stood a good chance of winning, was third. His time was 59:10. He started from the ten minute mark. _ “Rock of Chlckamauga" Dedicated. Chicago, May 31.—At Rose Hill Cem etery the chief event of the day was the dedication of the cemetery lot and “Rock of Chlckamauga" monument of George H. Thomas Post, No. 6. The address of the occasion was delivered by General J. C. Black. At the other cemeteries In the city the usual Decora tion Day ceremonies were observed. Tribute to Logan's Memory. Washington, May 31.—One of the In cidents of Decoration Day exercises here was the Informal tribute of Illinois peo ple to the memory of Gen. John A. Lo gan. Mrs. Logan the grave about 11 o'clock and found seventy-five or one hundred veterans and soldiers' widows and families in waiting. The decoration consisted of the usual trib ute from the famous "103” of the Illinois legislature and floral pieces from Wil son Post, G. A. R., of this city, the Lo gan branch of Sons of Veterans and the Chevalier Bayard Commandery, Knights Templars, of Chicago. The token from the “103” this year watf In the form of a coat-of-arms In Immor telles. This makes the seventh from the same source. Bog Imports Prohibited. Buda-Pesth, May 31.—In the lower house of the Hungarian diet yesterday It was announced by the government that in view of the existence of swine fever in the Stelnberuch district, which disease Is said to have been Imported from the United States, Great Britain and Denmark, the Importation of pigs Into the Stelnberuch district Is pro hibited. Wilkinson’s Annual Report* Galesburg, 111., May 31.—Grand Mas ter Wilkinson yesterday submitted his annual report to the convention of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen. He said that the Pnllman boycott had cost the brotherhood 5,000 members, and urged legislation that would prevent a recurrence of such trouble. He recom mended a constitutional amendment that would make grand masters and first vice grand iqpsters equally liable with the grand treasurer for the proper handling of the funds. He opposed the proposed rules of insurance. Americans Are Released. New York, May 31.—A special cable to the Herald from Havana says: “A party of Spanish troops under Peri quito Perez captured several American steamship captains in Manera yester day afternoon. Upon their identifica tion as Americans they were promptly released. Capt.-Gen. Campos will go from Puerto Principe to Neuvltas to morrow." Bullion Increase In England. London. May 31.—The bullion- in the Bank of England increased £346,814 dur ing the last week. The proportion of the Bank of England’s reserve to lia bility last week was 64.38 per cent; now it is 63.40. The rate of discount remains at 2 per cent. Ohio Vigilante Are Keeking a Farmers* Life. Chilicothe, O., May 31.—Tremendous excitement prevailed at Adelphi, this county, yesterday, and the lock-up at that place was surrounded by an en raged mob of 300 or more men, who were provided with a rope, and clam ored for the life of Nelson Weatheroff, a well-to-do and prominent farmer of that locality. Featheroft is 60 years old and is the father of a family. He is under arrest on a charge of attempting to assault a 9-year-old girl named Strausser, who is the stepdaughter of ; John Krashner. It is thought th« j lynching will be prevented __ IMPBESSIVE AND SAD. WASHINGTON DOBS HONOR TO THE DEAD SECRETARY. Eanwat bnlm Bald at the VbHi Honse In the Presence of a Die tlnguUhed Aseemblage—Remains Mow oa ThaU Way to Chicago. Washington, May SO.—Before I o'clock this morning the floral tributes to the distinguished dead began to arrive at the old Pomeroy hQusn overlooking La* (ayette square, now aa annex to the Ar lington, in which the remains of the secretary of state lay. Only a few pieces, however, v*re received there. Most of them were sent to the White House, where the services were to be •eld. The casket lay In the drawing-room looking out upon the public square. Secretary and Mrs. Latnont, First As sistant Postmaster-General Jones, ex Secretary of the Treasury Bristow and Mrs. Bristow and a few other Intimate friends were with the sorrowing and stricken family. Mrs. Gresham, broken In spirit, exhausted by her long vigils and overcome with grief, was In such a nervous state that her daughter and ion prevailed upon her not to under take the trying ordeal of attending the services at the White House. At 8:80 b’clock, therefore, the doors were all closed, and the stricken family was left alone with their dead. For almost thir ty minutes they remained, taking their last leave. Then the bugle commands floated across the square as the horses k tne yeliow-tasseled cavalry, the lum bering caissons of the red artillery and the blue-coated foot soldiers, the mili tary escort, were drawn up Into lines alone Pennsylvania avenue. At 9 o’clock the doors to the room where the remains lay were opened, and the family retired to the rear apartments. Mrs. Oresham, In an agony bf grief, was almost carried from the room by her stalwart son, Otto, and was followed by her daughter, Mrs. An drews, leaning on the arm of Mr. An drews, and Mrs. McGraln and Capt. Fuller. Mrs. Carlisle and other ladles of the cabinet arrived and offered such words of condolence as they could. Soon after the carriages, containing the members of the cabinet, began ar riving. Secretary Carlisle, Acting Sec retary Uhl, Attorney-General Olney and Secretary Herbert drove up In the order oamed. At 9:15 President Cleveland ar rived In the White House carriage, ac companied by Col. Wilson. The Pres ident looked far from well and ascended the brown-stone steps with some diffi culty. A moment later Secretary Mor ton and Postmaster General Wilson ar rived In their carriages, followed by Secretary Smith on foot. The casket