THE FRONTIER. PUBLISHED EVERY THITHSDAY By Th* Kiiontieh I'rintinu Co. O'NEILL, NEBRASKA. OVER THE STATE. Omaha bicyclists to the number of 500 made a run to I’apiHion last Sun day. Hon. C Smythe of Omaha will deliv er the oration on Ilecorution day at Grafton. Ex-Land Commissioner Humphreys Is practicing law at Broken Bow, his old home. The H. J. T. Fuhrman Street Rail way company has incorporated .at Grand Island. Over fifty citizens have signed a re monstrance against licensing a saloon at Hay Springs The Hon. 8. M. Elder is writing up the history of several towns in Clay county for publication. Some of the locked-out brewers at Omaha are said to be contemplating departure for St. Louis to secure em ployment Ohskrvkr Welsh, of the Omaha sig nal station, reports that the damage done by the recent frosts in the state was not serious Examiner McCloud reports from Hastings to State Auditor Moore, of finding un additional shortage of over >6,000 in the accounts of ex-Treasurer l’aul of Adams county. The city council at Geneva has de cided that the mayor and councilmen must serve without pay this year. They also cut the salaries of all other officers, except the city engineer, in two, a nor r twenty tramps, who had been watching for an opportunity to •ueak a ride on a Burlington freight going weBt from Fairmont, were disap pointed and had to accept a tie pass. Buy home-made goods and build up home industries, is a good policy: Far rell’ Fire Extinguisher, made by Far rell & Co., Omaha; Morse-Coo boots and shoes for men, women and children. Mbs. John Johnson, living west of Shickley, took a dose of laudanum with suicidal intent one day last week. A physician was called in time to save her. She says she will do so again this week. Tim comptroller of the currency has declared a first dividend of 20 per cent in favor of the creditors of the North Platte National bank of North l’latte, on claims proved, amounting to $46, 437.00. Information was received nt the headquarters of the Department of the Platte to the effect that General Cop pinger would reach Omaha Thursday, relieving General Brooke, who goes to 6t. Paul. Frkd Bauson, living northwest of Shickley, was found dead in his water tank one day last week. It is thought to bo a case of suicide. He was a bach elor and lived alone. No cause is as v signed for the rash act. - Assistant Adjutant, Gaok of the Grand Army has issued a charter 42 a U?'? fit WnnmMn, Chase coun Ty. It is i.ester Baiter Post No. 3-it); A. J. MePealc, commander; J. J. Doty, ad jutant; J, G. Tulley, quartermaster. The horse collar factory nt Blair was destroyed by fire the other morn ing. Loss estimated at 838,000; insur ance 820,000. Seventy-five men are thrown out of employment. The fire la supposed to be of incendiary origin. The grand lodge of the A. O. U. W. net at Kearney on Tuesday. About 400 delegates were present. Grand . Master Workman Tate is not a candi date for re-election, and H. G. Cutting of Kearney will probably succeed him. Private Thomas Baxter, company G, Second infantry, having been tried by a general court martial convened at Fort Omaha and found guilty of being drunk on guard, was sentenced “to be confined at hard labor for three months." John B. Workman, aged 79 years, 5 month and 18 days, died at his home in Exeter last week, lie was an old set tler of this state, having located on a homestead in York county -in the year 1872. He has lived in Exeter a num ocr oi years. In the district court of Douglas coun ty Charles E. Gritting nnd others ob tained judgment against the new Omaha Thompson-llouston Electric light company for 5 cents damages and costs, and the company now asks the supreme court to review the case. Tub large barn of Q. J. Martin on his farm near Clay Center was burned the other night, together with a calf, three thousand pounds of hay and a quantity of oats. Nothing is known as to the cause of the Are., The loss is about tCOO, partially covered by insurance. May, the S-year-old daughter of Mr. C D. Schultz, died of diphtheria on the Hth. Mr. Schultz is editor for the Western Newspaper Union at Omaha, and is widely known among newspaper men of the state, having