The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 02, 1895, Image 6

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How Snrcsmfal Farmer* Operate Till*
Department of the IIoine*tca«l —Hint*
*a to the Care of Live Block and
Keeping Up the Dairy.
Every farmer needs to keep his dairy
Up to the required number, us It la
usually necessary each year to dispose
of a certain number of cows, according
to the size of the herd, from those that
are getting to be old or that may fail
from some other causo to be protltable
to retain, writes E. R. Fowler In Texas
Stock Journal. This must either be
done by raising heifers on the farm or
by purchasing the cows.
In a comparatively few instances
perhaps the latter method might be
preferable, provided tho right kind of
cows could be obtained at reasonable
prices, but tho majority of farmers
must or should depend on raising their
own dairy stock. This should bo done
more cheaply than tho cows can bo
purchased, especially at the present
time, and there aro other advantages
that should be taken Into considera
tion. These aro tho raising of tho
heifers In a proper manner and their
adaptation to the farm, which could
not come from frequent changes of
Tho first step In this business Is to
get the kind of heifer calves needed
for the dairy. They should bo selected
as far as possible with particular refer
ence to the kind of work that Is to be
required of them, either as milk pro
ducers or butter makers. If they can
not bo obtained from the herd then It
will pay to look around among those
having good dairies for Bitch as are
wanted. Next provide comfortable
quarters for these little animals, where
they can be kept warm and dry. Par
ticularly Is this necessary In winter
and Bpring whon the weather Is shift
ing and unfavorable, and a large pro
portion of the calves raised are started
at this time of year.
Now how shall they be fed?
‘ It is now dostrablo to have heifers
commence giving milk at two years of
ago. To do tills they must bo well
cared for from tho first. They must be
kept In vigorous health and steadily
growing. Their food should be such
as will foster the growth of muscle and
bone, rather than of fat. Within the
past quarter of a century, by a proper
method of treatment, heifers are as
good at two years old as they used to
be at three. Milk Is the natural food
for the young calf and this should fee
supplied In sufficient quantities, neither
too large nor too small.
with the Jersey calf It Is particular*
ly necessary not to over-feed for the
first few woeks, otherwise bad results
will follow. After a little, skim milk
may be gradually substituted for that
fresh from the cow. In cold weather
this can be had sweet, and If the Swed
ish or cold deep setting system of
cream raising is practiced, and can be
had sweet during the warmest season
of the year, especially If practiced In a
portable creamery. To make up for
the fat of the mlllc removed in the
cream It Is well to make a little gruel
of porridge from middlings of oil meal
and add to the milk a tablespoonful of
the meal for each calf at a feed is suffi
cient at first.
A very important matter in the feed
ing of skim milk Is to have it sufficient
ly warmed. Hero is an advantage
claimed for farm separators, in that
the milk can be fed almost before the
animal heat is gone. But I can see no
difficulty where the cream Is obtained
by cold deep setting, as it can be easily
warmed to any desired temperature.
We are raising a December calf on
milk from cold deep setting with the
addition of middlings as described
above, and it is doing nicely, there be
ing no trouble from the scours.
A young farmer in Windsor county,
Vermont, is making a business of rais
ing veals on skim milk from cold deep
setting alone, no grain feed being add
ed. To most farmers this would seem
impossible, but there is no doubt in the
He first heats the milk hot, then
feeds three times a day, giving four to
five quarts at a time. The calves are
not allowed to drink the milk, but take
it from Small's calf feeder or some
thing similar. In this way the milk
has to be taken much more slowly than
when drank, and he attributes some of
his success to this method of feeding,
as he has never had a case of scours.
He feeds from four to five weeks old
and then sells for four to five dollars
a head, having a good market.
If the farmer has milk it is well to
feed until the calves are several months
old. Some do this, keeping them in
thef barn during this time, considering
it is better than turning them out to
grass. They will soon learn to eat hay
and then should be supplied with that
which is early- cut and of best quality.
After getting to be a few months old
they will eat grain of some kinds dry,
as middlings, bran, ground oats, etc.
Thus having the farmer's direct at
tention these young animals should be
kept constantly growing and thrifty
and vigorous in health, and this should
be kept up right along summer and
winter, with the object always in view
of making a first-class cow from the
heifer, a work of which the owner may
well be proud.
