y'" i'\ CD BV THE MONTliB MIMT1NO CO. ME XV. O’NEILL, HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, MAY 9,1895. NUMBER 44. m •.5 :‘ ' y-. ‘ •uBtompTioN, ai.Bo mu annum. OLVDK RING AND D. H. CRONIN, EDITORS AND MANAGERS. iterest Told A* They Are Told to Us. »ID HOW IT HAPPENED isingt Portrayed Por General Ication and Amneement. irris visited Spencer Monday, berry was down from Stuart [ge was up from Ewing oung, of Spencer, was in tho sday._ uglian, of Hutchinson, Kas., city Monday. na Sbellhart has gone to ipend the summer. Ilamilton, Clerk Bethea and risiled Ewing last Friday. iard, of Sloan, Io., was in the y visiting his brother, Sam. millet seed for sale. Strictly 1.3 O’Neill Grocery Co. }1 growers held an interesting the court-house last Saturday. in want some corn? We have at hard times prices. . O'Neill Grocery Co. e oil cake and rock salt for in’t you need some? O’Neill Grocery Co. Mrs. C. E. Mills and daughter Ewing, were in the city yes tions should be made for an te observance of Decoration Graves and Rev. Bates will ices at the Episcopal church ay._ jorge, of Randolph, was in the '9. D. H. Cronin. ates, of Atkinson, was in the iday shaking hands with his i acquaintances. elarman went down to Sioux morning, to attend a meeting •State fair officers. of bran, shorts, chop feed is md. When in need see us. O’Neill Grocery Co. i Wright, of Canada, and Mrs. onnolly, of O’Nelil, were mar Tuesday in Ewing, by Squire Gazette: Al. Tingle, after a stay in Iowa and on the banks beautiful Maumee, returned this make Butte his future home. 1 a good time to buy a stock of t’a advancing right along. Get O’Neill Grocery Co. and see the big loaves of home «ad for eight cents, at Adam & opposite the post office. Ice •ilor in connection. body invited to attend the G. A. , at the Gome of Mrs. J. Pfund 30. first of the week, visiting his Phoenix. up Iear,. About two weeks ago, a Chas. Mkrithew, L -__O’Neill, Neb, They left aL y and Satur »»d » p AtklD80n Tuesday by ‘hfr Way t0 New *°®e time in the fall.***** ^°Pe *° -£*£ a"d assi8tan‘ darted ,he'a>Plovofr,!JOUSPiDe- They lshiDg lUe diat ■ * genllemen who ^ tbe riCtirrigatlon enter ain if sufficient ‘heir tripis to ifortha, D‘“ Watcr ca“ t>e ob alPwposeatthe p. . -—^ine. •• “e*hMore0lalM WiU b“y aU : °De gallon 1083 from the reekia£i x ,8yrUP .; freight leaves 8:07 p. if., ar rives 7 p. x. Daily except Sunday. Anyone who hu ever bad an attack of inflammatory rheumatism will rejoice with Hr. J. A. Stumm, 330 Boyle Heights, Los Angeles, over his fortu nate escape from a siege of that dis couraging ailment. Mr. Stumm is fore man of Merriman’s confectionery es tablishment. Some months ago, on leaving the heated work room to run across the street on an errand, he was caught out in the rain. The result was I that when ready to go home that night he was unable to walk, owing to in flammatory rheumatism, He was taken home, and on arrival was placed in front of a good fire and thoroughly rub bed with Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. During the evening and night be was repeatedly bathed with this liniment, and by morning was relieved of all rheumatic pains. He now takes espec ial pains in praising Chamberlain’s Pain Balm, and always keeps a bottle of it in the house. For sale by P. C. Corrigan, druggist. 48-4-!7' ■. ' u / ■- t ... ■ r ' • . -ft '.V-- •' «•••?