been engaged in newspaper work in Omaha for the last twenty-five years • H. II. Thew of Omaha, while on his way home the other evening, was held up and robbed of a lady's gold filled hunting case watch and a chain. Thew is nearly sightless and was unable to see the foot pads more than to distin guish that there were three men tak ing advantage of his helpless condition. He immediately went to the police sta tion and reported the affair. Tiik Dawson County Enterprise says, “Some people think it never rains* in western Nebraska. It rained so hard over a strip of ten miles last week that everything that was not fixed to the ground floated out of the country. Sufli eint raSn fell over a small scope of terri tory that if properly conserved would raise a crop that would support the en tire population of the country. *’ Fuf.d Gunder, a saloon porter, was arrested by the Omaha police on a charge of drunkenness. He was lying on the sidewalk in a helpless and drunk en condition. After being taken to the city jail it was discovered that his right leg was broken in two places between the knee and ankle. Governor Holcomb has appointed Sr. J. L. Greene first assistant at the Norfolk asylum, to succeed Dr. H. C. Manary at the Lincoln asylum. Man ary’s resignation has been asked for, to take effect.June X. At the same time Sr. Minerva M. Newbecker of Omaha will succeed Dr. Lane as second - assis tant at the Lincoln asylum. | A cvii.okkI> porter name Thomas, em ployed in an Omaha resort, was given a ft’O gold piece by a caller with in structions to get it changed. Thomas d the change are still out. Tut: law is sometimes cruel, as was demonstrated Sunday. A man wanted for robbery had lost a child, and as the funeral tcok place at Wyuka cemetery at Lincoln, the officers decided to arrest him at the grave. They appeared at the place, but he was not there, lie lmd evidently heard of the proposed arrest and had forgone being present at the funeral, fearing he would have to look through the bars next. Lkxinoton Entkkpkiki;: “The Farm ers’ Irrigation l)ltoh of this county is in a very salubrious condition. Five dame, constructed on the canal, full and overflowing with the remedy of all drouths. .Laterals are abundant all over .the county surrounding the ditch. The meadows, small grain and all kinds of vegetation are a reminder of last June. About 25,000 acres of land can be irrigated this year if necessary. ” In a slightly roundabout way the ag ricultural commission of Cmaha has been receiving garden seed by whole sale. Last week Secretary Morton sent eiglit extra large sized mail sacks filled with small packages to llenry W. Yates. Mr. Yates turned them over to Secretary Laughland, of the Associated Charities, and the latter is disposing of them. Through Daniel Haum the commissioners received 2,000 packages from Congressman Henry W. ltingham, of l’hilndclphia. Tiik Nebraska Tivrnbezirk had a gala day at Millard last Sunday. The Turn vereins of Omaha, l’Lattsmouth, Fre mont and Lincoln were there in large delegations, while the Millard Turn verein wns out in full, and a Fourth of .huly quota from the surrounding coun try'spent the day in town. Omaha was represented by a delegation of seventy five, accompanied t by a delegation of ten from l’lattsmouth. The exercises rinnoict rv# n c ♦ eon t nnfa/ln n ♦ 1 lit lit ill-ills, music, a biff wholesome country ili nner and dancing-. (•EoiiGK W. Vno.MAV, the well known Union Pacific engineer, whose name became familliar from one end of the country to the other because of his con nection with the Brotherhood of boco inotive Engineers as chairman of the grievance committee, has been elected president of tho San Diego, Pacific «Sfc Eastern railroad. Mr. Vrornan left Omaha for San Diego, and says that there is no question but the road will be a go, and that its success is assured. Kailroad men throughout the United States have taken hold of the project and will see that it is pushed forward. Indorsements have been received from the commercial bodies of San Diego and from numerous lodges of railroad men in the United States. A young man whose name could not be ascertained, but who works on the farm