But in this work of improving the
dairy farmer should not neglect the
getting of the best bulls possible for
the use of his herd. Often these can
be obtained quite as cheaply as young
calves, and can be safely shipped by
express to most any part of the coun
try. In this way the cost need not be
very great and then the farmer can
grow up the animals as he shall con
sider to be best in his particular case.
K Pheasants.
(Translated for the Farmers' Review
}£ £ . from the French of Ad. Benion.)
. , > The pheasant is a beautiful bird that
has been greatly In repute for a num
ber of centuries. The plumage is
bright and the flesh extremely deli
cate. There are three principal varie
ties known: The common pheasant,
the silver pheasant and the gilded
g| - ■ pheasant. There are seven other va
rietles less extensively known: The
;-V ash-colored pheasant, the variegated
pheasant, the ringed pheasant, the
i .-' Mongolian pheasant, the green pheas
*'s" hat, the copper-colored pheasant and
the sparkling pheasant
I The pheasant loves his liberty and Is
' not yet enough domesticated to live In
the poultry yard among .the other
fowls. It Is absolutely necessary, there
fore, to keep them In a small yard cov
ered liy nets or else In an aviary.
They are very sensitive to wind, to
the frost and to the rnln, and on this
account the breeding places of these
birds should be exposed to the east,
but sheltered on the north and west
sides. The quarters must be spadouB,
covered with turf, dry and divided In
to ns many compartments as there nre
varieties of pheasants, and provided
with nests which should bo partly con
cealed by matted straw, for the pur
pose of procuring the tranquility of the
. layers.
1 The laying of the pheasants is effect
| ed easily enough, but the same la not
' true of tho Incubation. It Is advisable
i to confide this task to hens, which ac
quit themselves Infinitely better of this
task, and which tame to a certain ex
tent the little pheasants, always some
what wild. The female pheasant lays
from twenty to twonty-flve eggs. The
time of Incubation Is twenty-three to
twenty-seven days. Generally not
more than seven pheasants will be
raised out of the entire number of eggs
laid at one clutch.
It Is necessary, at the time of the
laying, to redoublo the vigilance In re
gard to tho pheasants, to attract them
Into places prepared to receive their
eggs, removing also tho newly laid eggs
! for fear of their being broken by the
1 fomnlo. The eggs are placed under
I small hens sitting In separato apart
ments furnished with hay fine and dry.
Tho other cares concern the raising of
I tho young birds, which Is about the
| same as that of chickens.
The newly hatched lloclt should bo
placed in a special box, whore they
may be loft to tho care of the brooding
ben that has hatched them. Having
| shut up the young ones with their
i adopted mother, they should bo fed
with ant eggs, millet, hard-boiled eggs
minced with pieces of bread and let
Some pheasant raisers affirm that
they obtain very good results with a
paste made of cooked beef, pieces of
bread, hard-boiled eggs and chlckory,
all minced very fine and carefully
mixed. Other raisers employ boiled
rice, chervil, chicory, pieces of bread,
hard-boiled eggs, crushed hemp seed
and corn meal, and say that they find
It very good.
When the young ones have reached
the ago of fifteen days they can he al
lowed the run of the poultry yard and
be fed on hemp seed and wheat. At
two months and a half of age the tail
dovelops, and they reach a critical
point la their lives where those not
carefully tended die. Those that pass
that point safely become soon fully
The Chinch Bur.
The chinch bug is the subject, of an
Interesting pamphlet about to be is
sued by the state. The pamphlet is
part of the report of Prof. S. A. Forbes,
slate entomologist, covering the work
of his department for 1893-94. This
advance section of the full report treats
exclusively of the chinch bug and how
to kill him by direct bodily attack and
by the ^ovel method of giving him a
fatal and contagious disease and allow
ing him to die a slow and painful death.
There has been another "wave” of
ihincli bugs in Illinois the past season,
and in the southern part of the state
they destroyed much corn. Every few
years there is an uprising of the chinch
bug, in numbers sufficient to destroy
the crops, and be will then disappear
for a few seasons. Ills disappearance
is duo not so much to the attack of
humanity as to a contagious disease—
a sort of insect leprosy—which fill but
exterminates him. The study of this
contagious disease has been part of
Prof. Forbes’ work, and he is now able
to grow the fungus which will inocu
late the hug with the disease.
