I.iternry No!©. Houghton, Mittlin it Co., of N„w York, anil Chicago, will imlilish as Number T.i of their l.iterary Scries (paper cov ets! n collection of Tennyson s nier the title, “Enoch Ariien, • Poems.” s t|u. title poem, the book con Day Dream. Dora. The Talk Sea-Dreams, Ode on the Duko n SooTfiiNU SykuP for Children Teething •r step over ouo duty to perform an I nke the nearest first. 11 It a Craze. alarming statement CONCERNING WOMEN. V BAD HABITS ARB FORMED. \r;v Vori Tribune says: 44 The habit of j ’ headache powders ’ is increasing to an ing extent among a great number of wo hnmghout the country. These powders as ! name indicates, are claimed by the raauii- I ess to l»e a positive and speedy cure for any of headache. In many cases their chief I Jicutis morphine, opium, cocaine or some j equally injurious drug having a tendency | mien pain. The habit -of taking them is 1 formed, but almost impossible to shake Women usually begin taking them to re- 1 a raging headache and soon resort to the j er to alleviate any Tittle pain or ache they j be subjected to. and Anally Tike the roof- ; ; or opium fiend .get into the habit of taking regularly, imagining that they are in pain y happen to miss their Tegular dose.” nine cases out of ten, the trouble is ie stomach and liver. Take a simple live and liver tonic and remove the ding matter which deranges the ach and causes the headache. Dr. ee*s Pleasant Pellets are composed cly of the purest, concentrated, table extracts. One Pellet is a ; sugar-coated, easily swallowed; used, always in favor. They posi y cure sick headache and remove disposition to it. . K. Varoaron, of Otter Lake. 'Lapeer Co.. Ivargason. Esq. Mien., writes: "I not infrequently have au at tack of the headache. It usually conies on in the forenoon. At my dinner I eat my regular meal, and take one or two of Doctor Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets imme diately after, and in the course of au hour my headache is cured and no bad effects. I feet better every way for having taken them— not worse, ns is usual after taking other kinds of pills. ‘ Pleasaut Pel lets1 are worth more than their weight in gold, if'for uothitig'else thautocure headache.” ElKer?S rPt?11 ,n bazaars and stores i a.. cents each, but in order to increase the de i » n.nijf strangers we offer them to the lady read L'MT.fo,'!he re,ll«-ikably low price of only »fw each. Postage one cent extra. aie aI1 the very latest New York kv in? 'me,lualed for ‘’fyle. accuracy of fit, sim »™fhn*?kl0my* Yw twenty-four years the** ‘ ,m'e been used the country over. Full de ri a I ’remi i —** the number o* yards of it i.iwJT i„7,’ the n,,mber and names of the dlf tun,w»nttheMpttttern' how to c»t and fit and put r 8‘‘nt with each pattera, I ate cm 16 Karme,,t to b> - These pat rate ,2£i?fln eVery i'artlcufar, there being a r< rder ^rL «Twet?i!'y sinKle P^ce of the dress, erv pacteri. m fill<*Vhe. Panie dav u u received. • paCT*rn guaranteed to be perfect. : "tail price of pattern is 25 cents. »u*t measure. The skirt Is cut in live sixes, vix.: 22, 2*, 2*. 28 end 30 Inches waist measure. This stylish spring toilet °* golden brown crepon is one of the new Parisian inodes. The Paquin skirt and cape are made to match, the col l*t, or xliort cape, being of black plaited chiffon, over which a Van Dyke collar of point-de-venise lace is worn. A lining of blue and brown changeable silk makes a rich completion. A full niching of cheffon decorates the neck, which can.either take the place of the full Medial collar, or be worn over it. . or cn&nge&bie blue »*•«*!> frill of wl.it. f*”1 brVwn taffeta is edged «n.n^T,u^h^“‘b°W " blUe ”“»n straw, with ku,.i. f I.n,ww * lnK the bundle. mail prii5™f“e,Ji,h h,‘fck ,!"w and blu« Vint* * 1 pattern is 30 cents. ' Pattern No. 0913 Is oat In ■ 3-' •*. 30.and SO in-t.es hi trl mined with •^■de-ieudresi and . ’ttienterte. Wirr-d^venj ^ *• v.r »« I'intiT tW »•**«« l* wmiewive c?” l "1,,»‘iU i^u ^rt **<*« of Q Hi- ■rral?"ed **visl'>le * “'""T "vT?f <* tIttll;f 'ja*r cion. / ‘terb** with the / '"'*«iv!r4'?We f,,r of fabr»u ,2*** "*»k n- &« *,,]?* wr home 7b“'^i»V£ £•*«* ««n. of /\ IV fckirt n, larK» v*rlety of Tl ‘\ T*1 inode, vaiiet v !S of th* tireular ^ frm.V !"'! ‘its “noothly rr *•» hip«» .V* . ®ln*f easy i/2to «* Thi tonal “ il.i'T.'* lnTull * ’wVr1* l*<'k '*"• fo|rton's Cray was considered excellent. I re member the morning when Lord Latimer looked up from his letters with a growl of satisfaction. “Lionel is coming,” he said, “and he is bringing a friend with him, Col onel-Colonel North. I wish he would write more plainly. Why, that must be North who is heir at law to all the Dudley Gordon estates. They will be here to-morrow evening. I am glad that Phillip North is coming.” Lady Latimer looked pleased and interested. Neither of us had thought that the coming of those two visitors would be a turning point in both our liv63. I had thought much of the coming of Lionel Fleming. If it was possible for a human being to be in love with a picture, 1 was with his. I went to look at it every day, and every day admired it more. I desired greatly to see the original. I found :mvself often reneatine- his name— Lionel Fleming. I wondered if ho had changed much; I wondered if he would talk to mo, if he would be kind to me. The picture’s eyes looked so