of Thomas Allen, ten miles north of Eagle, accidentally shot himself last week with a 32-calibre revolver. While handling the weapon he squinted down the barrel and pulled the trigger. The ball struck his forehead just above the right eye, making a ragged \younif, bul coming put without penetrating the brain, lie was taken to Eagle and placed under the influence of chloro form and the ball extracted, lie is a . gritty ypung fellow about eighteen ! years of ag<£ lie refused to give his name. "I have a father and mother in Lincoln,” he said, ‘‘and 1 don’t want them to know what a d-d fool I was monkeying with that revolver.” The doctor says he will recover. Miss M. (i.u.i.aghkk of Brooklyn, is one of the luckiest persons in the world. She was en route home from a winter spent in California, and was sitting in the drawing room of the Pull man on the Union Pacific eating an orange. She was using a fruit knife with silvey blade an^l pearl handle, and. when she had finished she wrap ped the knife up with the peelings and threw the bundle out of the window. This would be a little thing in itself if it were not for the fact that the knife was a personal present to her from Queen Victoria, and consequently val ued beyond price. The package had been thrown out near Albright, in the she arrived she told her story to Officer Fleming of the Union depot squad, and left her address with Ticket Agent Fonda in the depot. The officer tele graphed to South Omaha and also to Albright, and several small boys start ed down the track in search of the gift from royalty. Strange ns it may seem, the knife was found lying loose beside the track, having become dislodged when thrown out, and it was sent to the Union depot. Air. Fonda forward ed it to its owner in Urooklin. Had it not been for the prompt arri val of a deputy sheriff Douglas county would have had another lynching placed to her credit. The scene of the trouble was at Irvington. During the last two weeks two girls have been criminally assaulted in that neighbor hood. The first one assaulted is Amanda Loche, who lives near Denson, a suburb of Omaha. The other is Maggie Carl son, the 15-year-old daughter of Carl Carlson, a well known and highly re spected farmer. The description of the fiend given by the Carlson girl led to the arrest of Abraham W. I.under, who is employed as delivery man for a yeast company in Omaha, and who resides near Irvington. Carlson was satisfied that the man arrested was the one who had assaulted his daughter, and became so enraged that he drew a revolver and atttempted to kill him, but was pre vented from doing so by the officers. Lander was lodged in jail and later was taken before .lustice Crosby, to answer to the charge of criminally as saulting the girls. He pleaded not guilty, and was released on $1,500 bail furnished by his brother. His prelimi nary was held on the 15th. Lander was once before arrested on the same charge, but his victim could not posi tively identify him and he was dis charged. He is a married man and his wife is prostrated with grief at her husband's arrest. The Clay County Teachers' associa tion held an interesting meeting at Clay Center last week, with a good rep resentation from all parts of the county. The program consisted of music and vocal selections, followed by well written papers by l’rof. Kpley of Fairfield, on “Educational Reform;” Rev. Simpson Ely of Fairfield, on “Fools, Learned and Ignorant;” I'rof. Mills of Harvard, “Concentration;” Miss Mary E. Demis of Sutton, on “Ac quisition of Language.” Each of tho subjects were ably discussed by Rev. Ely. Professors Stevens, 'Mills, iiurst, Mercer, Darackman and Superinten dent Graham. | » v V : - 1 i KX, CONDITION OF TR ADE. BUSINESS SOMEWHAT HURT BV THE COED SNAP. Increase of Wage* by Hlg Employer* ot Labor the Unit Encouraging Feature of tlie Week—Failure* (Slightly Leg* Than Last Fear. New York, May 20.