The chinch bug first began business
in North Carolina about the time of the
revolutionary war. He moved north
and reached southern Illinois in 1824.
He has been a periodically active resi
dent ever since. In size he is one
twelfth of an inch long, and slim bod
ied in proportion to his length. He ha3
six legs and two pairs of wings. He Is
armed very like a mosquito—with a
hard, 'jointed, combination drill and
suction pump,.which he drives Into a
blade of wheat or a stalk of corn and
pumps out the juice.
Outlook for tin* Next Hog Crop.
There are several contingencies in
volved in the question of the next hog
crop, say3 an exchange. Among them
is whether we are to have open mar
kets abroad and restored industry and
normal consumption at home. One of
our agricultural exchanges discusses
the matter from a domestic standpoint
as follows: "What the year may bring
forth is contingent greatly upon the
spring season, when the young things
appear on the farm. If it is a cold, damp
and backward spring, it means a light
pig crop. Wo have had but one large
crop of pigs, and that followed by a
season of great scarcity of foods. High
priced foods and diseases have caused
heavy marketing from all sources, and
unless we have an unprecedentedly
largo pig crop this spring, there will
be a marked shortage of the stock
which is to go into market next fall
and winter. Should there be a big corn
crop, and short pig crop, there is cer
tain to be a great demand for Stockers
to move the corn. Hence, In any light
developed, and If properly cared for,
provided with fresh -water and good
grain, are no longer In danger.
In their wild state pheasants eat
grain of all kinds, juniper ber
ries, grains of broom corn, In
sects, forms, snails, and ants. Their
nourishment in the parks consists
of buckwheat, millet, barley, rye and
other small grain. He nip seed warms
up the female pheasants and predis
poses them to laying, but It is not
necessary to abuse the use of this
grain, and It is advisable often to tem
per its effects by the feeding of green
stuff, notably chicory, dandelions, cab
bage. clover, groundsel, mlnette and
so forth. Toward the end of June the
hemp seed should be entirely discon
<Jood Word* for the Private Dairy.
In closing this paper I wish to say a
word In favor of private dairying, said
E. H. Vaughan before the Nebraska
Dairymen's association. While 1 do
not wish to say anything disparaging
to the creameries, yet I do think that
for the man who is Imbued with the
right spirit, taste and love for the
work, that the private dairy presents
the most inviting field. It encourages
and stimulates him to his best efforts.
All of the various conditions are under
his management and immediate con
trol. Step by step through the entire
process his perception is quickened,
his vigilance made more watchful and
zeal more earnest, for the reason that
the whole responsibility rests upon
him. Quite a large share of this busi
ness is beyond the reach and influence
of the one who performs, cares for and
directs the work at the creamery. Yet
all of the many and intricate steps and
turns are performed by or under the
immediate direction of the private
dairyman, who all the while is stimu
lated by the knowledge that success
or failure depends on the quality of his
work. By the use of the modern ma
chinery the old-time drudgery imposed
on the good housewife has been re
moved, and the husbandman now per
forms the work with ease and skill,
calling on the wife only to add those
artistic touches in which the ladies al
ways excel.
I draw this conclusion, that when
the person with the characteristics
which I have named engages in this
business, he will, in a reasonable time,
find his product taking front rank upon
Its merits with other popular brands,
and together leading the market.
Eggs to Beat.—Eggs to beat wotl'
should be ten or twelve hours old. The 1
whites will froth quicker if a little salt I
is added. In cold weather before using ,
eggs drop them in tepid water and let!
them remain five minutes; in hot *
weather let them remain the same!
length of time in cold or ice water. j
The whites of eggs are of great value ’
in the arts. They are extensively ‘
used in the preparation of albumen- i
ized paper for photographers' use. I
Last year the sheep in this country
grew 307.100,000 pounds of wool.
we can look at It, tho Indication is for
high prices for hogs and products next
fall. If the season is favorable for the
growing of corn, we predict a large
acreage and there will be an urgent de
mand for young stock during the early
fall months. This will have the effect
of clearing the early markets. Hence,
we believe that it will be prudent to
push the young things to a marketable
condition as early in the fall months
a* possible. The outlook for swine
raisers is certainly bright.