had been closed and the President and members of his cabinet were given no opportunity to view the remains. At exactly 9:30 o'clock five red-ooated trumpeters marched up Lafayette place and Btationed themselves outside the line of mounted police to give the sig nal when the cortege departed. Thirty eeconds later the hearse, drawn by two coal black horses, drew up at the door. ' The president, followed by members of the cabinet In the order of their rank, ictlng as honorary pallbearers, descend ed the steps and stood with uncovered heads while the eight artillerymen car ried the casket with slow and solemn tread between them. The casket was shrouded completely In the folds of the American flag. The stars and stripes could hardly be discerned for the flow ers banked upon the casket. The artil lerymen walked beside the hearse as It drew away, halting at the corner until the president and members of his offi cial family In their carriages had tak en their positions ahead. Acting Secre tary Uhl was with Mr. Cleveland, Sec retary Carlisle was alone and Secre taries Herbert and Lamont, Attorney General Olney and Postmaster-General Wilson, Secretaries Smith and Morton, »nd First Assistant Postmaster-General tones and ex-Secretary Bristow fol lowed In the order named. Bishop Hurst, who arrived at this moment In bis carriage, followed the hearse; Mr. and Mrs. Andrews, Otto Gresham and Captaln^Fuller followed. Mrs. Carlisle, Mrs. Lamont, Mrs. Bristow, the wife of “.he ex-secretary; Mrs. McGraln. Mrs. Gresham’s sister, and several other close friends remained behind with Mrs. Gresham. The fvneral procession, preceded by i squad of mounted police, moved slow ly to the entrance of the white house grounds. The casket, preceded by the president and cabinet, was borne by the artillery men to the east room, where the serv ice took place. Seats were reserved for the immediate kinsfolk and relatives of the dead man, for the president and Mrs. Cleveland and for the members of the cabinet and their wives. Within this solemn, black-robed circle, stood the standards for the catafalque, rest ing on a large blac! seal rug. By 10:45 the vast east root,, was nearly filled. The seating arrangements were perfect. The remainder of the diplo matic corps came along very rapidly. Sir Julian Pauncefote. the British am bassador, with his wife and daughter, oreceded Ambassador Patenotre, who was accompanied by his wife. Then followed the Italian ambassador and Baron von Kettler, who is acting as the German ambassador, with full suites. All of the members of the diplomatic body were apparently in attendance, with the exception of Minister Wecker rlent pert In the me chanism ot the system. Out ot order they breed dangerous trouble. llenew their se ll vl* with Hostetler's Htomach Hitters, which prevents the serious and often fatal diseases resulting from their Inaction. This sterling medicine, moreover, remedies msl aria, rheumatism and dyspeptic complaint*, and invigorate the whole system. A late ouiioelty gleaner claim* that there are 600 open caverns In Edmond ■on County, Kentucky. Barrier reef Is a coral reef extending along the northwest coast of Australia for nearly 1,300 mile*. The Cures By, Hood'* 8ar*aparillu are wonderful, but the explanation Is simple. Hood’e uniauj/auiiu vitalizes and enriches the blood, and die* ease cannot resist its powerful ouratlve powers. Read this: My girl had hip dis ease when five years old. She was con fined to her bed and the doctor applied weights to the af fected limb. When she got up test all was unable to walk, had test all her strength and day by day she became thinner. I read of a cure of a similar case by Hood's Barsaparilla, and decided to givo it to Lillian. When she had taken one bottle it had effected so much, good that I kept on giving it to her until she had taken three bottles. Her appetite was then excellent and she was well and strong. She has not used crutches for eight months and walks to school every day. I cannot say to0" much for ', Hood's Sarsaparilla It is a splendid medicine and I would recommend it to any one.” Mrs. O. A.' LaRosr, Oroville, California. U AnH*a Dill. ta.lilB «, mini, tftno.' IIUUU S r 1119 tlve, All druggists. too. dr ASK YOUR DRUQQIST FOR # ★ THE BEST ★ "Nursing Mothers, Infants,.*0 CHILDREN * JOHN CARLE A SONS, New York. * You will ride a Bicycle Of course you will ride. All the world will—fashion, pleasure, business — men, women, children. It takes a whilo sometimes for the world to recog nize its privileges; but when it do does ipts promptly. There fore, you whoaro in the world will M ride a bicycle—a COLUMBIA M bicycle if you desire the best the world produces; a Hartford, the next best, if anything short of a Columbia will content you. Columbias, 9100; Hartfords, $3o $6o; for boys and girls, $56. M POPE MFG. CO., Hartford, Conn. Brates, Mvw Tart, Chicago, San Fraoclsco, Prarldsace, Buffalo. A^atalogu^^omppohonjIlYerTooutlfarHSt^anr agency free. or br mail fo. two 3-coat stamps. The book tells of all the pew Columbia* and Hartfords . ■ v . - ■ Mi'-; \ ;' ;■ Winner Read what the World’s Fair Judges said when grant ing die Highest Award to LOMLLARO’S '* A bright, sweet navy plug chewing tobacco, con taining finest quality of Bur ley Leaf. Has a fine, rich flavor and excellent chewing qualities,combining all points necessaiyto rate this product of the Highest order of excellence in its class.” Everybody who tries Cli max Plug says it’s the best. For sale everywhere. IS&Ul VITA l_ in perfection of machine* for farmer*' um Point ok* Simplicity of Construction Point Two Working Qualities Point Thkkb Thoroughnsss of Workmanship These will be found united in the new DAVIS CREAM SEPARATORS Illustrated Pamphlet Mails* FpSO. Starts * Itoakitt Bids- * W* 0^, C *