—R. G. Dun & Co.’s weekly review of trade, says: "Tlie se vere cold snap, with extensive frosts, and In some states snow, has fortu nately done little damage to the great crops, though much to fruit, but has considerably rearded retail trade. The best news of the week Is the advance of 10 per cent In wages by the Carnegie Works, followed by the Jones Laugh lln establishment, and evidently Imply ing a similar advance by many other concerns. No advance has been found practicable in the woolen mills, where conditions as to prices and foreign com petition are very different and about 10.000 workers are still idle at Olney vllle, where the works should consume 600.000 pounds per week. In other de partments of labor troubles are not se rious, and the demand for manufactur ed products Increases. wun material and steady enlarge ment In domestic trade there is still Kreat want of employment in the inter ior for money which comes hither— $3,500,000 during the last week—and with the millions distributed by the syndi cate on bond account stimulates spec ulation. Accordingly wheat has risen five cents, although the reports of In jury by frost don't appear, upon sift ing, to concern any considerable pro portion of the growing grain. Western receipts for two weeks of May have been 2,917,305 bushels, against 2,600,298 last year, and Atlantic exports 3,059,484, against 4,565,101 last year, being re duced by the advance in price less than would be expected because of generally current reports of decrease of acreage. With only six weeks of the crop year left the stocks In sight constitute a heavy surplus, if not as large as some western statisticians estimate. Corn has ad vanced only % cent, being apparently Injured more than wheat, but the acre age gives promise of a yield of 2,000,000, 000 bushels. "Cotton is an eighth stronger, in spite of the fact that 9,618,081 bales had come Into sight last Friday, which Is over 400.000 bales more than the largest crop ever recorded. Goods are in fair de mand for the season and the advance in prices is maintained. "Wool was remarkably heavy for the last week at the three chief markets, the sales being 5,536,750 pounds, and for two weeks of May 11,059,750 pounds, against 11,767,750 in the same week of 1892, the last year of full demand. In that year the sales of domestic were 6.962.000 and this year 5,681,750 pounds. "Failures during the last week have been 211 in the United States, against 219 last year, end 37 in Canada, aginst £4 last year.” ' .... 'n ., _- . _ UNDER FALLING WALLS. One Man Killed and Two Injured at Chicago. Chicago, May 20.—One man was killed and two others seriously, perhaps, fatal ly, Injured by the falling of a ruined wall at Henry and Brown streets yes terday afternoon. The three victims of the accident belonged to a gang of men engaged in tearing down the walls of the building formerly occupied by the Globe Molding company, which was de stroyed by fire March 2. Twenty-two men had been working on the job before 12 o'clock, and had vainly tried to pull down the section of wall which subse quently fell. This wall had been under mined, and though all the men tugged at It with a rope, they failed to pull it down. When the men resumed work at 1 o'clock in the afternoon orders were given to remove more brick from under the wall, and scarcely had the men started to obey when the whole wall. 40 feet high and 125 feet long, came down about their ears. Some of the men perceived their danger in time to get out of the way, but three of them were caught among the falling brick. Mores SegeH, the subcontractor in charge of the work of demolition, was arrested. He said he had no doubt the accident was caused by a sudden gust of wind. He was confident not a single brick had been removed after the men resumed work In the afternoon before the wall fell. Coal Mining: Situation. Pittsburg. Pa., May 20.—The associ ated coal operators of this district are courting trouble. Following up their proposition that they would pay 69 cents if the Pittsburg and Chicago and the New York and Cleveland companies men could be brought out, F. L. Rob bins announced they would import ne groes from Virginia and pay them 60 cents a ton. Fifteen imported men went to work yesterday. The miners are angry at this turn of affairs, declaring they will have 69 cents. They are mak ing preparations to prevent the new men from going to work and to brint out those now working. Judgment Against New York Sun. London, May 20.