The Suburban Cow.—If ever a cheat
and good milking machine is placed on
the market it will prove a boon to the
dwellers in the suburbs of great cities.
Of all dwellers in this country the su
burbanite has the hardest time to get
milk and cream. He is beyond the
limits of distribution in the city, and
he is not near enough to the farm to
get a supply thence. He must needs
depend on some man that keeps one or
two cows and can supply him with only
a limited amount of milk and no cream.
When the drouth comes in the summer
he is forced to be satisfied with a very
small amount, so that other customers
may cot have to go without. If of a
sudden he wants a gallon or two it is
unobtainable, and if he wants to make
ice-cream he must import his material
from the city. Some keep cows, when
they have a man for general work
but this applies mostly to the rich!
Many more would keep them if they
had the time to milk them or had some
one or some thing that could do it
When this problem is settled there will
be a great increase in the number of
cows in these places.
Value of Skim-Milk.—It is a very
easy thing to take quite a young pig
and feed it for a month. You will find
if you weigh the pig at that time and
charge the milk and other feed that
you have been giving it for that one
month, you have made the milk worth
35 or 40 cents, but you cannot do it for
seven or eight months. It is impossi
ble. I had a talk with a man in New
York last summer and he said skim
milk is worth CO cents per hundred for
feeding calves. He would buy the
calves, keep them for a short time and
fatten them up. Y'ou will find no diffi
culty in making your milk worth 15
to 20 cents per hundred. Do not feed
it alone. You will never make the full
value unless you feed it with grain.—
J. H. Monrad.
Feeding the Fowls.—Before you con
demn the treed or flock for not giving
you eggs the past months see to it that
the food given has not been such as
would provoke fat at the expense of
egg making. Don’t biame the hens
for following your lead to the corn bln
and so away from the nests. One
poultryman who was complaining
about his Wyandottes not laying for
the winter admitted that he had fed on
corn and wheat, giving all the hens
wanted to eat, and kept them in a
small, warm pen. Now, these things
never did and never will provoke cm
The, Uetlnee Ulrl Found It Dali and Hot
(ji to the Times.
"Did I go to the matinee?” said the
blonde girl with the red ribbons on
her hat to her companion in the street
car. “Yes, I did, and it was the most
tiresome thing I ever sat through. Yes,
it was ‘Romeo and Juliet.’ I’ve heard
a greet deal about Shakspeare’s plays,
but I never saw one before, and I
don’t care ever to see another. Why,
ther6's nothing funny in it. I laughed
more In ten minutes at the Hanlons
than I did in this whole play. Class
ical? Oh, I suppose so, but I tell you
Shakspeare was not up to the modern
ideas of what makes a good play. His
plays ought to be rewritten and a little
more fun thrown into them. Why, I
noticed several places where they
might have rung in a modern idea or
two and made a great improvement
For instance, there was that dance
that they do in the early part of the
piece. Now, how much prettier it
would be to have a ballet come on in
stead, or, if they were going to have
one of those Blow, poky old dances,
why couldn’t they have turned on dif
ferent colored lights? Then there was
that balcony scene, where Romeo and
Juliet throw kisses and talk jibberish
at each other. Now, that would have
been real funny if they had had a co
median hiding behind the shrubbery
watcl ing them and cutting antics over
them, And then at the end of the
piece, where Romeo kills Juliet’s other
lover and takes poison and then she
wakes up and stabs herself; that was
horrible. I can’t bear to see such
things. And to think of their ringing
down the curtain on it and making
that the end of the piece! If I’d been
Shakspeare I would have added an
other scene, in which they all came to
life again and have a nice wedding
march. Or, if they could not do that,
it seem3 to me the people who stage
the play might have the two torch
bearers who retire to the wings while
Romeo and the other lover fight their
duel do a wing dance at the side of the
stage. I Just dote on wing dances.
Then the people who did not like to
see the horrid part would not have to
watch it. They could watch the wing
dance. And the people who like death
scenes could watch that, and so every
body would be pleased. Don’t you
think so?”
The Fisherman Is buckler Than the Col
lege Professor.
A palatial fishing schooner is one of
the sights of Portland. In size, sea
worthiness and beauty of model she is
almost the peeress of a racing yacht,
she being 112 tons burden, while the
average fishing schooner is about eigh
. ty tons. She draws fifteen feet of wat
er and cost $14,000 and carries a crew
of twenty-one men, the largest that
ever came into Portland in a fishing
schooner, says the Lewiston Journal.