true and ■So full of courage—would the real eyes look as pleasantly at me as they did? Quito suddenly all my questions were answored, all my wonder ended. There came an afternoon in Septem ber when the sunset was of extraor ordinary beauty; Lady Latimer asked me to go out on the lawn with her to >vateh It. It was a scene of most won derful beauty; tho whole of the western sky -was aflame. Surely such colors were never mixed before; purple and gold, rose and amber, scarlet and bluo —the most gorgeous of hues, the rich est tints. The sun sot over the river, and the water had caught and reflected all the wondrous colors. “Did you ever see anything so love ly?” asked lady Latimer; and as she spoke, coming as it were "out of tho lurid light the sunset threw upon the earw, we saw the figures of two men slowly approaching us. “That is Lionel Heming.” cried Lady Latimer. The next minute they were with us. I shall never forget the scene—the flaming evening sky,the richly colored water of the river, the strange light that brooded over tho earth, the dark, handsome faces o' the two men, their grand athletic figures standiug out in bold relief against the sky. I heard the few words of greeting be tween Lady Latimer and Lionel Flem ing, and I heard the introduction of Colonel North; both gentlemen wore introduced to me, and then-it seemed all a dream. I could fancy that the beautiful fuco in the picture had descended from tho frumo anrd Latimer; she seemed to live and move in an atmos phero of perfect gladness and content. At iirst I did not see or understand: afterward I knew well enough what was the cause. [TO BE CONTINUED.] Bride and Groom I>eaf and Dumb. ' A curious wedding took place at Romford Abbey church, England, re cently, both parties boing deaf and dumb. A deaf and dumb clergyman was expected to officiate, but he was prevented by illness from attending. W AXVOJVJ UUAIUVJT III/ 11117 couple, and a search was made for a lawyer to give advice, so that the con tract might bo perfectly valid, but one could not be found. However, a clergyman, with the-assistance of the bride's brother, who acted as inter preter, proceeded with the ceromony. Prayer books were placed in the hands of the bride and bridegroom, and each made signs by pointing as the passages were read. Then when responses were required to the ques tions the parts were submitted in writing, and read and duly signed and witnessed. These documents will Is; kept in the abbey as mementoes of tho wedding. They Want Rainmakers. Indio, on tho Colorado desert. 130 miles south of Los Angeles, had but .73 of an inch of rain in 1S90. Usu- I ally about throe inches fall in a year j in one or two storms. The lowest temperature in winter is 35 and the highest in summer 116. It has a mild and delightful climate in winter for invalids. The town is thirty feet be low sea level. Forced to It ork Again. “Refuso me,” he hissed, ‘-and I will thrust this poniard into my bosom.” “I refuse you,” she replied. “l)o your worst.” His was no idle threat. „ Her persistent rejection of his suit left him no alternative but to return to his old business of sword-swallow ing to earn a living.—Detroit Tribune. IN all receipts for cooking requiring a leavening agent the ROYAL BAKING POWDER, because it is an absolutely pure cream of tartar powder and of 33 per cent, greater leavening strength than other powders, will give the best results. It will make the food lighter, sweeter, of finer flavor and more wholesome. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 106 WALL 8T., NEW-YORK. They Weigh Even a Pencil Mark. Current Literature; Seales are now mndo of such nice adjustment that they will weigh anything to the smallest liuir plucked from the eyebrow. They arc triumphs of mechanism and are in* closed in glass eases, as the slightest breath of air would impair their records. The glass eases lmvu a sliding door, and as soon as the weight is placed in the balanites the door slides down, the balances are cleared again and made ready for further use by the pressing of a button, which slightly raises the beams. Two pieces of paper of equal weight can be placed in the scales, and an autograph written in pencil will cause the other side to as cend, and the needle, which indicates the divisions of weight, even to the ten millionth part of n pound and less, will move from Its perpendicular. A signa ture containing nine letters hns been weighed and proved to be exactly two milligrammes, the fifteen-thousandth five-hundredth part of an ounce troy. •100 Reward 9100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that soleuce bos been able to cure iu all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure knowu to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disonse, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by buildiug up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have ho much faith in its cura tive |lowers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case thut it fails to cure. Bend for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. 