—The libel action which the Reuter Telegram company brought against the New York Sun and the Central News, as the distributor of the Sun, for an article which appeared in the Sun Oct. 28, 1894, headed “Spu rious News of the Eastern War.” has resulted in a judgment against the Sun in the Queen's bench division of the high court of justice, the Sun not ap pearing. Action is pending against the Central News. Mlea Deposits In Alabama. Chattanooga, Tenn., May 20.—A rich mica lead has been discovered in Clay county, Ala., In the foothills of Talla dega mountain. A vein being opened is four feet thick and tips at an angle of 65 degrees. The finest commercial mtch has already been taken out, the largest take weighing twenty-four pounds and cutting into 7x8 inches. Big Cotton Mill Burns. Methuen, Mass., May 20.—Fire broke out in Clous’ cotton mill at about 1:30 this morning, and in spite of the efforts | of the departments of both Methuen and Lawrence, from where aid had been sent,' the building was burned ‘to the.ground. -The loss will-he heavy. SILVERITES ADJOURN. Address Issued to the People of America. Salt Lake City, Utah, May 20.—The bimetallic convention has adjourned. An address was Issued to the people of the country, setting forth the claims of the states represented. California, Col orado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Ore gon, Washington and Wyoming, and the territories of New Mexico and Utah. The claim Is made that the people of these states, irrespective of party af filiations, present themselves almost as a unit demanding the free coinage of sliver and gold at the ratio of sixteen ounces of silver to one ounce of gold, with full legal tender functions accorded to each and no discrimination against either. The address continues: “The monetary system of the country was founded not upon gold alone, not up'-n silver alone, but upon both silver and gold, at a certain ratio to each other, with no limitation upon the coinage of either and each standing upon an equal footing before the law. The system was founded by Hamilton, sanctioned by Washington and Jefferson, Its wisdom and Justice questioned by no one until the year 1873. In that year, without notice to the people, the standard silver dollar was dropped from the coinage system of the country, and every debt therein existing, public and private, ag gregating thousands of millions of dol lars, was made payable in gold alone. Against this monstrous injustice the members of the new party are pledged to labor.” The following executive committee was chosen: Colorado, E. B. Light; Idaho, Q. V. Bryant; California, H. W. Langenour; Montana, F. T. Merrill; New Mexico, T. Bradford Prince; Ore gon, Sydney Dell; Washington, W. C. James; Wyoming, F. W. Mandell; Utah, R. rV Phflmhprs DECISION WILL BE ADVERSE. Report That the Income Tax Will Be Declared Unconstitutional. Chicago, May 20.—A special dispatch from Washington to the Chicago Tri bune says: Chief Justice Fuller has completed writing a decision which up sets the Income tax law entirely and wipes It off the statute books. The de cision has been put In type, returned from the printer, and Is now being con sidered by the majority justices solely on the ground of its general expressions. The law itself is a thing of the past. The conference of Saturday developed the fact that Chief Justice Fuller, Jus tices Field, Gray and Brewer were still opposed to the law as a whole. Prac tically the whole court was willing to exempt state and municipal bonds. A majority of the court, including Justice Jackson, was opposed to the tax on rentals. An apparent majority was in favor of upholding the law as a whole, but just at this juncture Justice Shiras, who wavered during the first hearing, took his stand witn the opponents of the law and then the chief justice went to work on his opinion, knowing it would go down into history as the de cision of the court. It will almost cer tainly be handed down Monday, and the chances are there will be several individual opinions delivered at the same time. EfcCITED MARKETS. Wheat and Corn Prices Raised at Sev eral Points. Chicago, May IS.