Throughout the year they make good
money, because their vessel is so large
and stanch, and they can go anywhere
regardless of weather. However, on
this trip they brought In 10,000 pounds.
The Mariner of Gloucester, lying along
side, is almost a twin, but not quite so
large, her tonnage being 108, with a
crew of sixteen men. They had been
out eight days, had brought in but 14,
000 pounds of fish, and the crew re
ceived but $5.65 a piece, which is a poor
showing. In contrast to this, a fisher
man said that seven years ago he sailed
out of Swampscott, Mass., In a fishing
schooner, and for a year each of the
crew of sixteen averaged $113 a month,
which was as much as the average col
lege professor earns. At another time
he sailed out of Boston after mackerel,
and in three successive trips the crew
shared $85, $108, and $63; a total of $256
for less than a month of fishing. Some
things go by luck or favor, and you
can’t change them with any of your
Business Aphorisms.
Big debts come from big promises.
Leaks in business are like gimlet
holes in a barrel.
Little ideas and big successes never
go together.
A careless merchant will have care
less customers.
A neat store and neatly printed sta
tionery go together.
If excuse had a money value, Bomb
men would be wealthy.
Success is very coy and will re
main only when treated well.
Place your confidence upon actual
cash and you didn't misplace it.
Some clerks cultivate their mus
taches more carefully than they do
business sense.—Shoe and Leather
Would Bo His Best.
The father gazed thoughtfully into
the glowing grate.
“I doubt,” he sneered, "If you are
able to keep my daughter in clothes.”
But the lover was full of courage.
"Of course,” he rejoined, “I realize it
is hard to keep any woman in clothes
if she has handsome shoulders, but I
am ready to try, sir.”
Besides, there was reason to suspect
that fashion would ultimately react
from the extremely low neck.—Detroit
What the Neighbors Would Say.
Little Grace had very curly hair, and
It was a great trial to her to get it
combed. One day during this process
she was crying and making a greater
disturbance than usual, when her
mother said:
“What will the neighbors say whfen
they hear you making such a noise?”
Pausing in her weeping she re
plied in broken accents:
“They will say: ’Why don’t that
woman spank that child?’ ~
Look Out for No
Your First Duty is to Yourself. Your Bodily
dition Calls for the Help to be Found
ln a Good
Spring IVIedicii
The best Preparation for this Purpose is
Hood’s Sarsaparill
Spring is the season for cleansing and
renewing the blood. During the winter
it has crept sluggishly through the
veins, gathering impurities from indoor
air, from fatty substances in the food,
and from many other sources.
The great blood purifying medicine
especially prepared to do this work is
Hood's Sarsaparilla. It will give to the
blood purity, richness and vitality and
these will bring health and vigor, strong
nerves, a good appetite, refreshing sleep,
and powers of endurance.
Cleanse your blood by taking Hood’s
Sarsaparilla, a renovating preparation
especially prepared to make pure blood,
then you may enjoy the season of flow
ers and birds and out-door pleasures,
for you will be healthy, strong and well.
Ilnnit’n Dilla cure all liver ill?, bilious
ilDBU S rillS ness, headache. 25c.
I cannot speak too kUb „
Sarsaparilla, as It has worked,!
my case. I am 74 year, 0.„*»
been afflicted with salt rheurnon*
for a peat many years. I 'l
things to cure them, but laife,
would crack open and bleed w,
the pain was terrible to bear.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla the flesli h! h
the skin Is as smooth as anj
recommend Hood’s Sarsaparilla«,
medicine and always speak in iu h
I.i.oyd B. Chase, Swansea, 1
Hood s Sarsapai
Is the Only
True Blood Furii
Prominently in the public eTe|
Be sure to get Hood’s and only Hi
If 80 a Haby Cream Separator will earn its cost for
you every year. Why continue an Interior system
another year at so great a loss? Dallying is now the
only profitable feature of Agriculture. Properly con
ducted it always pays well, and must pay you. You
need a Separator, and you need the BKST,-the
Baby." All styles and capacities. Prices, 87a.
upward. Send for new 1895 Catalogue.
• Branch Office*:
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The P. Lorillard Company
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