12?" Hold by Druggists, TSo. Hall's Family Fills 3Dc. That Chicago Fort. Brigadier General Wheeler's magnifi cent plan for a fort on the lake front, with three Krupp guns mounted there on, looks most imposing on paper, but so veteran a tactician as he ought to know that cities are not defended by water batteries In their very center. The general ought to take his Krupp guns out into the middle of the lake or mount them on the roof of Willard hall at Evanston. Kor the purpose of de fending the lake front wo think the pocket pistols which may be obtained at any of the contiguous cafes will will meet all possible needs.—Chicago Times. The Hot Sprlags of South Dakota. The following letter from Mr. W. M. Tyson, commander of the Pennsyl vania Soldiers’ and Sailors' Home at Erie, Pa., written on his return home after a stay of some weeks at Hot Springs, S. D.. indicates that the Springs are In a fair way to be come one of the leading health resorts of the country: Erie, Pa., Feb. 28, 189S. Col. Fred Evans, prop. Evans Hotel, Hot Springs, S. D.: Dear Sir—Among the many who have been benefited by treatment at the Hot Springs, S. D.. and have experienced courteous hospitality at your hands, I claim the right to say a word In be half of the Springs as a health resort, and cannot do better than to state the facts In my own case. I left Erie. Pa., about Nov. 1, 1894, my friends at the time doubting whether I would ever recover my health. T arrived at Hot Springs so weak and disheartened that I required aid to leave the cars and reach the hotel For the first two weeks I felt no Im provement. Then I experienced a change, which continued until my de parture, and returned to my home very much stronger and almost free from pain. I do not hesitate to say to nny one seeking relief from pain and desiring rest that I do not believe there Is any place where an invalid can go and find so many advantages, such as healing waters, pure aid, grand mountain scen ery. and comfortable hotel accommo dations, as Hot Springs, S. D. The elegant Evans hotel Is all that goes to make one feel at home. I am so thor oughly convinced of the many advan tages to he found at your locution that It Is a pleasure for me to recommend the Hot Springs to Invalids and to those seeking umusement as well us health. Wishing you every success, and that Hot Springs may become better known and appreciated, I am. truly yours. (Signed) W. M. TYSON. The Hot Springs of South Dakota are reached directly by the Burlington route. Npfi'klcd Out of 8«ii«nn. There hue been a movement on foot for Bonn weeks among retail nnd wholesale fish dealers to Rtop the ille gal sale of trout, which is being mad* in this city. The luw does not go out before April IS, und for weeks trout has been brought to commission lour* chants in boxes marked smelts or frost fish. These are sold to epicures, who will pay almost any price for thing* out of season. The dealers com plain that when the trout season opens, and dealers display their flsh, the wealth* ier classes will not buy, having tired of .these delicacies. Thus does the illegal traffic interfere with legitimate bust* ness. It 1b also stated that u large trout order can be filled with two clays' no tice, and that they are brought fro ns the New England statea —New York Herald. lUlllartl Table, second-hand. For cheap. Apply to or address, H. C. Asia, 511 8. Kith 8t.. Omaha, Nets m ■ L '■?'S .-'■is King Lear, Driven Forth Into the cold sod rain, bud no Hoa tetter'* Stomach llltters to counteract tbetr street. But the modern traveler In Inclement weather esn baffle lta hurtful Influence with (hie genial protector. Chills and fsver, rheuma tism. nourah'la. coble are forestalled bjr lliha warming medicinal Httmulant and safeguard. * Take a wine-glassful Immediately before an* after erposure. Use It. too, for dyapopsf* biliousness and constipation. Dogs are the favorite pete of Mrs. Glad stone He not simply good—be good for some thing. _ liegeman's Camphor lea with Qlpeerlwo*. Curcii*:Manned Hands and Face, Tender or Morn KeeV Cllllblaluh, Piles. Sc. C. Cl. Clul'K tin.. NhW llatell.CW. To 1 e without faults is to be without, friends. A lady had the wroug tooth palled by » Detroit dentist, and she recovered damages. _ _ Piso's Cure for Consumption is an A Now I Asthma medicine.-W. K. Wii.i.ismh, An tioch. Ills., April II, 1HU4. A handful of help is worth a cartload off pity. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and. tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet ter than others and enjoy life more, witU. less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world’s best products Uy the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pare liquid laxdlivc principles embraced in tha. remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting: in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative ; effectually cleansing the system, ; dispelling colds, headaches and fever* ; and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions undi met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gists in .r>0o and $1 bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will nob. accept any substitute if ofiierod. Rest though Syrup. Tonics Good. UK 1 M In lime. Sold by riruirginta. I _ «aIJfc»II81diiMag ft PAIN ONLY A RUB TO MAKE YOU WELL ACAIN OF FAINS RHEUMATIC, NEURALGIC, LUMBAOIC AND SCIATIC. WELL-MACHINERY . lyortTmled eatalocne (bowl as WILL APGEBB. BOCK DRILLS, RTDUDUO , AND jrfmNO maohiWkbt, ' •«" Vm H»r» ton u*ud I Bioax City Karine 4 Ivon Buceewor* to Heeh Mf( •ion Cl If* OKI mi Ua i Aye., I