—Excitement greater than ever marked the grain markets to-day. Corn joined wheat in the as cending scale, and prices went up at a rate that took away the breath of the speculators. It was a bad weather and short crop market, and between this and the influx of orders from the coun try to buy both wheat and corn the market broke away from the profes sionals and went star-hunting again. Corn sold up to 56% from the opening at 51%, and wheat went to 72%, a cent and three-eighths above the starting point of 70%. Prices at other points continued higher than in Chicago. While brokers were offering to sell all the visible sup ply at 69% cents on the floor of the Chi cago bourse, wheat was quoted at 70% cents in Milwaukee, 71% cents in Toledo and 72 cents in Detroit. That considerable damage has been done to the growing crop in Illinois, In diana and Missouri seems certain. Frost and bugs have conspired to reduce the prospective yield, and reports from all portions of those states indicate short crops and unfavorable conditions. ACCEDES TO OUR DEMAND. Final Answer In the Allianea Incident Completed nt Madrid. Madrid, May 20.—The Spanish gov ernment has completed Its final answer to Secretary Gresham’s dispatch con cerning the Allianea Incident, and It will be cabled’by Minister Taylor to Washington. The text of the reply will not be given here, but It Is known to be entirely responsive to Mr. Gresham’s requests and to be in a most cordial and friendly spirit. Injured In a Street Car Collision. St. Paul, Minn., May 20.—An accident occurred on the inter-urban electric street car lines last evening. Owing to a failure of the brakes to work two cars loaded with people returning from the ball game met in a rear end collision. Ten persons were injured, none very seriously. The front car had stopped to take on a passenger and the train behind crashed Into it. Entire Town Destroyed by Fire. St. Petersburg, May 20.—The town of Brest-Lltewskl, in the province of Grod no, Russian Poland, was completely de- i stroyed last evening, and thirty per- I sons were burned to death. Brest Litewski was a town of about 40,000 in habitants. Ex ■ Gov. Doles Out for Free Silver. Alton, Iowa, May 20.—In a letter to the Alton Democrat ex-Gov. Boles of Iowa come out for the free coinage of , silver at a 16 to 1 ratio without waiting lor any 'international action. GOV. EVANS STIRRED UP. Addrass to the Citizen* of goath Carolina. , Columbia, S. C., May 16.—Gov. Evans has issued a long address to citizens of South Carolina in which he deals harsh ly with the recent decisions in the dis pensary and registration cases. He says: "The people of South Carolina have always been law-abiding and re spect the constitution and the courts of the United States. But when the Judges of those courts wantonly invade and trample under foot the recognized rights of our people, guaranteed by the fed eral constitution, they have a right to assert themselves and maintain their sovereignty and independence. This they have ever done and will continue to do and will resist with all the means within their power usurpation and tyr anny and partisan politicians In high places who disgrace the judicial er mine.” He denounces Judge Goff In the most bitter tones, and closes as fol lows: "I appeal to the sovereign peo ple of South Carolina to protect their homes and liberties. The government of the people must and shall be perpet uated, and we are ready to lead the fight under the white man’s flag.” Tariff Dlapute to He Heard May SO. Washington, May 16.—The supreme court has set Monday, May 20, as the date upon which it will hear argu ment of counsel in the case of Burr & Hardwick against the United States, on appeal by the government from the decision of Judge Wheeler of the United States circuit court for the southern district of New York. Judge Wheeler in this case held that the new tariff act went into operation August 1, 1894, the date fixed in the bill, notwithstanding the fact that the bill was not signed by the President until August 2S. Pi edict a Brief Campaign. Cadiz, May 16.—Persons who have ar rived here recently from Havana de clare that the campaign which is being directed by Capt. Gen. Martinez de Campos against the Cuban insurgents ■will be briefer than Is generally ex pected. The military operations, they add, will be pushed during the rainy season. Capt. Gen. Martinez de Cam pos will demain In Cuba until order Is completely restored, which, It Is claim ed, will probably be before the begin ning of next year. Detroit's Fire Loss Is 875,000, Detroit, Mich., May 16.—Fire de stroyed over half of the lumber and nearly all of the-buildings belonging to the Dwight Lumber company early this morning. The aggregate loss is $75,000, with an insurance of $60,000. The lire originated in the planing mill from causes unknown. LIVE STOCK AND PllODUCK MARKETS Quotations from New York, Chicago, St. Louis, Omai’3 anjl Elsewhere, OM Au A to to to a (to 4 to 3 to .. . _ 75 beans—Navy, hand-picked, bu 2 00 to 2 20 " 50 20 lintlcr— Creamery separator.. 17 lluttor—hair to good country. 10 Eggs— Fresh. 11 Honey—I er lb. 15 Ileus—Live, per lb. B Lemons—Choice Messinas. 3 50 Oranges—Floridas, per box_ 3 50 hotatoes. 70 Hay—Upland, per ton. 8 00 Onions—per bu. 1 10 Carrots—her phi. 1 50 Cranberrries—Jerseys .11 50 bogs—Mixed packing. 4 41 bogs—Heavy weights. 4 45 beeves-Mockers and feeders. 3 4) beef steers.3 55 bulls. 2 50 stags. 2 75 Caives. 3 35 Cows. 1 rO Heifers. 1 75 Westerns. 2 50 Sheep—Lambs. 3 75 Sheep—Choice natives. 3 20 18 12 12 16 «ii OJ to 8 to 1 to 1 tol2 to 4 to 4 to 3 to 5 to 3 to 4 to s to 3 to 3 to 5 to 4 to 4 CHICAGO. Wheat—No.2. spring. Corn—Per bu.. oats—i er bu. Pork. Lard. Hogs— l’ackers and mixed_ Cattle— Shipping steers. Sheep—Lames. Sheep—Good to fancy. NEW YORK. 63 to Gtl* «9!fto 28 Si ® 29 11 95 to 12 15 6 65 to 6 70 4 25 to 4 65 2 80 to 4 80 3 90 "5 55 3 50 to 5 75 Wheat, No. 2, red winter_ Corn—No. 2. Oats—No. 2. l'ork. Lard. ST. LOUIS. \\ heat—No 2 red, cash. Corn—Per bu. Oats—Per bu . Hogs—Mixed packing. Cattle—Expor steers. Sheep—Mixed natives. 68- to fth.4 57’i (0 58?, 32 Tito 3314 13 00 .. 14 00 7 30 to 7 60 66 to 66-> 47« to 48 2‘47 to 28 4 45 to 4 55 5 75 to6 25 3 80 to 4 45 KANSAS CITY. Wheat—No. 2 hard. 65 to 66 Corn—No. 2. 47 to 4754 Oats—No. 2. 29 to 29 Cattle—Stockers and feeders.. 3 00 to 4 50 Hogs—Mixed packers. 4 23 to 4 45 Admiral Meade's Cue. Washington, May 16.—It Is reported that Admiral Meade declined to fur nish the navy department with the evi dence which can be made the basis of a court-martial. The navy department has called upon him to afiirm or deny the accuracy of the interview attrib uted to him in which he criticised the president and the secretary of the navy, and Admiral Meade, in response to this demand, has courteously replied, de clining to avow or disavow the inter view. Admiral Meade, in other words, proposes to throw the burden of proof upon the department to show whether he has or has not violated any of its regulations. _ Massillon Bank Closes. Massillon, O., May 16.—Owing to the sudden death of P. Galbrlght, who leaves no will, the German deposit bank has been closed and depositors are ap prehensive. Relatives assert that the estate is solvent and that all obliga tions will be fully met as soon as the court appoints an administrator. Miners Stopping Trains. Massillon, Ohio, May 16.—Trains ot empty coal cars from the Wheeling & Lake Erie Massillon yards were sent to the Ohio river to-day to be returned west with West Virginia coal. Miners at Laurelton and Dlllonvale, in Ohio, near the river, are stopping trains sus pected of carrying coal. Paddy Ryan to Re-enter the Ring. Troy, N. Y„ May 16.—Paddy Ryan, the heavy-weight, who is now in this city, has decided to re-enter the ring, and has challenged the winner of the Maher-Mitchell fight, which will take place before the Atlantic club, of Coney Island, Monday night. Much Trouble In Honduras. New York, May 16.—A special from Tegucigalpa, Honduras, says: “Ex President Bogram has fled to escape surest. President Bonilla has appoint ed many new generals, among them Zelaya and Baca, the president and - trice-president of Nicaragua.” Renewing me ii A strange story PRoJ Braska V,Llac°M The TUto«e™ ExcItM - H~»h and Y,r Older Inhabitant,-lb, " ••nee of Two V 2?,* my strength and IlS totally unfit for work Id 8fr,ipu ons wlth°ut deriving”..,® E? sear Mt? the dampness from the ice , creased my rheumatic pains to quit the business, hut was com months."86 and bed for «* "I had given up ail faith o! well man again, when in Novemis I read in the World-Herald a man who had been entirely cute! the ailments from which I was, »y lie use of Dr- Williami Pills for Pale People. On Non* I purchased a box. In a week] astonished to know that I felt than I had for six months past, u fore I had used half a box I ra that I had found a cure for my alb The ringing in my ears began too— in volume, and finally left me. Tbit the first effect I experienced as* an increased appetite. The paix the rheumatism gradually left that within one week from that took my first pill I was able test bed. On January 1st, I was at*, out and walk around a little. The pitations of my heart entirely cs On February 9, I was so them cured that I accepted a positions watchman in the Forest LawiC tery, remaining out of doors fas m. until 6 a. m. I have gained Its from 144 pounds, which I weighs November last, to 172 pounds, id weigh now.” Mr. R. W. Cowan, keeper o! i eral store at Florence, was also* the reporter. Mr. Cowan is also a soldier, having been t member 4' 144th Infantry, Company C, and h of Company M of the First Him Cavalry. Mr. Cowan stated that Is traded chronic diarrhoea while h in the army and has never untilwi the past few months, received a:> Jief. He stated that he had taka wonderful Pink Pills and was ffii most thoroughly cured, so much* fact that he has discontinued th« He was also paralyzed in the left of his face, the mouth being (Iran at the left corner, and he was eit unable to move the muscles of hs bead or to close his left eye. He * that he believes it is owing to» of the Pink Pills that he has recor the use of his left eyelid, whim. I to his taking the pills, had bffl tened down by a physician » '* sight would not he destroyed eye filling with dust, and asenw recovery to the Pink Pills- “■ gained fifteen pounds in weight last October, and feels healthier Stronger than at any time shift' He intends to recommence usW pills with the expectation of a cm* recovery from the paralysis Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are asp for troubles peculiar to R®* ■■ as suppressions, all forms of -• chronic constipation, beal''n-‘ pains, etc., and in the case of give speedy relief and effect P nent cure in all cases arising tal worry, overwork, or es e ’. whatever nature. Pink Pi*1; by all dealers, or will be sent on receipt of price, 150 cent >. , nevefi six boxes for $2.50—they “"a „ In bulk or by the 100) by add •_ Williams' Medicine Company tady, N. Y. Harmony in the , "Stop that!1’ said the P , springing between tbe tvv # | democrats. “What are ye lows slug-pins' each other sJ “He called me Grover 1 said one of the men angri • . j J ‘ “Well, what of it? escb;®'^ other democrat, glaring at h J '^tyoujasteall^l onist. "Uidntyouju-.— H Altgeld.— CliiencoReiord Among the •_ tnfi fcd A Month aioo-b if. leathers, and their s'aj Association meeting next - {t . . _ Blius |T for 1" to J. Francis, Omaha. ,lV little book recent.) junirf veneer Defartmeut - Route (B. & M. K. K.) , the8ur.j» It is entitled "To oi inte^J - and contains-i- pae ,be ci? Route” and contains •J- pa*'*p tbe ci information about the .. ,or3do. ^ Denver, the state of to.! trains, tickets, rates, no1 train service, etc for it. The took is free. »enu-. A Distinct!0®' "In all my career, , wtf itatesman, “I can say _ ^ 0f. lone anything to he the "You mean,” peered * ‘that you have neve _indi*1^ bat you are ashamed ot. is Journal._-—ryTto ®ji!l Church !**£jt£Sh** oats r»y (or {_ Hon.e.eeker. Eic”^ “Tith. OaMay nionFaciffc Bystem vi«fwl issouri Iiiver pom ■ _.0jDt.« station ifli® J souri Itiver points 0ta» s and Nebraska. ^-nsas. g/fi est m Nel raska end ^ * — ntminiiir, L tan A «t m -'el rasaa =-• d joa* ido, Wyoming, Lt“" erCa^V siser and south °f ®*dtri f»fe r and south °* JLjgrd *are one first class standar ^ undtrip. Mimmumra^, Civic The Chicago ret ires that there are 6a V e opium habit m st congregation of V aid* srphine consumer* iblie smoking places